# EasyGPs

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EasyGPs.jl is a package that defines a high-level API for the JuliaGaussianProcesses
ecosystem. It handles model parameterization and training, allowing users to focus on the
data and results without being distracted by tedious and repetitive tasks.

> [!NOTE]  
> This is an experimental package and may undergo breaking changes.

## Usage

In order to fit a GP, define one according to the familiar AbstractGP.jl interface and
let EasyGPs.jl handle the rest. The entry point for this is `EasyGPs.fit` (not exported):

using EasyGPs

kernel = 1.0 * with_lengthscale(SEKernel(), 1.0)
gp = with_gaussian_noise(GP(0.0, kernel), 0.1)
x = 0:0.1:10
y = sin.(x) .+ 0.1 .* randn(length(x))
fitted_gp = EasyGPs.fit(gp, x, y)

Under the hood, this will recognize the parameters (mean, variance, lengthscale) of the `GP`
you defined and automatically construct a parameterized model. It will then choose a cost
function, optimizer, and AD backend, and determine the optimal parameters.