Releases: C4IROcean/odp-sdk-python
Releases · C4IROcean/odp-sdk-python
Update scope for azure token login
Merge pull request #73 from C4IROcean/odmike-patch-1 Update scope for azure token login
Fix data retrieval bugs
What's Changed
- ODP-1186: Fix error occurred when empty data list received by @alpertoygar in #70
- ODP-1165: Remove chunk size limits from tabular client by @alpertoygar in #71
Full Changelog: 0.4.10...0.4.11
WKT, WKB and Geojson conversion functionality added
What's Changed
- ODP-1004: Remove selectors from sdk by @edusalagran in #64
- Update by @henriktorget in #66
- Make tabular_client features usable without pandas by @alpertoygar in #68
- ODP-1159: Add support for conversion between wkt, wkb and geojson by @alpertoygar in #67
New Contributors
- @edusalagran made their first contribution in #64
Full Changelog: 0.4.9...0.4.10
Optimizations to ndjson parsing
What's Changed
- ODP-1075: Optimized ndjson parsing by @alpertoygar in #65
Full Changelog: 0.4.8...0.4.9
Fix get version method
Add user-agent to ODP requests
What's Changed
- Catalog OQS query example by @henriktorget in #57
- Adds example for partitioning and querying tabular. by @henriktorget in #59
- Remove typing for FileMetadataDto by @henriktorget in #60
- ODP-1134: Add user agent to requests by @alpertoygar in #62
Full Changelog: 0.4.6...0.4.7
0.4.6 - Better error handling
What's Changed
- Add example for tabular storage client by @alpertoygar in #49
- Complete examples and add new examples by @alpertoygar in #52
- Bump cryptography from 41.0.7 to 42.0.0 by @dependabot in #53
- Add tests for different auth methods and auth provider by @alpertoygar in #56
- Raise exception with status code and error message from api. by @henriktorget in #58
- Bump cryptography from 42.0.0 to 42.0.4 by @dependabot in #55
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #53
Full Changelog: 0.4.5...0.4.6
Wrong import fix
Tabular Client Fixes
What's Changed
- Fix bugs discovered after testing by @alpertoygar in #48
Full Changelog: 0.4.3...0.4.4
0.4.3 - Bugfixes
What's Changed
- ODP-879 OdpResourceClient pagination param by @thomafred in #46
- InteractiveTokenProvider fix by @thomafred in #47
Full Changelog: 0.4.2...0.4.3