diff --git a/eng/ci/worker-release.yml b/eng/ci/worker-release.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0ce2953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/ci/worker-release.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+pr: none
+  repositories:
+    - repository: 1es
+      type: git
+      name: 1ESPipelineTemplates/1ESPipelineTemplates
+      ref: refs/tags/release
+    - repository: eng
+      type: git
+      name: engineering
+      ref: refs/tags/release
+  - name: codeql.excludePathPatterns
+    value: deps/,build/
+  template: v1/1ES.Unofficial.PipelineTemplate.yml@1es
+  parameters:
+    pool:
+      name: 1es-pool-azfunc
+      image: 1es-windows-2022
+      os: windows
+    sdl:
+      codeSignValidation:
+        enabled: true
+        break: true
+    stages:
+      - stage: Release
+        jobs:
+          - template: /eng/templates/official/jobs/publish-release.yml@self
diff --git a/eng/templates/official/jobs/publish-release.yml b/eng/templates/official/jobs/publish-release.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..522fcdc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/templates/official/jobs/publish-release.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+- job: "CreateReleaseBranch"
+  displayName: 'Create Release Branch'
+  pool:
+    name: 1es-pool-azfunc
+    image: 1es-ubuntu-22.04
+    os: linux
+  steps:
+  - powershell: |
+      $githubToken = "$(GithubPat)"
+      $newWorkerVersion = "$(NewWorkerVersion)"
+      $versionFile = "azure_functions_worker/version.py"
+      if($newWorkerVersion -match '(\d)+.(\d)+.(\d)+') {
+          # Create GitHub credential
+          git config --global user.name "AzureFunctionsPython"
+          git config --global user.email "azfunc@microsoft.com"
+          # Heading to Artifact Repository
+          Write-Host "Operating based on $stagingDirectory/azure-functions-python-worker"
+          git checkout -b "release/$newWorkerVersion"
+          # Change azure_functions_worker/version.py version
+          Write-Host "Change version number in version.py to $newWorkerVersion"
+          ((Get-Content $versionFile) -replace "VERSION = '(\d+).(\d+).*'", "VERSION = '$newWorkerVersion'" -join "`n") + "`n" | Set-Content -NoNewline $versionFile
+          git add $versionFile
+          git commit -m "build: update Python Worker Version to $newWorkerVersion"
+          # Create release branch release/X.Y.Z
+          Write-Host "Creating release branch release/$newWorkerVersion"
+          git push --repo="https://$githubToken@github.com/Azure/azure-functions-python-worker.git"
+      } else {
+          Write-Host "NewWorkerVersion $newWorkerVersion is malformed (example: 1.1.8)"
+          exit -1
+      }
+    displayName: 'Push release/x.y.z'
+- job: "CheckReleaseBranch"
+  dependsOn: ['CreateReleaseBranch']
+  displayName: '(Manual) Check Release Branch'
+  pool: server
+  steps:
+  - task: ManualValidation@1
+    displayName: '(Optional) Modify release/x.y.z branch'
+    inputs:
+      notifyUsers: ''  # No email notifications sent
+      instructions: |
+        1. Check if the https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-python-worker/tree/release/$(NewWorkerVersion) passes all unit tests.
+        2. If not, modify the release/$(NewWorkerVersion) branch.
+        3. Ensure release/$(NewWorkerVersion) branch contains all necessary changes since it will be propagated to v4 workers.
+- job: "CreateReleaseTag"
+  dependsOn: ['CheckReleaseBranch']
+  steps:
+  - powershell: |
+      $githubToken = "$(GithubPat)"
+      $newWorkerVersion = "$(NewWorkerVersion)"
+      if($newWorkerVersion -match '(\d)+.(\d)+.(\d)+') {
+          # Create GitHub credential
+          git config --global user.name "AzureFunctionsPython"
+          git config --global user.email "funcdisc@microsoft.com"
+          # Clone Repository
+          git clone https://$githubToken@github.com/Azure/azure-functions-python-worker
+          Write-Host "Cloned azure-functions-python-worker into local"
+          Set-Location "azure-functions-python-worker"
+          git checkout "origin/release/$newWorkerVersion"
+          # Create release tag X.Y.Z
+          Write-Host "Creating release tag $newWorkerVersion"
+          git tag -a "$newWorkerVersion" -m "$newWorkerVersion"
+          # Push tag to remote
+          git push origin $newWorkerVersion
+      } else {
+          Write-Host "NewWorkerVersion $newWorkerVersion is malformed (example: 1.1.8)"
+          exit -1
+      }
+    displayName: 'Create and push release tag x.y.z'
+  - powershell: |
+      $githubUser = "$(GithubUser)"
+      $githubToken = "$(GithubPat)"
+      $newWorkerVersion = "$(NewWorkerVersion)"
+      if($newWorkerVersion -match '(\d)+.(\d)+.(\d)+') {
+          # Create GitHub credential
+          $credential = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("${githubUser}:${githubToken}"))
+          # Create Release Note
+          Write-Host "Creating release note in GitHub"
+          $body = (@{tag_name="$newWorkerVersion";name="Release $newWorkerVersion";body="- Fill in Release Note Here";draft=$true} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)
+          $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers @{"Cache-Control"="no-cache";"Content-Type"="application/json";"Authorization"="Basic $credential"} -Method Post -Body "$body" -Uri "https://api.github.com/repos/Azure/azure-functions-python-worker/releases"
+          # Return Value
+          if ($response.StatusCode -ne 201) {
+              Write-Host "Failed to create release note in GitHub"
+              exit -1
+          }
+          $draftUrl = $response | ConvertFrom-Json | Select -expand url
+          Write-Host "Release draft created in $draftUrl"
+      } else {
+          Write-Host "NewWorkerVersion $newWorkerVersion is malformed (example: 1.1.8)"
+          exit -1
+      }
+    displayName: 'Create GitHub release draft'
+- job: "CheckGitHubRelease"
+  dependsOn: ['CreateReleaseTag']
+  displayName: '(Manual) Check GitHub release note'
+  pool: server
+  steps:
+  - task: ManualValidation@1
+    displayName: 'Write GitHub release note'
+    inputs:
+      notifyUsers: ''
+      instructions: 'Please head to https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-python-worker/releases to finish the release note'
+- job: "WaitForPythonWorkerBuild"
+  dependsOn: ['CheckGitHubRelease']
+  displayName: '(Manual) Wait For Python Worker Build'
+  pool: server
+  steps:
+  - task: ManualValidation@1
+    displayName: 'Wait For Python Worker Build'
+    inputs:
+      notifyUsers: ''
+      instructions: 'Ensure the build of release/4.x.y.z finishes in https://dev.azure.com/azfunc/internal/_build?definitionId=652 and verify if PackageWorkers task is completed.'
+- job: "PublishNuget" 
+  dependsOn: ['WaitForPythonWorkerBuild']
+  displayName: 'Publish Nuget'
+  templateContext:
+    outputs:
+      - output: nuget
+        packagesToPush: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/PythonWorkerArtifact/**/*.nupkg;!$(Pipeline.Workspace)/PythonWorkerArtifact/**/*.symbols.nupkg'
+        publishVstsFeed: 'e6a70c92-4128-439f-8012-382fe78d6396/eb652719-f36a-4e78-8541-e13a3cd655f9'
+        allowPackageConflicts: true
+        packageParentPath: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)'
+  steps:
+  - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+    displayName: 'Download Python Worker release/4.x.y.z Artifact'
+    inputs:
+      buildType: specific
+      project: '3f99e810-c336-441f-8892-84983093ad7f'
+      definition: 652
+      specificBuildWithTriggering: true
+      buildVersionToDownload: latestFromBranch
+      branchName: 'refs/heads/release/$(NewWorkerVersion)'
+      allowPartiallySucceededBuilds: true
+      allowFailedBuilds: true
+      targetPath: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/PythonWorkerArtifact'
+- job: "CheckNugetPackageContent"
+  dependsOn: ['PublishNuget']
+  displayName: '(Manual) Check Nuget Package Content'
+  pool: server
+  steps:
+  - task: ManualValidation@1
+    displayName: 'Check nuget package content'
+    inputs:
+      notifyUsers: ''
+      instructions: |
+        Please check the latest release package at 
+        https://azfunc.visualstudio.com/Azure%20Functions/_artifacts/feed/AzureFunctionsRelease/NuGet/Microsoft.Azure.Functions.PythonWorker/overview
+- job: "HostRepoPRs"
+  dependsOn: ['CheckNugetPackageContent']
+  displayName: 'Create Host PRs'
+  steps:
+  - powershell: |
+      $githubUser = "$(GithubUser)"
+      $githubToken = "$(GithubPat)"
+      $newWorkerVersion = "$(NewWorkerVersion)"
+      $newBranch = "python/$newWorkerVersion"
+      if($newWorkerVersion -match '(\d)+.(\d)+.(\d)+') {
+          # Create GitHub credential
+          git config --global user.name "AzureFunctionsPython"
+          git config --global user.email "funcdisc@microsoft.com"
+          # Create GitHub credential
+          $credential = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("${githubUser}:${githubToken}"))
+          # Clone Repository
+          git clone https://$githubToken@github.com/Azure/azure-functions-host
+          Write-Host "Cloned azure-functions-host into local and checkout $newBranch branch"
+          Set-Location "azure-functions-host"
+          git checkout -b $newBranch "origin/dev"
+          # Modify Python Worker Version in eng\build\python.props
+          Write-Host "Replacing eng\build\python.props"
+          ((Get-Content eng\build\Workers.Python.props) -replace "PythonWorker`" Version=`"(\d)+.(\d)+.(\d)+.?(\d)*`"","PythonWorker`" Version=`"$newWorkerVersion`"" -join "`n") +"`n" | Set-Content -NoNewline eng\build\Workers.Python.props
+          # Modify Python Worker Version in test\WebJobs.Script.Tests\WebJobs.Script.Tests.csproj
+          Write-Host "Replacing test\WebJobs.Script.Tests\WebJobs.Script.Tests.csproj"
+          ((Get-Content test\WebJobs.Script.Tests\WebJobs.Script.Tests.csproj) -replace "PythonWorker`" Version=`"(\d)+.(\d)+.(\d)+.?(\d)*`"","PythonWorker`" Version=`"$newWorkerVersion`"" -join "`n") + "`n" | Set-Content -NoNewline test\WebJobs.Script.Tests\WebJobs.Script.Tests.csproj
+          # Modify release_notes.md
+          Write-Host "Adding a new entry in release_note.md"
+          ((Get-Content release_notes.md) -replace "-->","$&`n- Update Python Worker Version to [$newWorkerVersion](https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-python-worker/releases/tag/$newWorkerVersion)" -join "`n") + "`n" | Set-Content -NoNewline release_notes.md
+          # Commit Python Version
+          Write-Host "Pushing $newBranch to host repo"
+          git add eng\build\Workers.Python.props
+          git add test\WebJobs.Script.Tests\WebJobs.Script.Tests.csproj
+          git add release_notes.md
+          git commit -m "Update Python Worker Version to $newWorkerVersion"
+          git push origin $newBranch
+          # Create PR
+          Write-Host "Creating PR draft in GitHub"
+          $prTemplateContent = @"
+          ### Issue describing the changes in this PR
+          Update Python Worker Version to $newWorkerVersion
+          Python Worker Release note [$newWorkerVersion](https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-python-worker/releases/tag/$newWorkerVersion)
+          ### Pull request checklist
+          **IMPORTANT**: Currently, changes must be backported to the `in-proc` branch to be included in Core Tools and non-Flex deployments.
+          * [ ] Backporting to the `in-proc` branch is not required
+              * [x]Otherwise: Link to backporting PR
+          * [x] My changes **do not** require documentation changes
+              * [ ] Otherwise: Documentation issue linked to PR
+          * [ ] My changes **should not** be added to the release notes for the next release
+              * [x] Otherwise: I've added my notes to `release_notes.md`
+          * [x] My changes **do not** need to be backported to a previous version
+              * [ ] Otherwise: Backport tracked by issue/PR #issue_or_pr
+          * [x] My changes **do not** require diagnostic events changes
+              * Otherwise: I have added/updated all related diagnostic events and their documentation (Documentation issue linked to PR)
+          * [x] I have added all required tests (Unit tests, E2E tests)
+          "@
+          $body = (@{head="$newBranch";base="dev";body=$prTemplateContent;draft=$true;maintainer_can_modify=$true;title="Update Python Worker Version to $newWorkerVersion"} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers @{"Cache-Control"="no-cache";"Content-Type"="application/json";"Authorization"="Basic $credential";"Accept"="application/vnd.github.v3+json"} -Method Post -Body "$body" -Uri "https://api.github.com/repos/Azure/azure-functions-host/pulls"
+          # Return Value
+          if ($response.StatusCode -ne 201) {
+              Write-Host "Failed to create a PR in Azure Functions Host"
+              exit -1
+          }
+          $draftUrl = $response | ConvertFrom-Json | Select -expand url
+          Write-Host "PR draft created in $draftUrl"
+      } else {
+          Write-Host "NewWorkerVersion $newWorkerVersion is malformed (example: 1.1.8)"
+          exit -1
+      }
+    displayName: 'Create Host PR for dev'
+  - powershell: |
+      $githubUser = "$(GithubUser)"
+      $githubToken = "$(GithubPat)"
+      $newWorkerVersion = "$(NewWorkerVersion)"
+      $newBranch = "python/$newWorkerVersion"
+      if($newWorkerVersion -match '(\d)+.(\d)+.(\d)+') {
+          # Create GitHub credential
+          git config --global user.name "AzureFunctionsPython"
+          git config --global user.email "funcdisc@microsoft.com"
+          # Create GitHub credential
+          $credential = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("${githubUser}:${githubToken}"))
+          # Clone Repository
+          git clone https://$githubToken@github.com/Azure/azure-functions-host
+          Write-Host "Cloned azure-functions-host into local and checkout $newBranch branch"
+          Set-Location "azure-functions-host"
+          git checkout -b backport/$newBranch "origin/in-proc"
+          # Modify Python Worker Version in eng\build\python.props
+          Write-Host "Replacing eng\build\python.props"
+          ((Get-Content eng\build\Workers.Python.props) -replace "PythonWorker`" Version=`"(\d)+.(\d)+.(\d)+.?(\d)*`"","PythonWorker`" Version=`"$newWorkerVersion`"" -join "`n") +"`n" | Set-Content -NoNewline eng\build\Workers.Python.props
+          # Modify Python Worker Version in test\WebJobs.Script.Tests\WebJobs.Script.Tests.csproj
+          Write-Host "Replacing test\WebJobs.Script.Tests\WebJobs.Script.Tests.csproj"
+          ((Get-Content test\WebJobs.Script.Tests\WebJobs.Script.Tests.csproj) -replace "PythonWorker`" Version=`"(\d)+.(\d)+.(\d)+.?(\d)*`"","PythonWorker`" Version=`"$newWorkerVersion`"" -join "`n") + "`n" | Set-Content -NoNewline test\WebJobs.Script.Tests\WebJobs.Script.Tests.csproj
+          # Modify release_notes.md
+          Write-Host "Adding a new entry in release_note.md"
+          ((Get-Content release_notes.md) -replace "-->","$&`n- Update Python Worker Version to [$newWorkerVersion](https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-python-worker/releases/tag/$newWorkerVersion)" -join "`n") + "`n" | Set-Content -NoNewline release_notes.md
+          # Commit Python Version
+          Write-Host "Pushing $newBranch to host repo"
+          git add eng\build\Workers.Python.props
+          git add test\WebJobs.Script.Tests\WebJobs.Script.Tests.csproj
+          git add release_notes.md
+          git commit -m "[Backport] Update Python Worker Version to $newWorkerVersion"
+          git push origin $newBranch
+          # Create PR
+          Write-Host "Creating PR draft in GitHub"
+          $prTemplateContent = @"
+          ### Issue describing the changes in this PR
+          [Backport] Update Python Worker Version to $newWorkerVersion
+          Python Worker Release note [$newWorkerVersion](https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-python-worker/releases/tag/$newWorkerVersion)
+          ### Pull request checklist
+          **IMPORTANT**: Currently, changes must be backported to the `in-proc` branch to be included in Core Tools and non-Flex deployments.
+          * [ ] Backporting to the `in-proc` branch is not required
+              * [ ]Otherwise: Link to backporting PR
+          * [x] My changes **do not** require documentation changes
+              * [ ] Otherwise: Documentation issue linked to PR
+          * [ ] My changes **should not** be added to the release notes for the next release
+              * [x] Otherwise: I've added my notes to `release_notes.md`
+          * [x] My changes **do not** need to be backported to a previous version
+              * [ ] Otherwise: Backport tracked by issue/PR #issue_or_pr
+          * [x] My changes **do not** require diagnostic events changes
+              * Otherwise: I have added/updated all related diagnostic events and their documentation (Documentation issue linked to PR)
+          * [x] I have added all required tests (Unit tests, E2E tests)
+          "@
+          $body = (@{head="$newBranch";base="in-proc";body=$prTemplateContent;draft=$true;maintainer_can_modify=$true;title="Update Python Worker Version to $newWorkerVersion"} | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers @{"Cache-Control"="no-cache";"Content-Type"="application/json";"Authorization"="Basic $credential";"Accept"="application/vnd.github.v3+json"} -Method Post -Body "$body" -Uri "https://api.github.com/repos/Azure/azure-functions-host/pulls"
+          # Return Value
+          if ($response.StatusCode -ne 201) {
+              Write-Host "Failed to create a PR in Azure Functions Host"
+              exit -1
+          }
+          $draftUrl = $response | ConvertFrom-Json | Select -expand url
+          Write-Host "PR draft created in $draftUrl"
+      } else {
+          Write-Host "NewWorkerVersion $newWorkerVersion is malformed (example: 1.1.8)"
+          exit -1
+      }
+    displayName: 'Create Host PR for in-proc'
+- job: "CheckHostPRs"
+  dependsOn: ['HostRepoPRs']
+  displayName: '(Manual) Check Host PRs'
+  pool: server
+  steps:
+  - task: ManualValidation@1
+    displayName: 'Finish Host PRs'
+    inputs:
+      notifyUsers: ''
+      instructions: |
+        Go to https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-host/pulls and finish the host v4 PR.
+        If the content misses something, checkout "python/x.y.z" from remote and make new commits to it.
+- job: "MergeToMainAndDev"
+  dependsOn: ['CheckHostPRs']
+  displayName: 'Merge release/x.y.z back to main & dev'
+  steps:
+  - powershell: |
+      $githubToken = "$(GithubPat)"
+      $newWorkerVersion = "$(NewWorkerVersion)"
+      if($newWorkerVersion -match '(\d)+.(\d)+.(\d)+') {
+          # Create GitHub credential
+          git config --global user.name "AzureFunctionsPython"
+          git config --global user.email "funcdisc@microsoft.com"
+          # Clone Repository
+          git clone https://$githubToken@github.com/Azure/azure-functions-python-worker
+          Write-Host "Cloned azure-functions-python-worker into local"
+          Set-Location "azure-functions-python-worker"
+          # Merge back to main
+          Write-Host "Merging release/$newWorkerVersion back to main"
+          git checkout main
+          git merge "origin/release/$newWorkerVersion"
+          git push origin main
+          # Merge back to dev
+          Write-Host "Merging release/$newWorkerVersion back to dev"
+          git checkout dev
+          git merge "origin/release/$newWorkerVersion"
+          git push origin dev
+      } else {
+          Write-Host "NewWorkerVersion $newWorkerVersion is malformed (example: 1.1.8)"
+          exit -1
+      }
+    displayName: 'Merge release/x.y.z back to main & dev'