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File metadata and controls

128 lines (80 loc) · 3.04 KB


Install dependencies

The following commands can be used to install the required and optional dependencies on your system.

Ubuntu 16.10

apt install cmake \
	doxygen \
	libboost-dev \

Arch Linux

pacman -S cmake \
	doxygen \
	log4cplus \
	gtest \

Mac OS X

brew install cmake \
	doxygen \
	log4cplus \
	boost \


  1. Make a directory where the whole project will be, e.g.:

    mkdir PROPOSAL
  2. Create a build and src directory, e.g.:

    mkdir PROPOSAL/src PROPOSAL/build
  3. Extract the sources from the hompage or gitlab to the folder, e.g.:

    unzip PROPOSAL/


    git clone PROPOSAL/src
  4. Move to the build directory and generate the Makefile with cmake:

    cd PROPOSAL/build
    cmake ../src

    If you don't want to compile the pybindings, call cmake with

    cmake ../src -DADD_PYTHON=OFF

    To specify an installation prefix other than /usr/local use

    cmake ../src -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/custom/prefix

    The prefix is used to install PROPOSAL on your system (See item 6).
    To show further installation options use ccmake ../src and/or visit the documentation. Also have a look at the additional cmake option down below.


    • The option CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX adds the given path also to the include directories. So if you have installed PROPOSAL with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and are modifying the header files, you will make sure to uninstall PROPOSAL before the next build otherwise your local changes won't be used.

    • To ensure, that cmake finds the right python paths use these cmake options and adjust the version number to your python version:

        -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=$(python-config --prefix)/lib/libpython2.7.dylib
        -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$(python-config --prefix)/include/python2.7
  5. Compile the project:



    make -j#

    with # being the number of processors you can choose to compile the project on multiple processors simultaneously.

  6. Install the library on your system

    make install

    or for e.g.

    make install DESTDIR=$HOME

    The latter command will install PROPOSAL in $HOME/<prefix>, where the prefix was defined by CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX which defaults to usr/local.

Additional Cmake options

Option Default value Description
ADD_PYTHON ON Compile the python wrapper
ADD_PERFORMANCE_TEST OFF Compile the performace test source
ADD_ROOT ON Compile PROPOSAL with ROOT support
ADD_TESTS OFF Compile unit tests. This downloads googletest.


cmake -DADD_PYTHON=OFF <further options>


It is also possible to uninstall PROPOSAL with

make uninstall

This will remove all files listed in install_mainfest.txt which should have been created in your build directory after the installation.