emulation: DECSLRM is implemented
emulation: DECSLRM is implemented
emulation: DECSLRM is implemented
emulation: DECSLRM is implemented
emulation: DECSLRM is implemented
emulation: DECSLRM is implemented
emulation: Don't allow BEL termination of the progress sequence
emulation: Don't allow BEL termination of the progress sequence
emulation: Don't allow BEL termination of the progress sequence
emulation: Don't allow BEL termination of the progress sequence
build: Post release version bump
build: Post release version bump
build: Post release version bump
build: Post release version bump
lib: Parse systemd context OSC
lib: Parse systemd context OSC
Force push
build: Use C compiler to check for C flags
build: Use C compiler to check for C flags
build: Use C compiler to check for C flags
build: Use C compiler to check for C flags
build: Add check for excess float precision
build: Add check for excess float precision
app: Rename desktop file same as app ID
app: Rename desktop file same as app ID
app: Rename desktop file same as app ID
app: Rename desktop file same as app ID
app: Revert desktop file renaming and only rename the app ID
app: Revert desktop file renaming and only rename the app ID
widget: gtk4: Fix critical warning on a11y init
widget: gtk4: Fix critical warning on a11y init
widget: gtk4: Fix critical warning on a11y init
widget: gtk4: Fix critical warning on a11y init
widget: gtk4: Fix critical warning on a11y init
widget: gtk4: Fix critical warning on a11y init
build: Post release version bump
build: Post release version bump
build: Post release version bump
build: Post release version bump