Pure-Swift JSON parser & formatter. Fully streamable input and output. Linux & OS X ready. Replacement for NSJSONSerialization.
Jay conforms to the following specifications:
- JSON RFC4627
- Open Swift C7 JSON with the use of Jay-C7
For extra convenience functions when working with the JSON enum, check out Jay-Extras.
We all use JSON. Especially when writing server-side Swift that needs to run on Linux. #0dependencies
This is my take on how a JSON parser should work. This is not another JSON mapping utility library. This is an actual JSON parser and formatter. Check out the code, it was fun to write 😇
- Parsing: data -> JSON object
- Formatting: JSON object -> data
- Pretty printing
- Streaming input and output, low memory footprint
do {
//get data from disk/network
let data: [UInt8] = ...
//ask Jay to parse your data
let json = try Jay().jsonFromData(data) // JSON
let json = try Jay().anyJsonFromData(data) // [String: Any] or [Any]
//if it doesn't throw an error, all went well
if let tasks = json.dictionary?["today"]?.array {
//you have a dictionary root object, with an array under the key "today"
print(tasks) //["laundry", "cook dinner for gf"]
} catch {
print("Parsing error: \(error)")
do {
//get a json object (works for both [String: Any] and typesafe versions - JSON)
//ask Jay to generate data
let anyContainer = ... // [String: Any] or [Any]
let data = try Jay(formatting: .prettified).dataFromJson(any: json) // [UInt8]
let json: JSON = ... // JSON
let data = try Jay(formatting: .prettified).dataFromJson(json: json) // [UInt8]
//send data over network, save to disk
} catch {
print("Formatting error: \(error)")
.Package(url: "https://github.com/czechboy0/Jay.git", majorVersion: 1)
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Please create an issue with a description of your problem or open a pull request with a fix.
Honza Dvorsky - http://honzadvorsky.com, @czechboy0