This documentation is intended for developers and describes specific methods from the latest version of the CARTO.js library.
Creates a visualization inside the map_id DOM object.
Name | Description |
map_id | a DOM object, for example $('#map') or a DOM id. |
vizjson_url | url of the vizjson object. |
options |
--- | ---
|_ shareable | add facebook and twitter share buttons.
|_ title | adds a header with the title of the visualization.
|_ description | adds description to the header (as you set in the UI).
|_ search | adds a search control (default: true).
|_ zoomControl | adds zoom control (default: true).
|_ loaderControl | adds loading control (default: true).
|_ center_lat | latitude where the map is initializated.
|_ center_lon | longitude where the map is initializated.
|_ zoom | initial zoom.
|_ cartodb_logo | default to true, set to false if you want to remove the CARTO logo.
|_ infowindow | set to false if you want to disable the infowindow (enabled by default).
|_ time_slider | show an animated time slider with Torque layers. This option is enabled by default, as shown with time_slider: true
value. To disable the time slider, use time_slider: false
. See No Torque Time Slider - Example Code for an example.
For details about customizing the time slider, see the Torque.js documentation.
|_ layer_selector | show layer selector (default: false).
|_ legends | if it's true legends are shown in the map.
|_ https | if true, it makes sure that basemaps are converted to https when possible. If explicitly false, converts https maps to http when possible. If undefined, the basemap template is left as declared at urlTemplate
in the viz.json.
|_ scrollwheel | enable/disable the ability of zooming using scrollwheel (default enabled)
|_ fullscreen | if true adds a button to toggle the map fullscreen
|_ mobile_layout | if true enables a custom layout for mobile devices (default: false)
|_ force_mobile | forces enabling/disabling the mobile layout (it has priority over mobile_layout argument)
|_ gmaps_base_type | Use Google Maps as map provider whatever is the one specified in the viz.json". Available types: 'roadmap', 'gray_roadmap', 'dark_roadmap', 'hybrid', 'satellite', 'terrain'.
|_ gmaps_style | Google Maps styled maps. See documentation.
|_ no_cdn | true to disable CDN when fetching tiles
callback(vis,layers) | if a function is specified, it is called once the visualization is created, passing vis and layers as arguments
A promise object. You can listen for the following events:
Event | Description |
done | triggered when the visualization is created, vis is passed as the first argument and layers is passed as the second argument. Each layer type has different options, see layers section. |
error | triggered when the layer couldn't be created. The error string is the first argument. |
var url = '';
cartodb.createVis('map', url)
.done(function(vis, layers) {
Returns an array of layers in the map. The first is the base layer.
Adds an overlay to the map that can be either a tooltip or an infobox.
Option | Description |
layer | layer from the visualization where the overlay should be applied (optional) |
type | - tooltip (an infowindow that appears when you hover your mouse over a map feature) - infobox (similar to a tooltip but always appears in the same fixed position that you define) |
If no layer is provided, the overlay will be added to the first layer of the visualization. Extra options are available based on the specific UI function.
An overlay object, see vis.Overlays.
The following example displays how to enable infowindow interactivity with the mouse "hover" action. The hover action is referred to as a tooltip, and enables you to control the positioning.
{% highlight html %} layer.leafletMap.viz.addOverlay({ type: 'tooltip', layer: sublayer, template: '
', position: 'bottom|right', fields: [{ name: 'name' }] }); {% endhighlight %}Tip: For a description of the infowindow specific parameters, see cartodb.vis.Vis.addInfowindow(_map, layer, fields [, options]_)
. Optionally, you can also use the cartodb.vis.Vis.addInfowindow
function to define the click action for an infowindow.
Returns the first overlay with the specified type.
var zoom = vis.getOverlay('zoom');
Returns a list of the overlays that are currently on the screen (see overlays description).
Returns the native map object being used (e.g. a L.Map
object for Leaflet).
An overlay is a control shown on top of the map.
Overlay objects are always created using the addOverlay
method of a cartodb.Vis
An overlay is internally a Backbone.View so if you know how Backbone works you can use it. If you want to use plain DOM objects you can access overlay.el
for jQuery object).
With visualizations already created through the CARTO console, you can simply use the createLayer
function to add them into your web pages. Unlike createVis
, this method requires an already activated map
object and it does not load a basemap for you.
Name | Description |
map | Leaflet L.Map object. The map should be initialized before calling this function. |
layerSource | contains information about the layer. It can be specified in multiple ways Tip: See Multiple types of layers Source Object |
options |
--- | ---
|_ https | loads the layer as HTTPS. True forces the layer to load. See HTTPS support for example code.
|_ refreshTime | if set, the layer is auto refreshed in milliseconds. See a refreshTime code example.
Tip: To refresh and display the latest data in seconds, include the seconds after the defined milliseconds in the code (i.e., refreshTime: 2000 // 2 seconds
|_ infowindow | set to false if you want to disable the infowindow (enabled by default). For details, see Creating an infowindow with the createLayer()
|_ tooltip | set to false if you want to disable the tooltip (enabled by default). This option is specific for when you create a map using the CARTO Editor, and have enabled the tooltip (infowindow hover) option. This option disables the tooltip in createLayer.
See a tooltip code example.
|_ legends | set to true to show legends in the map. For an example, see this CARTO.js example with legends disabled.
|_ time_slider | show an animated time slider with Torque layers. This option is enabled by default, as shown with time_slider: true
value. To disable the time slider, use time_slider: false
. See a Torque Time Slider code example.
For details about customizing the time slider, see the Torque.js documentation.
|_ loop | a boolean object that defines the animation loop with Torque layers. Default value is true
. If false
, the animation is paused when it reaches the last frame. For details about Torque, see the Torque.js documentation.
|_ layerIndex | when the visualization contains more than one layer this index allows you to select what layer is created. Take into account that layerIndex == 0
is the base layer and that all the tiled layers (non animated ones) are merged into a single one. The default value for this option is 1 (usually tiled layers).
See layer.featureOver(_event, latlng, pos, data, layerIndex_
) for details about binding functions to layer events.
|_ filter | A string, or array of values, that specifies the type(s) of sublayers to be rendered if you are using multiple types of layer source objects (eg: `'http', 'mapnik'). All non-torque layers (http and mapnik) will be rendered if this option is not present.
See a createLayer filter example.
|_ no_cdn | set to true to disable CDN when fetching tiles. For a complete example of this code, see "odyssey_test.html".
callback(layer) | if a function is specified, it will be invoked after the layer has been created. The layer will be passed as an argument.
See the example of loading multiple layers from CARTO in a Leaflet Map.
cartodb.createLayer(map, '')
cartodb.createLayer(map, { layermetadata })
A promise object. You can listen for the following events:
Events | Description |
done | triggered when the layer is created, the layer is passed as first argument. Each layer type has different options, see layers section. |
error | triggered when the layer couldn't be created. The error string is the first argument. |
You can call to addTo(map[, position])
in the promise so when the layer is ready it will be added to the map.
using a url
var map;
var mapOptions = {
zoom: 5,
center: [43, 0]
map = new L.Map('map', mapOptions);
cartodb.createLayer(map, '')
.on('done', function(layer) {
.on('featureOver', function(e, latlng, pos, data) {
console.log(e, latlng, pos, data);
.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('error: ' + err);
}).on('error', function(err) {
console.log("some error occurred: " + err);
Layer metadata must take one of the forms of the Layer Source Object.
CartoDBLayer allows you to manage tiled layers from CARTO, and manage sublayers.
Clears the layer. It should be invoked after removing the layer from the map.
Hides the layer from the map.
Shows the layer in the map if it was previously added.
Toggles the visibility of the layer and returns a boolean that indicates the new status (true if the layer is shown, false if it is hidden)
Changes the opacity of the layer.
Name | Description |
opacity | value in range [0, 1] |
Gets a previously created sublayer. And exception is raised if no sublayer exists.
Name | Description |
layerIndex | 0 based index of the sublayer to get. Should be within [0, getSubLayerCount()) |
A SubLayer
var sublayer = layer.getSubLayer(0);
sublayer.setSQL('SELECT * FROM table_name limit 10');
Gets the number of sublayers in layer.
The number of sublayers.
Hide layers using layer.getSubLayerCount
var num_sublayers = layer.getSubLayerCount();
for (var i = 0; i < num_sublayers; i++) {
Adds a new data to the current layer. With this method, data from multiple tables can be easily visualized.
Name | Description |
layerDefinition | an object with the sql and cartocss that defines the data, should be like |
sql: "SELECT * FROM table_name",
cartocss: "#layer { marker-fill: red; }",
interactivity: 'cartodb_id, area, column' // optional
and cartocss
are mandatory. An exception is raised if either of them are not present. If the interactivity is not set, there is no interactivity enabled for that layer (better performance). SQL and CartoCSS syntax should be correct. View the documentation for PostgreSQL and CartoCSS for more information. There are some restrictions in the SQL queries:
- Must not write. INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, ALTER and so on are not allowed (the query will fail)
- Must not contain trailing semicolon
A SubLayer
cartodb.createLayer(map, '', function(layer) {
// add populated places points over the countries layer
sql: 'SELECT * FROM ne_10m_populated_places_simple',
cartocss: '#layer { marker-fill: red; }'
Refreshes the data. If the data has been changed in the CARTO server those changes will be displayed. Nothing happens otherwise. Every time a parameter is changed in a sublayer, the layer is refreshed automatically, so there's no need to call this method manually.
Sets the auth token that will be used to create the layer. Only available for private visualizations. An exception is raised if the layer is not being loaded with HTTPS. See Named Maps for more information.
Name | Description |
auth_token | string |
The layer itself.
Sets the configuration of a layer when using Named Maps. It can be invoked in different ways.
Note: This function is not supported when using Named Maps for Torque.
Name | Description |
key | string |
value | string or number |
The layer itself.
layer.setParams('test', 10); // sets test = 10
layer.setParams('test', null); // unset test
layer.setParams({'test': 1, 'color': '#F00'}); // set more than one parameter at once
Sets the 'sql' request to the user database that will create the layer from the fetched data
Sets the 'cartocss' attribute that will render the tiles to create the layer, based on the specified CartoCSS style
Sets sublayer parameters. Useful when more than one parameter needs to be changed.
Name | Description |
layerDefinition | an object with the sql and cartocss that defines the data |
The layer itself.
sql: "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE cartodb_id < 100",
cartocss: "#layer { marker-fill: red }",
interactivity: "cartodb_id, the_geom, magnitude"
Gets the attribute for the sublayer, for example 'sql', 'cartocss'.
The requested attribute or undefined
if it's not present.
Removes the sublayer. An exception will be thrown if a method is called and the layer has been removed.
Shows a previously hidden sublayer. The layer is refreshed after calling this function.
Removes the sublayer from the layer temporarily. The layer is refreshed after calling this function.
Toggles the visibility of the sublayer and returns a boolean that indicates the new status (true
if the sublayer is visible, false
if it is hidden)
It returns true
if the sublayer is visible.
This is a subclass of cartodb.SubLayerBase
Shortcut for get('sql')
Shortcut for get('cartocss')
Shortcut for set({'sql': 'SELECT * FROM table_name'})
Shortcut for set({'cartocss': '#layer {...}' })
Shortcut for set({'interactivity': 'cartodb_id, name, ...' })
Sets the columns which data will be available via the interaction with the sublayer.
Enables (true
) or disables (false
) the interaction of the layer. When disabled, featureOver, featureClick, featureOut, mouseover and mouseout are not triggered.
Name | Description |
enable | true if the interaction needs to be enabled. |
is a Backbone model where we modify the parameters of the infowindow.
Name | Description |
template | Custom HTML template for the infowindow. You can write simple HTML or use Mustache templates. |
sanitizeTemplate | By default all templates are sanitized from unsafe tags/attrs (e.g. <script> ), set this to false to skip sanitization, or a function to provide your own sanitization (e.g. function(inputHtml) { return inputHtml }) ). |
width | Width of the infowindow (value must be a number). |
maxHeight | Max height of the scrolled content (value must be a number). |
Tip: If you are customizing your infowindow with CARTO.js, reference the CSS library for the latest stylesheet code.
<div id="map"></div>
template: $('#infowindow_template').html(),
width: 218,
maxHeight: 100
<script type="infowindow/html" id="infowindow_template">
<span> custom </span>
<div class="cartodb-popup v2">
<a href="#close" class="cartodb-popup-close-button close">x</a>
<div class="cartodb-popup-content-wrapper">
<div class="cartodb-popup-content">
<img style="width: 100%" src=""></src>
<!-- contains the field info -->
<div class="cartodb-popup-tip-container"></div>
Here is the complete example source code
This is a subclass of cartodb.SubLayerBase
Shortcut for set({'urlTemplate': 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' })
Shortcut for set({'subdomains': ['a', 'b', '...'] })
Shortcut for set({'tms': true|false })
Shortcut for get('urlTemplate')
Shortcut for get('subdomains')
Shortcut for get('tms')
is a Backbone model with the information about the legend.
Name | Description |
template | Custom HTML template for the legend. You can write simple HTML. |
title | Title of the legend. |
show_title | Set this to false if you don't want the title to be displayed. |
items | An array with the items that are displayed in the legend. |
visible | Set this to false if you want to hide the legend. |