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11555e1 · Jan 17, 2024


149 lines (114 loc) · 6.59 KB

File metadata and controls

149 lines (114 loc) · 6.59 KB


A backend for the CSUA interblags.

A Django web app that:

See issues for a list of TODOs.

User Workflow

  1. (Optional) Create a fork of this repo
    • Do this if you don't have write access
    • If you do have write access, use a new branch instead
  2. Clone to your local/development machine
  3. Install dependencies
  4. Make changes, test, repeat
  5. Commit those changes
  6. Push commits to your fork/branch
  7. Make a pull request

Installation (venv, manual)

  1. Install Python 3.9+
  2. Create venv python3 -m venv venv
  3. Install Django and dependencies with venv/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  4. Install pre-commit with venv/bin/pre-commit install
  5. Create your .env file by copying, e.g. cp .env
  6. Set up local sqlite database with venv/bin/python3 migrate
  7. Run server with venv/bin/python3 runserver
  • If on soda, you will have to run venv/bin/python3 runserver$PORT where $PORT is between 8000 and 8999, and connect by going to$PORT
  1. Navigate web browser to
  2. Create admin user with venv/bin/python3 createsuperuser

Installation (venv, automatic)

If you're using GNU/Linux or OSX, use

pre-commit and black

pre-commit is a tool that picks up formatting and other issues before making a commit. It will automatically format your python code with black. This is so that the code is clean and consistent, making it easier to review.

Additionally, I recommend you set up autoformatting with black on-save. If you use vim, you can add this to your .vimrc:

autocmd BufWritePost *.py silent exec "!black <afile>" | exec "redraw!"

Making changes to database models

  1. Make changes to db_data/
  2. venv/bin/python3 makemigrations on your development machine
  3. venv/bin/python3 migrate to apply new migrations to your local db
  4. Commit and push your changes to as well as generated migrations/
  5. Pull latest changes on remote machine
  6. python3 migrate on remote machine to update database with latest models
  7. Run sudo systemctl reload csua-backend-gunicorn on the remote machine so the changes take effect

Editing/Creating/Deleting Data

Go to to edit data!

Repo structure

Django's online documentation has more detail on a project's structure

  • apps/
    • This Django project is divided into "apps" (i.e. main_page/, db_data/, etc.)
    • csua_backend/ holds the projects's configurations
    • Each app is divided into:
      • migrations/ lists the changes that have been made to the database models
      • just tells python the app is a python module
      • details how db models should be viewed in the admin interface
      • probably says that this directory is an app
      • contains the database models of the app
      • has unit tests to test the apps functionality
      • says what URLs route to which views
      • has functions that serve a "view" (webpage)
  • fixtures/ contains database fixtures to record and bootstrap content and various database data
  • media_root/ is where user-uploaded files are served from
  • requirements.txt lists the required python packages for this project.
  • static_root/ is where static files are served from (many of which come from ./static/ and are moved here by's collectstatic)
  • templates/ holds the html templates that are populated and served by views
  • is a command-line script for performing actions on the project


As of 2024 we no longer use Travis CI (our repo was formerly located here). Please manually deploy from Tap instead:

Manual Deploy

  1. ssh into
  2. Change directory to the project directory /webserver/csua-backend/
  3. sudo -u www-data git pull
  4. sudo -u www-data venv/bin/python collectstatic to update static files
  5. sudo -u www-data venv/bin/python migrate to migrate db
  6. sudo -u www-data venv/bin/python test to make sure tests pass
  7. sudo systemctl restart csua-backend-gunicorn to restart server

Deployment Details

  • This Django app runs as a wsgi app on a gunicorn server on tap.
  • The gunicorn process is managed by systemd and the service file is located at /etc/systemd/system/csua-backend-gunicorn.service
    • This service can be manipulated with systemctl
      • To reload the wsgi app, run sudo systemctl reload csua-backend-gunicorn
  • tap runs debian 9.8 (stretch), we are using Python 3.9.
  • The app is behind an Nginx proxy.
  • mysqlclient is installed and necessary for deployment on tap


These changes are here so that the newuser script and deployment script run properly. If the change, /etc/sudoers may also need to be changed.

www-data ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /webserver/csua-backend/apps/newuser/config_newuser
www-data ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl restart csua-backend-gunicorn

LDAP Details

tap runs an OpenLDAP server. It is accessible from anywhere over TLS on port 636.

For an LDAP client to connect, it must accept our self-signed certificate. Usually this is done by adding this line to /etc/ldap/ldap.conf:


Dumping database data into json:

python3 dumpdata db_data > fixtures/$(date +db_data-%m%d%y.json)