# Ignore build output build/ dist/ *.exe *.o # Ignore system and editor files .DS_Store Thumbs.db *.swp *.swo *.tmp *~ # Ignore dependency directories node_modules/ vendor/ packages/ # Ignore environment-specific files .env .env.local .env.*.local .env.test .env.development .env.production # Ignore log and cache files logs/ *.log npm-debug.log* yarn-debug.log* yarn-error.log* error.log # Ignore sensitive or private information secret.key private.pem config.ini # Ignore IDE and editor-specific files .idea/ .vscode/ *.sublime-project *.sublime-workspace # Ignore macOS specific files .AppleDouble .LSOverride # Ignore Thumbnails in macOS ._* # Ignore files generated by popular build tools and package managers npm-debug.log yarn-error.log yarn.lock package-lock.json yarn-error.log bower_components/ *.pid *.log