# Core

Core application for VATSIM UK

## Installation
### Cloning This Repository
Clone this repository to your local machine and enter the directory that is created
git clone git@github.com:VATSIM-UK/core.git vatsim-uk-core
cd vatsim-uk-core

### Development Environment
This repository targets PHP 8.1 and Node JS 20.x.

If you use VS Code and Docker, our repository contains a dev container configuration that will 
automatically launch a ready-to-go development environment (including databases).
Click "Open in Dev Container" when prompted, or run the task from the F1 menu.

A docker-compose file is provided in `.devcontainer/docker-compose.yml`.

### Setup
Generally, this project follows the [standard installation instructions](https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/installation)
relating to Laravel.
The following is an abbreviated guide to get started quickly.

Install the Composer dependencies and create an environment file by copying the example (`.env.example`).
composer install
cp .env.example .env

Generate an application key.
php artisan key:generate

Run migrations.

php artisan migrate
php artisan cts:migrate:fresh # Optional if you require a CTS db for tests

### Compiling Frontend Assets
Install all required dependencies
npm install

Compile the assets.
npm run dev

### Run Tests

php artisan test

If you wish you can use a separate `.env.testing` for testing.