This is a fixed bug version, we have tested it in production environment of SAAS, and every thing is ok.
- fix: multifarious bugs
- feat: aarch64 client support with Github Actions, make the distribution zip file more clean
- feat: add SAAS production config and scripts
This is not compatible with V0.0.4.
This version is ready to prepare SAAS.
- windows support TCP
- windows command support
- refact: refactor client code to prepare to support join multiple network and Android Platform
- feat/cicd: move mqtt client to mqrstt
- chore: [admin-web] update dependencies
prepare for users to try
- feat: SASS backend develop and deploy(For Easy Try)
- feat: docker compose for quick start (For Easy Try)
- feat: TCP protocol support
- fix: MQTT relative bugs
- fix: make client more stable(handle tcp connection state, destory resource when forbid)
- chore: [backend] move common code to web-sugar
- chore: [client tun] move to windows-simple-tun
- cicd: add amd64 Linux client docker artifact
Bug Fix version,prepare to release
- Docs
- License
- [server][admin-web] keycloak adapter
- [client][mac][linux] keycloak SSO
此版本为初始版本,主要解决的问题是WireGuard 配置同步
和 验证产品可行性。
- [admin-web] 网络创、节点 创建+管理, 基础组网(Relay + Client)方式
- [client][mac][linux] commandline
- [server][client] Docker 镜像构建,发版