The output of the Custom Coded Action is :
│ (index) │ Values │
│ countCheckboxPropertiesWhichAreTrueAndInTheList │ 1 │
│ percentage │ 100 │
The types are :
│ (index) │ Values │
│ countCheckboxPropertiesWhichAreTrueAndInTheList │ 'number' │
│ percentage │ 'number' │
You need to have a private app token inserted in the secret section of the Custom Coded Action
List all the properties you would like to count by adding them in this list
Here I'm counting only if the property "is_plublic" is True
const propertiesToCount = ['is_public'];
You can count more than one prop if you edit the line like this:
const propertiesToCount = ['is_public','is_connected',"open_to_new_hires"];