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PowerGrid grid2op POC simulator

This POC use Grid2Op platform to perform it simulation.

Grid2Op is a platform, built with modularity in mind, that allows to perform powergrid operation. And that's what it stands for: Grid To Operate. Grid2Op acts as a replacement of pypownet as a library used for the Learning To Run Power Network L2RPN.

This framework allows to perform most kind of powergrid operations, from modifying the setpoint of generators, to load shedding, performing maintenance operations or modifying the topology of a powergrid to solve security issues.

For further explanation on Grid2Op, the official documentation of Grid2Op is available at And it can also be found here Grid2Op/

1 Installation

1.1 Requirements:

  • Python >= 3.6
  • Docker and Docker Compose

1.2 Setup a Virtualenv (optional)

Follow this section in case you are working on localhost, and without Docker.

Create a virtual environment

cd InteractiveAI/usecases_examples/PowerGrid
pip3 install -U virtualenv
python3 -m virtualenv venv_grid2op

Enter the virtual environment

source venv_grid2op/bin/activate

1.3 Installation of the simulator layer

Either use CASE 1 or CASE 2 to install the PowerGrid's simulator of your choice.

1.3.1 CASE 1 : Console Simulator

  1. Install dependencies for the console simulator (optional, yet required when working on localhost):
cd InteractiveAI/usecases_examples/PowerGrid
pip install -r requirements-consol.txt
  1. Launch the InteractiveAI event listener server, compatible with the console simulator.
docker-compose up -d --build api

The launched API might be accessible at this address: http://SERVER_ADDRESS:5100

The SERVER_ADDRESS will be the one of the computer used to launch the Docker command.

1.3.2 CASE 2 : Web App Simulator

  1. Install dependencies for the console simulator (optional, yet required when working on localhost):
cd InteractiveAI/usecases_examples/PowerGrid
pip install -r requirements-app.txt

2. Launch the whole all in one web app simulator through docker on a computer (BEST APPROACH):

docker-compose up -d --build app

The launched app might be accessible at this address: http://SERVER_ADDRESS:5100/

The SERVER_ADDRESS will be the one of the computer used to launch the Docker command.

2 Run the simulator

2.1 CASE 1 : Console Simulator

Configurate the simulator settings

Run the simulator in your terminal

cd InteractiveAI/usecases_examples/PowerGrid

2.2 CASE 2 : Web App Simulator

To launch the simulator app (BEST APPROACH)

Open a web browser and navigate to the URL returned by Docker after running the containers. This URL will typically be http://localhost:5100/ unless you've configured a different port.

Note: If you're running Docker on a remote machine or using Docker Toolbox on Windows, you may need to replace 'localhost' with the appropriate IP address. For example : http://SERVER_ADDRESS:5100/ with SERVER_ADDRESS the one of your remote machine.

Run the simulator in your terminal (optional)

cd InteractiveAI/usecases_examples/PowerGrid

2.3 Credentials required to run any simulator

To run the simulation, you will need the following credentials:

InteractiveAI credentials:

  • Username: publisher_test
  • Password: test

These credentials are created by the InteractiveAI platform. The PowerGrid's simulator only requests access to the InteractiveAI platform server using these credentials.

3 Project Structure

3.1 Main Directories

  • /Resources: Contains resources needed for the simulator.
  • /app: Contains the web application code for the simulator.
  • /config: Contains configuration files for the simulator.

3.2 Important Files

  • Main script to run the simulator in console mode.
  • Main script to run the simulator in web application mode.
  • requirements-consol.txt: List of dependencies for the console mode simulator.
  • requirements-app.txt: List of dependencies for the web application mode simulator.
  • docker-compose.yml: Configuration for the Docker environment.
  • and Dockerfile.api: Dockerfile files to build Docker images.