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CakeML How To

This document introduces how to use the CakeML compiler, providing in particular:

  • a description of how to invoke the CakeML compiler,
  • a list of how CakeML differs from SML and OCaml, and,
  • a number of small CakeML code examples.

This document is not meant to be an introduction to how to program in an ML-style language. For such a text, please refer to "ML for the Working Programmer" by L. C. Paulson, University of Cambridge.

This document is about using the verified CakeML compiler outside of the logic of a theorem prover. Readers interested in using CakeML to construct verified programs should develop their programs inside the logic of a theorem prover.

Running the CakeML compiler

The bootstrapped CakeML compiler can be downloaded from github. Download the tar.gz file which contains among other things:

  • cake.S — the machine code for the bootstrapped CakeML compiler
  • basis_ffi.c — C code connecting the CakeML basis library to the OS
  • Makefile — for convenience of building binaries

Now let's run the compiler. Suppose you have a file called hello.cml which contains:

print "Hello, World!\n";

The simplest way to compile and run this CakeML program, on GNU/Linux and macOS, is to type make hello.cake and then ./hello.cake on the command line as follows. On Windows, one types make hello.cake.exe.

$ make hello.cake
$ ./hello.cake

The last line will print Hello, World! on standard output.

By looking at what the make does, you'll see that on the first run it builds the CakeML compiler cake, then it runs the CakeML compiler on the input program. The CakeML compiler produces .S files that consist mostly of hex for machine code but also some wrapper code. We use the system's C compiler to build basis_ffi.c and to connect the CakeML generated machine code with the C code that is accessed through CakeML's foreign function interface (FFI).

A simple but complete program

The program above is too simple to be interesting. Below is a slightly more interesting program: this produces output based on command-line input, and prints a usage message if invoked incorrectly.

fun fac n = if n = 0 then 1 else fac (n-1) * n;

fun main () =
    val arg = List.hd (CommandLine.arguments())
    val n = Option.valOf (Int.fromString arg)
    print_int (fac n) ; print "\n"
  handle _ =>
    TextIO.print_err ("usage: " ^ ^ " <n>\n");

main ();

If the code above is in a file called fac.cml, then it can be compiled and run as follows:

$ make fac.cake
$ ./fac.cake
usage: ./fac.cake <n>
$ ./fac.cake 5
$ ./fac.cake 50

The last run illustrates that CakeML's integer type is the unbounded mathematical integers (arbitrary precision integers).

Configuring the CakeML compiler

The default configuration of the CakeML compiler is usually the right one to use. However, the CakeML compiler supports a number of command-line options that can be used to tweak the default configuration. Type the following for an explanation of the command-line options.

$ ./cake --help

When using the provided Makefile, one can specify command-line options by setting the CAKEFLAGS variable. The following example instructs the CakeML compiler to compile the factorial program with the --gc=gen1000 option. This option tells the compiler to install the generational version of CakeML's GC with a nursery size of 1000 machine words.

$ rm -f fac.cake ; export CAKEFLAGS='--gc=gen1000' ; make fac.cake

Several command-line options can be given at the same time: one can specify that we want a 50000-word nursery and to use register allocator settings 3 as follows.

$ rm -f fac.cake ; export CAKEFLAGS='--gc=gen50000 --reg_alg=3' ; make fac.cake

The default GC configuration is --gc=simple.

Setting the size of the stack and heap

If program execution aborts with a message saying that the heap or stack space has been exhausted, then it might be worth trying to run the program with more heap or stack space.

The default heap and stack size is set to 1024 MB each. One can run the factorial program from above with 2048 MB of heap space and 512 MB of stack space by invoking it as follows:

$ export CML_HEAP_SIZE=2048 ; export CML_STACK_SIZE=512 ; ./fac.cake 50

Observe that these variables CML_HEAP_SIZE and CML_STACK_SIZE are supplied to the compiled CakeML program fac.cake rather than the CakeML compiler. Note that, since the CakeML compiler is just another CakeML program, the values of these environment variables also affect the compiler's execution.

Alternatively, the allocated heap and stack size can be set in basis_ffi.c by modifying these lines in the file. Note that cml_heap_sz and cml_stack_sz are given in bytes here.

unsigned long sz = 1024*1024; // 1 MB unit
unsigned long cml_heap_sz = 1024 * sz;    // Default: 1 GB heap
unsigned long cml_stack_sz = 1024 * sz;   // Default: 1 GB stack

Basic profiling

On Linux systems, CakeML executables can be profiled using perf. As an example, we may profile the factorial program by running:

$ perf record ./fac.cake 30000

The report generated by perf shows that most of the time is spent in the bignum library (LongDiv is used internally there):

$ perf report

Samples: 20K of event 'cycles', Event count (approx.): 15828778212
Overhead  Command   Shared Object      Symbol
  52.88%  fac.cake  fac.cake           [.] cml__LongDiv_21
  16.19%  fac.cake  fac.cake           [.] cml__Bignum_50
  12.10%  fac.cake  fac.cake           [.] cml__Bignum_47
   6.31%  fac.cake  fac.cake           [.] cml__Replicate_9

How CakeML differs from SML and OCaml

The CakeML language is heavily based on Standard ML (SML), but CakeML differs in some aspects and takes inspiration from OCaml and Haskell. Below is a list of differences between CakeML and SML.

Syntactic differences

  • CakeML has curried Haskell-style constructor syntax (see below)
  • constructors in CakeML must begin with an uppercase letter
  • constructors must be fully applied
  • alpha-numeric variable and function names begin with a lowercase letter
  • CakeML lacks SML's records, functors, open and (at present) signatures
  • CakeML capitalises True, False and Ref

Semantic differences

  • CakeML has right-to-left evaluation order
  • CakeML has no equality types
  • the semantics of equality in CakeML differs from those in SML and OCaml
  • CakeML does not support let-polymorphism

Differences in conventions

  • CakeML programmers should curry multi-argument functions

Basis library

The CakeML basis library is still developing and not aligned with SML or OCaml's standard libraries. To list the contents of the CakeML basis library, execute the following on the command line:

$ echo "" | ./cake --types

By invoking the compiler using ./cake --types, one makes it run type inference and then print the name and type of every top-level binding. By supplying the compiler with the empty program, the top-level bindings are only those from the basis library.

Expressions, literals and comments in CakeML

CakeML expressions are very similar to SML expressions. CakeML has the same list syntax and same syntax for integers and booleans. Comments are written inside (* ... *) and can be nested. Below are some examples. Note how Some and None differ from SML.

(* boolean literals *)
(2 < 2) orelse (1 <= 1);

(* some numbers *)
0xFF;   (* integer written in hex *)
~5000;  (* a negative number *)

(* some functions *)
(fn x => x + 5);
   fun fib n = if n < 2 then n else fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

(* lists *)
[1,2] @ [3,4,5];
1 :: 2 :: [3,4,5];

(* options *)
Some 4;

(* strings *)
"hi there";
String.concat ["hi"," ","there"];
("hi" ^ " " ^ "there");
Int.toString 5;

(* words *)
Word64.fromInt 5;
Word64.xorb (Word64.fromInt 2) (Word64.fromInt 3);

(* vectors *)
Vector.tabulate 50 (fn n => 2 * n);
Vector.sub (Vector.fromList [1,2,3]) 2;

(* exceptions *)
(print "Hi"; raise Bind; print " there") handle Bind => print " Ho!";

Declarations in CakeML

CakeML supports declarations such as val, fun, datatype, type, exception, structure and local.

structure RoseTree =
    datatype 'a tree = Branch 'a ('a tree list);

exception ErrorMsg string;

type int_rose = int RoseTree.tree;

  fun fail_with_message msg = raise ErrorMsg msg;
  fun make_tree x n =
    if n < 0 then fail_with_message "negative depth" else
    if n = 0 then RoseTree.Branch x [] else
        val t = make_tree x (n-1)
        RoseTree.Branch x (List.tabulate n (fn x => t))
  val tree5 = make_tree 5 5;

Datatypes and pattern matching

CakeML differs from SML in its use of Haskell-inspired datatype and constructor syntax.

CakeML requires that all constructor names and module names start with a uppercase letter. All alpha-numeric variable names and function names must start with a lowercase letter. This rule makes it easy to see which names are variables and which are constructors in patterns.

Below is an example with a mutually recursive datatype and a function definition illustrating the fun ... and ... syntax for mutually recursive functions.

datatype foo = A int | B (bar list)
     and bar = C | D foo bar;

fun foo_toString x =
      case x of
        A i => "A" ^ Int.toString i
      | B bs => "B" ^ String.concat ( bar_toString bs)
and bar_toString x =
      case x of
        C => "C"
      | D f b => "D" ^ foo_toString f ^ bar_toString b;

print (foo_toString (B [C, C, D (A 4) C]));

Note that CakeML requires that constructors are fully applied. This means that Some xs is not allowed; instead one can write (fn x => Some x) xs.

CakeML supports nested patterns and the as pattern:

fun as_pattern_demo a =
  case a of
    B [b1 as D (A 4) b2] => bar_toString b1 ^ bar_toString b2
  | _                    => foo_toString a;

Exceptions are defined in a similar style and can be used as normal constructors in patterns:

exception ErrorMsgWithLoc string int int;

(fn e => case e of ErrorMsgWithLoc msg l1 l2 => print msg);

Like SML, anonymous functions fn can have a pattern:

(fn Some x => x);

Pattern matching can be done through references, as the following example shows. This example uses references to build a circular list. Note how the pattern treats Ref as a constructor.

datatype 'a clist = Nil | Cons 'a (('a clist) ref);

(* build a simple list with two elements *)
val zs = Cons 1 (Ref (Cons 2 (Ref Nil)));

(* update the end of the list to point at the start of the list *)
case zs of Cons _ (Ref (Cons _ r)) => (r := zs);

(* a function that extracts a normal List.list from a clist *)
fun take n xs =
  case (n,xs) of
    (0, _) => []
  | (_, Nil) => []
  | (_, Cons x (Ref ys)) => x :: take (n-1) ys;

print_int (List.length (take 10 zs));   (* prints 10 *)

CakeML has a strict call-by-value semantics. However, one can implement lazy lists in CakeML. Here is a datatype that can be used for lazy lists and a take function:

datatype 'a llist = Nil | Cons 'a (unit -> 'a llist);

fun take n xs =
  case (n,xs) of
    (0, _) => []
  | (_, Nil) => []
  | (_, Cons x ys) => x :: take (n-1) (ys());

Evaluation order

CakeML has a well-defined evaluation order: it is right-to-left. The evaluation order is visible when the code has side effects. Example: the following code builds a list using expressions that cause printing at each content expression.

[print_int 1, print_int 2, print_int 3];

The example above prints 321.

We recommend that users use let-expressions to force their own evaluation order. The following prints 123.

  val u1 = print_int 1
  val u2 = print_int 2
  val u3 = print_int 3
  [u1, u2, u3]

Stateful features

Most CakeML programs ought to keep mostly to the pure functional subset of CakeML. However, CakeML provides stateful features such as references Ref and arrays Array.array that can enhance performance significantly in certain applications.

The circular list example above already showed the use of Ref. The next example illustrates the use of arrays in a naive sieve-based primarily test. Here Array.array creates an array and we use ; for sequencing. The final return value is what is stored in the nth element of the array, i.e., Array.sub a n.

fun is_prime n =
  if n < 0 then False else
    val a = Array.array (n+1) True
    fun set_steps i k =
      if Array.length a <= i then () else
        (Array.update a i False; set_steps (i+k) k)
    fun set_each i =
      if n <= i then () else
        (set_steps i i; set_each (i+1))
    (set_each 2; Array.sub a n)

fun print_is_prime n =
  if is_prime n then print (Int.toString n ^ " is prime.\n")
                else print (Int.toString n ^ " is not prime.\n");

print_is_prime 5;
print_is_prime 700;
print_is_prime 701;

Semantics of equality

Like SML and OCaml, CakeML includes a polymorphic equality test. However, the semantics of CakeML's polymorphic equality test differs from those of SML and OCaml. SML uses equality types to ensure that one cannot test equality of function closures. In contrast, OCaml raises an exception in case closures are part of the compared values.

In CakeML, we did not want to have equality types, and we do not want to search for closures in pointer-equal values. For this reason, CakeML allows comparison of closure values: all closures are equal under the polymorphic equality test in CakeML.

fun plus2 n = n + 2;
fun plus3 n = n + 3;

(* the following succeeds and prints True *)
if plus2 = plus3 then print "True\n" else print "False\n";

Arguably, it does not make sense to compare functions. Thus we took the freedom to pick a semantics that is both well defined and leads to a good implementation for the common case, i.e., no closures.

Lack of let-polymorphism

CakeML does not support let-polymorphism. The following is an example of a program that type checks in SML, but not in CakeML. It fails to type check in CakeML because the let-bound x must, at its uses, be instantiated to int list and string list.

  val x = []
  (1::x, "hi"::x)

However, CakeML supports polymorphism and local which means that the following version works:

  val x = []
  val y = (1::x, "hi"::x)

What next?

The definitive definition of the syntax and semantics of CakeML can be found at:

The CakeML team aims to be open and accessible. Feel free to join the CakeML channel in the HOL Zulip chat. Ask questions and contribute to the project or build your own project based on CakeML.