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WebAssembly to TypeScript Cheat Sheet

Daniel Wirtz edited this page Mar 11, 2018 · 5 revisions

The compiler guarantees that certain expressions and statements compile to specific WebAssembly instructions before optimizations.

Note that the code samples below make heavy use of type assertions for demonstration purposes. These can be omitted in already matching type contexts.


WebAssembly TypeScript
i32.const <i32>42
i64.const <i64>42
f32.const <f32>42
f64.const <f64>42

32-bit integer operations

WebAssembly TypeScript
i32.add <i32>left + <i32>right
i32.sub <i32>left - <i32>right
i32.mul <i32>left * <i32>right
i32.div_s <i32>left / <i32>right
i32.div_u <u32>left / <u32>right
i32.rem_s <i32>left % <i32>right
i32.rem_u <u32>left % <u32>right
i32.and <i32>left & <i32>right
i32.or <i32>left | <i32>right
i32.xor <i32>left ^ <i32>right
i32.shl <i32>left << right
i32.shr_s <i32>left >> right
i32.shr_u <u32>left >> right or <i32>left >>> right
i32.rotl rotl<i32>(value, shift)
i32.rotr rotr<i32>(value, shift)
i32.eq <i32>left == <i32>right <i32>left != <i32>right
i32.lt_s <i32>left < <i32>right
i32.lt_u <u32>left < <u32>right
i32.le_s <i32>left <= <i32>right
i32.le_u <u32>left <= <u32>right
i32.gt_s <i32>left > <i32>right
i32.gt_u <u32>left > <u32>right
i32.ge_s <i32>left >= <i32>right
i32.ge_u <u32>left >= <u32>right
i32.clz clz<i32>(value)
i32.ctz ctz<i32>(value)
i32.popcnt popcnt<i32>(value)
i32.eqz !<i32>value

64-bit integer operations

Like 32-bit integer operations, but using i64 and u64.

32-bit floating point operations

WebAssembly TypeScript
f32.add <f32>left + <f32>right
f32.sub <f32>left - <f32>right
f32.mul <f32>left * <f32>right
f32.div <f32>left / <f32>right
f32.abs abs<f32>(value)
f32.neg -<f32>value
f32.copysign copysign<f32>(x, y)
f32.ceil ceil<f32>(value)
f32.floor floor<f32>(value)
f32.trunc trunc<f32>(value)
f32.nearest nearest<f32>(value)
f32.eq <f32>left == <f32>right <f32>left != <f32>right <f32>left < <f32>right
f32.le <f32>left <= <f32>right <f32>left > <f32>right <f32>left >= <f32>right
f32.sqrt sqrt<f32>(value)
f32.min min<f32>(x, y)
f32.max max<f32>(x, y)

64-bit floating point operations

Like 32-bit floating point operations, but using f64.


WebAssembly TypeScript
i32.wrap/i64 <i32><i64>value
i32.trunc_s/f32 <i32><f32>value
i32.trunc_s/f64 <i32><f64>value
i32.trunc_u/f32 <u32><f32>value
i32.trunc_u/f64 <u32><f64>value
i32.reinterpret/f32 reinterpret<i32>(<f32>value)
i64.extend_s/i32 <i64><i32>value
i64.extend_u/i32 <i64><u32>value
i64.trunc_s/f32 <i64><f32>value
i64.trunc_s/f64 <i64><f64>value
i64.trunc_u/f32 <u64><f32>value
i64.trunc_u/f64 <u64><f64>value
i64.reinterpret/f64 reinterpret<i64>(<f64>value)
f32.demote/f64 <f32><f64>value
f32.convert_s/i32 <f32><i32>value
f32.convert_u/i32 <f32><u32>value
f32.convert_s/i64 <f32><i64>value
f32.convert_u/i64 <f32><u64>value
f32.reinterpret/i32 reinterpret<f32>(<i32>value)
f64.promote/f32 <f64><f32>value
f64.convert_s/i32 <f64><i32>value
f64.convert_u/i32 <f64><u32>value
f64.convert_s/i64 <f64><i64>value
f64.convert_u/i64 <f64><u64>value
f64.reinterpret/i64 reinterpret<f64>(<i64>value)

Control flow

WebAssembly TypeScript
nop ;
block expression1, expression2 / { statement1; statement2; }
loop while (condition) statement / do statement; while (condition)
if if (condition) statement
else else statement
br break / continue
br_if case value:
br_table switch (condition) (after optimizations)
return return / return value
unreachable unreachable()
select select<T>(<T>left, <T>right, condition)
drop void expression / expression;


WebAssembly TypeScript
call someFunc(...)
call_indirect someVar()

Memory accesses

WebAssembly TypeScript
i32.load8_s <i32>load<i8>(ptr)
i32.load8_u <i32>load<u8>(ptr)
i32.load16_s <i32>load<i16>(ptr)
i32.load16_u <i32>load<u16>(ptr)
i32.load <i32>load<i32>(ptr)
i64.load8_s <i64>load<i8>(ptr)
i64.load8_u <i64>load<u8>(ptr)
i64.load16_s <i64>load<i16>(ptr)
i64.load16_u <i64>load<u16>(ptr)
i64.load32_s <i64>load<i32>(ptr)
i64.load32_u <i64>load<u32>(ptr)
i64.load <i64>load<i64>(ptr)
f32.load load<f32>(ptr)
f64.load load<f64>(ptr)
i32.store8 store<i8>(ptr, <i32>value)
i32.store16 store<i16>(ptr, <i32>value) store<i32>(ptr, <i32>value)
i64.store8 store<i8>(ptr, <i64>value)
i64.store16 store<i16>(ptr, <i64>value)
i64.store32 store<i32>(ptr, <i64>value) store<i64>(ptr, <i64>value) store<f32>(ptr, value) store<f64>(ptr, value)

load and store also accept an additional argument to indicate the offset immediate of the emitted instruction. This argument differs from other arguments in that it must evaluate to a compile-time constant value, that is either a literal or a reference to a global or local constant variable.

Host operations

WebAssembly TypeScript
current_memory current_memory()
grow_memory grow_memory(<i32>pages)


WebAssembly TypeScript
local $aLocal i32 var aLocal: i32 (function-level, let differs)
global $aGlobal i32 const aGlobal: i32 (top-level)
global $aGlobal (mut i32) var aGlobal: i32 (top-level)


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