flowchart LR
CL[gRPC Client]
SV[gRPC Server]
OT[Open Telemetry Collector]
subgraph Dependency Services
EN -.->|traces\n9411| OT
OT -.->|traces\n4317| TM
OT -.->|metrics\n9090| PM
FL -.->|logs\n3100| LK
TM -.->|traces\n3200| GF
PM -.->|metrics\n9090| GF
LK -.->|logs\n3100| GF
CL ---|grpc/grpc mtls\n10000| EN
CL -.->|traces\n9411| OT
CL -.->|logs\n3100| LK
EN ---|grpc\n6565| SV
SV -.->|metrics\n8080| OT
SV -.->|traces\n9411| OT
SV -.->|logs\n24225| FL
The gRPC server
and the gRPC client
can actually communicate directly. However, additional services are necessary to provide security, reliability, scalability, and observability. In this architecture, we call those services as dependency services
This repository contains the docker compose of the dependency services
. It consists of the following services.
- envoy
- grafana
- tempo
- loki
- prometeus
- opentelemetry-collector
- fluentd-loki
⚠️ It is important to note: the dependency services docker compose is provided as an example for local development environment only.
Windows 11 WSL2 or Linux Ubuntu 22.04 or macOS 14+ with the following tools installed:
a. Bash
- On Windows WSL2 or Linux Ubuntu:
bash --version
GNU bash, version 5.1.16(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
- On macOS:
bash --version
GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (arm64-apple-darwin23)
b. Make
- On Windows WSL2 or Linux Ubuntu:
To install from the Ubuntu repository, run `sudo apt update && sudo apt install make`.
make --version
GNU Make 4.3
- On macOS:
make --version
GNU Make 3.81
c. Docker (Docker Desktop 4.30+/Docker Engine v23.0+)
- On Linux Ubuntu:
1. To install from the Ubuntu repository, run `sudo apt update && sudo apt install docker.io docker-buildx docker-compose-v2`.
2. Add your user to the `docker` group: `sudo usermod -aG docker $USER`.
3. Log out and log back in to allow the changes to take effect.
- On Windows or macOS:
Follow Docker's documentation on installing the Docker Desktop on [Windows](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/windows-install/) or [macOS](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/mac-install/).
docker version
Server: Docker Desktop
Version: 24.0.5
d. ngrok
- Follow [ngrok's installation guide](https://ngrok.com/download).
Create a docker compose .env
file based on .env.template
file. Modify any environment variables in the .env
file if necessary.
To run the services, run the following command.
docker-compose up
can be accessed at http://localhost:3000 to view the metrics, traces, and logs emitted. Some sample dashboards are included. -
admin interface can be accessed at http://localhost:9901.
To test gRPC server
running in local development environment with AccelByte Gaming Services, it needs to be exposed to the internet.
In order to do this without requiring a public IP address, we can use something like ngrok.
/sign-up to ngrok and get your auth token in
dashboard. -
Run the following command to expose
gRPC server
Envoy proxy port in local development environment to the internet.make ngrok NGROK_AUTHTOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxx