From 38715b8c25c449bce1f1f8c32a530cf9d0b2451f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Bezanson <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2017 11:18:56 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] deprecate string methods of character predicates, e.g.

fixes #14156
 base/deprecated.jl       |  6 ++++
 base/regex.jl            |  2 +-
 base/strings/basic.jl    | 10 +++---
 base/strings/utf8proc.jl | 74 +++++++++++++++-------------------------
 test/unicode/utf8proc.jl | 56 +++++++++++++++---------------
 5 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

diff --git a/base/deprecated.jl b/base/deprecated.jl
index 5e966bd834efc..cbc30488e5b27 100644
--- a/base/deprecated.jl
+++ b/base/deprecated.jl
@@ -1849,4 +1849,10 @@ end)
 @deprecate FloatRange{T}(start::T, step, len, den) Base.floatrange(T, start, step, len, den)
+for name in ("alnum", "alpha", "cntrl", "digit", "number", "graph",
+             "lower", "print", "punct", "space", "upper", "xdigit")
+    f = Symbol("is",name)
+    @eval @deprecate ($f)(s::AbstractString) all($f, s)
 # End deprecations scheduled for 0.6
diff --git a/base/regex.jl b/base/regex.jl
index add2154d352b6..16926728d0402 100644
--- a/base/regex.jl
+++ b/base/regex.jl
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ function _replace(io, repl_s::SubstitutionString, str, r, re)
                 #  TODO: avoid this allocation
                 groupname = SubString(repl, groupstart, prevind(repl, i))
-                if isnumber(groupname)
+                if all(isnumber,groupname)
                     _write_capture(io, re, parse(Int, groupname))
                     group = PCRE.substring_number_from_name(re.regex, groupname)
diff --git a/base/strings/basic.jl b/base/strings/basic.jl
index d5da3559f7f65..26cab3c511679 100644
--- a/base/strings/basic.jl
+++ b/base/strings/basic.jl
@@ -280,20 +280,20 @@ isascii(s::AbstractString) = all(isascii, s)
 promote_rule{S<:AbstractString,T<:AbstractString}(::Type{S}, ::Type{T}) = String
-    isxdigit(c::Union{Char,AbstractString}) -> Bool
+    isxdigit(c::Char) -> Bool
-Tests whether a character is a valid hexadecimal digit, or whether this is true for all elements of a string.
+Tests whether a character is a valid hexadecimal digit. Note that this does not
+include `x` (as in the standard `0x` prefix).
-julia> isxdigit("abc")
+julia> isxdigit('a')
-julia> isxdigit("0x9")
+julia> isxdigit('x')
 isxdigit(c::Char) = '0'<=c<='9' || 'a'<=c<='f' || 'A'<=c<='F'
-isxdigit(s::AbstractString) = all(isxdigit, s)
 ## uppercase, lowercase, and titlecase transformations ##
diff --git a/base/strings/utf8proc.jl b/base/strings/utf8proc.jl
index 1ad2e37bf4cf2..27683d1d4defb 100644
--- a/base/strings/utf8proc.jl
+++ b/base/strings/utf8proc.jl
@@ -219,10 +219,10 @@ is_assigned_char(c) = category_code(c) != UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_CN
 ## libc character class predicates ##
-    islower(c::Union{Char,AbstractString}) -> Bool
+    islower(c::Char) -> Bool
-Tests whether a character is a lowercase letter, or whether this is true for all elements of
-a string. A character is classified as lowercase if it belongs to Unicode category Ll,
+Tests whether a character is a lowercase letter.
+A character is classified as lowercase if it belongs to Unicode category Ll,
 Letter: Lowercase.
 islower(c::Char) = (category_code(c) == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LL)
@@ -230,10 +230,10 @@ islower(c::Char) = (category_code(c) == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LL)
 # true for Unicode upper and mixed case
-    isupper(c::Union{Char,AbstractString}) -> Bool
+    isupper(c::Char) -> Bool
-Tests whether a character is an uppercase letter, or whether this is true for all elements
-of a string. A character is classified as uppercase if it belongs to Unicode category Lu,
+Tests whether a character is an uppercase letter.
+A character is classified as uppercase if it belongs to Unicode category Lu,
 Letter: Uppercase, or Lt, Letter: Titlecase.
 function isupper(c::Char)
@@ -242,36 +242,35 @@ function isupper(c::Char)
-    isdigit(c::Union{Char,AbstractString}) -> Bool
+    isdigit(c::Char) -> Bool
-Tests whether a character is a numeric digit (0-9), or whether this is true for all elements
-of a string.
+Tests whether a character is a numeric digit (0-9).
 isdigit(c::Char)  = ('0' <= c <= '9')
-    isalpha(c::Union{Char,AbstractString}) -> Bool
+    isalpha(c::Char) -> Bool
-Tests whether a character is alphabetic, or whether this is true for all elements of a
-string. A character is classified as alphabetic if it belongs to the Unicode general
+Tests whether a character is alphabetic.
+A character is classified as alphabetic if it belongs to the Unicode general
 category Letter, i.e. a character whose category code begins with 'L'.
 isalpha(c::Char)  = (UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LU <= category_code(c) <= UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LO)
-    isnumber(c::Union{Char,AbstractString}) -> Bool
+    isnumber(c::Char) -> Bool
-Tests whether a character is numeric, or whether this is true for all elements of a string.
+Tests whether a character is numeric.
 A character is classified as numeric if it belongs to the Unicode general category Number,
 i.e. a character whose category code begins with 'N'.
 isnumber(c::Char) = (UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_ND <= category_code(c) <= UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_NO)
-    isalnum(c::Union{Char,AbstractString}) -> Bool
+    isalnum(c::Char) -> Bool
-Tests whether a character is alphanumeric, or whether this is true for all elements of a
-string. A character is classified as alphabetic if it belongs to the Unicode general
+Tests whether a character is alphanumeric.
+A character is classified as alphabetic if it belongs to the Unicode general
 category Letter or Number, i.e. a character whose category code begins with 'L' or 'N'.
 function isalnum(c::Char)
@@ -283,67 +282,50 @@ end
 # following C++ only control characters from the Latin-1 subset return true
-    iscntrl(c::Union{Char,AbstractString}) -> Bool
+    iscntrl(c::Char) -> Bool
-Tests whether a character is a control character, or whether this is true for all elements
-of a string. Control characters are the non-printing characters of the Latin-1 subset of Unicode.
+Tests whether a character is a control character.
+Control characters are the non-printing characters of the Latin-1 subset of Unicode.
 iscntrl(c::Char) = (c <= Char(0x1f) || Char(0x7f) <= c <= Char(0x9f))
-    ispunct(c::Union{Char,AbstractString}) -> Bool
+    ispunct(c::Char) -> Bool
 Tests whether a character belongs to the Unicode general category Punctuation, i.e. a
-character whose category code begins with 'P'. For strings, tests whether this is true for
-all elements of the string.
+character whose category code begins with 'P'.
 ispunct(c::Char) = (UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_PC <= category_code(c) <= UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_PO)
 # \u85 is the Unicode Next Line (NEL) character
-    isspace(c::Union{Char,AbstractString}) -> Bool
+    isspace(c::Char) -> Bool
 Tests whether a character is any whitespace character. Includes ASCII characters '\\t',
 '\\n', '\\v', '\\f', '\\r', and ' ', Latin-1 character U+0085, and characters in Unicode
-category Zs. For strings, tests whether this is true for all elements of the string.
+category Zs.
 @inline isspace(c::Char) = c == ' ' || '\t' <= c <='\r' || c == '\u85' || '\ua0' <= c && category_code(c) == UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_ZS
-    isprint(c::Union{Char,AbstractString}) -> Bool
+    isprint(c::Char) -> Bool
-Tests whether a character is printable, including spaces, but not a control character. For
-strings, tests whether this is true for all elements of the string.
+Tests whether a character is printable, including spaces, but not a control character.
 isprint(c::Char) = (UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LU <= category_code(c) <= UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_ZS)
 # true in principal if a printer would use ink
-    isgraph(c::Union{Char,AbstractString}) -> Bool
+    isgraph(c::Char) -> Bool
-Tests whether a character is printable, and not a space, or whether this is true for all
-elements of a string. Any character that would cause a printer to use ink should be
+Tests whether a character is printable, and not a space.
+Any character that would cause a printer to use ink should be
 classified with `isgraph(c)==true`.
 isgraph(c::Char) = (UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_LU <= category_code(c) <= UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_SO)
-for name = ("alnum", "alpha", "cntrl", "digit", "number", "graph",
-            "lower", "print", "punct", "space", "upper")
-    f = Symbol("is",name)
-    @eval begin
-        function $f(s::AbstractString)
-            for c in s
-                if !$f(c)
-                    return false
-                end
-            end
-            return true
-        end
-    end
 # iterators for grapheme segmentation
diff --git a/test/unicode/utf8proc.jl b/test/unicode/utf8proc.jl
index c88cc61632fd3..45f2929efca12 100644
--- a/test/unicode/utf8proc.jl
+++ b/test/unicode/utf8proc.jl
@@ -187,34 +187,34 @@ let
-@test isspace("  \t   \n   \r  ")==true
-@test isgraph("  \t   \n   \r  ")==false
-@test isprint("  \t   \n   \r  ")==false
-@test isalpha("  \t   \n   \r  ")==false
-@test isnumber("  \t   \n   \r  ")==false
-@test ispunct("  \t   \n   \r  ")==false
-@test isspace("ΣβΣβ")==false
-@test isalpha("ΣβΣβ")==true
-@test isgraph("ΣβΣβ")==true
-@test isprint("ΣβΣβ")==true
-@test isupper("ΣβΣβ")==false
-@test islower("ΣβΣβ")==false
-@test isnumber("ΣβΣβ")==false
-@test iscntrl("ΣβΣβ")==false
-@test ispunct("ΣβΣβ")==false
-@test isnumber("23435")==true
-@test isdigit("23435")==true
-@test isalnum("23435")==true
-@test isalpha("23435")==false
-@test iscntrl( string(Char(0x0080))) == true
-@test ispunct( "‡؟჻") ==true
-@test isxdigit('0') == true
-@test isxdigit("0") == true
-@test isxdigit("a") == true
-@test isxdigit("g") == false
+@test  all(isspace,"  \t   \n   \r  ")
+@test !all(isgraph,"  \t   \n   \r  ")
+@test !all(isprint,"  \t   \n   \r  ")
+@test !all(isalpha,"  \t   \n   \r  ")
+@test !all(isnumber,"  \t   \n   \r  ")
+@test !all(ispunct,"  \t   \n   \r  ")
+@test !all(isspace,"ΣβΣβ")
+@test  all(isalpha,"ΣβΣβ")
+@test  all(isgraph,"ΣβΣβ")
+@test  all(isprint,"ΣβΣβ")
+@test !all(isupper,"ΣβΣβ")
+@test !all(islower,"ΣβΣβ")
+@test !all(isnumber,"ΣβΣβ")
+@test !all(iscntrl,"ΣβΣβ")
+@test !all(ispunct,"ΣβΣβ")
+@test  all(isnumber,"23435")
+@test  all(isdigit,"23435")
+@test  all(isalnum,"23435")
+@test !all(isalpha,"23435")
+@test  all(iscntrl,string(Char(0x0080)))
+@test  all(ispunct, "‡؟჻")
+@test  isxdigit('0')
+@test  isxdigit('a')
+@test !isxdigit('x')
+@test !isxdigit('g')
 # check utf8proc handling of CN category constants
 let c_ll = 'β', c_cn = '\u038B'