Use PTS for bitrate calculations by default, add option to use DTS, s…
Use PTS for bitrate calculations by default, add option to use DTS, s…
Only process keyframes if the key_frame entry is requested
Only process keyframes if the key_frame entry is requested
Note the type of each frame if pict_type is one of the metrics requested
Note the type of each frame if pict_type is one of the metrics requested
Force push
Note the type of every frame if pict_type is one of the metrics reque…
Note the type of every frame if pict_type is one of the metrics reque…
Re-order the bitrate stats on the graph
Re-order the bitrate stats on the graph
Use 3dp for bitrate values on the graph & txt file
Use 3dp for bitrate values on the graph & txt file
No longer write data to a txt file when using -gop
No longer write data to a txt file when using -gop
Add pyqt5 to prevent 'Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a n…
Add pyqt5 to prevent 'Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a n…