A dead-simple Neovim plugin for previewing files, supporting arbitrary filetypes.
- written in 100% Lua
- platform-independent
- doesn't invoke the shell or any external commands other than those used for processing and previewing
- cleans up temporary files on keymap trigger and upon buffer close
- compatible with previewer applications that fork after opening (e.g. some web browsers)
- Upon keymap trigger (
), run a processor application, chosen based on the current filetype, to generate the temporary file used for the preview. A preview is now considered to be active. - Run a previewer application, chosen based on the current filetype, to preview the file. This step is omitted if a preview is already active, in which case the user can manually refresh the file from the previewer.
- Upon keymap trigger (
), or when the buffer is closed, clean up the temporary file used for the preview. The preview is now no longer active.
Note that universal-nvim-previewer doesn't care about the state of the previewer application after it has been launched. To see changes in the preview, the user must manually refresh it (in a way specific to the application); to close the preview, the user must manually close the application. This is an intentional design choice to accomodate web browsers that don't provide a means of being notified when the file changes (making automatic refresh difficult or kludgy to implement) and don't necessarily close the correct tab upon SIGTERM due to their multi-process design (preventing the preview from being closed from nvim).
Example setup with lazy.nvim:
opts = {}, -- mandatory; leave blank to use the defaults
universal-nvim-previewer is configured by defining certain values under the
table (which is passed to the setup
function of the plugin module).
Processor applications are configured by specifying the dictionary processors
under opts
. In this dictionary, each filetype (based on the value of
) is mapped to a function that takes in the path to a temporary
preview file (outputPath
) and optionally the filetype itself (filetype
returning a table of the command to run plus the arguments to supply to it.
This command is expected to accept the current Neovim buffer's contents from
standard input and place the processed output at outputPath
; previewing will
fail if no file at outputPath
is readable after the processor command exits.
The default setting of the processors
dictionary is:
["markdown"] = function(outputPath)
return { "pandoc", "-f", "commonmark_x", "-t", "html", "-o", outputPath }
["rst"] = function(outputPath)
return { "pandoc", "-f", "rst", "-t", "html", "-o", outputPath }
-- Default processor for other filetypes
-- (If no default is set, previewing will be disabled for such filetypes.)
[""] = function(outputPath, filetype)
if filetype == "make" then
filetype = "makefile"
return { "highlight", "-S", filetype, "-O", "html", "-k", "monospace", "-o", outputPath }
Previewer applications are configured similarly to processor applications; the
default setting of the previewers
dictionary is:
-- Default previewer (opens the default web browser on the temporary file)
-- (If no default is set, previewing will be disabled for such filetypes.)
-- (The second argument is the filetype but it is unused in this example.)
[""] = function(outputPath, _)
return { vim.env.BROWSER, outputPath }
Keymaps can be customized in the keymaps
dictionary under opts
. The default
setting is:
start = "+",
stop = "-",
stopAll = "_",
universal-nvim-previewer is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.