Note: for settingup Bottlenose on Ubuntu, please go here:
Bottlenose is built expecting the following environment:
- macOS
- A BTRFS (or ZFS) filesystem for /var (if possible)
- PostgreSQL
- Ruby + Bundler
- Homebrew
# Install Homebrew
$/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# Install postgres, Ruby, and npm
brew install postgresql node
# Switch to the postgres user to create the new bottlenose role.
sudo su - postgres
# Create the bottlenose role for postgres.
createuser -d bottlenose
# Exit back to the vagrant user.
If you run into authentication trouble later, you may need to modify the pg_hba.conf in /etc/postgres/.../ to allow local ident auth.
Best practice for Ruby in development is to use a version manager like rvm or rbenv. Once you have the correct version [installed] (
# Install Ruby's package manager "Bundler".
gem install bundler
# Install Bottlenose's dependencies.
# (from the bottlenose directory checked out from git)
bundle install
Prerequisite: Xcode (between 9.4 - 10.1). Newer versions of Xcode will not work and you will have to downgrade! To do this follow these [instructions] (
Qt 5.5 is the last version of Qt that capybara-webkit will support. The Qt project has dropped the WebKit bindings from binary releases in 5.6. Make sure that you have Xcode installed (between 9.4 - 10.1). Under Xcode preferences locations, make sure there is a version set. Qt 5.5 was removed from homebrew in newer commits. The previous/parent commit was 9ba3d6e. So, to be able to install Qt 5.5 with homebrew checkout the old commit first:
brew update
cd $( brew --prefix )/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core
git checkout 9ba3d6ef8891e5c15dbdc9333f857b13711d4e97 Formula/[email protected]
brew install [email protected]
- If you get Error fatal: reference is not a tree: 9ba3d6ef8891e5c15dbdc9333f857b13711d4e97, use git fetch --unshallow to complete git history.
- If you get Error: [email protected]: unknown version :mountain_lion or :mojave, comment out line #25 in Formula/[email protected]
The Homebrew formula for [email protected] is keg only which means binaries like qmake will not be symlinked into your /usr/local/bin directory and therefore will not be available for capybara-webkit.
# Then add to your shell configuration file:
echo 'export PATH="$(brew --prefix [email protected])/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
# Now you can install capybara-webkit
gem install capybara-webkit
Bottlenose is mostly a standard Rails app.
Currently the bigest weirdness is the use of delayed job.
# Get a fresh database
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
# Start background job worker
rake backburner:work
# Start the server
rails s
#If it returns an error saying it cannot find rails use
script/rails s
# App should be at localhost:3000, as per usual.
When you run rails db:create
, and if you get the following error message:
FATAL: role "bottlenose" does not exist
Couldn't create database for {"adapter"=>"postgresql", "encoding"=>"unicode", "database"=>"bottlenose_development", "pool"=>5, "username"=>"bottlenose", "password"=>nil}
rake aborted!
ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError: FATAL: role "bottlenose" does not exist
You will need to create the user (AKA "role") inside PostgreSQL using psql.exe:
# Start psql.exe
$ psql -d postgres
# Create the user: bottlenose (this should be the application name)
postgres=# create role bottlenose login createdb;
# Quit psql.exe
postgres=# \q
Expect terminal to return:
Created database 'bottlenose_development'
Created database 'bottlenose_test'
Then continue by running rails db:create
Problem 2:
If you have successfully started rails server, but recevied this message when you type localhost:3000
in your browser:
PG::ConnectionBad at /users/sign_in
could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
You need to start postgres server manually, type the following in your terminal:
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start
For stoping the server manually, type:
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop -s -m fast