- Fix: Color Icon buttons are bigger to improve accessibility
- Fix: Clear drawing after sending feedback (#46)
- Fix an issue where the drawing would't make it onto the feedback image
- stable null safe release
- Update meta to ^1.3.0
- Fix deprecation warnings
- Improve Readme
- Migrated to nullsafety
- Removed dependency on MaterialApp
- Use Flutter mechanism for localization
- Theming is now done through FeedbackTheme
- better readme
- Text instead of Icons for drawing and navigating
- round stroke caps for drawn paths
This is the first non-beta version.
- Colors are now more customizable
- Usage of the ControlsColumn hides the keyboard, which should result in better usability
- Screenshots are taken correctly without any transparent border
- The bottom insets are taken into consideration while the feedback view is active
- Hopefully the new icons in the ControlsColumn are more intuitive
- initial release