The CakeML project: ====================================== CakeML is a verified implementation of a significant subset of Standard ML. The source and proofs for CakeML are developed in the [HOL4 theorem prover]( We use the latest development version of [HOL4](, which we build on [PolyML 5.7.1]( Example build instructions can be found in []( Building all of CakeML (including the bootstrapped compiler and its proofs) requires significant resources. [Built copies]( of the compiler and resource usage for our [regression tests]( are online. The [master](../../tree/master) branch contains the latest development version of CakeML. See the [version2](../../tree/version2) or [version1](../../tree/version1) branch for previous versions. Directory structure ------------------- [COPYING](COPYING): CakeML Copyright Notice, License, and Disclaimer. [basis](basis): Contains the beginnings of a standard basis library for CakeML, similar to the standard basis library of SML. []( This file describes how to install Poly/ML, HOL and CakeML. [candle](candle): Verification of a HOL theorem prover, based on HOL Light (, implemented in CakeML. [characteristic](characteristic): A verified CakeML adaption of Arthur Charguéraud's "Characteristic Formulae for the Verification of Imperative Programs" [compiler](compiler): A verified compiler for CakeML, including: - lexing and PEG parsing, - type inference, - compilation to ASM assembly language, and, - code generation to x86, ARM, and more. [cv_translator](cv_translator): Translator to cv type used by cv_compute [developers](developers): This directory contains scripts for automating routine tasks, e.g., for generating files. [examples](examples): Examples of verified programs built using CakeML infrastructure. []( This document introduces how to use the CakeML compiler, providing in particular: - a description of how to invoke the CakeML compiler, - a list of how CakeML differs from SML and OCaml, and, - a number of small CakeML code examples. [icing](icing): Main implementation directory for the RealCake development, presented in "Verified Compilation and Optimization of Floating-Point Programs" [misc](misc): Auxiliary files providing glue between a standard HOL installation and what we want to use for CakeML development. [pancake](pancake): The Pancake compiler, i.e. a C-like compiler built from the lower parts of the CakeML compiler. [semantics](semantics): The definition of the CakeML language. The directory includes definitions of: - the concrete syntax, - the abstract syntax, - big step semantics (both functional and relational), - a small step semantics, - the semantics of FFI calls, and, - the type system. [translator](translator): A proof-producing translator from HOL functions to CakeML. [tutorial](tutorial): An extended worked example on using HOL and CakeML to write verified programs, that was presented as a tutorial on CakeML at PLDI and ICFP in 2017. [unverified](unverified): Various unverified tools, e.g. tools for converting OCaml to CakeML and an SML version of the CakeML register allocator.