diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index d3a5986905af1..1cee9e536ba0f 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -663,6 +663,9 @@ Deprecated or removed
   * `a:b` is deprecated for constructing a `StepRange` when `a` and `b` have physical units
     (Dates and Times). Use `a:s:b`, where `s = Dates.Day(1)` or `s = Dates.Second(1)`.
+  * `cumsum`, `cumprod`, `accumulate`, and their mutating versions now require a `dim`
+    argument instead of defaulting to using the first dimension ([#24684]).
 Command-line option changes
diff --git a/base/abstractarraymath.jl b/base/abstractarraymath.jl
index 5d8cfc5607ad8..352d438525a26 100644
--- a/base/abstractarraymath.jl
+++ b/base/abstractarraymath.jl
@@ -265,12 +265,12 @@ end
 # TODO: Needs a separate IndexCartesian method, this is only fast for IndexLinear
-    cumsum_kbn(A, [dim::Integer=1])
+    cumsum_kbn(A, dim::Integer)
 Cumulative sum along a dimension, using the Kahan-Babuska-Neumaier compensated summation
-algorithm for additional accuracy. The dimension defaults to 1.
+algorithm for additional accuracy.
-function cumsum_kbn(A::AbstractArray{T}, axis::Integer=1) where T<:AbstractFloat
+function cumsum_kbn(A::AbstractArray{T}, axis::Integer) where T<:AbstractFloat
     dimsA = size(A)
     ndimsA = ndims(A)
     axis_size = dimsA[axis]
diff --git a/base/deprecated.jl b/base/deprecated.jl
index 88c604a38d923..18e9ee6d93d41 100644
--- a/base/deprecated.jl
+++ b/base/deprecated.jl
@@ -2105,6 +2105,9 @@ end
     @deprecate chol!(x::Number, uplo) chol(x) false
+@deprecate cumsum(A::AbstractArray)     cumsum(A, 1)
+@deprecate cumsum_kbn(A::AbstractArray) cumsum_kbn(A, 1)
+@deprecate cumprod(A::AbstractArray)    cumprod(A, 1)
 # issue #16307
 @deprecate finalizer(o, f::Function) finalizer(f, o)
diff --git a/base/multidimensional.jl b/base/multidimensional.jl
index 8df892a1e3fe4..df0f9c70db4d2 100644
--- a/base/multidimensional.jl
+++ b/base/multidimensional.jl
@@ -675,25 +675,25 @@ function accumulate_pairwise(op, v::AbstractVector{T}) where T
     return accumulate_pairwise!(op, out, v)
-function cumsum!(out, v::AbstractVector, axis::Integer=1)
+function cumsum!(out, v::AbstractVector, dim::Integer)
     # we dispatch on the possibility of numerical stability issues
-    _cumsum!(out, v, axis, TypeArithmetic(eltype(out)))
+    _cumsum!(out, v, dim, TypeArithmetic(eltype(out)))
-function _cumsum!(out, v, axis, ::ArithmeticRounds)
-    axis == 1 ? accumulate_pairwise!(+, out, v) : copy!(out, v)
+function _cumsum!(out, v, dim, ::ArithmeticRounds)
+    dim == 1 ? accumulate_pairwise!(+, out, v) : copy!(out, v)
-function _cumsum!(out, v, axis, ::ArithmeticUnknown)
-    _cumsum!(out, v, axis, ArithmeticRounds())
+function _cumsum!(out, v, dim, ::ArithmeticUnknown)
+    _cumsum!(out, v, dim, ArithmeticRounds())
-function _cumsum!(out, v, axis, ::TypeArithmetic)
-    axis == 1 ? accumulate!(+, out, v) : copy!(out, v)
+function _cumsum!(out, v, dim, ::TypeArithmetic)
+    dim == 1 ? accumulate!(+, out, v) : copy!(out, v)
-    cumsum(A, dim=1)
+    cumsum(A, dim::Integer)
-Cumulative sum along a dimension `dim`. See also [`cumsum!`](@ref)
+Cumulative sum along the dimension `dim`. See also [`cumsum!`](@ref)
 to use a preallocated output array, both for performance and to control the precision of the
 output (e.g. to avoid overflow).
@@ -714,22 +714,52 @@ julia> cumsum(a,2)
  4  9  15
-function cumsum(A::AbstractArray{T}, axis::Integer=1) where T
+function cumsum(A::AbstractArray{T}, dim::Integer) where T
     out = similar(A, rcum_promote_type(+, T))
-    cumsum!(out, A, axis)
+    cumsum!(out, A, dim)
-    cumsum!(B, A, dim::Integer=1)
+    cumsum(x::AbstractVector)
-Cumulative sum of `A` along a dimension, storing the result in `B`. See also [`cumsum`](@ref).
+Cumulative sum a vector. See also [`cumsum!`](@ref)
+to use a preallocated output array, both for performance and to control the precision of the
+output (e.g. to avoid overflow).
+julia> cumsum([1, 1, 1])
+3-element Array{Int64,1}:
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+julia> cumsum([fill(1, 2) for i in 1:3])
+3-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:
+ [1, 1]
+ [2, 2]
+ [3, 3]
+cumsum(x::AbstractVector) = cumsum(x, 1)
+    cumsum!(B, A, dim::Integer)
+Cumulative sum of `A` along the dimension `dim`, storing the result in `B`. See also [`cumsum`](@ref).
+cumsum!(B, A, dim::Integer) = accumulate!(+, B, A, dim)
+    cumsum!(y::AbstractVector, x::AbstractVector)
+Cumulative sum of a vector `x`, storing the result in `y`. See also [`cumsum`](@ref).
-cumsum!(B, A, axis::Integer=1) = accumulate!(+, B, A, axis)
+cumsum!(y::AbstractVector, x::AbstractVector) = cumsum!(y, x, 1)
-    cumprod(A, dim=1)
+    cumprod(A, dim::Integer)
-Cumulative product along a dimension `dim`. See also
+Cumulative product along the dimension `dim`. See also
 [`cumprod!`](@ref) to use a preallocated output array, both for performance and
 to control the precision of the output (e.g. to avoid overflow).
@@ -750,20 +780,79 @@ julia> cumprod(a,2)
  4  20  120
-cumprod(A::AbstractArray, axis::Integer=1) = accumulate(*, A, axis)
+cumprod(A::AbstractArray, dim::Integer) = accumulate(*, A, dim)
+    cumprod(x::AbstractVector)
+Cumulative product of a vector. See also
+[`cumprod!`](@ref) to use a preallocated output array, both for performance and
+to control the precision of the output (e.g. to avoid overflow).
+julia> cumprod(fill(1//2, 3))
+3-element Array{Rational{Int64},1}:
+ 1//2
+ 1//4
+ 1//8
+julia> cumprod([fill(1//3, 2, 2) for i in 1:3])
+3-element Array{Array{Rational{Int64},2},1}:
+ Rational{Int64}[1//3 1//3; 1//3 1//3]
+ Rational{Int64}[2//9 2//9; 2//9 2//9]
+ Rational{Int64}[4//27 4//27; 4//27 4//27]
+cumprod(x::AbstractVector) = cumprod(x, 1)
-    cumprod!(B, A, dim::Integer=1)
+    cumprod!(B, A, dim::Integer)
-Cumulative product of `A` along a dimension, storing the result in `B`.
+Cumulative product of `A` along the dimension `dim`, storing the result in `B`.
 See also [`cumprod`](@ref).
-cumprod!(B, A, axis::Integer=1) = accumulate!(*, B, A, axis)
+cumprod!(B, A, dim::Integer) = accumulate!(*, B, A, dim)
-    accumulate(op, A, dim=1)
+    cumprod!(y::AbstractVector, x::AbstractVector)
-Cumulative operation `op` along a dimension `dim`. See also
+Cumulative product of a vector `x`, storing the result in `y`.
+See also [`cumprod`](@ref).
+cumprod!(y::AbstractVector, x::AbstractVector) = cumprod!(y, x, 1)
+    accumulate(op, A, dim::Integer)
+Cumulative operation `op` along the dimension `dim`. See also
+[`accumulate!`](@ref) to use a preallocated output array, both for performance and
+to control the precision of the output (e.g. to avoid overflow). For common operations
+there are specialized variants of `accumulate`, see:
+[`cumsum`](@ref), [`cumprod`](@ref)
+julia> accumulate(+, fill(1, 3, 3), 1)
+3×3 Array{Int64,2}:
+ 1  1  1
+ 2  2  2
+ 3  3  3
+julia> accumulate(+, fill(1, 3, 3), 2)
+3×3 Array{Int64,2}:
+ 1  2  3
+ 1  2  3
+ 1  2  3
+function accumulate(op, A, dim::Integer)
+    out = similar(A, rcum_promote_type(op, eltype(A)))
+    accumulate!(op, out, A, dim)
+    accumulate(op, x::AbstractVector)
+Cumulative operation `op` on a vector. See also
 [`accumulate!`](@ref) to use a preallocated output array, both for performance and
 to control the precision of the output (e.g. to avoid overflow). For common operations
 there are specialized variants of `accumulate`, see:
@@ -783,14 +872,67 @@ julia> accumulate(*, [1,2,3])
-function accumulate(op, A, axis::Integer=1)
-    out = similar(A, rcum_promote_type(op, eltype(A)))
-    accumulate!(op, out, A, axis)
+accumulate(op, x::AbstractVector) = accumulate(op, x, 1)
+    accumulate!(op, B, A, dim::Integer)
+Cumulative operation `op` on `A` along the dimension `dim`, storing the result in `B`.
+See also [`accumulate`](@ref).
+function accumulate!(op, B, A, dim::Integer)
+    dim > 0 || throw(ArgumentError("dim must be a positive integer"))
+    inds_t = indices(A)
+    indices(B) == inds_t || throw(DimensionMismatch("shape of B must match A"))
+    dim > ndims(A) && return copy!(B, A)
+    isempty(inds_t[dim]) && return B
+    if dim == 1
+        # We can accumulate to a temporary variable, which allows
+        # register usage and will be slightly faster
+        ind1 = inds_t[1]
+        @inbounds for I in CartesianRange(tail(inds_t))
+            tmp = convert(eltype(B), A[first(ind1), I])
+            B[first(ind1), I] = tmp
+            for i_1 = first(ind1)+1:last(ind1)
+                tmp = op(tmp, A[i_1, I])
+                B[i_1, I] = tmp
+            end
+        end
+    else
+        R1 = CartesianRange(indices(A)[1:dim-1])   # not type-stable
+        R2 = CartesianRange(indices(A)[dim+1:end])
+        _accumulate!(op, B, A, R1, inds_t[dim], R2) # use function barrier
+    end
+    return B
+    accumulate!(op, y, x::AbstractVector)
+Cumulative operation `op` on a vector `x`, storing the result in `y`.
+See also [`accumulate`](@ref).
-    accumulate(op, v0, A)
+function accumulate!(op::Op, y, x::AbstractVector) where Op
+    isempty(x) && return y
+    v1 = first(x)
+    _accumulate1!(op, y, v1, x, 1)
+@noinline function _accumulate!(op, B, A, R1, ind, R2)
+    # Copy the initial element in each 1d vector along dimension `dim`
+    ii = first(ind)
+    @inbounds for J in R2, I in R1
+        B[I, ii, J] = A[I, ii, J]
+    end
+    # Accumulate
+    @inbounds for J in R2, i in first(ind)+1:last(ind), I in R1
+        B[I, i, J] = op(B[I, i-1, J], A[I, i, J])
+    end
+    B
+    accumulate(op, v0, x::AbstractVector)
 Like `accumulate`, but using a starting element `v0`. The first entry of the result will be
 `op(v0, first(A))`.
@@ -810,30 +952,23 @@ julia> accumulate(min, 0, [1,2,-1])
-function accumulate(op, v0, A, axis::Integer=1)
-    T = rcum_promote_type(op, typeof(v0), eltype(A))
-    out = similar(A, T)
-    accumulate!(op, out, v0, A, 1)
-function accumulate!(op::Op, B, A::AbstractVector, axis::Integer=1) where Op
-    isempty(A) && return B
-    v1 = first(A)
-    _accumulate1!(op, B, v1, A, axis)
+function accumulate(op, v0, x::AbstractVector)
+    T = rcum_promote_type(op, typeof(v0), eltype(x))
+    out = similar(x, T)
+    accumulate!(op, out, v0, x)
-function accumulate!(op, B, v0, A::AbstractVector, axis::Integer=1)
-    isempty(A) && return B
-    v1 = op(v0, first(A))
-    _accumulate1!(op, B, v1, A, axis)
+function accumulate!(op, y, v0, x::AbstractVector)
+    isempty(x) && return y
+    v1 = op(v0, first(x))
+    _accumulate1!(op, y, v1, x, 1)
-function _accumulate1!(op, B, v1, A::AbstractVector, axis::Integer=1)
-    axis > 0 || throw(ArgumentError("axis must be a positive integer"))
+function _accumulate1!(op, B, v1, A::AbstractVector, dim::Integer)
+    dim > 0 || throw(ArgumentError("dim must be a positive integer"))
     inds = linearindices(A)
     inds == linearindices(B) || throw(DimensionMismatch("linearindices of A and B don't match"))
-    axis > 1 && return copy!(B, A)
+    dim > 1 && return copy!(B, A)
     i1 = inds[1]
     cur_val = v1
     B[i1] = cur_val
@@ -844,51 +979,6 @@ function _accumulate1!(op, B, v1, A::AbstractVector, axis::Integer=1)
     return B
-    accumulate!(op, B, A, dim=1)
-Cumulative operation `op` on `A` along a dimension, storing the result in `B`.
-See also [`accumulate`](@ref).
-function accumulate!(op, B, A, axis::Integer=1)
-    axis > 0 || throw(ArgumentError("axis must be a positive integer"))
-    inds_t = indices(A)
-    indices(B) == inds_t || throw(DimensionMismatch("shape of B must match A"))
-    axis > ndims(A) && return copy!(B, A)
-    isempty(inds_t[axis]) && return B
-    if axis == 1
-        # We can accumulate to a temporary variable, which allows
-        # register usage and will be slightly faster
-        ind1 = inds_t[1]
-        @inbounds for I in CartesianRange(tail(inds_t))
-            tmp = convert(eltype(B), A[first(ind1), I])
-            B[first(ind1), I] = tmp
-            for i_1 = first(ind1)+1:last(ind1)
-                tmp = op(tmp, A[i_1, I])
-                B[i_1, I] = tmp
-            end
-        end
-    else
-        R1 = CartesianRange(indices(A)[1:axis-1])   # not type-stable
-        R2 = CartesianRange(indices(A)[axis+1:end])
-        _accumulate!(op, B, A, R1, inds_t[axis], R2) # use function barrier
-    end
-    return B
-@noinline function _accumulate!(op, B, A, R1, ind, R2)
-    # Copy the initial element in each 1d vector along dimension `axis`
-    ii = first(ind)
-    @inbounds for J in R2, I in R1
-        B[I, ii, J] = A[I, ii, J]
-    end
-    # Accumulate
-    @inbounds for J in R2, i in first(ind)+1:last(ind), I in R1
-        B[I, i, J] = op(B[I, i-1, J], A[I, i, J])
-    end
-    B
 ### from abstractarray.jl
diff --git a/test/arrayops.jl b/test/arrayops.jl
index f81d51103335e..e37ed04117946 100644
--- a/test/arrayops.jl
+++ b/test/arrayops.jl
@@ -632,7 +632,6 @@ end
     A1 = reshape(repmat([1,2],1,12),2,3,4)
     A2 = reshape(repmat([1 2 3],2,4),2,3,4)
     A3 = reshape(repmat([1 2 3 4],6,1),2,3,4)
-    @test isequal(cumsum(A),A1)
     @test isequal(cumsum(A,1),A1)
     @test isequal(cumsum(A,2),A2)
     @test isequal(cumsum(A,3),A3)
@@ -931,7 +930,7 @@ end
 # issue #2342
-@test isequal(cumsum([1 2 3]), [1 2 3])
+@test isequal(cumsum([1 2 3], 1), [1 2 3])
 @testset "set-like operations" begin
     @test isequal(union([1,2,3], [4,3,4]), [1,2,3,4])