Released 2019-09-19
- getQueryMetadataModel: Serialize SQL requests using async / await
Released 2019-09-18
- getQueryMetadataModel: Serialize SQL requests
Released 2019-09-16
- querytables.js: Make having a remote metadata table optional
Released 2019-09-13
- package.json: Only support officially node 10+
- Add webmercator_helper with utilities to calculate tile extent and resolution
- Add substitution_tokens with utilities to replace tokens in SQL queries
- Breaking: Switched from database_tables.js to query_metadata.js
- Uses ES6 class.
- querytables.js: Stop using cartodb-postgresql PG extension
Released 2019-07-09
: Add parameter to skip analysis tables from results
Released 2018-11-21
- Support Node.js 8 and 10
- Add package-lock.json
Released 2017-09-25
- Allow zoom, x, y, bbox query variables.
Released 2016-07-11
- Adds getTables public method.
- Adds option to retrieve keys and cache channels for tables with updated_at.
Released 2016-03-08
- First release