From a3b2a38bcbbcfc12f9d7fee3ea8e35c8a1604d43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Zachary Wassall <>
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2017 00:37:42 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Optimized _AllocSprite

 .../lib/src/graphics/graphx/graphics_lib.asm  | 49 +++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CEdev/lib/src/graphics/graphx/graphics_lib.asm b/CEdev/lib/src/graphics/graphx/graphics_lib.asm
index 9c70ab826..aaccd3ba1 100644
--- a/CEdev/lib/src/graphics/graphx/graphics_lib.asm
+++ b/CEdev/lib/src/graphics/graphx/graphics_lib.asm
@@ -121,27 +121,27 @@ _AllocSprite:
 ;  arg2 : pointer to malloc routine
 ; Returns:
 ;  Pointer to allocated sprite, first byte width, second height
-	ld	iy,0
-	add	iy,sp
-	ld	l,(iy+3)                    ; l = width of sprite
-	ld	h,(iy+6)                    ; h = height of sprite
-	ld	iy,(iy+9)                   ; iy = pointer to some malloc
-	push	hl
-	mlt	hl                          ; width * height
-	inc	hl
-	inc	hl                          ; allocate space for width and height bytes
-	push	hl
-	call	__indcall                   ; call the malloc routine
-	pop	de
-	pop	de
-	add	hl,de
-	or	a,a
-	sbc	hl,de
-	ret	z                           ; check to make sure malloc did not fail
-	ld	(hl),e                      ; store width
-	inc	hl
-	ld	(hl),d                      ; store height
-	dec	hl                          ; return sprite pointer
+	ld	bc,3
+	push	bc
+	pop	hl
+	add	hl,sp
+	ld	e,(hl)			;; e = width
+	add	hl,bc
+	ld	d,(hl)			;; d = height
+	add	hl,bc
+	ld	hl,(hl)			;; hl = malloc
+	push	de
+	mlt	de			;; de = width * height
+	inc	de			; +2 to store width and height
+	inc	de			;; de = width * height + 2
+	push	de
+	call	_indcallHL_ASM		;; hl = malloc(width * height + 2)
+	pop	de			;; de = width * height + 2
+	add	hl,de			; this should never carry
+	sbc	hl,de			; check if malloc failed (hl == 0)
+	pop	de			;; e = width, d = height
+	ret	z			; abort if malloc failed
+	ld	(hl),de			; store width and height
@@ -4368,6 +4368,13 @@ _:	rla
 	xor	a,1
+; Calls HL
+; Inputs:
+;  HL : Address to call
+	jp	(hl)
 	.dl DefaultCharSpacing_ASM \.r

From 61efd2d107a816853e4fdb510748e9b7b6da55d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Zachary Wassall <>
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2017 00:51:44 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Utilized a preexisting jp (hl) for _indcallHL_ASM

 CEdev/lib/src/graphics/graphx/graphics_lib.asm | 12 +++++-------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CEdev/lib/src/graphics/graphx/graphics_lib.asm b/CEdev/lib/src/graphics/graphx/graphics_lib.asm
index aaccd3ba1..37968502e 100644
--- a/CEdev/lib/src/graphics/graphx/graphics_lib.asm
+++ b/CEdev/lib/src/graphics/graphx/graphics_lib.asm
@@ -2622,6 +2622,11 @@ _SetTextXY:
 	ld	(TextYPos_SMC),hl \.r
 	push	hl			; xpos=don't care, sp=&xpos
 	ex	de,hl			; hl=return address
+; Calls HL
+; Inputs:
+;  HL : Address to call
 	jp	(hl)
@@ -4368,13 +4373,6 @@ _:	rla
 	xor	a,1
-; Calls HL
-; Inputs:
-;  HL : Address to call
-	jp	(hl)
 	.dl DefaultCharSpacing_ASM \.r

From 9cee925fdb61d3f0297013ed2b738481f0eb6b02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matt Waltz <>
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 11:00:53 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Fix missing \.r

 src/graphx/graphx.asm | 26 +++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/graphx/graphx.asm b/src/graphx/graphx.asm
index e303f6d25..e7661e38e 100644
--- a/src/graphx/graphx.asm
+++ b/src/graphx/graphx.asm
@@ -137,23 +137,23 @@ _AllocSprite:
 	push	bc
 	pop	hl
 	add	hl,sp
-	ld	e,(hl)			;; e = width
+	ld	e,(hl)                      ; e = width
 	add	hl,bc
-	ld	d,(hl)			;; d = height
+	ld	d,(hl)                      ; d = height
 	add	hl,bc
-	ld	hl,(hl)			;; hl = malloc
+	ld	hl,(hl)                     ; hl = malloc
 	push	de
-	mlt	de			;; de = width * height
-	inc	de			; +2 to store width and height
-	inc	de			;; de = width * height + 2
+	mlt	de                          ; de = width * height
+	inc	de                          ; +2 to store width and height
+	inc	de                          ; de = width * height + 2
 	push	de
-	call	_indcallHL_ASM		;; hl = malloc(width * height + 2)
-	pop	de			;; de = width * height + 2
-	add	hl,de			; this should never carry
-	sbc	hl,de			; check if malloc failed (hl == 0)
-	pop	de			;; e = width, d = height
-	ret	z			; abort if malloc failed
-	ld	(hl),de			; store width and height
+	call	_indcallHL_ASM \.r          ; hl = malloc(width * height + 2)
+	pop	de                          ; de = width * height + 2
+	add	hl,de                       ; this should never carry
+	sbc	hl,de                       ; check if malloc failed (hl == 0)
+	pop	de                          ; e = width, d = height
+	ret	z                           ; abort if malloc failed
+	ld	(hl),de                     ; store width and height