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Change log

Represents the NuGet versions.


  • Fixed: The XunitLocalTestImplementor.SetLocalImplementor has been made public.
  • Fixed: Added TesterBase.ReplaceTestFrameworkImplementor to enable dynamic replacement.


  • Fixed: The ValueAssertor.Result is being obsoleted and replaced with ValueAssertor.Value to be more explicit. The Result property will be removed in a future version.
  • Fixed: The ValueAssertor JSON-based assertions updated to serialize the Value and compare; versus, serializing the JSON and then comparing.
  • Fixed: The ObjectComparer.JsonAssert is being obsoleted and replaced with ObjectComparer.AssertJson to be more consistent. The JsonAssert method will be removed in a future version.


  • Fixed: The HttpResponseMessageAssertorBase.AssertErrors has been extended to check for both IDictionary<string, string[]> (previous) and HttpValidationProblemDetails (new) HTTP response JSON content.
  • Fixed: The HttpResponseMessageAssertorBase.AssertJson corrected to not validate the content type as this should be handled by the AssertContentType method. The AssertJson method now only checks the content against the expected JSON value.


  • Fixed: The ToHttpResponseMessageAssertor supports a new HttpRequest parameter to enable access to the originating HttpContext such that its HttpResponse is used; versus, creating new internally.


  • Enhancement: All CreateHttpRequest and related methods moved to TesterBase to ensure availability for all derived testers.
  • Enhancement: Added ToHttpResponseMessageAssertor to ActionResultAssertor and ValueAssertor that converts an IActionResult to an HttpResponseMessage and returns an HttpResponseMessageAssertor for further assertions. The underlying Host must be configured (DI) correctly for this to function; otherwise, an exception will be thrown.
  • Enhancement: Added WithApiTester base class per test framework to provide a shared ApiTester instance per test class; versus instantiating per test method. Be aware that using may result in cross-test contamination.


  • Enhancement: Added MockHttpClientResponse.Header methods to enable the specification of headers to be included in the mocked response.
    • The MockHttpClient.WithRequestsFromResource YAML/JSON updated to also support the specification of response headers.


  • Enhancement: Added TesterBase<TSelf>.UseAdditionalConfiguration method to enable additional configuration to be specified that overrides the IHostBuilder as the host is being built. This leverages the underlying IConfigurationBuilder.AddInMemoryCollection capability to add. This is intended to support additional configuration that is not part of the standard appsettings.json or appsettings.unittest.json configuration.


  • Enhancement: Where an HttpRequest is used for an Azure Functions HttpTriggerTester the passed HttpRequest.PathAndQuery is checked against that defined by the corresponding HttpTriggerAttribute.Route and will result in an error where different. The HttpTrigger.WithRouteChecK and WithNoRouteCheck methods control the path and query checking as needed.


  • Enhancement: UnitTestEx package updated to include only standard .NET core capabilities; new packages created to house specific as follows:
    • UnitTestEx.Azure.Functions created to house Azure Functions specific capabilities;
    • UnitTestEx.Azure.ServiceBus created to house Azure Service Bus specific capabilities;
    • This allows for more focused testing capabilities and provides a common pattern for ongoing extensibility; whilst also looking to limit cross package dependency challenges.
    • Existing usage will require references to the new packages as required. There should be limited need to update existing tests to use beyond the requirement for the root UnitTestEx namespace. The updated default within UnitTestEx is to expose the key capabilities from the root namespace. For example, using UnitTestEx.NUnit, should be replaced with using UnitTestEx.
  • Enhancement: Updated UnitTestEx.Xunit to align with UnitTestEx.NUnit and UnitTestEx.MSTest for consistency; the following UnitTestBase methods have been removed and should be replaced with:
    • CreateMockHttpClientFactory() replaced with MockHttpClientFactory.Create();
    • CreateGenericTester() replaced with GenericTester.Create();
    • CreateApiTester<TStartup>() replaced with ApiTester.Create<TStartup>();
    • CreateFunctionTester<TStartup>() replaced with FunctionTester.Create<TStartup>().



  • Fixed: Updated all package depenedencies to latest.


  • Enhancement: Added ExpectJson and ExpectJsonFromResource to IValueExpectations to enable value comparison against the specified (expected) JSON.


  • Fixed: Added TraceRequestComparisons support to MockHttpClient to enable tracing for all requests.


  • Fixed: Added StringSyntaxAttribute support to improve intellisense for JSON and URI specification.


  • Enhancement: A new MockHttpClient.WithRequestsFromResource method enables the specification of the Request/Response configuration from a YAML/JSON embedded resource. The mock.unittestex.json JSON schema defines content.


  • Enhancement: Any configuration specified as part of registering the HttpClient services from a Dependency Injection (DI) perspective is ignored by default when creating an HttpClient using the MockHttpClientFactory. This default behavior is intended to potentially minimize any side-effect behavior that may occur that is not intended for the unit testing. See README for more details on capabilities introduced; highlights are:
    • New MockHttpClient.WithConfigurations method indicates that the HttpMessageHandler and HttpClient configurations are to be used.
    • New MockHttpClient.WithoutMocking method indicates that the underlying HttpClient is not to be mocked; i.e. will result in an actual/real HTTP request to the specified endpoint. This will allow the mixing of real and mocked HTTP requests within the same test.


  • Fixed: The AssertLocationHeader has been corrected to also support the specification of the Uri as a string. Additionally, contains support has been added with AssertLocationHeaderContains.


  • Fixed: The TypeTester was not correctly capturing and outputting any of the logging, and also (as a result) the ExpectLogContains was not functioning as expected.


  • Enhancement: Removed the FunctionsStartup constraint for TEntryPoint to enable more generic usage.
  • Enhancement: Enable Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.HttpTriggerAttribute (new isolated function support), in addition to existing Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.HttpTriggerAttribute (existing in-process function support), within HttpTriggerTester.
  • Enhancement: Enable Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.ServiceBusTriggerAttribute (new isolated function support), in addition to existing Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.ServiceBusTriggerAttribute (existing in-process function support), within ServiceBusTriggerTester.
    • Additionally, CreateServiceBusMessageActions is being renamed to CreateWebJobsServiceBusMessageActions; a new CreateWorkerServiceBusMessageActions has been introduced to support isolated Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.ServiceBusTriggerAttribute testing.
  • Enhancement: Upgraded NUnit dependency to 4.0.1; all unit tests now leverage the NUnit constraint model testing approach.
    • Note: Also, as a result it is recommended prior to upgrading to v4.1.0, where using NUnit, that all existing unit tests are updated to use the new constraint model testing approach; see migration guide for details.


  • Fixed: The FunctionTesterBase was updated to correctly load the configuration in the order similar to that performed by the Azure Functions runtime fabric.
  • Fixed: Removed all dependencies to Newtonsoft.Json; a developer will need to explicitly add this dependency and IJsonSerializer implementation where applicable.


All internal dependecies to CoreEx have been removed. This is intended to further generalize the capabilities of UnitTestEx; but more importantly, break the circular dependency reference between the two repositories. New CoreEx.UnitTesting* packages have been created to extend the UnitTestEx capabilities for CoreEx.

  • Enhancement: All typed value assertions have been named AssertValue for consistency; otherwise, AssertContent for a simple string comparison.
  • Enhancement: All JSON-related assertions have been named AssertJson* for consistency.
  • Enhancement: The CreateServiceBusMessage methods that accept a generic T value have been renamed to CreateServiceBusMessageFromValue.
  • Enhancement: The Expectations capabilities have been greatly improved to support new expectations to be added/extended.
  • Enhancement: A new GenericTester that explicitly supports a TValue has been added; use new GenericTester.CreateFor<TValue> to instantiate/use.
  • Enhancement: Removed KellermanSoftware.CompareNetObjects dependency; all comparisons use internal JsonElementComparer which has proper/improved support for fully qualified paths, including optional array indexers. The related JsonElementComparerOptions provides a means to control the comparison behaviour.
  • Enhancement: The ObjectComparer has been reinstated and now leverages the JsonElementComparer internally.
  • Enhancement: Updated to only support .NET6.0 and above; added .NET8.0 support.

The enhancements have been made in a manner to maximize backwards compatibility with previous versions of UnitTestEx where possible; however, some breaking changes were unfortunately unavoidable (and made to improve overall). There may be an opportunity for the consuming developer to add extension methods to support the previous naming conventions if desired; note that the next CoreEx version (v3.6.0) will implement extensions in new CoreEx.UnitTesting packages to support existing behaviors (where applicable).


  • Enhancement: Updated all package depenedencies to latest.
  • Enhancement: The GenericTester updated to support IHostStartup to enable shared host dependency injection configuration.
  • Enhancement: Added IEventExpectations<TSelf> and ILoggerExpectations<TSelf> support to GenericTester and ValidationTester.
  • Enhancement: Moved the CreateServiceBusMessage and related methods from FunctionTesterBase up the inheritance hierarchy to TesterBase<TSelf> to enable broader usage.
  • Enhancement: Added ExpectEventFromJsonResource and ExpectDestinationEventFromJsonResource expectations to simplify specification versus having to instantiate EventData.
  • Enhancement: The JsonElementComparer now defaults to case-insensitive comparison.
  • Enhancement: All internal usage of the ObjectComparer replaced with usage of the JsonElementComparer to break external dependency. All MembersToIgnore have been replaced with PathsToIgnore (being the fully-qualified JSON path) as this is more explicit and less error prone. The ObjectComparer has been flagged as Obsolete and will be removed in a later version.


  • Enhancement: Updated CoreEx dependencies to 3.0.0 as breaking changes were introduced. There are no breaking changes within UnitTestEx as a result; primarily related to the key CoreEx dependency.
    • Given the CoreEx dependency, explicitly the creation of the new CoreEx.AspNetCore, this UnitTextEx version is not backwards compatible with previous versions of CoreEx (i.e. 2.x.x).
  • Enhancement: Updated all package dependencies to latest.
  • Fixed: Corrected the log output to ensure they appear in sequence logged.


  • Fixed: The ServiceBusMessageActionsAssertor logging now logs regardless of whether it is the last parameter in the method being executed.
  • Fixed: The loading of the appsettings.unittest.json has been moved after the FunctionsStartup.ConfigureAppConfiguration to override correctly.


  • Fixed: Extended the FunctionTesterBase to enable CreateServiceBusMessageActions and CreateServiceBusSessionMessageActions similar to CreateServiceBusMessage to enable mocked, unit testable, assert enabled, actions.


  • Fixed: The MockHttpClientRequest request Uri validation fixed.


  • Fixed: The MockHttpClientRequest request validation predicate has been improved to handle URL encoding.
  • Enhancement: The FunctionTesterBase has been extended to support the creation of a ServiceBusReceivedMessage using CreateServiceBusMessage(EventData), CreateServiceBusMessage(ServiceBusMessage) and CreateServiceBusMessage(AmqpAnnotatedMessage).
  • Enhancement: Added ExpectLogContains expectation to confirm that the log output contains the specified text.
  • Enhancement: Updated all package dependencies to latest.
  • Enhancement: Added .NET7.0 support to all UnitTestEx packages.


  • Fixed: The EventExpectations internally assigned members to ignore updated to use ClassName.MemberName syntax to explicitly ignore.
  • Fixed: Added ExpectEventValue and ExpectDestinationEventValue expectations to simplify specification versus having to instantiate EventData with expected Value.
  • Fixed: To remove any EventData.Value implementation (Type) differences the EventData is now serialized during runtime publish, then deserialized prior to expectation check within test.


  • Issue 52: UnitTestBase.TestServer is now public (versus previous protected).
  • Issue 51: Anonymous types create read-only properties; these were by default ignored when comparing. Read-only properties are now included by default within the ObjectComparer; note that these defaults can be overridden where applicable.


  • Fixed: Incorrect package deployment; corrected.


  • Enhancement: Added TestSetUp.RegisterAutoSetUp that will automatically throw a TestSetUpException where unsuccessful; otherwise, queues the successful output message. This is required as most testing frameworks do not allow for a log write during construction or fuxture set up. The underlying UnitTestEx test classes will automatically log write where entries are discovered in the queue. This will at least ensure one of the underlying tests will output the success output where applicable. Otherwise, to log write explicitly use TestSetUp.LogAutoSetUpOutputs.


  • Enhancement: Updated CoreEx dependencies to 2.0.0 as breaking changes were introduced. There are no breaking changes within UnitTestEx as a result; primarily related to the key CoreEx dependency.


  • Enhancement: TestSetUp cloned (from TestSetUp.Default) per TesterBase instance to allow specific test changes.
  • Enhancement: EventExpectations now supports HasEvents which simply verifies that one or more events were sent (ignores contents).
  • Enhancement: ValidationTester extended to support RunCode methods that execute passed action/function then catch and validate any thrown ValidationException.
  • Enhancement: Added user identifier (object) support for UseUser and WithUser that leverages the TestSetUp.UserNameConverter.
  • Enhancement: Underlying host created within the context of a lock to ensure thread-safety. Protections now in place to prohibit further changes once host has been created (ResetHost added to explicitly enable further changes if/when needed).
  • Enhancement HttpTesterBase supports multi-threaded logging leveraging the new unit-test-ex-request-id header to coordinate between test and api.


  • Enhancement: Moved username from all constructors to UseUser(userName) method. Additional, WithUser(userName) added to ApiTester to override the user name for a specific test invocation.
  • Enhancement: All references to Username renamed to UserName for consistency with the .NET framework naming convention.
  • Enhancement: Added UsingApiTester to provide a shared ApiTester instance per test class; versus instantiating per test method. Be aware that using may result in cross-test contamination.
  • Enhancement: The ILogger test instances updated to use TestSharedState as a means to pass between hosted process and test process. Be aware that when tests are executed asynchronously there is currently no guarantee that the logs will be attributed to the correct test.
  • Enhancement: Added TestSetUp.Environment to specify the .NET environment for the likes of configuration file loading; defaults to Development.
  • Enhancement: The mocked Response.RequestMessage property is now updated with the initiating request.
  • Enhancement: Support for mocked default (unnamed) HttpClient added via MockHttpClientFactory.CreateDefaultClient method.


  • Fixed: Renamed Expect extensions methods to match convention consistently.
  • Enhancement: Added SystemExtensionMethods class to enable the likes of int.ToGuid() for setting test-oriented Guid values.
  • Fixed: ApiTester updated such that appsettings.unittest.json is optional.
  • Enhancement: Added ValidationTester to support testing of an IValidator directly.
  • Enhancement: Added GenericTester to support testing of any generic code directly.
  • Fixed: Handle AggregateException by using its InnerException as the Exception.


  • Enhancement: Updated the ControllerTester removing the HTTP request capabilies and moving into new HttpTester; this creates a more logical split as the latter needs no knowledge of the Controller. This new tester is available via ApiTester.Http().Run(...).
  • Enhancement: Added new UnitTextEx.Expectations namespace; when added will enable Expect* and Ignore* pre-execution assertions, that are then executed post Run/RunAsync. Some testers now also support the specification of a TResponse generic Type to enable further response value-related expectations.


  • Fixed: The mock verification was not correctly updating the counter where there was a timeout. This has been corrected.


  • Enhancement: Update CoreEx dependencies to 1.0.4.
  • Fixed: Updated the Mock verification code and customized implementation to improve checking and error message.


  • Enhancement: Update CoreEx dependencies to 1.0.3.
  • Enhancement: Improve precision of milliseconds logging.


  • Fixed: Expression invocation was incorrectly being invoked twice (and within the same scope), one with an await and the other without, racing each other and referencing the same DI scoped instances.


  • Fixed: Added extra validation to test methods that accept expressions to ensure only simple expressions (no method-chaining) are allowed. There are other non-expression methods that should be used to enable these more advanced scenarios. In doing so however, some validation and logging features may not work as well as the expression enabled functionalities.
  • Fixed: Where using MockHttpClientResponse.Delay this was performing a Thread.Sleep internally which ignored the usage of the CancellationToken passed into the SendAsync. The Thread.Sleep has been replaced with a Task.Delay which is now passed the CancellationToken from the caller. This has also been extended where using WithSequence.


  • Fixed: Prior change for ApiTester related to appsettings.unittest.json was not loading early enough and therefore not available for startup configuration activities. This has now been resolved by pre-reading and adding as in-process environment variables.
  • Enhancement: Added TypeTester support to ApiTester.
  • Enhancement: TypeTester updated to Run synchronous methods as well as asynchronous.
  • Issue 30: Added support to specify the default JSON serializer via appsettings.unittest.json. The following JSON will set the CoreEx.Json.JsonSerializer.Default to use CoreEx.Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer versus the default CoreEx.Text.Json.JsonSerializer: { "DefaultJsonSerializer": "Newtonsoft.Json" }.


  • Fixed: ApiTester was not finding the appsettings.json from originating solution. Updated the content root explicitly with the current directory: UseSolutionRelativeContentRoot(Environment.CurrentDirectory).
  • Enhancement: Added support for finding appsettings.unittest.json file, always added last to override any other previous settings (including environment variables, etc.).
  • Fixed: MockHttpClientRequest was incorrectly comparing the URL with an unencoded version; will always compare the original URL which must match on encodings also.


  • Enhancement: Added additional FunctionTesterBase.CreateHttpRequest overloads to specify the Content-Type; defaults to MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain.
  • Enhancement: Breaking change. Renamed ControllerTester.RunWithRequest to RunHttpRequest to be more aligned to FunctionTesterBase. Also updated to support same set of overloads for consistency.
  • Enhancement: Improved the test logging such that the pre-execution details, such as HTTP request content, is output prior to execution to aid debugging of any exceptions/failures.


  • Enhancement: Added ActionResultAssertor.GetValue and AssertJson to be consistent with HttpResponseMessageAssertor.
  • Enhancement: Added AssertLocationHeader and AssertETagHeader to both HttpResponseMessageAssertor and ActionResultAssertor (for ValueContentResult).
  • Enhancement: Updated JsonElementComparer to return/list the differences found. Also, supports PathsToIgnore functionality.
  • Enhancement: Added MockHttpClientRequest.TraceRequestComparisons that indicates whether the request content comparison differences should be trace logged to aid in debugging/troubleshooting.


  • Enhancement: Added body value parameter to the ControllerTester to allow where not directly specified for the underlying run method.
  • Enhancement: Added HttpRequestOptions parameter to the ControllerTester to allow further control and configuration of the Uri for the Run methods.
  • Enhancement: Added some additional HTTP status code assertors.
  • Enhancement: HttpResponseMessageAssertor.AssertJson added to support JSON comparisons where no Type is known.
  • Enhancement: HttpResponseMessageAssertor.GetValue<TCollResult, TColl, TItem> added to support ICollectionResult responses.


  • Issue 27: The TypeTester has been updated to ensure the result is logged correctly regardless of underlying Type.
  • Issue 28: The FunctionTester has been updated to be more resilient to the JSON within local.settings.json; i.e. ignore comments and trailing commas.
  • Enhancement: ApiTester and FunctionTester updated to provide a GetLogger<TCategoryName> method to simplify access to a typed logger.


  • Enhancement: Breaking change. Integrate CoreEx package which primarily brings IJsonSerializer functionality to enable configuration of either CoreEx.Text.Json.JsonSerializer (default) or CoreEx.Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer. The MockHttpClientFactory, ApiTester and FunctionTester have new method UseJsonSerializer to individually update from the default. To change the default for all tests then set CoreEx.Json.JsonSerializer.Default to the desired serializer.
  • Enhancement: Improved the replacement of the MockHttpClientFactory with the ApiTester and FunctionTester. Existing code test.ConfigureServices(sc => mcf.Replace(sc)) can be replaced with test.ReplaceHttpClientFactory(mcf).
  • Enhancement: Added ReplaceSingleton, ReplaceScoped and ReplaceTransient methods directly to ApiTester and FunctionTester. For example, existing code test.ConfigureServices(sc => sc.ReplaceTransient<XXX>()) can be replaced with test.ReplaceTransient<XXX>().
  • Enhancement: Added addtional CreateHttpRequest overloads to support additional parameters HttpRequestOptions? requestOptions = null, params IHttpArg[] args as enabled by CoreEx. These enable additional capabilities for the HttpRequest query string and headers.


  • Issue 24: Added additional IServiceCollection.Replace extension methods to support ReplaceXxx<T>() and ReplaceXxx<T, T>() to match the standard AddXxx methods.


  • Issue 22: TypeTester.Run and RunAsync methods updated to support Func versus Expression<Func> to simplify runtime usage.


  • Issue 20: Enabled casting of a ResultAssertor to an ActionResultAssertor where the result Type is IActionResult via the ResultAssertor.ToActionResultAssertor method.
  • Enhancement: Enabled casting of a ResultAssertor to an HttpResponseMessageAssertor where the result Type is HttpResponseMessage via the ResultAssertor.HttpResponseMessageAssertor method.


  • Issue 18: ActionResultAssertor.Assert with object value was not performing correct comparison when result is ContentResult and the underlying ContentType was Json.
  • Enhancement: Write the Contents to the test output where the result is ContentResult.


  • Issue 12: ObjectComparer.Assert added for each test framework that compares two objects and will fail, and report, where there is not a match.
  • Issue 14: Re-introduced ServiceBusTriggerTester which manages execution and automatically logs the value associated with the trigger.
  • Issue 14: The ServiceBusTriggerTester.Emulate (ServiceBusEmulatorTester) manages the execution of the ServiceBusTriggerAttribue function method by orchestrating Azure Service Bus integration in a similar manner as if the Azure function run-time proper had invoked.
  • PR 16: Support all media types in MockHttpClientRequest.
  • Enhancement: All Run methods now support a RunAsync where appropriate.


  • Issue 10: Breaking change. Changed the ActionResultAssertor.AssertAccepted and ActionResultAssertor.AssertCreated to assert status only; the existing value check should be performed using the ActionResultAssertor.Assert. Pattern now is to check status and value separately (no longer all inclusive).
  • Issue 10: Breaking change. Changed the HttpResponseMessageAssertor.AssertAccepted and HttpResponseMessageAssertor.AssertCreated to assert status only; the existing value check should be performed using the ActionResultAssertor.Assert. Pattern now is to check status and value separately (no longer all inclusive).
  • Issue 10: Breaking change. Changed ActionResultAssertor.AssertBadRequest and HttpResponseMessageAssertor.AssertBadRequest to assert status only; added new AssertErrors to each for error message asserting.
  • Issue 9: Add Services property (IServicesCollection) to both ApiTesterBase and FunctionTesterBase. This allows direct access to the underlying Services outside of the more typical Run.


  • Issue 7: Added delay (sleep) option so response is not always immediate.
  • Enhancement: Breaking change. Functions.GenericTriggerTester replaced with Hosting.TypeTester as agnostic to any function trigger. Functions.TriggerTesterBase replaced with Hosting.HostTesterBase for same agnostic reasoning. FunctionTestBase.GenericTrigger method renamed to FunctionTestBase.Type so as to not imply a trigger requirement (i.e. can be any Type+Method that needs testing).


  • Issue 3: Added support for MOQ Times struct to verify the number of times a request is made.
  • Issue 4: Added support for MOQ sequences; i.e. multiple different responses.
  • Issue 5: Deleted MockServiceBus as the mocking failed to work as intended. This has been replaced by FunctionTesterBase methods of CreateServiceBusMessage, CreateServiceBusMessageFromResource and CreateServiceBusMessageFromJson.


  • Fixed: MockHttpClientFactory.CreateClient overloads were ambiquous, this has been corrected.
  • Fixed: Resolved logging output challenges between the various test frameworks and ApiTester (specifically) to achieve consistent output.
  • Enhancement: The logging output now includes scope details.
  • Added: New MockServiceBus.CreateReceivedMessage which will mock the ServiceBusReceivedMessage and add the passed value as serialized JSON into the Body (BinaryData).


  • Added: A new GenericTestertrigger has been enabled for non HTTP-triggered functions.
  • Added: Assert capabilities, where applicable, support runtime Exception capturing, and have AssertSuccess and AssertException accordingly. There is a new VoidAsserter to ensure success or exception where a function is void.


  • New: Initial publish to GitHub/NuGet.