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Azure Go Management SDK Guideline

Azure Go management SDK follows the new Azure SDK guidelines, try to create easy-to-use APIs that are idiomatic, compatible, and dependable.

You can find the full list of management modules here.

In this guideline, we will give some instructions about the API usage pattern as well as trouble shooting method. For those are new to management Go SDK, please refer to quickstart. For those migrate from older versions of management Go SDK, please refer to migration guide.

Table of contents

Pageable Operations

General usage

Pageable operations return final data over multiple GET requests. Each GET will receive a page of data consisting of a slice of items. You need to use New*Pager to create a pager helper for all pageable operations. With the returned *runtime.Pager[T], you can fetch pages and determine if there are more pages to fetch. For examples:

import ""
ctx := context.TODO() // your context
pager := rgClient.NewListPager(nil)
var resourceGroups []*armresources.ResourceGroup
for pager.More() {
    nextResult, err := pager.NextPage(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        // handle error...
    if nextResult.ResourceGroupListResult.Value != nil {
        resourceGroups = append(resourceGroups, nextResult.ResourceGroupListResult.Value...)
// dealing with `resourceGroups`

NOTE: No IO calls are made until the NextPage() method is invoked. The read consistency across pages is determined by the service implement.


For more information, you can refer to design guidelines of Paging and API reference of pager.

Long-Running Operations

General usage

Some operations can take a long time to complete. Azure introduces the long-running operations (LROs) to do such operations asynchronously. You need to use Begin* to start an LRO. It will return a poller that can used to keep polling for the result until LRO is done. For examples:

ctx := context.TODO() // your context
poller, err := client.BeginCreate(ctx, "resource_identifier", "additonal_parameter", nil)
if err != nil {
    // handle error...
resp, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
    // handle error...
// dealing with `resp`

Resume Tokens

Pollers provide the ability to serialize their state into a "resume token" which can be used by another process to recreate the poller. For example:

import ""
ctx := context.TODO() // your context
poller, err := client.BeginCreate(ctx, "resource_identifier", "additonal_parameter", nil)
if err != nil {
    // handle error...
token, err := poller.ResumeToken()
if err != nil {
    // handle error...

// ... 

// recreate the poller from the token
poller, err = client.BeginCreate(ctx, "", "", &armresources.ResourceGroupsClientBeginCreateOptions{
    ResumeToken: token,
resp, err = poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
    // handle error...
// dealing with `resp`

NOTE: A token can only be obtained for a poller that's not in Succeeded, Failed or Canceled state. Each time you call poller.Poll(), the token might change because of the LRO state's change. So if you need to cache the token for crash consistency, you need to update the cache when calling poller.Poll().

Synchronized wrapper

If you do not care about the underlaying detail about the LRO, you can use the following generic utility to create an synchronized wrapper for all LRO.

NOTE: The error return of Wait includes the error of starting LRO and error of interval polling. Also, the wrapper will hide the poller which means you cannot recovery from an LRO accidentally interrupt.

Synchronized wrapper utility

import ""
type OperationWaiter[TResult any] struct {
    poller *runtime.Poller[TResult]
    err    error

func (ow OperationWaiter[TResult]) Wait(ctx context.Context, freq time.Duration) (TResult, error) {
    if ow.err != nil {
        return *new(TResult), ow.err
    return ow.poller.PollUntilDone(ctx, freq)

func NewOperationWaiter[TResult any](poller *runtime.Poller[TResult], err error) OperationWaiter[TResult] {
    return OperationWaiter[TResult]{poller: poller, err: err}


ctx := context.TODO() // your context
resp, err := NewOperationWaiter(client.BeginCreate(ctx, "resource_identifier", "additonal_parameter", nil)).Wait(ctx, time.Second)
// dealing with `resp`


For more information, you can refer to design guidelines of LRO and API reference of poller.

Client Options

Request Retry Policy

The SDK provides a baked in retry policy for failed requests with default values that can be configured by arm.ClientOptions.Retry. For example:

import ""
import ""
import ""
clientFactory, err := armresources.NewClientFactory(subscriptionId, credential,
        ClientOptions: policy.ClientOptions{
            Retry: policy.RetryOptions{
                // retry for 5 times
                MaxRetries: 5,
if err != nil {
rgClient := clientFactory.NewResourceGroupsClient()

Customized Policy

You can use arm.ClientOptions.PerCallPolicies and arm.ClientOptions.PerRetryPolicies option to inject customized policies to the pipeline. You can refer to azcore document for further information.

Custom HTTP Client

You can use arm.ClientOptions.Transport to set your own implementation of HTTP client. The HTTP client must implement the policy.Transporter interface. For example:

import ""
import ""
import ""
// your own implementation of HTTP client
httpClient := NewYourOwnHTTPClient{}
clientFactory, err := armresources.NewClientFactory(subscriptionId, credential,
        ClientOptions: policy.ClientOptions{
            Transport: &httpClient,
if err != nil {
rgClient := clientFactory.NewResourceGroupsClient()


More client options can be found here.



The SDK uses the classification-based logging implementation in azcore. To enable console logging for all SDK modules, please set environment variable AZURE_SDK_GO_LOGGING to all.

You can use policy.LogOption to configure the logging behavior. For example:

import ""
import ""
import ""
clientFactory, err := armresources.NewClientFactory(subscriptionId, credential,
        ClientOptions: policy.ClientOptions{
            Logging: policy.LogOptions{
                // include HTTP body for log
                IncludeBody: true,
if err != nil {
rgClient := clientFactory.NewResourceGroupsClient()

You could use the azcore/log package to control log event and redirect log to the desired location. For example:

import azlog ""
import ""
// print log output to stdout
azlog.SetListener(func(event azlog.Event, s string) {

// include only azidentity credential logs

Raw HTTP response

  • You can always get the raw HTTP response from request context regardless of request result.
import ""
import ""
var rawResponse *http.Response
ctx := context.TODO() // your context
ctxWithResp := runtime.WithCaptureResponse(ctx, &rawResponse)
resp, err := resourceGroupsClient.CreateOrUpdate(ctxWithResp, resourceGroupName, resourceGroupParameters, nil)
if err != nil {
    log.Printf("Status code: %d", rawResponse.StatusCode)
    log.Fatalf("Error occurred: %+v", err)
log.Printf("Status code: %d", rawResponse.StatusCode)
  • When there is an error in the SDK request, you can also convert the error to the azcore.ResponseError interface to get the raw HTTP response.
import ""
import ""
ctx := context.TODO() // your context
resp, err := resourceGroupsClient.CreateOrUpdate(ctx, resourceGroupName, resourceGroupParameters, nil)
if err != nil {
    var respErr *azcore.ResponseError
    if errors.As(err, &respErr) {
        log.Fatalf("Status code: %d", respErr.RawResponse.StatusCode)
    } else {
        log.Fatalf("Other error: %+v", err)
// dealing with `resp`

Major Version Upgrade

Go uses semantic import versioning to ensure a good backward compatibility for modules. For Azure Go management SDK, we usually upgrade module version according to cooresponding service's API version. Regarding it could be a complicated experience for major version upgrade, we will try our best to keep the SDK API stable and release new version in backward compatible way. However, if any unavoidable breaking changes and a new major version releases for SDK modules, you could use these commands under your module folder to upgrade:

go install
gomajor get

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