- On web : Record to Stream Float32 OK
- On web : Record to Stream Int16 OK
- On web : Record to Stream channels interleaved/not-interleaved OK
- On web : Play from Stream Float32 OK
- On web : Play from Stream Int16 OK
- On web : Play from Stream channels interleaved/not-interleaved OK
- New parameter for the
: onBufferUndrflow
- Flutter Sound Web : change the dependency on web: ^1.0.0 to '>=0.5.0 <2.0.0'. (#1168).
- Flutter_Sound_Web : Downgrade the Dart SDK dependency from 3.6.0 to 3.3.0 (#1168).
- Remove Flutter Sound dependancy (#1168) on
- recase: ^4.1.0
- uuid: ^4.3.3
- provider: ^6.1.1
- Doc
- Score on pub.dev
- README on pub.dev
On Web : Record/Playback PcmFloat32 not interleaved : NeedSomeFood : DartError: Bad state: Future already completed
On Web : Implement Stream interleaved. - Implement stream not interleaved on Android
On Web : Record PCMFloat32 : DartError: Assertion failed: file:///Volumes/mac-H/larpoux/proj/flutter_sound/flutter_sound_web/lib/
On Web : PCM16 Dart Stream not OK
On Web : Implement Streams Int16
On web : Streams for codec.pcmFloat32 and not interleaved
Flutter Sound web depends on dart:html
On iOS : When a playback falls in error, the Completer stays un-completed instead of doing an assertion.
On Android : When a playback falls in error, it tries during a very long time before aborting.
Little endian vs Big endian
Pause/Resume for PCM codecs
Set Pan for PCM codecs
Playback OpusWEBM and VorbisWEBM with remote files on Android
Example Pan control
On iOS, the peak level is more than 100 db
On Web : isEncoderSupported() and isDecoderSupported() are not implemented
On Web : playback OpusOGG does not work
On Wev : Record/playback AAC/MP4 and OpusWEB to buffer
On Web : startPlayer FromURI : _flutter_sound.wav : No file extension was found. Consider using the "format" property or specify an extension.
On iOS : codec==Codec.pcm16WAV -- startRecorder() -- The frames are not correctely coded with int16 but float32. This must be fixed.
MacOS support
Implementation of setVolume() during play to Stream on iOS. (#1164)
- On Android : Record to Stream Float32 was incorrect
- On Android : Record to Stream Not Interleaved mode was incorrect
- On Android : Play from Stream Float32 was incorrect
- On Android : Play from Stream Not interleaved mode was incorrect
- Flutter Sound does not depend any more on etau/tau_web.
- Modify the hack on iOS when recording to stream because it din't work well with the new Streams! (no idea of the reason)!
- The live examples works again.
- The new doc uses Jekyll with
Just the Docs
theme (dart doc
is now integrated inside our documentation). - Doc : no more 404 errors. (I hope!).
- Rewrite the
PCM Dart Streams
guide. - Improve the examples for Stream support by Flutter Sound
- Record to Stream (see the Stream support guide)
- OK on iOS
- OK on Android
- Not finished on web
- Play from Stream (again, see the Stream support guide)
- OK on iOS
- OK on Android
- Not finished on web
- Flutter Sound Web does not depend anymore on JS
- Flutter Sound does not depend anymore on Audio_Session
- iOS : DB Peak level for codec == Codec.pcm16 and codec == Codec.pcmFloat32
- android : DB Peak level for codec == Codec.pcm16 and codec == Codec.pcmFloat32 - #1151
- Fix a bug when recording pcmWAV on android and channels > 1
- On Web : The error "OnLoad error" was not correctely diagnosed
is deprecatedfeedFromStream()
is deprecatedfoodSink
getter is deprecatedstartPlayerFromStream()
with back pressure is deprecatedstartPlayerFromStream()
: no morewhenFinished
parameter- add functions
- add getters
- On web :
is implemented for codec.pcmFloat32 and not interleaved
Work on iOS to support Float32 and non interleaved Streams. See this guide and this guide.
On IOS : Support of numChannels and sampleRate parameters for PCM codecs
- On iOS : codec==Codec.pcm16 and codec==Codec.pcm16WAV -- startRecorder() -- Parameter
is correctely handled (if >1 then the audio samples are interleaved) - On iOS : codec==Codec.pcm16 and codec==Codec.pcm16WAV -- startPlayer() -- Parameter
is correctely handled (if >1 then the audio samples are interleaved) - On iOS : codec==Codec.pcm16 and codec==Codec.pcm16WAV -- startRecorder() -- Parameter
is correctely handled - On iOS : codec==Codec.pcm16 and codec==Codec.pcm16WAV -- startPlayer() -- Parameter
is correctely handled
- On iOS : codec==Codec.pcm16 and codec==Codec.pcm16WAV -- startRecorder() -- Parameter
On iOS : implementation of Codec pcmFloat32 and pcmFloat32WAV
- On iOS : codec==Codec.pcmFloat32 and codec==Codec.pcmFloat32WAV -- startRecorder() -- Float32 is implemented
- On iOS : codec==Codec.pcmFloat32 and codec==Codec.pcmFloat32WAV -- startPlayer() -- Float32 is implemented
- FlutterSoundHelper::pcmToWaveBuffer() : Add parameter Codec and implement codec==Codec.pcmFloat32
On iOS : The peak level during recording pcm16 was unstable.
- flutter_sound_web depends on etau and tau_web
- startRecorder() calls
if the app forgot to do it itself
- On iOS : force output sampleRate to 48000 (#900)
- on iOS : in playFromStream() add the same hack than with the recorder (#900)
- Try to downgrade the Android minSdkVersion to 24 (#1132) (we must check with @izmeera2000 and @joshua1996 that's it is OK with (#1129) )
- Android : minSdkVersion 28 // 18 works fine for the player, but the recorder needs at least 24 (was 18) (#1129)
- Android : buildToolsVersion "34.0.0" (added) (#1129)
- Remove the dependency on 'com.github.jitpack:android-example:1.0.1' in flutter_sound_core/android/build.gradle. (#1107)
- merge PR #1116 : Removes v1 Flutter Android embedding references
- Flutter Sound Web : the AudioContext open during startRecorder() was never closed. (#3). Many thanks to Joana Mesquita for his/her contribution.
- Remove the patch #9.4.18 that tried to fix #1040. This patch did not work correctly ((#1087)) and was worst than the issue itself.
- Fix a bug on Android. The recorded file path was incorrect during StopRecorder() with codec=WAV-PCM16. (973).
- Create a static completer in flutter_sound_web (
) that is completed when the 4 scripts are fully loaded. (#921).
- Downgrade Java to 17 and gradle to 8.7. Too many problems with Flutter Sound 9.15.54
- Fixes a stupid bug on android after seek : the curent position was stucked in a wrong position (#1087)
- Use a recent Java (23), a recent gradle (8.10), a recent Marven and a recent Jitpack
- Trying to update gradle (8.10) and Java (22.0) to recent versions. No Succes : keep temporarly the 9.12.0 flutter_sound_core for Android
- Stereo recording on Android with Codec PCM16 (#1086)
- Stereo with Wav codec not implemented. (Simple to do if requested)
- Number of channels > 2 is not supported
- Stereo playback on Android with codec PCM16
- Flutter Sound depends now on
web: ^1.0.0
. (#1077) . - Remove Record to Stream on Web because the code was incompatible with
web: ^1.0.0
. Streams on Web need some work (Player and Recorder).
- Android build.gradle: compileSdk = 34
- Ad a new verb for the player API :
. (#77). Many thanks to Chang Cheng Wei for his contribution.
- Fix a bug when the playback is finished. We must not call
- Fixes several minor issues in the examples
- Fixes a stupid bug in Flutter Sound Web : the calling table of js did not match the one of dart
Add two safeguards in iOS low level to protect us against asynchronous failures (#1062) and (#1063).
- On Android:
Background Service
support. [#1061]. Thanks to @together87 for his/her contribution.
- On Android, moves
. [#1061].
- We had some problems with
(and probably also withclosePlayerCompleted
) [#1045]. Remove everything about this completer that was not useful.
- Fixes a regression introduced in v9.8.1 when recording to stream on iOS and Android (#1056 and #1060)
- Recorder To Stream on Web with
. (#1056). - New example
to show how to record to stream on Web. - The documentation has not yet been updated
- The iOS and Android platforms has not yet been updated, and are not fully compatible with Flutter Web.
- The
parameter can be specified. Its value can be either :Codec.pcm16
- The legacy
parameter must be specified. You receive a Stream ofUInt8List
packets on yourStreamSink
. - The function
can be called to update theStreamSink
with the currentUint8List
- The parameter
can be specified. This is the Duration beetween every automaticrequestData()
. IfDuration.zero
the automaticrequestData()
is desactivated. Its default value isDuration.zero
- Recorder To Stream on Web. (#1056).
- The documentation has not yet been updated
- The iOS and Android platforms has not yet been updated, and are not fully compatible with Flutter Web.
- The parameter
can be specified. If you do not specify this parameter, the default is1
. - The
parameter can be specified. Its value can be eitherCodec.pcm16
- The parameter
is deprecated. Flutter Web always uses the sampleRate supported by the hardware. We cannot change it, because we would have to redo a sampling for that and that would be bad for the sound quality.. - There is a new
to get the sample rate used by the platform. - When you call
you can choose one of three parameters:- The legacy
which is compatible with the oldtoStream:
parameter. You receive a Stream ofUInt8List
packets. This parameter is not supported fornumChannels: != 1
. This parameter is more or less deprecated, and is kept for compatibility with previous versions. - The parameter
can specify aStreamSink<List<Float32List>>
. Each packet received by this stream sink is composed of severalFloat32List
. There is 1Float32List
for each channel. This parameter is the most efficient. Specially on Web and on iOS. This is probably the parameter that the App must use. - The parameter
can specify aStreamSink<List<Int16List>>
. Each packet received by this stream sink is composed of severalInt16List
. There is 1Int16List
for each channel. This parameter is slightly less efficient thantoStreamFloat32:
- The legacy
- The parameter
must be a power of 2. Its default is 8192 - The callback
can be specified when playing from Stream.
- Don't test the platform if kIsWeb : (#1055).
- Flutter Sound Web depends on
js 0.7
instead of0.6
. (#1054).
- New parameter
for StartPlayerFromStream()```
- Flutter Sound does not stop automaticaly the player when finished and when the App specifies a callBack "WhenFinished". [#675]. This way, the App can decide to stop the player itself, or it can do other things like a seekToPlayer(0) to restart the playback from the beginning. Exemple :
startPlayer( ... whenFinished: async (){await player.seekToPlayer(0); await player.resumePlayer(); setState(() {});});
- Fix a bug in the stream of "current position" after a seekToPlayer()
- Several bugs fixed in Recorder To Stream and Player From Stream on iOS. Probably working, now.
-Protect feed() against a stop() during the loop. #1041
- Patch _getCurrentPosition() on Android because Android MediaPlayer is buggy. #1040
- The patch ### 9.4.15 was very bad. We have crash during the callback. Reverts this 9.4.15 patch.
- Downgrade the js dependency in flutter_sound_web pubspec.yaml to
js: ^0.6.2
instead ofjs: ^0.7.1
. Not sure this is good. We did that because of #1040
- Change the timer function on Android to run it in the current thread : #1040
- Rewrite method_channel_flutter_sound to return futures instead of null. #1041
- Merge the Pull request proposed by Rajko Vukovic. #965 : Its about Howler exports on Flutter Sound Web. Thank you for your contribution Rajko
- Do not call resetPlugin() when not in dev. #1039
- Do not set result for each audio session when doing a reset (hot reload/restart). #938 : Thanks to netsesame2 for his/her contribution.
- Pinning the "meta:" version in pubspec.yaml was a very bad idea.
- The JS scripts are not duplicated anymore
- The Live Example was not installed correctly on canardoux.xyz
- Fixes a bug when Logs from iOS or Android : Logger renumbered the Enum Levels so it was necessary to report those enums inside the pluggin.
- The 'meta:' dependency in flutter_sound_web was incompatible with the 'meta:' version in flutter_sound
- This fixes the volume level callback on Web. The file was correctly fixed and merged in the web folder in the js folder, but not in the src folder. Thanks to bloemy7 for his Pull Request. This fixes #838 and #862
- Fixes some warning inside the example 'LivePlaybackWithoutBackPressure'
- Debug traces from iOS FlutterSoundRecorder had an incorrect parameter. Merge PR 980
- Fixes a memory leak on Android PR #949
- Fixes recorder is not logging native debug messages PR #980
- Implement setSpeed() for startPlayerFromStream, both on iOS and Android. PR #945. Thanks to @acalatrava for his contribution.
- startPlayerFromStream() has a new parameter : 'bufferSize'. This parameter is used on Android. The default value is 8192.
- startPlayerFromMic has a new parameter : 'bufferSize'. This parameter is used on Android and iOS. The default value is 8192.
- startPlayer() has a new parameter : 'bufferSize'. This parameter is used on Android when playing Raw PCM. The default value is 8192.
- startRecorder() has a new parameter : 'bufferSize'. This parameter is usend on Android and iOS when recording to stream. PR 905. Thanks to @ebraraktas for his contribution
- setVolume() is now correctely implemented for playFromStream() on iOS. PR #945. Thank you to @acalatrava for his contribution.
- Add a slider "Speed" in LivePlayback without backpressure" example to test if setSpeed is now correctely handled.
- Fixes bug 1021 : Namespace not specified. Specify a namespace in the module's build file.
- Removes the parameter "enableVoiceParameter" from startPlayer()
- Add the parameter "enableVoiceParameter" to the verb "StartPlayerFromMic()"
- Add the parameter "enableVoiceParameter" to the verb "StartRecorderFromStream"
- closePlayer() and closeRecorder was awaiting instead of returning a Future
- Merge PR #1000 : Enable Voice Processing on iOS
- Fix the Demo Example "Play remote file With Codec=FLAC" #1017
- Add a checkbox "EnableVoiceProcessing" in RecordToStream example to test if this parameter is correctly handled
- Add a checkbox "EnableVoiceProcessing" in LivePlayback without backpressure" example to test if this parameter is correctly handled
- SetLevel is not async : #1006, #1012
- The various Assets inside Example/Demo was declared with a bad path to Canardoux : #1006, #998
- Link with "logger: ^2.0.2" : #1006, #998
- Link with "uuid: ^4.3.3" : #1006, #998
- environment sdk version is now : sdk: ^3.3.0
- Fixes many warnings during build
- Fixes a bug in openPlayer and openRecorder : The function awaited on the completion instead of returning a Future of the Player/Recorder
- Remove static variables
#895. Static variables are total evil!. - Korean girls stands with Ukraine. Festival Cannes stands with Ukraine
- Peace For Ukraine
- Europe Stand With Ukraine
- Fix audio recording issue with 16Khz recording devices #885. Pull Request #5. Thanks to Allen for his contribution.
- Fix a bug when we try to logError(NULL) : #880
- Fix a regression on Flutter Sound on Web, introduced in 9.2.1
- Pray For Ukraine
- Voice Porcessing Feature VoiceProcessing feature for iOS #870. Thank you Antonio for the Pull Request.
- Fix the bug where we had many clicks when playing from a stream. PR #3 on flutter_sound_core. Thank you Antonio for this fix. For me, this bug was the main Flutter Sound issue, by far. I really appreciate your PR.
- 9.1.5 release was bad. Retry.
- Fix a leak with temporary files when playing buffers on Android. #847
- Fix a regression with #821. Sorry George Amgad for my mistake.
- Fix two bugs in verb getProgress(). #835[#835]
- Flutter Sound on web : it is not necessary anymore to include the Flutter Sound library in the index.html file
- Remove the Service declaration in the Android code (problem with compatibility with other libraries like
). #340 - Remove the Track Player : startPlayerFromTrack(), nowPlaying(), setUIProgressBar().
- Remove the concept of LITE and FULL flavor : now we build just one flavor without any link with FlutterFFMPEG.
- Remove the utilities which use FFmpeg : isFFmpegAvailable(), executeFFmpegWithArguments(), getLastFFmpegReturnCode(), getLastFFmpegCommandOutput(), ffMpegGetMediaInformation(), duration(), convertFile()
- Remove the old WidgetUI
- Remove the Audio Sessions Management inside Flutter Sound (problem with compatibility with other libraries like
). #825
- Added read decibel from recorder on Flutter Sound on Web. #821. Thanks to George Amgad for his contribution.
Fix Bug FlautoBackgroundAudioService requires explicit value for android:exported
#789. Thanks to @marcoberetta96
- Flutter Sound is now published under the MPL2 License. #696.
- The github project are renamed
- The documentation is moved here
- Fix a bad Exception in the Widget UI : 764. This is a Pull Request kindly pushed by @jfkominsky : 765. Thanks to him/her :-)
- Fix several bugs in the UI Widgets : #759. This is a Pull Request kindly pushed by @jfkominsky : 763. Thanks to him/her :-)
- Remove a dependency to flutter_spinkit which was not used anymore by Flutter Sound. This is a Pull Request from Jack Liu. Thanks to him.
- Modify the examples to be able to record on Safari.
- Now, we can seek the player before starting the playback #536
- New example showing how to
the player. - setSubscriptionDuration() on the Recorder now works fine on Web.
- Update the doc API for the verbs onProgress() and onProgress(), to clearly explain that we must call
to have this callback fired. Too many developers was having problems with this verb. - New simple example to show how to use onProgress() on a Player.
- New simple example to show how to use onProgress() on a Recorder.
- Fix a bug on iOS which can explain why
was not always fired. #654 setSubscriptionDuration()
can now be called after thestartPlayer()
to dynamically change the frequency of the callback.- On Android, the default for the callback frequency is 0. This is homogeneous with iOS, and is consistent with the documentation.
- Check file extension for recording. This Pull Request #728 was provided by @mhstoller . Thanks to him/her :-)
- The dart API gave 404. Now OK. #640
- New verb FlutterSoundPlayer.setSpeed to change the playback speed.
- New simple example showing how to set the playback speed. #382
- Fix a color problem with the UI icons. This is a Pull Request from @cedvdb. #735. Thanks to him/her :-)
- The export of Level & Logger by flutter sound caused conflicts with App using other Loggers. #734
- New simple example showing how to set the volume
- Fix a bug on iOS : the volume must be between 0.0 and 1.0 #733
- The verb
can be used on a non playing Player. Android, iOS and Web. The parameter will be kept delayed and set during the next call ofstartPlayer()
. #733
- Simple example that converts an AAC file to MP3 #710
- Remove Jcenter and use instead MavenCentral : #710
- Fix crash #642 . Pull Request #686 that was provided by @touficzayed . Thanks to him/her :-)
- flutter_sound_core is now published on
and not anymore onjfrog/bintray
. #658
- SetAudioFocus must return an int. Not a boolean. #631
- Flutter Sound on Web : Stop mediaStream tracks after recording ends. #656, #655. Contribution from @osaxma. Thanks to him.
- Null Safety. #584
- flutter_sound_core is now published on JitPack instead of Jfrog/Bintray
- Flutter Sound on web : now we can record AAC-MP4 on webkit (iOS web browsers and Safari). #559
- Flutter Sound LITE did not compile on iOS : #613
- The procedure "resetPlugin" was missing on Flutter Sound on Web
- We must get the lock semaphore when calling stop() during "audioPlaybackFinished"
- Local variable restarted is static.
- Fixes a problem with
. (Still does not work with temporary files). #613
- No dependency to
synchronized: ^3.0.0-nullsafety
. #624 - Compatibility with
. #613 and #585 - No crash after a Hot Restart. #543, #387 and #304
- On iOS : fixes a bug with pause/resume at the end of the playback #469
- On iOS : the audio flags was not transmitted correctely to flutter_sound_core
- Enhancement : Record to a temporary file. No need any more to use flutter_path_provider.
. Works on Android, iOS, and Flutter Web. #607. temporary files stopRecorder()
returns a Future of an URL to the recorded file :URL url = await stopRecorder();
. Useful to get the URL of a temporary record object. #616, #592- New verb
- All temporary files are automaticaly deleted when the session is closed
- No await necessary on
. #606 - Exception when a verb can be processed instead of having an await stuck for ever. #605
- Fix a major bug during Feed(). A major regression introduced in 7.5.1. #590
- Android : Fixes a bug when the plugin is attached several time to the engine. Thanks to @ed-vx for the Pull Request :-) . #595 and #594
- iOS : Initialization of
to NIL. #411, #587
- The τ documentation is moved to https://flutter-sound.canardoux.xyz . Yes, HTTPS, and not anymore HTTP. #553
- Jekyll : patched to allow the dartdoc support without being based on symbolic links (that produced many 404). #553
- New procedure FlutterSoundPlayer.startPlayerFromMic(). #580
- Now, the demo-example can play remote files for all the codec directely supported (without using FFmpeg). And not only MP3.
- Remove the
dependency. #584
- Now, τ throws a correct exception during
on Android when the recording permission is not granted. #558
- Fixes problems on iOS with play/record from/to stream. SampleRate=44000 is a good choice. #484.
- Add an example doing several playbacks at the same time #546
- Fighting with #569 : remove two naughty warnings during pod install of the example.
- Fixes a bug in the live web example #574
- Documention is switched to Jekyll
- I did a terrible mistake : the version is named 7.4.9 instead of 6.4.9 Impossible to correct that on pub.dev: a commit is for ever. I am confused :-( .
iOS : Rename AudioPlayer
as AudioPlayerFlauto
to avoid duplicate symbol with "just_audio: ^0.5.7". #542
The two simple examples doing recording did not ask for recording permission. #539
- Fixes a bug in
when the focus parameter ist_AUDIO_FOCUS.requestFocus
- Fixes an other problem in
on Android and iOS #535
- Fixes a crash in
on Android #535
- The documentation of the API is now generated by
. Here it is - The various traces done by Flutter Sound with the Dart code are now handled by 'util/log.dart'. (The traces done by iOS and Android are still hard coded).;
- Fix a bug in Pause/Resume on the lock screen
- The Flutter Sound documentation is now handled by gitbook.
- Fix bug in
- The output of
is now clean. The pub.dev score is 110/110 ! - Two new very simple examples for Flutter Sound beginners
- Syntaxe error in flutter_sound_web.podspec #509
- Little mistake in the Podspec file name for flutter_sound_web #509
- Flutter Sound is supported by Flutter Web. You can play with this live demo on the web (still cannot record with Safari or any web browser on iOS : thank you Apple). You can read this. Issues : #494, #468 and #297
- Fix a syntax error in the TauEngine build.gradle 499
- English in the UI widget is now configurable 498
- On Android : Flutter Sound is now a wrapper around
- Add a new example doing Speech-To-Text. Thanks to @jtkeyva :-) . #210
- Publication on JCenter
- On iOS, Flutter Sound use now a Pod library :
- On iOS :
from a remote URL returned too early (before downloading the file) - The loop example, (from the recorder to the player) has now a delay < 1 sec. #479 and #90
- Fix compilation errors of the examples in LITE flavor #483
- Playback from a remote URL #470
- Volume control with the volume buttons, on Android. #457
- Re-design the modules architecture to be Google recommandations compliant. (We use a new dependency :
) openAudioSessionWithUI
is now deprecated. Use the parameterwithUI
instead.- Upgrade "recase" version dependency (thanks to @CRJFisher) #471
- Little bug in the Demo App : 48000 is not a valid Sample rate for AAC/ADTS #460
- Modification to the Widget Recorder UI, to be homogeneous with the Widget Player UI
- Fix two severe bugs on Android in openAudioSessionWithUI and startPlayerFromTrack : those two functions returned too early instead of a future. #425
- On iOS, the device did not go to sleep when idle, with the Flutter Sound default parameters. #439
- startPlayer() and startPlayerFromTrack() return a Future to the record duration instead of a void.
- Flutter Sound FULL is now linked (again) with mobile-ffmpeg-audio 4.3.1.LTS. Please, look to the migration guide
- Fix a concurrency bug between
#441 - Android : minAndroidSdk is 18. (Tested on a SDK 18 emulator). SDK 18 is fine for the FlutterSoundPlayer, but the FlutterSoundRecorder needs at least 23. #400
- New helper API verb : pcmToWave() to add a WAVE header in front of a Raw PCM record
- New helper API verb : pcmToWaveBuffer() to add a WAVE header in front of a Raw PCM buffer
- New helper API verb : waveToPCM() to remove a WAVE header in front of a Wave record
- New helper API verb : waveToPCMBuffer() to remove a WAVE header in front of a Wave buffer
- startRecorder() can now record Raw PCM Integers/Linear 16 files, both on iOS and Android (Look to a PCM discussion, here)
- startplayer() can now play Raw PCM Integers/Linear 16 files, both on iOS and Android (Look to a PCM discussion, here)
- Fix concurrency bug, when the App does a
processing, #443 - Fix a bug when we keep the device in pause mode on the iOS lock screen more than 30 seconds #451
- Recording PCM-Linear 16 to a live Stream (many, many, many requesters). Here a GettingStarted notice
- Playback PCM-Linear 16 from a live Stream (many, many, many requesters). Here a GettingStarted notice
- Fix various bugs in UI Widget #407
- Add a button Pause/Resume in UI Widget Recorder
- Add a button Pause/Resume in UI Widget Player
- Add a semaphore so that the App cannot do several call to Flutter Sound at the same time #374
- On iOS : the "NowPlaying" info on the lockscreen is removed when the sound is finished or when the App does a
. Add parameterremoveUIWhenStopped
. (iOS only). - On iOS : the "NowPlaying" progress bar on the lockscreen is uptodated when the App does a
#364 - On iOS : Add parameter
. (iOS only). - On iOS : Add API verb
. (iOS only). - On iOS : Add API verb
. (iOS only). - On iOS : Add API verb
. (iOS only). - On iOS : Add API verb
. (iOS only). #376 - Fixes bug #380, #385
- Fixes bug "AudioFlags and AudioSource not work as expect " #366, #372, #381
- New parameters in the
constructors for specifying colors, text style and slider style. #397
Error returns from iOS in FlutterSoundPlayer.m was wrong : #350
- Flutter Sound is published under the MPL license.
- New API documentation
- Changed the global enums names to CamelCase, to be conform with Google recommandations
- Remove the OS dependant parameters from startRecorder()
- Add a new parameter to
: the Audio Focus requested - Support of new codecs, both for Android and iOS.
- Remove the authorization request from
- Remove the NULL posted when the player or the recorder is closed.
- The Audio Focus is NOT automaticaly abandoned between two
or twostartRecorder()
- Patch to avoid problems when the App does a
during astartPlayer()
- Error returns from iOS in FlutterSoundPlayer.m was wrong : #350
- Fix as bug in the Focus gain, on iOS #324
- Fix a bug in
on Android : the dbPeak Stream was not restored after a resume() - Fix a bug in
: the returned value was sometimes a boolean instead of a String.
- Check the Initialization Status, before accessing Flutter Sound Modules #307
- Fixes : Pausing a recording doesn't 'pause' the duration. #278
- Fix a crash that we had when accessing the global variable AndroidActivity from
- "s.static_framework = true" in flutter_sound.podspec
- Adds pedantic lints and major refactoring of example with bug fixes. #279
- Native code is directely linked with FFmpeg. Flutter Sound App does not need any more to depends on flutter_ffmpeg #265 and #273
- Add a new parameter in the Track structure : albumArtFile
- A new flutter plugin is born :
#291 - Adds a new parameter
to thestartPlayerFromTrack()
function. #314 - Fix bug for displaying a remote albumArt on Android. #290
- Trying to catch Android crash during a dirty Timer. #289
- Trying to fix the Android crash when AndroidActivity is null #296
- Fix a bug ('async') when the app forget to initalize its Flutter Sound module. #287
- Codec PCM for recorder on iOS
- Optional argument
so that the App can control itself the recording permissions. #283
- Fix a bug when initializing for Flutter Embedded V1 on Android #267
- Add _removePlayerCallback, _removeRecorderCallback() and _removeDbPeakCallback() inside release() #248
- Fix conflict with permission_handler 5.x.x #274
- On iOS,
is called duringsetDbLevelEnabled()
#252, #251 - The call to
is now optional #271 - README : #265
- Fix README : #268
- Change dependecies in range
permission_handler: ">=4.0.0 <5.0.0" flutter_ffmpeg: ">=0.2.0 <1.0.0"
- The
variable is false when the recorder is paused #266
- Flutter Sound depends on permission_handler: ^4.4.0 #263
- flutter_sound modules are re-entrant #250 and #232
- We can open several
at the same time - We can open several
at the same time
- We can open several
- Add new API verbs : #244
- flutterSoundHelper.getLastFFmpegReturnCode()
- flutterSoundHelper.getLastFFmpegCommandOutput()
- flutterSoundHelper.FFmpegGetMediaInformation() which return info on the given record
- flutterSoundHelper.duration() which return the number of milli-seconds for the given record
- Add new API verbs : ##242
- FlutterSoundRecorder.pauseRecorder()
- FlutterSoundRecorder.resumeRecorder()
- flutter_sound is now compatible with permission_handler 5.x.x #259
- API to control the
#219 - API to set the
(i.e. duck-others) #219 - AndroidX and Android embbeded-V2 support #203
- Add a parameter to
to specify a callback when the song is finished #215 - License is now MPL 2.0 instead of MIT
- bugfix #254
- Module
for controlling flutter_sound from the lock-screen 219 and #243Highly honor Larpoux, bsutton, salvatore373 🎉!
- Handle custom audio path from path_provider.
- OGG/OPUS support on iOS #199
- Add compatibility for android sdk 19.
- Add
compatibility. - Resolve #193
- Restore default
- Restore default
- Fix issue #175
- add functions . isEncoderSupported(t_CODEC codec); . isDecoderSupported(t_CODEC codec);
- add property 'audioState'
- check if codec is really supported before doing 'startRecorder'
- modify the example app : disable buttons when the button is not compatible with the current state
- in the example, add sound assets encoded with the various encoder
- modify the example to play from assets
- modify the example to allow selection of various codec
- startPlayerFromBuffer, to play from a buffer #170
- Set android default encoding option to
. - Fix android default poor sound.
- Postfix
to avoid conflicts #147
- Set android recorder encoder default value to
- Use
instead ofNSTemporaryDirectory
- Resolve #129
- Resolve few issues on
record path. - Resolve issue
status so player can resume. - Resolve #134
- Resolve #135
- Stopped recording generating infinite db values #131
- Improved db calcs #123
- Fixed 'mediaplayer went away with unhandled events' bug #104
- Fixed 'mediaplayer went away with unhandled events' bug #83
- AndroidX compatibility improved #68
- iOS: Fixes for seekToPlayer #72
- iOS: Setup configuration for using bluetooth microphone recording input #73
- Android: Adds a single threaded command scheduler for all recording related commands.
- Switch source & target compability to Java 8
- Bump gradle plugin version dependencies
- Support db/meter #41
- Show wrong recorder timer text #47
- Add ability to specify Android & iOS encoder #49
- Adjust db range and fix nullable check in ios #59
- Android: Recording operations on a separate command queue #66
- Android: Remove reference to non-AndroidX classes which improves compatibility
- Fixed sound distorting when playing recorded audio again. Issue #14.
- Fixed
for android. Issue #10.
- Expose recorder
. - Do not append
when filePath provided inios
. - Resolve
issue in1.2.3
which caused in1.2.2
. - Reduce the size of audio file in
. Related #26. - Fixed
issue in android in1.2.5
. - Changed
to place exactsecs
instead adding it. - Fix file URI for recording and playing in iOS.
- Released 1.1.0 with beautiful logo from mansa.
- Improved readme.
- Resolve #7.
- Fixed missing break in switch statement.
- Reimport
which is needed to format date in Dart.
- Implemented
method. - Specific error messages given in android.
- Manage ios player thread when audio is not loaded.
- Safer handling of progressUpdate in ios when audio is invalid.
- Fixed bug in platform specific code.
- Fixed pug in
- Added license.
- Released preview version for audio