diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index 930d9df3905cc..6c2188d9734e3 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ New language features
 Language changes
+  * `Uint` et al. are now spelled `UInt` ([#8905]).
   * `String` has been renamed to `AbstractString` ([#8872]).
   * `None` is deprecated; use `Union()` instead ([#8423]).
diff --git a/base/REPL.jl b/base/REPL.jl
index 8dc532c013e4b..a0b5d57146813 100644
--- a/base/REPL.jl
+++ b/base/REPL.jl
@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ function parse_input_line(s::AbstractString)
     # s = bytestring(s)
     # (expr, pos) = parse(s, 1)
     # (ex, pos) = ccall(:jl_parse_string, Any,
-    #                   (Ptr{Uint8},Int32,Int32),
+    #                   (Ptr{UInt8},Int32,Int32),
     #                   s, int32(pos)-1, 1)
     # if !is(ex,())
     #     throw(ParseError("extra input after end of expression"))
     # end
     # expr
-    ccall(:jl_parse_input_line, Any, (Ptr{Uint8},), s)
+    ccall(:jl_parse_input_line, Any, (Ptr{UInt8},), s)
 function start_repl_backend(repl_channel::RemoteRef, response_channel::RemoteRef)
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ type REPLHistoryProvider <: HistoryProvider
 REPLHistoryProvider(mode_mapping) =
     REPLHistoryProvider(AbstractString[], nothing, 0, -1, IOBuffer(),
-                        nothing, mode_mapping, Uint8[])
+                        nothing, mode_mapping, UInt8[])
 const invalid_history_message = """
 Invalid history format. If you have a ~/.julia_history file left over from an older version of Julia, try renaming or deleting it.
diff --git a/base/Terminals.jl b/base/Terminals.jl
index a8c8fc44947f4..d0a56c7cca152 100644
--- a/base/Terminals.jl
+++ b/base/Terminals.jl
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ abstract TextTerminal <: Base.IO
 size(::TextTerminal) = error("Unimplemented")
-writepos(t::TextTerminal, x, y, s::Array{Uint8,1}) = error("Unimplemented")
+writepos(t::TextTerminal, x, y, s::Array{UInt8,1}) = error("Unimplemented")
 cmove(t::TextTerminal, x, y) = error("Unimplemented")
 getX(t::TextTerminal) = error("Unimplemented")
 getY(t::TextTerminal) = error("Unimplemented")
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ hascolor(::TextTerminal) = false
 # Utility Functions
 function writepos{T}(t::TextTerminal, x, y, b::Array{T})
     if isbits(T)
-        writepos(t, x, y, reinterpret(Uint8, b))
+        writepos(t, x, y, reinterpret(UInt8, b))
         cmove(t, x, y)
         invoke(write, (IO, Array), s, a)
@@ -183,14 +183,14 @@ clear_line(t::UnixTerminal) = write(t.out_stream, "\x1b[0G\x1b[0K")
 #beep(t::UnixTerminal) = write(t.err_stream,"\x7")
 write{T,N}(t::UnixTerminal, a::Array{T,N}) = write(t.out_stream, a)
-write(t::UnixTerminal, p::Ptr{Uint8}) = write(t.out_stream, p)
-write(t::UnixTerminal, p::Ptr{Uint8}, x::Integer) = write(t.out_stream, p, x)
-write(t::UnixTerminal, x::Uint8) = write(t.out_stream, x)
+write(t::UnixTerminal, p::Ptr{UInt8}) = write(t.out_stream, p)
+write(t::UnixTerminal, p::Ptr{UInt8}, x::Integer) = write(t.out_stream, p, x)
+write(t::UnixTerminal, x::UInt8) = write(t.out_stream, x)
 read{T,N}(t::UnixTerminal, x::Array{T,N}) = read(t.in_stream, x)
 readuntil(t::UnixTerminal, s::AbstractString) = readuntil(t.in_stream, s)
 readuntil(t::UnixTerminal, c::Char) = readuntil(t.in_stream, c)
 readuntil(t::UnixTerminal, s) = readuntil(t.in_stream, s)
-read(t::UnixTerminal, ::Type{Uint8}) = read(t.in_stream, Uint8)
+read(t::UnixTerminal, ::Type{UInt8}) = read(t.in_stream, UInt8)
 start_reading(t::UnixTerminal) = start_reading(t.in_stream)
 stop_reading(t::UnixTerminal) = stop_reading(t.in_stream)
diff --git a/base/abstractarray.jl b/base/abstractarray.jl
index a249fa1f27ea7..64f7966985184 100644
--- a/base/abstractarray.jl
+++ b/base/abstractarray.jl
@@ -255,12 +255,12 @@ for (f,t) in ((:char,   Char),
               (:int32,  Int32),
               (:int64,  Int64),
               (:int128, Int128),
-              (:uint,   Uint),
-              (:uint8,  Uint8),
-              (:uint16, Uint16),
-              (:uint32, Uint32),
-              (:uint64, Uint64),
-              (:uint128,Uint128))
+              (:uint,   UInt),
+              (:uint8,  UInt8),
+              (:uint16, UInt16),
+              (:uint32, UInt32),
+              (:uint64, UInt64),
+              (:uint128,UInt128))
     @eval begin
         ($f)(x::AbstractArray{$t}) = x
         ($f)(x::AbstractArray{$t}) = x
diff --git a/base/array.jl b/base/array.jl
index 49e30d5136379..fb6ec5287888b 100644
--- a/base/array.jl
+++ b/base/array.jl
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ isassigned(a::Array, i::Int...) = isdefined(a, i...)
 ## copy ##
 function unsafe_copy!{T}(dest::Ptr{T}, src::Ptr{T}, N)
-    ccall(:memmove, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Uint),
+    ccall(:memmove, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, UInt),
           dest, src, N*sizeof(T))
     return dest
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ function getindex{T<:Union(Char,Number)}(::Type{T}, r1::Range, rs::Range...)
     return a
-function fill!{T<:Union(Int8,Uint8)}(a::Array{T}, x::Integer)
+function fill!{T<:Union(Int8,UInt8)}(a::Array{T}, x::Integer)
     ccall(:memset, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Int32, Csize_t), a, x, length(a))
     return a
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ function _growat!(a::Vector, i::Integer, delta::Integer)
 function _growat_beg!(a::Vector, i::Integer, delta::Integer)
-    ccall(:jl_array_grow_beg, Void, (Any, Uint), a, delta)
+    ccall(:jl_array_grow_beg, Void, (Any, UInt), a, delta)
     if i > 1
         ccall(:memmove, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Csize_t),
               pointer(a, 1), pointer(a, 1+delta), (i-1)*elsize(a))
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ function _growat_beg!(a::Vector, i::Integer, delta::Integer)
 function _growat_end!(a::Vector, i::Integer, delta::Integer)
-    ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, Uint), a, delta)
+    ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, UInt), a, delta)
     n = length(a)
     if n >= i+delta
         ccall(:memmove, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Csize_t),
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ function _deleteat_beg!(a::Vector, i::Integer, delta::Integer)
         ccall(:memmove, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Csize_t),
               pointer(a, 1+delta), pointer(a, 1), (i-1)*elsize(a))
-    ccall(:jl_array_del_beg, Void, (Any, Uint), a, delta)
+    ccall(:jl_array_del_beg, Void, (Any, UInt), a, delta)
     return a
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ function _deleteat_end!(a::Vector, i::Integer, delta::Integer)
         ccall(:memmove, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Csize_t),
               pointer(a, i), pointer(a, i+delta), (n-i-delta+1)*elsize(a))
-    ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, Uint), a, delta)
+    ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, UInt), a, delta)
     return a
@@ -457,27 +457,27 @@ end
 function push!{T}(a::Array{T,1}, item)
     # convert first so we don't grow the array if the assignment won't work
     item = convert(T, item)
-    ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, Uint), a, 1)
+    ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, UInt), a, 1)
     a[end] = item
     return a
 function push!(a::Array{Any,1}, item::ANY)
-    ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, Uint), a, 1)
+    ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, UInt), a, 1)
     arrayset(a, item, length(a))
     return a
 function append!{T}(a::Array{T,1}, items::AbstractVector)
     n = length(items)
-    ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, Uint), a, n)
+    ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, UInt), a, n)
     copy!(a, length(a)-n+1, items, 1, n)
     return a
 function prepend!{T}(a::Array{T,1}, items::AbstractVector)
     n = length(items)
-    ccall(:jl_array_grow_beg, Void, (Any, Uint), a, n)
+    ccall(:jl_array_grow_beg, Void, (Any, UInt), a, n)
     if a === items
         copy!(a, 1, items, n+1, n)
@@ -489,18 +489,18 @@ end
 function resize!(a::Vector, nl::Integer)
     l = length(a)
     if nl > l
-        ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, Uint), a, nl-l)
+        ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, UInt), a, nl-l)
         if nl < 0
-        ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, Uint), a, l-nl)
+        ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, UInt), a, l-nl)
     return a
 function sizehint(a::Vector, sz::Integer)
-    ccall(:jl_array_sizehint, Void, (Any, Uint), a, sz)
+    ccall(:jl_array_sizehint, Void, (Any, UInt), a, sz)
@@ -509,13 +509,13 @@ function pop!(a::Vector)
         error("array must be non-empty")
     item = a[end]
-    ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, Uint), a, 1)
+    ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, UInt), a, 1)
     return item
 function unshift!{T}(a::Array{T,1}, item)
     item = convert(T, item)
-    ccall(:jl_array_grow_beg, Void, (Any, Uint), a, 1)
+    ccall(:jl_array_grow_beg, Void, (Any, UInt), a, 1)
     a[1] = item
     return a
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ function shift!(a::Vector)
         error("array must be non-empty")
     item = a[1]
-    ccall(:jl_array_del_beg, Void, (Any, Uint), a, 1)
+    ccall(:jl_array_del_beg, Void, (Any, UInt), a, 1)
     return item
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ function deleteat!(a::Vector, inds)
         @inbounds a[p] = a[q]
         p += 1; q += 1
-    ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, Uint), a, n-p+1)
+    ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, UInt), a, n-p+1)
     return a
@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ function splice!{T<:Integer}(a::Vector, r::UnitRange{T}, ins=_default_splice)
 function empty!(a::Vector)
-    ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, Uint), a, length(a))
+    ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, UInt), a, length(a))
     return a
@@ -828,8 +828,8 @@ function complex{T<:Real}(A::Array{T}, B::Real)
 # use memcmp for lexcmp on byte arrays
-function lexcmp(a::Array{Uint8,1}, b::Array{Uint8,1})
-    c = ccall(:memcmp, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Uint),
+function lexcmp(a::Array{UInt8,1}, b::Array{UInt8,1})
+    c = ccall(:memcmp, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, UInt),
               a, b, min(length(a),length(b)))
     c < 0 ? -1 : c > 0 ? +1 : cmp(length(a),length(b))
@@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ function vcat{T}(arrays::Vector{T}...)
     for a in arrays
         nba = length(a)*elsz
-        ccall(:memcpy, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Uint),
+        ccall(:memcpy, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, UInt),
               ptr+offset, a, nba)
         offset += nba
diff --git a/base/ascii.jl b/base/ascii.jl
index 1dff10a0213db..c9c0035aa2c3c 100644
--- a/base/ascii.jl
+++ b/base/ascii.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ## from base/boot.jl:
 # immutable ASCIIString <: DirectIndexString
-#     data::Array{Uint8,1}
+#     data::Array{UInt8,1}
 # end
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function string(c::ASCIIString...)
     for s in c
         n += length(s.data)
-    v = Array(Uint8,n)
+    v = Array(UInt8,n)
     o = 1
     for s in c
         ls = length(s.data)
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ write(io::IO, s::ASCIIString) = write(io, s.data)
 ascii(x) = convert(ASCIIString, x)
 convert(::Type{ASCIIString}, s::ASCIIString) = s
 convert(::Type{ASCIIString}, s::UTF8String) = ascii(s.data)
-convert(::Type{ASCIIString}, a::Array{Uint8,1}) = is_valid_ascii(a) ? ASCIIString(a) : error("invalid ASCII sequence")
-function convert(::Type{ASCIIString}, a::Array{Uint8,1}, invalids_as::ASCIIString)
+convert(::Type{ASCIIString}, a::Array{UInt8,1}) = is_valid_ascii(a) ? ASCIIString(a) : error("invalid ASCII sequence")
+function convert(::Type{ASCIIString}, a::Array{UInt8,1}, invalids_as::ASCIIString)
     l = length(a)
     idx = 1
     iscopy = false
diff --git a/base/base.jl b/base/base.jl
index 7a4e9306ffebe..4ccd3ef82a319 100644
--- a/base/base.jl
+++ b/base/base.jl
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ call(T::Type{UndefVarError}, var::Symbol) = Core.call(T, var)
 call(T::Type{InterruptException}) = Core.call(T)
 call(T::Type{SymbolNode}, name::Symbol, t::ANY) = Core.call(T, name, t)
 call(T::Type{GetfieldNode}, value, name::Symbol, typ) = Core.call(T, value, name, typ)
-call(T::Type{ASCIIString}, d::Array{Uint8,1}) = Core.call(T, d)
-call(T::Type{UTF8String}, d::Array{Uint8,1}) = Core.call(T, d)
+call(T::Type{ASCIIString}, d::Array{UInt8,1}) = Core.call(T, d)
+call(T::Type{UTF8String}, d::Array{UInt8,1}) = Core.call(T, d)
 call(T::Type{TypeVar}, args...) = Core.call(T, args...)
 call(T::Type{TypeConstructor}, args...) = Core.call(T, args...)
 call(T::Type{Expr}, args::ANY...) = _expr(args...)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ cconvert(T, x) = convert(T, x)
 # use the code in ccall.cpp to safely allocate temporary pointer arrays
 cconvert{T}(::Type{Ptr{Ptr{T}}}, a::Array) = a
 # convert strings to ByteString to pass as pointers
-cconvert{P<:Union(Int8,Uint8)}(::Type{Ptr{P}}, s::AbstractString) = bytestring(s)
+cconvert{P<:Union(Int8,UInt8)}(::Type{Ptr{P}}, s::AbstractString) = bytestring(s)
 reinterpret{T,S}(::Type{T}, x::S) = box(T,unbox(S,x))
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ ccall(:jl_get_system_hooks, Void, ())
 int(x) = convert(Int, x)
 int(x::Int) = x
-uint(x) = convert(Uint, x)
-uint(x::Uint) = x
+uint(x) = convert(UInt, x)
+uint(x::UInt) = x
 # index colon
 type Colon
@@ -164,14 +164,14 @@ function append_any(xs...)
     for x in xs
         for y in x
             if i > l
-                ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, Uint), out, 16)
+                ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, UInt), out, 16)
                 l += 16
             arrayset(out, y, i)
             i += 1
-    ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, Uint), out, l-i+1)
+    ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, UInt), out, l-i+1)
diff --git a/base/base64.jl b/base/base64.jl
index 40e1666b1b147..9220c4c112a8b 100644
--- a/base/base64.jl
+++ b/base/base64.jl
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ export Base64Pipe, base64
 type Base64Pipe <: IO
     # writing works in groups of 3, so we need to cache last two bytes written
-    b0::Uint8
-    b1::Uint8
-    nb::Uint8 # number of bytes in cache: 0, 1, or 2
+    b0::UInt8
+    b1::UInt8
+    nb::UInt8 # number of bytes in cache: 0, 1, or 2
     function Base64Pipe(io::IO)
         b = new(io,0,0,0)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ end
 const b64chars = ['A':'Z','a':'z','0':'9','+','/']
-function b64(x::Uint8, y::Uint8, z::Uint8)
+function b64(x::UInt8, y::UInt8, z::UInt8)
     n = int(x)<<16 | int(y)<<8 | int(z)
     b64chars[(n >> 18) + 1],
     b64chars[(n >> 12) & 0b111111 + 1],
@@ -40,19 +40,19 @@ function b64(x::Uint8, y::Uint8, z::Uint8)
     b64chars[(n ) & 0b111111 + 1]
-function b64(x::Uint8, y::Uint8)
+function b64(x::UInt8, y::UInt8)
     a, b, c = b64(x, y, 0x0)
     a, b, c, '='
-function b64(x::Uint8)
+function b64(x::UInt8)
     a, b = b64(x, 0x0, 0x0)
     a, b, '=', '='
-function write(b::Base64Pipe, x::AbstractVector{Uint8})
+function write(b::Base64Pipe, x::AbstractVector{UInt8})
     n = length(x)
     s = 1 # starting index
     # finish any cached data to write:
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ function write(b::Base64Pipe, x::AbstractVector{Uint8})
-function write(b::Base64Pipe, x::Uint8)
+function write(b::Base64Pipe, x::UInt8)
     if b.nb == 0
         b.b0 = x
         b.nb = 1
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ base64(x...) = base64(write, x...)
-# read(b::Base64Pipe, ::Type{Uint8}) = # TODO: decode base64
+# read(b::Base64Pipe, ::Type{UInt8}) = # TODO: decode base64
diff --git a/base/bitarray.jl b/base/bitarray.jl
index 54387b953db02..40794ba4100e1 100644
--- a/base/bitarray.jl
+++ b/base/bitarray.jl
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ num_bit_chunks(n::Int) = @_div64 (n+63)
 # notes: bits are stored in contiguous chunks
 #        unused bits must always be set to 0
 type BitArray{N} <: DenseArray{Bool, N}
-    chunks::Vector{Uint64}
+    chunks::Vector{UInt64}
     function BitArray(dims::Int...)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ type BitArray{N} <: DenseArray{Bool, N}
             n *= d
         nc = num_bit_chunks(n)
-        chunks = Array(Uint64, nc)
+        chunks = Array(UInt64, nc)
         nc > 0 && (chunks[end] = uint64(0))
         b = new(chunks, n)
         N != 1 && (b.dims = dims)
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ isassigned{N}(B::BitArray{N}, i::Int) = 1 <= i <= length(B)
 get_chunks_id(i::Integer) = @_div64(int(i)-1)+1, @_mod64(int(i)-1)
-function glue_src_bitchunks(src::Vector{Uint64}, k::Int, ks1::Int, msk_s0::Uint64, ls0::Int)
+function glue_src_bitchunks(src::Vector{UInt64}, k::Int, ks1::Int, msk_s0::UInt64, ls0::Int)
     @inbounds begin
         chunk = ((src[k] & msk_s0) >>> ls0)
         if ks1 > k && ls0 > 0
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function glue_src_bitchunks(src::Vector{Uint64}, k::Int, ks1::Int, msk_s0::Uint6
     return chunk
-function copy_chunks!(dest::Vector{Uint64}, pos_d::Integer, src::Vector{Uint64}, pos_s::Integer, numbits::Integer)
+function copy_chunks!(dest::Vector{UInt64}, pos_d::Integer, src::Vector{UInt64}, pos_s::Integer, numbits::Integer)
     numbits == 0 && return
     if dest === src && pos_d > pos_s
         return copy_chunks_rtol!(dest, pos_d, pos_s, numbits)
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ function copy_chunks!(dest::Vector{Uint64}, pos_d::Integer, src::Vector{Uint64},
-function copy_chunks_rtol!(chunks::Vector{Uint64}, pos_d::Integer, pos_s::Integer, numbits::Integer)
+function copy_chunks_rtol!(chunks::Vector{UInt64}, pos_d::Integer, pos_s::Integer, numbits::Integer)
     pos_d == pos_s && return
     pos_d < pos_s && return copy_chunks!(chunks, pos_d, chunks, pos_s, numbits)
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ function copy_chunks_rtol!(chunks::Vector{Uint64}, pos_d::Integer, pos_s::Intege
-function fill_chunks!(Bc::Array{Uint64}, x::Bool, pos::Integer, numbits::Integer)
+function fill_chunks!(Bc::Array{UInt64}, x::Bool, pos::Integer, numbits::Integer)
     numbits <= 0 && return
     k0, l0 = get_chunks_id(pos)
     k1, l1 = get_chunks_id(pos+numbits-1)
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ end
 ## Indexing: getindex ##
-function unsafe_bitgetindex(Bc::Vector{Uint64}, i::Int)
+function unsafe_bitgetindex(Bc::Vector{UInt64}, i::Int)
     return (Bc[@_div64(i-1)+1] & (uint64(1)<<@_mod64(i-1))) != 0
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ end
 ## Indexing: setindex! ##
-function unsafe_bitsetindex!(Bc::Array{Uint64}, x::Bool, i::Int)
+function unsafe_bitsetindex!(Bc::Array{UInt64}, x::Bool, i::Int)
     i1, i2 = get_chunks_id(i)
     u = uint64(1) << i2
     @inbounds begin
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ function push!(B::BitVector, item)
     l = @_mod64 length(B)
     if l == 0
-        ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, Uint), Bc, 1)
+        ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, UInt), Bc, 1)
         Bc[end] = uint64(0)
     B.len += 1
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ function append!(B::BitVector, items::BitVector)
     k0 = length(Bc)
     k1 = num_bit_chunks(n0 + n1)
     if k1 > k0
-        ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, Uint), Bc, k1 - k0)
+        ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, UInt), Bc, k1 - k0)
         Bc[end] = uint64(0)
     B.len += n1
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ function prepend!(B::BitVector, items::BitVector)
     k0 = length(Bc)
     k1 = num_bit_chunks(n0 + n1)
     if k1 > k0
-        ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, Uint), Bc, k1 - k0)
+        ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, UInt), Bc, k1 - k0)
         Bc[end] = uint64(0)
     B.len += n1
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ prepend!(B::BitVector, items::AbstractVector{Bool}) = prepend!(B, bitpack(items)
 prepend!(A::Vector{Bool}, items::BitVector) = prepend!(A, bitunpack(items))
 function sizehint(B::BitVector, sz::Integer)
-    ccall(:jl_array_sizehint, Void, (Any, Uint), B.chunks, num_bit_chunks(sz))
+    ccall(:jl_array_sizehint, Void, (Any, UInt), B.chunks, num_bit_chunks(sz))
     return B
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ function resize!(B::BitVector, n::Integer)
     k0 = length(Bc)
     k1 = num_bit_chunks(int(n))
     if k1 > k0
-        ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, Uint), Bc, k1 - k0)
+        ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, UInt), Bc, k1 - k0)
         Bc[end] = uint64(0)
     B.len = n
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ function pop!(B::BitVector)
     B[end] = false
     l = @_mod64 length(B)
-    l == 1 && ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, Uint), B.chunks, 1)
+    l == 1 && ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, UInt), B.chunks, 1)
     B.len -= 1
     return item
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ function unshift!(B::BitVector, item)
     l = @_mod64 length(B)
     if l == 0
-        ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, Uint), Bc, 1)
+        ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, UInt), Bc, 1)
         Bc[end] = uint64(0)
     B.len += 1
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ function shift!(B::BitVector)
         l = @_mod64 length(B)
         if l == 1
-            ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, Uint), Bc, 1)
+            ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, UInt), Bc, 1)
             Bc[end] >>>= 1
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ function insert!(B::BitVector, i::Integer, item)
     l = @_mod64 length(B)
     if l == 0
-        ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, Uint), Bc, 1)
+        ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, UInt), Bc, 1)
         Bc[end] = uint64(0)
     B.len += 1
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ function _deleteat!(B::BitVector, i::Integer)
         l = @_mod64 length(B)
         if l == 1
-            ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, Uint), Bc, 1)
+            ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, UInt), Bc, 1)
         elseif length(Bc) > k
             Bc[end] >>>= 1
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ function deleteat!(B::BitVector, r::UnitRange{Int})
     copy_chunks!(Bc, i_f, Bc, i_l+1, n-i_l)
-    delta_k < 0 && ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, Uint), Bc, -delta_k)
+    delta_k < 0 && ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, UInt), Bc, -delta_k)
     B.len = new_l
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ function deleteat!(B::BitVector, inds)
     q <= n && copy_chunks!(Bc, p, Bc, q, n-q+1)
     delta_k = num_bit_chunks(new_l) - length(Bc)
-    delta_k < 0 && ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, Uint), Bc, -delta_k)
+    delta_k < 0 && ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, UInt), Bc, -delta_k)
     B.len = new_l
@@ -756,12 +756,12 @@ function splice!(B::BitVector, r::Union(UnitRange{Int}, Integer), ins::AbstractA
     new_l = length(B) + lins - ldel
     delta_k = num_bit_chunks(new_l) - length(Bc)
-    delta_k > 0 && ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, Uint), Bc, delta_k)
+    delta_k > 0 && ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Void, (Any, UInt), Bc, delta_k)
     copy_chunks!(Bc, i_f+lins, Bc, i_l+1, n-i_l)
     copy_chunks!(Bc, i_f, Bins.chunks, 1, lins)
-    delta_k < 0 && ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, Uint), Bc, -delta_k)
+    delta_k < 0 && ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, UInt), Bc, -delta_k)
     B.len = new_l
@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ end
 function empty!(B::BitVector)
-    ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, Uint), B.chunks, length(B.chunks))
+    ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, UInt), B.chunks, length(B.chunks))
     B.len = 0
     return B
@@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@ function flipdim(A::BitArray, d::Integer)
     return B
-function reverse_bits(src::Uint64)
+function reverse_bits(src::UInt64)
     z    = src
     z    = ((z >>>  1) & 0x5555555555555555) | ((z <<  1) & 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
     z    = ((z >>>  2) & 0x3333333333333333) | ((z <<  2) & 0xcccccccccccccccc)
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@ function reverse!(B::BitVector)
     pnc = length(B.chunks) & 1
     hnc = (length(B.chunks) >>> 1)
-    aux_chunks = Array(Uint64, 1)
+    aux_chunks = Array(UInt64, 1)
     for i = 1:hnc
         j = ((i - 1) << 6)
@@ -1477,7 +1477,7 @@ transpose(B::BitVector) = reshape(copy(B), 1, length(B))
 # fast 8x8 bit transpose from Henry S. Warrens's "Hacker's Delight"
 # http://www.hackersdelight.org/HDcode/transpose8.c.txt
-function transpose8x8(x::Uint64)
+function transpose8x8(x::UInt64)
     y = x
     t = (y $ (y >>> 7)) & 0x00aa00aa00aa00aa
     y = y $ t $ (t << 7)
@@ -1487,7 +1487,7 @@ function transpose8x8(x::Uint64)
     return y $ t $ (t << 28)
-function form_8x8_chunk(Bc::Vector{Uint64}, i1::Int, i2::Int, m::Int, cgap::Int, cinc::Int, nc::Int, msk8::Uint64)
+function form_8x8_chunk(Bc::Vector{UInt64}, i1::Int, i2::Int, m::Int, cgap::Int, cinc::Int, nc::Int, msk8::UInt64)
     x = uint64(0)
     k, l = get_chunks_id(i1 + (i2 - 1) * m)
@@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@ function form_8x8_chunk(Bc::Vector{Uint64}, i1::Int, i2::Int, m::Int, cgap::Int,
 # note: assumes B is filled with 0's
-function put_8x8_chunk(Bc::Vector{Uint64}, i1::Int, i2::Int, x::Uint64, m::Int, cgap::Int, cinc::Int, nc::Int, msk8::Uint64)
+function put_8x8_chunk(Bc::Vector{UInt64}, i1::Int, i2::Int, x::UInt64, m::Int, cgap::Int, cinc::Int, nc::Int, msk8::UInt64)
     k, l = get_chunks_id(i1 + (i2 - 1) * m)
     r = 0
     for j = 1:8
diff --git a/base/boot.jl b/base/boot.jl
index b11a3b3e08a49..0ecec7f2fa14c 100644
--- a/base/boot.jl
+++ b/base/boot.jl
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ export
     Module, Symbol, Task, Array,
     # numeric types
     Bool, FloatingPoint, Float16, Float32, Float64, Number, Integer, Int, Int8, Int16,
-    Int32, Int64, Int128, Ptr, Real, Signed, Uint, Uint8, Uint16, Uint32,
-    Uint64, Uint128, Unsigned,
+    Int32, Int64, Int128, Ptr, Real, Signed, UInt, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32,
+    UInt64, UInt128, Unsigned,
     # string types
     Char, ASCIIString, ByteString, DirectIndexString, AbstractString, UTF8String,
     # errors
@@ -183,20 +183,20 @@ bitstype 8  Bool <: Integer
 bitstype 32 Char
 bitstype 8   Int8    <: Signed
-bitstype 8   Uint8   <: Unsigned
+bitstype 8   UInt8   <: Unsigned
 bitstype 16  Int16   <: Signed
-bitstype 16  Uint16  <: Unsigned
+bitstype 16  UInt16  <: Unsigned
 bitstype 32  Int32   <: Signed
-bitstype 32  Uint32  <: Unsigned
+bitstype 32  UInt32  <: Unsigned
 bitstype 64  Int64   <: Signed
-bitstype 64  Uint64  <: Unsigned
+bitstype 64  UInt64  <: Unsigned
 bitstype 128 Int128  <: Signed
-bitstype 128 Uint128 <: Unsigned
+bitstype 128 UInt128 <: Unsigned
 if is(Int,Int64)
-    typealias Uint Uint64
+    typealias UInt UInt64
-    typealias Uint Uint32
+    typealias UInt UInt32
 abstract Exception
@@ -230,11 +230,11 @@ type GetfieldNode
 immutable ASCIIString <: DirectIndexString
-    data::Array{Uint8,1}
+    data::Array{UInt8,1}
 immutable UTF8String <: AbstractString
-    data::Array{Uint8,1}
+    data::Array{UInt8,1}
 typealias ByteString Union(ASCIIString,UTF8String)
diff --git a/base/broadcast.jl b/base/broadcast.jl
index 26bca2471479b..4106d9b0d69de 100644
--- a/base/broadcast.jl
+++ b/base/broadcast.jl
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ end
 const bitcache_chunks = 64 # this can be changed
 const bitcache_size = 64 * bitcache_chunks # do not change this
-function dumpbitcache(Bc::Vector{Uint64}, bind::Int, C::Vector{Bool})
+function dumpbitcache(Bc::Vector{UInt64}, bind::Int, C::Vector{Bool})
     ind = 1
     nc = min(bitcache_chunks, length(Bc)-bind+1)
     for i = 1:nc
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ for (f, scalarf, bitf, bitfbody) in ((:.==, :(==), :biteq , :(~a $ b)),
                                      (:.<=, :<=  , :bitle , :(~a | b)))
     @eval begin
         ($f)(A::AbstractArray, B::AbstractArray) = bitbroadcast($scalarf, A, B)
-        ($bitf)(a::Uint64, b::Uint64) = $bitfbody
+        ($bitf)(a::UInt64, b::UInt64) = $bitfbody
         function ($f)(A::AbstractArray{Bool}, B::AbstractArray{Bool})
             local shape
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ end
 (.^)(A::BitArray, B::AbstractArray{Bool}) = (B .<= A)
 (.^)(A::AbstractArray{Bool}, B::AbstractArray{Bool}) = (B .<= A)
-function bitcache_pow{T}(Ac::Vector{Uint64}, B::Array{T}, l::Int, ind::Int, C::Vector{Bool})
+function bitcache_pow{T}(Ac::Vector{UInt64}, B::Array{T}, l::Int, ind::Int, C::Vector{Bool})
     left = l - ind + 1
     @inbounds begin
         for j = 1:min(bitcache_size, left)
diff --git a/base/c.jl b/base/c.jl
index fa10ae50543ce..872414be19bc0 100644
--- a/base/c.jl
+++ b/base/c.jl
@@ -14,22 +14,22 @@ const RTLD_FIRST     = 0x00000040
 function dlsym(hnd::Ptr, s::Union(Symbol,AbstractString))
     hnd == C_NULL && error("NULL library handle")
-    ccall(:jl_dlsym, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Uint8}), hnd, s)
+    ccall(:jl_dlsym, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{UInt8}), hnd, s)
 function dlsym_e(hnd::Ptr, s::Union(Symbol,AbstractString))
     hnd == C_NULL && error("NULL library handle")
-    ccall(:jl_dlsym_e, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Uint8}), hnd, s)
+    ccall(:jl_dlsym_e, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{UInt8}), hnd, s)
 dlopen(s::Symbol, flags::Integer = RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_DEEPBIND) =
     dlopen(string(s), flags)
 dlopen(s::AbstractString, flags::Integer = RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_DEEPBIND) =
-    ccall(:jl_load_dynamic_library, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Uint8},Uint32), s, flags)
+    ccall(:jl_load_dynamic_library, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{UInt8},UInt32), s, flags)
 dlopen_e(s::AbstractString, flags::Integer = RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_DEEPBIND) =
-    ccall(:jl_load_dynamic_library_e, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Uint8},Uint32), s, flags)
+    ccall(:jl_load_dynamic_library_e, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{UInt8},UInt32), s, flags)
 dlopen_e(s::Symbol, flags::Integer = RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_DEEPBIND) =
     dlopen_e(string(s), flags)
@@ -42,29 +42,29 @@ cfunction(f::Function, r, a) =
 if ccall(:jl_is_char_signed, Any, ())
     typealias Cchar Int8
-    typealias Cchar Uint8
+    typealias Cchar UInt8
-typealias Cuchar Uint8
+typealias Cuchar UInt8
 typealias Cshort Int16
-typealias Cushort Uint16
+typealias Cushort UInt16
 typealias Cint Int32
-typealias Cuint Uint32
+typealias Cuint UInt32
 if OS_NAME === :Windows
     typealias Clong Int32
-    typealias Culong Uint32
-    typealias Cwchar_t Uint16
+    typealias Culong UInt32
+    typealias Cwchar_t UInt16
     typealias Clong Int
-    typealias Culong Uint
+    typealias Culong UInt
     typealias Cwchar_t Int32
 typealias Cptrdiff_t Int
-typealias Csize_t Uint
+typealias Csize_t UInt
 typealias Cssize_t Int
 typealias Cintmax_t Int64
-typealias Cuintmax_t Uint64
+typealias Cuintmax_t UInt64
 typealias Clonglong Int64
-typealias Culonglong Uint64
+typealias Culonglong UInt64
 typealias Cfloat Float32
 typealias Cdouble Float64
@@ -113,11 +113,11 @@ function find_library{T<:ByteString, S<:ByteString}(libnames::Array{T,1}, extrap
 function ccallable(f::Function, rt::Type, argt::(Type...), name::Union(AbstractString,Symbol)=string(f))
-    ccall(:jl_extern_c, Void, (Any, Any, Any, Ptr{Uint8}), f, rt, argt, name)
+    ccall(:jl_extern_c, Void, (Any, Any, Any, Ptr{UInt8}), f, rt, argt, name)
 function ccallable(f::Function, argt::(Type...), name::Union(AbstractString,Symbol)=string(f))
-    ccall(:jl_extern_c, Void, (Any, Ptr{Void}, Any, Ptr{Uint8}), f, C_NULL, argt, name)
+    ccall(:jl_extern_c, Void, (Any, Ptr{Void}, Any, Ptr{UInt8}), f, C_NULL, argt, name)
 macro ccallable(def)
diff --git a/base/char.jl b/base/char.jl
index dee14fec1490d..ee61f6c760702 100644
--- a/base/char.jl
+++ b/base/char.jl
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ char(x::FloatingPoint) = char(iround(x))
 integer(x::Char) = int(x)
-convert(::Type{Char}, x::Float16) = char(convert(Uint32, x))
-convert(::Type{Char}, x::Float32) = char(convert(Uint32, x))
-convert(::Type{Char}, x::Float64) = char(convert(Uint32, x))
+convert(::Type{Char}, x::Float16) = char(convert(UInt32, x))
+convert(::Type{Char}, x::Float32) = char(convert(UInt32, x))
+convert(::Type{Char}, x::Float64) = char(convert(UInt32, x))
-typemax(::Type{Char}) = char(typemax(Uint32))
-typemin(::Type{Char}) = char(typemin(Uint32))
+typemax(::Type{Char}) = char(typemax(UInt32))
+typemin(::Type{Char}) = char(typemin(UInt32))
 ## character operations & comparisons ##
 size(c::Char) = ()
diff --git a/base/client.jl b/base/client.jl
index 8f8db5a6fc900..6f77d62743c33 100644
--- a/base/client.jl
+++ b/base/client.jl
@@ -133,13 +133,13 @@ function parse_input_line(s::AbstractString)
     # s = bytestring(s)
     # (expr, pos) = parse(s, 1)
     # (ex, pos) = ccall(:jl_parse_string, Any,
-    #                   (Ptr{Uint8},Int32,Int32),
+    #                   (Ptr{UInt8},Int32,Int32),
     #                   s, int32(pos)-1, 1)
     # if !is(ex,())
     #     throw(ParseError("extra input after end of expression"))
     # end
     # expr
-    ccall(:jl_parse_input_line, Any, (Ptr{Uint8},), s)
+    ccall(:jl_parse_input_line, Any, (Ptr{UInt8},), s)
 function parse_input_line(io::IO)
diff --git a/base/combinatorics.jl b/base/combinatorics.jl
index cdfacaf19d4a0..ebab3e4a965de 100644
--- a/base/combinatorics.jl
+++ b/base/combinatorics.jl
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const _fact_table64 =
 const _fact_table128 =
-    Uint128[0x00000000000000000000000000000001, 0x00000000000000000000000000000002,
+    UInt128[0x00000000000000000000000000000001, 0x00000000000000000000000000000002,
             0x00000000000000000000000000000006, 0x00000000000000000000000000000018,
             0x00000000000000000000000000000078, 0x000000000000000000000000000002d0,
             0x000000000000000000000000000013b0, 0x00000000000000000000000000009d80,
@@ -31,17 +31,17 @@ function factorial_lookup(n::Integer, table, lim)
 factorial(n::Int128) = factorial_lookup(n, _fact_table128, 33)
-factorial(n::Uint128) = factorial_lookup(n, _fact_table128, 34)
-factorial(n::Union(Int64,Uint64)) = factorial_lookup(n, _fact_table64, 20)
+factorial(n::UInt128) = factorial_lookup(n, _fact_table128, 34)
+factorial(n::Union(Int64,UInt64)) = factorial_lookup(n, _fact_table64, 20)
 if Int === Int32
-factorial(n::Union(Int8,Uint8,Int16,Uint16)) = factorial(int32(n))
-factorial(n::Union(Int32,Uint32)) = factorial_lookup(n, _fact_table64, 12)
+factorial(n::Union(Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16)) = factorial(int32(n))
+factorial(n::Union(Int32,UInt32)) = factorial_lookup(n, _fact_table64, 12)
-factorial(n::Union(Int8,Uint8,Int16,Uint16,Int32,Uint32)) = factorial(int64(n))
+factorial(n::Union(Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16,Int32,UInt32)) = factorial(int64(n))
-function gamma(n::Union(Int8,Uint8,Int16,Uint16,Int32,Uint32,Int64,Uint64))
+function gamma(n::Union(Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16,Int32,UInt32,Int64,UInt64))
     n < 0 && throw(DomainError())
     n == 0 && return Inf
     n <= 2 && return 1.0
diff --git a/base/constants.jl b/base/constants.jl
index c5ac448fe8ef2..96fdb852cfeca 100644
--- a/base/constants.jl
+++ b/base/constants.jl
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ end
 =={s}(::MathConst{s}, ::MathConst{s}) = true
 ==(::MathConst, ::MathConst) = false
-hash(x::MathConst, h::Uint) = hash(object_id(x), h)
+hash(x::MathConst, h::UInt) = hash(object_id(x), h)
 -(x::MathConst) = -float64(x)
 for op in Symbol[:+, :-, :*, :/, :^]
diff --git a/base/dSFMT.jl b/base/dSFMT.jl
index f123dd1d703b7..62e99c62d6d5f 100644
--- a/base/dSFMT.jl
+++ b/base/dSFMT.jl
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ end
 function dsfmt_get_idstring()
     idstring = ccall((:dsfmt_get_idstring,:libdSFMT),
-                     Ptr{Uint8},
+                     Ptr{UInt8},
     return bytestring(idstring)
@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@ end
 const dsfmt_min_array_size = dsfmt_get_min_array_size()
-function dsfmt_init_gen_rand(s::DSFMT_state, seed::Uint32)
+function dsfmt_init_gen_rand(s::DSFMT_state, seed::UInt32)
-          (Ptr{Void}, Uint32,), 
+          (Ptr{Void}, UInt32,), 
           s.val, seed)
-function dsfmt_init_by_array(s::DSFMT_state, seed::Vector{Uint32})
+function dsfmt_init_by_array(s::DSFMT_state, seed::Vector{UInt32})
-          (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Uint32}, Int32), 
+          (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{UInt32}, Int32), 
           s.val, seed, length(seed))
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ end
 ## Windows entropy
 @windows_only begin
-    function win32_SystemFunction036!(a::Array{Uint32})
-        ccall((:SystemFunction036,:Advapi32),stdcall,Uint8,(Ptr{Void},Uint32),a,length(a)*sizeof(eltype(a)))
+    function win32_SystemFunction036!(a::Array{UInt32})
+        ccall((:SystemFunction036,:Advapi32),stdcall,UInt8,(Ptr{Void},UInt32),a,length(a)*sizeof(eltype(a)))
diff --git a/base/datafmt.jl b/base/datafmt.jl
index 83810cb62139e..cd932d90912d4 100644
--- a/base/datafmt.jl
+++ b/base/datafmt.jl
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function countlines(io::IO, eol::Char)
     if !isascii(eol)
         error("only ASCII line terminators are supported")
-    a = Array(Uint8, 8192)
+    a = Array(UInt8, 8192)
     nl = 0
     preceded_by_eol = true
     while !eof(io)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ function readdlm_auto(input, dlm::Char, T::Type, eol::Char, auto::Bool; opts...)
     optsd = val_opts(opts)
     use_mmap = get(optsd, :use_mmap, @windows ? false : true)
     isa(input, AbstractString) && (fsz = filesize(input); input = use_mmap && (fsz > 0) && fsz < typemax(Int) ? as_mmap(input,fsz) : readall(input))
-    sinp = isa(input, Vector{Uint8}) ? bytestring(input) :
+    sinp = isa(input, Vector{UInt8}) ? bytestring(input) :
            isa(input, IO) ? readall(input) :
     readdlm_string(sinp, dlm, T, eol, auto, optsd)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ end
 function as_mmap(fname::AbstractString, fsz::Int64)
     open(fname) do io
-        mmap_array(Uint8, (int(fsz),), io)
+        mmap_array(UInt8, (int(fsz),), io)
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ dlm_parse(s::ASCIIString, eol::Char, dlm::Char, qchar::Char, cchar::Char, ign_ad
 function dlm_parse{T,D}(dbuff::T, eol::D, dlm::D, qchar::D, cchar::D, ign_adj_dlm::Bool, allow_quote::Bool, allow_comments::Bool, skipstart::Int, skipblanks::Bool, dh::DLMHandler)
-    all_ascii = (D <: Uint8) || (isascii(eol) && isascii(dlm) && (!allow_quote || isascii(qchar)) && (!allow_comments || isascii(cchar)))
+    all_ascii = (D <: UInt8) || (isascii(eol) && isascii(dlm) && (!allow_quote || isascii(qchar)) && (!allow_comments || isascii(cchar)))
     (T <: UTF8String) && all_ascii && (return dlm_parse(dbuff.data, uint8(eol), uint8(dlm), uint8(qchar), uint8(cchar), ign_adj_dlm, allow_quote, allow_comments, skipstart, skipblanks, dh))
     ncols = nrows = col = 0
     is_default_dlm = (dlm == uint32(invalid_dlm) % D)
diff --git a/base/deepcopy.jl b/base/deepcopy.jl
index 07e7add299cf2..4677cdebc729e 100644
--- a/base/deepcopy.jl
+++ b/base/deepcopy.jl
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ function _deepcopy_t(x, T::DataType, stackdict::ObjectIdDict)
         fields = Any[deepcopy_internal(x.(i), stackdict) for i in 1:length(T.names)]
-        y = ccall(:jl_new_structv, Any, (Any, Ptr{Void}, Uint32),
+        y = ccall(:jl_new_structv, Any, (Any, Ptr{Void}, UInt32),
                   T, pointer(fields), length(fields))
     return y::T
diff --git a/base/deprecated.jl b/base/deprecated.jl
index 536f33e03482d..547d07e5d9aa7 100644
--- a/base/deprecated.jl
+++ b/base/deprecated.jl
@@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ Set{T<:Number}(xs::T...) = Set{T}(xs)
 @deprecate infs(dims...)                 fill(Inf, dims)
 @deprecate infs{T}(x::AbstractArray{T})  fill(convert(T,Inf), size(x))
-@deprecate bitmix(x, y::Uint)                 hash(x, y)
+@deprecate bitmix(x, y::UInt)                 hash(x, y)
 @deprecate bitmix(x, y::Int)                  hash(x, uint(y))
-@deprecate bitmix(x, y::Union(Uint32, Int32)) convert(Uint32, hash(x, uint(y)))
-@deprecate bitmix(x, y::Union(Uint64, Int64)) convert(Uint64, hash(x, hash(y)))
+@deprecate bitmix(x, y::Union(UInt32, Int32)) convert(UInt32, hash(x, uint(y)))
+@deprecate bitmix(x, y::Union(UInt64, Int64)) convert(UInt64, hash(x, hash(y)))
 @deprecate readsfrom(cmd, args...)      open(cmd, "r", args...)
 @deprecate writesto(cmd, args...)      open(cmd, "w", args...)
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ function tty_cols()
-@deprecate pointer{T}(::Type{T}, x::Uint) convert(Ptr{T}, x)
+@deprecate pointer{T}(::Type{T}, x::UInt) convert(Ptr{T}, x)
 @deprecate pointer{T}(::Type{T}, x::Ptr) convert(Ptr{T}, x)
 # 0.3 discontinued functions
@@ -215,3 +215,11 @@ end
 export String
 const String = AbstractString
+export Uint, Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64, Uint128
+const Uint = UInt
+const Uint8 = UInt8
+const Uint16 = UInt16
+const Uint32 = UInt32
+const Uint64 = UInt64
+const Uint128 = UInt128
diff --git a/base/dict.jl b/base/dict.jl
index 8f7f7576eb97d..e2e642c33ffb0 100644
--- a/base/dict.jl
+++ b/base/dict.jl
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ type ObjectIdDict <: Associative{Any,Any}
     function ObjectIdDict(o::ObjectIdDict)
         N = length(o.ht)
         ht = cell(N)
-        ccall(:memcpy, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Uint),
+        ccall(:memcpy, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, UInt),
               ht, o.ht, N*sizeof(Ptr))
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ copy(o::ObjectIdDict) = ObjectIdDict(o)
 # dict
 type Dict{K,V} <: Associative{K,V}
-    slots::Array{Uint8,1}
+    slots::Array{UInt8,1}
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ type Dict{K,V} <: Associative{K,V}
     function Dict()
         n = 16
-        new(zeros(Uint8,n), Array(K,n), Array(V,n), 0, 0, identity)
+        new(zeros(UInt8,n), Array(K,n), Array(V,n), 0, 0, identity)
     function Dict(kv)
         h = Dict{K,V}()
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ function rehash{K,V}(h::Dict{K,V}, newsz)
         return h
-    slots = zeros(Uint8,newsz)
+    slots = zeros(UInt8,newsz)
     keys = Array(K, newsz)
     vals = Array(V, newsz)
     count0 = h.count
@@ -676,8 +676,8 @@ end
 function _delete!(h::Dict, index)
     h.slots[index] = 0x2
-    ccall(:jl_arrayunset, Void, (Any, Uint), h.keys, index-1)
-    ccall(:jl_arrayunset, Void, (Any, Uint), h.vals, index-1)
+    ccall(:jl_arrayunset, Void, (Any, UInt), h.keys, index-1)
+    ccall(:jl_arrayunset, Void, (Any, UInt), h.vals, index-1)
     h.ndel += 1
     h.count -= 1
diff --git a/base/env.jl b/base/env.jl
index 90e5412556883..ebc40a10fa137 100644
--- a/base/env.jl
+++ b/base/env.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ## core libc calls ##
 @unix_only begin
-    _getenv(var::AbstractString) = ccall(:getenv, Ptr{Uint8}, (Ptr{Uint8},), var)
+    _getenv(var::AbstractString) = ccall(:getenv, Ptr{UInt8}, (Ptr{UInt8},), var)
     _hasenv(s::AbstractString) = _getenv(s) != C_NULL
 @windows_only begin
@@ -10,28 +10,28 @@ const FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER = uint32(0x100)
 const FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM = uint32(0x1000)
 const FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS = uint32(0x200)
-GetLastError() = ccall(:GetLastError,stdcall,Uint32,())
+GetLastError() = ccall(:GetLastError,stdcall,UInt32,())
 function FormatMessage(e=GetLastError())
-    lpMsgBuf = Array(Ptr{Uint16})
+    lpMsgBuf = Array(Ptr{UInt16})
     lpMsgBuf[1] = 0
-    len = ccall(:FormatMessageW,stdcall,Uint32,(Cint, Ptr{Void}, Cint, Cint, Ptr{Ptr{Uint16}}, Cint, Ptr{Void}),
+    len = ccall(:FormatMessageW,stdcall,UInt32,(Cint, Ptr{Void}, Cint, Cint, Ptr{Ptr{UInt16}}, Cint, Ptr{Void}),
         C_NULL, e, 0, lpMsgBuf, 0, C_NULL)
     p = lpMsgBuf[1]
     len == 0 && return utf8("")
     len = len + 1
-    buf = Array(Uint16, len)
+    buf = Array(UInt16, len)
     unsafe_copy!(pointer(buf), p, len)
     return utf8(UTF16String(buf))
-_getenvlen(var::UTF16String) = ccall(:GetEnvironmentVariableW,stdcall,Uint32,(Ptr{Uint16},Ptr{Uint8},Uint32),utf16(var),C_NULL,0)
+_getenvlen(var::UTF16String) = ccall(:GetEnvironmentVariableW,stdcall,UInt32,(Ptr{UInt16},Ptr{UInt8},UInt32),utf16(var),C_NULL,0)
 _hasenv(s::UTF16String) = _getenvlen(s)!=0 || GetLastError()!=ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND
 _hasenv(s::AbstractString) = _hasenv(utf16(s))
-function _jl_win_getenv(s::UTF16String,len::Uint32)
-    val=zeros(Uint16,len)
-    ret=ccall(:GetEnvironmentVariableW,stdcall,Uint32,(Ptr{Uint16},Ptr{Uint16},Uint32),s,val,len)
+function _jl_win_getenv(s::UTF16String,len::UInt32)
+    val=zeros(UInt16,len)
+    ret=ccall(:GetEnvironmentVariableW,stdcall,UInt32,(Ptr{UInt16},Ptr{UInt16},UInt32),s,val,len)
     if ret==0 || ret != len-1 || val[end] != 0
         error(string("system error getenv: ", s, ' ', len, "-1 != ", ret, ": ", FormatMessage()))
@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ end
 function _setenv(var::AbstractString, val::AbstractString, overwrite::Bool)
     @unix_only begin
-        ret = ccall(:setenv, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Uint8},Int32), var, val, overwrite)
+        ret = ccall(:setenv, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{UInt8},Int32), var, val, overwrite)
         systemerror(:setenv, ret != 0)
     @windows_only begin
         var = utf16(var)
         if overwrite || !_hasenv(var)
-            ret = ccall(:SetEnvironmentVariableW,stdcall,Int32,(Ptr{Uint16},Ptr{Uint16}),utf16(var),utf16(val))
+            ret = ccall(:SetEnvironmentVariableW,stdcall,Int32,(Ptr{UInt16},Ptr{UInt16}),utf16(var),utf16(val))
             systemerror(:setenv, ret == 0)
@@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ _setenv(var::AbstractString, val::AbstractString) = _setenv(var, val, true)
 function _unsetenv(var::AbstractString)
     @unix_only begin
-        ret = ccall(:unsetenv, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8},), var)
+        ret = ccall(:unsetenv, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8},), var)
         systemerror(:unsetenv, ret != 0)
     @windows_only begin
-        ret = ccall(:SetEnvironmentVariableW,stdcall,Int32,(Ptr{Uint16},Ptr{Uint16}),utf16(var),C_NULL)
+        ret = ccall(:SetEnvironmentVariableW,stdcall,Int32,(Ptr{UInt16},Ptr{UInt16}),utf16(var),C_NULL)
         systemerror(:setenv, ret == 0)
@@ -132,19 +132,19 @@ end
 @windows_only begin
-start(hash::EnvHash) = (pos = ccall(:GetEnvironmentStringsW,stdcall,Ptr{Uint16},()); (pos,pos))
-function done(hash::EnvHash, block::(Ptr{Uint16},Ptr{Uint16}))
+start(hash::EnvHash) = (pos = ccall(:GetEnvironmentStringsW,stdcall,Ptr{UInt16},()); (pos,pos))
+function done(hash::EnvHash, block::(Ptr{UInt16},Ptr{UInt16}))
     if unsafe_load(block[1])==0
-        ccall(:FreeEnvironmentStringsW,stdcall,Int32,(Ptr{Uint16},),block[2])
+        ccall(:FreeEnvironmentStringsW,stdcall,Int32,(Ptr{UInt16},),block[2])
         return true
-function next(hash::EnvHash, block::(Ptr{Uint16},Ptr{Uint16}))
+function next(hash::EnvHash, block::(Ptr{UInt16},Ptr{UInt16}))
     pos = block[1]
     blk = block[2]
-    len = ccall(:wcslen, Uint, (Ptr{Uint16},), pos)+1
-    buf = Array(Uint16, len)
+    len = ccall(:wcslen, UInt, (Ptr{UInt16},), pos)+1
+    buf = Array(UInt16, len)
     unsafe_copy!(pointer(buf), pos, len)
     env = utf8(UTF16String(buf))
     m = match(r"^(=?[^=]+)=(.*)$"s, env)
diff --git a/base/error.jl b/base/error.jl
index ed863673ce03b..16ea85d213645 100644
--- a/base/error.jl
+++ b/base/error.jl
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ catch_backtrace() = ccall(:jl_get_backtrace, Array{Ptr{Void},1}, ())
 errno() = ccall(:jl_errno, Cint, ())
 errno(e::Integer) = ccall(:jl_set_errno, Void, (Cint,), e)
-strerror(e::Integer) = bytestring(ccall(:strerror, Ptr{Uint8}, (Int32,), e))
+strerror(e::Integer) = bytestring(ccall(:strerror, Ptr{UInt8}, (Int32,), e))
 strerror() = strerror(errno())
 systemerror(p, b::Bool) = b ? throw(SystemError(string(p))) : nothing
diff --git a/base/expr.jl b/base/expr.jl
index afddeca15ceb2..3368acbd1641e 100644
--- a/base/expr.jl
+++ b/base/expr.jl
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
 symbol(s::Symbol) = s
 symbol(s::ASCIIString) = symbol(s.data)
 symbol(s::UTF8String) = symbol(s.data)
-symbol(a::Array{Uint8,1}) =
-    ccall(:jl_symbol_n, Any, (Ptr{Uint8}, Int32), a, length(a))::Symbol
+symbol(a::Array{UInt8,1}) =
+    ccall(:jl_symbol_n, Any, (Ptr{UInt8}, Int32), a, length(a))::Symbol
 symbol(x::Char) = symbol(string(x))
 gensym() = ccall(:jl_gensym, Any, ())::Symbol
 gensym(s::ASCIIString) = gensym(s.data)
 gensym(s::UTF8String) = gensym(s.data)
-gensym(a::Array{Uint8,1}) =
-    ccall(:jl_tagged_gensym, Any, (Ptr{Uint8}, Int32), a, length(a))::Symbol
+gensym(a::Array{UInt8,1}) =
+    ccall(:jl_tagged_gensym, Any, (Ptr{UInt8}, Int32), a, length(a))::Symbol
 gensym(ss::Union(ASCIIString, UTF8String)...) = map(gensym, ss)
 macro gensym(names...)
diff --git a/base/fftw.jl b/base/fftw.jl
index e21076791bd8d..1351fa20dd136 100644
--- a/base/fftw.jl
+++ b/base/fftw.jl
@@ -71,16 +71,16 @@ typealias fftwTypeSingle Union(Type{Float32},Type{Complex64})
 # FFTW's api/import-wisdom-from-file.c file].
 function export_wisdom(fname::AbstractString)
-    f = ccall(:fopen, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Uint8}), fname, "w")
+    f = ccall(:fopen, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{UInt8}), fname, "w")
     systemerror("could not open wisdom file $fname for writing", f == C_NULL)
     ccall((:fftw_export_wisdom_to_file,libfftw), Void, (Ptr{Void},), f)
-    ccall(:fputs, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Void}), " "^256, f)
+    ccall(:fputs, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{Void}), " "^256, f)
     ccall((:fftwf_export_wisdom_to_file,libfftwf), Void, (Ptr{Void},), f)
     ccall(:fclose, Void, (Ptr{Void},), f)
 function import_wisdom(fname::AbstractString)
-    f = ccall(:fopen, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Uint8}), fname, "r")
+    f = ccall(:fopen, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{UInt8}), fname, "r")
     systemerror("could not open wisdom file $fname for reading", f == C_NULL)
     if ccall((:fftw_import_wisdom_from_file,libfftw),Int32,(Ptr{Void},),f)==0||
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ for (Tr,Tc,fftw,lib) in ((:Float64,:Complex128,"fftw",libfftw),
         plan = ccall(($(string(fftw,"_plan_guru64_dft")),$lib),
                      (Int32, Ptr{Int}, Int32, Ptr{Int},
-                      Ptr{$Tc}, Ptr{$Tc}, Int32, Uint32),
+                      Ptr{$Tc}, Ptr{$Tc}, Int32, UInt32),
                      size(dims,2), dims, size(howmany,2), howmany,
                      X, Y, direction, flags)
         set_timelimit($Tr, NO_TIMELIMIT)
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ for (Tr,Tc,fftw,lib) in ((:Float64,:Complex128,"fftw",libfftw),
         plan = ccall(($(string(fftw,"_plan_guru64_dft_r2c")),$lib),
                      (Int32, Ptr{Int}, Int32, Ptr{Int},
-                      Ptr{$Tr}, Ptr{$Tc}, Uint32),
+                      Ptr{$Tr}, Ptr{$Tc}, UInt32),
                      size(dims,2), dims, size(howmany,2), howmany,
                      X, Y, flags)
         set_timelimit($Tr, NO_TIMELIMIT)
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ for (Tr,Tc,fftw,lib) in ((:Float64,:Complex128,"fftw",libfftw),
         plan = ccall(($(string(fftw,"_plan_guru64_dft_c2r")),$lib),
                      (Int32, Ptr{Int}, Int32, Ptr{Int},
-                      Ptr{$Tc}, Ptr{$Tr}, Uint32),
+                      Ptr{$Tc}, Ptr{$Tr}, UInt32),
                      size(dims,2), dims, size(howmany,2), howmany,
                      X, Y, flags)
         set_timelimit($Tr, NO_TIMELIMIT)
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ for (Tr,Tc,fftw,lib) in ((:Float64,:Complex128,"fftw",libfftw),
         plan = ccall(($(string(fftw,"_plan_guru64_r2r")),$lib),
                      (Int32, Ptr{Int}, Int32, Ptr{Int},
-                      Ptr{$Tr}, Ptr{$Tr}, Ptr{Int32}, Uint32),
+                      Ptr{$Tr}, Ptr{$Tr}, Ptr{Int32}, UInt32),
                      size(dims,2), dims, size(howmany,2), howmany,
                      X, Y, kinds, flags)
         set_timelimit($Tr, NO_TIMELIMIT)
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ for (Tr,Tc,fftw,lib) in ((:Float64,:Complex128,"fftw",libfftw),
         plan = ccall(($(string(fftw,"_plan_guru64_r2r")),$lib),
                      (Int32, Ptr{Int}, Int32, Ptr{Int},
-                      Ptr{$Tc}, Ptr{$Tc}, Ptr{Int32}, Uint32),
+                      Ptr{$Tc}, Ptr{$Tc}, Ptr{Int32}, UInt32),
                      size(dims,2), dims, size(howmany,2), howmany,
                      X, Y, kinds, flags)
         set_timelimit($Tr, NO_TIMELIMIT)
diff --git a/base/file.jl b/base/file.jl
index 1da8ed93f5bea..8f3971f3577a0 100644
--- a/base/file.jl
+++ b/base/file.jl
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 # get and set current directory
 function pwd()
-    b = Array(Uint8,1024)
+    b = Array(UInt8,1024)
     len = Csize_t[length(b),]
-    uv_error(:getcwd, ccall(:uv_cwd, Cint, (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Csize_t}), b, len))
+    uv_error(:getcwd, ccall(:uv_cwd, Cint, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{Csize_t}), b, len))
 function cd(dir::AbstractString) 
-    uv_error("chdir $dir", ccall(:uv_chdir, Cint, (Ptr{Uint8},), dir))
+    uv_error("chdir $dir", ccall(:uv_chdir, Cint, (Ptr{UInt8},), dir))
 cd() = cd(homedir())
 @unix_only function cd(f::Function, dir::AbstractString, args...)
-    fd = ccall(:open,Int32,(Ptr{Uint8},Int32),".",0)
+    fd = ccall(:open,Int32,(Ptr{UInt8},Int32),".",0)
     systemerror(:open, fd == -1)
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ end
 cd(f::Function) = cd(f, homedir())
 function mkdir(path::AbstractString, mode::Unsigned=0o777)
-    @unix_only ret = ccall(:mkdir, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8},Uint32), path, mode)
-    @windows_only ret = ccall(:_wmkdir, Int32, (Ptr{Uint16},), utf16(path))
+    @unix_only ret = ccall(:mkdir, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8},UInt32), path, mode)
+    @windows_only ret = ccall(:_wmkdir, Int32, (Ptr{UInt16},), utf16(path))
     systemerror(:mkdir, ret != 0)
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ function rm(path::AbstractString; recursive::Bool=false)
                 rm(joinpath(path, p), recursive=true)
-        @unix_only ret = ccall(:rmdir, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8},), path)
-        @windows_only ret = ccall(:_wrmdir, Int32, (Ptr{Uint16},), utf16(path))
+        @unix_only ret = ccall(:rmdir, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8},), path)
+        @windows_only ret = ccall(:_wrmdir, Int32, (Ptr{UInt16},), utf16(path))
         systemerror(:rmdir, ret != 0)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ end
 # Obtain a temporary filename.
 @unix_only function tempname()
     d = get(ENV, "TMPDIR", C_NULL) # tempnam ignores TMPDIR on darwin
-    p = ccall(:tempnam, Ptr{Uint8}, (Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Uint8}), d, "julia")
+    p = ccall(:tempnam, Ptr{UInt8}, (Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{UInt8}), d, "julia")
     systemerror(:tempnam, p == C_NULL)
     s = bytestring(p)
@@ -100,24 +100,24 @@ end
 # Create and return the name of a temporary file along with an IOStream
 @unix_only function mktemp()
     b = joinpath(tempdir(), "tmpXXXXXX")
-    p = ccall(:mkstemp, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8}, ), b) # modifies b
+    p = ccall(:mkstemp, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, ), b) # modifies b
     return (b, fdio(p, true))
 @windows_only begin 
 function tempdir()
-    temppath = Array(Uint16,32767)
-    lentemppath = ccall(:GetTempPathW,stdcall,Uint32,(Uint32,Ptr{Uint16}),length(temppath),temppath)
+    temppath = Array(UInt16,32767)
+    lentemppath = ccall(:GetTempPathW,stdcall,UInt32,(UInt32,Ptr{UInt16}),length(temppath),temppath)
     if lentemppath >= length(temppath) || lentemppath == 0
         error("GetTempPath failed: $(FormatMessage())")
     return utf8(UTF16String(temppath))
-tempname(uunique::Uint32=uint32(0)) = tempname(tempdir(), uunique)
-function tempname(temppath::AbstractString,uunique::Uint32)
-    tname = Array(Uint16,32767)
-    uunique = ccall(:GetTempFileNameW,stdcall,Uint32,(Ptr{Uint16},Ptr{Uint16},Uint32,Ptr{Uint16}),
+tempname(uunique::UInt32=uint32(0)) = tempname(tempdir(), uunique)
+function tempname(temppath::AbstractString,uunique::UInt32)
+    tname = Array(UInt16,32767)
+    uunique = ccall(:GetTempFileNameW,stdcall,UInt32,(Ptr{UInt16},Ptr{UInt16},UInt32,Ptr{UInt16}),
     lentname = findfirst(tname,0)-1
     if uunique == 0 || lentname <= 0
@@ -135,19 +135,19 @@ end
 # Create and return the name of a temporary directory
 @unix_only function mktempdir()
     b = joinpath(tempdir(), "tmpXXXXXX")
-    p = ccall(:mkdtemp, Ptr{Uint8}, (Ptr{Uint8}, ), b)
+    p = ccall(:mkdtemp, Ptr{UInt8}, (Ptr{UInt8}, ), b)
     return bytestring(p)
 @windows_only function mktempdir()
-    seed::Uint32 = rand(Uint32)
+    seed::UInt32 = rand(UInt32)
     dir = tempdir()
     while true
-        if (seed & typemax(Uint16)) == 0
+        if (seed & typemax(UInt16)) == 0
             seed += 1
         filename = tempname(dir, seed)
-        ret = ccall(:_wmkdir, Int32, (Ptr{Uint16},), utf16(filename))
+        ret = ccall(:_wmkdir, Int32, (Ptr{UInt16},), utf16(filename))
         if ret == 0
             return filename
@@ -158,10 +158,10 @@ end
 function readdir(path::AbstractString)
     # Allocate space for uv_fs_t struct
-    uv_readdir_req = zeros(Uint8, ccall(:jl_sizeof_uv_fs_t, Int32, ()))
+    uv_readdir_req = zeros(UInt8, ccall(:jl_sizeof_uv_fs_t, Int32, ()))
     # defined in sys.c, to call uv_fs_readdir, which sets errno on error.
-    file_count = ccall(:jl_readdir, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+    file_count = ccall(:jl_readdir, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                         path, uv_readdir_req)
     systemerror("unable to read directory $path", file_count < 0)
@@ -172,14 +172,14 @@ function readdir(path::AbstractString)
     offset = 0
     for i = 1:file_count
-        entry = bytestring(ccall(:jl_uv_fs_t_ptr_offset, Ptr{Uint8},
-                                 (Ptr{Uint8}, Int32), uv_readdir_req, offset))
+        entry = bytestring(ccall(:jl_uv_fs_t_ptr_offset, Ptr{UInt8},
+                                 (Ptr{UInt8}, Int32), uv_readdir_req, offset))
         push!(entries, entry)
         offset += sizeof(entry) + 1   # offset to the next entry
     # Clean up the request string
-    ccall(:jl_uv_fs_req_cleanup, Void, (Ptr{Uint8},), uv_readdir_req)
+    ccall(:jl_uv_fs_req_cleanup, Void, (Ptr{UInt8},), uv_readdir_req)
diff --git a/base/float.jl b/base/float.jl
index 212114cb7454b..ffcff8a459a42 100644
--- a/base/float.jl
+++ b/base/float.jl
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 ## conversions to floating-point ##
-convert(::Type{Float32}, x::Int128)  = float32(reinterpret(Uint128,abs(x)))*(1-2(x<0))
-convert(::Type{Float32}, x::Uint128) = float32(uint64(x&0xffffffffffffffff)) + ldexp(float32(uint64(x>>>64)),64)
+convert(::Type{Float32}, x::Int128)  = float32(reinterpret(UInt128,abs(x)))*(1-2(x<0))
+convert(::Type{Float32}, x::UInt128) = float32(uint64(x&0xffffffffffffffff)) + ldexp(float32(uint64(x>>>64)),64)
 promote_rule(::Type{Float32}, ::Type{Int128} ) = Float32
-promote_rule(::Type{Float32}, ::Type{Uint128}) = Float32
+promote_rule(::Type{Float32}, ::Type{UInt128}) = Float32
-convert(::Type{Float64}, x::Int128)  = float64(reinterpret(Uint128,abs(x)))*(1-2(x<0))
-convert(::Type{Float64}, x::Uint128) = float64(uint64(x&0xffffffffffffffff)) + ldexp(float64(uint64(x>>>64)),64)
+convert(::Type{Float64}, x::Int128)  = float64(reinterpret(UInt128,abs(x)))*(1-2(x<0))
+convert(::Type{Float64}, x::UInt128) = float64(uint64(x&0xffffffffffffffff)) + ldexp(float64(uint64(x>>>64)),64)
 promote_rule(::Type{Float64}, ::Type{Int128} ) = Float64
-promote_rule(::Type{Float64}, ::Type{Uint128}) = Float64
+promote_rule(::Type{Float64}, ::Type{UInt128}) = Float64
 convert(::Type{Float16}, x::Integer) = convert(Float16, convert(Float32,x))
-for t in (Bool,Char,Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64,Uint8,Uint16,Uint32,Uint64)
+for t in (Bool,Char,Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64,UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64)
     @eval promote_rule(::Type{Float16}, ::Type{$t}) = Float32
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ for t1 in (Float32,Float64)
             promote_rule(::Type{$t1}, ::Type{$st}  ) = $t1
-    for ut in (Bool,Char,Uint8,Uint16,Uint32,Uint64)
+    for ut in (Bool,Char,UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64)
         @eval begin
             convert(::Type{$t1},x::($ut)) = box($t1,uitofp($t1,unbox($ut,x)))
             promote_rule(::Type{$t1}, ::Type{$ut}  ) = $t1
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ convert(::Type{FloatingPoint}, x::Int16)   = convert(Float64, x)
 convert(::Type{FloatingPoint}, x::Int32)   = convert(Float64, x)
 convert(::Type{FloatingPoint}, x::Int64)   = convert(Float64, x) # LOSSY
 convert(::Type{FloatingPoint}, x::Int128)  = convert(Float64, x) # LOSSY
-convert(::Type{FloatingPoint}, x::Uint8)   = convert(Float64, x)
-convert(::Type{FloatingPoint}, x::Uint16)  = convert(Float64, x)
-convert(::Type{FloatingPoint}, x::Uint32)  = convert(Float64, x)
-convert(::Type{FloatingPoint}, x::Uint64)  = convert(Float64, x) # LOSSY
-convert(::Type{FloatingPoint}, x::Uint128) = convert(Float64, x) # LOSSY
+convert(::Type{FloatingPoint}, x::UInt8)   = convert(Float64, x)
+convert(::Type{FloatingPoint}, x::UInt16)  = convert(Float64, x)
+convert(::Type{FloatingPoint}, x::UInt32)  = convert(Float64, x)
+convert(::Type{FloatingPoint}, x::UInt64)  = convert(Float64, x) # LOSSY
+convert(::Type{FloatingPoint}, x::UInt128) = convert(Float64, x) # LOSSY
 float16(x) = convert(Float16, x)
 float32(x) = convert(Float32, x)
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ for to in (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
-for to in (Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64)
+for to in (UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64)
     @eval begin
         iround(::Type{$to}, x::Float32) = box($to,fpuiround($to,unbox(Float32,x)))
         iround(::Type{$to}, x::Float64) = box($to,fpuiround($to,unbox(Float64,x)))
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ end
 iround(::Type{Int128}, x::Float32) = convert(Int128,round(x))
 iround(::Type{Int128}, x::Float64) = convert(Int128,round(x))
-iround(::Type{Uint128}, x::Float32) = convert(Uint128,round(x))
-iround(::Type{Uint128}, x::Float64) = convert(Uint128,round(x))
+iround(::Type{UInt128}, x::Float32) = convert(UInt128,round(x))
+iround(::Type{UInt128}, x::Float64) = convert(UInt128,round(x))
 # this is needed very early because it is used by Range and colon
 round(x::Float64) = ccall((:round, Base.libm_name), Float64, (Float64,), x)
@@ -178,43 +178,43 @@ function cmp(x::FloatingPoint, y::Real)
 ==(x::Float64, y::Int64  ) = eqfsi64(unbox(Float64,x),unbox(Int64,y))
-==(x::Float64, y::Uint64 ) = eqfui64(unbox(Float64,x),unbox(Uint64,y))
+==(x::Float64, y::UInt64 ) = eqfui64(unbox(Float64,x),unbox(UInt64,y))
 ==(x::Int64  , y::Float64) = eqfsi64(unbox(Float64,y),unbox(Int64,x))
-==(x::Uint64 , y::Float64) = eqfui64(unbox(Float64,y),unbox(Uint64,x))
+==(x::UInt64 , y::Float64) = eqfui64(unbox(Float64,y),unbox(UInt64,x))
 ==(x::Float32, y::Int64  ) = eqfsi64(unbox(Float32,x),unbox(Int64,y))
-==(x::Float32, y::Uint64 ) = eqfui64(unbox(Float32,x),unbox(Uint64,y))
+==(x::Float32, y::UInt64 ) = eqfui64(unbox(Float32,x),unbox(UInt64,y))
 ==(x::Int64  , y::Float32) = eqfsi64(unbox(Float32,y),unbox(Int64,x))
-==(x::Uint64 , y::Float32) = eqfui64(unbox(Float32,y),unbox(Uint64,x))
+==(x::UInt64 , y::Float32) = eqfui64(unbox(Float32,y),unbox(UInt64,x))
 < (x::Float64, y::Int64  ) = ltfsi64(unbox(Float64,x),unbox(Int64,y))
-< (x::Float64, y::Uint64 ) = ltfui64(unbox(Float64,x),unbox(Uint64,y))
+< (x::Float64, y::UInt64 ) = ltfui64(unbox(Float64,x),unbox(UInt64,y))
 < (x::Int64  , y::Float64) = ltsif64(unbox(Int64,x),unbox(Float64,y))
-< (x::Uint64 , y::Float64) = ltuif64(unbox(Uint64,x),unbox(Float64,y))
+< (x::UInt64 , y::Float64) = ltuif64(unbox(UInt64,x),unbox(Float64,y))
 < (x::Float32, y::Int64  ) = ltfsi64(unbox(Float64,float64(x)),unbox(Int64,y))
-< (x::Float32, y::Uint64 ) = ltfui64(unbox(Float64,float64(x)),unbox(Uint64,y))
+< (x::Float32, y::UInt64 ) = ltfui64(unbox(Float64,float64(x)),unbox(UInt64,y))
 < (x::Int64  , y::Float32) = ltsif64(unbox(Int64,x),unbox(Float64,float64(y)))
-< (x::Uint64 , y::Float32) = ltuif64(unbox(Uint64,x),unbox(Float64,float64(y)))
+< (x::UInt64 , y::Float32) = ltuif64(unbox(UInt64,x),unbox(Float64,float64(y)))
 <=(x::Float64, y::Int64  ) = lefsi64(unbox(Float64,x),unbox(Int64,y))
-<=(x::Float64, y::Uint64 ) = lefui64(unbox(Float64,x),unbox(Uint64,y))
+<=(x::Float64, y::UInt64 ) = lefui64(unbox(Float64,x),unbox(UInt64,y))
 <=(x::Int64  , y::Float64) = lesif64(unbox(Int64,x),unbox(Float64,y))
-<=(x::Uint64 , y::Float64) = leuif64(unbox(Uint64,x),unbox(Float64,y))
+<=(x::UInt64 , y::Float64) = leuif64(unbox(UInt64,x),unbox(Float64,y))
 <=(x::Float32, y::Int64  ) = lefsi64(unbox(Float64,float64(x)),unbox(Int64,y))
-<=(x::Float32, y::Uint64 ) = lefui64(unbox(Float64,float64(x)),unbox(Uint64,y))
+<=(x::Float32, y::UInt64 ) = lefui64(unbox(Float64,float64(x)),unbox(UInt64,y))
 <=(x::Int64  , y::Float32) = lesif64(unbox(Int64,x),unbox(Float64,float64(y)))
-<=(x::Uint64 , y::Float32) = leuif64(unbox(Uint64,x),unbox(Float64,float64(y)))
+<=(x::UInt64 , y::Float32) = leuif64(unbox(UInt64,x),unbox(Float64,float64(y)))
-==(x::Float32, y::Union(Int32,Uint32)) = float64(x)==float64(y)
-==(x::Union(Int32,Uint32), y::Float32) = float64(x)==float64(y)
+==(x::Float32, y::Union(Int32,UInt32)) = float64(x)==float64(y)
+==(x::Union(Int32,UInt32), y::Float32) = float64(x)==float64(y)
-<(x::Float32, y::Union(Int32,Uint32)) = float64(x)<float64(y)
-<(x::Union(Int32,Uint32), y::Float32) = float64(x)<float64(y)
+<(x::Float32, y::Union(Int32,UInt32)) = float64(x)<float64(y)
+<(x::Union(Int32,UInt32), y::Float32) = float64(x)<float64(y)
-<=(x::Float32, y::Union(Int32,Uint32)) = float64(x)<=float64(y)
-<=(x::Union(Int32,Uint32), y::Float32) = float64(x)<=float64(y)
+<=(x::Float32, y::Union(Int32,UInt32)) = float64(x)<=float64(y)
+<=(x::Union(Int32,UInt32), y::Float32) = float64(x)<=float64(y)
 abs(x::Float64) = box(Float64,abs_float(unbox(Float64,x)))
 abs(x::Float32) = box(Float32,abs_float(unbox(Float32,x)))
@@ -230,12 +230,12 @@ isinf(x::Real) = !isnan(x) & !isfinite(x)
 ## floating point traits ##
-const Inf16 = box(Float16,unbox(Uint16,0x7c00))
-const NaN16 = box(Float16,unbox(Uint16,0x7e00))
-const Inf32 = box(Float32,unbox(Uint32,0x7f800000))
-const NaN32 = box(Float32,unbox(Uint32,0x7fc00000))
-const Inf = box(Float64,unbox(Uint64,0x7ff0000000000000))
-const NaN = box(Float64,unbox(Uint64,0x7ff8000000000000))
+const Inf16 = box(Float16,unbox(UInt16,0x7c00))
+const NaN16 = box(Float16,unbox(UInt16,0x7e00))
+const Inf32 = box(Float32,unbox(UInt32,0x7f800000))
+const NaN32 = box(Float32,unbox(UInt32,0x7fc00000))
+const Inf = box(Float64,unbox(UInt64,0x7ff0000000000000))
+const NaN = box(Float64,unbox(UInt64,0x7ff8000000000000))
 ## precision, as defined by the effective number of bits in the mantissa ##
 precision(::Type{Float16}) = 11
@@ -264,10 +264,10 @@ nextfloat(x::FloatingPoint) = nextfloat(x,1)
 prevfloat(x::FloatingPoint) = nextfloat(x,-1)
 @eval begin
-    issubnormal(x::Float32) = (abs(x) < $(box(Float32,unbox(Uint32,0x00800000)))) & (x!=0)
-    issubnormal(x::Float64) = (abs(x) < $(box(Float64,unbox(Uint64,0x0010000000000000)))) & (x!=0)
+    issubnormal(x::Float32) = (abs(x) < $(box(Float32,unbox(UInt32,0x00800000)))) & (x!=0)
+    issubnormal(x::Float64) = (abs(x) < $(box(Float64,unbox(UInt64,0x0010000000000000)))) & (x!=0)
-    typemin(::Type{Float16}) = $(box(Float16,unbox(Uint16,0xfc00)))
+    typemin(::Type{Float16}) = $(box(Float16,unbox(UInt16,0xfc00)))
     typemax(::Type{Float16}) = $(Inf16)
     typemin(::Type{Float32}) = $(-Inf32)
     typemax(::Type{Float32}) = $(Inf32)
@@ -276,21 +276,21 @@ prevfloat(x::FloatingPoint) = nextfloat(x,-1)
     typemin{T<:Real}(x::T) = typemin(T)
     typemax{T<:Real}(x::T) = typemax(T)
-    realmin(::Type{Float16}) = $(box(Float16,unbox(Uint16,0x0400)))
-    realmin(::Type{Float32}) = $(box(Float32,unbox(Uint32,0x00800000)))
-    realmin(::Type{Float64}) = $(box(Float64,unbox(Uint64,0x0010000000000000)))
-    realmax(::Type{Float16}) = $(box(Float16,unbox(Uint16,0x7bff)))
-    realmax(::Type{Float32}) = $(box(Float32,unbox(Uint32,0x7f7fffff)))
-    realmax(::Type{Float64}) = $(box(Float64,unbox(Uint64,0x7fefffffffffffff)))
+    realmin(::Type{Float16}) = $(box(Float16,unbox(UInt16,0x0400)))
+    realmin(::Type{Float32}) = $(box(Float32,unbox(UInt32,0x00800000)))
+    realmin(::Type{Float64}) = $(box(Float64,unbox(UInt64,0x0010000000000000)))
+    realmax(::Type{Float16}) = $(box(Float16,unbox(UInt16,0x7bff)))
+    realmax(::Type{Float32}) = $(box(Float32,unbox(UInt32,0x7f7fffff)))
+    realmax(::Type{Float64}) = $(box(Float64,unbox(UInt64,0x7fefffffffffffff)))
     realmin{T<:FloatingPoint}(x::T) = realmin(T)
     realmax{T<:FloatingPoint}(x::T) = realmax(T)
     realmin() = realmin(Float64)
     realmax() = realmax(Float64)
     eps(x::FloatingPoint) = isfinite(x) ? abs(x) >= realmin(x) ? ldexp(eps(typeof(x)),exponent(x)) : nextfloat(zero(x)) : oftype(x,NaN)
-    eps(::Type{Float16}) = $(box(Float16,unbox(Uint16,0x1400)))
-    eps(::Type{Float32}) = $(box(Float32,unbox(Uint32,0x34000000)))
-    eps(::Type{Float64}) = $(box(Float64,unbox(Uint64,0x3cb0000000000000)))
+    eps(::Type{Float16}) = $(box(Float16,unbox(UInt16,0x1400)))
+    eps(::Type{Float32}) = $(box(Float32,unbox(UInt32,0x34000000)))
+    eps(::Type{Float64}) = $(box(Float64,unbox(UInt64,0x3cb0000000000000)))
     eps() = eps(Float64)
diff --git a/base/float16.jl b/base/float16.jl
index 4eb5f287eb1bc..5ae9f625e0a66 100644
--- a/base/float16.jl
+++ b/base/float16.jl
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 function convert(::Type{Float32}, val::Float16)
-    ival::Uint32 = reinterpret(Uint16, val)
-    sign::Uint32 = (ival & 0x8000) >> 15
-    exp::Uint32  = (ival & 0x7c00) >> 10
-    sig::Uint32  = (ival & 0x3ff) >> 0
-    ret::Uint32
+    ival::UInt32 = reinterpret(UInt16, val)
+    sign::UInt32 = (ival & 0x8000) >> 15
+    exp::UInt32  = (ival & 0x7c00) >> 10
+    sig::UInt32  = (ival & 0x3ff) >> 0
+    ret::UInt32
     if exp == 0
         if sig == 0
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ end
 #   "Fast Half Float Conversion" by Jeroen van der Zijp
 #   ftp://ftp.fox-toolkit.org/pub/fasthalffloatconversion.pdf
-const basetable = Array(Uint16, 512)
-const shifttable = Array(Uint8, 512)
+const basetable = Array(UInt16, 512)
+const shifttable = Array(UInt8, 512)
 for i = 0:255
     e = i - 127
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ for i = 0:255
 function convert(::Type{Float16}, val::Float32)
-    f = reinterpret(Uint32, val)
+    f = reinterpret(UInt32, val)
     i = (f >> 23) & 0x1ff + 1
     sh = shifttable[i]
     f &= 0x007fffff
-    h::Uint16 = uint16(basetable[i] + (f >> sh))
+    h::UInt16 = uint16(basetable[i] + (f >> sh))
     # round
     # NOTE: we maybe should ignore NaNs here, but the payload is
     # getting truncated anyway so "rounding" it might not matter
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ end
 convert(::Type{Bool},    x::Float16) = (x!=0)
 convert(::Type{Int128},  x::Float16) = convert(Int128, float32(x))
-convert(::Type{Uint128}, x::Float16) = convert(Uint128, float32(x))
+convert(::Type{UInt128}, x::Float16) = convert(UInt128, float32(x))
 convert{T<:Integer}(::Type{T}, x::Float16) = convert(T, float32(x))
@@ -110,13 +110,13 @@ trunc(x::Float16) = float16(trunc(float32(x)))
 floor(x::Float16) = float16(floor(float32(x)))
  ceil(x::Float16) = float16( ceil(float32(x)))
-isnan(x::Float16)    = reinterpret(Uint16,x)&0x7fff  > 0x7c00
-isinf(x::Float16)    = reinterpret(Uint16,x)&0x7fff == 0x7c00
-isfinite(x::Float16) = reinterpret(Uint16,x)&0x7c00 != 0x7c00
+isnan(x::Float16)    = reinterpret(UInt16,x)&0x7fff  > 0x7c00
+isinf(x::Float16)    = reinterpret(UInt16,x)&0x7fff == 0x7c00
+isfinite(x::Float16) = reinterpret(UInt16,x)&0x7c00 != 0x7c00
 function ==(x::Float16, y::Float16)
-    ix = reinterpret(Uint16,x)
-    iy = reinterpret(Uint16,y)
+    ix = reinterpret(UInt16,x)
+    iy = reinterpret(UInt16,y)
     if (ix|iy)&0x7fff > 0x7c00 #isnan(x) || isnan(y)
         return false
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ function ==(x::Float16, y::Float16)
     return ix == iy
--(x::Float16) = reinterpret(Float16, reinterpret(Uint16,x) $ 0x8000)
-abs(x::Float16) = reinterpret(Float16, reinterpret(Uint16,x) & 0x7fff)
+-(x::Float16) = reinterpret(Float16, reinterpret(UInt16,x) $ 0x8000)
+abs(x::Float16) = reinterpret(Float16, reinterpret(UInt16,x) & 0x7fff)
 for op in (:+,:-,:*,:/,:\,:^)
     @eval ($op)(a::Float16, b::Float16) = float16(($op)(float32(a), float32(b)))
diff --git a/base/floatfuncs.jl b/base/floatfuncs.jl
index fe64c14707d6c..25efe7168046c 100644
--- a/base/floatfuncs.jl
+++ b/base/floatfuncs.jl
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ maxintfloat() = maxintfloat(Float64)
 isinteger(x::FloatingPoint) = (trunc(x)==x)&isfinite(x)
-num2hex(x::Float16) = hex(reinterpret(Uint16,x), 4)
-num2hex(x::Float32) = hex(box(Uint32,unbox(Float32,x)),8)
-num2hex(x::Float64) = hex(box(Uint64,unbox(Float64,x)),16)
+num2hex(x::Float16) = hex(reinterpret(UInt16,x), 4)
+num2hex(x::Float32) = hex(box(UInt32,unbox(Float32,x)),8)
+num2hex(x::Float64) = hex(box(UInt64,unbox(Float64,x)),16)
 function hex2num(s::AbstractString)
     if length(s) <= 8
diff --git a/base/fs.jl b/base/fs.jl
index 12712beeba684..f389ee226d530 100644
--- a/base/fs.jl
+++ b/base/fs.jl
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ _uv_fs_result(req) = ccall(:jl_uv_fs_result,Int32,(Ptr{Void},),req)
 function open(f::File,flags::Integer,mode::Integer)
     req = c_malloc(_sizeof_uv_fs)
-    ret = ccall(:uv_fs_open,Int32,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{Void},Ptr{Uint8},Int32,Int32,Ptr{Void}),
+    ret = ccall(:uv_fs_open,Int32,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{Void},Ptr{UInt8},Int32,Int32,Ptr{Void}),
                 eventloop(), req, f.path, flags,mode, C_NULL)
     f.handle = _uv_fs_result(req)
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ function close(f::File)
 function unlink(p::AbstractString)
-    err = ccall(:jl_fs_unlink, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8},), p)
+    err = ccall(:jl_fs_unlink, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8},), p)
 function unlink(f::File)
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ end
 # For move command
 function rename(src::AbstractString, dst::AbstractString)
-    err = ccall(:jl_fs_rename, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}), src, dst)
+    err = ccall(:jl_fs_rename, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}), src, dst)
     # on error, default to cp && rm
     if err < 0
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ end
 @non_windowsxp_only function symlink(p::AbstractString, np::AbstractString)
     flags = 0
     @windows_only if isdir(p); flags |= UV_FS_SYMLINK_JUNCTION; p = abspath(p); end
-    err = ccall(:jl_fs_symlink, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Cint), p, np, flags)
+    err = ccall(:jl_fs_symlink, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Cint), p, np, flags)
     @windows_only if err < 0
         Base.warn_once("Note: on Windows, creating file symlinks requires Administrator privileges.")
@@ -163,21 +163,21 @@ end
     error("WindowsXP does not support soft symlinks")
 function chmod(p::AbstractString, mode::Integer)
-    err = ccall(:jl_fs_chmod, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8}, Cint), p, mode)
+    err = ccall(:jl_fs_chmod, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, Cint), p, mode)
-function write(f::File, buf::Ptr{Uint8}, len::Integer, offset::Integer=-1)
+function write(f::File, buf::Ptr{UInt8}, len::Integer, offset::Integer=-1)
     if !f.open
         error("file is not open")
-    err = ccall(:jl_fs_write, Int32, (Int32, Ptr{Uint8}, Csize_t, Csize_t),
+    err = ccall(:jl_fs_write, Int32, (Int32, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, Csize_t),
                 f.handle, buf, len, offset)
-function write(f::File, c::Uint8)
+function write(f::File, c::UInt8)
     if !f.open
         error("file is not open")
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ function futime(f::File, atime::Float64, mtime::Float64)
-function read(f::File, ::Type{Uint8})
+function read(f::File, ::Type{UInt8})
     if !f.open
         error("file is not open")
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ end
 nb_available(f::File) = filesize(f) - position(f)
-function readbytes!(f::File, b::Array{Uint8}, nb=length(b))
+function readbytes!(f::File, b::Array{UInt8}, nb=length(b))
     nr = min(nb, nb_available(f))
     if length(b) < nr
         resize!(b, nr)
@@ -246,11 +246,11 @@ function readbytes!(f::File, b::Array{Uint8}, nb=length(b))
     read!(f, b, nr)
     return nr
-readbytes(io::File) = read!(io, Array(Uint8, nb_available(io)))
-readbytes(io::File, nb) = read!(io, Array(Uint8, min(nb, nb_available(io))))
+readbytes(io::File) = read!(io, Array(UInt8, nb_available(io)))
+readbytes(io::File, nb) = read!(io, Array(UInt8, min(nb, nb_available(io))))
 function readbytes(f::File)
-    a = Array(Uint8, nb_available(f))
+    a = Array(UInt8, nb_available(f))
diff --git a/base/gmp.jl b/base/gmp.jl
index d60bec73229ae..e648ca3ad37cb 100644
--- a/base/gmp.jl
+++ b/base/gmp.jl
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ import Base: *, +, -, /, <, <<, >>, >>>, <=, ==, >, >=, ^, (~), (&), (|), ($),
 if Clong == Int32
     typealias ClongMax Union(Int8, Int16, Int32)
-    typealias CulongMax Union(Uint8, Uint16, Uint32)
+    typealias CulongMax Union(UInt8, UInt16, UInt32)
     typealias ClongMax Union(Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
-    typealias CulongMax Union(Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64)
+    typealias CulongMax Union(UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64)
 typealias CdoubleMax Union(Float16, Float32, Float64)
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function __init__()
 widen(::Type{Int128})  = BigInt
-widen(::Type{Uint128}) = BigInt
+widen(::Type{UInt128}) = BigInt
 widen(::Type{BigInt})  = BigInt
 BigInt(x::BigInt) = x
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ function Base.parseint_nocheck(::Type{BigInt}, s::AbstractString, base::Int)
     sgn, base, i = Base.parseint_preamble(true,s,base)
     z = BigInt()
     err = ccall((:__gmpz_set_str, :libgmp),
-               Int32, (Ptr{BigInt}, Ptr{Uint8}, Int32),
-               &z, convert(Ptr{Uint8},SubString(s,i)), base)
+               Int32, (Ptr{BigInt}, Ptr{UInt8}, Int32),
+               &z, convert(Ptr{UInt8},SubString(s,i)), base)
     err == 0 || error("invalid big integer: $(repr(s))")
     return sgn < 0 ? -z : z
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ function BigInt(x::Union(Clong,Int32))
     ccall((:__gmpz_set_si, :libgmp), Void, (Ptr{BigInt}, Clong), &z, x)
     return z
-function BigInt(x::Union(Culong,Uint32))
+function BigInt(x::Union(Culong,UInt32))
     z = BigInt()
     ccall((:__gmpz_set_ui, :libgmp), Void, (Ptr{BigInt}, Culong), &z, x)
     return z
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ convert(::Type{BigInt}, x::Float16) = BigInt(x)
 convert(::Type{BigInt}, x::FloatingPoint) = BigInt(x)
 function convert(::Type{Int64}, x::BigInt)
-    lo = int64(convert(Culong, x & typemax(Uint32)))
+    lo = int64(convert(Culong, x & typemax(UInt32)))
     hi = int64(convert(Clong, x >> 32))
     hi << 32 | lo
@@ -133,14 +133,14 @@ function convert(::Type{Clong}, n::BigInt)
-function convert(::Type{Uint64}, x::BigInt)
-    lo = uint64(convert(Culong, x & typemax(Uint32)))
+function convert(::Type{UInt64}, x::BigInt)
+    lo = uint64(convert(Culong, x & typemax(UInt32)))
     hi = uint64(convert(Culong, x >> 32))
     hi << 32 | lo
-convert(::Type{Uint32}, x::BigInt) = uint32(convert(Culong, x))
-convert(::Type{Uint16}, x::BigInt) = uint16(convert(Culong, x))
-convert(::Type{Uint8}, x::BigInt) = uint8(convert(Culong, x))
+convert(::Type{UInt32}, x::BigInt) = uint32(convert(Culong, x))
+convert(::Type{UInt16}, x::BigInt) = uint16(convert(Culong, x))
+convert(::Type{UInt8}, x::BigInt) = uint8(convert(Culong, x))
 function convert(::Type{Culong}, n::BigInt)
     fits = ccall((:__gmpz_fits_ulong_p, :libgmp), Int32, (Ptr{BigInt},), &n) != 0
@@ -152,17 +152,17 @@ function convert(::Type{Culong}, n::BigInt)
 if sizeof(Int32) == sizeof(Clong)
-    function convert(::Type{Uint128}, x::BigInt)
+    function convert(::Type{UInt128}, x::BigInt)
         uint128(uint(x>>>96))<<96 +
-        uint128(uint((x>>>64) & typemax(Uint32)))<<64 +
-        uint128(uint((x>>>32) & typemax(Uint32)))<<32 +
-        uint128(uint(x & typemax(Uint32)))
+        uint128(uint((x>>>64) & typemax(UInt32)))<<64 +
+        uint128(uint((x>>>32) & typemax(UInt32)))<<32 +
+        uint128(uint(x & typemax(UInt32)))
 if sizeof(Int64) == sizeof(Clong)
-    function convert(::Type{Uint128}, x::BigInt)
+    function convert(::Type{UInt128}, x::BigInt)
         uint128(uint(x>>>64))<<64 +
-        uint128(uint(x & typemax(Uint64)))
+        uint128(uint(x & typemax(UInt64)))
 convert(::Type{Int128}, x::BigInt) = copysign(int128(uint128(abs(x))),x)
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ function isqrt(x::BigInt)
     return z
-function ^(x::BigInt, y::Uint)
+function ^(x::BigInt, y::UInt)
     z = BigInt()
     ccall((:__gmpz_pow_ui, :libgmp), Void, (Ptr{BigInt}, Ptr{BigInt}, Culong), &z, &x, y)
     return z
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ function bigint_pow(x::BigInt, y::Integer)
     if y<0; throw(DomainError()); end
     if x== 1; return x; end
     if x==-1; return isodd(y) ? x : -x; end
-    if y>typemax(Uint); throw(DomainError()); end
+    if y>typemax(UInt); throw(DomainError()); end
     return x^uint(y)
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ function factorial(x::BigInt)
     return z
-function binomial(n::BigInt, k::Uint)
+function binomial(n::BigInt, k::UInt)
     z = BigInt()
     ccall((:__gmpz_bin_ui, :libgmp), Void, (Ptr{BigInt}, Ptr{BigInt}, Culong), &z, &n, k)
     return z
@@ -442,8 +442,8 @@ hex(n::BigInt) = base(16, n)
 function base(b::Integer, n::BigInt)
     2 <= b <= 62 || error("invalid base: $b")
-    p = ccall((:__gmpz_get_str,:libgmp), Ptr{Uint8}, (Ptr{Uint8}, Cint, Ptr{BigInt}), C_NULL, b, &n)
-    len = int(ccall(:strlen, Csize_t, (Ptr{Uint8},), p))
+    p = ccall((:__gmpz_get_str,:libgmp), Ptr{UInt8}, (Ptr{UInt8}, Cint, Ptr{BigInt}), C_NULL, b, &n)
+    len = int(ccall(:strlen, Csize_t, (Ptr{UInt8},), p))
@@ -472,8 +472,8 @@ ndigits(x::BigInt, b::Integer=10) = x.size == 0 ? 1 : ndigits0z(x,b)
 isprime(x::BigInt, reps=25) = ccall((:__gmpz_probab_prime_p,:libgmp), Cint, (Ptr{BigInt}, Cint), &x, reps) > 0
-widemul(x::Int128, y::Uint128)  = BigInt(x)*BigInt(y)
-widemul(x::Uint128, y::Int128)  = BigInt(x)*BigInt(y)
+widemul(x::Int128, y::UInt128)  = BigInt(x)*BigInt(y)
+widemul(x::UInt128, y::Int128)  = BigInt(x)*BigInt(y)
 prevpow2(x::BigInt) = x.size < 0 ? -prevpow2(-x) : (x <= 2 ? x : one(BigInt) << (ndigits(x, 2)-1))
 nextpow2(x::BigInt) = x.size < 0 ? -nextpow2(-x) : (x <= 2 ? x : one(BigInt) << ndigits(x-1, 2))
diff --git a/base/grisu.jl b/base/grisu.jl
index 9e1b61d078c1a..32d2712de0423 100644
--- a/base/grisu.jl
+++ b/base/grisu.jl
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const SHORTEST = 1
 const FIXED = 2
 const PRECISION = 3
-const DIGITS = Array(Uint8,309+17)
+const DIGITS = Array(UInt8,309+17)
diff --git a/base/grisu/bignum.jl b/base/grisu/bignum.jl
index 52cc6b8ae06bf..eb8175aee5f76 100644
--- a/base/grisu/bignum.jl
+++ b/base/grisu/bignum.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 function normalizedexponent(significand, exponent::Int32)
-    significand::Uint64    
+    significand::UInt64    
     while (significand & HiddenBit(Float64)) == 0
         significand <<= 1
         exponent -= 1
diff --git a/base/grisu/fastfixed.jl b/base/grisu/fastfixed.jl
index 22bd4e4e68f54..b27efb8f03c3c 100644
--- a/base/grisu/fastfixed.jl
+++ b/base/grisu/fastfixed.jl
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ end
 low(x) = uint64(x&0xffffffffffffffff)
 high(x) = uint64(x >>> 64)
-bitat(x::Uint128,y) = y >= 64 ? (int32(high(x) >> (y-64)) & 1) : (int32(low(x) >> y) & 1)
+bitat(x::UInt128,y) = y >= 64 ? (int32(high(x) >> (y-64)) & 1) : (int32(low(x) >> y) & 1)
 function divrem2(x,power)
     h = high(x)
     l = low(x)
@@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ function divrem2(x,power)
         h -= uint64(result) << (power - 64)
         return result, (uint128(h) << 64) + l
-        part_low::Uint64 = l >> power
-        part_high::Uint64 = h << (64 - power)
+        part_low::UInt64 = l >> power
+        part_high::UInt64 = h << (64 - power)
         result = int32(part_low + part_high)
         return result, uint128(l - (part_low << power))
-function shift(x::Uint128,amt)
+function shift(x::UInt128,amt)
     if amt == 0
       return x
     elseif amt == -64
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ end
 function fastfixedtoa(v,mode,fractional_count,buffer)
     v = float64(v)
-    significand::Uint64 = _significand(v)
+    significand::UInt64 = _significand(v)
     exponent = _exponent(v)
     exponent > 20 && return false, 0, 0, buffer
     fractional_count > 20 && return false, 0, 0, buffer
diff --git a/base/grisu/fastprecision.jl b/base/grisu/fastprecision.jl
index c8235b8355392..03db265d29b48 100644
--- a/base/grisu/fastprecision.jl
+++ b/base/grisu/fastprecision.jl
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ function roundweed(buffer,len,rest,tk,unit,kappa)
 function digitgen(w,buffer,requested_digits=1000)
-    unit::Uint64 = 1
+    unit::UInt64 = 1
     one = Float(unit << -w.e, w.e)
     integrals = w.s >> -one.e
     fractionals = w.s & (one.s-1)
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function digitgen(w,buffer,requested_digits=1000)
     return r, kappa, len
-function fastprecision(v,requested_digits,buffer=Array(Uint8,100))
+function fastprecision(v,requested_digits,buffer=Array(UInt8,100))
     f = normalize(float64(v))
     ten_mk_min_exp = kMinExp - (f.e + FloatSignificandSize)
     ten_mk_max_exp = kMaxExp - (f.e + FloatSignificandSize)
diff --git a/base/grisu/fastshortest.jl b/base/grisu/fastshortest.jl
index e6d1151817de8..4059d74ec8a78 100644
--- a/base/grisu/fastshortest.jl
+++ b/base/grisu/fastshortest.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 const kMinExp = -60
 const kMaxExp = -32
-function roundweed(buffer,len,rest,tk,unit,kappa,too_high::Uint64,unsafe_interval::Uint64)
+function roundweed(buffer,len,rest,tk,unit,kappa,too_high::UInt64,unsafe_interval::UInt64)
     small = too_high - unit
     big = too_high + unit
     while rest < small &&
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ function bigpowten(n,n_bits)
 function digitgen(low,w,high,buffer)
-    unit::Uint64 = 1
+    unit::UInt64 = 1
     one = Float(unit << -w.e, w.e)
     too_high = Float(high.s+unit,high.e)
     unsafe_interval = too_high - Float(low.s-unit,low.e)
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ function digitgen(low,w,high,buffer)
-function fastshortest(v,buffer=Array(Uint8,17))
+function fastshortest(v,buffer=Array(UInt8,17))
     f = normalize(float64(v))
     bound_minus, bound_plus = normalizedbound(v)
     ten_mk_min_exp = kMinExp - (f.e + FloatSignificandSize)
diff --git a/base/grisu/float.jl b/base/grisu/float.jl
index 3f9673f4bf039..f84a7c641ca52 100644
--- a/base/grisu/float.jl
+++ b/base/grisu/float.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 immutable Float
-    s::Uint64
+    s::UInt64
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ end
 #ExponentBias(::Type{Float128}) = int32(0x00003fff + PhysicalSignificandSize(Float128))
 #SignificandMask(::Type{Float128}) = 0x0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
 #HiddenBit(::Type{Float128}) = 0x00010000000000000000000000000000
-#uint_t(d::Float128) = reinterpret(Uint128,d)
+#uint_t(d::Float128) = reinterpret(UInt128,d)
 # Float64
 DenormalExponent(::Type{Float64}) = int32(-ExponentBias(Float64) + 1)
 ExponentMask(::Type{Float64}) = 0x7FF0000000000000
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ SignificandSize(::Type{Float64}) = int32(53)
 ExponentBias(::Type{Float64}) = int32(0x3FF + PhysicalSignificandSize(Float64))
 SignificandMask(::Type{Float64}) = 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF
 HiddenBit(::Type{Float64}) = 0x0010000000000000
-uint_t(d::Float64) = reinterpret(Uint64,d)
+uint_t(d::Float64) = reinterpret(UInt64,d)
 # Float32
 DenormalExponent(::Type{Float32}) = int32(-ExponentBias(Float32) + 1)
 ExponentMask(::Type{Float32}) = 0x7F800000
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ SignificandSize(::Type{Float32}) = int32(24)
 ExponentBias(::Type{Float32}) = int32(0x7F + PhysicalSignificandSize(Float32))
 SignificandMask(::Type{Float32}) = 0x007FFFFF
 HiddenBit(::Type{Float32}) = 0x00800000
-uint_t(d::Float32) = reinterpret(Uint32,d)
+uint_t(d::Float32) = reinterpret(UInt32,d)
 # Float16
 DenormalExponent(::Type{Float16}) = int32(-ExponentBias(Float16) + 1)
 ExponentMask(::Type{Float16}) = 0x7c00
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ SignificandSize(::Type{Float16}) = int32(11)
 ExponentBias(::Type{Float16}) = int32(0x000f + PhysicalSignificandSize(Float16))
 SignificandMask(::Type{Float16}) = 0x03ff
 HiddenBit(::Type{Float16}) = 0x0400
-uint_t(d::Float16) = reinterpret(Uint16,d)
+uint_t(d::Float16) = reinterpret(UInt16,d)
 function _exponent{T<:FloatingPoint}(d::T)
   isdenormal(d) && return DenormalExponent(T)
@@ -105,19 +105,19 @@ end
 const FloatM32 = 0xFFFFFFFF
 function (*)(this::Float,other::Float)
-    a::Uint64 = this.s >> 32
-    b::Uint64 = this.s & FloatM32
-    c::Uint64 = other.s >> 32
-    d::Uint64 = other.s & FloatM32
-    ac::Uint64 = a * c
-    bc::Uint64 = b * c
-    ad::Uint64 = a * d
-    bd::Uint64 = b * d
-    tmp::Uint64 = (bd >> 32) + (ad & FloatM32) + (bc & FloatM32)
+    a::UInt64 = this.s >> 32
+    b::UInt64 = this.s & FloatM32
+    c::UInt64 = other.s >> 32
+    d::UInt64 = other.s & FloatM32
+    ac::UInt64 = a * c
+    bc::UInt64 = b * c
+    ad::UInt64 = a * d
+    bd::UInt64 = b * d
+    tmp::UInt64 = (bd >> 32) + (ad & FloatM32) + (bc & FloatM32)
     # By adding 1U << 31 to tmp we round the final result.
     # Halfway cases will be round up.
     tmp += uint64(1) << 31
-    result_f::Uint64 = ac + (ad >> 32) + (bc >> 32) + (tmp >> 32)
+    result_f::UInt64 = ac + (ad >> 32) + (bc >> 32) + (tmp >> 32)
     return Float(result_f,this.e + other.e + 64,this.de)
diff --git a/base/hashing.jl b/base/hashing.jl
index 6ef396328b983..8bb61e97d7901 100644
--- a/base/hashing.jl
+++ b/base/hashing.jl
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 ## hashing a single value ##
-hash(x::Any) = hash(x, zero(Uint))
-hash(w::WeakRef, h::Uint) = hash(w.value, h)
+hash(x::Any) = hash(x, zero(UInt))
+hash(w::WeakRef, h::UInt) = hash(w.value, h)
 ## hashing general objects ##
-hash(x::ANY, h::Uint) = hash(object_id(x), h)
+hash(x::ANY, h::UInt) = hash(object_id(x), h)
 ## core data hashing functions ##
-function hash_64_64(n::Uint64)
-    local a::Uint64 = n
+function hash_64_64(n::UInt64)
+    local a::UInt64 = n
     a = ~a + a << 21
     a =  a $ a >> 24
     a =  a + a << 3 + a << 8
@@ -21,19 +21,19 @@ function hash_64_64(n::Uint64)
     return a
-function hash_64_32(n::Uint64)
-    local a::Uint64 = n
+function hash_64_32(n::UInt64)
+    local a::UInt64 = n
     a = ~a + a << 18
     a =  a $ a >> 31
     a =  a * 21
     a =  a $ a >> 11
     a =  a + a << 6
     a =  a $ a >> 22
-    return a % Uint32
+    return a % UInt32
-function hash_32_32(n::Uint32)
-    local a::Uint32 = n
+function hash_32_32(n::UInt32)
+    local a::UInt32 = n
     a = a + 0x7ed55d16 + a << 12
     a = a $ 0xc761c23c $ a >> 19
     a = a + 0x165667b1 + a << 5
@@ -43,36 +43,36 @@ function hash_32_32(n::Uint32)
     return a
-if Uint === Uint64
-    hash_uint64(x::Uint64) = hash_64_64(x)
-    hash_uint(x::Uint)     = hash_64_64(x)
+if UInt === UInt64
+    hash_uint64(x::UInt64) = hash_64_64(x)
+    hash_uint(x::UInt)     = hash_64_64(x)
-    hash_uint64(x::Uint64) = hash_64_32(x)
-    hash_uint(x::Uint)     = hash_32_32(x)
+    hash_uint64(x::UInt64) = hash_64_32(x)
+    hash_uint(x::UInt)     = hash_32_32(x)
 ## hashing small, built-in numeric types ##
-hx(a::Uint64, b::Float64, h::Uint) = hash_uint64((3a + reinterpret(Uint64,b)) - h)
+hx(a::UInt64, b::Float64, h::UInt) = hash_uint64((3a + reinterpret(UInt64,b)) - h)
 const hx_NaN = hx(uint64(0), NaN, uint(0  ))
-hash(x::Uint64,  h::Uint) = hx(x, float64(x), h)
-hash(x::Int64,   h::Uint) = hx(reinterpret(Uint64,abs(x)), float64(x), h)
-hash(x::Float64, h::Uint) = isnan(x) ? (hx_NaN $ h) : hx(box(Uint64,fptoui(unbox(Float64,abs(x)))), x, h)
+hash(x::UInt64,  h::UInt) = hx(x, float64(x), h)
+hash(x::Int64,   h::UInt) = hx(reinterpret(UInt64,abs(x)), float64(x), h)
+hash(x::Float64, h::UInt) = isnan(x) ? (hx_NaN $ h) : hx(box(UInt64,fptoui(unbox(Float64,abs(x)))), x, h)
-hash(x::Union(Bool,Char,Int8,Uint8,Int16,Uint16,Int32,Uint32), h::Uint) = hash(int64(x), h)
-hash(x::Float32, h::Uint) = hash(float64(x), h)
+hash(x::Union(Bool,Char,Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16,Int32,UInt32), h::UInt) = hash(int64(x), h)
+hash(x::Float32, h::UInt) = hash(float64(x), h)
 ## hashing complex numbers ##
-if Uint === Uint64
+if UInt === UInt64
     const h_imag = 0x32a7a07f3e7cd1f9
     const h_imag = 0x3e7cd1f9
 const hash_0_imag = hash(0, h_imag)
-function hash(z::Complex, h::Uint)
+function hash(z::Complex, h::UInt)
     # TODO: with default argument specialization, this would be better:
     # hash(real(z), h $ hash(imag(z), h $ h_imag) $ hash(0, h $ h_imag))
     hash(real(z), h $ hash(imag(z), h_imag) $ hash_0_imag)
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ end
 ## symbol & expression hashing ##
-hash(x::Symbol, h::Uint) = hash(object_id(x), h)
-if Uint === Uint64
-    hash(x::Expr, h::Uint) = hash(x.args, hash(x.head, h + 0x83c7900696d26dc6))
+hash(x::Symbol, h::UInt) = hash(object_id(x), h)
+if UInt === UInt64
+    hash(x::Expr, h::UInt) = hash(x.args, hash(x.head, h + 0x83c7900696d26dc6))
-    hash(x::Expr, h::Uint) = hash(x.args, hash(x.head, h + 0x96d26dc6))
+    hash(x::Expr, h::UInt) = hash(x.args, hash(x.head, h + 0x96d26dc6))
diff --git a/base/hashing2.jl b/base/hashing2.jl
index ed2ebc3e89530..b28562b995ace 100644
--- a/base/hashing2.jl
+++ b/base/hashing2.jl
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 ## efficient value-based hashing of integers ##
-function hash_integer(n::Integer, h::Uint)
-    h = hash_uint(uint(n & typemax(Uint)) $ h) $ h
+function hash_integer(n::Integer, h::UInt)
+    h = hash_uint(uint(n & typemax(UInt)) $ h) $ h
     n = ifelse(n < 0, oftype(n,-n), n)
-    n >>>= sizeof(Uint) << 3
+    n >>>= sizeof(UInt) << 3
     while n != 0
-        h = hash_uint(uint(n & typemax(Uint)) $ h) $ h
-        n >>>= sizeof(Uint) << 3
+        h = hash_uint(uint(n & typemax(UInt)) $ h) $ h
+        n >>>= sizeof(UInt) << 3
     return h
-function hash_integer(n::BigInt, h::Uint)
+function hash_integer(n::BigInt, h::UInt)
     s = n.size
     s == 0 && return hash_integer(0, h)
-    p = convert(Ptr{Uint}, n.d)
+    p = convert(Ptr{UInt}, n.d)
     b = unsafe_load(p)
     h = hash_uint(ifelse(s < 0, -b, b) $ h) $ h
     for k = 2:abs(s)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ end
 ## generic hashing for rational values ##
-function hash(x::Real, h::Uint)
+function hash(x::Real, h::UInt)
     # decompose x as num*2^pow/den
     num, pow, den = decompose(x)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ function hash(x::Real, h::Uint)
         pow -= z
-    # handle values representable as Int64, Uint64, Float64
+    # handle values representable as Int64, UInt64, Float64
     if den == 1
         left = ndigits0z(num,2) + pow
         right = trailing_zeros(num) + pow
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ end
 ## streamlined hashing for smallish rational types ##
-function hash{T<:Integer64}(x::Rational{T}, h::Uint)
+function hash{T<:Integer64}(x::Rational{T}, h::UInt)
     num, den = Base.num(x), Base.den(x)
     den == 1 && return hash(num, h)
     den == 0 && return hash(ifelse(num > 0, Inf, -Inf), h)
@@ -152,11 +152,11 @@ end
 ## hashing Float16s ##
-hash(x::Float16, h::Uint) = hash(float64(x), h)
+hash(x::Float16, h::UInt) = hash(float64(x), h)
 ## hashing collections ##
-const hashaa_seed = Uint === Uint64 ? 0x7f53e68ceb575e76 : 0xeb575e76
-function hash(a::AbstractArray, h::Uint)
+const hashaa_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0x7f53e68ceb575e76 : 0xeb575e76
+function hash(a::AbstractArray, h::UInt)
     h += hashaa_seed
     h += hash(size(a))
     for x in a
@@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ function hash(a::AbstractArray, h::Uint)
     return h
-const hasha_seed = Uint === Uint64 ? 0x6d35bb51952d5539 : 0x952d5539
-function hash(a::Associative, h::Uint)
+const hasha_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0x6d35bb51952d5539 : 0x952d5539
+function hash(a::Associative, h::UInt)
     h += hasha_seed
     for (k,v) in a
         h $= hash(k, hash(v))
@@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ function hash(a::Associative, h::Uint)
     return h
-const hashs_seed = Uint === Uint64 ? 0x852ada37cfe8e0ce : 0xcfe8e0ce
-function hash(s::Set, h::Uint)
+const hashs_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0x852ada37cfe8e0ce : 0xcfe8e0ce
+function hash(s::Set, h::UInt)
     h += hashs_seed
     for x in s
         h $= hash(x)
@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ function hash(s::Set, h::Uint)
     return h
-const hashis_seed = Uint === Uint64 ? 0x88989f1fc7dea67d : 0xc7dea67d
-function hash(s::IntSet, h::Uint)
+const hashis_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0x88989f1fc7dea67d : 0xc7dea67d
+function hash(s::IntSet, h::UInt)
     h += hashis_seed
     h += hash(s.fill1s)
     filln = s.fill1s ? ~zero(eltype(s.bits)) : zero(eltype(s.bits))
@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ function hash(s::IntSet, h::Uint)
 # hashing ranges by component at worst leads to collisions for very similar ranges
-const hashr_seed = Uint === Uint64 ? 0x80707b6821b70087 : 0x21b70087
-function hash(r::Range, h::Uint)
+const hashr_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0x80707b6821b70087 : 0x21b70087
+function hash(r::Range, h::UInt)
     h += hashr_seed
     h = hash(first(r), h)
     h = hash(step(r), h)
diff --git a/base/int.jl b/base/int.jl
index 419aa6f4df036..46b731ad79219 100644
--- a/base/int.jl
+++ b/base/int.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ## integer arithmetic ##
-const IntTypes = (Int8, Uint8, Int16, Uint16, Int32, Uint32,
-                  Int64, Uint64, Int128, Uint128)
+const IntTypes = (Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32,
+                  Int64, UInt64, Int128, UInt128)
 +(x::Int, y::Int) = box(Int,add_int(unbox(Int,x),unbox(Int,y)))
 <(x::Int, y::Int) = slt_int(unbox(Int,x),unbox(Int,y))
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ cld(x::Unsigned, y::Signed) = div(x,y)+(!signbit(y)&(rem(x,y)!=0))
 # Don't promote integers for div/rem/mod since there no danger of overflow,
 # while there is a substantial performance penalty to 64-bit promotion.
 typealias Signed64 Union(Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64)
-typealias Unsigned64 Union(Uint8,Uint16,Uint32,Uint64)
+typealias Unsigned64 Union(UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64)
 typealias Integer64 Union(Signed64,Unsigned64)
 div{T<:Signed64}  (x::T, y::T) = box(T,sdiv_int(unbox(T,x),unbox(T,y)))
@@ -105,15 +105,15 @@ for T in IntTypes
 bswap(x::Int8)    = x
-bswap(x::Uint8)   = x
+bswap(x::UInt8)   = x
 bswap(x::Int16)   = box(Int16,bswap_int(unbox(Int16,x)))
-bswap(x::Uint16)  = box(Uint16,bswap_int(unbox(Uint16,x)))
+bswap(x::UInt16)  = box(UInt16,bswap_int(unbox(UInt16,x)))
 bswap(x::Int32)   = box(Int32,bswap_int(unbox(Int32,x)))
-bswap(x::Uint32)  = box(Uint32,bswap_int(unbox(Uint32,x)))
+bswap(x::UInt32)  = box(UInt32,bswap_int(unbox(UInt32,x)))
 bswap(x::Int64)   = box(Int64,bswap_int(unbox(Int64,x)))
-bswap(x::Uint64)  = box(Uint64,bswap_int(unbox(Uint64,x)))
+bswap(x::UInt64)  = box(UInt64,bswap_int(unbox(UInt64,x)))
 bswap(x::Int128)  = box(Int128,bswap_int(unbox(Int128,x)))
-bswap(x::Uint128) = box(Uint128,bswap_int(unbox(Uint128,x)))
+bswap(x::UInt128) = box(UInt128,bswap_int(unbox(UInt128,x)))
 for T in IntTypes
     @eval begin
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ for to in (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
-for to in (Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64)
+for to in (UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64)
     @eval begin
         convert(::Type{$to}, x::Float32) = box($to,checked_fptoui($to,unbox(Float32,x)))
         convert(::Type{$to}, x::Float64) = box($to,checked_fptoui($to,unbox(Float64,x)))
@@ -197,39 +197,39 @@ function convert(::Type{Int128}, x::FloatingPoint)
     ax = abs(x)
     top = trunc(ldexp(ax,-64))
     bot = ax - ldexp(top,64)
-    n = int128(convert(Uint64,top))<<64 + int128(convert(Uint64,bot))
+    n = int128(convert(UInt64,top))<<64 + int128(convert(UInt64,bot))
     return x<0 ? -n : n
 convert(::Type{Int128}, x::Float32) = convert(Int128, float64(x))
-function convert(::Type{Uint128}, x::FloatingPoint)
+function convert(::Type{UInt128}, x::FloatingPoint)
     ax = abs(x)
     top = trunc(ldexp(ax,-64))
     bot = ax - ldexp(top,64)
-    n = uint128(convert(Uint64,top))<<64 + uint128(convert(Uint64,bot))
+    n = uint128(convert(UInt64,top))<<64 + uint128(convert(UInt64,bot))
     return x<0 ? -n : n
-convert(::Type{Uint128}, x::Float32) = convert(Uint128, float64(x))
+convert(::Type{UInt128}, x::Float32) = convert(UInt128, float64(x))
-convert(::Type{Signed}, x::Uint8  ) = convert(Int8,x)
-convert(::Type{Signed}, x::Uint16 ) = convert(Int16,x)
-convert(::Type{Signed}, x::Uint32 ) = convert(Int32,x)
-convert(::Type{Signed}, x::Uint64 ) = convert(Int64,x)
-convert(::Type{Signed}, x::Uint128) = convert(Int128,x)
+convert(::Type{Signed}, x::UInt8  ) = convert(Int8,x)
+convert(::Type{Signed}, x::UInt16 ) = convert(Int16,x)
+convert(::Type{Signed}, x::UInt32 ) = convert(Int32,x)
+convert(::Type{Signed}, x::UInt64 ) = convert(Int64,x)
+convert(::Type{Signed}, x::UInt128) = convert(Int128,x)
 convert(::Type{Signed}, x::Float32) = convert(Int,x)
 convert(::Type{Signed}, x::Float64) = convert(Int,x)
 convert(::Type{Signed}, x::Char)    = convert(Int,x)
 convert(::Type{Signed}, x::Bool)    = convert(Int,x)
-convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Int8   ) = convert(Uint8,x)
-convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Int16  ) = convert(Uint16,x)
-convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Int32  ) = convert(Uint32,x)
-convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Int64  ) = convert(Uint64,x)
-convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Int128 ) = convert(Uint128,x)
-convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Float32) = convert(Uint,x)
-convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Float64) = convert(Uint,x)
-convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Char)    = convert(Uint,x)
-convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Bool)    = convert(Uint,x)
+convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Int8   ) = convert(UInt8,x)
+convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Int16  ) = convert(UInt16,x)
+convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Int32  ) = convert(UInt32,x)
+convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Int64  ) = convert(UInt64,x)
+convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Int128 ) = convert(UInt128,x)
+convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Float32) = convert(UInt,x)
+convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Float64) = convert(UInt,x)
+convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Char)    = convert(UInt,x)
+convert(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Bool)    = convert(UInt,x)
 convert(::Type{Integer}, x::Float32) = convert(Int,x)
 convert(::Type{Integer}, x::Float64) = convert(Int,x)
@@ -240,15 +240,15 @@ int32(x) = convert(Int32,x)
 int64(x) = convert(Int64,x)
 int128(x) = convert(Int128,x)
-uint8(x) = convert(Uint8,x)
-uint8(x::Integer) = x % Uint8
-uint8(x::Int8) = box(Uint8,unbox(Int8,x))
-uint8(x::Bool) = convert(Uint8,x)
+uint8(x) = convert(UInt8,x)
+uint8(x::Integer) = x % UInt8
+uint8(x::Int8) = box(UInt8,unbox(Int8,x))
+uint8(x::Bool) = convert(UInt8,x)
-uint16(x) = convert(Uint16,x)
-uint32(x) = convert(Uint32,x)
-uint64(x) = convert(Uint64,x)
-uint128(x) = convert(Uint128,x)
+uint16(x) = convert(UInt16,x)
+uint32(x) = convert(UInt32,x)
+uint64(x) = convert(UInt64,x)
+uint128(x) = convert(UInt128,x)
 integer(x) = convert(Integer,x)
@@ -294,94 +294,94 @@ promote_rule(::Type{Int128}, ::Type{Int16}) = Int128
 promote_rule(::Type{Int128}, ::Type{Int32}) = Int128
 promote_rule(::Type{Int128}, ::Type{Int64}) = Int128
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint16},  ::Type{Uint8} ) = Uint16
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint32},  ::Type{Uint8} ) = Uint32
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint32},  ::Type{Uint16}) = Uint32
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint64},  ::Type{Uint8} ) = Uint64
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint64},  ::Type{Uint16}) = Uint64
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint64},  ::Type{Uint32}) = Uint64
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint128}, ::Type{Uint8} ) = Uint128
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint128}, ::Type{Uint16}) = Uint128
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint128}, ::Type{Uint32}) = Uint128
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint128}, ::Type{Uint64}) = Uint128
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint8}, ::Type{Int8}  ) = Int
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint8}, ::Type{Int16} ) = Int
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint8}, ::Type{Int32} ) = Int
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint8}, ::Type{Int64} ) = Int64
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint8}, ::Type{Int128}) = Int128
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint16}, ::Type{Int8}  ) = Int
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint16}, ::Type{Int16} ) = Int
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint16}, ::Type{Int32} ) = Int
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint16}, ::Type{Int64} ) = Int64
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint16}, ::Type{Int128}) = Int128
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt16},  ::Type{UInt8} ) = UInt16
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt32},  ::Type{UInt8} ) = UInt32
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt32},  ::Type{UInt16}) = UInt32
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt64},  ::Type{UInt8} ) = UInt64
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt64},  ::Type{UInt16}) = UInt64
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt64},  ::Type{UInt32}) = UInt64
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt128}, ::Type{UInt8} ) = UInt128
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt128}, ::Type{UInt16}) = UInt128
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt128}, ::Type{UInt32}) = UInt128
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt128}, ::Type{UInt64}) = UInt128
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt8}, ::Type{Int8}  ) = Int
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt8}, ::Type{Int16} ) = Int
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt8}, ::Type{Int32} ) = Int
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt8}, ::Type{Int64} ) = Int64
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt8}, ::Type{Int128}) = Int128
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt16}, ::Type{Int8}  ) = Int
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt16}, ::Type{Int16} ) = Int
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt16}, ::Type{Int32} ) = Int
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt16}, ::Type{Int64} ) = Int64
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt16}, ::Type{Int128}) = Int128
 if WORD_SIZE == 64
-    promote_rule(::Type{Uint32}, ::Type{Int8} ) = Int
-    promote_rule(::Type{Uint32}, ::Type{Int16}) = Int
-    promote_rule(::Type{Uint32}, ::Type{Int32}) = Int
+    promote_rule(::Type{UInt32}, ::Type{Int8} ) = Int
+    promote_rule(::Type{UInt32}, ::Type{Int16}) = Int
+    promote_rule(::Type{UInt32}, ::Type{Int32}) = Int
-    promote_rule(::Type{Uint32}, ::Type{Int8} ) = Uint
-    promote_rule(::Type{Uint32}, ::Type{Int16}) = Uint
-    promote_rule(::Type{Uint32}, ::Type{Int32}) = Uint
+    promote_rule(::Type{UInt32}, ::Type{Int8} ) = UInt
+    promote_rule(::Type{UInt32}, ::Type{Int16}) = UInt
+    promote_rule(::Type{UInt32}, ::Type{Int32}) = UInt
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint32}, ::Type{Int64} ) = Int64
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint32}, ::Type{Int128}) = Int128
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt32}, ::Type{Int64} ) = Int64
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt32}, ::Type{Int128}) = Int128
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint64}, ::Type{Int8}  ) = Uint64
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint64}, ::Type{Int16} ) = Uint64
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint64}, ::Type{Int32} ) = Uint64
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint64}, ::Type{Int64} ) = Uint64
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint64}, ::Type{Int128}) = Int128
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt64}, ::Type{Int8}  ) = UInt64
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt64}, ::Type{Int16} ) = UInt64
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt64}, ::Type{Int32} ) = UInt64
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt64}, ::Type{Int64} ) = UInt64
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt64}, ::Type{Int128}) = Int128
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint128}, ::Type{Int8}  ) = Uint128
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint128}, ::Type{Int16} ) = Uint128
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint128}, ::Type{Int32} ) = Uint128
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint128}, ::Type{Int64} ) = Uint128
-promote_rule(::Type{Uint128}, ::Type{Int128}) = Uint128
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt128}, ::Type{Int8}  ) = UInt128
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt128}, ::Type{Int16} ) = UInt128
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt128}, ::Type{Int32} ) = UInt128
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt128}, ::Type{Int64} ) = UInt128
+promote_rule(::Type{UInt128}, ::Type{Int128}) = UInt128
 ## traits ##
 typemin(::Type{Int8  }) = int8(-128)
 typemax(::Type{Int8  }) = int8(127)
-typemin(::Type{Uint8 }) = uint8(0)
-typemax(::Type{Uint8 }) = uint8(255)
+typemin(::Type{UInt8 }) = uint8(0)
+typemax(::Type{UInt8 }) = uint8(255)
 typemin(::Type{Int16 }) = int16(-32768)
 typemax(::Type{Int16 }) = int16(32767)
-typemin(::Type{Uint16}) = uint16(0)
-typemax(::Type{Uint16}) = uint16(65535)
+typemin(::Type{UInt16}) = uint16(0)
+typemax(::Type{UInt16}) = uint16(65535)
 typemin(::Type{Int32 }) = int32(-2147483648)
 typemax(::Type{Int32 }) = int32(2147483647)
-typemin(::Type{Uint32}) = uint32(0)
-typemax(::Type{Uint32}) = uint32(4294967295)
+typemin(::Type{UInt32}) = uint32(0)
+typemax(::Type{UInt32}) = uint32(4294967295)
 typemin(::Type{Int64 }) = -9223372036854775808
 typemax(::Type{Int64 }) = 9223372036854775807
-typemin(::Type{Uint64}) = uint64(0)
-typemax(::Type{Uint64}) = 0xffffffffffffffff
-@eval typemin(::Type{Uint128}) = $(uint128(0))
-@eval typemax(::Type{Uint128}) = $(box(Uint128,unbox(Int128,convert(Int128,-1))))
+typemin(::Type{UInt64}) = uint64(0)
+typemax(::Type{UInt64}) = 0xffffffffffffffff
+@eval typemin(::Type{UInt128}) = $(uint128(0))
+@eval typemax(::Type{UInt128}) = $(box(UInt128,unbox(Int128,convert(Int128,-1))))
 @eval typemin(::Type{Int128} ) = $(convert(Int128,1)<<int32(127))
-@eval typemax(::Type{Int128} ) = $(box(Int128,unbox(Uint128,typemax(Uint128)>>int32(1))))
+@eval typemax(::Type{Int128} ) = $(box(Int128,unbox(UInt128,typemax(UInt128)>>int32(1))))
 widen(::Type{Int8}) = Int
 widen(::Type{Int16}) = Int
 widen(::Type{Int32}) = Int64
 widen(::Type{Int64}) = Int128
-widen(::Type{Uint8}) = Uint
-widen(::Type{Uint16}) = Uint
-widen(::Type{Uint32}) = Uint64
-widen(::Type{Uint64}) = Uint128
+widen(::Type{UInt8}) = UInt
+widen(::Type{UInt16}) = UInt
+widen(::Type{UInt32}) = UInt64
+widen(::Type{UInt64}) = UInt128
 ## float to integer coercion ##
 # requires int arithmetic defined, for the loops to work
-for (f,t) in ((:uint8,:Uint8), (:uint16,:Uint16), (:uint32,:Uint32), (:uint64,:Uint64),
+for (f,t) in ((:uint8,:UInt8), (:uint16,:UInt16), (:uint32,:UInt32), (:uint64,:UInt64),
               (:int8,:Int8),   (:int16,:Int16),   (:int32,:Int32),   (:int64,:Int64),
-              (:int128,:Int128), (:uint128,:Uint128),
-              (:signed,:Int), (:unsigned,:Uint), (:integer,:Int),
-              (:int,:Int), (:uint,:Uint))
+              (:int128,:Int128), (:uint128,:UInt128),
+              (:signed,:Int), (:unsigned,:UInt), (:integer,:Int),
+              (:int,:Int), (:uint,:UInt))
     @eval ($f)(x::FloatingPoint) = iround($t,x)
@@ -389,23 +389,23 @@ end
 if WORD_SIZE==32
     function widemul(u::Int64, v::Int64)
-        local u0::Uint64, v0::Uint64, w0::Uint64
-        local u1::Int64, v1::Int64, w1::Uint64, w2::Int64, t::Uint64
+        local u0::UInt64, v0::UInt64, w0::UInt64
+        local u1::Int64, v1::Int64, w1::UInt64, w2::Int64, t::UInt64
         u0 = u&0xffffffff; u1 = u>>32
         v0 = v&0xffffffff; v1 = v>>32
         w0 = u0*v0
-        t = reinterpret(Uint64,u1)*v0 + (w0>>>32)
+        t = reinterpret(UInt64,u1)*v0 + (w0>>>32)
         w2 = reinterpret(Int64,t) >> 32
-        w1 = u0*reinterpret(Uint64,v1) + (t&0xffffffff)
+        w1 = u0*reinterpret(UInt64,v1) + (t&0xffffffff)
         hi = u1*v1 + w2 + (reinterpret(Int64,w1) >> 32)
         lo = w0&0xffffffff + (w1 << 32)
         int128(hi)<<64 + int128(lo)
-    function widemul(u::Uint64, v::Uint64)
-        local u0::Uint64, v0::Uint64, w0::Uint64
-        local u1::Uint64, v1::Uint64, w1::Uint64, w2::Uint64, t::Uint64
+    function widemul(u::UInt64, v::UInt64)
+        local u0::UInt64, v0::UInt64, w0::UInt64
+        local u1::UInt64, v1::UInt64, w1::UInt64, w2::UInt64, t::UInt64
         u0 = u&0xffffffff; u1 = u>>>32
         v0 = v&0xffffffff; v1 = v>>>32
@@ -419,19 +419,19 @@ if WORD_SIZE==32
     function *(u::Int128, v::Int128)
-        u0 = u % Uint64; u1 = int64(u>>64)
-        v0 = v % Uint64; v1 = int64(v>>64)
+        u0 = u % UInt64; u1 = int64(u>>64)
+        v0 = v % UInt64; v1 = int64(v>>64)
         lolo = widemul(u0, v0)
         lohi = widemul(reinterpret(Int64,u0), v1)
         hilo = widemul(u1, reinterpret(Int64,v0))
-        t = reinterpret(Uint128,hilo) + (lolo>>>64)
-        w1 = reinterpret(Uint128,lohi) + (t&0xffffffffffffffff)
+        t = reinterpret(UInt128,hilo) + (lolo>>>64)
+        w1 = reinterpret(UInt128,lohi) + (t&0xffffffffffffffff)
         int128(lolo&0xffffffffffffffff) + reinterpret(Int128,w1)<<64
-    function *(u::Uint128, v::Uint128)
-        u0 = u % Uint64; u1 = uint64(u>>>64)
-        v0 = v % Uint64; v1 = uint64(v>>>64)
+    function *(u::UInt128, v::UInt128)
+        u0 = u % UInt64; u1 = uint64(u>>>64)
+        v0 = v % UInt64; v1 = uint64(v>>>64)
         lolo = widemul(u0, v0)
         lohi = widemul(u0, v1)
         hilo = widemul(u1, v0)
@@ -441,28 +441,28 @@ if WORD_SIZE==32
     div(x::Int128, y::Int128) = int128(div(BigInt(x),BigInt(y)))
-    div(x::Uint128, y::Uint128) = uint128(div(BigInt(x),BigInt(y)))
+    div(x::UInt128, y::UInt128) = uint128(div(BigInt(x),BigInt(y)))
     rem(x::Int128, y::Int128) = int128(rem(BigInt(x),BigInt(y)))
-    rem(x::Uint128, y::Uint128) = uint128(rem(BigInt(x),BigInt(y)))
+    rem(x::UInt128, y::UInt128) = uint128(rem(BigInt(x),BigInt(y)))
     mod(x::Int128, y::Int128) = int128(mod(BigInt(x),BigInt(y)))
     << (x::Int128,  y::Int32) = y == 0 ? x : box(Int128,shl_int(unbox(Int128,x),unbox(Int32,y)))
-    << (x::Uint128, y::Int32) = y == 0 ? x : box(Uint128,shl_int(unbox(Uint128,x),unbox(Int32,y)))
+    << (x::UInt128, y::Int32) = y == 0 ? x : box(UInt128,shl_int(unbox(UInt128,x),unbox(Int32,y)))
     >> (x::Int128,  y::Int32) = y == 0 ? x : box(Int128,ashr_int(unbox(Int128,x),unbox(Int32,y)))
-    >> (x::Uint128, y::Int32) = y == 0 ? x : box(Uint128,lshr_int(unbox(Uint128,x),unbox(Int32,y)))
+    >> (x::UInt128, y::Int32) = y == 0 ? x : box(UInt128,lshr_int(unbox(UInt128,x),unbox(Int32,y)))
     >>>(x::Int128,  y::Int32) = y == 0 ? x : box(Int128,lshr_int(unbox(Int128,x),unbox(Int32,y)))
-    >>>(x::Uint128, y::Int32) = y == 0 ? x : box(Uint128,lshr_int(unbox(Uint128,x),unbox(Int32,y)))
+    >>>(x::UInt128, y::Int32) = y == 0 ? x : box(UInt128,lshr_int(unbox(UInt128,x),unbox(Int32,y)))
     *(x::Int128,  y::Int128)  = box(Int128,mul_int(unbox(Int128,x),unbox(Int128,y)))
-    *(x::Uint128, y::Uint128) = box(Uint128,mul_int(unbox(Uint128,x),unbox(Uint128,y)))
+    *(x::UInt128, y::UInt128) = box(UInt128,mul_int(unbox(UInt128,x),unbox(UInt128,y)))
     div(x::Int128,  y::Int128)  = box(Int128,sdiv_int(unbox(Int128,x),unbox(Int128,y)))
-    div(x::Uint128, y::Uint128) = box(Uint128,udiv_int(unbox(Uint128,x),unbox(Uint128,y)))
+    div(x::UInt128, y::UInt128) = box(UInt128,udiv_int(unbox(UInt128,x),unbox(UInt128,y)))
     rem(x::Int128,  y::Int128)  = box(Int128,srem_int(unbox(Int128,x),unbox(Int128,y)))
-    rem(x::Uint128, y::Uint128) = box(Uint128,urem_int(unbox(Uint128,x),unbox(Uint128,y)))
+    rem(x::UInt128, y::UInt128) = box(UInt128,urem_int(unbox(UInt128,x),unbox(UInt128,y)))
     mod(x::Int128, y::Int128) = box(Int128,smod_int(unbox(Int128,x),unbox(Int128,y)))
@@ -480,13 +480,13 @@ for T in (Int16,Int32)
         checked_mul(x::$T, y::$T) = box($T,checked_smul(unbox($T,x),unbox($T,y)))
-for T in (Uint8,Uint16,Uint32,Uint64)#,Uint128) ## FIXME: #4905
+for T in (UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64)#,UInt128) ## FIXME: #4905
     @eval begin
         checked_add(x::$T, y::$T) = box($T,checked_uadd(unbox($T,x),unbox($T,y)))
         checked_sub(x::$T, y::$T) = box($T,checked_usub(unbox($T,x),unbox($T,y)))
-for T in (Uint16,Uint32)
+for T in (UInt16,UInt32)
     @eval begin
         checked_mul(x::$T, y::$T) = box($T,checked_umul(unbox($T,x),unbox($T,y)))
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ end
 # checked mul is broken for 8-bit types (LLVM bug?) ## FIXME: #4905
-for T in (Int8,Uint8)
+for T in (Int8,UInt8)
     @eval function checked_mul(x::$T, y::$T)
         xy = widemul(x,y)
         (typemin($T) <= xy <= typemax($T)) || throw(OverflowError())
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ for T in (Int8,Uint8)
 if WORD_SIZE == 32
-for T in (Int64,Uint64)
+for T in (Int64,UInt64)
     @eval function checked_mul(x::$T, y::$T)
         xy = int128(x)*int128(y)
         (typemin($T) <= xy <= typemax($T)) || throw(OverflowError())
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ for T in (Int64,Uint64)
     checked_mul(x::Int64, y::Int64)   = box(Int64,checked_smul(unbox(Int64,x),unbox(Int64,y)))
-    checked_mul(x::Uint64, y::Uint64) = box(Uint64,checked_umul(unbox(Uint64,x),unbox(Uint64,y)))
+    checked_mul(x::UInt64, y::UInt64) = box(UInt64,checked_umul(unbox(UInt64,x),unbox(UInt64,y)))
 # checked ops are broken for 128-bit types (LLVM bug) ## FIXME: #4905
@@ -521,6 +521,6 @@ checked_add(x::Int128, y::Int128) = x + y
 checked_sub(x::Int128, y::Int128) = x - y
 checked_mul(x::Int128, y::Int128) = x * y
-checked_add(x::Uint128, y::Uint128) = x + y
-checked_sub(x::Uint128, y::Uint128) = x - y
-checked_mul(x::Uint128, y::Uint128) = x * y
+checked_add(x::UInt128, y::UInt128) = x + y
+checked_sub(x::UInt128, y::UInt128) = x - y
+checked_mul(x::UInt128, y::UInt128) = x * y
diff --git a/base/interactiveutil.jl b/base/interactiveutil.jl
index 8d79d693af77f..4af05d3eccc3d 100644
--- a/base/interactiveutil.jl
+++ b/base/interactiveutil.jl
@@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ end
         systemerror(:EmptyClipboard, 0==ccall((:EmptyClipboard, "user32"), stdcall, Cint, ()))
         x_u16 = utf16(x)
         # copy data to locked, allocated space
-        p = ccall((:GlobalAlloc, "kernel32"), stdcall, Ptr{Uint16}, (Uint16, Int32), 2, sizeof(x_u16)+2)
+        p = ccall((:GlobalAlloc, "kernel32"), stdcall, Ptr{UInt16}, (UInt16, Int32), 2, sizeof(x_u16)+2)
         systemerror(:GlobalAlloc, p==C_NULL)
-        plock = ccall((:GlobalLock, "kernel32"), stdcall, Ptr{Uint16}, (Ptr{Uint16},), p)
+        plock = ccall((:GlobalLock, "kernel32"), stdcall, Ptr{UInt16}, (Ptr{UInt16},), p)
         systemerror(:GlobalLock, plock==C_NULL)
-        ccall(:memcpy, Ptr{Uint16}, (Ptr{Uint16},Ptr{Uint16},Int), plock, x_u16, sizeof(x_u16)+2)
+        ccall(:memcpy, Ptr{UInt16}, (Ptr{UInt16},Ptr{UInt16},Int), plock, x_u16, sizeof(x_u16)+2)
         systemerror(:GlobalUnlock, 0==ccall((:GlobalUnlock, "kernel32"), stdcall, Cint, (Ptr{Void},), plock))
-        pdata = ccall((:SetClipboardData, "user32"), stdcall, Ptr{Uint16}, (Uint32, Ptr{Uint16}), 13, p)
+        pdata = ccall((:SetClipboardData, "user32"), stdcall, Ptr{UInt16}, (UInt32, Ptr{UInt16}), 13, p)
         systemerror(:SetClipboardData, pdata!=p)
         ccall((:CloseClipboard, "user32"), stdcall, Void, ())
@@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ end
     function clipboard()
         systemerror(:OpenClipboard, 0==ccall((:OpenClipboard, "user32"), stdcall, Cint, (Ptr{Void},), C_NULL))
-        pdata = ccall((:GetClipboardData, "user32"), stdcall, Ptr{Uint16}, (Uint32,), 13)
+        pdata = ccall((:GetClipboardData, "user32"), stdcall, Ptr{UInt16}, (UInt32,), 13)
         systemerror(:SetClipboardData, pdata==C_NULL)
         systemerror(:CloseClipboard, 0==ccall((:CloseClipboard, "user32"), stdcall, Cint, ()))
-        plock = ccall((:GlobalLock, "kernel32"), stdcall, Ptr{Uint16}, (Ptr{Uint16},), pdata)
+        plock = ccall((:GlobalLock, "kernel32"), stdcall, Ptr{UInt16}, (Ptr{UInt16},), pdata)
         systemerror(:GlobalLock, plock==C_NULL)
         s = utf8(utf16(plock))
-        systemerror(:GlobalUnlock, 0==ccall((:GlobalUnlock, "kernel32"), stdcall, Cint, (Ptr{Uint16},), plock))
+        systemerror(:GlobalUnlock, 0==ccall((:GlobalUnlock, "kernel32"), stdcall, Cint, (Ptr{UInt16},), plock))
         return s
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ end
 @windows_only function download(url::AbstractString, filename::AbstractString)
     res = ccall((:URLDownloadToFileW,:urlmon),stdcall,Cuint,
-                (Ptr{Void},Ptr{Uint16},Ptr{Uint16},Cint,Ptr{Void}),0,utf16(url),utf16(filename),0,0)
+                (Ptr{Void},Ptr{UInt16},Ptr{UInt16},Cint,Ptr{Void}),0,utf16(url),utf16(filename),0,0)
     if res != 0
         error("automatic download failed (error: $res): $url")
diff --git a/base/intfuncs.jl b/base/intfuncs.jl
index d3d8b074ac2ff..839ff370d4da4 100644
--- a/base/intfuncs.jl
+++ b/base/intfuncs.jl
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ end
 # binary GCD (aka Stein's) algorithm
 # about 1.7x (2.1x) faster for random Int64s (Int128s)
-function gcd{T<:Union(Int64,Uint64,Int128,Uint128)}(a::T, b::T)
+function gcd{T<:Union(Int64,UInt64,Int128,UInt128)}(a::T, b::T)
     a == 0 && return abs(b)
     b == 0 && return abs(a)
     za = trailing_zeros(a)
@@ -161,12 +161,12 @@ const powers_of_ten = [
     0x000000e8d4a51000, 0x000009184e72a000, 0x00005af3107a4000, 0x00038d7ea4c68000,
     0x002386f26fc10000, 0x016345785d8a0000, 0x0de0b6b3a7640000, 0x8ac7230489e80000,
-function ndigits0z(x::Union(Uint8,Uint16,Uint32,Uint64))
+function ndigits0z(x::Union(UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64))
     lz = (sizeof(x)<<3)-leading_zeros(x)
     nd = (1233*lz)>>12+1
     nd -= x < powers_of_ten[nd]
-function ndigits0z(x::Uint128)
+function ndigits0z(x::UInt128)
     n = 0
     while x > 0x8ac7230489e80000
         x = div(x,0x8ac7230489e80000)
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ ndigits(x::Integer) = ndigits(unsigned(abs(x)))
 function bin(x::Unsigned, pad::Int, neg::Bool)
     i = neg + max(pad,sizeof(x)<<3-leading_zeros(x))
-    a = Array(Uint8,i)
+    a = Array(UInt8,i)
     while i > neg
         a[i] = '0'+(x&0x1)
         x >>= 1
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ end
 function oct(x::Unsigned, pad::Int, neg::Bool)
     i = neg + max(pad,div((sizeof(x)<<3)-leading_zeros(x)+2,3))
-    a = Array(Uint8,i)
+    a = Array(UInt8,i)
     while i > neg
         a[i] = '0'+(x&0x7)
         x >>= 3
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ end
 function dec(x::Unsigned, pad::Int, neg::Bool)
     i = neg + max(pad,ndigits0z(x))
-    a = Array(Uint8,i)
+    a = Array(UInt8,i)
     while i > neg
         a[i] = '0'+rem(x,10)
         x = oftype(x,div(x,10))
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ end
 function hex(x::Unsigned, pad::Int, neg::Bool)
     i = neg + max(pad,(sizeof(x)<<1)-(leading_zeros(x)>>2))
-    a = Array(Uint8,i)
+    a = Array(UInt8,i)
     while i > neg
         d = x & 0xf
         a[i] = '0'+d+39*(d>9)
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ function base(b::Int, x::Unsigned, pad::Int, neg::Bool)
     if !(2 <= b <= 62) error("invalid base: $b") end
     digits = b <= 36 ? base36digits : base62digits
     i = neg + max(pad,ndigits0z(x,b))
-    a = Array(Uint8,i)
+    a = Array(UInt8,i)
     while i > neg
         a[i] = digits[1+rem(x,b)]
         x = div(x,b)
@@ -300,11 +300,11 @@ for sym in (:bin, :oct, :dec, :hex)
-bits(x::Union(Bool,Int8,Uint8))           = bin(reinterpret(Uint8,x),8)
-bits(x::Union(Int16,Uint16,Float16))      = bin(reinterpret(Uint16,x),16)
-bits(x::Union(Char,Int32,Uint32,Float32)) = bin(reinterpret(Uint32,x),32)
-bits(x::Union(Int64,Uint64,Float64))      = bin(reinterpret(Uint64,x),64)
-bits(x::Union(Int128,Uint128))            = bin(reinterpret(Uint128,x),128)
+bits(x::Union(Bool,Int8,UInt8))           = bin(reinterpret(UInt8,x),8)
+bits(x::Union(Int16,UInt16,Float16))      = bin(reinterpret(UInt16,x),16)
+bits(x::Union(Char,Int32,UInt32,Float32)) = bin(reinterpret(UInt32,x),32)
+bits(x::Union(Int64,UInt64,Float64))      = bin(reinterpret(UInt64,x),64)
+bits(x::Union(Int128,UInt128))            = bin(reinterpret(UInt128,x),128)
 function digits{T<:Integer}(n::Integer, base::T=10, pad::Int=1)
     2 <= base || error("invalid base: $base")
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ end
 isqrt(x::Integer) = oftype(x, trunc(sqrt(x)))
-function isqrt(x::Union(Int64,Uint64,Int128,Uint128))
+function isqrt(x::Union(Int64,UInt64,Int128,UInt128))
     x==0 && return x
     s = oftype(x, trunc(sqrt(x)))
     # fix with a Newton iteration, since conversion to float discards
diff --git a/base/intset.jl b/base/intset.jl
index 333c5a2ce879e..19f1eaf6660a8 100644
--- a/base/intset.jl
+++ b/base/intset.jl
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 type IntSet
-    bits::Array{Uint32,1}
+    bits::Array{UInt32,1}
-    IntSet() = new(zeros(Uint32,256>>>5), 256, false)
+    IntSet() = new(zeros(UInt32,256>>>5), 256, false)
 IntSet(itr) = (s=IntSet(); for a in itr; push!(s,a); end; s)
@@ -139,13 +139,13 @@ function next(s::IntSet, i)
     if i >= s.limit
         n = int64(i)
-        n = int64(ccall(:bitvector_next, Uint64, (Ptr{Uint32}, Uint64, Uint64), s.bits, i, s.limit))
+        n = int64(ccall(:bitvector_next, UInt64, (Ptr{UInt32}, UInt64, UInt64), s.bits, i, s.limit))
     (n, n+1)
 isempty(s::IntSet) =
-    !s.fill1s && ccall(:bitvector_any1, Uint32, (Ptr{Uint32}, Uint64, Uint64), s.bits, 0, s.limit)==0
+    !s.fill1s && ccall(:bitvector_any1, UInt32, (Ptr{UInt32}, UInt64, UInt64), s.bits, 0, s.limit)==0
 function first(s::IntSet)
     n = next(s,0)[1]
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ function last(s::IntSet)
     error("set has no last element")
-length(s::IntSet) = int(ccall(:bitvector_count, Uint64, (Ptr{Uint32}, Uint64, Uint64), s.bits, 0, s.limit)) +
+length(s::IntSet) = int(ccall(:bitvector_count, UInt64, (Ptr{UInt32}, UInt64, UInt64), s.bits, 0, s.limit)) +
     (s.fill1s ? typemax(Int) - s.limit : 0)
 function show(io::IO, s::IntSet)
diff --git a/base/io.jl b/base/io.jl
index c6d9e684e0922..b17e0123a0087 100644
--- a/base/io.jl
+++ b/base/io.jl
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 ## byte-order mark, ntoh & hton ##
-const ENDIAN_BOM = reinterpret(Uint32,uint8([1:4]))[1]
+const ENDIAN_BOM = reinterpret(UInt32,uint8([1:4]))[1]
 if ENDIAN_BOM == 0x01020304
     ntoh(x) = x
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ isreadonly(s) = isreadable(s) && !iswritable(s)
 ## binary I/O ##
 # all subtypes should implement this
-write(s::IO, x::Uint8) = error(typeof(s)," does not support byte I/O")
+write(s::IO, x::UInt8) = error(typeof(s)," does not support byte I/O")
 write(io::IO, x) = throw(MethodError(write, (io, x)))
 write(io::IO, xs...) = for x in xs write(io, x) end
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ function write(s::IO, a::AbstractArray)
 function write(s::IO, ch::Char)
-    c = reinterpret(Uint32, ch)
+    c = reinterpret(UInt32, ch)
     if c < 0x80
         write(s, uint8(c))
         return 1
@@ -96,22 +96,22 @@ function write(s::IO, p::Ptr, n::Integer)
 function write(io::IO, s::Symbol)
-    pname = convert(Ptr{Uint8}, s)
-    write(io, pname, int(ccall(:strlen, Csize_t, (Ptr{Uint8},), pname)))
+    pname = convert(Ptr{UInt8}, s)
+    write(io, pname, int(ccall(:strlen, Csize_t, (Ptr{UInt8},), pname)))
 # all subtypes should implement this
-read(s::IO, x::Type{Uint8}) = error(typeof(s)," does not support byte I/O")
+read(s::IO, x::Type{UInt8}) = error(typeof(s)," does not support byte I/O")
 function read{T <: Integer}(s::IO, ::Type{T})
     x = zero(T)
     for n = 1:sizeof(x)
-        x |= (convert(T,read(s,Uint8))<<((n-1)<<3))
+        x |= (convert(T,read(s,UInt8))<<((n-1)<<3))
     return x
-read(s::IO, ::Type{Bool})    = (read(s,Uint8)!=0)
+read(s::IO, ::Type{Bool})    = (read(s,UInt8)!=0)
 read(s::IO, ::Type{Float16}) = box(Float16,unbox(Int16,read(s,Int16)))
 read(s::IO, ::Type{Float32}) = box(Float32,unbox(Int32,read(s,Int32)))
 read(s::IO, ::Type{Float64}) = box(Float64,unbox(Int64,read(s,Int64)))
@@ -131,18 +131,18 @@ function read!{T}(s::IO, a::Array{T})
 function read(s::IO, ::Type{Char})
-    ch = read(s, Uint8)
+    ch = read(s, UInt8)
     if ch < 0x80
         return char(ch)
     # mimic utf8.next function
     trailing = Base.utf8_trailing[ch+1]
-    c::Uint32 = 0
+    c::UInt32 = 0
     for j = 1:trailing
         c += ch
         c <<= 6
-        ch = read(s, Uint8)
+        ch = read(s, UInt8)
     c += ch
     c -= Base.utf8_offset[trailing+1]
@@ -216,11 +216,11 @@ readline(s::IO) = readuntil(s, '\n')
 readchomp(x) = chomp!(readall(x))
 # read up to nb bytes into nb, returning # bytes read
-function readbytes!(s::IO, b::AbstractArray{Uint8}, nb=length(b))
+function readbytes!(s::IO, b::AbstractArray{UInt8}, nb=length(b))
     olb = lb = length(b)
     nr = 0
     while nr < nb && !eof(s)
-        a = read(s, Uint8)
+        a = read(s, UInt8)
         nr += 1
         if nr > lb
             lb = nr * 2
@@ -234,9 +234,9 @@ function readbytes!(s::IO, b::AbstractArray{Uint8}, nb=length(b))
     return nr
-# read up to nb bytes from s, returning a Vector{Uint8} of bytes read.
+# read up to nb bytes from s, returning a Vector{UInt8} of bytes read.
 function readbytes(s::IO, nb=typemax(Int))
-    b = Array(Uint8, nb == typemax(Int) ? 1024 : nb)
+    b = Array(UInt8, nb == typemax(Int) ? 1024 : nb)
     nr = readbytes!(s, b, nb)
     resize!(b, nr)
diff --git a/base/iobuffer.jl b/base/iobuffer.jl
index 665d40dbf8a74..57b274dec41ad 100644
--- a/base/iobuffer.jl
+++ b/base/iobuffer.jl
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-## work with Vector{Uint8} via I/O primitives ##
+## work with Vector{UInt8} via I/O primitives ##
 # Stateful string
 type IOBuffer <: IO
-    data::Vector{Uint8}
+    data::Vector{UInt8}
     seekable::Bool # if not seekable, free to destroy (compact) past read data
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ type IOBuffer <: IO
     ptr::Int # read (and maybe write) pointer
-    IOBuffer(data::Vector{Uint8},readable::Bool,writable::Bool,seekable::Bool,append::Bool,maxsize::Int) = 
+    IOBuffer(data::Vector{UInt8},readable::Bool,writable::Bool,seekable::Bool,append::Bool,maxsize::Int) = 
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function copy(b::IOBuffer)
-show(io::IO, b::IOBuffer) = print(io, "IOBuffer(data=Uint8[...], ",
+show(io::IO, b::IOBuffer) = print(io, "IOBuffer(data=UInt8[...], ",
                                       "readable=", b.readable, ", ",
                                       "writable=", b.writable, ", ",
                                       "seekable=", b.seekable, ", ",
@@ -35,20 +35,20 @@ show(io::IO, b::IOBuffer) = print(io, "IOBuffer(data=Uint8[...], ",
                                       "mark=",     b.mark, ")")
 # PipeBuffers behave like Unix Pipes. They are readable and writable, the act appendable, and not seekable.
-PipeBuffer(data::Vector{Uint8},maxsize::Int) = IOBuffer(data,true,true,false,true,maxsize)
-PipeBuffer(data::Vector{Uint8}) = PipeBuffer(data,typemax(Int))
-PipeBuffer() = PipeBuffer(Uint8[])
-PipeBuffer(maxsize::Int) = (x = PipeBuffer(Array(Uint8,maxsize),maxsize); x.size=0; x)
+PipeBuffer(data::Vector{UInt8},maxsize::Int) = IOBuffer(data,true,true,false,true,maxsize)
+PipeBuffer(data::Vector{UInt8}) = PipeBuffer(data,typemax(Int))
+PipeBuffer() = PipeBuffer(UInt8[])
+PipeBuffer(maxsize::Int) = (x = PipeBuffer(Array(UInt8,maxsize),maxsize); x.size=0; x)
 # IOBuffers behave like Files. They are readable and writable. They are seekable. (They can be appendable).
-IOBuffer(data::Vector{Uint8},readable::Bool,writable::Bool,maxsize::Int) =
+IOBuffer(data::Vector{UInt8},readable::Bool,writable::Bool,maxsize::Int) =
-IOBuffer(data::Vector{Uint8},readable::Bool,writable::Bool) = IOBuffer(data,readable,writable,typemax(Int))
-IOBuffer(data::Vector{Uint8}) = IOBuffer(data, true, false)
+IOBuffer(data::Vector{UInt8},readable::Bool,writable::Bool) = IOBuffer(data,readable,writable,typemax(Int))
+IOBuffer(data::Vector{UInt8}) = IOBuffer(data, true, false)
 IOBuffer(str::ByteString) = IOBuffer(str.data, true, false)
-IOBuffer(readable::Bool,writable::Bool) = IOBuffer(Uint8[],readable,writable)
-IOBuffer() = IOBuffer(Uint8[], true, true)
-IOBuffer(maxsize::Int) = (x=IOBuffer(Array(Uint8,maxsize),true,true,maxsize); x.size=0; x)
+IOBuffer(readable::Bool,writable::Bool) = IOBuffer(UInt8[],readable,writable)
+IOBuffer() = IOBuffer(UInt8[], true, true)
+IOBuffer(maxsize::Int) = (x=IOBuffer(Array(UInt8,maxsize),true,true,maxsize); x.size=0; x)
 is_maxsize_unlimited(io::IOBuffer) = (io.maxsize == typemax(Int))
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ function read!(from::IOBuffer, p::Ptr, nb::Int)
     if !from.readable error("read failed") end
     avail = nb_available(from)
     adv = min(avail,nb)
-    ccall(:memcpy, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Uint), p, pointer(from.data,from.ptr), adv)
+    ccall(:memcpy, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, UInt), p, pointer(from.data,from.ptr), adv)
     from.ptr += adv
     if nb > avail
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ function read!(from::IOBuffer, p::Ptr, nb::Int)
-function read(from::IOBuffer, ::Type{Uint8})
+function read(from::IOBuffer, ::Type{UInt8})
     if !from.readable error("read failed") end
     if from.ptr > from.size
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ function peek(from::IOBuffer)
     return from.data[from.ptr]
-read{T}(from::IOBuffer, ::Type{Ptr{T}}) = convert(Ptr{T}, read(from, Uint))
+read{T}(from::IOBuffer, ::Type{Ptr{T}}) = convert(Ptr{T}, read(from, UInt))
 isreadable(io::IOBuffer) = io.readable
 iswritable(io::IOBuffer) = io.writable
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ function compact(io::IOBuffer)
         ptr = io.ptr
         bytes_to_move = nb_available(io)
-    ccall(:memmove, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void},Ptr{Void},Uint), 
+    ccall(:memmove, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void},Ptr{Void},UInt), 
           io.data, pointer(io.data,ptr), bytes_to_move)
     io.size -= ptr - 1
     io.ptr -= ptr - 1
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ function close(io::IOBuffer)
     if io.writable
         resize!(io.data, 0)
-        io.data = Uint8[]
+        io.data = UInt8[]
     io.readable = false
     io.writable = false
@@ -209,14 +209,14 @@ function takebuf_array(io::IOBuffer)
         data = io.data
         if io.writable
             maxsize = (io.maxsize == typemax(Int) ? 0 : io.maxsize)
-            io.data = Array(Uint8,maxsize)
+            io.data = Array(UInt8,maxsize)
             data = copy(data)
         nbytes = nb_available(io)
-        a = Array(Uint8, nbytes)
+        a = Array(UInt8, nbytes)
         data = read!(io, a)
     if io.writable
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ function write(to::IOBuffer, p::Ptr, nb::Int)
     ensureroom(to, nb)
     ptr = (to.append ? to.size+1 : to.ptr)
     nb = min(nb, length(to.data) - ptr + 1)
-    ccall(:memcpy, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Uint), pointer(to.data,ptr), p, nb)
+    ccall(:memcpy, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, UInt), pointer(to.data,ptr), p, nb)
     to.size = max(to.size, ptr - 1 + nb)
     if !to.append to.ptr += nb end
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ end
 write(to::IOBuffer, a::Array) = write_sub(to, a, 1, length(a))
-function write(to::IOBuffer, a::Uint8)
+function write(to::IOBuffer, a::UInt8)
     if !to.writable error("write failed") end
     ensureroom(to, 1)
     ptr = (to.append ? to.size+1 : to.ptr)
@@ -272,12 +272,12 @@ function write(to::IOBuffer, a::Uint8)
     to.size = max(to.size, ptr)
     if !to.append to.ptr += 1 end
-    sizeof(Uint8)
+    sizeof(UInt8)
-write(to::IOBuffer, p::Ptr) = write(to, convert(Uint, p))
+write(to::IOBuffer, p::Ptr) = write(to, convert(UInt, p))
-function readbytes!(io::IOBuffer, b::Array{Uint8}, nb=length(b))
+function readbytes!(io::IOBuffer, b::Array{UInt8}, nb=length(b))
     nr = min(nb, nb_available(io))
     if length(b) < nr
         resize!(b, nr)
@@ -285,18 +285,18 @@ function readbytes!(io::IOBuffer, b::Array{Uint8}, nb=length(b))
     read_sub(io, b, 1, nr)
     return nr
-readbytes(io::IOBuffer) = read!(io, Array(Uint8, nb_available(io)))
-readbytes(io::IOBuffer, nb) = read!(io, Array(Uint8, min(nb, nb_available(io))))
+readbytes(io::IOBuffer) = read!(io, Array(UInt8, nb_available(io)))
+readbytes(io::IOBuffer, nb) = read!(io, Array(UInt8, min(nb, nb_available(io))))
 function search(buf::IOBuffer, delim)
     p = pointer(buf.data, buf.ptr)
-    q = ccall(:memchr,Ptr{Uint8},(Ptr{Uint8},Int32,Csize_t),p,delim,nb_available(buf))
+    q = ccall(:memchr,Ptr{UInt8},(Ptr{UInt8},Int32,Csize_t),p,delim,nb_available(buf))
     nb = (q == C_NULL ? 0 : q-p+1)
-function readuntil(io::IOBuffer, delim::Uint8)
+function readuntil(io::IOBuffer, delim::UInt8)
     lb = 70
-    A = Array(Uint8, lb)
+    A = Array(UInt8, lb)
     n = 0
     data = io.data
     for i = io.ptr : io.size
diff --git a/base/iostream.jl b/base/iostream.jl
index 95d682b62992a..fe77084f35967 100644
--- a/base/iostream.jl
+++ b/base/iostream.jl
@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ const sizeof_ios_t = int(ccall(:jl_sizeof_ios_t, Int32, ()))
 type IOStream <: IO
-    ios::Array{Uint8,1}
+    ios::Array{UInt8,1}
-    IOStream(name::AbstractString, buf::Array{Uint8,1}) = new(pointer(buf), buf, name, -1)
+    IOStream(name::AbstractString, buf::Array{UInt8,1}) = new(pointer(buf), buf, name, -1)
 # TODO: delay adding finalizer, e.g. for memio with a small buffer, or
 # in the case where we takebuf it.
 function IOStream(name::AbstractString, finalize::Bool)
-    buf = zeros(Uint8,sizeof_ios_t)
+    buf = zeros(UInt8,sizeof_ios_t)
     x = IOStream(name, buf)
     if finalize
         finalizer(x, close)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ modestr(s::IO) = modestr(isreadable(s), iswritable(s))
 modestr(r::Bool, w::Bool) = r ? (w ? "r+" : "r") : (w ? "w" : error("Neither readable nor writable"))
 function truncate(s::IOStream, n::Integer)
-    systemerror("truncate", ccall(:ios_trunc, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Uint), s.ios, n) != 0)
+    systemerror("truncate", ccall(:ios_trunc, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, UInt), s.ios, n) != 0)
     return s
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ immutable CFILE
 function CFILE(s::IO)
-    @unix_only FILEp = ccall(:fdopen, Ptr{Void}, (Cint, Ptr{Uint8}), convert(Cint, fd(s)), modestr(s))
-    @windows_only FILEp = ccall(:_fdopen, Ptr{Void}, (Cint, Ptr{Uint8}), convert(Cint, fd(s)), modestr(s))
+    @unix_only FILEp = ccall(:fdopen, Ptr{Void}, (Cint, Ptr{UInt8}), convert(Cint, fd(s)), modestr(s))
+    @windows_only FILEp = ccall(:_fdopen, Ptr{Void}, (Cint, Ptr{UInt8}), convert(Cint, fd(s)), modestr(s))
     systemerror("fdopen", FILEp == C_NULL)
     seek(CFILE(FILEp), position(s))
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ function open(fname::AbstractString, rd::Bool, wr::Bool, cr::Bool, tr::Bool, ff:
     s = IOStream(string("<file ",fname,">"))
     systemerror("opening file $fname",
                 ccall(:ios_file, Ptr{Void},
-                      (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32),
+                      (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32),
                       s.ios, fname, rd, wr, cr, tr) == C_NULL)
     if ff
         systemerror("seeking to end of file $fname", ccall(:ios_seek_end, FileOffset, (Ptr{Void},), s.ios) != 0)
@@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ end
 ## low-level calls ##
-write(s::IOStream, b::Uint8) = int(ccall(:ios_putc, Int32, (Uint8, Ptr{Void}), b, s.ios))
+write(s::IOStream, b::UInt8) = int(ccall(:ios_putc, Int32, (UInt8, Ptr{Void}), b, s.ios))
 function write{T}(s::IOStream, a::Array{T})
     if isbits(T)
         if !iswritable(s)
             error("attempt to write to a read-only IOStream")
-        int(ccall(:ios_write, Uint, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Uint),
+        int(ccall(:ios_write, UInt, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, UInt),
                   s.ios, a, length(a)*sizeof(T)))
         invoke(write, (IO, Array), s, a)
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ function write(s::IOStream, p::Ptr, nb::Integer)
     if !iswritable(s)
         error("attempt to write to a read-only IOStream")
-    int(ccall(:ios_write, Uint, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Uint), s.ios, p, nb))
+    int(ccall(:ios_write, UInt, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, UInt), s.ios, p, nb))
 function write{T,N,A<:Array}(s::IOStream, a::SubArray{T,N,A})
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ end
 # num bytes available without blocking
 nb_available(s::IOStream) = ccall(:jl_nb_available, Int32, (Ptr{Void},), s.ios)
-function read(s::IOStream, ::Type{Uint8})
+function read(s::IOStream, ::Type{UInt8})
     b = ccall(:ios_getc, Int32, (Ptr{Void},), s.ios)
     if b == -1
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ end
 function read!{T}(s::IOStream, a::Array{T})
     if isbits(T)
         nb = length(a)*sizeof(T)
-        if ccall(:ios_readall, Uint,
-                 (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Uint), s.ios, a, nb) < nb
+        if ccall(:ios_readall, UInt,
+                 (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, UInt), s.ios, a, nb) < nb
@@ -215,16 +215,16 @@ takebuf_string(s::IOStream) =
     ccall(:jl_takebuf_string, ByteString, (Ptr{Void},), s.ios)
 takebuf_array(s::IOStream) =
-    ccall(:jl_takebuf_array, Vector{Uint8}, (Ptr{Void},), s.ios)
+    ccall(:jl_takebuf_array, Vector{UInt8}, (Ptr{Void},), s.ios)
 function takebuf_raw(s::IOStream)
     sz = position(s)
-    buf = ccall(:jl_takebuf_raw, Ptr{Uint8}, (Ptr{Void},), s.ios)
+    buf = ccall(:jl_takebuf_raw, Ptr{UInt8}, (Ptr{Void},), s.ios)
     return buf, sz
 function sprint(size::Integer, f::Function, args...)
-    s = IOBuffer(Array(Uint8,size), true, true)
+    s = IOBuffer(Array(UInt8,size), true, true)
     f(s, args...)
@@ -234,11 +234,11 @@ sprint(f::Function, args...) = sprint(0, f, args...)
 write(x) = write(STDOUT::IO, x)
-function readuntil(s::IOStream, delim::Uint8)
-    ccall(:jl_readuntil, Array{Uint8,1}, (Ptr{Void}, Uint8), s.ios, delim)
+function readuntil(s::IOStream, delim::UInt8)
+    ccall(:jl_readuntil, Array{UInt8,1}, (Ptr{Void}, UInt8), s.ios, delim)
-function readbytes!(s::IOStream, b::Array{Uint8}, nb=length(b))
+function readbytes!(s::IOStream, b::Array{UInt8}, nb=length(b))
     olb = lb = length(b)
     nr = 0
     while !eof(s) && nr < nb
@@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ function readbytes!(s::IOStream, b::Array{Uint8}, nb=length(b))
             lb = max(65536, (nr+1) * 2)
             resize!(b, lb)
-        nr += int(ccall(:ios_readall, Uint,
-                        (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Uint),
+        nr += int(ccall(:ios_readall, UInt,
+                        (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, UInt),
                         s.ios, pointer(b, nr+1), min(lb-nr, nb-nr)))
     if lb > olb
diff --git a/base/libc.jl b/base/libc.jl
index 52d01d76125d4..19eebd12a38d9 100644
--- a/base/libc.jl
+++ b/base/libc.jl
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 ## time-related functions ##
 # TODO: check for usleep errors?
-@unix_only systemsleep(s::Real) = ccall(:usleep, Int32, (Uint32,), uint32(iround(s*1e6)))
-@windows_only systemsleep(s::Real) = (ccall(:Sleep, stdcall, Void, (Uint32,), uint32(iround(s*1e3))); return int32(0))
+@unix_only systemsleep(s::Real) = ccall(:usleep, Int32, (UInt32,), uint32(iround(s*1e6)))
+@windows_only systemsleep(s::Real) = (ccall(:Sleep, stdcall, Void, (UInt32,), uint32(iround(s*1e3))); return int32(0))
 type TmStruct
@@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ end
 strftime(t) = strftime("%c", t)
 strftime(fmt::AbstractString, t::Real) = strftime(fmt, TmStruct(t))
 function strftime(fmt::AbstractString, tm::TmStruct)
-    timestr = Array(Uint8, 128)
-    n = ccall(:strftime, Int, (Ptr{Uint8}, Int, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Void}),
+    timestr = Array(UInt8, 128)
+    n = ccall(:strftime, Int, (Ptr{UInt8}, Int, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{Void}),
               timestr, length(timestr), fmt, &tm)
     if n == 0
         return ""
-    bytestring(convert(Ptr{Uint8},timestr))
+    bytestring(convert(Ptr{UInt8},timestr))
 strptime(timestr::AbstractString) = strptime("%c", timestr)
 function strptime(fmt::AbstractString, timestr::AbstractString)
     tm = TmStruct()
-    r = ccall(:strptime, Ptr{Uint8}, (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Void}),
+    r = ccall(:strptime, Ptr{UInt8}, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{Void}),
               timestr, fmt, &tm)
     # the following would tell mktime() that this is a local time, and that
     # it should try to guess the timezone. not sure if/how this should be
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ getpid() = ccall(:jl_getpid, Int32, ())
 ## network functions ##
 function gethostname()
-    hn = Array(Uint8, 256)
-    @unix_only err=ccall(:gethostname, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8}, Uint), hn, length(hn))
-    @windows_only err=ccall(:gethostname, stdcall, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8}, Uint32), hn, length(hn))
+    hn = Array(UInt8, 256)
+    @unix_only err=ccall(:gethostname, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, UInt), hn, length(hn))
+    @windows_only err=ccall(:gethostname, stdcall, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, UInt32), hn, length(hn))
     systemerror("gethostname", err != 0)
-    bytestring(convert(Ptr{Uint8},hn))
+    bytestring(convert(Ptr{UInt8},hn))
 ## Memory related ##
diff --git a/base/linalg/arpack.jl b/base/linalg/arpack.jl
index 1e60e4274a6a0..49c05a6835a35 100644
--- a/base/linalg/arpack.jl
+++ b/base/linalg/arpack.jl
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ for (T, saupd_name, seupd_name, naupd_name, neupd_name) in
                        iparam, ipntr, workd::Array{$T}, workl::Array{$T}, lworkl, info)
             ccall(($(string(naupd_name)), :libarpack), Void,
-                  (Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt},
+                  (Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                    Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                   ido, bmat, &n, evtype, &nev, TOL, resid, &ncv, v, &ldv,
@@ -218,9 +218,9 @@ for (T, saupd_name, seupd_name, naupd_name, neupd_name) in
                   iparam, ipntr, workd::Array{$T}, workl::Array{$T}, lworkl, info)
             ccall(($(string(neupd_name)), :libarpack), Void,
-                  (Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T},
-                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T},
+                  (Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T},
+                   Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt},
+                   Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T},
                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T},
                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong, Clong),
                   &rvec, howmny, select, dr, di, z, &ldz, sigmar, sigmai,
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ for (T, saupd_name, seupd_name, naupd_name, neupd_name) in
                        iparam, ipntr, workd::Array{$T}, workl::Array{$T}, lworkl, info)
             ccall(($(string(saupd_name)), :libarpack), Void,
-                  (Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt},
+                  (Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                    Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong),
                   ido, bmat, &n, which, &nev, TOL, resid, &ncv, v, &ldv,
@@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ for (T, saupd_name, seupd_name, naupd_name, neupd_name) in
                        iparam, ipntr, workd::Array{$T}, workl::Array{$T}, lworkl, info) 
             ccall(($(string(seupd_name)), :libarpack), Void,
-                  (Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T},
-                   Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt},
+                  (Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T},
+                   Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                    Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Clong, Clong, Clong),
                   &rvec, howmny, select, d, z, &ldz, sigma,
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ for (T, TR, naupd_name, neupd_name) in
                        rwork::Array{$TR}, info)
             ccall(($(string(naupd_name)), :libarpack), Void,
-                  (Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt},
+                  (Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                    Ptr{$TR}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                    Ptr{$TR}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
@@ -283,8 +283,8 @@ for (T, TR, naupd_name, neupd_name) in
                        rwork::Array{$TR}, info)
             ccall(($(string(neupd_name)), :libarpack), Void,
-                  (Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt},
-                   Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt},
+                  (Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt},
+                   Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                    Ptr{$TR}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{$T}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$TR}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
                   &rvec, howmny, select, d, z, &ldz, sigma, workev,
diff --git a/base/linalg/bitarray.jl b/base/linalg/bitarray.jl
index 5e9b70ee89fd9..1a8d24ff6a86e 100644
--- a/base/linalg/bitarray.jl
+++ b/base/linalg/bitarray.jl
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ end
     #if mA == 0; return C; end
     #col_ch = num_bit_chunks(mA)
     ## TODO: avoid using aux chunks and copy (?)
-    #aux_chunksA = zeros(Uint64, col_ch)
-    #aux_chunksB = [zeros(Uint64, col_ch) for j=1:nB]
+    #aux_chunksA = zeros(UInt64, col_ch)
+    #aux_chunksB = [zeros(UInt64, col_ch) for j=1:nB]
     #for j = 1:nB
         #Base.copy_chunks!(aux_chunksB[j], 1, B.chunks, (j-1)*mA+1, mA)
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ end
 issym(A::BitMatrix) = size(A, 1)==size(A, 2) && countnz(A - A.')==0
 ishermitian(A::BitMatrix) = issym(A)
-function nonzero_chunks(chunks::Vector{Uint64}, pos0::Int, pos1::Int)
+function nonzero_chunks(chunks::Vector{UInt64}, pos0::Int, pos1::Int)
     k0, l0 = Base.get_chunks_id(pos0)
     k1, l1 = Base.get_chunks_id(pos1)
diff --git a/base/linalg/blas.jl b/base/linalg/blas.jl
index 5e754e6c3f50e..7c9329b014f58 100644
--- a/base/linalg/blas.jl
+++ b/base/linalg/blas.jl
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ for (fname, elty) in ((:dgemv_,:Float64),
             m,n = size(A,1),size(A,2)
             length(X) == (trans == 'N' ? n : m) && length(Y) == (trans == 'N' ? m : n) || throw(DimensionMismatch(""))
             ccall(($(blasfunc(fname)), libblas), Void,
-                (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, 
+                (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, 
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
                  &trans, &size(A,1), &size(A,2), &alpha, 
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ for (fname, elty) in ((:dgbmv_,:Float64),
              #       DOUBLE PRECISION A(LDA,*),X(*),Y(*)
         function gbmv!(trans::BlasChar, m::Integer, kl::Integer, ku::Integer, alpha::($elty), A::StridedMatrix{$elty}, x::StridedVector{$elty}, beta::($elty), y::StridedVector{$elty})
             ccall(($(blasfunc(fname)), libblas), Void,
-                (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
+                (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
                  Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, 
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ for (fname, elty) in ((:dsymv_,:Float64),
             if m != n throw(DimensionMismatch("Matrix A is $m by $n but must be square")) end
             if m != length(x) || m != length(y) throw(DimensionMismatch("")) end
             ccall(($(blasfunc(fname)), libblas), Void,
-                (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, 
+                (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, 
                  Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, 
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
                  &uplo, &n, &alpha, A, 
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ for (fname, elty) in ((:zhemv_,:Complex128),
             incx = stride(x, 1)
             incy = stride(y, 1)
             ccall(($(blasfunc(fname)), libblas), Void,
-                (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty},
+                (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty},
                  Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
                 &uplo, &n, &α, A,
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ for (fname, elty) in ((:dsbmv_,:Float64),
              #       DOUBLE PRECISION A(LDA,*),X(*),Y(*)
         function sbmv!(uplo::BlasChar, k::Integer, alpha::($elty), A::StridedMatrix{$elty}, x::StridedVector{$elty}, beta::($elty), y::StridedVector{$elty})
             ccall(($(blasfunc(fname)), libblas), Void,
-                (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, 
+                (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, 
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
                  &uplo, &size(A,2), &k, &alpha, 
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ for (fname, elty) in ((:dtrmv_,:Float64),
                 throw(DimensionMismatch("length(x)=$(length(x))does not match size(A)=$(size(A))"))
             ccall(($(blasfunc(fname)), libblas), Void,
-                (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt},
+                (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
                  &uplo, &trans, &diag, &n, 
                  A, &max(1,stride(A,2)), x, &max(1,stride(x, 1)))
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ for (fname, elty) in ((:dtrsv_,:Float64),
             n = chksquare(A)
             n==length(x) || throw(DimensionMismatch("size of A is $n != length(x) = $(length(x))"))
             ccall(($(blasfunc(fname)), libblas), Void,
-                (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt},
+                (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
                  &uplo, &trans, &diag, &n, 
                  A, &max(1,stride(A,2)), x, &1)
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ for (fname, elty) in ((:dsyr_,:Float64),
             n = chksquare(A)
             length(x) == n || throw(DimensionMismatch("Length of vector must be the same as the matrix dimensions"))
             ccall(($(blasfunc(fname)), libblas), Void,
-                (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty},
+                (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty},
                  Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
                  &uplo, &n, &α, x, 
                  &1, A, &max(1,stride(A,2)))
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ for (fname, elty) in ((:zher_,:Complex128),
             n = chksquare(A)
             length(x) == A || throw(DimensionMismatch("Length of vector must be the same as the matrix dimensions"))
             ccall(($(blasfunc(fname)), libblas), Void,
-                (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty},
+                (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty},
                  Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
                  &uplo, &n, &α, x, 
                  &1, A, &max(1,stride(A,2)))
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ for (gemm, elty) in
             ccall(($(blasfunc(gemm)), libblas), Void,
-                (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
+                (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
                  Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, 
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ for (mfname, elty) in ((:dsymm_,:Float64),
             j = chksquare(A)
             if j != (side == 'L' ? m : n) || size(B,2) != n throw(DimensionMismatch("")) end
             ccall(($(blasfunc(mfname)), libblas), Void,
-                (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
+                (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, 
                  Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
                  &side, &uplo, &m, &n, 
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ for (fname, elty) in ((:dsyrk_,:Float64),
            if nn != n throw(DimensionMismatch("syrk!")) end
            k  = size(A, trans == 'N' ? 2 : 1)
            ccall(($(blasfunc(fname)), libblas), Void,
-                 (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
+                 (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
                   Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, 
                   Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
                  &uplo, &trans, &n, &k, 
@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ for (fname, elty) in ((:zherk_,:Complex128), (:cherk_,:Complex64))
            n == size(A, trans == 'N' ? 1 : 2) || throw(DimensionMismatch("herk!"))
            k  = size(A, trans == 'N' ? 2 : 1)
            ccall(($(blasfunc(fname)), libblas), Void,
-                 (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
+                 (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
                   Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, 
                   Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
                  &uplo, &trans, &n, &k, 
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ for (fname, elty) in ((:dsyr2k_,:Float64),
             if nn != n throw(DimensionMismatch("syr2k!")) end
             k  = size(A, trans == 'N' ? 2 : 1)
             ccall(($(blasfunc(fname)), libblas), Void,
-                (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
+                (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, 
                  Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
                  &uplo, &trans, &n, &k, 
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ for (fname, elty1, elty2) in ((:zher2k_,:Complex128,:Float64), (:cher2k_,:Comple
            n == size(A, trans == 'N' ? 1 : 2) || throw(DimensionMismatch("her2k!"))
            k  = size(A, trans == 'N' ? 2 : 1)
            ccall(($(blasfunc(fname)), libblas), Void,
-                 (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
+                 (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
                   Ptr{$elty1}, Ptr{$elty1}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty1}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
                   Ptr{$elty2},  Ptr{$elty1}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
                  &uplo, &trans, &n, &k, 
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ for (mmname, smname, elty) in
             nA = chksquare(A)
             if nA != (side == 'L' ? m : n) throw(DimensionMismatch("trmm!")) end
             ccall(($(blasfunc(mmname)), libblas), Void,
-                  (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
+                  (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                    Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
                   &side, &uplo, &transa, &diag, &m, &n,
                   &alpha, A, &max(1,stride(A,2)), B, &max(1,stride(B,2)))
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ for (mmname, smname, elty) in
             k = chksquare(A)
             k==(side == 'L' ? m : n) || throw(DimensionMismatch("size of A is $n, size(B)=($m,$n) and transa='$transa'"))
             ccall(($(blasfunc(smname)), libblas), Void,
-                (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, 
+                (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, 
                  Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, 
                  Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}),
                  &side, &uplo, &transa, &diag, 
diff --git a/base/linalg/cholmod.jl b/base/linalg/cholmod.jl
index 3a469fee85fc9..3deb151f03ede 100644
--- a/base/linalg/cholmod.jl
+++ b/base/linalg/cholmod.jl
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ const chm_l_com  = fill(0xff, chm_com_sz)
 ## to functions in libc.so, whose addresses can change             
 function cmn(::Type{Int32})
     if isnan(reinterpret(Float64,chm_com[1:8])[1])
-        @isok ccall((:cholmod_start, :libcholmod), Cint, (Ptr{Uint8},), chm_com)
+        @isok ccall((:cholmod_start, :libcholmod), Cint, (Ptr{UInt8},), chm_com)
 function cmn(::Type{Int64})             
     if isnan(reinterpret(Float64,chm_l_com[1:8])[1])
-        @isok ccall((:cholmod_l_start, :libcholmod), Cint, (Ptr{Uint8},), chm_l_com)
+        @isok ccall((:cholmod_l_start, :libcholmod), Cint, (Ptr{UInt8},), chm_l_com)
@@ -92,15 +92,15 @@ const chm_prt_inds = (1:4) + chm_com_offsets[13]
 const chm_ityp_inds = (1:4) + chm_com_offsets[18]
 ### there must be an easier way but at least this works.
-function ChmCommon(aa::Array{Uint8,1})
+function ChmCommon(aa::Array{UInt8,1})
     typs = ChmCommon.types
     sz = map(sizeof, typs)
     args = map(i->reinterpret(typs[i], aa[chm_com_offsets[i] + (1:sz[i])])[1], 1:length(sz))
     eval(Expr(:call, unshift!(args, :ChmCommon), Any))
-function set_chm_prt_lev(cm::Array{Uint8}, lev::Integer) # can probably be removed
-    cm[(1:4) + chm_com_offsets[13]] = reinterpret(Uint8, [int32(lev)])
+function set_chm_prt_lev(cm::Array{UInt8}, lev::Integer) # can probably be removed
+    cm[(1:4) + chm_com_offsets[13]] = reinterpret(UInt8, [int32(lev)])
 ## cholmod_dense pointers passed to or returned from C functions are of Julia type
@@ -343,12 +343,12 @@ CholmodDense!{T<:CHMVTypes}(c::Ptr{c_CholmodDense{T}}) = CholmodDense(c) # no di
 function isvalid{T<:CHMVTypes}(cd::CholmodDense{T})
     bool(ccall((:cholmod_check_dense, :libcholmod), Cint,
-               (Ptr{c_CholmodDense{T}}, Ptr{Uint8}), &cd.c, cmn(Int32)))
+               (Ptr{c_CholmodDense{T}}, Ptr{UInt8}), &cd.c, cmn(Int32)))
 function chm_eye{T<:Union(Float64,Complex128)}(m::Integer, n::Integer, t::T)
     CholmodDense(ccall((:cholmod_eye, :libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodDense{T}},
-                       (Int, Int, Cint, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                       (Int, Int, Cint, Ptr{UInt8}),
                        m, n,xtyp(T),cmn(Int32)))
 chm_eye(m::Integer, n::Integer) = chm_eye(m, n, 1.)
@@ -356,14 +356,14 @@ chm_eye(n::Integer) = chm_eye(n, n, 1.)
 function chm_ones{T<:Union(Float64,Complex128)}(m::Integer, n::Integer, t::T)
     CholmodDense(ccall((:cholmod_ones, :libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodDense{T}},
-                       (Int, Int, Cint, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                       (Int, Int, Cint, Ptr{UInt8}),
                        m, n, xtyp(T), cmn(Int32)))
 chm_ones(m::Integer, n::Integer) = chm_ones(m, n, 1.)
 function chm_zeros{T<:Union(Float64,Complex128)}(m::Integer, n::Integer, t::T)
     CholmodDense(ccall((:cholmod_zeros, :libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodDense{T}},
-                       (Int, Int, Cint, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                       (Int, Int, Cint, Ptr{UInt8}),
                        m, n, xtyp(T), cmn(Int32)))
 chm_zeros(m::Integer, n::Integer) = chm_zeros(m, n, 1.)
@@ -371,9 +371,9 @@ chm_zeros(m::Integer, n::Integer) = chm_zeros(m, n, 1.)
 function chm_print{T<:CHMVTypes}(cd::CholmodDense{T}, lev::Integer, nm::ASCIIString)
     cm = cmn(Int32)
     orig = cm[chm_prt_inds]
-    cm[chm_prt_inds] = reinterpret(Uint8, [int32(lev)])
+    cm[chm_prt_inds] = reinterpret(UInt8, [int32(lev)])
     @isok ccall((:cholmod_print_dense, :libcholmod), Cint,
-                   (Ptr{c_CholmodDense{T}}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                   (Ptr{c_CholmodDense{T}}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                    &cd.c, nm, cm)
     cm[chm_prt_inds] = orig
@@ -383,12 +383,12 @@ show(io::IO,cd::CholmodDense) = chm_print(cd, int32(4), "")
 function copy{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(B::CholmodDense{Tv})
     CholmodDense(ccall((:cholmod_copy_dense,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodDense{Tv}},
-                       (Ptr{c_CholmodDense{Tv}},Ptr{Uint8}), &B.c, cmn(Int32)))
+                       (Ptr{c_CholmodDense{Tv}},Ptr{UInt8}), &B.c, cmn(Int32)))
 function norm{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(D::CholmodDense{Tv},p::Real=1)
     ccall((:cholmod_norm_dense, :libcholmod), Float64, 
-          (Ptr{c_CholmodDense{Tv}}, Cint, Ptr{Uint8}),
+          (Ptr{c_CholmodDense{Tv}}, Cint, Ptr{UInt8}),
           &D.c, p == 1 ? 1 :(p == Inf ? 1 : throw(ArgumentError("p must be 1 or Inf"))),cmn(Int32))
@@ -464,9 +464,9 @@ function CholmodTriplet{Tv<:CHMVTypes,Ti<:CHMITypes}(tp::Ptr{c_CholmodTriplet{Tv
 function chm_rdsp(fnm::AbstractString)
-    fd = ccall(:fopen, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Uint8}), fnm, "r")
+    fd = ccall(:fopen, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{UInt8}), fnm, "r")
     res = ccall((:cholmod_read_sparse,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Float64,Cint}},
-                (Ptr{Void},Ptr{Uint8}),fd,cmn(Cint))
+                (Ptr{Void},Ptr{UInt8}),fd,cmn(Cint))
     ccall(:fclose, Cint, (Ptr{Void},), fd) # should do this in try/finally/end
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ for Ti in (:Int32,:Int64)
             CholmodSparse(ccall((@chm_nm "ssmult" $Ti
                                  , :libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},
-                                 Cint,Cint,Cint,Ptr{Uint8}), &A.c,&B.c,0,true,true,cmn($Ti)))
+                                 Cint,Cint,Cint,Ptr{UInt8}), &A.c,&B.c,0,true,true,cmn($Ti)))
         function A_mul_Bc{Tv<:Union(Float32,Float64)}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti},
@@ -487,16 +487,16 @@ for Ti in (:Int32,:Int64)
             if !is(A,B)
                 aa[1] = ccall((@chm_nm "transpose" $Ti
                                ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},
-                              (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                              (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                 aa[2] = ccall((@chm_nm "ssmult" $Ti
                                ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},
-                               Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                               Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                               &A.c, aa[1], cmn($Ti))
                 @isok ccall((@chm_nm "free_sparse" $Ti
                                 ,:libcholmod), Cint,
-                               (Ptr{Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}}, Ptr{Uint8}), aa, cm)
+                               (Ptr{Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}}, Ptr{UInt8}), aa, cm)
             ## The A*A' case is handled by cholmod_aat. Strangely the matrix returned by
@@ -506,16 +506,16 @@ for Ti in (:Int32,:Int64)
             ## triangle
             aa[1] = ccall((@chm_nm "aat" $Ti
                            , :libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},
-                          (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Void}, Int, Cint, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                          (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Void}, Int, Cint, Ptr{UInt8}),
                           &A.c, C_NULL, 0, 1, cm)
             ## Create the lower triangle unsorted
             aa[2] = ccall((@chm_nm "copy" $Ti
                            , :libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},
-                          (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Cint, Cint, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                          (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Cint, Cint, Ptr{UInt8}),
                           aa[1], -1, 1, cm)
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "free_sparse" $Ti
                             , :libcholmod), Cint,
-                           (Ptr{Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}}, Ptr{Uint8}), aa, cm)
+                           (Ptr{Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}}, Ptr{UInt8}), aa, cm)
             aa[1] = aa[2]
             r = unsafe_load(aa[1])
             ## Now transpose the lower triangle to the upper triangle to do the sorting
@@ -526,11 +526,11 @@ for Ti in (:Int32,:Int64)
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "transpose_sym" $Ti
                            (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Cint, Ptr{$Ti},
-                            Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                            Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "free_sparse" $Ti
                             , :libcholmod), Cint,
-                           (Ptr{Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}}, Ptr{Uint8}), aa, cm)
+                           (Ptr{Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}}, Ptr{UInt8}), aa, cm)
         function Ac_mul_B{Tv<:Union(Float32,Float64)}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti},
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ for Ti in (:Int32,:Int64)
             aa = Array(Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, 2)
             aa[1] = ccall((@chm_nm "transpose" $Ti
                            ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},
-                          (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                          (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
             if is(A,B)
                 Ac = CholmodSparse(aa[1])
@@ -548,119 +548,119 @@ for Ti in (:Int32,:Int64)
             aa[2] = ccall((@chm_nm "ssmult" $Ti
                            ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},
-                           Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                           Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "free_sparse" $Ti
                             , :libcholmod), Cint,
-                           (Ptr{Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}}, Ptr{Uint8}), aa, cm)
+                           (Ptr{Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}}, Ptr{UInt8}), aa, cm)
         function CholmodDense{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti})
             CholmodDense(ccall((@chm_nm "sparse_to_dense" $Ti
                                 ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodDense{Tv,$Ti}},
-                               (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,Ti}},Ptr{Uint8}),
+                               (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,Ti}},Ptr{UInt8}),
         function CholmodSparse{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(D::CholmodDense{Tv},i::$Ti)
             CholmodSparse(ccall((@chm_nm "dense_to_sparse" $Ti
                                  ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},
-                                (Ptr{c_CholmodDense{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{Uint8}),
+                                (Ptr{c_CholmodDense{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{UInt8}),
         function CholmodSparse{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(L::CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti})
             if bool(L.c.is_ll)
                 return CholmodSparse(ccall((@chm_nm "factor_to_sparse" $Ti
                                             ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},
-                                           (Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{Uint8}),
+                                           (Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{UInt8}),
             cm = cmn($Ti)                               
             Lcll = ccall((@chm_nm "copy_factor" $Ti
                           ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},
-                         (Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{Uint8}),
+                         (Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{UInt8}),
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "change_factor" $Ti
                             ,:libcholmod), Cint,
-                           (Cint,Cint,Cint,Cint,Cint,Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{Uint8}),
+                           (Cint,Cint,Cint,Cint,Cint,Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{UInt8}),
             val = CholmodSparse(ccall((@chm_nm "factor_to_sparse" $Ti
                                        ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},
-                                      (Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{Uint8}),
+                                      (Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{UInt8}),
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "free_factor" $Ti
                             ,:libcholmod), Cint,
-                           (Ptr{Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}}},Ptr{Uint8}),
+                           (Ptr{Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}}},Ptr{UInt8}),
         function CholmodSparse{Tv<:CHMVTypes,Ti<:$Ti}(T::CholmodTriplet{Tv,Ti})
             CholmodSparse(ccall((@chm_nm "triplet_to_sparse" $Ti
                                  ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,Ti}},
-                               (Ptr{c_CholmodTriplet{Tv,Ti}},Ptr{Uint8}),
+                               (Ptr{c_CholmodTriplet{Tv,Ti}},Ptr{UInt8}),
         function CholmodTriplet{Tv<:CHMVTypes,Ti<:$Ti}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,Ti})
             CholmodTriplet(ccall((@chm_nm "sparse_to_triplet" $Ti
                                  ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodTriplet{Tv,Ti}},
-                               (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,Ti}},Ptr{Uint8}),
+                               (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,Ti}},Ptr{UInt8}),
         function isvalid{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(L::CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti})
             bool(ccall((@chm_nm "check_factor" $Ti
                         ,:libcholmod), Cint,
-                       (Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                       (Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                        &L.c, cmn($Ti)))
         function isvalid{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti})
             bool(ccall((@chm_nm "check_sparse" $Ti
                         ,:libcholmod), Cint,
-                       (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                       (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                        &A.c, cmn($Ti)))
         function isvalid{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(T::CholmodTriplet{Tv,$Ti})
             bool(ccall((@chm_nm "check_triplet" $Ti
                         ,:libcholmod), Cint,
-                       (Ptr{c_CholmodTriplet{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                       (Ptr{c_CholmodTriplet{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                        &T.c, cmn($Ti)))
         function cholfact{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}, ll::Bool)
             cm = cmn($Ti)
             ## may need to change final_asis as well as final_ll
-            if ll cm[chm_final_ll_inds] = reinterpret(Uint8, [one(Cint)]) end
+            if ll cm[chm_final_ll_inds] = reinterpret(UInt8, [one(Cint)]) end
             Lpt = ccall((@chm_nm "analyze" $Ti
                          ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},
-                        (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}), &A.c, cm)
+                        (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}), &A.c, cm)
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "factorize" $Ti
                             ,:libcholmod), Cint,
-                            Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                            Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                            &A.c, Lpt, cm)
         function cholfact{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti},beta::Tv,ll::Bool)
             cm = cmn($Ti)
             ## may need to change final_asis as well as final_ll
-            if ll cm[chm_final_ll_inds] = reinterpret(Uint8, [one(Cint)]) end
+            if ll cm[chm_final_ll_inds] = reinterpret(UInt8, [one(Cint)]) end
             Lpt = ccall((@chm_nm "analyze" $Ti
                          ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},
-                        (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}), &A.c, cm)
+                        (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}), &A.c, cm)
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "factorize_p" $Ti
                             ,:libcholmod), Cint,
                            (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Tv}, Ptr{Cint}, Csize_t,
-                            Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                            Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                            &A.c, &beta, C_NULL, zero(Csize_t), Lpt, cmn($Ti))
         function chm_analyze{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti})
             CholmodFactor(ccall((@chm_nm "analyze" $Ti
                                  ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},
-                                (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}), &A.c, cmn($Ti)))
+                                (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}), &A.c, cmn($Ti)))
         function cholfact!{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(L::CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti},A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti})
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "factorize" $Ti
                             ,:libcholmod), Cint,
-                            Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                            Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                            &A.c, &L.c, cmn($Ti))
@@ -669,34 +669,34 @@ for Ti in (:Int32,:Int64)
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "factorize_p" $Ti
                             ,:libcholmod), Cint,
                            (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Tv}, Ptr{Cint}, Csize_t,
-                            Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                            Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                            &A.c, &beta, C_NULL, zero(Csize_t), &L.c, cmn($Ti))
         function chm_pack!{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(L::CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti})
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "pack_factor" $Ti
                             ,:libcholmod), Cint,
-                           (Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                           (Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
         function chm_print{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(L::CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti},lev,nm)
             cm = cmn($Ti)
             orig = cm[chm_prt_inds]
-            cm[chm_prt_inds] = reinterpret(Uint8, [int32(lev)])
+            cm[chm_prt_inds] = reinterpret(UInt8, [int32(lev)])
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "print_factor" $Ti
                             ,:libcholmod), Cint,
-                           (Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                           (Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                            &L.c, nm, cm)
             cm[chm_prt_inds] = orig
         function chm_print{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti},lev,nm)
             cm = cmn($Ti)
             orig = cm[chm_prt_inds]
-            cm[chm_prt_inds] = reinterpret(Uint8, [int32(lev)])
+            cm[chm_prt_inds] = reinterpret(UInt8, [int32(lev)])
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "print_sparse" $Ti
                            ,:libcholmod), Cint,
-                           (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                           (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                            &A.c, nm, cm)
             cm[chm_prt_inds] = orig
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ for Ti in (:Int32,:Int64)
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "scale" $Ti
                             ,:libcholmod), Cint,
-                            Ptr{Uint8}), &S.c, typ, &A.c, cmn($Ti))
+                            Ptr{UInt8}), &S.c, typ, &A.c, cmn($Ti))
         function chm_sdmult{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti},
@@ -726,66 +726,66 @@ for Ti in (:Int32,:Int64)
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "sdmult" $Ti
                             ,:libcholmod), Cint,
-                            Ptr{c_CholmodDense{Tv}}, Ptr{c_CholmodDense{Tv}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                            Ptr{c_CholmodDense{Tv}}, Ptr{c_CholmodDense{Tv}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
         function chm_speye{Tv<:CHMVTypes,Ti<:$Ti}(m::Ti, n::Ti, x::Tv)
             CholmodSparse(ccall((@chm_nm "speye" $Ti
                                  , :libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},
-                                (Int, Int, Cint, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                                (Int, Int, Cint, Ptr{UInt8}),
                                 m, n, xtyp(Tv), cmn($Ti)))
         function chm_spzeros{Tv<:Union(Float64,Complex128)}(m::$Ti, n::$Ti, nzmax::$Ti, x::Tv)
             CholmodSparse(ccall((@chm_nm "spzeros" $Ti
                          , :libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},
-                                (Int, Int, Int, Cint, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                                (Int, Int, Int, Cint, Ptr{UInt8}),
                                 m, n, nzmax, xtyp(Tv), cmn($Ti)))
 ## add chm_xtype and chm_pack
         function copy{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(L::CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti})
             CholmodFactor(ccall((@chm_nm "copy_factor" $Ti
                                  ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},
-                                (Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{Uint8}), &L.c, cmn($Ti)))
+                                (Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{UInt8}), &L.c, cmn($Ti)))
         function copy{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti})
             CholmodSparse(ccall((@chm_nm "copy_sparse" $Ti
                                  ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},
-                                (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{Uint8}), &A.c, cmn($Ti)))
+                                (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{UInt8}), &A.c, cmn($Ti)))
         function copy{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(T::CholmodTriplet{Tv,$Ti})
             CholmodTriplet(ccall((@chm_nm "copy_triplet" $Ti
                                  ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodTriplet{Tv,$Ti}},
-                                (Ptr{c_CholmodTriplet{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{Uint8}), &T.c, cmn($Ti)))
+                                (Ptr{c_CholmodTriplet{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{UInt8}), &T.c, cmn($Ti)))
         function ctranspose{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti})
             CholmodSparse(ccall((@chm_nm "transpose" $Ti
-                                (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Cint, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                                (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Cint, Ptr{UInt8}),
                                 &A.c, 2, cmn($Ti)))
         function etree{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti})
             tr = Array($Ti,size(A,2))
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "etree" $Ti
                             ,:libcholmod), Cint,
-                           (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{$Ti},Ptr{Uint8}),
+                           (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{$Ti},Ptr{UInt8}),
         function hcat{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti},B::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti})
             ccall((@chm_nm "horzcat" $Ti
                    , :libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},
-                  (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},Cint,Ptr{Uint8}),
+                  (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},Cint,Ptr{UInt8}),
         function nnz{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti})
             ccall((@chm_nm "nnz" $Ti
-                   ,:libcholmod), Int, (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{Uint8}),&A.c,cmn($Ti))
+                   ,:libcholmod), Int, (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{UInt8}),&A.c,cmn($Ti))
         function norm{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti},p::Real)
             ccall((@chm_nm "norm_sparse" $Ti
                    , :libcholmod), Float64, 
-                  (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Cint, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                  (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Cint, Ptr{UInt8}),
                   &A.c,p == 1 ? 1 :(p == Inf ? 1 : throw(ArgumentError("p must be 1 or Inf"))),cmn($Ti))
         function solve{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(L::CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti},
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ for Ti in (:Int32,:Int64)
             CholmodDense(ccall((@chm_nm "solve" $Ti
                                 ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodDense{Tv}},
                                (Cint, Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},
-                                Ptr{c_CholmodDense{Tv}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                                Ptr{c_CholmodDense{Tv}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                                typ, &L.c, &B.c, cmn($Ti)))
         function solve{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(L::CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti},
@@ -804,32 +804,32 @@ for Ti in (:Int32,:Int64)
             CholmodSparse(ccall((@chm_nm "spsolve" $Ti
                                  ,:libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},
                                 (Cint, Ptr{c_CholmodFactor{Tv,$Ti}},
-                                 Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                                 Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                                 typ, &L.c, &B.c, cmn($Ti)))
         function sort!{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti})
             @isok ccall((@chm_nm "sort" $Ti
                             ,:libcholmod), Cint,
-                           (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                           (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                            &A.c, cmn($Ti))
         function copysym{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti})
             CholmodSparse(ccall((@chm_nm "copy" $Ti
-                                (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},Cint,Cint,Ptr{Uint8}),
+                                (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},Cint,Cint,Ptr{UInt8}),
         function transpose{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti})
             CholmodSparse(ccall((@chm_nm "transpose" $Ti
-                                (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Cint, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                                (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}}, Cint, Ptr{UInt8}),
                                 &A.c, 1, cmn($Ti)))
         function vcat{Tv<:CHMVTypes}(A::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti},B::CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti})
             ccall((@chm_nm "vertcat" $Ti
                    , :libcholmod), Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},
-                  (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},Cint,Ptr{Uint8}),
+                  (Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},Ptr{c_CholmodSparse{Tv,$Ti}},Cint,Ptr{UInt8}),
diff --git a/base/linalg/lapack.jl b/base/linalg/lapack.jl
index 9e8ac8834e2a3..10677bf91acbf 100644
--- a/base/linalg/lapack.jl
+++ b/base/linalg/lapack.jl
@@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@ for (geevx, ggev, elty) in
         info = Array(BlasInt, 1)
         for i = 1:2
             ccall(($(blasfunc(geevx)), liblapack), Void,
-                  (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8},
+                  (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8},
                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
                    Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
@@ -1314,7 +1314,7 @@ for (geevx, ggev, elty, relty) in
         info = Array(BlasInt, 1)
         for i = 1:2
             ccall(($(blasfunc(geevx)), liblapack), Void,
-                  (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8},
+                  (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8},
                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty},
                    Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
                    Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$relty}, Ptr{$relty}, 
@@ -3234,7 +3234,7 @@ for (gecon, elty) in
             iwork = Array(BlasInt, n)
             info = Array(BlasInt, 1)
             ccall(($(blasfunc(gecon)), liblapack), Void,
-                  (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
+                  (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BlasInt}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt}, 
                    Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{$elty}, Ptr{BlasInt},
                   &normtype, &n, A, &lda, &anorm, rcond, work, iwork,
diff --git a/base/linalg/matmul.jl b/base/linalg/matmul.jl
index 364c7f1c283b3..1af6d5281ee01 100644
--- a/base/linalg/matmul.jl
+++ b/base/linalg/matmul.jl
@@ -358,9 +358,9 @@ function generic_matmatmul{T,S}(tA, tB, A::AbstractVecOrMat{T}, B::AbstractMatri
 const tilebufsize = 10800  # Approximately 32k/3
-const Abuf = Array(Uint8, tilebufsize)
-const Bbuf = Array(Uint8, tilebufsize)
-const Cbuf = Array(Uint8, tilebufsize)
+const Abuf = Array(UInt8, tilebufsize)
+const Bbuf = Array(UInt8, tilebufsize)
+const Cbuf = Array(UInt8, tilebufsize)
 function generic_matmatmul!{T,S,R}(C::AbstractVecOrMat{R}, tA, tB, A::AbstractVecOrMat{T}, B::AbstractVecOrMat{S})
     mA, nA = lapack_size(tA, A)
diff --git a/base/loading.jl b/base/loading.jl
index d9d63d0fa5f58..887c68ee9140a 100644
--- a/base/loading.jl
+++ b/base/loading.jl
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ end
 # remote/parallel load
 include_string(txt::AbstractString, fname::AbstractString) =
-    ccall(:jl_load_file_string, Any, (Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Uint8}), txt, fname)
+    ccall(:jl_load_file_string, Any, (Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{UInt8}), txt, fname)
 include_string(txt::AbstractString) = include_string(txt, "string")
diff --git a/base/math.jl b/base/math.jl
index be4479b40a427..413a7901d36ff 100644
--- a/base/math.jl
+++ b/base/math.jl
@@ -206,12 +206,12 @@ ldexp(x::Float32,e::Int) = ccall((:scalbnf,libm), Float32, (Float32,Int32), x, i
 # TODO: vectorize ldexp
 function frexp(x::Float64)
-    xu = reinterpret(Uint64,x)
+    xu = reinterpret(UInt64,x)
     k = int(xu >> 52) & 0x07ff
     if k == 0 # x is subnormal
         x == zero(x) && return x,0
         x *= 1.8014398509481984e16 # 0x1p54, normalise significand
-        xu = reinterpret(Uint64,x)
+        xu = reinterpret(UInt64,x)
         k = int(xu >> 52) & 0x07ff - 54
     elseif k == 0x07ff # NaN or Inf
         return x,0
@@ -221,12 +221,12 @@ function frexp(x::Float64)
     reinterpret(Float64,xu), k
 function frexp(x::Float32)
-    xu = reinterpret(Uint32,x)
+    xu = reinterpret(UInt32,x)
     k = int(xu >> 23) & 0x00ff
     if k == 0 # x is subnormal
         x == zero(x) && return x,0
         x *= 3.3554432f7 # 0x1p25: no Float32 hex literal
-        xu = reinterpret(Uint32,x)
+        xu = reinterpret(UInt32,x)
         k = int(xu >> 23) & 0x00ff - 25
     elseif k == 0x00ff # NaN or Inf
         return x,0
diff --git a/base/mmap.jl b/base/mmap.jl
index cc7ebf2783ccd..3298c2f32b5da 100644
--- a/base/mmap.jl
+++ b/base/mmap.jl
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ mmap_bitarray{N}(::Type{Bool}, dims::NTuple{N,Integer}, s::IOStream, offset::Fil
 mmap_bitarray{N}(::Type{Bool}, dims::NTuple{N,Integer}, s::IOStream) = mmap_bitarray(dims, s, position(s))
 mmap_bitarray{N}(dims::NTuple{N,Integer}, s::IOStream) = mmap_bitarray(dims, s, position(s))
-msync(B::BitArray) = msync(pointer(B.chunks), length(B.chunks)*sizeof(Uint64))
+msync(B::BitArray) = msync(pointer(B.chunks), length(B.chunks)*sizeof(UInt64))
 ### UNIX implementation ###
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function mmap_grow(len::Integer, prot::Integer, flags::Integer, fd::Integer, off
     filelen = ccall(:jl_lseek, FileOffset, (Cint, FileOffset, Cint), fd, 0, SEEK_END)
     systemerror("lseek", filelen < 0)
     if (filelen < offset + len)
-        systemerror("pwrite", ccall(:jl_pwrite, Cssize_t, (Cint, Ptr{Void}, Uint, FileOffset), fd, int8([0]), 1, offset + len - 1) < 1)
+        systemerror("pwrite", ccall(:jl_pwrite, Cssize_t, (Cint, Ptr{Void}, UInt, FileOffset), fd, int8([0]), 1, offset + len - 1) < 1)
     cpos = ccall(:jl_lseek, FileOffset, (Cint, FileOffset, Cint), fd, cpos, SEEK_SET)
     systemerror("lseek", cpos < 0)
@@ -138,14 +138,14 @@ function mmap_array{T,N}(::Type{T}, dims::NTuple{N,Integer}, s::IO, offset::File
     offset_page::FileOffset = div(offset, granularity)*granularity
     szfile = convert(Csize_t, len + offset)
     szarray = szfile - convert(Csize_t, offset_page)    
-    mmaphandle = ccall(:CreateFileMappingW, stdcall, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Cint, Cint, Cint, Ptr{Uint16}),
-        shandle.handle, C_NULL, flprotect, szfile>>32, szfile&typemax(Uint32), C_NULL)
+    mmaphandle = ccall(:CreateFileMappingW, stdcall, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Cint, Cint, Cint, Ptr{UInt16}),
+        shandle.handle, C_NULL, flprotect, szfile>>32, szfile&typemax(UInt32), C_NULL)
     if mmaphandle == C_NULL
         error("could not create file mapping: $(FormatMessage())")
     access = ro ? 4 : 2
     viewhandle = ccall(:MapViewOfFile, stdcall, Ptr{Void}, (Ptr{Void}, Cint, Cint, Cint, Csize_t),
-        mmaphandle, access, offset_page>>32, offset_page&typemax(Uint32), szarray)
+        mmaphandle, access, offset_page>>32, offset_page&typemax(UInt32), szarray)
     if viewhandle == C_NULL
         error("could not create mapping view: $(FormatMessage())")
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ function mmap_bitarray{N}(dims::NTuple{N,Integer}, s::IOStream, offset::FileOffs
     if nc > typemax(Int)
         error("file is too large to memory-map on this platform")
-    chunks = mmap_array(Uint64, (nc,), s, offset)
+    chunks = mmap_array(UInt64, (nc,), s, offset)
     if iswrite
         chunks[end] &= @_msk_end n
diff --git a/base/mpfr.jl b/base/mpfr.jl
index b952694ab218d..0bbf107ece02f 100644
--- a/base/mpfr.jl
+++ b/base/mpfr.jl
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ end
 function BigFloat(x::AbstractString, base::Int)
     z = BigFloat()
-    err = ccall((:mpfr_set_str, :libmpfr), Int32, (Ptr{BigFloat}, Ptr{Uint8}, Int32, Int32), &z, x, base, ROUNDING_MODE[end])
+    err = ccall((:mpfr_set_str, :libmpfr), Int32, (Ptr{BigFloat}, Ptr{UInt8}, Int32, Int32), &z, x, base, ROUNDING_MODE[end])
     if err != 0; error("incorrectly formatted number"); end
     return z
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ BigFloat(x::AbstractString) = BigFloat(x, 10)
 BigFloat(x::Integer) = BigFloat(BigInt(x))
 BigFloat(x::Union(Bool,Int8,Int16,Int32)) = BigFloat(convert(Clong,x))
-BigFloat(x::Union(Uint8,Uint16,Uint32)) = BigFloat(convert(Culong,x))
+BigFloat(x::Union(UInt8,UInt16,UInt32)) = BigFloat(convert(Culong,x))
 BigFloat(x::Union(Float16,Float32)) = BigFloat(float64(x))
 BigFloat(x::Rational) = BigFloat(num(x)) / BigFloat(den(x))
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ for to in (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
-for to in (Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64)
+for to in (UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64)
     @eval begin
         function convert(::Type{$to}, x::BigFloat)
             (isinteger(x) && (typemin($to) <= x <= typemax($to))) || throw(InexactError())
@@ -708,8 +708,8 @@ end
 function string(x::BigFloat)
     lng = 128
     for i = 1:2
-        z = Array(Uint8, lng + 1)
-        lng = ccall((:mpfr_snprintf,:libmpfr), Int32, (Ptr{Uint8}, Culong, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BigFloat}...), z, lng + 1, "%.Re", &x)
+        z = Array(UInt8, lng + 1)
+        lng = ccall((:mpfr_snprintf,:libmpfr), Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, Culong, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BigFloat}...), z, lng + 1, "%.Re", &x)
         if lng < 128 || i == 2
             return bytestring(z[1:lng])
diff --git a/base/multi.jl b/base/multi.jl
index bf74b39368e73..abc6ac7a97c0b 100644
--- a/base/multi.jl
+++ b/base/multi.jl
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ abstract ClusterManager
 type Worker
-    port::Uint16
+    port::UInt16
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ end
 type LocalProcess
-    bind_port::Uint16
+    bind_port::UInt16
     LocalProcess() = new(1)
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ type RemoteRef
     next_id() = (id=(myid(),REQ_ID); REQ_ID+=1; id)
-hash(r::RemoteRef, h::Uint) = hash(r.whence, hash(r.id, h))
+hash(r::RemoteRef, h::UInt) = hash(r.whence, hash(r.id, h))
 ==(r::RemoteRef, s::RemoteRef) = (r.whence==s.whence && r.id==s.id)
 rr2id(r::RemoteRef) = (r.whence, r.id)
diff --git a/base/multidimensional.jl b/base/multidimensional.jl
index a12554d20dc41..29c451c8ac5fe 100644
--- a/base/multidimensional.jl
+++ b/base/multidimensional.jl
@@ -517,13 +517,13 @@ end
 # TODO: this doesn't fit into the new hashing scheme in any obvious way
 immutable Prehashed
-    hash::Uint
+    hash::UInt
 hash(x::Prehashed) = x.hash
 @ngenerate N typeof(A) function unique{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, dim::Int)
     1 <= dim <= N || return copy(A)
-    hashes = zeros(Uint, size(A, dim))
+    hashes = zeros(UInt, size(A, dim))
     # Compute hash for each row
     k = 0
diff --git a/base/multimedia.jl b/base/multimedia.jl
index d1844086c3c1f..3c229436fe504 100644
--- a/base/multimedia.jl
+++ b/base/multimedia.jl
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ mimewritable(m::AbstractString, x) = mimewritable(MIME(m), x)
 # MIME types are assumed to be binary data except for a set of types known
 # to be text data (possibly Unicode).  istext(m) returns whether
 # m::MIME is text data, and reprmime(m, x) returns x written to either
-# a string (for text m::MIME) or a Vector{Uint8} (for binary m::MIME),
+# a string (for text m::MIME) or a Vector{UInt8} (for binary m::MIME),
 # assuming the corresponding write_mime method exists.  stringmime
 # is like reprmime except that it always returns a string, which in the
 # case of binary data is Base64-encoded.
-# Also, if reprmime is passed a AbstractString for a text type or Vector{Uint8} for
+# Also, if reprmime is passed a AbstractString for a text type or Vector{UInt8} for
 # a binary type, the argument is assumed to already be in the corresponding
 # format and is returned unmodified.  This is useful so that raw data can be
 # passed to display(m::MIME, x).
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ macro textmime(mime)
         mimeT = MIME{symbol($mime)}
         # avoid method ambiguities with the general definitions below:
-        # (Q: should we treat Vector{Uint8} as a bytestring?)
-        Base.Multimedia.reprmime(m::mimeT, x::Vector{Uint8}) = sprint(writemime, m, x)
-        Base.Multimedia.stringmime(m::mimeT, x::Vector{Uint8}) = reprmime(m, x)
+        # (Q: should we treat Vector{UInt8} as a bytestring?)
+        Base.Multimedia.reprmime(m::mimeT, x::Vector{UInt8}) = sprint(writemime, m, x)
+        Base.Multimedia.stringmime(m::mimeT, x::Vector{UInt8}) = reprmime(m, x)
         Base.Multimedia.istext(::mimeT) = true
         if $(mime != "text/plain") # strings are shown escaped for text/plain
@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ function reprmime(m::MIME, x)
     writemime(s, m, x)
-reprmime(m::MIME, x::Vector{Uint8}) = x
+reprmime(m::MIME, x::Vector{UInt8}) = x
 stringmime(m::MIME, x) = base64(writemime, m, x)
-stringmime(m::MIME, x::Vector{Uint8}) = base64(write, x)
+stringmime(m::MIME, x::Vector{UInt8}) = base64(write, x)
 # it is convenient to accept strings instead of ::MIME
 istext(m::AbstractString) = istext(MIME(m))
diff --git a/base/nullable.jl b/base/nullable.jl
index 81b79292a6721..d886f81c311e6 100644
--- a/base/nullable.jl
+++ b/base/nullable.jl
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ end
 =={S, T}(x::Nullable{S}, y::Nullable{T}) = throw(NullException())
-const nullablehash_seed = Uint === Uint64 ? 0x932e0143e51d0171 : 0xe51d0171
+const nullablehash_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0x932e0143e51d0171 : 0xe51d0171
-function hash(x::Nullable, h::Uint)
+function hash(x::Nullable, h::UInt)
     if x.isnull
         return h + nullablehash_seed
diff --git a/base/operators.jl b/base/operators.jl
index 75153161a573c..8fca91a010b4c 100644
--- a/base/operators.jl
+++ b/base/operators.jl
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ next(p::Pair, i) = (getfield(p,i), i+1)
 indexed_next(p::Pair, i::Int, state) = (getfield(p,i), i+1)
-hash(p::Pair, h::Uint) = hash(p.second, hash(p.first, h))
+hash(p::Pair, h::UInt) = hash(p.second, hash(p.first, h))
 ==(p::Pair, q::Pair) = (p.first==q.first) & (p.second==q.second)
 isequal(p::Pair, q::Pair) = isequal(p.first,q.first) & isequal(p.second,q.second)
diff --git a/base/osutils.jl b/base/osutils.jl
index 04085b368a4ae..9d7a15434c1b1 100644
--- a/base/osutils.jl
+++ b/base/osutils.jl
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ end
 # Windows version macros
 @windows_only function windows_version()
-    verinfo = ccall(:GetVersion, Uint32, ())
+    verinfo = ccall(:GetVersion, UInt32, ())
     (verinfo & 0xFF, (verinfo >> 8) & 0xFF)
 @unix_only windows_version() = (0,0)
diff --git a/base/path.jl b/base/path.jl
index abb6807cf4499..2cd634cf7e6fd 100644
--- a/base/path.jl
+++ b/base/path.jl
@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ abspath(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString...) = abspath(joinpath(a,b...))
     p = uint32((sizeof(path)>>2) + 1)
     while true
         buflength = p
-        buf = zeros(Uint16,buflength)
+        buf = zeros(UInt16,buflength)
         p = ccall((:GetFullPathNameW, "Kernel32"), stdcall, 
-            Uint32, (Ptr{Uint16}, Uint32, Ptr{Uint16}, Ptr{Void}), 
+            UInt32, (Ptr{UInt16}, UInt32, Ptr{UInt16}, Ptr{Void}), 
             path, buflength, buf, C_NULL)
         systemerror(:realpath, p == 0)
         if (p < buflength)
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ abspath(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString...) = abspath(joinpath(a,b...))
 @unix_only function realpath(path::AbstractString)
-    p = ccall(:realpath, Ptr{Uint8}, (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}), path, C_NULL)
+    p = ccall(:realpath, Ptr{UInt8}, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}), path, C_NULL)
     systemerror(:realpath, p == C_NULL)
     s = bytestring(p)
diff --git a/base/pcre.jl b/base/pcre.jl
index a36a0236ba2e9..e60628f6643c6 100644
--- a/base/pcre.jl
+++ b/base/pcre.jl
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module PCRE
-const VERSION = bytestring(ccall((:pcre_version, :libpcre), Ptr{Uint8}, ()))
+const VERSION = bytestring(ccall((:pcre_version, :libpcre), Ptr{UInt8}, ()))
 global JIT_STACK = C_NULL
 function __init__()
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ function info{T}(
     extra::Ptr{Void}, what::Integer, ::Type{T}
-    buf = Array(Uint8,sizeof(T))
+    buf = Array(UInt8,sizeof(T))
     ret = ccall((:pcre_fullinfo, :libpcre), Int32,
-                (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Int32, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Int32, Ptr{UInt8}),
                 regex, extra, what, buf)
     if ret != 0
         error(ret == ERROR_NULL      ? "NULL regex object" :
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ function info{T}(
 function config{T}(what::Integer, ::Type{T})
-    buf = Array(Uint8, sizeof(T))
+    buf = Array(UInt8, sizeof(T))
     ret = ccall((:pcre_config, :libpcre), Int32,
-                (Int32, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                (Int32, Ptr{UInt8}),
                 what, buf)
     if ret != 0
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ function config{T}(what::Integer, ::Type{T})
 function compile(pattern::AbstractString, options::Integer)
-    errstr = Array(Ptr{Uint8},1)
+    errstr = Array(Ptr{UInt8},1)
     erroff = Array(Int32,1)
     re_ptr = ccall((:pcre_compile, :libpcre), Ptr{Void},
-                    (Ptr{Uint8}, Int32, Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}}, Ptr{Int32}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+                    (Ptr{UInt8}, Int32, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}}, Ptr{Int32}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                     pattern, options, errstr, erroff, C_NULL)
     if re_ptr == C_NULL
@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ end
 function study(regex::Ptr{Void}, options::Integer)
     # NOTE: options should always be zero in current PCRE
-    errstr = Array(Ptr{Uint8},1)
+    errstr = Array(Ptr{UInt8},1)
     extra = ccall((:pcre_study, :libpcre), Ptr{Void},
-                  (Ptr{Void}, Int32, Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}}),
+                  (Ptr{Void}, Int32, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}}),
                   regex, options, errstr)
     if errstr[1] != C_NULL
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ function exec(regex::Ptr{Void}, extra::Ptr{Void},
     n = ccall((:pcre_exec, :libpcre), Int32,
-              (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Uint8}, Int32,
+              (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{UInt8}, Int32,
                Int32, Int32, Ptr{Int32}, Int32),
               regex, extra, pointer(str.data,shift+1), len,
               offset, options, ovec, length(ovec))
diff --git a/base/pkg/types.jl b/base/pkg/types.jl
index cfd3390cd3e1c..2a207e59aa978 100644
--- a/base/pkg/types.jl
+++ b/base/pkg/types.jl
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function intersect(A::VersionSet, B::VersionSet)
 ==(A::VersionSet, B::VersionSet) = A.intervals == B.intervals
-hash(s::VersionSet, h::Uint) = hash(s.intervals, h + (0x2fd2ca6efa023f44 % Uint))
+hash(s::VersionSet, h::UInt) = hash(s.intervals, h + (0x2fd2ca6efa023f44 % UInt))
 deepcopy_internal(vs::VersionSet, ::ObjectIdDict) = VersionSet(copy(vs.intervals))
 typealias Requires Dict{ByteString,VersionSet}
diff --git a/base/pointer.jl b/base/pointer.jl
index 78a8370938ffd..3c8cd3e3df998 100644
--- a/base/pointer.jl
+++ b/base/pointer.jl
@@ -3,20 +3,20 @@
 const C_NULL = box(Ptr{Void}, 0)
 # pointer to integer
-convert(::Type{Uint}, x::Ptr) = box(Uint, unbox(Ptr,x))
+convert(::Type{UInt}, x::Ptr) = box(UInt, unbox(Ptr,x))
 convert{T<:Integer}(::Type{T}, x::Ptr) = convert(T,unsigned(x))
 # integer to pointer
-convert{T}(::Type{Ptr{T}}, x::Integer) = box(Ptr{T},unbox(Uint,uint(x)))
+convert{T}(::Type{Ptr{T}}, x::Integer) = box(Ptr{T},unbox(UInt,uint(x)))
 # pointer to pointer
 convert{T}(::Type{Ptr{T}}, p::Ptr{T}) = p
 convert{T}(::Type{Ptr{T}}, p::Ptr) = box(Ptr{T}, unbox(Ptr,p))
 # object to pointer
-convert(::Type{Ptr{Uint8}}, x::Symbol) = ccall(:jl_symbol_name, Ptr{Uint8}, (Any,), x)
+convert(::Type{Ptr{UInt8}}, x::Symbol) = ccall(:jl_symbol_name, Ptr{UInt8}, (Any,), x)
 convert(::Type{Ptr{Int8}}, x::Symbol) = ccall(:jl_symbol_name, Ptr{Int8}, (Any,), x)
-convert(::Type{Ptr{Uint8}}, s::ByteString) = convert(Ptr{Uint8}, s.data)
+convert(::Type{Ptr{UInt8}}, s::ByteString) = convert(Ptr{UInt8}, s.data)
 convert(::Type{Ptr{Int8}}, s::ByteString) = convert(Ptr{Int8}, s.data)
 convert{T}(::Type{Ptr{T}}, a::Array{T}) = ccall(:jl_array_ptr, Ptr{T}, (Any,), a)
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ unsafe_store!{T}(p::Ptr{T}, x) = pointerset(p, convert(T,x), 1)
 unsafe_pointer_to_objref(p::Ptr) = pointertoref(unbox(Ptr{Void},p))
 pointer_from_objref(x::Any) = ccall(:jl_value_ptr, Ptr{Void}, (Any,), x)
-integer(x::Ptr) = convert(Uint, x)
-unsigned(x::Ptr) = convert(Uint, x)
+integer(x::Ptr) = convert(UInt, x)
+unsigned(x::Ptr) = convert(UInt, x)
 eltype{T}(::Ptr{T}) = T
diff --git a/base/poll.jl b/base/poll.jl
index a896149ef144e..965e864e20c9a 100644
--- a/base/poll.jl
+++ b/base/poll.jl
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ type FileMonitor
     function FileMonitor(cb, file)
         handle = c_malloc(_sizeof_uv_fs_event)
-        err = ccall(:jl_fs_event_init,Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Uint8}, Int32), eventloop(),handle,file,0)
+        err = ccall(:jl_fs_event_init,Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{UInt8}, Int32), eventloop(),handle,file,0)
         if err < 0
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ start_watching(f::Function, t::FDWatcher, events::FDEvent) = (t.cb = f; start_wa
 function start_watching(t::PollingFileWatcher, interval)
     associate_julia_struct(t.handle, t)
     uv_error("start_watching (File)",
-             ccall(:jl_fs_poll_start, Int32, (Ptr{Void},Ptr{Uint8},Uint32),
+             ccall(:jl_fs_poll_start, Int32, (Ptr{Void},Ptr{UInt8},UInt32),
                    t.handle, t.file, iround(interval*1000)))
 start_watching(f::Function, t::PollingFileWatcher, interval) = (t.cb = f;start_watching(t,interval))
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ function stop_watching(t::PollingFileWatcher)
 function _uv_hook_fseventscb(t::FileMonitor,filename::Ptr,events::Int32,status::Int32)
-    fname = filename == C_NULL ? "" : bytestring(convert(Ptr{Uint8},filename))
+    fname = filename == C_NULL ? "" : bytestring(convert(Ptr{UInt8},filename))
     fe = FileEvent(events)
     if isa(t.cb,Function)
         t.cb(fname, fe, status)
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ end
 function _uv_hook_fspollcb(t::PollingFileWatcher,status::Int32,prev::Ptr,cur::Ptr)
     if isa(t.cb,Function)
-        t.cb(t, StatStruct(convert(Ptr{Uint8},prev)), StatStruct(convert(Ptr{Uint8},cur)), status)
+        t.cb(t, StatStruct(convert(Ptr{UInt8},prev)), StatStruct(convert(Ptr{UInt8},cur)), status)
diff --git a/base/precompile.jl b/base/precompile.jl
index 3d85ccbf1340d..a27078fe87e7f 100644
--- a/base/precompile.jl
+++ b/base/precompile.jl
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ precompile(Base.PCRE.__init__, ())
 precompile(Base.Random.srand, ())
 precompile(Base.Random.__init__, ())
-precompile(Base.srand, (Array{Uint32,1},))
+precompile(Base.srand, (Array{UInt32,1},))
 precompile(Base.Random.srand, (ASCIIString, Int))
-precompile(Base.Random.srand, (Uint,))
+precompile(Base.Random.srand, (UInt,))
 precompile(!=, (Bool, Bool))
 precompile(!=, (SubString{ASCIIString}, ASCIIString))
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ precompile(Base.BitArray, (Int,))
 precompile(Base.CallStack, (Expr, Module, (Void,), Base.EmptyCallStack))
 precompile(Base.Dict, ())
 precompile(Base.Dict{Any,Any}, (Int,))
-precompile(Base.IOStream, (ASCIIString, Array{Uint8,1}))
+precompile(Base.IOStream, (ASCIIString, Array{UInt8,1}))
 precompile(Base.KeyError, (Int,))
 precompile(Base.LineEdit.fix_conflicts!, (Void, Int))
 precompile(Base.ProcessGroup, (Int, Array{Any,1}, Array{Any,1}))
@@ -46,24 +46,24 @@ precompile(Base.TTY, (Ptr{Void},))
 precompile(Base.TmStruct, (Float64,))
 precompile(Base.VersionNumber, (Int, Int, Int, (), (ASCIIString,)))
 precompile(Base._atexit, ())
-precompile(Base._deleteat!, (Array{Uint8, 1}, Int, Int))
-precompile(Base._deleteat_beg!, (Array{Uint8, 1}, Int, Int))
-precompile(Base._deleteat_end!, (Array{Uint8, 1}, Int, Int))
-precompile(Base._growat_beg!, (Array{Uint8, 1}, Int, Int))
-precompile(Base._growat_end!, (Array{Uint8, 1}, Int, Int))
+precompile(Base._deleteat!, (Array{UInt8, 1}, Int, Int))
+precompile(Base._deleteat_beg!, (Array{UInt8, 1}, Int, Int))
+precompile(Base._deleteat_end!, (Array{UInt8, 1}, Int, Int))
+precompile(Base._growat_beg!, (Array{UInt8, 1}, Int, Int))
+precompile(Base._growat_end!, (Array{UInt8, 1}, Int, Int))
 precompile(Base._ieval, (Symbol,))
 precompile(Base._setindex!, (Dict{Any, Any}, Base.LineEdit.PromptState, Base.LineEdit.Prompt, Int))
 precompile(Base._setindex!, (Dict{Any, Any}, Bool, WeakRef, Int))
-precompile(Base._setindex!, (Dict{Uint8, Any}, Base.LineEdit.Prompt, Uint8, Int))
+precompile(Base._setindex!, (Dict{UInt8, Any}, Base.LineEdit.Prompt, UInt8, Int))
 precompile(Base._start, ())
-precompile(Base._uv_hook_alloc_buf, (Base.TTY, Uint))
-precompile(Base._uv_hook_readcb, (Base.TTY, Int, Ptr{Void}, Uint))
+precompile(Base._uv_hook_alloc_buf, (Base.TTY, UInt))
+precompile(Base._uv_hook_readcb, (Base.TTY, Int, Ptr{Void}, UInt))
 precompile(Base._uv_hook_writecb_task, (Base.TTY, Ptr{Void}, Int32))
 precompile(Base.a2t, (Array{Any,1},))
 precompile(Base.abs, (Char,))
 precompile(Base.abspath, (ASCIIString, ASCIIString))
 precompile(Base.abstract_eval, (LambdaStaticData, ObjectIdDict, Base.StaticVarInfo))
-precompile(Base.abstract_eval_arg, (Uint8, ObjectIdDict, Base.StaticVarInfo))
+precompile(Base.abstract_eval_arg, (UInt8, ObjectIdDict, Base.StaticVarInfo))
 precompile(Base.abstract_interpret, (Bool, ObjectIdDict, Base.StaticVarInfo))
 precompile(Base.alignment, (Float64,))
 precompile(Base.any, (Function, Array{Any,1}))
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ precompile(Base.convert, (Type{Module}, Module))
 precompile(Base.copy!, (Array{Dict{Any, Any}, 1}, Int, Array{Dict{Any, Any}, 1}, Int, Int))
 precompile(Base.copy, (Bool,))
 precompile(Base.delete_var!, (Expr, Symbol))
-precompile(Base.deleteat!, (Array{Uint8, 1}, Base.UnitRange{Int}))
+precompile(Base.deleteat!, (Array{UInt8, 1}, Base.UnitRange{Int}))
 precompile(Base.done, (Array{Base.LineEdit.TextInterface, 1}, Int))
 precompile(Base.done, (Dict{Any,Any}, Int))
 precompile(Base.done, (Dict{Symbol,Any}, Int))
@@ -123,25 +123,25 @@ precompile(Base.getindex, (Type{AbstractString},))
 precompile(Base.getpid, ())
 precompile(Base.hash, (Int,))
 precompile(Base.hash, (RemoteRef,))
-precompile(Base.hash, (RemoteRef, Uint))
+precompile(Base.hash, (RemoteRef, UInt))
 precompile(Base.haskey, (Base.EnvHash, ASCIIString))
 precompile(Base.haskey, (Dict{Symbol,Any}, Symbol))
 precompile(Base.haskey, (ObjectIdDict, Symbol))
 precompile(Base.hex, (Char, Int))
 precompile(Base.ht_keyindex, (Dict{Any, Any}, Base.LineEdit.Prompt))
 precompile(Base.ht_keyindex, (Dict{Any,Any}, Int32))
-precompile(Base.ht_keyindex, (Dict{Uint8, Any}, Uint8))
+precompile(Base.ht_keyindex, (Dict{UInt8, Any}, UInt8))
 precompile(Base.ht_keyindex2, (Dict{Any, Any}, Base.LineEdit.Prompt))
-precompile(Base.ht_keyindex2, (Dict{Uint8, Any}, Uint8))
+precompile(Base.ht_keyindex2, (Dict{UInt8, Any}, UInt8))
 precompile(Base.in, (Char, ASCIIString))
 precompile(Base.in, (Int, Base.UnitRange{Int}))
-precompile(Base.in, (Uint8, Base.KeyIterator{Dict{Uint8, Any}}))
+precompile(Base.in, (UInt8, Base.KeyIterator{Dict{UInt8, Any}}))
 precompile(Base.include_from_node1, (ASCIIString,))
 precompile(Base.init_stdio, (Ptr{Void},))
 precompile(Base.input_color, ())
 precompile(Base.insert!, (Array{Any,1}, Int, Base.GetfieldNode))
 precompile(Base.int, (Int,))
-precompile(Base.int, (Uint,))
+precompile(Base.int, (UInt,))
 precompile(Base.is_var_assigned, (Expr, Symbol))
 precompile(Base.isabspath, (ASCIIString,))
 precompile(Base.isconstantfunc, (SymbolNode, Base.StaticVarInfo))
@@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ precompile(Base.isslotempty, (Dict{Any,Any}, Int))
 precompile(Base.istaskdone, (Task,))
 precompile(Base.joinpath, (ASCIIString, ASCIIString))
 precompile(Base.joinpath, (ASCIIString, ASCIIString, ASCIIString))
-precompile(Base.keys, (Dict{Uint8, Any},))
+precompile(Base.keys, (Dict{UInt8, Any},))
 precompile(Base.last, (UnitRange{Int},))
 precompile(Base.length, (ASCIIString,))
-precompile(Base.length, (Array{Uint8,1},))
+precompile(Base.length, (Array{UInt8,1},))
 precompile(Base.length, (UnitRange{Int},))
 precompile(Base.match, (Regex, ASCIIString))
 precompile(Base.min, (Int32, Int32))
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ precompile(Base.notify, (Condition, Any))
 precompile(Base.notify_empty, (Base.RemoteValue,))
 precompile(Base.notify_full, (Base.RemoteValue,))
 precompile(Base.occurs_more, (Bool, Function, Int))
-precompile(Base.occurs_more, (Uint8, Function, Int))
+precompile(Base.occurs_more, (UInt8, Function, Int))
 precompile(Base.occurs_outside_tupleref, (Function, Symbol, Base.StaticVarInfo, Int))
 precompile(Base.occurs_undef, (Symbol, Expr))
 precompile(Base.open, (ASCIIString, ASCIIString))
@@ -223,13 +223,13 @@ precompile(Base.pushdisplay, (Base.Multimedia.TextDisplay,))
 precompile(Base.pwd, ())
 precompile(Base.read, (Base.Terminals.TTYTerminal, Type{Char}))
 precompile(Base.read, (IOBuffer, Type{Char}))
-precompile(Base.read, (IOBuffer, Type{Uint8}))
-precompile(Base.read, (IOStream, Array{Uint32,1}))
+precompile(Base.read, (IOBuffer, Type{UInt8}))
+precompile(Base.read, (IOStream, Array{UInt32,1}))
 precompile(Base.readline, (ASCIIString,))
 precompile(Base.readuntil, (IOBuffer, Char))
-precompile(Base.readuntil, (IOBuffer, Uint8))
+precompile(Base.readuntil, (IOBuffer, UInt8))
 precompile(Base.rehash, (Dict{Any,Any}, Int))
-precompile(Base.rehash, (Dict{Uint8, Any}, Int))
+precompile(Base.rehash, (Dict{UInt8, Any}, Int))
 precompile(Base.reinit_stdio, ())
 precompile(Base.repeat, (ASCIIString, Int))
 precompile(Base.repl_callback, (Expr, Int))
@@ -239,10 +239,10 @@ precompile(Base.rsearch, (ASCIIString, Char))
 precompile(Base.rstrip, (ASCIIString,))
 precompile(Base.run, (Cmd,))
 precompile(Base.search, (ASCIIString, Regex, Int))
-precompile(Base.search, (IOBuffer, Uint8))
+precompile(Base.search, (IOBuffer, UInt8))
 precompile(Base.seek, (IOBuffer, Int))
 precompile(Base.seekend, (IOStream,))
-precompile(Base.setindex!, (Array{Any, 1}, Array{Uint8, 1}, Int))
+precompile(Base.setindex!, (Array{Any, 1}, Array{UInt8, 1}, Int))
 precompile(Base.setindex!, (Array{Any, 1}, Base.NewvarNode, Int))
 precompile(Base.setindex!, (Array{Any, 1}, GetfieldNode, Int))
 precompile(Base.setindex!, (Array{Any,1}, WeakRef, Int))
@@ -251,13 +251,13 @@ precompile(Base.setindex!, (Array{Base.LineEdit.TextInterface, 1}, Base.LineEdit
 precompile(Base.setindex!, (Array{Char, 1}, Char, Int))
 precompile(Base.setindex!, (Array{AbstractString, 1}, ASCIIString, Int))
 precompile(Base.setindex!, (Array{Symbol, 1}, Symbol, Int))
-precompile(Base.setindex!, (Array{Uint8,1}, Uint8, Int))
+precompile(Base.setindex!, (Array{UInt8,1}, UInt8, Int))
 precompile(Base.setindex!, (BitArray{1}, Bool, Int,))
 precompile(Base.setindex!, (Dict{Any, Any}, Base.LineEdit.PromptState, Base.LineEdit.Prompt))
 precompile(Base.setindex!, (Dict{Any,Any}, Base.LineEdit.SearchState, Base.LineEdit.HistoryPrompt{Base.REPL.REPLHistoryProvider}))
 precompile(Base.setindex!, (Dict{Any,Any}, Bool, Cmd))
-precompile(Base.setindex!, (Dict{Uint8, Any}, Base.LineEdit.Prompt, Uint8))
-precompile(Base.setindex!, (Vector{Any}, Uint8, Int))
+precompile(Base.setindex!, (Dict{UInt8, Any}, Base.LineEdit.Prompt, UInt8))
+precompile(Base.setindex!, (Vector{Any}, UInt8, Int))
 precompile(Base.setindex!, (Vector{Any}, Vector{Any}, Int))
 precompile(Base.show, (Base.Terminals.TTYTerminal, Int))
 precompile(Base.show, (Float64,))
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ precompile(Base.similar, (Array{Base.LineEdit.Prompt, 1}, Type{Base.LineEdit.Tex
 precompile(Base.size, (Base.Terminals.TTYTerminal,))
 precompile(Base.sizeof, (ASCIIString,))
 precompile(Base.source_path, (Void,))
-precompile(Base.splice!, (Array{Uint8, 1}, Base.UnitRange{Int}, Array{Uint8, 1}))
+precompile(Base.splice!, (Array{UInt8, 1}, Base.UnitRange{Int}, Array{UInt8, 1}))
 precompile(Base.split, (ASCIIString, ASCIIString))
 precompile(Base.split, (ASCIIString, Regex))
 precompile(Base.split, (ASCIIString,))
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ precompile(Base.strftime, (ASCIIString, Base.TmStruct))
 precompile(Base.string, (Int,))
 precompile(Base.strip, (ASCIIString,))
 precompile(Base.strwidth, (ASCIIString,))
-precompile(Base.sym_replace, (Uint8, Array{Any,1}, Array{Any,1}, Array{Any,1}, Array{Any,1}))
+precompile(Base.sym_replace, (UInt8, Array{Any,1}, Array{Any,1}, Array{Any,1}, Array{Any,1}))
 precompile(Base.symbol, (SubString{UTF8String},))
 precompile(Base.symequal, (Symbol, Symbol))
 precompile(Base.sync_begin, ())
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ precompile(Base.takebuf_string, (IOBuffer,))
 precompile(Base.task_local_storage, ())
 precompile(Base.terminate_all_workers, ())
 precompile(Base.try_include, (ASCIIString,))
-precompile(Base.uint, (Uint,))
+precompile(Base.uint, (UInt,))
 precompile(Base.unsafe_copy!, (Array{Dict{Any, Any}, 1}, Int, Array{Dict{Any, Any}, 1}, Int, Int))
 precompile(Base.unsafe_copy!, (Ptr{Dict{Any, Any}}, Ptr{Dict{Any, Any}}, Int))
 precompile(Base.unshift!, (Array{Any,1}, Task))
@@ -310,14 +310,14 @@ precompile(Base.wait_full, (Base.RemoteValue,))
 precompile(Base.work_result, (Base.RemoteValue,))
 precompile(Base.write, (Base.Terminals.TTYTerminal, ASCIIString))
 precompile(Base.write, (Base.Terminals.TerminalBuffer, ASCIIString))
-precompile(Base.write, (IOBuffer, Vector{Uint8}))
+precompile(Base.write, (IOBuffer, Vector{UInt8}))
 precompile(Base.writemime, (Base.Terminals.TTYTerminal, Base.Multimedia.MIME{symbol("text/plain")}, Int))
 precompile(push!, (Array{Base.Multimedia.Display, 1}, Base.Multimedia.TextDisplay))
 precompile(Base.Terminals.TTYTerminal, (ASCIIString, Base.TTY, Base.TTY, Base.TTY))
 precompile(Base.Terminals.beep, (Base.Terminals.TTYTerminal,))
 precompile(Base.Terminals.raw!, (Base.Terminals.TTYTerminal, Bool))
-precompile(Base.Terminals.write, (Base.Terminals.TTYTerminal, Array{Uint8, 1}))
+precompile(Base.Terminals.write, (Base.Terminals.TTYTerminal, Array{UInt8, 1}))
 precompile(Base.LineEdit.Prompt, (ASCIIString, ASCIIString, ASCIIString, Function, Function, Base.REPL.LineEditREPL, Base.REPL.REPLCompletionProvider, Function, Function, Base.LineEdit.EmptyHistoryProvider, Bool))
 precompile(Base.LineEdit.Prompt, (ASCIIString, ASCIIString, ASCIIString, Function, Function, Base.REPL.LineEditREPL, Base.REPL.ShellCompletionProvider, Function, Function, Base.LineEdit.EmptyHistoryProvider, Bool))
diff --git a/base/primes.jl b/base/primes.jl
index 0d81c8e1325ce..c42b62d5e307c 100644
--- a/base/primes.jl
+++ b/base/primes.jl
@@ -57,17 +57,17 @@ end
 #     http://primes.utm.edu/prove/merged.html
 #     http://miller-rabin.appspot.com
-witnesses(n::Union(Uint8,Int8,Uint16,Int16)) = (2,3)
-witnesses(n::Union(Uint32,Int32)) = n < 1373653 ? (2,3) : (2,7,61)
-witnesses(n::Union(Uint64,Int64)) =
+witnesses(n::Union(UInt8,Int8,UInt16,Int16)) = (2,3)
+witnesses(n::Union(UInt32,Int32)) = n < 1373653 ? (2,3) : (2,7,61)
+witnesses(n::Union(UInt64,Int64)) =
         n < 1373653         ? (2,3) :
         n < 4759123141      ? (2,7,61) :
         n < 2152302898747   ? (2,3,5,7,11) :
         n < 3474749660383   ? (2,3,5,7,11,13) :
-isprime(n::Uint128) =
-    n <= typemax(Uint64) ? isprime(uint64(n)) : isprime(BigInt(n))
+isprime(n::UInt128) =
+    n <= typemax(UInt64) ? isprime(uint64(n)) : isprime(BigInt(n))
 isprime(n::Int128) = n < 2 ? false :
     n <= typemax(Int64)  ? isprime(int64(n))  : isprime(BigInt(n))
diff --git a/base/printf.jl b/base/printf.jl
index db6c7919ee146..dcfe7721ccf0d 100644
--- a/base/printf.jl
+++ b/base/printf.jl
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export @printf, @sprintf
 ### printf formatter generation ###
 const SmallFloatingPoint = Union(Float64,Float32,Float16)
-const SmallNumber = Union(SmallFloatingPoint,Base.Signed64,Base.Unsigned64,Uint128,Int128)
+const SmallNumber = Union(SmallFloatingPoint,Base.Signed64,Base.Unsigned64,UInt128,Int128)
 function gen(s::AbstractString)
     args = []
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ function decode_dec(d::Integer)
     return int32(pt), int32(pt), neg
-function decode_hex(d::Integer, symbols::Array{Uint8,1})
+function decode_hex(d::Integer, symbols::Array{UInt8,1})
     neg, x = handlenegative(d)
     @handle_zero x
     pt = i = (sizeof(x)<<1)-(leading_zeros(x)>>2)
@@ -626,8 +626,8 @@ function decode(b::Int, x::BigInt)
     pt = Base.ndigits(x, abs(b))
     length(DIGITS) < pt+1 && resize!(DIGITS, pt+1)
     neg && (x.size = -x.size)
-    ccall((:__gmpz_get_str, :libgmp), Ptr{Uint8},
-          (Ptr{Uint8}, Cint, Ptr{BigInt}), DIGITS, b, &x)
+    ccall((:__gmpz_get_str, :libgmp), Ptr{UInt8},
+          (Ptr{UInt8}, Cint, Ptr{BigInt}), DIGITS, b, &x)
     neg && (x.size = -x.size)
     return int32(pt), int32(pt), neg
@@ -645,9 +645,9 @@ function decode_0ct(x::BigInt)
     pt = Base.ndigits0z(x, 8) + 1
     length(DIGITS) < pt+1 && resize!(DIGITS, pt+1)
     neg && (x.size = -x.size)
-    p = convert(Ptr{Uint8}, DIGITS) + 1
-    ccall((:__gmpz_get_str, :libgmp), Ptr{Uint8},
-          (Ptr{Uint8}, Cint, Ptr{BigInt}), p, 8, &x)
+    p = convert(Ptr{UInt8}, DIGITS) + 1
+    ccall((:__gmpz_get_str, :libgmp), Ptr{UInt8},
+          (Ptr{UInt8}, Cint, Ptr{BigInt}), p, 8, &x)
     neg && (x.size = -x.size)
     return neg, int32(pt), int32(pt)
@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ function bigfloat_printf(out, d, flags::ASCIIString, width::Int, precision::Int,
     write(fmt, uint8(0))
     printf_fmt = takebuf_array(fmt)
     @assert length(printf_fmt) == fmt_len
-    lng = ccall((:mpfr_snprintf,:libmpfr), Int32, (Ptr{Uint8}, Culong, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{BigFloat}...), DIGITS, length(DIGITS)-1, printf_fmt, &d)
+    lng = ccall((:mpfr_snprintf,:libmpfr), Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, Culong, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{BigFloat}...), DIGITS, length(DIGITS)-1, printf_fmt, &d)
     lng > 0 || error("invalid printf formatting for BigFloat")
     write(out, pointer(DIGITS), lng)
     return (false, ())
diff --git a/base/process.jl b/base/process.jl
index 0194f8a828b40..edad166ba5649 100644
--- a/base/process.jl
+++ b/base/process.jl
@@ -201,12 +201,12 @@ type ProcessChain
 typealias ProcessChainOrNot Union(Bool,ProcessChain)
-function _jl_spawn(cmd::Ptr{Uint8}, argv::Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}}, loop::Ptr{Void}, pp::Process,
+function _jl_spawn(cmd::Ptr{UInt8}, argv::Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}}, loop::Ptr{Void}, pp::Process,
                    in, out, err)
     proc = c_malloc(_sizeof_uv_process)
     error = ccall(:jl_spawn, Int32,
-        (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Any, Int32,
-         Ptr{Void}, Int32, Ptr{Void}, Int32, Ptr{Void}, Int32, Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+        (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Any, Int32,
+         Ptr{Void}, Int32, Ptr{Void}, Int32, Ptr{Void}, Int32, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}}, Ptr{UInt8}),
          cmd, argv, loop, proc, pp, uvtype(in),
          uvhandle(in), uvtype(out), uvhandle(out), uvtype(err), uvhandle(err),
          pp.cmd.detach, pp.cmd.env === nothing ? C_NULL : pp.cmd.env, isempty(pp.cmd.dir) ? C_NULL : pp.cmd.dir)
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ function spawn(pc::ProcessChainOrNot, cmd::Cmd, stdios::StdIOSet, exitcb::Callba
     ptrs = _jl_pre_exec(cmd.exec)
     pp.exitcb = exitcb
     pp.closecb = closecb
-    pp.handle = _jl_spawn(ptrs[1], convert(Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}}, ptrs), loop, pp,
+    pp.handle = _jl_spawn(ptrs[1], convert(Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}}, ptrs), loop, pp,
                           in, out, err)
     if isa(pc, ProcessChain)
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ function _jl_pre_exec(args::Vector{ByteString})
     if length(args) < 1
         error("too few arguments to exec")
-    ptrs = Array(Ptr{Uint8}, length(args)+1)
+    ptrs = Array(Ptr{UInt8}, length(args)+1)
     for i = 1:length(args)
         ptrs[i] = args[i].data
diff --git a/base/profile.jl b/base/profile.jl
index cdb3804644f48..66eac14921986 100644
--- a/base/profile.jl
+++ b/base/profile.jl
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ end
 function init(; n::Union(Void,Integer) = nothing, delay::Union(Void,Float64) = nothing)
     n_cur = ccall(:jl_profile_maxlen_data, Csize_t, ())
-    delay_cur = ccall(:jl_profile_delay_nsec, Uint64, ())/10^9
+    delay_cur = ccall(:jl_profile_delay_nsec, UInt64, ())/10^9
     if n == nothing && delay == nothing
         return int(n_cur), delay_cur
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function init(; n::Union(Void,Integer) = nothing, delay::Union(Void,Float64) = n
 function init(n::Integer, delay::Float64)
-    status = ccall(:jl_profile_init, Cint, (Csize_t, Uint64), n, iround(10^9*delay))
+    status = ccall(:jl_profile_init, Cint, (Csize_t, UInt64), n, iround(10^9*delay))
     if status == -1
         error("could not allocate space for ", n, " instruction pointers")
@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ function retrieve()
     copy(data), getdict(data)
-function getdict(data::Vector{Uint})
+function getdict(data::Vector{UInt})
     uip = unique(data)
-    Dict{Uint, LineInfo}([ip=>lookup(ip) for ip in uip])
+    Dict{UInt, LineInfo}([ip=>lookup(ip) for ip in uip])
-function callers(funcname::ByteString, bt::Vector{Uint}, lidict; filename = nothing, linerange = nothing)
+function callers(funcname::ByteString, bt::Vector{UInt}, lidict; filename = nothing, linerange = nothing)
     if filename == nothing && linerange == nothing
         return callersf(li -> li.func == funcname, bt, lidict)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ function callers(funcname::ByteString, bt::Vector{Uint}, lidict; filename = noth
 callers(funcname::ByteString; kwargs...) = callers(funcname, retrieve()...; kwargs...)
-callers(func::Function, bt::Vector{Uint}, lidict; kwargs...) = callers(string(func), bt, lidict; kwargs...)
+callers(func::Function, bt::Vector{UInt}, lidict; kwargs...) = callers(string(func), bt, lidict; kwargs...)
 callers(func::Function; kwargs...) = callers(string(func), retrieve()...; kwargs...)
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ const UNKNOWN = LineInfo("?", "?", -1, true, 0)
 ==(a::LineInfo, b::LineInfo) = a.line == b.line && a.fromC == b.fromC && a.func == b.func && a.file == b.file
-function hash(li::LineInfo, h::Uint)
-    h += 0xf4fbda67fe20ce88 % Uint
+function hash(li::LineInfo, h::UInt)
+    h += 0xf4fbda67fe20ce88 % UInt
     h = hash(li.line, h)
     h = hash(li.file, h)
     h = hash(li.func, h)
@@ -124,13 +124,13 @@ stop_timer() = ccall(:jl_profile_stop_timer, Void, ())
 is_running() = bool(ccall(:jl_profile_is_running, Cint, ()))
-get_data_pointer() = convert(Ptr{Uint}, ccall(:jl_profile_get_data, Ptr{Uint8}, ()))
+get_data_pointer() = convert(Ptr{UInt}, ccall(:jl_profile_get_data, Ptr{UInt8}, ()))
 len_data() = convert(Int, ccall(:jl_profile_len_data, Csize_t, ()))
 maxlen_data() = convert(Int, ccall(:jl_profile_maxlen_data, Csize_t, ()))
-function lookup(ip::Uint)
+function lookup(ip::UInt)
     info = ccall(:jl_lookup_code_address, Any, (Ptr{Void},Cint), ip, false)
     if length(info) == 5
         return LineInfo(string(info[1]), string(info[2]), int(info[3]), info[4], int(info[5]))
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ function tree{T<:Unsigned}(io::IO, data::Vector{T}, lidict::Dict, C::Bool, combi
     tree(io, bt[keep], counts[keep], lidict, level, combine, cols)
-function callersf(matchfunc::Function, bt::Vector{Uint}, lidict)
+function callersf(matchfunc::Function, bt::Vector{UInt}, lidict)
     counts = Dict{LineInfo, Int}()
     lastmatched = false
     for id in bt
diff --git a/base/random.jl b/base/random.jl
index 6a2feb298897f..5bb3e5bdec33a 100644
--- a/base/random.jl
+++ b/base/random.jl
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ type MersenneTwister <: AbstractRNG
-    seed::Vector{Uint32}
+    seed::Vector{UInt32}
     MersenneTwister(seed) = srand(new(DSFMT_state(), Array(Float64, dsfmt_get_min_array_size())),
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ end
 @inline rand_close_open(r::MersenneTwister) = (gen_rand_maybe(r); rand_inbounds(r))
 # this is similar to `dsfmt_genrand_uint32` from dSFMT.h:
-@inline rand_ui32(r::MersenneTwister) = reinterpret(Uint64, rand_close1_open2(r)) % Uint32
+@inline rand_ui32(r::MersenneTwister) = reinterpret(UInt64, rand_close1_open2(r)) % UInt32
-function srand(r::MersenneTwister, seed::Vector{Uint32})
+function srand(r::MersenneTwister, seed::Vector{UInt32})
     r.seed = seed
     dsfmt_init_by_array(r.state, r.seed)
     r.idx = length(r.vals)
@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ function __init__()
     # Temporary fix for #8874
-          (Ptr{Uint32}, Int32),
+          (Ptr{UInt32}, Int32),
           1+GLOBAL_RNG.seed, length(GLOBAL_RNG.seed))
 ## make_seed()
-# make_seed methods produce values of type Array{Uint32}, suitable for MersenneTwister seeding
+# make_seed methods produce values of type Array{UInt32}, suitable for MersenneTwister seeding
 function make_seed()
@@ -73,17 +73,17 @@ function make_seed()
         return make_seed("/dev/urandom", 4)
         println(STDERR, "Entropy pool not available to seed RNG; using ad-hoc entropy sources.")
-        seed = reinterpret(Uint64, time())
+        seed = reinterpret(UInt64, time())
         seed = hash(seed, uint64(getpid()))
-        seed = hash(seed, parseint(Uint64, readall(`ifconfig` |> `sha1sum`)[1:40], 16))
+        seed = hash(seed, parseint(UInt64, readall(`ifconfig` |> `sha1sum`)[1:40], 16))
         return make_seed(seed)
 @windows_only begin
-    a = zeros(Uint32, 2)
+    a = zeros(UInt32, 2)
     return a
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ end
 function make_seed(n::Integer)
     n < 0 && throw(DomainError())
-    seed = Uint32[]
+    seed = UInt32[]
     while true
         push!(seed, n & 0xffffffff)
         n >>= 32
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ end
 function make_seed(filename::AbstractString, n::Integer)
     open(filename) do io
-        a = Array(Uint32, int(n))
+        a = Array(UInt32, int(n))
         read!(io, a)
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ srand(r::MersenneTwister, n::Integer) = srand(r, make_seed(n))
 srand(r::MersenneTwister, filename::AbstractString, n::Integer=4) = srand(r, make_seed(filename, n))
 srand() = srand(GLOBAL_RNG)
-srand(seed::Union(Integer, Vector{Uint32})) = srand(GLOBAL_RNG, seed)
+srand(seed::Union(Integer, Vector{UInt32})) = srand(GLOBAL_RNG, seed)
 srand(filename::AbstractString, n::Integer=4) = srand(GLOBAL_RNG, filename, n)
 ## Global RNG
@@ -145,17 +145,17 @@ rand{T<:Union(Float16, Float32)}(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{T}) = convert(T, ran
 ## random integers (MersenneTwister)
-rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Uint8})   = rand(r, Uint32) % Uint8
-rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Uint16})  = rand(r, Uint32) % Uint16
-rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Uint32})  = rand_ui32(r)
-rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Uint64})  = uint64(rand(r, Uint32)) <<32 | rand(r, Uint32)
-rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Uint128}) = uint128(rand(r, Uint64))<<64 | rand(r, Uint64)
+rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{UInt8})   = rand(r, UInt32) % UInt8
+rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{UInt16})  = rand(r, UInt32) % UInt16
+rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{UInt32})  = rand_ui32(r)
+rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{UInt64})  = uint64(rand(r, UInt32)) <<32 | rand(r, UInt32)
+rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{UInt128}) = uint128(rand(r, UInt64))<<64 | rand(r, UInt64)
-rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Int8})    = rand(r, Uint32) % Int8
-rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Int16})   = rand(r, Uint32) % Int16
-rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Int32})   = reinterpret(Int32,  rand(r, Uint32))
-rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Int64})   = reinterpret(Int64,  rand(r, Uint64))
-rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Int128})  = reinterpret(Int128, rand(r, Uint128))
+rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Int8})    = rand(r, UInt32) % Int8
+rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Int16})   = rand(r, UInt32) % Int16
+rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Int32})   = reinterpret(Int32,  rand(r, UInt32))
+rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Int64})   = reinterpret(Int64,  rand(r, UInt64))
+rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Int128})  = reinterpret(Int128, rand(r, UInt128))
 ## random complex values
@@ -219,17 +219,17 @@ end
 ## Generate random integer within a range
 # remainder function according to Knuth, where rem_knuth(a, 0) = a
-rem_knuth(a::Uint, b::Uint) = a % (b + (b == 0)) + a * (b == 0)
+rem_knuth(a::UInt, b::UInt) = a % (b + (b == 0)) + a * (b == 0)
 rem_knuth{T<:Unsigned}(a::T, b::T) = b != 0 ? a % b : a
 # maximum multiple of k <= 2^bits(T) decremented by one,
 # that is 0xFFFFFFFF if k = typemax(T) - typemin(T) with intentional underflow
-maxmultiple(k::Uint32) = (div(0x0000000100000000,k + (k == 0))*k - 1) % Uint32
-maxmultiple(k::Uint64) = (div(0x00000000000000010000000000000000, k + (k == 0))*k - 1) % Uint64
-# maximum multiple of k within 1:typemax(Uint128)
-maxmultiple(k::Uint128) = div(typemax(Uint128), k + (k == 0))*k - 1
+maxmultiple(k::UInt32) = (div(0x0000000100000000,k + (k == 0))*k - 1) % UInt32
+maxmultiple(k::UInt64) = (div(0x00000000000000010000000000000000, k + (k == 0))*k - 1) % UInt64
+# maximum multiple of k within 1:typemax(UInt128)
+maxmultiple(k::UInt128) = div(typemax(UInt128), k + (k == 0))*k - 1
 # maximum multiple of k within 1:2^32 or 1:2^64, depending on size
-maxmultiplemix(k::Uint64) = (div((k >> 32 != 0)*0x0000000000000000FFFFFFFF00000000 + 0x0000000100000000, k + (k == 0))*k - 1) % Uint64
+maxmultiplemix(k::UInt64) = (div((k >> 32 != 0)*0x0000000000000000FFFFFFFF00000000 + 0x0000000100000000, k + (k == 0))*k - 1) % UInt64
 immutable RandIntGen{T<:Integer, U<:Unsigned}
     a::T   # first element of the range
@@ -237,38 +237,38 @@ immutable RandIntGen{T<:Integer, U<:Unsigned}
     u::U   # rejection threshold
 # generators with 32, 128 bits entropy
-RandIntGen{T, U<:Union(Uint32, Uint128)}(a::T, k::U) = RandIntGen{T, U}(a, k, maxmultiple(k))
+RandIntGen{T, U<:Union(UInt32, UInt128)}(a::T, k::U) = RandIntGen{T, U}(a, k, maxmultiple(k))
 # mixed 32/64 bits entropy generator
-RandIntGen{T}(a::T, k::Uint64) = RandIntGen{T,Uint64}(a, k, maxmultiplemix(k))
+RandIntGen{T}(a::T, k::UInt64) = RandIntGen{T,UInt64}(a, k, maxmultiplemix(k))
 # generator for ranges
 RandIntGen{T<:Unsigned}(r::UnitRange{T}) = isempty(r) ? error("range must be non-empty") : RandIntGen(first(r), last(r) - first(r) + one(T))
 # specialized versions
-for (T, U) in [(Uint8, Uint32), (Uint16, Uint32),
-               (Int8, Uint32), (Int16, Uint32), (Int32, Uint32), (Int64, Uint64), (Int128, Uint128),
-               (Bool, Uint32)]
+for (T, U) in [(UInt8, UInt32), (UInt16, UInt32),
+               (Int8, UInt32), (Int16, UInt32), (Int32, UInt32), (Int64, UInt64), (Int128, UInt128),
+               (Bool, UInt32)]
     @eval RandIntGen(r::UnitRange{$T}) = isempty(r) ? error("range must be non-empty") : RandIntGen(first(r), convert($U, unsigned(last(r) - first(r)) + one($U))) # overflow ok
-# this function uses 32 bit entropy for small ranges of length <= typemax(Uint32) + 1
+# this function uses 32 bit entropy for small ranges of length <= typemax(UInt32) + 1
 # RandIntGen is responsible for providing the right value of k
-function rand{T<:Union(Uint64, Int64)}(g::RandIntGen{T,Uint64})
-    local x::Uint64
+function rand{T<:Union(UInt64, Int64)}(g::RandIntGen{T,UInt64})
+    local x::UInt64
     if (g.k - 1) >> 32 == 0
-        x = rand(Uint32)
+        x = rand(UInt32)
         while x > g.u
-            x = rand(Uint32)
+            x = rand(UInt32)
-        x = rand(Uint64)
+        x = rand(UInt64)
         while x > g.u
-            x = rand(Uint64)
+            x = rand(UInt64)
-    return reinterpret(T, reinterpret(Uint64, g.a) + rem_knuth(x, g.k))
+    return reinterpret(T, reinterpret(UInt64, g.a) + rem_knuth(x, g.k))
 function rand{T<:Integer, U<:Unsigned}(g::RandIntGen{T,U})
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ randbool(r::AbstractRNG, dims::Int...) = rand!(r, BitArray(dims))
 randbool(dims::Dims)   = rand!(BitArray(dims))
 randbool(dims::Int...) = rand!(BitArray(dims))
-randbool(r::MersenneTwister=GLOBAL_RNG) = ((rand(r, Uint32) & 1) == 1)
+randbool(r::MersenneTwister=GLOBAL_RNG) = ((rand(r, UInt32) & 1) == 1)
 rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Bool}) = randbool(r)
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Bool}) = randbool(r)
 # randmtzig (covers also exponential variates)
 ## Tables for normal variates
 const ki = 
-    Uint64[0x0007799ec012f7b3,                 0,0x0006045f4c7de363,0x0006d1aa7d5ec0a6,
+    UInt64[0x0007799ec012f7b3,                 0,0x0006045f4c7de363,0x0006d1aa7d5ec0a6,
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ const fi =
 ## Tables for exponential variates
 const ke = 
-Uint64[0x000e290a13924be4,0                 ,0x0009beadebce18c0,0x000c377ac71f9e08,
+UInt64[0x000e290a13924be4,0                 ,0x0009beadebce18c0,0x000c377ac71f9e08,
@@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ ziggurat_nor_r      = 3.6541528853610087963519472518
 ziggurat_nor_inv_r  = inv(ziggurat_nor_r)
 ziggurat_exp_r      = 7.6971174701310497140446280481
-@inline randi(rng::MersenneTwister=GLOBAL_RNG) = reinterpret(Uint64, rand_close1_open2(rng)) & 0x000fffffffffffff
+@inline randi(rng::MersenneTwister=GLOBAL_RNG) = reinterpret(UInt64, rand_close1_open2(rng)) & 0x000fffffffffffff
 for (lhs, rhs) in (([], []), 
                   ([:(rng::MersenneTwister)], [:rng]))
     @eval begin                
@@ -869,12 +869,12 @@ randn(rng::MersenneTwister, dims::Int...) = randn!(rng, Array(Float64, dims...))
 ## random UUID generation
 immutable UUID
-    value::Uint128
+    value::UInt128
 UUID(u::AbstractString) = convert(UUID, u)
 function uuid4()
-    u = rand(Uint128)
+    u = rand(UInt128)
     u &= 0xffffffffffff0fff3fffffffffffffff
     u |= 0x00000000000040008000000000000000
@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ end
 function Base.repr(u::UUID)
     u = u.value
-    a = Array(Uint8,36)
+    a = Array(UInt8,36)
     for i = [36:-1:25; 23:-1:20; 18:-1:15; 13:-1:10; 8:-1:1]
         d = u & 0xf
         a[i] = '0'+d+39*(d>9)
diff --git a/base/range.jl b/base/range.jl
index 08c48926a4ebe..1cf7f5f4d431a 100644
--- a/base/range.jl
+++ b/base/range.jl
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ end
 length(r::UnitRange) = integer(r.stop - r.start + 1)
 length(r::FloatRange) = integer(r.len)
-function length{T<:Union(Int,Uint,Int64,Uint64)}(r::StepRange{T})
+function length{T<:Union(Int,UInt,Int64,UInt64)}(r::StepRange{T})
     isempty(r) && return zero(T)
     if r.step > 1
         return checked_add(convert(T, div(unsigned(r.stop - r.start), r.step)), one(T))
@@ -196,13 +196,13 @@ function length{T<:Union(Int,Uint,Int64,Uint64)}(r::StepRange{T})
-length{T<:Union(Int,Uint,Int64,Uint64)}(r::UnitRange{T}) =
+length{T<:Union(Int,UInt,Int64,UInt64)}(r::UnitRange{T}) =
     checked_add(checked_sub(r.stop, r.start), one(T))
 # some special cases to favor default Int type
 let smallint = (Int === Int64 ?
-                Union(Int8,Uint8,Int16,Uint16,Int32,Uint32) :
-                Union(Int8,Uint8,Int16,Uint16))
+                Union(Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16,Int32,UInt32) :
+                Union(Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16))
     global length
     function length{T <: smallint}(r::StepRange{T})
diff --git a/base/reduce.jl b/base/reduce.jl
index 63b688c2af3eb..43d268b1fb722 100644
--- a/base/reduce.jl
+++ b/base/reduce.jl
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ call(::MinFun, x, y) = scalarmin(x, y)
 if Int === Int32
 typealias SmallSigned Union(Int8,Int16)
-typealias SmallUnsigned Union(Uint8,Uint16)
+typealias SmallUnsigned Union(UInt8,UInt16)
 typealias SmallSigned Union(Int8,Int16,Int32)
-typealias SmallUnsigned Union(Uint8,Uint16,Uint32)
+typealias SmallUnsigned Union(UInt8,UInt16,UInt32)
-typealias CommonReduceResult Union(Uint64,Uint128,Int64,Int128,Float32,Float64)
+typealias CommonReduceResult Union(UInt64,UInt128,Int64,Int128,Float32,Float64)
 typealias WidenReduceResult Union(SmallSigned, SmallUnsigned, Float16)
 # r_promote: promote x to the type of reduce(op, [x])
diff --git a/base/reducedim.jl b/base/reducedim.jl
index eb7f3470d1148..b15721007113e 100644
--- a/base/reducedim.jl
+++ b/base/reducedim.jl
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ reducedim_init(f, op::OrFun, A::AbstractArray, region) = reducedim_initarray(A,
 # specialize to make initialization more efficient for common cases
-for (IT, RT) in ((CommonReduceResult, :(eltype(A))), (SmallSigned, :Int), (SmallUnsigned, :Uint))
+for (IT, RT) in ((CommonReduceResult, :(eltype(A))), (SmallSigned, :Int), (SmallUnsigned, :UInt))
     T = Union([AbstractArray{t} for t in IT.types]..., [AbstractArray{Complex{t}} for t in IT.types]...)
     @eval begin
         reducedim_init(f::IdFun, op::AddFun, A::$T, region) =
diff --git a/base/reflection.jl b/base/reflection.jl
index 15daa716b9b6a..ecbd86655fe43 100644
--- a/base/reflection.jl
+++ b/base/reflection.jl
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ isconst(m::Module, s::Symbol) =
     ccall(:jl_is_const, Int32, (Any, Any), m, s) != 0
 # return an integer such that object_id(x)==object_id(y) if is(x,y)
-object_id(x::ANY) = ccall(:jl_object_id, Uint, (Any,), x)
+object_id(x::ANY) = ccall(:jl_object_id, UInt, (Any,), x)
 # type predicates
 isimmutable(x::ANY) = (isa(x,Tuple) || !typeof(x).mutable)
diff --git a/base/regex.jl b/base/regex.jl
index c071570693434..14c74e6c6e111 100644
--- a/base/regex.jl
+++ b/base/regex.jl
 type Regex
-    options::Uint32
+    options::UInt32
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ function ismatch(r::Regex, s::SubString, offset::Integer=0)
-function match(re::Regex, str::UTF8String, idx::Integer, add_opts::Uint32=uint32(0))
+function match(re::Regex, str::UTF8String, idx::Integer, add_opts::UInt32=uint32(0))
     opts = re.options & PCRE.EXECUTE_MASK | add_opts
     if !PCRE.exec(re.regex, re.extra, str, idx-1, opts, re.ovec)
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ function match(re::Regex, str::UTF8String, idx::Integer, add_opts::Uint32=uint32
     RegexMatch(mat, cap, re.ovec[1]+1, off)
-match(re::Regex, str::Union(ByteString,SubString), idx::Integer, add_opts::Uint32=uint32(0)) =
+match(re::Regex, str::Union(ByteString,SubString), idx::Integer, add_opts::UInt32=uint32(0)) =
     match(re, utf8(str), idx, add_opts)
 match(r::Regex, s::AbstractString) = match(r, s, start(s))
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ function matchall(re::Regex, str::UTF8String, overlap::Bool=false)
     ovec = Array(Int32, 3)
     while true
         result = ccall((:pcre_exec, :libpcre), Int32,
-                       (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Uint8}, Int32,
+                       (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{UInt8}, Int32,
                        Int32, Int32, Ptr{Int32}, Int32),
                        regex, extra, str, n,
                        offset, prevempty ? opts_nonempty : opts, ovec, 3)
diff --git a/base/serialize.jl b/base/serialize.jl
index af1b2fa0fe2b6..aa9f2e8b57cdb 100644
--- a/base/serialize.jl
+++ b/base/serialize.jl
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ const deser_tag = ObjectIdDict()
 let i = 2
     global ser_tag, deser_tag
     for t = Any[
-             Symbol, Int8, Uint8, Int16, Uint16, Int32, Uint32,
-             Int64, Uint64, Int128, Uint128, Float32, Float64, Char, Ptr,
+             Symbol, Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32,
+             Int64, UInt64, Int128, UInt128, Float32, Float64, Char, Ptr,
              DataType, UnionType, Function,
              Tuple, Array, Expr, LongSymbol, LongTuple, LongExpr,
              LineNumberNode, SymbolNode, LabelNode, GotoNode,
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ function serialize(s, x::Symbol)
     if haskey(ser_tag, x)
         return write_as_tag(s, x)
-    pname = convert(Ptr{Uint8}, x)
-    ln = int(ccall(:strlen, Csize_t, (Ptr{Uint8},), pname))
+    pname = convert(Ptr{UInt8}, x)
+    ln = int(ccall(:strlen, Csize_t, (Ptr{UInt8},), pname))
     if ln <= 255
         writetag(s, Symbol)
         write(s, uint8(ln))
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ end
 function serialize(s, a::Array)
     writetag(s, Array)
     elty = eltype(a)
-    if elty !== Uint8
+    if elty !== UInt8
         serialize(s, elty)
     if ndims(a) != 1
@@ -332,18 +332,18 @@ end
 ## deserializing values ##
 function deserialize(s)
-    handle_deserialize(s, int32(read(s, Uint8)))
+    handle_deserialize(s, int32(read(s, UInt8)))
 function handle_deserialize(s, b)
     if b == 0
-        return deser_tag[int32(read(s, Uint8))]
+        return deser_tag[int32(read(s, UInt8))]
     tag = deser_tag[b]
     if b >= VALUE_TAGS
         return tag
     elseif is(tag,Tuple)
-        len = int32(read(s, Uint8))
+        len = int32(read(s, UInt8))
         return deserialize_tuple(s, len)
     elseif is(tag,LongTuple)
         len = read(s, Int32)
@@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ end
 deserialize_tuple(s, len) = ntuple(len, i->deserialize(s))
-deserialize(s, ::Type{Symbol}) = symbol(read(s, Uint8, int32(read(s, Uint8))))
-deserialize(s, ::Type{LongSymbol}) = symbol(read(s, Uint8, read(s, Int32)))
+deserialize(s, ::Type{Symbol}) = symbol(read(s, UInt8, int32(read(s, UInt8))))
+deserialize(s, ::Type{LongSymbol}) = symbol(read(s, UInt8, read(s, Int32)))
 function deserialize(s, ::Type{Module})
     path = deserialize(s)
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ end
 const known_lambda_data = Dict()
 function deserialize(s, ::Type{Function})
-    b = read(s, Uint8)
+    b = read(s, UInt8)
     if b==0
         name = deserialize(s)::Symbol
         if !isdefined(Base,name)
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ function deserialize(s, ::Type{Array})
         elty = d1
         d1 = deserialize(s)
-        elty = Uint8
+        elty = UInt8
     if isa(d1,Integer)
         if elty !== Bool && isbits(elty)
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ function deserialize(s, ::Type{Array})
             A = Array(Bool, dims)
             i = 1
             while i <= n
-                b = read(s, Uint8)
+                b = read(s, UInt8)
                 v = bool(b>>7)
                 count = b&0x7f
                 nxt = i+count
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ function deserialize(s, ::Type{Array})
     A = Array(elty, dims)
     for i = 1:length(A)
-        tag = int32(read(s, Uint8))
+        tag = int32(read(s, UInt8))
         if tag==0 || !is(deser_tag[tag], UndefRefTag)
             A[i] = handle_deserialize(s, tag)
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ function deserialize(s, ::Type{Array})
     return A
-deserialize(s, ::Type{Expr})     = deserialize_expr(s, int32(read(s, Uint8)))
+deserialize(s, ::Type{Expr})     = deserialize_expr(s, int32(read(s, UInt8)))
 deserialize(s, ::Type{LongExpr}) = deserialize_expr(s, read(s, Int32))
 function deserialize_expr(s, len)
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ function deserialize(s, ::Type{UnionType})
 function deserialize(s, ::Type{DataType})
-    form = read(s, Uint8)
+    form = read(s, UInt8)
     name = deserialize(s)::Symbol
     mod = deserialize(s)::Module
     ty = eval(mod,name)
@@ -548,13 +548,13 @@ function deserialize(s, t::DataType)
             return ccall(:jl_new_struct, Any, (Any,Any...), t, f1, f2, f3)
             flds = Any[ deserialize(s) for i = 1:nf ]
-            return ccall(:jl_new_structv, Any, (Any,Ptr{Void},Uint32),
+            return ccall(:jl_new_structv, Any, (Any,Ptr{Void},UInt32),
                          t, flds, nf)
         x = ccall(:jl_new_struct_uninit, Any, (Any,), t)
         for i in 1:length(t.names)
-            tag = int32(read(s, Uint8))
+            tag = int32(read(s, UInt8))
             if tag==0 || !is(deser_tag[tag], UndefRefTag)
                 setfield!(x, i, handle_deserialize(s, tag))
diff --git a/base/sharedarray.jl b/base/sharedarray.jl
index b468329765667..1a0b12a6efbc1 100644
--- a/base/sharedarray.jl
+++ b/base/sharedarray.jl
@@ -368,12 +368,12 @@ end
 @unix_only begin
 function shm_unlink(shm_seg_name)
-    rc = ccall(:shm_unlink, Cint, (Ptr{Uint8},), shm_seg_name)
+    rc = ccall(:shm_unlink, Cint, (Ptr{UInt8},), shm_seg_name)
     systemerror("Error unlinking shmem segment " * shm_seg_name, rc != 0)
-@unix_only shm_open(shm_seg_name, oflags, permissions) = ccall(:shm_open, Int, (Ptr{Uint8}, Int, Int), shm_seg_name, oflags, permissions)
+@unix_only shm_open(shm_seg_name, oflags, permissions) = ccall(:shm_open, Int, (Ptr{UInt8}, Int, Int), shm_seg_name, oflags, permissions)
diff --git a/base/show.jl b/base/show.jl
index 905a7c38874a2..f923ec6f4486d 100644
--- a/base/show.jl
+++ b/base/show.jl
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function show(io::IO, x::ANY)
         print(io, "0x")
         p = pointer_from_objref(x) + sizeof(Ptr{Void})
         for i=nb-1:-1:0
-            print(io, hex(unsafe_load(convert(Ptr{Uint8}, p+i)), 2))
+            print(io, hex(unsafe_load(convert(Ptr{UInt8}, p+i)), 2))
@@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ const expr_parens = Dict(:tuple=>('(',')'), :vcat=>('[',']'), :cell1d=>("Any[","
 ## AST decoding helpers ##
-is_id_start_char(c::Char) = ccall(:jl_id_start_char, Cint, (Uint32,), c) != 0
-is_id_char(c::Char) = ccall(:jl_id_char, Cint, (Uint32,), c) != 0
+is_id_start_char(c::Char) = ccall(:jl_id_start_char, Cint, (UInt32,), c) != 0
+is_id_char(c::Char) = ccall(:jl_id_char, Cint, (UInt32,), c) != 0
 function isidentifier(s::AbstractString)
     i = start(s)
     done(s, i) && return false
@@ -260,9 +260,9 @@ function isidentifier(s::AbstractString)
     return true
-isoperator(s::Symbol) = ccall(:jl_is_operator, Cint, (Ptr{Uint8},), s) != 0
+isoperator(s::Symbol) = ccall(:jl_is_operator, Cint, (Ptr{UInt8},), s) != 0
 operator_precedence(s::Symbol) = int(ccall(:jl_operator_precedence,
-                                           Cint, (Ptr{Uint8},), s))
+                                           Cint, (Ptr{UInt8},), s))
 operator_precedence(x::Any) = 0 # fallback for generic expression nodes
 const prec_power = operator_precedence(:(^))
@@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ show(io::IO, v::AbstractVector) = show_vector(io, v, "[", "]")
 # (following functions not exported - mainly intended for debug)
-function print_bit_chunk(io::IO, c::Uint64, l::Integer)
+function print_bit_chunk(io::IO, c::UInt64, l::Integer)
     for s = 0 : l - 1
         d = (c >>> s) & 1
         print(io, "01"[d + 1])
@@ -1203,10 +1203,10 @@ function print_bit_chunk(io::IO, c::Uint64, l::Integer)
-print_bit_chunk(io::IO, c::Uint64) = print_bit_chunk(io, c, 64)
+print_bit_chunk(io::IO, c::UInt64) = print_bit_chunk(io, c, 64)
-print_bit_chunk(c::Uint64, l::Integer) = print_bit_chunk(STDOUT, c, l)
-print_bit_chunk(c::Uint64) = print_bit_chunk(STDOUT, c)
+print_bit_chunk(c::UInt64, l::Integer) = print_bit_chunk(STDOUT, c, l)
+print_bit_chunk(c::UInt64) = print_bit_chunk(STDOUT, c)
 function bitshow(io::IO, B::BitArray)
     if length(B) == 0
diff --git a/base/socket.jl b/base/socket.jl
index b7b2da554d79e..67139fc35fdaf 100644
--- a/base/socket.jl
+++ b/base/socket.jl
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 abstract IPAddr
 immutable IPv4 <: IPAddr
-    host::Uint32
-    IPv4(host::Uint32) = new(host)
-    IPv4(a::Uint8,b::Uint8,c::Uint8,d::Uint8) = new(uint32(a)<<24|
+    host::UInt32
+    IPv4(host::UInt32) = new(host)
+    IPv4(a::UInt8,b::UInt8,c::UInt8,d::UInt8) = new(uint32(a)<<24|
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ end
 function IPv4(host::Integer)
     if host < 0
         error("IP address must not be negative")
-    elseif typemax(typeof(host)) > typemax(Uint32) && host > typemax(Uint32) 
+    elseif typemax(typeof(host)) > typemax(UInt32) && host > typemax(UInt32) 
         error("IPv4 address must fit within 32 bits")
         return IPv4(uint32(host))
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ print(io::IO,ip::IPv4) = print(io,dec((ip.host&(0xFF000000))>>24),".",
 immutable IPv6 <: IPAddr
-    host::Uint128
-    IPv6(host::Uint128) = new(host)
-    IPv6(a::Uint16,b::Uint16,c::Uint16,d::Uint16,
-     e::Uint16,f::Uint16,g::Uint16,h::Uint16) = new(uint128(a)<<(7*16)|
+    host::UInt128
+    IPv6(host::UInt128) = new(host)
+    IPv6(a::UInt16,b::UInt16,c::UInt16,d::UInt16,
+     e::UInt16,f::UInt16,g::UInt16,h::UInt16) = new(uint128(a)<<(7*16)|
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ function IPv6(host::Integer)
         error("IP address must not be negative")
         # We allow passing bigger integer types, but need to be careful to avoid overflow
         # Let's hope promotion rules are sensible
-    elseif typemax(typeof(host)) > typemax(Uint128) && host > typemax(Uint128) 
+    elseif typemax(typeof(host)) > typemax(UInt128) && host > typemax(UInt128) 
         error("IPv6 address must fit within 128 bits")
         return IPv6(uint128(host))
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ function IPv6(host::Integer)
 # Suppress leading '0's and "0x"
-print_ipv6_field(io,field::Uint16) = print(io,hex(field))
+print_ipv6_field(io,field::UInt16) = print(io,hex(field))
 print_ipv6_field(io,ip,i) = print_ipv6_field(io,ipv6_field(ip,i))
 function ipv6_field(ip::IPv6,i) 
@@ -225,9 +225,9 @@ end
 type InetAddr
-    port::Uint16
+    port::UInt16
     function InetAddr(host,port)
-        if !(0 <= port <= typemax(Uint16))
+        if !(0 <= port <= typemax(UInt16))
@@ -326,8 +326,8 @@ _jl_connect_raw(sock::TCPSocket,sockaddr::Ptr{Void}) =
 _jl_sockaddr_from_addrinfo(addrinfo::Ptr{Void}) = 
-_jl_sockaddr_set_port(ptr::Ptr{Void},port::Uint16) = 
-    ccall(:jl_sockaddr_set_port,Void,(Ptr{Void},Uint16),ptr,port)
+_jl_sockaddr_set_port(ptr::Ptr{Void},port::UInt16) = 
+    ccall(:jl_sockaddr_set_port,Void,(Ptr{Void},UInt16),ptr,port)
 accept(server::TCPServer) = accept(server, TCPSocket())
 accept(server::PipeServer) = accept(server, Pipe())
@@ -336,10 +336,10 @@ accept(server::PipeServer) = accept(server, Pipe())
 bind(sock::TCPServer, addr::InetAddr) = bind(sock,addr.host,addr.port)
-_bind(sock::TCPServer, host::IPv4, port::Uint16) = ccall(:jl_tcp_bind, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Uint16, Uint32, Cuint),
+_bind(sock::TCPServer, host::IPv4, port::UInt16) = ccall(:jl_tcp_bind, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, UInt16, UInt32, Cuint),
             sock.handle, hton(port), hton(host.host), 0)
-_bind(sock::TCPServer, host::IPv6, port::Uint16) = ccall(:jl_tcp_bind6, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Uint16, Ptr{Uint128}, Cuint),
+_bind(sock::TCPServer, host::IPv6, port::UInt16) = ccall(:jl_tcp_bind6, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, UInt16, Ptr{UInt128}, Cuint),
             sock.handle, hton(port), &hton(host.host), 0)
 # UDP 
@@ -411,13 +411,13 @@ function bind(sock::Union(TCPServer,UDPSocket), host::IPv4, port::Integer)
-_bind(sock::UDPSocket, host::IPv4, port::Uint16) = ccall(:jl_udp_bind, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Uint16, Uint32, Uint32),
+_bind(sock::UDPSocket, host::IPv4, port::UInt16) = ccall(:jl_udp_bind, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, UInt16, UInt32, UInt32),
             sock.handle, hton(port), hton(host.host), 0)
-_bind(sock::UDPSocket, host::IPv6, port::Uint16, flags::Uint32 = uint32(0)) = ccall(:jl_udp_bind6, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Uint16, Ptr{Uint128}, Uint32),
+_bind(sock::UDPSocket, host::IPv6, port::UInt16, flags::UInt32 = uint32(0)) = ccall(:jl_udp_bind6, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, UInt16, Ptr{UInt128}, UInt32),
             sock.handle, hton(port), &hton(host.host), flags)
-function bind(sock::UDPSocket, host::IPv6, port::Uint16; ipv6only = false)
+function bind(sock::UDPSocket, host::IPv6, port::UInt16; ipv6only = false)
     @assert sock.status == StatusInit
     err = _bind(sock,host,ipv6only ? UV_UDP_IPV6ONLY : 0)
     if err < 0
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ function setopt(sock::UDPSocket; multicast_loop = nothing, multicast_ttl=nothing
-_uv_hook_alloc_buf(sock::UDPSocket,size::Uint) = (c_malloc(size),size)
+_uv_hook_alloc_buf(sock::UDPSocket,size::UInt) = (c_malloc(size),size)
 function _recv_start(sock::UDPSocket)
     if ccall(:uv_is_active,Cint,(Ptr{Void},),sock.handle) == 0
@@ -467,25 +467,25 @@ function recv(sock::UDPSocket)
         error("Invalid socket state")
-    stream_wait(sock,sock.recvnotify)::Vector{Uint8}
+    stream_wait(sock,sock.recvnotify)::Vector{UInt8}
-function _uv_hook_recv(sock::UDPSocket, nread::Int, buf_addr::Ptr{Void}, buf_size::Uint, addr::Ptr{Void}, flags::Int32)
+function _uv_hook_recv(sock::UDPSocket, nread::Int, buf_addr::Ptr{Void}, buf_size::UInt, addr::Ptr{Void}, flags::Int32)
     if flags & UV_UDP_PARTIAL > 0
         # TODO: Decide what to do in this case. For now throw an error
         notify_error(sock.recvnotify,"Partial message received")
-    buf = pointer_to_array(convert(Ptr{Uint8},buf_addr),int(buf_size),true)
+    buf = pointer_to_array(convert(Ptr{UInt8},buf_addr),int(buf_size),true)
-function _send(sock::UDPSocket,ipaddr::IPv4,port::Uint16,buf) 
-    ccall(:jl_udp_send,Cint,(Ptr{Void},Uint16,Uint32,Ptr{Uint8},Csize_t),sock.handle,hton(port),hton(ipaddr.host),buf,sizeof(buf))
+function _send(sock::UDPSocket,ipaddr::IPv4,port::UInt16,buf) 
+    ccall(:jl_udp_send,Cint,(Ptr{Void},UInt16,UInt32,Ptr{UInt8},Csize_t),sock.handle,hton(port),hton(ipaddr.host),buf,sizeof(buf))
-function _send(sock::UDPSocket,ipaddr::IPv6,port::Uint16,buf) 
-    ccall(:jl_udp_send6,Cint,(Ptr{Void},Uint16,Ptr{Uint128},Ptr{Uint8},Csize_t),sock.handle,hton(port),&hton(ipaddr.host),buf,sizeof(buf))
+function _send(sock::UDPSocket,ipaddr::IPv6,port::UInt16,buf) 
+    ccall(:jl_udp_send6,Cint,(Ptr{Void},UInt16,Ptr{UInt128},Ptr{UInt8},Csize_t),sock.handle,hton(port),&hton(ipaddr.host),buf,sizeof(buf))
 function send(sock::UDPSocket,ipaddr,port,msg)
@@ -519,11 +519,11 @@ function _uv_hook_getaddrinfo(cb::Function, addrinfo::Ptr{Void}, status::Int32)
     while addrinfo != C_NULL
         sockaddr = ccall(:jl_sockaddr_from_addrinfo,Ptr{Void},(Ptr{Void},),addrinfo)
         if ccall(:jl_sockaddr_is_ip4,Int32,(Ptr{Void},),sockaddr) == 1
-            cb(IPv4(ntoh(ccall(:jl_sockaddr_host4,Uint32,(Ptr{Void},),sockaddr))))
+            cb(IPv4(ntoh(ccall(:jl_sockaddr_host4,UInt32,(Ptr{Void},),sockaddr))))
         #elseif ccall(:jl_sockaddr_is_ip6,Int32,(Ptr{Void},),sockaddr) == 1
-        #    host = Array(Uint128,1)
-        #    scope_id = ccall(:jl_sockaddr_host6,Uint32,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{Uint128}),sockaddr,host)
+        #    host = Array(UInt128,1)
+        #    scope_id = ccall(:jl_sockaddr_host6,UInt32,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{UInt128}),sockaddr,host)
         #    cb(IPv6(ntoh(host[1])))
         #    break
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ end
 function getaddrinfo(cb::Function, host::ASCIIString)
     callback_dict[cb] = cb
-    uv_error("getaddrinfo",ccall(:jl_getaddrinfo, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Any),
+    uv_error("getaddrinfo",ccall(:jl_getaddrinfo, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Any),
         eventloop(), host, C_NULL, cb))
 getaddrinfo(cb::Function, host::AbstractString) = getaddrinfo(cb,ascii(host))
@@ -553,32 +553,32 @@ getaddrinfo(host::AbstractString) = getaddrinfo(ascii(host))
 const _sizeof_uv_interface_address = ccall(:jl_uv_sizeof_interface_address,Int32,())
 function getipaddr()
-    addr = Array(Ptr{Uint8},1)
+    addr = Array(Ptr{UInt8},1)
     count = Array(Int32,1)
     lo_present = false
-    err = ccall(:jl_uv_interface_addresses,Int32,(Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}},Ptr{Int32}),addr,count)
+    err = ccall(:jl_uv_interface_addresses,Int32,(Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}},Ptr{Int32}),addr,count)
     addr, count = addr[1],count[1]
     if err != 0
-        ccall(:uv_free_interface_addresses,Void,(Ptr{Uint8},Int32),addr,count)
+        ccall(:uv_free_interface_addresses,Void,(Ptr{UInt8},Int32),addr,count)
     for i = 0:(count-1)
         current_addr = addr + i*_sizeof_uv_interface_address
-        if 1 == ccall(:jl_uv_interface_address_is_internal,Int32,(Ptr{Uint8},),current_addr)
+        if 1 == ccall(:jl_uv_interface_address_is_internal,Int32,(Ptr{UInt8},),current_addr)
             lo_present = true
-        sockaddr = ccall(:jl_uv_interface_address_sockaddr,Ptr{Void},(Ptr{Uint8},),current_addr)
+        sockaddr = ccall(:jl_uv_interface_address_sockaddr,Ptr{Void},(Ptr{UInt8},),current_addr)
         if ccall(:jl_sockaddr_in_is_ip4,Int32,(Ptr{Void},),sockaddr) == 1
-            return IPv4(ntoh(ccall(:jl_sockaddr_host4,Uint32,(Ptr{Void},),sockaddr)))
+            return IPv4(ntoh(ccall(:jl_sockaddr_host4,UInt32,(Ptr{Void},),sockaddr)))
         # Uncomment to enbable IPv6
         #elseif ccall(:jl_sockaddr_in_is_ip6,Int32,(Ptr{Void},),sockaddr) == 1
-        #   host = Array(Uint128,1)
-        #   ccall(:jl_sockaddr_host6,Uint32,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{Uint128}),sockaddrr,host)
+        #   host = Array(UInt128,1)
+        #   ccall(:jl_sockaddr_host6,UInt32,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{UInt128}),sockaddrr,host)
         #   return IPv6(ntoh(host[1]))
-    ccall(:uv_free_interface_addresses,Void,(Ptr{Uint8},Int32),addr,count)
+    ccall(:uv_free_interface_addresses,Void,(Ptr{UInt8},Int32),addr,count)
     lo_present ? ip"" : error("No networking interface available")
@@ -586,20 +586,20 @@ end
 function connect!(sock::TCPSocket, host::IPv4, port::Integer)
     @assert sock.status == StatusInit
-    if !(0 <= port <= typemax(Uint16))
+    if !(0 <= port <= typemax(UInt16))
-    uv_error("connect",ccall(:jl_tcp4_connect,Int32,(Ptr{Void},Uint32,Uint16),
+    uv_error("connect",ccall(:jl_tcp4_connect,Int32,(Ptr{Void},UInt32,UInt16),
     sock.status = StatusConnecting
 function connect!(sock::TCPSocket, host::IPv6, port::Integer)
     @assert sock.status == StatusInit
-    if !(0 <= port <= typemax(Uint16))
+    if !(0 <= port <= typemax(UInt16))
-    uv_error("connect",ccall(:jl_tcp6_connect,Int32,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{Uint128},Uint16),
+    uv_error("connect",ccall(:jl_tcp6_connect,Int32,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{UInt128},UInt16),
     sock.status = StatusConnecting
diff --git a/base/stat.jl b/base/stat.jl
index ed0b76743d345..8f6de827e224a 100644
--- a/base/stat.jl
+++ b/base/stat.jl
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 immutable StatStruct
-    device  :: Uint
-    inode   :: Uint
-    mode    :: Uint
+    device  :: UInt
+    inode   :: UInt
+    mode    :: UInt
     nlink   :: Int
-    uid     :: Uint
-    gid     :: Uint
-    rdev    :: Uint
+    uid     :: UInt
+    gid     :: UInt
+    rdev    :: UInt
     size    :: Int64
     blksize :: Int64
     blocks  :: Int64
@@ -13,30 +13,30 @@ immutable StatStruct
     ctime   :: Float64
-StatStruct(buf::Union(Vector{Uint8},Ptr{Uint8})) = StatStruct(
-     uint(ccall(:jl_stat_dev,     Uint32,  (Ptr{Uint8},), buf)),
-     uint(ccall(:jl_stat_ino,     Uint32,  (Ptr{Uint8},), buf)),
-     uint(ccall(:jl_stat_mode,    Uint32,  (Ptr{Uint8},), buf)),
-      int(ccall(:jl_stat_nlink,   Uint32,  (Ptr{Uint8},), buf)),
-     uint(ccall(:jl_stat_uid,     Uint32,  (Ptr{Uint8},), buf)),
-     uint(ccall(:jl_stat_gid,     Uint32,  (Ptr{Uint8},), buf)),
-     uint(ccall(:jl_stat_rdev,    Uint32,  (Ptr{Uint8},), buf)),
-    int64(ccall(:jl_stat_size,    Uint64,  (Ptr{Uint8},), buf)),
-    int64(ccall(:jl_stat_blksize, Uint64,  (Ptr{Uint8},), buf)),
-    int64(ccall(:jl_stat_blocks,  Uint64,  (Ptr{Uint8},), buf)),
-          ccall(:jl_stat_mtime,   Float64, (Ptr{Uint8},), buf),
-          ccall(:jl_stat_ctime,   Float64, (Ptr{Uint8},), buf),
+StatStruct(buf::Union(Vector{UInt8},Ptr{UInt8})) = StatStruct(
+     uint(ccall(:jl_stat_dev,     UInt32,  (Ptr{UInt8},), buf)),
+     uint(ccall(:jl_stat_ino,     UInt32,  (Ptr{UInt8},), buf)),
+     uint(ccall(:jl_stat_mode,    UInt32,  (Ptr{UInt8},), buf)),
+      int(ccall(:jl_stat_nlink,   UInt32,  (Ptr{UInt8},), buf)),
+     uint(ccall(:jl_stat_uid,     UInt32,  (Ptr{UInt8},), buf)),
+     uint(ccall(:jl_stat_gid,     UInt32,  (Ptr{UInt8},), buf)),
+     uint(ccall(:jl_stat_rdev,    UInt32,  (Ptr{UInt8},), buf)),
+    int64(ccall(:jl_stat_size,    UInt64,  (Ptr{UInt8},), buf)),
+    int64(ccall(:jl_stat_blksize, UInt64,  (Ptr{UInt8},), buf)),
+    int64(ccall(:jl_stat_blocks,  UInt64,  (Ptr{UInt8},), buf)),
+          ccall(:jl_stat_mtime,   Float64, (Ptr{UInt8},), buf),
+          ccall(:jl_stat_ctime,   Float64, (Ptr{UInt8},), buf),
 show(io::IO, st::StatStruct) = print("StatStruct(mode=$(oct(st.mode,6)), size=$(st.size))")
 # stat & lstat functions
-const stat_buf = Array(Uint8, ccall(:jl_sizeof_stat, Int32, ()))
+const stat_buf = Array(UInt8, ccall(:jl_sizeof_stat, Int32, ()))
 macro stat_call(sym, arg1type, arg)
-        r = ccall($(Expr(:quote,sym)), Int32, ($arg1type, Ptr{Uint8}), $(esc(arg)), stat_buf)
+        r = ccall($(Expr(:quote,sym)), Int32, ($arg1type, Ptr{UInt8}), $(esc(arg)), stat_buf)
         r==0 || r==UV_ENOENT || r==UV_ENOTDIR || throw(UVError("stat",r))
         st = StatStruct(stat_buf)
         if ispath(st) != (r==0)
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ end
 stat(fd::RawFD)     = @stat_call jl_fstat Int32 fd.fd
 stat(fd::Integer)   = @stat_call jl_fstat Int32 fd
-stat(path::AbstractString)  = @stat_call jl_stat  Ptr{Uint8} path
-lstat(path::AbstractString) = @stat_call jl_lstat Ptr{Uint8} path
+stat(path::AbstractString)  = @stat_call jl_stat  Ptr{UInt8} path
+lstat(path::AbstractString) = @stat_call jl_lstat Ptr{UInt8} path
 stat(path...) = stat(joinpath(path...))
 lstat(path...) = lstat(joinpath(path...))
diff --git a/base/statistics.jl b/base/statistics.jl
index 877f70d159af7..38a3c13598ad0 100644
--- a/base/statistics.jl
+++ b/base/statistics.jl
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ end
 momenttype{T}(::Type{T}) = typeof((zero(T) + zero(T)) / 2)
 momenttype(::Type{Float32}) = Float32
-momenttype{T<:Union(Float64,Int32,Int64,Uint32,Uint64)}(::Type{T}) = Float64
+momenttype{T<:Union(Float64,Int32,Int64,UInt32,UInt64)}(::Type{T}) = Float64
 mean{T}(A::AbstractArray{T}, region) = 
     mean!(Array(momenttype(T), reduced_dims(size(A), region)), A)
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ end
 ##### median & quantiles #####
-middle(x::Union(Bool,Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64,Int128,Uint8,Uint16,Uint32,Uint64,Uint128)) = float64(x)
+middle(x::Union(Bool,Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64,Int128,UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64,UInt128)) = float64(x)
 middle(x::FloatingPoint) = x
 middle(x::Float16) = float32(x)
 middle(x::Real) = (x + zero(x)) / 1
diff --git a/base/stream.jl b/base/stream.jl
index 65fb93d721a48..8aff047b423a5 100644
--- a/base/stream.jl
+++ b/base/stream.jl
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ function wait_connected(x)
-function wait_readbyte(x::AsyncStream, c::Uint8)
+function wait_readbyte(x::AsyncStream, c::UInt8)
     while isopen(x) && search(x.buffer,c) <= 0
@@ -351,18 +351,18 @@ end
 ## BUFFER ##
 ## Allocate a simple buffer
-function alloc_request(buffer::IOBuffer, recommended_size::Uint)
+function alloc_request(buffer::IOBuffer, recommended_size::UInt)
     ensureroom(buffer, int(recommended_size))
     ptr = buffer.append ? buffer.size + 1 : buffer.ptr
     return (pointer(buffer.data, ptr), length(buffer.data)-ptr+1)
-function _uv_hook_alloc_buf(stream::AsyncStream, recommended_size::Uint)
+function _uv_hook_alloc_buf(stream::AsyncStream, recommended_size::UInt)
     (buf,size) = alloc_request(stream.buffer, recommended_size)
     @assert size>0 # because libuv requires this (TODO: possibly stop reading too if it fails)
-function notify_filled(buffer::IOBuffer, nread::Int, base::Ptr{Void}, len::Uint)
+function notify_filled(buffer::IOBuffer, nread::Int, base::Ptr{Void}, len::UInt)
     if buffer.append
         buffer.size += nread
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ function notify_filled(stream::AsyncStream, nread::Int)
 const READ_BUFFER_SZ=10485760           # 10 MB 
-function _uv_hook_readcb(stream::AsyncStream, nread::Int, base::Ptr{Void}, len::Uint)
+function _uv_hook_readcb(stream::AsyncStream, nread::Int, base::Ptr{Void}, len::UInt)
     if nread < 0
         if nread != UV_EOF
             # This is a fatal connectin error. Shutdown requests as per the usual 
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ _uv_hook_close(uv::AsyncWork) = (uv.handle = C_NULL; nothing)
 # This serves as a common callback for all async classes
 function _uv_hook_asynccb(async::AsyncWork)
     if isa(async, Timer)
-        if ccall(:uv_timer_get_repeat, Uint64, (Ptr{Void},), async.handle) == 0
+        if ccall(:uv_timer_get_repeat, UInt64, (Ptr{Void},), async.handle) == 0
             # timer is stopped now
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ function start_timer(timer::Timer, timeout::Real, repeat::Real)
     associate_julia_struct(timer.handle, timer)
-    ccall(:uv_timer_start,Cint,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{Void},Uint64,Uint64),
+    ccall(:uv_timer_start,Cint,(Ptr{Void},Ptr{Void},UInt64,UInt64),
           timer.handle, uv_jl_asynccb::Ptr{Void}, uint64(round(timeout*1000))+1, uint64(round(repeat*1000)))
@@ -656,11 +656,11 @@ end
 function read!{T}(s::AsyncStream, a::Array{T})
     isbits(T) || error("read from buffer only supports bits types or arrays of bits types")
     nb = length(a) * sizeof(T)
-    read!(s, reshape(reinterpret(Uint8, a), nb))
+    read!(s, reshape(reinterpret(UInt8, a), nb))
     return a
-function read!(s::AsyncStream, a::Vector{Uint8})
+function read!(s::AsyncStream, a::Vector{UInt8})
     nb = length(a)
     sbuf = s.buffer
     @assert sbuf.seekable == false
@@ -688,15 +688,15 @@ end
 function read{T}(s::AsyncStream, ::Type{T}, dims::Dims) 
     isbits(T) || error("read from buffer only supports bits types or arrays of bits types")
     nb = prod(dims)*sizeof(T)
-    a = read!(s, Array(Uint8, nb)) 
+    a = read!(s, Array(UInt8, nb)) 
     reshape(reinterpret(T, a), dims)
-function read(this::AsyncStream,::Type{Uint8})
+function read(this::AsyncStream,::Type{UInt8})
     buf = this.buffer
     @assert buf.seekable == false
-    read(buf,Uint8)
+    read(buf,UInt8)
 readline(this::AsyncStream) = readuntil(this, '\n')
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ function readavailable(this::AsyncStream)
-function readuntil(this::AsyncStream,c::Uint8)
+function readuntil(this::AsyncStream,c::UInt8)
     buf = this.buffer
     @assert buf.seekable == false
@@ -742,14 +742,14 @@ end
 function write!{T}(s::AsyncStream, a::Array{T})
     if isbits(T)
         n = uint(length(a)*sizeof(T))
-        @uv_write n ccall(:jl_write_no_copy, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Uint, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), handle(s), a, n, uvw, uv_jl_writecb::Ptr{Void})
+        @uv_write n ccall(:jl_write_no_copy, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, UInt, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), handle(s), a, n, uvw, uv_jl_writecb::Ptr{Void})
         return int(length(a)*sizeof(T))
 function write!(s::AsyncStream, p::Ptr, nb::Integer)
-    @uv_write nb ccall(:jl_write_no_copy, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Uint, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), handle(s), p, nb, uvw, uv_jl_writecb::Ptr{Void})
+    @uv_write nb ccall(:jl_write_no_copy, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, UInt, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), handle(s), p, nb, uvw, uv_jl_writecb::Ptr{Void})
     return nb
 write!(s::AsyncStream, string::ByteString) = write!(s,string.data)
@@ -762,8 +762,8 @@ function _uv_hook_writecb(s::AsyncStream, req::Ptr{Void}, status::Int32)
-function write(s::AsyncStream, b::Uint8)
-    @uv_write 1 ccall(:jl_putc_copy, Int32, (Uint8, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), b, handle(s), uvw, uv_jl_writecb_task::Ptr{Void})
+function write(s::AsyncStream, b::UInt8)
+    @uv_write 1 ccall(:jl_putc_copy, Int32, (UInt8, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), b, handle(s), uvw, uv_jl_writecb_task::Ptr{Void})
     ct = current_task()
     ct.state = :waiting
@@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ function write(s::AsyncStream, b::Uint8)
     return 1
 function write(s::AsyncStream, c::Char)
-    @uv_write utf8sizeof(c) ccall(:jl_pututf8_copy, Int32, (Ptr{Void},Uint32, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), handle(s), c, uvw, uv_jl_writecb_task::Ptr{Void})
+    @uv_write utf8sizeof(c) ccall(:jl_pututf8_copy, Int32, (Ptr{Void},UInt32, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), handle(s), c, uvw, uv_jl_writecb_task::Ptr{Void})
     ct = current_task()
     ct.state = :waiting
@@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ end
 function write{T}(s::AsyncStream, a::Array{T})
     if isbits(T)
         n = uint(length(a)*sizeof(T))
-        @uv_write n ccall(:jl_write_no_copy, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Uint, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), handle(s), a, n, uvw, uv_jl_writecb_task::Ptr{Void})
+        @uv_write n ccall(:jl_write_no_copy, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, UInt, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), handle(s), a, n, uvw, uv_jl_writecb_task::Ptr{Void})
         ct = current_task()
         ct.state = :waiting
@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ function write{T}(s::AsyncStream, a::Array{T})
 function write(s::AsyncStream, p::Ptr, nb::Integer)
-    @uv_write nb ccall(:jl_write_no_copy, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Uint, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), handle(s), p, nb, uvw, uv_jl_writecb_task::Ptr{Void})
+    @uv_write nb ccall(:jl_write_no_copy, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, UInt, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}), handle(s), p, nb, uvw, uv_jl_writecb_task::Ptr{Void})
     ct = current_task()
     ct.state = :waiting
@@ -822,8 +822,8 @@ type UVError <: Exception
-struverror(err::UVError) = bytestring(ccall(:uv_strerror,Ptr{Uint8},(Int32,),err.code))
-uverrorname(err::UVError) = bytestring(ccall(:uv_err_name,Ptr{Uint8},(Int32,),err.code))
+struverror(err::UVError) = bytestring(ccall(:uv_strerror,Ptr{UInt8},(Int32,),err.code))
+uverrorname(err::UVError) = bytestring(ccall(:uv_err_name,Ptr{UInt8},(Int32,),err.code))
 uv_error(prefix::Symbol, c::Integer) = uv_error(string(prefix),c)
 uv_error(prefix::AbstractString, c::Integer) = c < 0 ? throw(UVError(prefix,c)) : nothing
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ end
 function bind(server::PipeServer, name::ASCIIString)
     @assert server.status == StatusInit
-    err = ccall(:uv_pipe_bind, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Uint8}),
+    err = ccall(:uv_pipe_bind, Int32, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{UInt8}),
                 server.handle, name)
     if err != 0
         if err != UV_EADDRINUSE && err != UV_EACCES
@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ function connect!(sock::Pipe, path::ByteString)
     @assert sock.status == StatusInit
     req = c_malloc(_sizeof_uv_connect)
-    ccall(:uv_pipe_connect, Void, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Void}), req, sock.handle, path, uv_jl_connectcb::Ptr{Void})
+    ccall(:uv_pipe_connect, Void, (Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{Void}), req, sock.handle, path, uv_jl_connectcb::Ptr{Void})
     sock.status = StatusConnecting
diff --git a/base/string.jl b/base/string.jl
index ce0f0c1f58d79..111dd433aefd3 100644
--- a/base/string.jl
+++ b/base/string.jl
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ next(s::AbstractString, i::Integer) = next(s,int(i))
 function print_to_string(xs...)
     # specialized for performance reasons
-    s = IOBuffer(Array(Uint8,isa(xs[1],AbstractString) ? endof(xs[1]) : 0), true, true)
+    s = IOBuffer(Array(UInt8,isa(xs[1],AbstractString) ? endof(xs[1]) : 0), true, true)
     for x in xs
         print(s, x)
@@ -31,21 +31,21 @@ string(s::AbstractString) = s
 string(xs...) = print_to_string(xs...)
 bytestring() = ""
-bytestring(s::Array{Uint8,1}) = bytestring(pointer(s),length(s))
+bytestring(s::Array{UInt8,1}) = bytestring(pointer(s),length(s))
 bytestring(s::AbstractString...) = print_to_string(s...)
-function bytestring(p::Union(Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Int8}))
+function bytestring(p::Union(Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{Int8}))
     p == C_NULL ? error("cannot convert NULL to string") :
-    ccall(:jl_cstr_to_string, ByteString, (Ptr{Uint8},), p)
+    ccall(:jl_cstr_to_string, ByteString, (Ptr{UInt8},), p)
-function bytestring(p::Union(Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Int8}),len::Integer)
+function bytestring(p::Union(Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{Int8}),len::Integer)
     p == C_NULL ? error("cannot convert NULL to string") :
-    ccall(:jl_pchar_to_string, ByteString, (Ptr{Uint8},Int), p, len)
+    ccall(:jl_pchar_to_string, ByteString, (Ptr{UInt8},Int), p, len)
-convert(::Type{Array{Uint8,1}}, s::AbstractString) = bytestring(s).data
-convert(::Type{Array{Uint8}}, s::AbstractString) = bytestring(s).data
+convert(::Type{Array{UInt8,1}}, s::AbstractString) = bytestring(s).data
+convert(::Type{Array{UInt8}}, s::AbstractString) = bytestring(s).data
 convert(::Type{ByteString}, s::AbstractString) = bytestring(s)
 convert(::Type{Array{Char,1}}, s::AbstractString) = collect(s)
 convert(::Type{Symbol}, s::AbstractString) = symbol(s)
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ function _searchindex(s::Array, t::Array, i)
-searchindex(s::Union(Array{Uint8,1},Array{Int8,1}),t::Union(Array{Uint8,1},Array{Int8,1}),i) = _searchindex(s,t,i)
+searchindex(s::Union(Array{UInt8,1},Array{Int8,1}),t::Union(Array{UInt8,1},Array{Int8,1}),i) = _searchindex(s,t,i)
 searchindex(s::AbstractString, t::AbstractString, i::Integer) = _searchindex(s,t,i)
 searchindex(s::AbstractString, t::AbstractString) = searchindex(s,t,start(s))
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ function searchindex(s::ByteString, t::ByteString, i::Integer=1)
-function search(s::Union(Array{Uint8,1},Array{Int8,1}),t::Union(Array{Uint8,1},Array{Int8,1}),i)
+function search(s::Union(Array{UInt8,1},Array{Int8,1}),t::Union(Array{UInt8,1},Array{Int8,1}),i)
     idx = searchindex(s,t,i)
     if isempty(t)
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ function _rsearchindex(s::Array, t::Array, k)
-rsearchindex(s::Union(Array{Uint8,1},Array{Int8,1}),t::Union(Array{Uint8,1},Array{Int8,1}),i) = _rsearchindex(s,t,i)
+rsearchindex(s::Union(Array{UInt8,1},Array{Int8,1}),t::Union(Array{UInt8,1},Array{Int8,1}),i) = _rsearchindex(s,t,i)
 rsearchindex(s::AbstractString, t::AbstractString, i::Integer) = _rsearchindex(s,t,i)
 rsearchindex(s::AbstractString, t::AbstractString) = (isempty(s) && isempty(t)) ? 1 : rsearchindex(s,t,endof(s))
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ function rsearchindex(s::ByteString, t::ByteString, i::Integer)
-function rsearch(s::Union(Array{Uint8,1},Array{Int8,1}),t::Union(Array{Uint8,1},Array{Int8,1}),i)
+function rsearch(s::Union(Array{UInt8,1},Array{Int8,1}),t::Union(Array{UInt8,1},Array{Int8,1}),i)
     idx = rsearchindex(s,t,i)
     if isempty(t)
@@ -523,22 +523,22 @@ endswith(str::AbstractString, chars::Chars) = !isempty(str) && str[end] in chars
 # faster comparisons for byte strings and symbols
 cmp(a::ByteString, b::ByteString) = lexcmp(a.data, b.data)
-cmp(a::Symbol, b::Symbol) = int(sign(ccall(:strcmp, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}), a, b)))
+cmp(a::Symbol, b::Symbol) = int(sign(ccall(:strcmp, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}), a, b)))
 ==(a::ByteString, b::ByteString) = endof(a) == endof(b) && cmp(a,b) == 0
 isless(a::Symbol, b::Symbol) = cmp(a,b) < 0
 beginswith(a::ByteString, b::ByteString) = beginswith(a.data, b.data)
-beginswith(a::Array{Uint8,1}, b::Array{Uint8,1}) =
-    (length(a) >= length(b) && ccall(:strncmp, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Uint), a, b, length(b)) == 0)
+beginswith(a::Array{UInt8,1}, b::Array{UInt8,1}) =
+    (length(a) >= length(b) && ccall(:strncmp, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, UInt), a, b, length(b)) == 0)
 # TODO: fast endswith
 ## character column width function ##
-charwidth(c::Char) = max(0,int(ccall(:wcwidth, Int32, (Uint32,), c)))
+charwidth(c::Char) = max(0,int(ccall(:wcwidth, Int32, (UInt32,), c)))
 strwidth(s::AbstractString) = (w=0; for c in s; w += charwidth(c); end; w)
-strwidth(s::ByteString) = int(ccall(:u8_strwidth, Csize_t, (Ptr{Uint8},), s.data))
+strwidth(s::ByteString) = int(ccall(:u8_strwidth, Csize_t, (Ptr{UInt8},), s.data))
 # TODO: implement and use u8_strnwidth that takes a length argument
 isascii(c::Char) = c < char(0x80)
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ sizeof{T<:ByteString}(s::SubString{T}) = s.endof==0 ? 0 : next(s,s.endof)[2]-1
 length{T<:DirectIndexString}(s::SubString{T}) = endof(s)
 function length(s::SubString{UTF8String})
-    return s.endof==0 ? 0 : int(ccall(:u8_charnum, Csize_t, (Ptr{Uint8}, Csize_t),
+    return s.endof==0 ? 0 : int(ccall(:u8_charnum, Csize_t, (Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t),
                                       pointer(s), next(s,s.endof)[2]-1))
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ function getindex(s::AbstractString, r::UnitRange{Int})
     SubString(s, first(r), last(r))
-function convert{P<:Union(Int8,Uint8),T<:ByteString}(::Type{Ptr{P}}, s::SubString{T})
+function convert{P<:Union(Int8,UInt8),T<:ByteString}(::Type{Ptr{P}}, s::SubString{T})
     if s.offset+s.endof < endof(s.string)
         error("a SubString must coincide with the end of the original string to be convertible to pointer")
@@ -656,14 +656,14 @@ isascii(s::SubString{ASCIIString}) = true
 ## hashing strings ##
-const memhash = Uint === Uint64 ? :memhash_seed : :memhash32_seed
-const memhash_seed = Uint === Uint64 ? 0x71e729fd56419c81 : 0x56419c81
+const memhash = UInt === UInt64 ? :memhash_seed : :memhash32_seed
+const memhash_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0x71e729fd56419c81 : 0x56419c81
-function hash{T<:ByteString}(s::Union(T,SubString{T}), h::Uint)
+function hash{T<:ByteString}(s::Union(T,SubString{T}), h::UInt)
     h += memhash_seed
-    ccall(memhash, Uint, (Ptr{Uint8}, Csize_t, Uint32), s, sizeof(s), h % Uint32) + h
+    ccall(memhash, UInt, (Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, UInt32), s, sizeof(s), h % UInt32) + h
-hash(s::AbstractString, h::Uint) = hash(bytestring(s), h)
+hash(s::AbstractString, h::UInt) = hash(bytestring(s), h)
 ## efficient representation of repeated strings ##
@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ function repeat(s::ByteString, r::Integer)
         error("can't repeat a string ",r," times")
     d = s.data; n = length(d)
-    out = Array(Uint8, n*r)
+    out = Array(UInt8, n*r)
     for i=1:r
         copy!(out, 1+(i-1)*n, d, 1, n)
@@ -802,11 +802,11 @@ end
 ## string map, filter, has ##
-map_result(s::AbstractString, a::Vector{Uint8}) = UTF8String(a)
-map_result(s::Union(ASCIIString,SubString{ASCIIString}), a::Vector{Uint8}) = bytestring(a)
+map_result(s::AbstractString, a::Vector{UInt8}) = UTF8String(a)
+map_result(s::Union(ASCIIString,SubString{ASCIIString}), a::Vector{UInt8}) = bytestring(a)
 function map(f::Function, s::AbstractString)
-    out = IOBuffer(Array(Uint8,endof(s)),true,true)
+    out = IOBuffer(Array(UInt8,endof(s)),true,true)
     for c in s
         c2 = f(c)
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ function map(f::Function, s::AbstractString)
 function filter(f::Function, s::AbstractString)
-    out = IOBuffer(Array(Uint8,endof(s)),true,true)
+    out = IOBuffer(Array(UInt8,endof(s)),true,true)
     for c in s
         if f(c)
@@ -954,15 +954,15 @@ unescape_string(s::AbstractString) = sprint(endof(s), print_unescaped, s)
 ## checking UTF-8 & ACSII validity ##
-byte_string_classify(data::Array{Uint8,1}) =
-    ccall(:u8_isvalid, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8}, Int), data, length(data))
+byte_string_classify(data::Array{UInt8,1}) =
+    ccall(:u8_isvalid, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, Int), data, length(data))
 byte_string_classify(s::ByteString) = byte_string_classify(s.data)
     # 0: neither valid ASCII nor UTF-8
     # 1: valid ASCII
     # 2: valid UTF-8
-is_valid_ascii(s::Union(Array{Uint8,1},ByteString)) = byte_string_classify(s) == 1
-is_valid_utf8 (s::Union(Array{Uint8,1},ByteString)) = byte_string_classify(s) != 0
+is_valid_ascii(s::Union(Array{UInt8,1},ByteString)) = byte_string_classify(s) == 1
+is_valid_utf8 (s::Union(Array{UInt8,1},ByteString)) = byte_string_classify(s) != 0
 ## multiline strings ##
@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ end
 function unindent(s::AbstractString, indent::Int)
     indent == 0 && return s
-    buf = IOBuffer(Array(Uint8,endof(s)), true, true)
+    buf = IOBuffer(Array(UInt8,endof(s)), true, true)
     a = i = start(s)
     cutting = false
@@ -1216,7 +1216,7 @@ shell_escape(args::AbstractString...) = sprint(print_shell_escaped, args...)
 function parse(str::AbstractString, pos::Int; greedy::Bool=true, raise::Bool=true)
     # returns (expr, end_pos). expr is () in case of parse error.
     ex, pos = ccall(:jl_parse_string, Any,
-                    (Ptr{Uint8}, Int32, Int32),
+                    (Ptr{UInt8}, Int32, Int32),
                     str, pos-1, greedy ? 1:0)
     if raise && isa(ex,Expr) && is(ex.head,:error)
@@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ chomp(s::ByteString) =
 function chomp!(s::ByteString)
     if !isempty(s) && s.data[end] == 0x0a
         n = (endof(s) < 2 || s.data[end-1] != 0x0d) ? 1 : 2
-        ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, Uint), s.data, n)
+        ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Void, (Any, UInt), s.data, n)
     return s
@@ -1493,7 +1493,7 @@ function parseint_nocheck{T<:Integer}(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString, base::Int, a
     c, i = parseint_next(s,i)
     base = convert(T,base)
     ## FIXME: remove 128-bit specific code once 128-bit div doesn't rely on BigInt
-    m::T = T===Uint128 || T===Int128 ? typemax(T) : div(typemax(T)-base+1,base)
+    m::T = T===UInt128 || T===Int128 ? typemax(T) : div(typemax(T)-base+1,base)
     n::T = 0
     while n <= m
         d::T = '0' <= c <= '9' ? c-'0'    :
@@ -1539,17 +1539,17 @@ parseint(s::AbstractString) = parseint_nocheck(Int,s,0)
 integer (s::AbstractString) = int(s)
 unsigned(s::AbstractString) = uint(s)
 int     (s::AbstractString) = parseint(Int,s)
-uint    (s::AbstractString) = parseint(Uint,s)
+uint    (s::AbstractString) = parseint(UInt,s)
 int8    (s::AbstractString) = parseint(Int8,s)
-uint8   (s::AbstractString) = parseint(Uint8,s)
+uint8   (s::AbstractString) = parseint(UInt8,s)
 int16   (s::AbstractString) = parseint(Int16,s)
-uint16  (s::AbstractString) = parseint(Uint16,s)
+uint16  (s::AbstractString) = parseint(UInt16,s)
 int32   (s::AbstractString) = parseint(Int32,s)
-uint32  (s::AbstractString) = parseint(Uint32,s)
+uint32  (s::AbstractString) = parseint(UInt32,s)
 int64   (s::AbstractString) = parseint(Int64,s)
-uint64  (s::AbstractString) = parseint(Uint64,s)
+uint64  (s::AbstractString) = parseint(UInt64,s)
 int128  (s::AbstractString) = parseint(Int128,s)
-uint128 (s::AbstractString) = parseint(Uint128,s)
+uint128 (s::AbstractString) = parseint(UInt128,s)
 ## stringifying integers more efficiently ##
@@ -1558,14 +1558,14 @@ string(x::Union(Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64,Int128)) = dec(x)
 ## string to float functions ##
 float64_isvalid(s::AbstractString, out::Array{Float64,1}) =
-    ccall(:jl_strtod, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Float64}), s, out) == 0
+    ccall(:jl_strtod, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{Float64}), s, out) == 0
 float32_isvalid(s::AbstractString, out::Array{Float32,1}) =
-    ccall(:jl_strtof, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Float32}), s, out) == 0
+    ccall(:jl_strtof, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{Float32}), s, out) == 0
 float64_isvalid(s::SubString, out::Array{Float64,1}) =
-    ccall(:jl_substrtod, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8},Csize_t,Cint,Ptr{Float64}), s.string, s.offset, s.endof, out) == 0
+    ccall(:jl_substrtod, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8},Csize_t,Cint,Ptr{Float64}), s.string, s.offset, s.endof, out) == 0
 float32_isvalid(s::SubString, out::Array{Float32,1}) =
-    ccall(:jl_substrtof, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8},Csize_t,Cint,Ptr{Float32}), s.string, s.offset, s.endof, out) == 0
+    ccall(:jl_substrtof, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8},Csize_t,Cint,Ptr{Float32}), s.string, s.offset, s.endof, out) == 0
     local tmp::Array{Float64,1} = Array(Float64,1)
@@ -1599,14 +1599,14 @@ end
 # find the index of the first occurrence of a value in a byte array
-typealias ByteArray Union(Array{Uint8,1},Array{Int8,1})
+typealias ByteArray Union(Array{UInt8,1},Array{Int8,1})
-function search(a::ByteArray, b::Union(Int8,Uint8), i::Integer)
+function search(a::ByteArray, b::Union(Int8,UInt8), i::Integer)
     if i < 1 error(BoundsError) end
     n = length(a)
     if i > n return i == n+1 ? 0 : error(BoundsError) end
     p = pointer(a)
-    q = ccall(:memchr, Ptr{Uint8}, (Ptr{Uint8}, Int32, Csize_t), p+i-1, b, n-i+1)
+    q = ccall(:memchr, Ptr{UInt8}, (Ptr{UInt8}, Int32, Csize_t), p+i-1, b, n-i+1)
     q == C_NULL ? 0 : int(q-p+1)
 function search(a::ByteArray, b::Char, i::Integer)
@@ -1616,14 +1616,14 @@ function search(a::ByteArray, b::Char, i::Integer)
-search(a::ByteArray, b::Union(Int8,Uint8,Char)) = search(a,b,1)
+search(a::ByteArray, b::Union(Int8,UInt8,Char)) = search(a,b,1)
-function rsearch(a::Union(Array{Uint8,1},Array{Int8,1}), b::Union(Int8,Uint8), i::Integer)
+function rsearch(a::Union(Array{UInt8,1},Array{Int8,1}), b::Union(Int8,UInt8), i::Integer)
     if i < 1 return i == 0 ? 0 : error(BoundsError) end
     n = length(a)
     if i > n return i == n+1 ? 0 : error(BoundsError) end
     p = pointer(a)
-    q = ccall(:memrchr, Ptr{Uint8}, (Ptr{Uint8}, Int32, Csize_t), p, b, i)
+    q = ccall(:memrchr, Ptr{UInt8}, (Ptr{UInt8}, Int32, Csize_t), p, b, i)
     q == C_NULL ? 0 : int(q-p+1)
 function rsearch(a::ByteArray, b::Char, i::Integer)
@@ -1633,7 +1633,7 @@ function rsearch(a::ByteArray, b::Char, i::Integer)
-rsearch(a::ByteArray, b::Union(Int8,Uint8,Char)) = rsearch(a,b,length(a))
+rsearch(a::ByteArray, b::Union(Int8,UInt8,Char)) = rsearch(a,b,length(a))
 # return a random string (often useful for temporary filenames/dirnames)
@@ -1646,7 +1646,7 @@ end
 function hex2bytes(s::ASCIIString)
     len = length(s)
     iseven(len) || error("string length must be even: $(repr(s))")
-    arr = zeros(Uint8, div(len,2))
+    arr = zeros(UInt8, div(len,2))
     i = j = 0
     while i < len
         n = 0
@@ -1665,7 +1665,7 @@ function hex2bytes(s::ASCIIString)
     return arr
-bytes2hex{T<:Uint8}(arr::Array{T,1}) = join([hex(i,2) for i in arr])
+bytes2hex{T<:UInt8}(arr::Array{T,1}) = join([hex(i,2) for i in arr])
 function repr(x)
     s = IOBuffer()
diff --git a/base/sysinfo.jl b/base/sysinfo.jl
index 5930f3abe02f7..99ab9c29a0341 100644
--- a/base/sysinfo.jl
+++ b/base/sysinfo.jl
@@ -34,22 +34,22 @@ function init_sysinfo()
 type UV_cpu_info_t
-    model::Ptr{Uint8}
+    model::Ptr{UInt8}
-    cpu_times!user::Uint64
-    cpu_times!nice::Uint64
-    cpu_times!sys::Uint64
-    cpu_times!idle::Uint64
-    cpu_times!irq::Uint64
+    cpu_times!user::UInt64
+    cpu_times!nice::UInt64
+    cpu_times!sys::UInt64
+    cpu_times!idle::UInt64
+    cpu_times!irq::UInt64
 type CPUinfo
-    cpu_times!user::Uint64
-    cpu_times!nice::Uint64
-    cpu_times!sys::Uint64
-    cpu_times!idle::Uint64
-    cpu_times!irq::Uint64
+    cpu_times!user::UInt64
+    cpu_times!nice::UInt64
+    cpu_times!sys::UInt64
+    cpu_times!idle::UInt64
+    cpu_times!irq::UInt64
 CPUinfo(info::UV_cpu_info_t) = CPUinfo(bytestring(info.model), info.speed,
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ function loadavg()
     return loadavg_
-free_memory() = ccall(:uv_get_free_memory, Uint64, ())
-total_memory() = ccall(:uv_get_total_memory, Uint64, ())
+free_memory() = ccall(:uv_get_free_memory, UInt64, ())
+total_memory() = ccall(:uv_get_total_memory, UInt64, ())
 if OS_NAME === :Darwin
     const dlext = "dylib"
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ const shlib_ext = dlext
         # Null-terminated name of object
-        name::Ptr{Uint8}
+        name::Ptr{UInt8}
         # Pointer to array of ELF program headers for this object
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ function dllist()
         # start at 1 instead of 0 to skip self
         for i in 1:numImages-1
-            name = bytestring(ccall( cglobal("_dyld_get_image_name"), Ptr{Uint8}, (Uint32,), uint32(i)))
+            name = bytestring(ccall( cglobal("_dyld_get_image_name"), Ptr{UInt8}, (UInt32,), uint32(i)))
             push!(dynamic_libraries, name)
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ function dllist()
 function dlpath( handle::Ptr{Void} )
-    p = ccall( :jl_pathname_for_handle, Ptr{Uint8}, (Ptr{Void},), handle )
+    p = ccall( :jl_pathname_for_handle, Ptr{UInt8}, (Ptr{Void},), handle )
     s = bytestring(p)
     @windows_only c_free(p)
     return s
diff --git a/base/task.jl b/base/task.jl
index c3538cda3c1a8..f732343d1a2ec 100644
--- a/base/task.jl
+++ b/base/task.jl
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ end
 function pause()
     @unix_only    ccall(:pause, Void, ())
-    @windows_only ccall(:Sleep,stdcall, Void, (Uint32,), 0xffffffff)
+    @windows_only ccall(:Sleep,stdcall, Void, (UInt32,), 0xffffffff)
diff --git a/base/tuple.jl b/base/tuple.jl
index 8ce9637e635e2..2e43deeeb50e1 100644
--- a/base/tuple.jl
+++ b/base/tuple.jl
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ function ==(t1::Tuple, t2::Tuple)
     return true
-const tuplehash_seed = Uint === Uint64 ? 0x77cfa1eef01bca90 : 0xf01bca90
-hash(::(), h::Uint) = h + tuplehash_seed
-hash(x::(Any,), h::Uint)    = hash(x[1], hash((), h))
-hash(x::(Any,Any), h::Uint) = hash(x[1], hash(x[2], hash((), h)))
-hash(x::Tuple, h::Uint)     = hash(x[1], hash(x[2], hash(tupletail(x), h)))
+const tuplehash_seed = UInt === UInt64 ? 0x77cfa1eef01bca90 : 0xf01bca90
+hash(::(), h::UInt) = h + tuplehash_seed
+hash(x::(Any,), h::UInt)    = hash(x[1], hash((), h))
+hash(x::(Any,Any), h::UInt) = hash(x[1], hash(x[2], hash((), h)))
+hash(x::Tuple, h::UInt)     = hash(x[1], hash(x[2], hash(tupletail(x), h)))
 function isless(t1::Tuple, t2::Tuple)
     n1, n2 = length(t1), length(t2)
diff --git a/base/utf16.jl b/base/utf16.jl
index cb093cca8effe..1edf8c63b3739 100644
--- a/base/utf16.jl
+++ b/base/utf16.jl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 immutable UTF16String <: AbstractString
-    data::Array{Uint16,1} # includes 16-bit NULL termination after string chars
-    function UTF16String(data::Vector{Uint16})
+    data::Array{UInt16,1} # includes 16-bit NULL termination after string chars
+    function UTF16String(data::Vector{UInt16})
         if length(data) < 1 || data[end] != 0
             throw(ArgumentError("UTF16String data must be NULL-terminated"))
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ immutable UTF16String <: AbstractString
-utf16_is_lead(c::Uint16) = (c & 0xfc00) == 0xd800
-utf16_is_trail(c::Uint16) = (c & 0xfc00) == 0xdc00
-utf16_is_surrogate(c::Uint16) = (c & 0xf800) == 0xd800
-utf16_get_supplementary(lead::Uint16, trail::Uint16) = char(uint32(lead-0xd7f7)<<10 + trail)
+utf16_is_lead(c::UInt16) = (c & 0xfc00) == 0xd800
+utf16_is_trail(c::UInt16) = (c & 0xfc00) == 0xdc00
+utf16_is_surrogate(c::UInt16) = (c & 0xf800) == 0xd800
+utf16_get_supplementary(lead::UInt16, trail::UInt16) = char(uint32(lead-0xd7f7)<<10 + trail)
 function endof(s::UTF16String)
     d = s.data
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ end
 # TODO: optmize this
 function encode16(s::AbstractString)
-    buf = Uint16[]
+    buf = UInt16[]
     for ch in s
-        c = reinterpret(Uint32, ch)
+        c = reinterpret(UInt32, ch)
         if c < 0x10000
             push!(buf, uint16(c))
@@ -47,18 +47,18 @@ end
 utf16(x) = convert(UTF16String, x)
 convert(::Type{UTF16String}, s::UTF16String) = s
 convert(::Type{UTF16String}, s::AbstractString) = encode16(s)
-convert(::Type{Array{Uint16,1}}, s::UTF16String) = s.data
-convert(::Type{Array{Uint16}}, s::UTF16String) = s.data
+convert(::Type{Array{UInt16,1}}, s::UTF16String) = s.data
+convert(::Type{Array{UInt16}}, s::UTF16String) = s.data
 # TODO: optimize this
 convert(::Type{UTF8String}, s::UTF16String) =
     sprint(length(s.data)-1, io->for c in s; write(io,c::Char); end)
-sizeof(s::UTF16String) = sizeof(s.data) - sizeof(Uint16)
-convert{T<:Union(Int16,Uint16)}(::Type{Ptr{T}}, s::UTF16String) =
+sizeof(s::UTF16String) = sizeof(s.data) - sizeof(UInt16)
+convert{T<:Union(Int16,UInt16)}(::Type{Ptr{T}}, s::UTF16String) =
     convert(Ptr{T}, pointer(s))
-function is_valid_utf16(data::AbstractArray{Uint16})
+function is_valid_utf16(data::AbstractArray{UInt16})
     i = 1
     n = length(data) # this may include NULL termination; that's okay
     while i < n # check for unpaired surrogates
@@ -75,35 +75,35 @@ end
 is_valid_utf16(s::UTF16String) = is_valid_utf16(s.data)
-function convert(::Type{UTF16String}, data::AbstractVector{Uint16})
+function convert(::Type{UTF16String}, data::AbstractVector{UInt16})
     !is_valid_utf16(data) && throw(ArgumentError("invalid UTF16 data"))
     len = length(data)
-    d = Array(Uint16, len + 1)
+    d = Array(UInt16, len + 1)
     d[end] = 0 # NULL terminate
     UTF16String(copy!(d,1, data,1, len))
-convert(T::Type{UTF16String}, data::AbstractArray{Uint16}) =
+convert(T::Type{UTF16String}, data::AbstractArray{UInt16}) =
     convert(T, reshape(data, length(data)))
 convert(T::Type{UTF16String}, data::AbstractArray{Int16}) =
-    convert(T, reinterpret(Uint16, data))
+    convert(T, reinterpret(UInt16, data))
-function convert(T::Type{UTF16String}, bytes::AbstractArray{Uint8})
-    isempty(bytes) && return UTF16String(Uint16[0])
+function convert(T::Type{UTF16String}, bytes::AbstractArray{UInt8})
+    isempty(bytes) && return UTF16String(UInt16[0])
     isodd(length(bytes)) && throw(ArgumentError("odd number of bytes"))
-    data = reinterpret(Uint16, bytes)
+    data = reinterpret(UInt16, bytes)
     # check for byte-order mark (BOM):
     if data[1] == 0xfeff        # native byte order
-        d = Array(Uint16, length(data))
+        d = Array(UInt16, length(data))
         copy!(d,1, data,2, length(data)-1)
     elseif data[1] == 0xfffe    # byte-swapped
-        d = Array(Uint16, length(data))
+        d = Array(UInt16, length(data))
         for i = 2:length(data)
             d[i-1] = bswap(data[i])
-        d = Array(Uint16, length(data) + 1)
+        d = Array(UInt16, length(data) + 1)
         copy!(d,1, data,1, length(data)) # assume native byte order
     d[end] = 0 # NULL terminate
@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ function convert(T::Type{UTF16String}, bytes::AbstractArray{Uint8})
-utf16(p::Ptr{Uint16}, len::Integer) = utf16(pointer_to_array(p, len))
-utf16(p::Ptr{Int16}, len::Integer) = utf16(convert(Ptr{Uint16}, p), len)
-function utf16(p::Union(Ptr{Uint16}, Ptr{Int16}))
+utf16(p::Ptr{UInt16}, len::Integer) = utf16(pointer_to_array(p, len))
+utf16(p::Ptr{Int16}, len::Integer) = utf16(convert(Ptr{UInt16}, p), len)
+function utf16(p::Union(Ptr{UInt16}, Ptr{Int16}))
     len = 0
     while unsafe_load(p, len+1) != 0; len += 1; end
     utf16(p, len)
diff --git a/base/utf32.jl b/base/utf32.jl
index 6dee962c930dd..32ca92097d539 100644
--- a/base/utf32.jl
+++ b/base/utf32.jl
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ function convert(::Type{UTF32String}, data::AbstractVector{Char})
     UTF32String(copy!(d,1, data,1, len))
-convert{T<:Union(Int32,Uint32)}(::Type{UTF32String}, data::AbstractVector{T}) =
+convert{T<:Union(Int32,UInt32)}(::Type{UTF32String}, data::AbstractVector{T}) =
     convert(UTF32String, reinterpret(Char, data))
 convert{T<:AbstractString}(::Type{T}, v::AbstractVector{Char}) = convert(T, utf32(v))
 # specialize for performance reasons:
 function convert{T<:ByteString}(::Type{T}, data::AbstractVector{Char})
-    s = IOBuffer(Array(Uint8,length(data)), true, true)
+    s = IOBuffer(Array(UInt8,length(data)), true, true)
     for x in data
         print(s, x)
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ convert(::Type{Array{Char}}, s::UTF32String) = s.data
 reverse(s::UTF32String) = UTF32String(reverse!(copy(s.data), 1, length(s)))
 sizeof(s::UTF32String) = sizeof(s.data) - sizeof(Char)
-convert{T<:Union(Int32,Uint32,Char)}(::Type{Ptr{T}}, s::UTF32String) =
+convert{T<:Union(Int32,UInt32,Char)}(::Type{Ptr{T}}, s::UTF32String) =
     convert(Ptr{T}, pointer(s))
-function convert(T::Type{UTF32String}, bytes::AbstractArray{Uint8})
+function convert(T::Type{UTF32String}, bytes::AbstractArray{UInt8})
     isempty(bytes) && return UTF32String(Char[0])
     length(bytes) & 3 != 0 && throw(ArgumentError("need multiple of 4 bytes"))
     data = reinterpret(Char, bytes)    
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ function convert(T::Type{UTF32String}, bytes::AbstractArray{Uint8})
 utf32(p::Ptr{Char}, len::Integer) = utf32(pointer_to_array(p, len))
-utf32(p::Union(Ptr{Uint32}, Ptr{Int32}), len::Integer) = utf32(convert(Ptr{Char}, p), len)
-function utf32(p::Union(Ptr{Char}, Ptr{Uint32}, Ptr{Int32}))
+utf32(p::Union(Ptr{UInt32}, Ptr{Int32}), len::Integer) = utf32(convert(Ptr{Char}, p), len)
+function utf32(p::Union(Ptr{Char}, Ptr{UInt32}, Ptr{Int32}))
     len = 0
     while unsafe_load(p, len+1) != 0; len += 1; end
     utf32(p, len)
diff --git a/base/utf8.jl b/base/utf8.jl
index 0faac7066f713..47ea58ead2d8a 100644
--- a/base/utf8.jl
+++ b/base/utf8.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ## from base/boot.jl:
 # immutable UTF8String <: AbstractString
-#     data::Array{Uint8,1}
+#     data::Array{UInt8,1}
 # end
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ const utf8_trailing = [
     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,
-is_utf8_start(byte::Uint8) = ((byte&0xc0)!=0x80)
+is_utf8_start(byte::UInt8) = ((byte&0xc0)!=0x80)
 ## required core functionality ##
@@ -37,17 +37,17 @@ function endof(s::UTF8String)
-length(s::UTF8String) = int(ccall(:u8_strlen, Csize_t, (Ptr{Uint8},), s.data))
+length(s::UTF8String) = int(ccall(:u8_strlen, Csize_t, (Ptr{UInt8},), s.data))
 function next(s::UTF8String, i::Int)
     # potentially faster version
     # d = s.data
-    # a::Uint32 = d[i]
+    # a::UInt32 = d[i]
     # if a < 0x80; return char(a); end
     # #if a&0xc0==0x80; return '\ufffd'; end
-    # b::Uint32 = a<<6 + d[i+1]
+    # b::UInt32 = a<<6 + d[i+1]
     # if a < 0xe0; return char(b - 0x00003080); end
-    # c::Uint32 = b<<6 + d[i+2]
+    # c::UInt32 = b<<6 + d[i+2]
     # if a < 0xf0; return char(c - 0x000e2080); end
     # return char(c<<6 + d[i+3] - 0x03c82080)
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ function next(s::UTF8String, i::Int)
     if length(d) < i + trailing
         return '\ufffd', i+1
-    c::Uint32 = 0
+    c::UInt32 = 0
     for j = 1:trailing+1
         c <<= 6
         c += d[i]
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ function next(s::UTF8String, i::Int)
 function first_utf8_byte(ch::Char)
-    c = reinterpret(Uint32, ch)
+    c = reinterpret(UInt32, ch)
     c < 0x80    ? uint8(c) :
     c < 0x800   ? uint8((c>>6)  | 0xc0) :
     c < 0x10000 ? uint8((c>>12) | 0xe0) :
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ sizeof(s::UTF8String) = sizeof(s.data)
 isvalid(s::UTF8String, i::Integer) =
     (1 <= i <= endof(s.data)) && is_utf8_start(s.data[i])
-const empty_utf8 = UTF8String(Uint8[])
+const empty_utf8 = UTF8String(UInt8[])
 function getindex(s::UTF8String, r::UnitRange{Int})
     isempty(r) && return empty_utf8
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ function string(a::ByteString...)
         return a[1]::UTF8String
     # ^^ at least one must be UTF-8 or the ASCII-only method would get called
-    data = Array(Uint8,0)
+    data = Array(UInt8,0)
     for d in a
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ end
 function reverse(s::UTF8String)
     out = similar(s.data)
-    if ccall(:u8_reverse, Cint, (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Csize_t),
+    if ccall(:u8_reverse, Cint, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t),
              out, s.data, length(out)) == 1
         error("invalid UTF-8 data")
@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ write(io::IO, s::UTF8String) = write(io, s.data)
 utf8(x) = convert(UTF8String, x)
 convert(::Type{UTF8String}, s::UTF8String) = s
 convert(::Type{UTF8String}, s::ASCIIString) = UTF8String(s.data)
-convert(::Type{UTF8String}, a::Array{Uint8,1}) = is_valid_utf8(a) ? UTF8String(a) : error("invalid UTF-8 sequence")
-function convert(::Type{UTF8String}, a::Array{Uint8,1}, invalids_as::AbstractString)
+convert(::Type{UTF8String}, a::Array{UInt8,1}) = is_valid_utf8(a) ? UTF8String(a) : error("invalid UTF-8 sequence")
+function convert(::Type{UTF8String}, a::Array{UInt8,1}, invalids_as::AbstractString)
     l = length(a)
     idx = 1
     iscopy = false
diff --git a/base/utf8proc.jl b/base/utf8proc.jl
index 53d11a8f02b41..38e91de29042d 100644
--- a/base/utf8proc.jl
+++ b/base/utf8proc.jl
@@ -61,17 +61,17 @@ const UTF8PROC_LUMP      = (1<<12)
 const UTF8PROC_STRIPMARK = (1<<13)
-    const p = Array(Ptr{Uint8}, 1)
+    const p = Array(Ptr{UInt8}, 1)
     global utf8proc_map
     function utf8proc_map(s::AbstractString, flags::Integer)
         result = ccall(:utf8proc_map, Cssize_t,
-                       (Ptr{Uint8}, Cssize_t, Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}}, Cint),
+                       (Ptr{UInt8}, Cssize_t, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}}, Cint),
                        s, 0, p, flags | UTF8PROC_NULLTERM)
-        result < 0 && error(bytestring(ccall(:utf8proc_errmsg, Ptr{Uint8},
+        result < 0 && error(bytestring(ccall(:utf8proc_errmsg, Ptr{UInt8},
                                              (Cssize_t,), result)))
-        a = ccall(:jl_ptr_to_array_1d, Vector{Uint8}, 
-                  (Any, Ptr{Uint8}, Csize_t, Cint),
-                  Vector{Uint8}, p[1], result, true)
+        a = ccall(:jl_ptr_to_array_1d, Vector{UInt8}, 
+                  (Any, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, Cint),
+                  Vector{UInt8}, p[1], result, true)
         ccall(:jl_array_to_string, Any, (Any,), a)::ByteString
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ end
 # returns UTF8PROC_CATEGORY code in 1:30 giving Unicode category
 function category_code(c)
     uint32(c) > 0x10FFFF && return 0x0000 # see utf8proc_get_property docs
-    cat = unsafe_load(ccall(:utf8proc_get_property, Ptr{Uint16}, (Int32,), c))
+    cat = unsafe_load(ccall(:utf8proc_get_property, Ptr{UInt16}, (Int32,), c))
     # note: utf8proc returns 0, not UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_CN, for unassigned c
     cat == 0 ? UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_CN : cat
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ is_assigned_char(c) = category_code(c) != UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_CN
 #  used by character class predicates for improved performance
 function _catcode(c::Char)
     c > char(0x10FFFF) && return uint16(0x0000) # see utf8proc_get_property docs
-    return unsafe_load(ccall(:utf8proc_get_property, Ptr{Uint16}, (Int32,), c))
+    return unsafe_load(ccall(:utf8proc_get_property, Ptr{UInt16}, (Int32,), c))
 # TODO: use UTF8PROC_CHARBOUND to extract graphemes from a string, e.g. to iterate over graphemes?
diff --git a/base/util.jl b/base/util.jl
index e817380bdd187..2269303af4b85 100644
--- a/base/util.jl
+++ b/base/util.jl
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
 time() = ccall(:clock_now, Float64, ())
 # high-resolution relative time, in nanoseconds
-time_ns() = ccall(:jl_hrtime, Uint64, ())
+time_ns() = ccall(:jl_hrtime, UInt64, ())
 # total time spend in garbage collection, in nanoseconds
-gc_time_ns() = ccall(:jl_gc_total_hrtime, Uint64, ())
+gc_time_ns() = ccall(:jl_gc_total_hrtime, UInt64, ())
 # total number of bytes allocated so far
 gc_bytes() = ccall(:jl_gc_total_bytes, Int64, ())
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function toq()
     if is(timers,())
         error("toc() without tic()")
-    t0 = timers[1]::Uint64
+    t0 = timers[1]::UInt64
     task_local_storage(:TIMERS, timers[2])
@@ -117,10 +117,10 @@ end
 if blas_vendor() == :openblas64
     blasfunc(x) = string(x)*"64_"
-    openblas_get_config() = strip(bytestring( ccall((:openblas_get_config64_, Base.libblas_name), Ptr{Uint8}, () )))
+    openblas_get_config() = strip(bytestring( ccall((:openblas_get_config64_, Base.libblas_name), Ptr{UInt8}, () )))
     blasfunc(x) = string(x)
-    openblas_get_config() = strip(bytestring( ccall((:openblas_get_config, Base.libblas_name), Ptr{Uint8}, () )))
+    openblas_get_config() = strip(bytestring( ccall((:openblas_get_config, Base.libblas_name), Ptr{UInt8}, () )))
 function blas_set_num_threads(n::Integer)
diff --git a/base/version.jl b/base/version.jl
index 3ba27f29a2864..8a064770b60a4 100644
--- a/base/version.jl
+++ b/base/version.jl
@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ function isless(a::VersionNumber, b::VersionNumber)
     return false
-function hash(v::VersionNumber, h::Uint)
-    h += 0x8ff4ffdb75f9fede % Uint
+function hash(v::VersionNumber, h::UInt)
+    h += 0x8ff4ffdb75f9fede % UInt
     h = hash(v.major, h)
     h = hash(v.minor, h)
     h = hash(v.patch, h)
diff --git a/doc/helpdb.jl b/doc/helpdb.jl
index 19bacb35ac350..5a16d47b558e5 100644
--- a/doc/helpdb.jl
+++ b/doc/helpdb.jl
@@ -549,13 +549,13 @@ Any[
       julia> structinfo(StatStruct)
       12-element Array{(Int64,Symbol,DataType),1}:
-       (0,:device,Uint64)
-       (8,:inode,Uint64)
-       (16,:mode,Uint64)
+       (0,:device,UInt64)
+       (8,:inode,UInt64)
+       (16,:mode,UInt64)
-       (32,:uid,Uint64)
-       (40,:gid,Uint64)
-       (48,:rdev,Uint64)
+       (32,:uid,UInt64)
+       (40,:gid,UInt64)
+       (48,:rdev,UInt64)
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ Any[
    True if \"T\" is a \"plain data\" type, meaning it is immutable and
    contains no references to other values. Typical examples are
-   numeric types such as \"Uint8\", \"Float64\", and
+   numeric types such as \"UInt8\", \"Float64\", and
       julia> isbits(Complex{Float64})
@@ -1703,7 +1703,7 @@ Any[
-("Base","bytestring","bytestring(::Ptr{Uint8}[, length])
+("Base","bytestring","bytestring(::Ptr{UInt8}[, length])
    Create a string from the address of a C (0-terminated) string
    encoded in ASCII or UTF-8. A copy is made; the ptr can be safely
@@ -1720,7 +1720,7 @@ Any[
-("Base","ascii","ascii(::Array{Uint8, 1})
+("Base","ascii","ascii(::Array{UInt8, 1})
    Create an ASCII string from a byte array.
@@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@ Any[
-("Base","utf8","utf8(::Array{Uint8, 1})
+("Base","utf8","utf8(::Array{UInt8, 1})
    Create a UTF-8 string from a byte array.
@@ -2218,7 +2218,7 @@ Any[
-   Create a UTF-16 string from a byte array, array of \"Uint16\", or
+   Create a UTF-16 string from a byte array, array of \"UInt16\", or
    any other string type.  (Data must be valid UTF-16.  Conversions of
    byte arrays check for a byte-order marker in the first two bytes,
    and do not include it in the resulting string.)
@@ -2228,7 +2228,7 @@ Any[
    the string (so that it is mostly invisible in Julia); this allows
    the string to be passed directly to external functions requiring
    NUL-terminated data.  This NUL is appended automatically by the
-   *utf16(s)* conversion function.  If you have a \"Uint16\" array
+   *utf16(s)* conversion function.  If you have a \"UInt16\" array
    \"A\" that is already NUL-terminated valid UTF-16 data, then you
    can instead use *UTF16String(A)`* to construct the string without
    making a copy of the data and treating the NUL as a terminator
@@ -2236,7 +2236,7 @@ Any[
-("Base","utf16","utf16(::Union(Ptr{Uint16}, Ptr{Int16})[, length])
+("Base","utf16","utf16(::Union(Ptr{UInt16}, Ptr{Int16})[, length])
    Create a string from the address of a NUL-terminated UTF-16 string.
    A copy is made; the pointer can be safely freed. If \"length\" is
@@ -2246,14 +2246,14 @@ Any[
 ("Base","is_valid_utf16","is_valid_utf16(s) -> Bool
-   Returns true if the argument (\"UTF16String\" or \"Uint16\" array)
+   Returns true if the argument (\"UTF16String\" or \"UInt16\" array)
    is valid UTF-16.
-   Create a UTF-32 string from a byte array, array of \"Uint32\", or
+   Create a UTF-32 string from a byte array, array of \"UInt32\", or
    any other string type.  (Conversions of byte arrays check for a
    byte-order marker in the first four bytes, and do not include it in
    the resulting string.)
@@ -2263,7 +2263,7 @@ Any[
    the string (so that it is mostly invisible in Julia); this allows
    the string to be passed directly to external functions requiring
    NUL-terminated data.  This NUL is appended automatically by the
-   *utf32(s)* conversion function.  If you have a \"Uint32\" array
+   *utf32(s)* conversion function.  If you have a \"UInt32\" array
    \"A\" that is already NUL-terminated UTF-32 data, then you can
    instead use *UTF32String(A)`* to construct the string without
    making a copy of the data and treating the NUL as a terminator
@@ -2271,7 +2271,7 @@ Any[
-("Base","utf32","utf32(::Union(Ptr{Char}, Ptr{Uint32}, Ptr{Int32})[, length])
+("Base","utf32","utf32(::Union(Ptr{Char}, Ptr{UInt32}, Ptr{Int32})[, length])
    Create a string from the address of a NUL-terminated UTF-32 string.
    A copy is made; the pointer can be safely freed. If \"length\" is
@@ -2447,7 +2447,7 @@ Any[
-("Base","readbytes!","readbytes!(stream, b::Vector{Uint8}, nb=length(b))
+("Base","readbytes!","readbytes!(stream, b::Vector{UInt8}, nb=length(b))
    Read at most \"nb\" bytes from the stream into \"b\", returning the
    number of bytes read (increasing the size of \"b\" as needed).
@@ -2457,7 +2457,7 @@ Any[
 ("Base","readbytes","readbytes(stream, nb=typemax(Int))
    Read at most \"nb\" bytes from the stream, returning a
-   \"Vector{Uint8}\" of the bytes read.
+   \"Vector{UInt8}\" of the bytes read.
@@ -2724,7 +2724,7 @@ Any[
-("Base","PipeBuffer","PipeBuffer(data::Vector{Uint8}[, maxsize])
+("Base","PipeBuffer","PipeBuffer(data::Vector{UInt8}[, maxsize])
    Create a PipeBuffer to operate on a data vector, optionally
    specifying a size beyond which the underlying Array may not be
@@ -2935,7 +2935,7 @@ Any[
-("Base","listenany","listenany(port_hint) -> (Uint16, TcpServer)
+("Base","listenany","listenany(port_hint) -> (UInt16, TcpServer)
    Create a TcpServer on any port, using hint as a starting point.
    Returns a tuple of the actual port that the server was created on
@@ -3275,7 +3275,7 @@ display(d::Display, mime, x)
    With these variants, one can also supply the \"raw\" data in the
    requested MIME type by passing \"x::AbstractString\" (for MIME
    types with text-based storage, such as text/html or
-   application/postscript) or \"x::Vector{Uint8}\" (for binary MIME
+   application/postscript) or \"x::Vector{UInt8}\" (for binary MIME
@@ -3343,17 +3343,17 @@ displayable(d::Display, mime) -> Bool
 ("Base","reprmime","reprmime(mime, x)
-   Returns a \"AbstractString\" or \"Vector{Uint8}\" containing the
+   Returns a \"AbstractString\" or \"Vector{UInt8}\" containing the
    representation of \"x\" in the requested \"mime\" type, as written
    by \"writemime\" (throwing a \"MethodError\" if no appropriate
    \"writemime\" is available).  A \"AbstractString\" is returned for
    MIME types with textual representations (such as \"\"text/html\"\"
    or \"\"application/postscript\"\"), whereas binary data is returned
-   as \"Vector{Uint8}\".  (The function \"istext(mime)\" returns
+   as \"Vector{UInt8}\".  (The function \"istext(mime)\" returns
    whether or not Julia treats a given \"mime\" type as text.)
    As a special case, if \"x\" is a \"AbstractString\" (for textual
-   MIME types) or a \"Vector{Uint8}\" (for binary MIME types), the
+   MIME types) or a \"Vector{UInt8}\" (for binary MIME types), the
    \"reprmime\" function assumes that \"x\" is already in the
    requested \"mime\" format and simply returns \"x\".
@@ -5068,7 +5068,7 @@ popdisplay(d::Display)
    Convert an integer to a string in the given base, optionally
    specifying a number of digits to pad to. The base can be specified
-   as either an integer, or as a \"Uint8\" array of character values
+   as either an integer, or as a \"UInt8\" array of character values
    to use as digit symbols.
@@ -5197,31 +5197,31 @@ popdisplay(d::Display)
-   Convert a number or array to \"Uint8\" data type
+   Convert a number or array to \"UInt8\" data type
-   Convert a number or array to \"Uint16\" data type
+   Convert a number or array to \"UInt16\" data type
-   Convert a number or array to \"Uint32\" data type
+   Convert a number or array to \"UInt32\" data type
-   Convert a number or array to \"Uint64\" data type
+   Convert a number or array to \"UInt64\" data type
-   Convert a number or array to \"Uint128\" data type
+   Convert a number or array to \"UInt128\" data type
@@ -5338,11 +5338,11 @@ popdisplay(d::Display)
    Convert an arbitrarily long hexadecimal string to its binary
-   representation. Returns an Array{Uint8, 1}, i.e. an array of bytes.
+   representation. Returns an Array{UInt8, 1}, i.e. an array of bytes.
-("Base","bytes2hex","bytes2hex(bin_arr::Array{Uint8, 1})
+("Base","bytes2hex","bytes2hex(bin_arr::Array{UInt8, 1})
    Convert an array of bytes to its hexadecimal representation. All
    characters are in lower-case. Returns an ASCIIString.
@@ -5685,7 +5685,7 @@ popdisplay(d::Display)
    Reseed the random number generator. If a \"seed\" is provided, the
    RNG will give a reproducible sequence of numbers, otherwise Julia
    will get entropy from the system. The \"seed\" may be a non-
-   negative integer, a vector of \"Uint32\" integers or a filename, in
+   negative integer, a vector of \"UInt32\" integers or a filename, in
    which case the seed is read from a file.
@@ -8251,7 +8251,7 @@ popdisplay(d::Display)
-   Equivalent to the native \"unsigned char\" c-type (Uint8)
+   Equivalent to the native \"unsigned char\" c-type (UInt8)
@@ -8263,7 +8263,7 @@ popdisplay(d::Display)
-   Equivalent to the native \"unsigned short\" c-type (Uint16)
+   Equivalent to the native \"unsigned short\" c-type (UInt16)
@@ -8275,7 +8275,7 @@ popdisplay(d::Display)
-   Equivalent to the native \"unsigned int\" c-type (Uint32)
+   Equivalent to the native \"unsigned int\" c-type (UInt32)
@@ -8299,7 +8299,7 @@ popdisplay(d::Display)
-   Equivalent to the native \"unsigned long long\" c-type (Uint64)
+   Equivalent to the native \"unsigned long long\" c-type (UInt64)
@@ -8311,13 +8311,13 @@ popdisplay(d::Display)
-   Equivalent to the native \"uintmax_t\" c-type (Uint64)
+   Equivalent to the native \"uintmax_t\" c-type (UInt64)
-   Equivalent to the native \"size_t\" c-type (Uint)
+   Equivalent to the native \"size_t\" c-type (UInt)
diff --git a/doc/images/github_metadata_develbranch.png b/doc/images/github_metadata_develbranch.png
index e79df04eaa8cc..1b1f34caad7bf 100644
Binary files a/doc/images/github_metadata_develbranch.png and b/doc/images/github_metadata_develbranch.png differ
diff --git a/doc/images/github_metadata_fork.png b/doc/images/github_metadata_fork.png
index 299ed2fe66616..2f47ca71f4288 100644
Binary files a/doc/images/github_metadata_fork.png and b/doc/images/github_metadata_fork.png differ
diff --git a/doc/images/github_metadata_pullrequest.png b/doc/images/github_metadata_pullrequest.png
index 1a99fb6255c02..0b97add946660 100644
Binary files a/doc/images/github_metadata_pullrequest.png and b/doc/images/github_metadata_pullrequest.png differ
diff --git a/doc/images/travis-icon.png b/doc/images/travis-icon.png
index d43fdbbb9f404..a550e117ba7d9 100644
Binary files a/doc/images/travis-icon.png and b/doc/images/travis-icon.png differ
diff --git a/doc/manual/calling-c-and-fortran-code.rst b/doc/manual/calling-c-and-fortran-code.rst
index 839b4a666e93a..b2988967604b6 100644
--- a/doc/manual/calling-c-and-fortran-code.rst
+++ b/doc/manual/calling-c-and-fortran-code.rst
@@ -69,21 +69,21 @@ is that a 1-tuple must be written with a trailing comma. For
 example, to call the ``getenv`` function to get a pointer to the value
 of an environment variable, one makes a call like this::
-    julia> path = ccall( (:getenv, "libc"), Ptr{Uint8}, (Ptr{Uint8},), "SHELL")
-    Ptr{Uint8} @0x00007fff5fbffc45
+    julia> path = ccall( (:getenv, "libc"), Ptr{UInt8}, (Ptr{UInt8},), "SHELL")
+    Ptr{UInt8} @0x00007fff5fbffc45
     julia> bytestring(path)
-Note that the argument type tuple must be written as ``(Ptr{Uint8},)``,
-rather than ``(Ptr{Uint8})``. This is because ``(Ptr{Uint8})`` is just
-``Ptr{Uint8}``, rather than a 1-tuple containing ``Ptr{Uint8}``::
+Note that the argument type tuple must be written as ``(Ptr{UInt8},)``,
+rather than ``(Ptr{UInt8})``. This is because ``(Ptr{UInt8})`` is just
+``Ptr{UInt8}``, rather than a 1-tuple containing ``Ptr{UInt8}``::
-    julia> (Ptr{Uint8})
-    Ptr{Uint8}
+    julia> (Ptr{UInt8})
+    Ptr{UInt8}
-    julia> (Ptr{Uint8},)
-    (Ptr{Uint8},)
+    julia> (Ptr{UInt8},)
+    (Ptr{UInt8},)
 In practice, especially when providing reusable functionality, one
 generally wraps ``ccall`` uses in Julia functions that set up arguments
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ in
     function getenv(var::AbstractString)
       val = ccall( (:getenv, "libc"),
-                  Ptr{Uint8}, (Ptr{Uint8},), var)
+                  Ptr{UInt8}, (Ptr{UInt8},), var)
       if val == C_NULL
         error("getenv: undefined variable: ", var)
@@ -120,11 +120,11 @@ Here is a slightly more complex example that discovers the local
 machine's hostname::
     function gethostname()
-      hostname = Array(Uint8, 128)
+      hostname = Array(UInt8, 128)
       ccall( (:gethostname, "libc"), Int32,
-            (Ptr{Uint8}, Uint),
+            (Ptr{UInt8}, UInt),
             hostname, length(hostname))
-      return bytestring(convert(Ptr{Uint8}, hostname))
+      return bytestring(convert(Ptr{UInt8}, hostname))
 This example first allocates an array of bytes, then calls the C library
@@ -217,23 +217,23 @@ Julia type with the same name, prefixed by C. This can help for writing portable
-| ``unsigned char``      | ``Cuchar``        | ``Uint8``                      |
+| ``unsigned char``      | ``Cuchar``        | ``UInt8``                      |
 | ``short``              | ``Cshort``        | ``Int16``                      |
-| ``unsigned short``     | ``Cushort``       | ``Uint16``                     |
+| ``unsigned short``     | ``Cushort``       | ``UInt16``                     |
 | ``int``                | ``Cint``          | ``Int32``                      |
-| ``unsigned int``       | ``Cuint``         | ``Uint32``                     |
+| ``unsigned int``       | ``Cuint``         | ``UInt32``                     |
 | ``long long``          | ``Clonglong``     | ``Int64``                      |
-| ``unsigned long long`` | ``Culonglong``    | ``Uint64``                     |
+| ``unsigned long long`` | ``Culonglong``    | ``UInt64``                     |
 | ``intmax_t``           | ``Cintmax_t``     | ``Int64``                      |
-| ``uintmax_t``          | ``Cuintmax_t``    | ``Uint64``                     |
+| ``uintmax_t``          | ``Cuintmax_t``    | ``UInt64``                     |
 | ``float``              | ``Cfloat``        | ``Float32``                    |
@@ -243,15 +243,15 @@ Julia type with the same name, prefixed by C. This can help for writing portable
 | ``ssize_t``            | ``Cssize_t``      | ``Int``                        |
-| ``size_t``             | ``Csize_t``       | ``Uint``                       |
+| ``size_t``             | ``Csize_t``       | ``UInt``                       |
 | ``void``               |                   | ``Void``                       |
 | ``void*``              |                   | ``Ptr{Void}``                  |
-| ``char*`` (or ``char[]``, e.g. a string)   | ``Ptr{Uint8}``                 |
+| ``char*`` (or ``char[]``, e.g. a string)   | ``Ptr{UInt8}``                 |
-| ``char**`` (or ``*char[]``)                | ``Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}}``            |
+| ``char**`` (or ``*char[]``)                | ``Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}}``            |
 | ``struct T*`` (where T represents an       | ``Ptr{T}`` (call using         |
 | appropriately defined bits type)           | &variable_name in the          |
@@ -274,21 +274,21 @@ A C function declared to return ``void`` will give ``nothing`` in Julia.
 ======================  ==============  =======
 ``char``                ``Cchar``       ``Int8`` (x86, x86_64)
-                                        ``Uint8`` (powerpc, arm)
+                                        ``UInt8`` (powerpc, arm)
 ``long``                ``Clong``       ``Int`` (UNIX)
                                         ``Int32`` (Windows)
-``unsigned long``       ``Culong``      ``Uint`` (UNIX)
+``unsigned long``       ``Culong``      ``UInt`` (UNIX)
-                                        ``Uint32`` (Windows)
+                                        ``UInt32`` (Windows)
 ``wchar_t``             ``Cwchar_t``    ``Int32`` (UNIX)
-                                        ``Uint16`` (Windows)
+                                        ``UInt16`` (Windows)
 ======================  ==============  =======
-For string arguments (``char*``) the Julia type should be ``Ptr{Uint8}``,
+For string arguments (``char*``) the Julia type should be ``Ptr{UInt8}``,
 not ``ASCIIString``. C functions that take an argument of the type ``char**``
-can be called by using a ``Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}}`` type within Julia. For example, 
+can be called by using a ``Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}}`` type within Julia. For example, 
 C functions of the form::
     int main(int argc, char **argv);
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ C functions of the form::
 can be called via the following Julia code::
     argv = [ "a.out", "arg1", "arg2" ]
-    ccall(:main, Int32, (Int32, Ptr{Ptr{Uint8}}), length(argv), argv)
+    ccall(:main, Int32, (Int32, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}}), length(argv), argv)
 For ``wchar_t*`` arguments, the Julia type should be ``Ptr{Wchar_t}``,
 and data can be converted to/from ordinary Julia strings by the
@@ -431,8 +431,8 @@ the platform-default C calling convention is used. Other supported
 conventions are: ``stdcall``, ``cdecl``, ``fastcall``, and ``thiscall``.
 For example (from base/libc.jl)::
-    hn = Array(Uint8, 256)
-    err=ccall(:gethostname, stdcall, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8}, Uint32), hn, length(hn))
+    hn = Array(UInt8, 256)
+    err=ccall(:gethostname, stdcall, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, UInt32), hn, length(hn))
 For more information, please see the `LLVM Language Reference`_.
diff --git a/doc/manual/conversion-and-promotion.rst b/doc/manual/conversion-and-promotion.rst
index 9b58d9efb11e3..723e24fe4ff90 100644
--- a/doc/manual/conversion-and-promotion.rst
+++ b/doc/manual/conversion-and-promotion.rst
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ action:
     julia> typeof(x)
-    julia> convert(Uint8, x)
+    julia> convert(UInt8, x)
     julia> typeof(ans)
-    Uint8
+    UInt8
     julia> convert(FloatingPoint, x)
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ promoted together, they should be promoted to 64-bit floating-point. The
 promotion type does not need to be one of the argument types, however;
 the following promotion rules both occur in Julia's standard library::
-    promote_rule(::Type{Uint8}, ::Type{Int8}) = Int
+    promote_rule(::Type{UInt8}, ::Type{Int8}) = Int
     promote_rule(::Type{BigInt}, ::Type{Int8}) = BigInt
 As a general rule, Julia promotes integers to `Int` during computation
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ would promote to, one can use ``promote_type``:
 .. doctest::
-    julia> promote_type(Int8, Uint16)
+    julia> promote_type(Int8, UInt16)
 Internally, ``promote_type`` is used inside of ``promote`` to determine
diff --git a/doc/manual/faq.rst b/doc/manual/faq.rst
index ba40ecbe51a6d..03c9f83b1ac2e 100644
--- a/doc/manual/faq.rst
+++ b/doc/manual/faq.rst
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ be inferred about an object of type ``MyAmbiguousType``:
 ``b`` and ``c`` have the same type, yet their underlying
 representation of data in memory is very different. Even if you stored
 just numeric values in field ``a``, the fact that the memory
-representation of a ``Uint8`` differs from a ``Float64`` also means
+representation of a ``UInt8`` differs from a ``Float64`` also means
 that the CPU needs to handle them using two different kinds of
 instructions.  Since the required information is not available in the
 type, such decisions have to be made at run-time. This slows
diff --git a/doc/manual/integers-and-floating-point-numbers.rst b/doc/manual/integers-and-floating-point-numbers.rst
index 0f83bc8d7855a..1d9b58d0b8a29 100644
--- a/doc/manual/integers-and-floating-point-numbers.rst
+++ b/doc/manual/integers-and-floating-point-numbers.rst
@@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ The following are Julia's primitive numeric types:
 Type         Signed?  Number of bits  Smallest value Largest value
 -----------  -------  --------------  -------------- ------------------
 ``Int8``           ✓       8            -2^7             2^7 - 1
-``Uint8``                  8             0               2^8 - 1
+``UInt8``                  8             0               2^8 - 1
 ``Int16``          ✓       16           -2^15            2^15 - 1
-``Uint16``                 16            0               2^16 - 1
+``UInt16``                 16            0               2^16 - 1
 ``Int32``          ✓       32           -2^31            2^31 - 1
-``Uint32``                 32            0               2^32 - 1
+``UInt32``                 32            0               2^32 - 1
 ``Int64``          ✓       64           -2^63            2^63 - 1
-``Uint64``                 64            0               2^64 - 1
+``UInt64``                 64            0               2^64 - 1
 ``Int128``         ✓       128           -2^127          2^127 - 1
-``Uint128``                128           0               2^128 - 1
+``UInt128``                128           0               2^128 - 1
 ``Bool``         N/A       8           ``false`` (0)  ``true`` (1)
 ===========  =======  ==============  ============== ==================
@@ -96,21 +96,21 @@ is 32-bit or 64-bit.::
     julia> WORD_SIZE
-Julia also defines the types ``Int`` and ``Uint``, which are aliases for the
+Julia also defines the types ``Int`` and ``UInt``, which are aliases for the
 system's signed and unsigned native integer types respectively.::
     # 32-bit system:
     julia> Int
-    julia> Uint
-    Uint32
+    julia> UInt
+    UInt32
     # 64-bit system:
     julia> Int
-    julia> Uint
-    Uint64
+    julia> UInt
+    UInt64
 Larger integer literals that cannot be represented using only 32 bits
 but can be represented in 64 bits always create 64-bit integers,
@@ -130,25 +130,25 @@ The size of the unsigned value is determined by the number of hex digits used:
     julia> typeof(ans)
-    Uint8
+    UInt8
     julia> 0x123
     julia> typeof(ans)
-    Uint16
+    UInt16
     julia> 0x1234567
     julia> typeof(ans)
-    Uint32
+    UInt32
     julia> 0x123456789abcdef
     julia> typeof(ans)
-    Uint64
+    UInt64
 This behavior is based on the observation that when one uses unsigned
 hex literals for integer values, one typically is using them to
@@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ Binary and octal literals are also supported:
     julia> typeof(ans)
-    Uint8
+    UInt8
     julia> 0o10
     julia> typeof(ans)
-    Uint8
+    UInt8
 The minimum and maximum representable values of primitive numeric types
 such as integers are given by the ``typemin`` and ``typemax`` functions:
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ such as integers are given by the ``typemin`` and ``typemax`` functions:
     julia> (typemin(Int32), typemax(Int32))
-    julia> for T in [Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64,Int128,Uint8,Uint16,Uint32,Uint64,Uint128]
+    julia> for T in [Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64,Int128,UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64,UInt128]
              println("$(lpad(T,7)): [$(typemin(T)),$(typemax(T))]")
        Int8: [-128,127]
@@ -191,11 +191,11 @@ such as integers are given by the ``typemin`` and ``typemax`` functions:
       Int32: [-2147483648,2147483647]
       Int64: [-9223372036854775808,9223372036854775807]
      Int128: [-170141183460469231731687303715884105728,170141183460469231731687303715884105727]
-      Uint8: [0,255]
-     Uint16: [0,65535]
-     Uint32: [0,4294967295]
-     Uint64: [0,18446744073709551615]
-    Uint128: [0,340282366920938463463374607431768211455]
+      UInt8: [0,255]
+     UInt16: [0,65535]
+     UInt32: [0,4294967295]
+     UInt64: [0,18446744073709551615]
+    UInt128: [0,340282366920938463463374607431768211455]
 The values returned by ``typemin`` and ``typemax`` are always of the
 given argument type. (The above expression uses several features we have
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ in :ref:`man-arbitrary-precision-arithmetic` is recommended instead.
 To minimize the practical impact of this overflow, integer addition,
 subtraction, multiplication, and exponentiation operands are promoted
-to ``Int`` or ``Uint`` from narrower integer types.  (However,
+to ``Int`` or ``UInt`` from narrower integer types.  (However,
 divisions, remainders, and bitwise operations do not promote narrower
diff --git a/doc/manual/mathematical-operations.rst b/doc/manual/mathematical-operations.rst
index 3b6c307b1fb75..57b77a5c11cc9 100644
--- a/doc/manual/mathematical-operations.rst
+++ b/doc/manual/mathematical-operations.rst
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ are::
    .. doctest::
       julia> x = 0x01; typeof(x)
-      Uint8
+      UInt8
       julia> x *= 2 #Same as x = x * 2
diff --git a/doc/manual/methods.rst b/doc/manual/methods.rst
index 6514c649d70cb..9431f84c67e12 100644
--- a/doc/manual/methods.rst
+++ b/doc/manual/methods.rst
@@ -227,11 +227,11 @@ Julia language. Core operations typically have dozens of methods::
     +(A::Union(DenseArray{Bool,N},SubArray{Bool,N,A<:DenseArray{T,N},I<:(Union(Range{Int64},Int64)...,)}),B::Union(DenseArray{Bool,N},SubArray{Bool,N,A<:DenseArray{T,N},I<:(Union(Range{Int64},Int64)...,)})) at array.jl:797
     +{S,T}(A::Union(SubArray{S,N,A<:DenseArray{T,N},I<:(Union(Range{Int64},Int64)...,)},DenseArray{S,N}),B::Union(SubArray{T,N,A<:DenseArray{T,N},I<:(Union(Range{Int64},Int64)...,)},DenseArray{T,N})) at array.jl:719
     +{T<:Union(Int16,Int32,Int8)}(x::T<:Union(Int16,Int32,Int8),y::T<:Union(Int16,Int32,Int8)) at int.jl:16
-    +{T<:Union(Uint32,Uint16,Uint8)}(x::T<:Union(Uint32,Uint16,Uint8),y::T<:Union(Uint32,Uint16,Uint8)) at int.jl:20
+    +{T<:Union(UInt32,UInt16,UInt8)}(x::T<:Union(UInt32,UInt16,UInt8),y::T<:Union(UInt32,UInt16,UInt8)) at int.jl:20
     +(x::Int64,y::Int64) at int.jl:33
-    +(x::Uint64,y::Uint64) at int.jl:34
+    +(x::UInt64,y::UInt64) at int.jl:34
     +(x::Int128,y::Int128) at int.jl:35
-    +(x::Uint128,y::Uint128) at int.jl:36
+    +(x::UInt128,y::UInt128) at int.jl:36
     +(x::Float32,y::Float32) at float.jl:119
     +(x::Float64,y::Float64) at float.jl:120
     +(z::Complex{T<:Real},w::Complex{T<:Real}) at complex.jl:110
@@ -246,16 +246,16 @@ Julia language. Core operations typically have dozens of methods::
     +(a::BigInt,b::BigInt,c::BigInt) at gmp.jl:217
     +(a::BigInt,b::BigInt,c::BigInt,d::BigInt) at gmp.jl:223
     +(a::BigInt,b::BigInt,c::BigInt,d::BigInt,e::BigInt) at gmp.jl:230
-    +(x::BigInt,c::Uint64) at gmp.jl:242
-    +(c::Uint64,x::BigInt) at gmp.jl:246
-    +(c::Union(Uint32,Uint16,Uint8,Uint64),x::BigInt) at gmp.jl:247
-    +(x::BigInt,c::Union(Uint32,Uint16,Uint8,Uint64)) at gmp.jl:248
+    +(x::BigInt,c::UInt64) at gmp.jl:242
+    +(c::UInt64,x::BigInt) at gmp.jl:246
+    +(c::Union(UInt32,UInt16,UInt8,UInt64),x::BigInt) at gmp.jl:247
+    +(x::BigInt,c::Union(UInt32,UInt16,UInt8,UInt64)) at gmp.jl:248
     +(x::BigInt,c::Union(Int64,Int16,Int32,Int8)) at gmp.jl:249
     +(c::Union(Int64,Int16,Int32,Int8),x::BigInt) at gmp.jl:250
-    +(x::BigFloat,c::Uint64) at mpfr.jl:147
-    +(c::Uint64,x::BigFloat) at mpfr.jl:151
-    +(c::Union(Uint32,Uint16,Uint8,Uint64),x::BigFloat) at mpfr.jl:152
-    +(x::BigFloat,c::Union(Uint32,Uint16,Uint8,Uint64)) at mpfr.jl:153
+    +(x::BigFloat,c::UInt64) at mpfr.jl:147
+    +(c::UInt64,x::BigFloat) at mpfr.jl:151
+    +(c::Union(UInt32,UInt16,UInt8,UInt64),x::BigFloat) at mpfr.jl:152
+    +(x::BigFloat,c::Union(UInt32,UInt16,UInt8,UInt64)) at mpfr.jl:153
     +(x::BigFloat,c::Int64) at mpfr.jl:157
     +(c::Int64,x::BigFloat) at mpfr.jl:161
     +(x::BigFloat,c::Union(Int64,Int16,Int32,Int8)) at mpfr.jl:162
diff --git a/doc/manual/networking-and-streams.rst b/doc/manual/networking-and-streams.rst
index 434b2137dcd7e..ec3bc5e499fad 100644
--- a/doc/manual/networking-and-streams.rst
+++ b/doc/manual/networking-and-streams.rst
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ Note that I pressed enter again so that Julia would read the newline. Now, as yo
 `write` method takes the data to write as its second argument, while the read method takes the type of the
 data to be read as the second argument. For example, to read a simple byte array, we could do::
-    julia> x = zeros(Uint8,4)
-    4-element Array{Uint8,1}:
+    julia> x = zeros(UInt8,4)
+    4-element Array{UInt8,1}:
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ data to be read as the second argument. For example, to read a simple byte array
     julia> read(STDIN,x)
-    4-element Array{Uint8,1}:
+    4-element Array{UInt8,1}:
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ above as::
     julia> readbytes(STDIN,4)
-    4-element Array{Uint8,1}:
+    4-element Array{UInt8,1}:
diff --git a/doc/manual/strings.rst b/doc/manual/strings.rst
index b7d6c04fca3b3..7439e315df7c7 100644
--- a/doc/manual/strings.rst
+++ b/doc/manual/strings.rst
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ Byte Array Literals
 Another useful non-standard string literal is the byte-array string
 literal: ``b"..."``. This form lets you use string notation to express
-literal byte arrays — i.e. arrays of ``Uint8`` values. The convention is
+literal byte arrays — i.e. arrays of ``UInt8`` values. The convention is
 that non-standard literals with uppercase prefixes produce actual string
 objects, while those with lowercase prefixes produce non-string objects
 like byte arrays or compiled regular expressions. The rules for byte
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ three:
 .. doctest::
     julia> b"DATA\xff\u2200"
-    8-element Array{Uint8,1}:
+    8-element Array{UInt8,1}:
@@ -779,11 +779,11 @@ bytes in UTF-8:
 .. doctest::
     julia> b"\xff"
-    1-element Array{Uint8,1}:
+    1-element Array{UInt8,1}:
     julia> b"\uff"
-    2-element Array{Uint8,1}:
+    2-element Array{UInt8,1}:
diff --git a/doc/manual/style-guide.rst b/doc/manual/style-guide.rst
index 1a678d4babbac..b67f2d45716c7 100644
--- a/doc/manual/style-guide.rst
+++ b/doc/manual/style-guide.rst
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ Don't expose unsafe operations at the interface level
 If you have a type that uses a native pointer::
     type NativeType
-        p::Ptr{Uint8}
+        p::Ptr{UInt8}
diff --git a/doc/manual/types.rst b/doc/manual/types.rst
index 6103c6a0768ec..224894e4cf163 100644
--- a/doc/manual/types.rst
+++ b/doc/manual/types.rst
@@ -163,12 +163,12 @@ type system more than just a collection of object implementations.
 Recall that in :ref:`man-integers-and-floating-point-numbers`, we
 introduced a variety of concrete types of numeric values: ``Int8``,
-``Uint8``, ``Int16``, ``Uint16``, ``Int32``, ``Uint32``, ``Int64``,
-``Uint64``, ``Int128``, ``Uint128``, ``Float16``, ``Float32``, and
+``UInt8``, ``Int16``, ``UInt16``, ``Int32``, ``UInt32``, ``Int64``,
+``UInt64``, ``Int128``, ``UInt128``, ``Float16``, ``Float32``, and
 ``Float64``.  Although they have different representation sizes, ``Int8``,
 ``Int16``, ``Int32``, ``Int64``  and ``Int128`` all have in common that
-they are signed integer types. Likewise ``Uint8``, ``Uint16``, ``Uint32``,
-``Uint64`` and ``Uint128`` are all unsigned integer types, while
+they are signed integer types. Likewise ``UInt8``, ``UInt16``, ``UInt32``,
+``UInt64`` and ``UInt128`` are all unsigned integer types, while
 ``Float16``, ``Float32`` and ``Float64`` are distinct in being
 floating-point types rather than integers. It is common for a piece of code
 to make sense, for example, only if its arguments are some kind of integer,
@@ -287,15 +287,15 @@ the standard bits types are all defined in the language itself::
     bitstype 32 Char
     bitstype 8  Int8     <: Signed
-    bitstype 8  Uint8    <: Unsigned
+    bitstype 8  UInt8    <: Unsigned
     bitstype 16 Int16    <: Signed
-    bitstype 16 Uint16   <: Unsigned
+    bitstype 16 UInt16   <: Unsigned
     bitstype 32 Int32    <: Signed
-    bitstype 32 Uint32   <: Unsigned
+    bitstype 32 UInt32   <: Unsigned
     bitstype 64 Int64    <: Signed
-    bitstype 64 Uint64   <: Unsigned
+    bitstype 64 UInt64   <: Unsigned
     bitstype 128 Int128  <: Signed
-    bitstype 128 Uint128 <: Unsigned
+    bitstype 128 UInt128 <: Unsigned
 The general syntaxes for declaration of a ``bitstype`` are::
@@ -312,18 +312,18 @@ Currently, only sizes that are multiples of 8 bits are supported.
 Therefore, boolean values, although they really need just a single bit,
 cannot be declared to be any smaller than eight bits.
-The types ``Bool``, ``Int8`` and ``Uint8`` all have identical
+The types ``Bool``, ``Int8`` and ``UInt8`` all have identical
 representations: they are eight-bit chunks of memory. Since Julia's type
 system is nominative, however, they are not interchangeable despite
 having identical structure. Another fundamental difference between them
 is that they have different supertypes: ``Bool``'s direct supertype is
-``Integer``, ``Int8``'s is ``Signed``, and ``Uint8``'s is ``Unsigned``.
-All other differences between ``Bool``, ``Int8``, and ``Uint8`` are
+``Integer``, ``Int8``'s is ``Signed``, and ``UInt8``'s is ``Unsigned``.
+All other differences between ``Bool``, ``Int8``, and ``UInt8`` are
 matters of behavior — the way functions are defined to act when given
 objects of these types as arguments. This is why a nominative type
 system is necessary: if structure determined type, which in turn
 dictates behavior, then it would be impossible to make ``Bool`` behave any
-differently than ``Int8`` or ``Uint8``.
+differently than ``Int8`` or ``UInt8``.
 .. _man-composite-types:
@@ -1077,23 +1077,23 @@ Type Aliases
 Sometimes it is convenient to introduce a new name for an already
 expressible type. For such occasions, Julia provides the ``typealias``
-mechanism. For example, ``Uint`` is type aliased to either ``Uint32`` or
-``Uint64`` as is appropriate for the size of pointers on the system::
+mechanism. For example, ``UInt`` is type aliased to either ``UInt32`` or
+``UInt64`` as is appropriate for the size of pointers on the system::
     # 32-bit system:
-    julia> Uint
-    Uint32
+    julia> UInt
+    UInt32
     # 64-bit system:
-    julia> Uint
-    Uint64
+    julia> UInt
+    UInt64
 This is accomplished via the following code in ``base/boot.jl``::
     if is(Int,Int64)
-        typealias Uint Uint64
+        typealias UInt UInt64
-        typealias Uint Uint32
+        typealias UInt UInt32
 Of course, this depends on what ``Int`` is aliased to — but that is
diff --git a/doc/stdlib/base.rst b/doc/stdlib/base.rst
index 455a21633a0ae..c9d901b53ce3f 100644
--- a/doc/stdlib/base.rst
+++ b/doc/stdlib/base.rst
@@ -382,13 +382,13 @@ Types
       julia> structinfo(StatStruct)
       12-element Array{(Int64,Symbol,DataType),1}:
-       (0,:device,Uint64) 
-       (8,:inode,Uint64)  
-       (16,:mode,Uint64)  
+       (0,:device,UInt64) 
+       (8,:inode,UInt64)  
+       (16,:mode,UInt64)  
-       (32,:uid,Uint64)   
-       (40,:gid,Uint64)   
-       (48,:rdev,Uint64)  
+       (32,:uid,UInt64)   
+       (40,:gid,UInt64)   
+       (48,:rdev,UInt64)  
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ Types
 .. function:: isbits(T)
-   True if ``T`` is a "plain data" type, meaning it is immutable and contains no references to other values. Typical examples are numeric types such as ``Uint8``, ``Float64``, and ``Complex{Float64}``.
+   True if ``T`` is a "plain data" type, meaning it is immutable and contains no references to other values. Typical examples are numeric types such as ``UInt8``, ``Float64``, and ``Complex{Float64}``.
    .. doctest::
@@ -1268,7 +1268,7 @@ Strings
    Create a string from any value using the ``showall`` function.
-.. function:: bytestring(::Ptr{Uint8}, [length])
+.. function:: bytestring(::Ptr{UInt8}, [length])
    Create a string from the address of a C (0-terminated) string encoded in ASCII or UTF-8. A copy is made; the ptr can be safely freed. If ``length`` is specified, the string does not have to be 0-terminated.
@@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ Strings
    Convert a string to a contiguous byte array representation appropriate for passing it to C functions. The string will be encoded as either ASCII or UTF-8.
-.. function:: ascii(::Array{Uint8,1})
+.. function:: ascii(::Array{UInt8,1})
    Create an ASCII string from a byte array.
@@ -1284,7 +1284,7 @@ Strings
    Convert a string to a contiguous ASCII string (all characters must be valid ASCII characters).
-.. function:: utf8(::Array{Uint8,1})
+.. function:: utf8(::Array{UInt8,1})
    Create a UTF-8 string from a byte array.
@@ -1567,7 +1567,7 @@ Strings
 .. function:: utf16(s)
-   Create a UTF-16 string from a byte array, array of ``Uint16``, or
+   Create a UTF-16 string from a byte array, array of ``UInt16``, or
    any other string type.  (Data must be valid UTF-16.  Conversions of
    byte arrays check for a byte-order marker in the first two bytes,
    and do not include it in the resulting string.)
@@ -1577,23 +1577,23 @@ Strings
    string (so that it is mostly invisible in Julia); this allows the
    string to be passed directly to external functions requiring
    NUL-terminated data.  This NUL is appended automatically by the
-   `utf16(s)` conversion function.  If you have a ``Uint16`` array
+   `utf16(s)` conversion function.  If you have a ``UInt16`` array
    ``A`` that is already NUL-terminated valid UTF-16 data, then you
    can instead use `UTF16String(A)`` to construct the string without
    making a copy of the data and treating the NUL as a terminator
    rather than as part of the string.
-.. function:: utf16(::Union(Ptr{Uint16},Ptr{Int16}) [, length])
+.. function:: utf16(::Union(Ptr{UInt16},Ptr{Int16}) [, length])
    Create a string from the address of a NUL-terminated UTF-16 string. A copy is made; the pointer can be safely freed. If ``length`` is specified, the string does not have to be NUL-terminated.
 .. function:: is_valid_utf16(s) -> Bool
-   Returns true if the argument (``UTF16String`` or ``Uint16`` array) is valid UTF-16.
+   Returns true if the argument (``UTF16String`` or ``UInt16`` array) is valid UTF-16.
 .. function:: utf32(s)
-   Create a UTF-32 string from a byte array, array of ``Uint32``, or
+   Create a UTF-32 string from a byte array, array of ``UInt32``, or
    any other string type.  (Conversions of byte arrays check for a
    byte-order marker in the first four bytes, and do not include it in
    the resulting string.)
@@ -1603,13 +1603,13 @@ Strings
    string (so that it is mostly invisible in Julia); this allows the
    string to be passed directly to external functions requiring
    NUL-terminated data.  This NUL is appended automatically by the
-   `utf32(s)` conversion function.  If you have a ``Uint32`` array
+   `utf32(s)` conversion function.  If you have a ``UInt32`` array
    ``A`` that is already NUL-terminated UTF-32 data, then you
    can instead use `UTF32String(A)`` to construct the string without
    making a copy of the data and treating the NUL as a terminator
    rather than as part of the string.
-.. function:: utf32(::Union(Ptr{Char},Ptr{Uint32},Ptr{Int32}) [, length])
+.. function:: utf32(::Union(Ptr{Char},Ptr{UInt32},Ptr{Int32}) [, length])
    Create a string from the address of a NUL-terminated UTF-32 string. A copy is made; the pointer can be safely freed. If ``length`` is specified, the string does not have to be NUL-terminated.
@@ -1718,7 +1718,7 @@ I/O
    Read binary data from a stream, filling in the argument ``array``.
-.. function:: readbytes!(stream, b::Vector{Uint8}, nb=length(b))
+.. function:: readbytes!(stream, b::Vector{UInt8}, nb=length(b))
    Read at most ``nb`` bytes from the stream into ``b``, returning the
    number of bytes read (increasing the size of ``b`` as needed).
@@ -1726,7 +1726,7 @@ I/O
 .. function:: readbytes(stream, nb=typemax(Int))
    Read at most ``nb`` bytes from the stream, returning a
-   ``Vector{Uint8}`` of the bytes read.
+   ``Vector{UInt8}`` of the bytes read.
 .. function:: position(s)
@@ -1899,7 +1899,7 @@ I/O
    An IOBuffer that allows reading and performs writes by appending. Seeking and truncating are not supported. See IOBuffer for the available constructors. 
-.. function:: PipeBuffer(data::Vector{Uint8},[maxsize])
+.. function:: PipeBuffer(data::Vector{UInt8},[maxsize])
    Create a PipeBuffer to operate on a data vector, optionally specifying a size beyond which the underlying Array may not be grown.
@@ -2038,7 +2038,7 @@ Network I/O
    Accepts a connection on the given server and returns a connection to the client. An uninitialized client 
    stream may be provided, in which case it will be used instead of creating a new stream.
-.. function:: listenany(port_hint) -> (Uint16,TcpServer)
+.. function:: listenany(port_hint) -> (UInt16,TcpServer)
    Create a TcpServer on any port, using hint as a starting point. Returns a tuple of the actual port that the server
    was created on and the server itself. 
@@ -2268,7 +2268,7 @@ Julia environments (such as the IPython-based IJulia notebook).
    is not supported by either the display(s) or by ``x``.   With these
    variants, one can also supply the "raw" data in the requested MIME
    type by passing ``x::AbstractString`` (for MIME types with text-based storage,
-   such as text/html or application/postscript) or ``x::Vector{Uint8}``
+   such as text/html or application/postscript) or ``x::Vector{UInt8}``
    (for binary MIME types).
 .. function:: redisplay(x)
@@ -2325,17 +2325,17 @@ Julia environments (such as the IPython-based IJulia notebook).
 .. function:: reprmime(mime, x)
-   Returns a ``AbstractString`` or ``Vector{Uint8}`` containing the
+   Returns a ``AbstractString`` or ``Vector{UInt8}`` containing the
    representation of ``x`` in the requested ``mime`` type, as written
    by ``writemime`` (throwing a ``MethodError`` if no appropriate
    ``writemime`` is available).  A ``AbstractString`` is returned for MIME
    types with textual representations (such as ``"text/html"`` or
    ``"application/postscript"``), whereas binary data is returned as
-   ``Vector{Uint8}``.  (The function ``istext(mime)`` returns whether
+   ``Vector{UInt8}``.  (The function ``istext(mime)`` returns whether
    or not Julia treats a given ``mime`` type as text.)
    As a special case, if ``x`` is a ``AbstractString`` (for textual MIME types)
-   or a ``Vector{Uint8}`` (for binary MIME types), the ``reprmime`` function
+   or a ``Vector{UInt8}`` (for binary MIME types), the ``reprmime`` function
    assumes that ``x`` is already in the requested ``mime`` format and
    simply returns ``x``.
@@ -2474,7 +2474,7 @@ Memory-mapped I/O
 Standard Numeric Types
-``Bool`` ``Int8`` ``Uint8`` ``Int16`` ``Uint16`` ``Int32`` ``Uint32`` ``Int64`` ``Uint64`` ``Int128`` ``Uint128`` ``Float16`` ``Float32`` ``Float64`` ``Complex64`` ``Complex128``
+``Bool`` ``Int8`` ``UInt8`` ``Int16`` ``UInt16`` ``Int32`` ``UInt32`` ``Int64`` ``UInt64`` ``Int128`` ``UInt128`` ``Float16`` ``Float32`` ``Float64`` ``Complex64`` ``Complex128``
 .. _mathematical-operators:
@@ -3526,7 +3526,7 @@ Data Formats
 .. function:: base(base, n, [pad])
-   Convert an integer to a string in the given base, optionally specifying a number of digits to pad to. The base can be specified as either an integer, or as a ``Uint8`` array of character values to use as digit symbols.
+   Convert an integer to a string in the given base, optionally specifying a number of digits to pad to. The base can be specified as either an integer, or as a ``UInt8`` array of character values to use as digit symbols.
 .. function:: digits(n, [base], [pad])
@@ -3602,23 +3602,23 @@ Data Formats
 .. function:: uint8(x)
-   Convert a number or array to ``Uint8`` data type
+   Convert a number or array to ``UInt8`` data type
 .. function:: uint16(x)
-   Convert a number or array to ``Uint16`` data type
+   Convert a number or array to ``UInt16`` data type
 .. function:: uint32(x)
-   Convert a number or array to ``Uint32`` data type
+   Convert a number or array to ``UInt32`` data type
 .. function:: uint64(x)
-   Convert a number or array to ``Uint64`` data type
+   Convert a number or array to ``UInt64`` data type
 .. function:: uint128(x)
-   Convert a number or array to ``Uint128`` data type
+   Convert a number or array to ``UInt128`` data type
 .. function:: float16(x)
@@ -3692,9 +3692,9 @@ Data Formats
 .. function:: hex2bytes(s::ASCIIString)
-   Convert an arbitrarily long hexadecimal string to its binary representation. Returns an Array{Uint8, 1}, i.e. an array of bytes.
+   Convert an arbitrarily long hexadecimal string to its binary representation. Returns an Array{UInt8, 1}, i.e. an array of bytes.
-.. function:: bytes2hex(bin_arr::Array{Uint8, 1})
+.. function:: bytes2hex(bin_arr::Array{UInt8, 1})
    Convert an array of bytes to its hexadecimal representation. All characters are in lower-case. Returns an ASCIIString.
@@ -3993,11 +3993,11 @@ Random number generation in Julia uses the `Mersenne Twister library <http://www
 Most functions related to random generation accept an optional ``AbstractRNG`` as the first argument, ``rng`` , which defaults to the global one if not provided. Morever, some of them accept optionally dimension specifications ``dims...`` (which can be given as a tuple) to generate arrays of random values.
-A ``MersenneTwister`` RNG can generate random numbers of the following types: ``Float16, Float32, Float64, Bool, Int16, Uint16, Int32, Uint32, Int64, Uint64, Int128, Uint128`` (or complex numbers or arrays of those types). Random floating point numbers are generated uniformly in [0,1).
+A ``MersenneTwister`` RNG can generate random numbers of the following types: ``Float16, Float32, Float64, Bool, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Int128, UInt128`` (or complex numbers or arrays of those types). Random floating point numbers are generated uniformly in [0,1).
 .. function:: srand([rng], [seed])
-   Reseed the random number generator. If a ``seed`` is provided, the RNG will give a reproducible sequence of numbers, otherwise Julia will get entropy from the system. The ``seed`` may be a non-negative integer, a vector of ``Uint32`` integers or a filename, in which case the seed is read from a file.
+   Reseed the random number generator. If a ``seed`` is provided, the RNG will give a reproducible sequence of numbers, otherwise Julia will get entropy from the system. The ``seed`` may be a non-negative integer, a vector of ``UInt32`` integers or a filename, in which case the seed is read from a file.
 .. function:: MersenneTwister([seed])
@@ -5806,7 +5806,7 @@ C Interface
 .. data:: Cuchar
-   Equivalent to the native ``unsigned char`` c-type (Uint8)
+   Equivalent to the native ``unsigned char`` c-type (UInt8)
 .. data:: Cshort
@@ -5814,7 +5814,7 @@ C Interface
 .. data:: Cushort
-   Equivalent to the native ``unsigned short`` c-type (Uint16)
+   Equivalent to the native ``unsigned short`` c-type (UInt16)
 .. data:: Cint
@@ -5822,7 +5822,7 @@ C Interface
 .. data:: Cuint
-   Equivalent to the native ``unsigned int`` c-type (Uint32)
+   Equivalent to the native ``unsigned int`` c-type (UInt32)
 .. data:: Clong
@@ -5838,7 +5838,7 @@ C Interface
 .. data:: Culonglong
-   Equivalent to the native ``unsigned long long`` c-type (Uint64)
+   Equivalent to the native ``unsigned long long`` c-type (UInt64)
 .. data:: Cintmax_t
@@ -5846,11 +5846,11 @@ C Interface
 .. data:: Cuintmax_t
-   Equivalent to the native ``uintmax_t`` c-type (Uint64)
+   Equivalent to the native ``uintmax_t`` c-type (UInt64)
 .. data:: Csize_t
-   Equivalent to the native ``size_t`` c-type (Uint)
+   Equivalent to the native ``size_t`` c-type (UInt)
 .. data:: Cssize_t
diff --git a/examples/lru.jl b/examples/lru.jl
index 51007519c6098..3b9ba572fdc55 100644
--- a/examples/lru.jl
+++ b/examples/lru.jl
@@ -126,4 +126,4 @@ function delete!(lru::LRU, key)
     delete!(lru.q, idx)
-end # module
\ No newline at end of file
+end # module
diff --git a/examples/lru_test.jl b/examples/lru_test.jl
index 87bc59bd65f4a..7d542d72e3a77 100644
--- a/examples/lru_test.jl
+++ b/examples/lru_test.jl
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ using LRUExample
 TestLRU = LRUExample.UnboundedLRU{ASCIIString, ASCIIString}()
 TestBLRU = LRUExample.BoundedLRU{ASCIIString, ASCIIString}(1000)
-get_str(i) = ascii(vcat(map(x->[x>>4; x&0x0F], reinterpret(Uint8, [int32(i)]))...))
+get_str(i) = ascii(vcat(map(x->[x>>4; x&0x0F], reinterpret(UInt8, [int32(i)]))...))
 isbounded{L<:LRUExample.LRU}(::Type{L}) = any(map(n->n==:maxsize, L.names))
 isbounded{L<:LRUExample.LRU}(l::L) = isbounded(L)
diff --git a/examples/plife.jl b/examples/plife.jl
index 59f1df89a5168..cec55249da65d 100644
--- a/examples/plife.jl
+++ b/examples/plife.jl
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ function plife(m, n)
     last = time(); f = 1
     while !done
         @async begin
-            img = convert(Array{Uint32,2},grid) .* 0x00ffffff
+            img = convert(Array{UInt32,2},grid) .* 0x00ffffff
             set_source_surface(cr, CairoRGBSurface(img), 0, 0)
diff --git a/examples/typetree.jl b/examples/typetree.jl
index ae5443945867a..a2d5e7fc531b1 100644
--- a/examples/typetree.jl
+++ b/examples/typetree.jl
@@ -119,4 +119,4 @@ end
 # print_tree(types_tree)
-end # module
\ No newline at end of file
+end # module
diff --git a/src/file_constants.h b/src/file_constants.h
index 97de44d9e3bf4..db1c43cb77515 100644
--- a/src/file_constants.h
+++ b/src/file_constants.h
@@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ const JL_O_RANDOM       = O_RANDOM
 #ifdef O_NOCTTY
 const JL_O_NOCTTY       = O_NOCTTY
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/init.c b/src/init.c
index 44e0cdd58e0bf..852dc878a4750 100644
--- a/src/init.c
+++ b/src/init.c
@@ -1080,11 +1080,11 @@ void jl_get_builtin_hooks(void)
     jl_char_type    = (jl_datatype_t*)core("Char");
     jl_int8_type    = (jl_datatype_t*)core("Int8");
-    jl_uint8_type   = (jl_datatype_t*)core("Uint8");
+    jl_uint8_type   = (jl_datatype_t*)core("UInt8");
     jl_int16_type   = (jl_datatype_t*)core("Int16");
-    jl_uint16_type  = (jl_datatype_t*)core("Uint16");
-    jl_uint32_type  = (jl_datatype_t*)core("Uint32");
-    jl_uint64_type  = (jl_datatype_t*)core("Uint64");
+    jl_uint16_type  = (jl_datatype_t*)core("UInt16");
+    jl_uint32_type  = (jl_datatype_t*)core("UInt32");
+    jl_uint64_type  = (jl_datatype_t*)core("UInt64");
     jl_float32_type = (jl_datatype_t*)core("Float32");
     jl_float64_type = (jl_datatype_t*)core("Float64");
diff --git a/src/julia-parser.scm b/src/julia-parser.scm
index ff99e686d3386..88b472015f16a 100644
--- a/src/julia-parser.scm
+++ b/src/julia-parser.scm
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
 		   (string.sub s 1)
 	       r is-float32-literal)))
-      ;; n is #f for integers > typemax(Uint64)
+      ;; n is #f for integers > typemax(UInt64)
       (cond (is-hex-float-literal (double n))
 	    ((eq? pred char-hex?) (fix-uint-neg neg (sized-uint-literal n s 4)))
 	    ((eq? pred char-oct?) (fix-uint-neg neg (sized-uint-oct-literal n s)))
diff --git a/test/arrayops.jl b/test/arrayops.jl
index 7aede5b07b403..143f7688655e0 100644
--- a/test/arrayops.jl
+++ b/test/arrayops.jl
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ b = [4, 6, 2, -7, 1]
 ind = findin(a, b)
 @test ind == [3,4]
-rt = Base.return_types(setindex!, (Array{Int32, 3}, Uint8, Vector{Int}, Float64, Range1{Int}))
+rt = Base.return_types(setindex!, (Array{Int32, 3}, UInt8, Vector{Int}, Float64, Range1{Int}))
 @test length(rt) == 1 && rt[1] == Array{Int32, 3}
 # sub
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ D = cat(3, B, B)
 immutable HashCollision
-Base.hash(::HashCollision, h::Uint) = h
+Base.hash(::HashCollision, h::UInt) = h
 @test map(x->x.x, unique(map(HashCollision, B), 1)) == C
 ## large matrices transpose ##
@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ fill!(S, 2)
 S = sub(A, 1:2, 3)
 fill!(S, 3)
 @test A == [1 1 3; 2 2 3; 1 1 1]
-rt = Base.return_types(fill!, (Array{Int32, 3}, Uint8))
+rt = Base.return_types(fill!, (Array{Int32, 3}, UInt8))
 @test length(rt) == 1 && rt[1] == Array{Int32, 3}
 # splice!
diff --git a/test/bigint.jl b/test/bigint.jl
index 5dc4965324b47..8463edf174199 100644
--- a/test/bigint.jl
+++ b/test/bigint.jl
@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ end
 @test typeof(BigInt(typemax(Int128))) == BigInt
 @test typeof(BigInt(true)) == BigInt
-@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(Uint8))) == BigInt
-@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(Uint16))) == BigInt
-@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(Uint32))) == BigInt
-@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(Uint64))) == BigInt
-@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(Uint128))) == BigInt
+@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(UInt8))) == BigInt
+@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(UInt16))) == BigInt
+@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(UInt32))) == BigInt
+@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(UInt64))) == BigInt
+@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(UInt128))) == BigInt
 @test typeof(BigInt(BigInt(1))) == BigInt
diff --git a/test/bitarray.jl b/test/bitarray.jl
index b30433cb0aaeb..354ef70d278d1 100644
--- a/test/bitarray.jl
+++ b/test/bitarray.jl
@@ -644,16 +644,16 @@ cf1 = complex(f1)
 @check_bit_operation (.-)(i1, b2)  Matrix{Int}
 @check_bit_operation (.*)(i1, b2) Matrix{Int}
-@check_bit_operation (&)(u1, b2)  Matrix{Uint8}
-@check_bit_operation (|)(u1, b2)  Matrix{Uint8}
-@check_bit_operation ($)(u1, b2)  Matrix{Uint8}
-@check_bit_operation (.+)(u1, b2)  Matrix{Uint8}
-@check_bit_operation (.-)(u1, b2)  Matrix{Uint8}
-@check_bit_operation (.*)(u1, b2) Matrix{Uint8}
+@check_bit_operation (&)(u1, b2)  Matrix{UInt8}
+@check_bit_operation (|)(u1, b2)  Matrix{UInt8}
+@check_bit_operation ($)(u1, b2)  Matrix{UInt8}
+@check_bit_operation (.+)(u1, b2)  Matrix{UInt8}
+@check_bit_operation (.-)(u1, b2)  Matrix{UInt8}
+@check_bit_operation (.*)(u1, b2) Matrix{UInt8}
 for (x1,t1) = [(f1, Float64),
               (ci1, Complex{Int}),
-              (cu1, Complex{Uint8}),
+              (cu1, Complex{UInt8}),
               (cf1, Complex128)]
     @check_bit_operation (.+)(x1, b2)  Matrix{t1}
     @check_bit_operation (.-)(x1, b2)  Matrix{t1}
@@ -673,8 +673,8 @@ b2 = trues(n1, n2)
 @check_bit_operation mod(i1, b2)  Matrix{Int}
 @check_bit_operation (./)(u1, b2) Matrix{Float64}
-@check_bit_operation div(u1, b2)  Matrix{Uint8}
-@check_bit_operation mod(u1, b2)  Matrix{Uint8}
+@check_bit_operation div(u1, b2)  Matrix{UInt8}
+@check_bit_operation mod(u1, b2)  Matrix{UInt8}
 @check_bit_operation (./)(f1, b2) Matrix{Float64}
 @check_bit_operation div(f1, b2)  Matrix{Float64}
@@ -687,8 +687,8 @@ b2 = trues(n1, n2)
 b2 = randbool(n1, n2)
 @check_bit_operation (.^)(false, b2) BitMatrix
 @check_bit_operation (.^)(true, b2)  BitMatrix
-@check_bit_operation (.^)(0x0, b2)   Matrix{Uint8}
-@check_bit_operation (.^)(0x1, b2)   Matrix{Uint8}
+@check_bit_operation (.^)(0x0, b2)   Matrix{UInt8}
+@check_bit_operation (.^)(0x1, b2)   Matrix{UInt8}
 @check_bit_operation (.^)(-1, b2)    Matrix{Int}
 @check_bit_operation (.^)(0, b2)     Matrix{Int}
 @check_bit_operation (.^)(1, b2)     Matrix{Int}
@@ -698,8 +698,8 @@ b2 = randbool(n1, n2)
 @check_bit_operation (.^)(1.0im, b2) Matrix{Complex128}
 @check_bit_operation (.^)(0im, b2)   Matrix{Complex{Int}}
 @check_bit_operation (.^)(1im, b2)   Matrix{Complex{Int}}
-@check_bit_operation (.^)(0x0im, b2) Matrix{Complex{Uint8}}
-@check_bit_operation (.^)(0x1im, b2) Matrix{Complex{Uint8}}
+@check_bit_operation (.^)(0x0im, b2) Matrix{Complex{UInt8}}
+@check_bit_operation (.^)(0x1im, b2) Matrix{Complex{UInt8}}
 # Matrix/Number
 b1 = randbool(n1, n2)
@@ -737,15 +737,15 @@ cf2 = complex(f2)
 @check_bit_operation div(b1, i2)  Matrix{Int}
 @check_bit_operation mod(b1, i2)  Matrix{Int}
-@check_bit_operation (&)(b1, u2)  Matrix{Uint8}
-@check_bit_operation (|)(b1, u2)  Matrix{Uint8}
-@check_bit_operation ($)(b1, u2)  Matrix{Uint8}
-@check_bit_operation (.+)(b1, u2)  Matrix{Uint8}
-@check_bit_operation (.-)(b1, u2)  Matrix{Uint8}
-@check_bit_operation (.*)(b1, u2) Matrix{Uint8}
+@check_bit_operation (&)(b1, u2)  Matrix{UInt8}
+@check_bit_operation (|)(b1, u2)  Matrix{UInt8}
+@check_bit_operation ($)(b1, u2)  Matrix{UInt8}
+@check_bit_operation (.+)(b1, u2)  Matrix{UInt8}
+@check_bit_operation (.-)(b1, u2)  Matrix{UInt8}
+@check_bit_operation (.*)(b1, u2) Matrix{UInt8}
 @check_bit_operation (./)(b1, u2) Matrix{Float64}
-@check_bit_operation div(b1, u2)  Matrix{Uint8}
-@check_bit_operation mod(b1, u2)  Matrix{Uint8}
+@check_bit_operation div(b1, u2)  Matrix{UInt8}
+@check_bit_operation mod(b1, u2)  Matrix{UInt8}
 @check_bit_operation (.+)(b1, f2)  Matrix{Float64}
 @check_bit_operation (.-)(b1, f2)  Matrix{Float64}
@@ -759,9 +759,9 @@ cf2 = complex(f2)
 @check_bit_operation (.*)(b1, ci2) Matrix{Complex{Int}}
 @check_bit_operation (./)(b1, ci2) Matrix{Complex128}
-@check_bit_operation (.+)(b1, cu2)  Matrix{Complex{Uint8}}
-@check_bit_operation (.-)(b1, cu2)  Matrix{Complex{Uint8}}
-@check_bit_operation (.*)(b1, cu2) Matrix{Complex{Uint8}}
+@check_bit_operation (.+)(b1, cu2)  Matrix{Complex{UInt8}}
+@check_bit_operation (.-)(b1, cu2)  Matrix{Complex{UInt8}}
+@check_bit_operation (.*)(b1, cu2) Matrix{Complex{UInt8}}
 @check_bit_operation (./)(b1, cu2) Matrix{Complex128}
 @check_bit_operation (.+)(b1, cf2)  Matrix{Complex128}
diff --git a/test/ccall.jl b/test/ccall.jl
index 54c519cf7b716..25221003e0dcc 100644
--- a/test/ccall.jl
+++ b/test/ccall.jl
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-ccall_test_func(x) = ccall((:testUcharX, "./libccalltest"), Int32, (Uint8,), x)
+ccall_test_func(x) = ccall((:testUcharX, "./libccalltest"), Int32, (UInt8,), x)
 @test ccall_test_func(3) == 1
 @test ccall_test_func(259) == 1
diff --git a/test/collections.jl b/test/collections.jl
index 0b58601b23333..d4aef5b114cf5 100644
--- a/test/collections.jl
+++ b/test/collections.jl
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ type I1438T
 import Base.hash
-hash(x::I1438T, h::Uint) = hash(x.id, h)
+hash(x::I1438T, h::UInt) = hash(x.id, h)
     local seq, xs, s
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ s = IntSet(0,1,10,20,200,300,1000,10000,10002)
 @test_throws ErrorException first(IntSet())
 @test_throws ErrorException last(IntSet())
 t = copy(s)
-sizehint(t, 20000) #check that hash does not depend on size of internal Array{Uint32, 1}
+sizehint(t, 20000) #check that hash does not depend on size of internal Array{UInt32, 1}
 @test hash(s) == hash(t)
 @test hash(complement(s)) == hash(complement(t))
diff --git a/test/core.jl b/test/core.jl
index d7f2d27279592..1511138f2cee2 100644
--- a/test/core.jl
+++ b/test/core.jl
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ const Bottom = Union()
 @test !(Type{Rational{Int}} <: Type{Rational})
 let T = TypeVar(:T,true)
     @test !is(Bottom, typeintersect(Array{Bottom},AbstractArray{T}))
-    @test  is(Bottom, typeintersect((Type{Ptr{Uint8}},Ptr{Bottom}),
+    @test  is(Bottom, typeintersect((Type{Ptr{UInt8}},Ptr{Bottom}),
     @test !(Type{T} <: TypeVar)
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ end
 @test Base.typeseq(typejoin((Int8,Int...),(Int8,Int8...)),
-@test Base.typeseq(typejoin((Int8,Uint8,Int...),(Int8,Int8...)),
+@test Base.typeseq(typejoin((Int8,UInt8,Int...),(Int8,Int8...)),
 @test Base.typeseq(typejoin(Union(Int,AbstractString),Int), Union(Int,AbstractString))
 @test Base.typeseq(typejoin(Union(Int,AbstractString),Int8), Any)
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ f4526(x) = isa(x.a, Void)
 # issue #4528
 function f4528(A, B)
     if A
-        reinterpret(Uint64, B)
+        reinterpret(UInt64, B)
 @test f4528(false, int32(12)) === nothing
@@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ type Z4681
     Z4681() = new(C_NULL)
 Base.convert(::Type{Ptr{Z4681}},b::Z4681) = b.x
-@test_throws TypeError ccall(:printf,Int,(Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Z4681}),"",Z4681())
+@test_throws TypeError ccall(:printf,Int,(Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{Z4681}),"",Z4681())
 # issue #4479
 f4479(::Real,c) = 1
@@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ end
 function read_file5374(fileobj)
     read(fileobj.io, Float32)
-@test isa(read_file5374(FileObj5374(IOBuffer(Uint8[0,0,0,0]))), Float32)
+@test isa(read_file5374(FileObj5374(IOBuffer(UInt8[0,0,0,0]))), Float32)
 # issue #5457
 function f5457(obj_ptr::Ptr{Float64}, f)
@@ -1658,7 +1658,7 @@ end
 # issue #6634
 function crc6634(spec)
-    A = Uint
+    A = UInt
     remainder::A = 1
     function handler(append)
         remainder = append ? 1 : 2
@@ -1783,7 +1783,7 @@ f7062{t,n}(::Type{Array{t,n}}, ::Array{t,n}) = (t,n,2)
 # issue #7302
 function test7302()
-    t = [Uint64][1]
+    t = [UInt64][1]
     convert(t, "5")
 @test_throws MethodError test7302()
@@ -1843,11 +1843,11 @@ bar7810() = [Foo7810([(a,b) for a in 1:2]) for b in 3:4]
 # issue 7897
 function issue7897!(data, arr)
-    data = reinterpret(Uint32, data)
+    data = reinterpret(UInt32, data)
     a = arr[1]
-a = ones(Uint8, 10)
+a = ones(UInt8, 10)
 sa = sub(a,4:6)
 # This can throw an error, but shouldn't segfault
@@ -1914,10 +1914,10 @@ c99991{T}(::Type{UnitRange{T}},x::Range{T}) = 2
 # issue #8798
     const npy_typestrs = Dict("b1"=>Bool,
-                              "i1"=>Int8,      "u1"=>Uint8,
-                              "i2"=>Int16,     "u2"=>Uint16,
-                              "i4"=>Int32,     "u4"=>Uint32,
-                              "i8"=>Int64,     "u8"=>Uint64)
+                              "i1"=>Int8,      "u1"=>UInt8,
+                              "i2"=>Int16,     "u2"=>UInt16,
+                              "i4"=>Int32,     "u4"=>UInt32,
+                              "i8"=>Int64,     "u8"=>UInt64)
     sizeof_lookup() = sizeof(npy_typestrs["i8"])
     @test sizeof_lookup() == 8
diff --git a/test/dates/periods.jl b/test/dates/periods.jl
index 76403c1c659ec..a926e2738097f 100644
--- a/test/dates/periods.jl
+++ b/test/dates/periods.jl
@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ ms = Dates.Millisecond(1)
 @test Dates.Second(s) == s
 @test Dates.Millisecond(ms) == ms
 @test typeof(int8(y)) <: Int8
-@test typeof(uint8(y)) <: Uint8
+@test typeof(uint8(y)) <: UInt8
 @test typeof(int16(y)) <: Int16
-@test typeof(uint16(y)) <: Uint16
+@test typeof(uint16(y)) <: UInt16
 @test typeof(int32(y)) <: Int32
-@test typeof(uint32(y)) <: Uint32
+@test typeof(uint32(y)) <: UInt32
 @test typeof(int64(y)) <: Int64
-@test typeof(uint64(y)) <: Uint64
+@test typeof(uint64(y)) <: UInt64
 @test typeof(int128(y)) <: Int128
-@test typeof(uint128(y)) <: Uint128
+@test typeof(uint128(y)) <: UInt128
 @test typeof(convert(BigInt,y)) <: BigInt
 @test typeof(convert(BigFloat,y)) <: BigFloat
 @test typeof(convert(Complex,y)) <: Complex
@@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ ms = Dates.Millisecond(1)
 @test typeof(float32(y)) <: Float32
 @test typeof(float64(y)) <: Float64
 @test Dates.Year(convert(Int8,1)) == y
-@test Dates.Year(convert(Uint8,1)) == y
+@test Dates.Year(convert(UInt8,1)) == y
 @test Dates.Year(convert(Int16,1)) == y
-@test Dates.Year(convert(Uint16,1)) == y
+@test Dates.Year(convert(UInt16,1)) == y
 @test Dates.Year(convert(Int32,1)) == y
-@test Dates.Year(convert(Uint32,1)) == y
+@test Dates.Year(convert(UInt32,1)) == y
 @test Dates.Year(convert(Int64,1)) == y
-@test Dates.Year(convert(Uint64,1)) == y
+@test Dates.Year(convert(UInt64,1)) == y
 @test Dates.Year(convert(Int128,1)) == y
-@test Dates.Year(convert(Uint128,1)) == y
+@test Dates.Year(convert(UInt128,1)) == y
 @test Dates.Year(convert(BigInt,1)) == y
 @test Dates.Year(convert(BigFloat,1)) == y
 @test Dates.Year(convert(Complex,1)) == y
diff --git a/test/file.jl b/test/file.jl
index c451785eab051..f887aee54278c 100644
--- a/test/file.jl
+++ b/test/file.jl
@@ -169,16 +169,16 @@ write(s, "Hello World\n")
 s = open(file, "r")
 @test isreadonly(s) == true
-c = mmap_array(Uint8, (11,), s)
+c = mmap_array(UInt8, (11,), s)
 @test c == "Hello World".data
-c = mmap_array(Uint8, (uint16(11),), s)
+c = mmap_array(UInt8, (uint16(11),), s)
 @test c == "Hello World".data
-@test_throws ErrorException mmap_array(Uint8, (int16(-11),), s)
-@test_throws ErrorException mmap_array(Uint8, (typemax(Uint),), s)
+@test_throws ErrorException mmap_array(UInt8, (int16(-11),), s)
+@test_throws ErrorException mmap_array(UInt8, (typemax(UInt),), s)
 s = open(file, "r+")
 @test isreadonly(s) == false
-c = mmap_array(Uint8, (11,), s)
+c = mmap_array(UInt8, (11,), s)
 c[5] = uint8('x')
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ write(f, "Hello, world!")
 f = open(file, "r")
 FILEp = convert(CFILE, f)
-buf = Array(Uint8, 8)
+buf = Array(UInt8, 8)
 str = ccall(:fread, Csize_t, (Ptr{Void}, Csize_t, Csize_t, Ptr{Void}), buf, 1, 8, FILEp.ptr)
 @test bytestring(buf) == "Hello, w"
 @test position(FILEp) == 8
diff --git a/test/grisu.jl b/test/grisu.jl
index c1161b08641b8..567dcb75262fc 100644
--- a/test/grisu.jl
+++ b/test/grisu.jl
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function trimrep(buffer)
 const bufsize = 500
-buffer = Array(Uint8,bufsize);
+buffer = Array(UInt8,bufsize);
 # Start by checking the byte-order.
diff --git a/test/hashing.jl b/test/hashing.jl
index ce316551b754f..eeb936e64f079 100644
--- a/test/hashing.jl
+++ b/test/hashing.jl
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 types = Any[
-    Int8, Uint8, Int16, Uint16, Int32, Uint32, Int64, Uint64, Float32, Float64,
-    Rational{Int8}, Rational{Uint8}, Rational{Int16}, Rational{Uint16},
-    Rational{Int32}, Rational{Uint32}, Rational{Int64}, Rational{Uint64}
+    Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Float32, Float64,
+    Rational{Int8}, Rational{UInt8}, Rational{Int16}, Rational{UInt16},
+    Rational{Int32}, Rational{UInt32}, Rational{Int64}, Rational{UInt64}
 vals = [
diff --git a/test/iobuffer.jl b/test/iobuffer.jl
index 678b44175f336..6bb32ba1c1cbe 100644
--- a/test/iobuffer.jl
+++ b/test/iobuffer.jl
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ ioslength(io::IOBuffer) = (io.seekable ? io.size : nb_available(io))
 let io = IOBuffer()
 @test eof(io)
-@test_throws EOFError read(io,Uint8)
+@test_throws EOFError read(io,UInt8)
 @test write(io,"abc") == 3
 @test ioslength(io) == 3
 @test position(io) == 3
 @test eof(io)
 seek(io, 0)
-@test read(io,Uint8) == convert(Uint8, 'a')
-a = Array(Uint8, 2)
+@test read(io,UInt8) == convert(UInt8, 'a')
+a = Array(UInt8, 2)
 @test read!(io, a) == a
-@test a == Uint8['b','c']
+@test a == UInt8['b','c']
 @test bytestring(io) == "abc"
 seek(io, 1)
 truncate(io, 2)
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ seek(io, 2)
 truncate(io, 10)
 @test ioslength(io) == 10
 io.readable = false
-@test_throws ErrorException read!(io,Uint8[0])
+@test_throws ErrorException read!(io,UInt8[0])
 truncate(io, 0)
 @test write(io,"boston\ncambridge\n") > 0
 @test takebuf_string(io) == "boston\ncambridge\n"
 @test takebuf_string(io) == ""
-@test_throws ErrorException write(io,Uint8[0])
+@test_throws ErrorException write(io,UInt8[0])
 @test_throws ErrorException seek(io,0)
 @test eof(io)
@@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ let io = IOBuffer("hamster\nguinea pig\nturtle")
 @test position(io) == 0
 @test readline(io) == "hamster\n"
 @test readall(io) == "guinea pig\nturtle"
-@test_throws EOFError read(io,Uint8)
+@test_throws EOFError read(io,UInt8)
-@test read(io,Uint8) == convert(Uint8, 'h')
+@test read(io,UInt8) == convert(UInt8, 'h')
 @test_throws ErrorException truncate(io,0)
 @test_throws ErrorException write(io,uint8(0))
-@test_throws ErrorException write(io,Uint8[0])
+@test_throws ErrorException write(io,UInt8[0])
 @test takebuf_string(io) == "hamster\nguinea pig\nturtle"
 @test takebuf_string(io) == "hamster\nguinea pig\nturtle" #should be unchanged
 let io = PipeBuffer()
-@test_throws EOFError read(io,Uint8)
+@test_throws EOFError read(io,UInt8)
 @test write(io,"pancakes\nwaffles\nblueberries\n") > 0
 @test position(io) == 0
 @test readline(io) == "pancakes\n"
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Base.ensureroom(io,100)
 @test ioslength(io) == 0
 @test position(io) == 0
 @test ioslength(io) == 75
 @test length(io.data) == 75
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ skip(io,71)
 @test write(io,'y') == 1
 @test readall(io) == "happy"
 @test eof(io)
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ end
 # issue 5453
 let io=IOBuffer("abcdef")
-a = Array(Uint8,1024)
+a = Array(UInt8,1024)
 @test_throws EOFError read!(io,a)
 @test eof(io)
diff --git a/test/math.jl b/test/math.jl
index b9ac1ff5404c8..286190fdae4dd 100644
--- a/test/math.jl
+++ b/test/math.jl
@@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ end
 @test_approx_eq quadgk(cos, 0,0.7,1, norm=abs)[1] sin(1)
 # Ensure subnormal flags functions don't segfault
-@test any(ccall("jl_zero_subnormals", Uint8, (Uint8,), 1) .== [0x00 0x01])
-@test any(ccall("jl_zero_subnormals", Uint8, (Uint8,), 0) .== [0x00 0x01])
+@test any(ccall("jl_zero_subnormals", UInt8, (UInt8,), 1) .== [0x00 0x01])
+@test any(ccall("jl_zero_subnormals", UInt8, (UInt8,), 0) .== [0x00 0x01])
 # isqrt (issue #4884)
 @test isqrt(9223372030926249000) == 3037000498
@@ -279,11 +279,11 @@ end
 @test isqrt(int128(typemax(Int64))^2-1) == 9223372036854775806
 @test isqrt(0) == 0
 for i = 1:1000
-    n = rand(Uint128)
+    n = rand(UInt128)
     s = isqrt(n)
     @test s*s <= n
     @test (s+1)*(s+1) > n
-    n = rand(Uint64)
+    n = rand(UInt64)
     s = isqrt(n)
     @test s*s <= n
     @test (s+1)*(s+1) > n
diff --git a/test/mpfr.jl b/test/mpfr.jl
index 0f68f654e6666..059d97b008e4d 100644
--- a/test/mpfr.jl
+++ b/test/mpfr.jl
@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ y = BigFloat(12//1)
 x = BigFloat(12)
 y = BigFloat(30)
 @test x + y == BigFloat(42)
-@test x + typemax(Uint128) == x + BigInt(typemax(Uint128))
+@test x + typemax(UInt128) == x + BigInt(typemax(UInt128))
 @test x + typemax(Int128) == x + BigInt(typemax(Int128))
 # -
 x = BigFloat(12)
 y = BigFloat(-30)
 @test x - y == BigFloat(42)
-@test x - typemax(Uint128) == x - BigInt(typemax(Uint128))
+@test x - typemax(UInt128) == x - BigInt(typemax(UInt128))
 @test x - typemax(Int128) == x - BigInt(typemax(Int128))
 # *
@@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ x = BigFloat(6)
 y = BigFloat(9)
 @test x * y != BigFloat(42)
 @test x * y == BigFloat(54)
-@test x * typemax(Uint128) == x * BigInt(typemax(Uint128))
+@test x * typemax(UInt128) == x * BigInt(typemax(UInt128))
 @test x * typemax(Int128) == x * BigInt(typemax(Int128))
 # /
 x = BigFloat(9)
 y = BigFloat(6)
 @test x / y == BigFloat(9/6)
-@test x / typemax(Uint128) == x / BigInt(typemax(Uint128))
+@test x / typemax(UInt128) == x / BigInt(typemax(UInt128))
 @test x / typemax(Int128) == x / BigInt(typemax(Int128))
 # iterated arithmetic
@@ -337,13 +337,13 @@ y = BigFloat(42)
 @test_throws InexactError convert(Int32, x)
 @test_throws InexactError convert(Int64, x)
 @test_throws InexactError convert(BigInt, x)
-@test_throws InexactError convert(Uint32, x)
-@test_throws InexactError convert(Uint32, x)
+@test_throws InexactError convert(UInt32, x)
+@test_throws InexactError convert(UInt32, x)
 @test convert(Int32, y) == 42
 @test convert(Int64, y) == 42
 @test convert(BigInt, y) == 42
-@test convert(Uint32, y) == 42
-@test convert(Uint32, y) == 42
+@test convert(UInt32, y) == 42
+@test convert(UInt32, y) == 42
 # iround
 x = BigFloat(42.42)
@@ -353,13 +353,13 @@ end
 z = BigInt("9223372036854775809")
 @test iround(x) == 42
 @test iround(y) == z
-@test typeof(iround(Uint8, x)) == Uint8 && iround(Uint8, x) == 0x2a
-@test typeof(iround(Uint16, x)) == Uint16 && iround(Uint16, x) == 0x2a
-@test typeof(iround(Uint32, x)) == Uint32 && iround(Uint32, x) == 0x2a
-@test typeof(iround(Uint64, x)) == Uint64 && iround(Uint64, x) == 0x2a
+@test typeof(iround(UInt8, x)) == UInt8 && iround(UInt8, x) == 0x2a
+@test typeof(iround(UInt16, x)) == UInt16 && iround(UInt16, x) == 0x2a
+@test typeof(iround(UInt32, x)) == UInt32 && iround(UInt32, x) == 0x2a
+@test typeof(iround(UInt64, x)) == UInt64 && iround(UInt64, x) == 0x2a
 @test typeof(iround(Int64, x)) == Int64 && iround(Int64, x) == 42
 @test typeof(iround(Int, x)) == Int && iround(Int, x) == 42
-@test typeof(iround(Uint, x)) == Uint && iround(Uint, x) == 0x2a
+@test typeof(iround(UInt, x)) == UInt && iround(UInt, x) == 0x2a
 # string representation
 str = "1.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000012e+00"
@@ -494,33 +494,33 @@ c = BigInt("123456789012345678901234567891")
 #@test itrunc(Int8, x) == int8(y)
 #@test typeof(itrunc(Int8, x)) == Int8
-@test iceil(Uint64, x) == uint64(z)
-@test typeof(iceil(Uint64, x)) == Uint64
-@test ifloor(Uint64, x) == uint64(y)
-@test typeof(ifloor(Uint64, x)) == Uint64
-@test itrunc(Uint64, x) == uint64(y)
-@test typeof(itrunc(Uint64, x)) == Uint64
-@test iceil(Uint32, x) == uint32(z)
-@test typeof(iceil(Uint32, x)) == Uint32
-@test ifloor(Uint32, x) == uint32(y)
-@test typeof(ifloor(Uint32, x)) == Uint32
-@test itrunc(Uint32, x) == uint32(y)
-@test typeof(itrunc(Uint32, x)) == Uint32
-@test iceil(Uint16, x) == uint16(z)
-@test typeof(iceil(Uint16, x)) == Uint16
-@test ifloor(Uint16, x) == uint16(y)
-@test typeof(ifloor(Uint16, x)) == Uint16
-@test itrunc(Uint16, x) == uint16(y)
-@test typeof(itrunc(Uint16, x)) == Uint16
-#@test iceil(Uint8, x) == uint8(z)
-#@test typeof(iceil(Uint8, x)) == Uint8
-#@test ifloor(Uint8, x) == uint8(y)
-#@test typeof(ifloor(Uint8, x)) == Uint8
-#@test itrunc(Uint8, x) == uint8(y)
-#@test typeof(itrunc(Uint8, x)) == Uint8
+@test iceil(UInt64, x) == uint64(z)
+@test typeof(iceil(UInt64, x)) == UInt64
+@test ifloor(UInt64, x) == uint64(y)
+@test typeof(ifloor(UInt64, x)) == UInt64
+@test itrunc(UInt64, x) == uint64(y)
+@test typeof(itrunc(UInt64, x)) == UInt64
+@test iceil(UInt32, x) == uint32(z)
+@test typeof(iceil(UInt32, x)) == UInt32
+@test ifloor(UInt32, x) == uint32(y)
+@test typeof(ifloor(UInt32, x)) == UInt32
+@test itrunc(UInt32, x) == uint32(y)
+@test typeof(itrunc(UInt32, x)) == UInt32
+@test iceil(UInt16, x) == uint16(z)
+@test typeof(iceil(UInt16, x)) == UInt16
+@test ifloor(UInt16, x) == uint16(y)
+@test typeof(ifloor(UInt16, x)) == UInt16
+@test itrunc(UInt16, x) == uint16(y)
+@test typeof(itrunc(UInt16, x)) == UInt16
+#@test iceil(UInt8, x) == uint8(z)
+#@test typeof(iceil(UInt8, x)) == UInt8
+#@test ifloor(UInt8, x) == uint8(y)
+#@test typeof(ifloor(UInt8, x)) == UInt8
+#@test itrunc(UInt8, x) == uint8(y)
+#@test typeof(itrunc(UInt8, x)) == UInt8
 @test iceil(a) == c
 @test typeof(iceil(a)) == BigInt
@@ -728,11 +728,11 @@ d = BigFloat("-24.69135780242")
 @test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(Int128))) == BigFloat
 @test typeof(BigFloat(true)) == BigFloat
-@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(Uint8))) == BigFloat
-@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(Uint16))) == BigFloat
-@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(Uint32))) == BigFloat
-@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(Uint64))) == BigFloat
-@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(Uint128))) == BigFloat
+@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(UInt8))) == BigFloat
+@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(UInt16))) == BigFloat
+@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(UInt32))) == BigFloat
+@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(UInt64))) == BigFloat
+@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(UInt128))) == BigFloat
 @test typeof(BigFloat(realmax(Float32))) == BigFloat
 @test typeof(BigFloat(realmax(Float64))) == BigFloat
@@ -775,8 +775,8 @@ tol = 1e-3
 # issue #5963
 @test typemax(Int128) == convert(BigFloat, typemax(Int128))
 @test typemax(Int128)  * big(1.0) == convert(BigFloat, typemax(Int128))
-@test typemax(Uint64)  * big(1.0) == big(typemax(Uint64))
-@test typemax(Uint128) * big(1.0) == big(typemax(Uint128))
+@test typemax(UInt64)  * big(1.0) == big(typemax(UInt64))
+@test typemax(UInt128) * big(1.0) == big(typemax(UInt128))
 # issue #3399
 i1 = BigInt(10)^int32(1000)
diff --git a/test/netload/nettest.jl b/test/netload/nettest.jl
index a2db8e58cf2c5..c370d07c8de0d 100644
--- a/test/netload/nettest.jl
+++ b/test/netload/nettest.jl
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function test_send(exp)
         serv_sock = accept(server)
         bread = 0
         while bread < size
-            serv_data = read(serv_sock, Uint8, block)
+            serv_data = read(serv_sock, UInt8, block)
             @assert length(serv_data) == block
             bread += block
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ function test_send(exp)
         print("[CLIENT] Connecting to port $(port)\n")
         cli_sock = connect("localhost", port)
-        data = fill!(zeros(Uint8, block), int8(65))
+        data = fill!(zeros(UInt8, block), int8(65))
         cli_bsent = 0
         while cli_bsent < size
             write(cli_sock, data)
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ test_send(9)
         # Create an asynchronous task that can modify bread properly
         recv_task = @task begin
             while bread < xfer_size
-                data = read(s, Uint8, xfer_block)
+                data = read(s, UInt8, xfer_block)
                 @assert length(data) == xfer_block
                 bread += xfer_block
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ test_send(9)
         send_task = @task begin
             # write in chunks of xfer_block
-            data = fill!(zeros(Uint8, xfer_block), int8(65))
+            data = fill!(zeros(UInt8, xfer_block), int8(65))
             while bsent < xfer_size
                 write(s, data)
                 bsent += xfer_block
diff --git a/test/nullable.jl b/test/nullable.jl
index 6d0c1621b58d1..c79144a28d43a 100644
--- a/test/nullable.jl
+++ b/test/nullable.jl
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ types = [
-    Uint16,
-    Uint32,
-    Uint64,
-    Uint8,
+    UInt16,
+    UInt32,
+    UInt64,
+    UInt8,
 # Nullable{T}() = new(true)
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ p1s = [
-    "Nullable{Uint16}()",
-    "Nullable{Uint32}()",
-    "Nullable{Uint64}()",
-    "Nullable{Uint8}()",
+    "Nullable{UInt16}()",
+    "Nullable{UInt32}()",
+    "Nullable{UInt64}()",
+    "Nullable{UInt8}()",
 p2s = [
@@ -208,17 +208,17 @@ for T in types
     @test_throws NullException (x4 == x4)
-# function hash(x::Nullable, h::Uint)
+# function hash(x::Nullable, h::UInt)
 for T in types
     x1 = Nullable{T}()
     x2 = Nullable{T}()
     x3 = Nullable(zero(T))
     x4 = Nullable(one(T))
-    @test isa(hash(x1), Uint)
-    @test isa(hash(x2), Uint)
-    @test isa(hash(x3), Uint)
-    @test isa(hash(x4), Uint)
+    @test isa(hash(x1), UInt)
+    @test isa(hash(x2), UInt)
+    @test isa(hash(x3), UInt)
+    @test isa(hash(x4), UInt)
     @test hash(x1) == hash(x2)
     @test hash(x1) != hash(x3)
diff --git a/test/numbers.jl b/test/numbers.jl
index d778eeb72cbd3..5d6d836169369 100644
--- a/test/numbers.jl
+++ b/test/numbers.jl
@@ -96,92 +96,92 @@ end
 # definition and printing of extreme integers
-@test bin(typemin(Uint8)) == "0"
-@test bin(typemax(Uint8)) == "1"^8
-@test oct(typemin(Uint8)) == "0"
-@test oct(typemax(Uint8)) == "377"
-@test dec(typemin(Uint8)) == "0"
-@test dec(typemax(Uint8)) == "255"
-@test hex(typemin(Uint8)) == "0"
-@test hex(typemax(Uint8)) == "ff"
-@test repr(typemin(Uint8)) == "0x00"
-@test string(typemin(Uint8)) == "0"
-@test repr(typemax(Uint8)) == "0xff"
-@test string(typemax(Uint8)) == "255"
-@test base(3,typemin(Uint8)) == "0"
-@test base(3,typemax(Uint8)) == "100110"
-@test base(12,typemin(Uint8)) == "0"
-@test base(12,typemax(Uint8)) == "193"
-@test bin(typemin(Uint16)) == "0"
-@test bin(typemax(Uint16)) == "1"^16
-@test oct(typemin(Uint16)) == "0"
-@test oct(typemax(Uint16)) == "177777"
-@test dec(typemin(Uint16)) == "0"
-@test dec(typemax(Uint16)) == "65535"
-@test hex(typemin(Uint16)) == "0"
-@test hex(typemax(Uint16)) == "ffff"
-@test repr(typemin(Uint16)) == "0x0000"
-@test string(typemin(Uint16)) == "0"
-@test repr(typemax(Uint16)) == "0xffff"
-@test string(typemax(Uint16)) == "65535"
-@test base(3,typemin(Uint16)) == "0"
-@test base(3,typemax(Uint16)) == "10022220020"
-@test base(12,typemin(Uint16)) == "0"
-@test base(12,typemax(Uint16)) == "31b13"
-@test bin(typemin(Uint32)) == "0"
-@test bin(typemax(Uint32)) == "1"^32
-@test oct(typemin(Uint32)) == "0"
-@test oct(typemax(Uint32)) == "37777777777"
-@test dec(typemin(Uint32)) == "0"
-@test dec(typemax(Uint32)) == "4294967295"
-@test hex(typemin(Uint32)) == "0"
-@test hex(typemax(Uint32)) == "ffffffff"
-@test repr(typemin(Uint32)) == "0x00000000"
-@test string(typemin(Uint32)) == "0"
-@test repr(typemax(Uint32)) == "0xffffffff"
-@test string(typemax(Uint32)) == "4294967295"
-@test base(3,typemin(Uint32)) == "0"
-@test base(3,typemax(Uint32)) == "102002022201221111210"
-@test base(12,typemin(Uint32)) == "0"
-@test base(12,typemax(Uint32)) == "9ba461593"
-@test bin(typemin(Uint64)) == "0"
-@test bin(typemax(Uint64)) == "1"^64
-@test oct(typemin(Uint64)) == "0"
-@test oct(typemax(Uint64)) == "1777777777777777777777"
-@test dec(typemin(Uint64)) == "0"
-@test dec(typemax(Uint64)) == "18446744073709551615"
-@test hex(typemin(Uint64)) == "0"
-@test hex(typemax(Uint64)) == "ffffffffffffffff"
-@test repr(typemin(Uint64)) == "0x0000000000000000"
-@test string(typemin(Uint64)) == "0"
-@test repr(typemax(Uint64)) == "0xffffffffffffffff"
-@test string(typemax(Uint64)) == "18446744073709551615"
-@test base(3,typemin(Uint64)) == "0"
-@test base(3,typemax(Uint64)) == "11112220022122120101211020120210210211220"
-@test base(12,typemin(Uint64)) == "0"
-@test base(12,typemax(Uint64)) == "839365134a2a240713"
-@test bin(typemin(Uint128)) == "0"
-@test bin(typemax(Uint128)) == "1"^128
-@test oct(typemin(Uint128)) == "0"
-@test oct(typemax(Uint128)) == "3777777777777777777777777777777777777777777"
-@test hex(typemin(Uint128)) == "0"
-@test hex(typemax(Uint128)) == "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"
-@test repr(typemin(Uint128)) == "0x00000000000000000000000000000000"
-@test string(typemin(Uint128)) == "0"
-@test repr(typemax(Uint128)) == "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"
-@test string(typemax(Uint128)) == "340282366920938463463374607431768211455"
-@test dec(typemin(Uint128)) == "0"
-@test dec(typemax(Uint128)) == "340282366920938463463374607431768211455"
-@test base(3,typemin(Uint128)) == "0"
-@test base(3,typemax(Uint128)) ==
+@test bin(typemin(UInt8)) == "0"
+@test bin(typemax(UInt8)) == "1"^8
+@test oct(typemin(UInt8)) == "0"
+@test oct(typemax(UInt8)) == "377"
+@test dec(typemin(UInt8)) == "0"
+@test dec(typemax(UInt8)) == "255"
+@test hex(typemin(UInt8)) == "0"
+@test hex(typemax(UInt8)) == "ff"
+@test repr(typemin(UInt8)) == "0x00"
+@test string(typemin(UInt8)) == "0"
+@test repr(typemax(UInt8)) == "0xff"
+@test string(typemax(UInt8)) == "255"
+@test base(3,typemin(UInt8)) == "0"
+@test base(3,typemax(UInt8)) == "100110"
+@test base(12,typemin(UInt8)) == "0"
+@test base(12,typemax(UInt8)) == "193"
+@test bin(typemin(UInt16)) == "0"
+@test bin(typemax(UInt16)) == "1"^16
+@test oct(typemin(UInt16)) == "0"
+@test oct(typemax(UInt16)) == "177777"
+@test dec(typemin(UInt16)) == "0"
+@test dec(typemax(UInt16)) == "65535"
+@test hex(typemin(UInt16)) == "0"
+@test hex(typemax(UInt16)) == "ffff"
+@test repr(typemin(UInt16)) == "0x0000"
+@test string(typemin(UInt16)) == "0"
+@test repr(typemax(UInt16)) == "0xffff"
+@test string(typemax(UInt16)) == "65535"
+@test base(3,typemin(UInt16)) == "0"
+@test base(3,typemax(UInt16)) == "10022220020"
+@test base(12,typemin(UInt16)) == "0"
+@test base(12,typemax(UInt16)) == "31b13"
+@test bin(typemin(UInt32)) == "0"
+@test bin(typemax(UInt32)) == "1"^32
+@test oct(typemin(UInt32)) == "0"
+@test oct(typemax(UInt32)) == "37777777777"
+@test dec(typemin(UInt32)) == "0"
+@test dec(typemax(UInt32)) == "4294967295"
+@test hex(typemin(UInt32)) == "0"
+@test hex(typemax(UInt32)) == "ffffffff"
+@test repr(typemin(UInt32)) == "0x00000000"
+@test string(typemin(UInt32)) == "0"
+@test repr(typemax(UInt32)) == "0xffffffff"
+@test string(typemax(UInt32)) == "4294967295"
+@test base(3,typemin(UInt32)) == "0"
+@test base(3,typemax(UInt32)) == "102002022201221111210"
+@test base(12,typemin(UInt32)) == "0"
+@test base(12,typemax(UInt32)) == "9ba461593"
+@test bin(typemin(UInt64)) == "0"
+@test bin(typemax(UInt64)) == "1"^64
+@test oct(typemin(UInt64)) == "0"
+@test oct(typemax(UInt64)) == "1777777777777777777777"
+@test dec(typemin(UInt64)) == "0"
+@test dec(typemax(UInt64)) == "18446744073709551615"
+@test hex(typemin(UInt64)) == "0"
+@test hex(typemax(UInt64)) == "ffffffffffffffff"
+@test repr(typemin(UInt64)) == "0x0000000000000000"
+@test string(typemin(UInt64)) == "0"
+@test repr(typemax(UInt64)) == "0xffffffffffffffff"
+@test string(typemax(UInt64)) == "18446744073709551615"
+@test base(3,typemin(UInt64)) == "0"
+@test base(3,typemax(UInt64)) == "11112220022122120101211020120210210211220"
+@test base(12,typemin(UInt64)) == "0"
+@test base(12,typemax(UInt64)) == "839365134a2a240713"
+@test bin(typemin(UInt128)) == "0"
+@test bin(typemax(UInt128)) == "1"^128
+@test oct(typemin(UInt128)) == "0"
+@test oct(typemax(UInt128)) == "3777777777777777777777777777777777777777777"
+@test hex(typemin(UInt128)) == "0"
+@test hex(typemax(UInt128)) == "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"
+@test repr(typemin(UInt128)) == "0x00000000000000000000000000000000"
+@test string(typemin(UInt128)) == "0"
+@test repr(typemax(UInt128)) == "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"
+@test string(typemax(UInt128)) == "340282366920938463463374607431768211455"
+@test dec(typemin(UInt128)) == "0"
+@test dec(typemax(UInt128)) == "340282366920938463463374607431768211455"
+@test base(3,typemin(UInt128)) == "0"
+@test base(3,typemax(UInt128)) ==
-@test base(12,typemin(Uint128)) == "0"
-@test base(12,typemax(Uint128)) == "5916b64b41143526a777873841863a6a6993"
+@test base(12,typemin(UInt128)) == "0"
+@test base(12,typemax(UInt128)) == "5916b64b41143526a777873841863a6a6993"
 @test bin(typemin(Int8)) == "-1"*"0"^7
 @test bin(typemax(Int8)) == "1"^7
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ for x=-5:5, y=-5:5
-function _cmp_(x::Union(Int64,Uint64), y::Float64)
+function _cmp_(x::Union(Int64,UInt64), y::Float64)
     if x==int64(2)^53-2 && y==2.0^53-2; return  0; end
     if x==int64(2)^53-2 && y==2.0^53-1; return -1; end
     if x==int64(2)^53-2 && y==2.0^53  ; return -1; end
@@ -678,16 +678,16 @@ end
 @test 2.0^63 == uint64(2)^63
 @test 2.0^63 != uint64(2)^63+1
-@test typemax(Uint64) != 2.0^64
+@test typemax(UInt64) != 2.0^64
-@test typemax(Uint64) < float64(typemax(Uint64))
+@test typemax(UInt64) < float64(typemax(UInt64))
 @test typemax(Int64) < float64(typemax(Int64))
-@test typemax(Uint64) <= float64(typemax(Uint64))
+@test typemax(UInt64) <= float64(typemax(UInt64))
 @test typemax(Int64) <= float64(typemax(Int64))
-@test float64(typemax(Uint64)) > typemax(Uint64)
+@test float64(typemax(UInt64)) > typemax(UInt64)
 @test float64(typemax(Int64)) > typemax(Int64)
-@test float64(typemax(Uint64)) >= typemax(Uint64)
+@test float64(typemax(UInt64)) >= typemax(UInt64)
 @test float64(typemax(Int64)) >= typemax(Int64)
 @test float64(int128(0)) == 0.0
@@ -702,10 +702,10 @@ end
 @test float32(typemin(Int128)) == -2.0f0^127
 @test float64(typemax(Int128)) == 2.0^127
 @test float32(typemax(Int128)) == 2.0f0^127
-@test float64(typemin(Uint128)) == 0.0
-@test float32(typemin(Uint128)) == 0.0f0
-@test float64(typemax(Uint128)) == 2.0^128
-@test float32(typemax(Uint128)) == 2.0f0^128
+@test float64(typemin(UInt128)) == 0.0
+@test float32(typemin(UInt128)) == 0.0f0
+@test float64(typemax(UInt128)) == 2.0^128
+@test float32(typemax(UInt128)) == 2.0f0^128
 @test int128(-2.0^127) == typemin(Int128)
 @test float64(uint128(3.7e19)) == 3.7e19
@@ -816,13 +816,13 @@ for T in [Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int128]
-#for T in (Uint8,Uint16,Uint32,Uint64,Uint128)
+#for T in (UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64,UInt128)
 #    x in (typemin(T),one(T),typemax(T))
 #    @test unsigned(signed(x)) == x
 for S = [Int8,  Int16,  Int32,  Int64],
-    U = [Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64]
+    U = [UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64]
     @test !(-one(S) == typemax(U))
     @test -one(S) != typemax(U)
     @test -one(S) < typemax(U)
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ for S = [Int8,  Int16,  Int32,  Int64],
 # check type of constructed rationals
-int_types = [Int8, Uint8, Int16, Uint16, Int32, Uint32, Int64, Uint64]
+int_types = [Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64]
 for N = int_types, D = int_types
     T = promote_type(N,D)
     @test typeof(convert(N,2)//convert(D,3)) <: Rational{T}
@@ -840,9 +840,9 @@ end
 @test typeof(convert(Rational{Integer},1)) === Rational{Integer}
 # check type of constructed complexes
-real_types = [Int8, Uint8, Int16, Uint16, Int32, Uint32, Int64, Uint64, Float32, Float64,
-              Rational{Int8}, Rational{Uint8}, Rational{Int16}, Rational{Uint16},
-              Rational{Int32}, Rational{Uint32}, Rational{Int64}, Rational{Uint64}]
+real_types = [Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Float32, Float64,
+              Rational{Int8}, Rational{UInt8}, Rational{Int16}, Rational{UInt16},
+              Rational{Int32}, Rational{UInt32}, Rational{Int64}, Rational{UInt64}]
 for A = real_types, B = real_types
     T = promote_type(A,B)
     @test typeof(Complex(convert(A,2),convert(B,3))) <: Complex{T}
@@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ end
 for x=Any[typemin(Int64), -typemax(Int64), -typemax(Int64)+1, -typemax(Int64)+2,
           typemax(Int64)-2, typemax(Int64)-1, typemax(Int64),
-          typemax(Uint64)-1, typemax(Uint64)-2, typemax(Uint64)],
+          typemax(UInt64)-1, typemax(UInt64)-2, typemax(UInt64)],
     if x >= 0
         @test div(unsigned(x),y) == unsigned(div(x,y))
@@ -1162,19 +1162,19 @@ for x=0:5, y=1:5
     @test div(uint(x),uint(y)) == div(x,y)
     @test div(uint(x),y) == div(x,y)
     @test div(x,uint(y)) == div(x,y)
-    @test div(uint(x),-y) == reinterpret(Uint,div(x,-y))
+    @test div(uint(x),-y) == reinterpret(UInt,div(x,-y))
     @test div(-x,uint(y)) == div(-x,y)
     @test fld(uint(x),uint(y)) == fld(x,y)
     @test fld(uint(x),y) == fld(x,y)
     @test fld(x,uint(y)) == fld(x,y)
-    @test fld(uint(x),-y) == reinterpret(Uint,fld(x,-y))
+    @test fld(uint(x),-y) == reinterpret(UInt,fld(x,-y))
     @test fld(-x,uint(y)) == fld(-x,y)
     @test cld(uint(x),uint(y)) == cld(x,y)
     @test cld(uint(x),y) == cld(x,y)
     @test cld(x,uint(y)) == cld(x,y)
-    @test cld(uint(x),-y) == reinterpret(Uint,cld(x,-y))
+    @test cld(uint(x),-y) == reinterpret(UInt,cld(x,-y))
     @test cld(-x,uint(y)) == cld(-x,y)
     @test rem(uint(x),uint(y)) == rem(x,y)
@@ -1190,12 +1190,12 @@ for x=0:5, y=1:5
     @test mod(-x,uint(y)) == mod(-x,y)
-@test div(typemax(Uint64)  , 1) ==  typemax(Uint64)
-@test div(typemax(Uint64)  ,-1) == -typemax(Uint64)
-@test div(typemax(Uint64)-1, 1) ==  typemax(Uint64)-1
-@test div(typemax(Uint64)-1,-1) == -typemax(Uint64)+1
-@test div(typemax(Uint64)-2, 1) ==  typemax(Uint64)-2
-@test div(typemax(Uint64)-2,-1) == -typemax(Uint64)+2
+@test div(typemax(UInt64)  , 1) ==  typemax(UInt64)
+@test div(typemax(UInt64)  ,-1) == -typemax(UInt64)
+@test div(typemax(UInt64)-1, 1) ==  typemax(UInt64)-1
+@test div(typemax(UInt64)-1,-1) == -typemax(UInt64)+1
+@test div(typemax(UInt64)-2, 1) ==  typemax(UInt64)-2
+@test div(typemax(UInt64)-2,-1) == -typemax(UInt64)+2
 @test signed(div(unsigned(typemax(Int64))+2, 1)) ==  typemax(Int64)+2
 @test signed(div(unsigned(typemax(Int64))+2,-1)) == -typemax(Int64)-2
@@ -1204,20 +1204,20 @@ end
 @test signed(div(unsigned(typemax(Int64))  , 1)) ==  typemax(Int64)
 @test signed(div(unsigned(typemax(Int64))  ,-1)) == -typemax(Int64)
-@test signed(div(typemax(Uint),typemax(Int)))        ==  2
-@test signed(div(typemax(Uint),(typemax(Int)>>1)+1)) ==  3
-@test signed(div(typemax(Uint),typemax(Int)>>1))     ==  4
-@test signed(div(typemax(Uint),typemin(Int)))        == -1
-@test signed(div(typemax(Uint),typemin(Int)+1))      == -2
-@test signed(div(typemax(Uint),typemin(Int)>>1))     == -3
-@test signed(div(typemax(Uint),(typemin(Int)>>1)+1)) == -4
-@test fld(typemax(Uint64)  , 1) ==  typemax(Uint64)
-@test fld(typemax(Uint64)  ,-1) == -typemax(Uint64)
-@test fld(typemax(Uint64)-1, 1) ==  typemax(Uint64)-1
-@test fld(typemax(Uint64)-1,-1) == -typemax(Uint64)+1
-@test fld(typemax(Uint64)-2, 1) ==  typemax(Uint64)-2
-@test fld(typemax(Uint64)-2,-1) == -typemax(Uint64)+2
+@test signed(div(typemax(UInt),typemax(Int)))        ==  2
+@test signed(div(typemax(UInt),(typemax(Int)>>1)+1)) ==  3
+@test signed(div(typemax(UInt),typemax(Int)>>1))     ==  4
+@test signed(div(typemax(UInt),typemin(Int)))        == -1
+@test signed(div(typemax(UInt),typemin(Int)+1))      == -2
+@test signed(div(typemax(UInt),typemin(Int)>>1))     == -3
+@test signed(div(typemax(UInt),(typemin(Int)>>1)+1)) == -4
+@test fld(typemax(UInt64)  , 1) ==  typemax(UInt64)
+@test fld(typemax(UInt64)  ,-1) == -typemax(UInt64)
+@test fld(typemax(UInt64)-1, 1) ==  typemax(UInt64)-1
+@test fld(typemax(UInt64)-1,-1) == -typemax(UInt64)+1
+@test fld(typemax(UInt64)-2, 1) ==  typemax(UInt64)-2
+@test fld(typemax(UInt64)-2,-1) == -typemax(UInt64)+2
 @test signed(fld(unsigned(typemax(Int64))+2, 1)) ==  typemax(Int64)+2
 @test signed(fld(unsigned(typemax(Int64))+2,-1)) == -typemax(Int64)-2
@@ -1226,20 +1226,20 @@ end
 @test signed(fld(unsigned(typemax(Int64))  , 1)) ==  typemax(Int64)
 @test signed(fld(unsigned(typemax(Int64))  ,-1)) == -typemax(Int64)
-@test signed(fld(typemax(Uint),typemax(Int)))        ==  2
-@test signed(fld(typemax(Uint),(typemax(Int)>>1)+1)) ==  3
-@test signed(fld(typemax(Uint),typemax(Int)>>1))     ==  4
-@test signed(fld(typemax(Uint),typemin(Int)))        == -2
-@test signed(fld(typemax(Uint),typemin(Int)+1))      == -3
-@test signed(fld(typemax(Uint),typemin(Int)>>1))     == -4
-@test signed(fld(typemax(Uint),(typemin(Int)>>1)+1)) == -5
-@test cld(typemax(Uint64)  , 1) ==  typemax(Uint64)
-@test cld(typemax(Uint64)  ,-1) == -typemax(Uint64)
-@test cld(typemax(Uint64)-1, 1) ==  typemax(Uint64)-1
-@test cld(typemax(Uint64)-1,-1) == -typemax(Uint64)+1
-@test cld(typemax(Uint64)-2, 1) ==  typemax(Uint64)-2
-@test cld(typemax(Uint64)-2,-1) == -typemax(Uint64)+2
+@test signed(fld(typemax(UInt),typemax(Int)))        ==  2
+@test signed(fld(typemax(UInt),(typemax(Int)>>1)+1)) ==  3
+@test signed(fld(typemax(UInt),typemax(Int)>>1))     ==  4
+@test signed(fld(typemax(UInt),typemin(Int)))        == -2
+@test signed(fld(typemax(UInt),typemin(Int)+1))      == -3
+@test signed(fld(typemax(UInt),typemin(Int)>>1))     == -4
+@test signed(fld(typemax(UInt),(typemin(Int)>>1)+1)) == -5
+@test cld(typemax(UInt64)  , 1) ==  typemax(UInt64)
+@test cld(typemax(UInt64)  ,-1) == -typemax(UInt64)
+@test cld(typemax(UInt64)-1, 1) ==  typemax(UInt64)-1
+@test cld(typemax(UInt64)-1,-1) == -typemax(UInt64)+1
+@test cld(typemax(UInt64)-2, 1) ==  typemax(UInt64)-2
+@test cld(typemax(UInt64)-2,-1) == -typemax(UInt64)+2
 @test signed(cld(unsigned(typemax(Int64))+2, 1)) ==  typemax(Int64)+2
 @test signed(cld(unsigned(typemax(Int64))+2,-1)) == -typemax(Int64)-2
@@ -1248,13 +1248,13 @@ end
 @test signed(cld(unsigned(typemax(Int64))  , 1)) ==  typemax(Int64)
 @test signed(cld(unsigned(typemax(Int64))  ,-1)) == -typemax(Int64)
-@test signed(cld(typemax(Uint),typemax(Int)))        ==  3
-@test signed(cld(typemax(Uint),(typemax(Int)>>1)+1)) ==  4
-@test signed(cld(typemax(Uint),typemax(Int)>>1))     ==  5
-@test signed(cld(typemax(Uint),typemin(Int)))        == -1
-@test signed(cld(typemax(Uint),typemin(Int)+1))      == -2
-@test signed(cld(typemax(Uint),typemin(Int)>>1))     == -3
-@test signed(cld(typemax(Uint),(typemin(Int)>>1)+1)) == -4
+@test signed(cld(typemax(UInt),typemax(Int)))        ==  3
+@test signed(cld(typemax(UInt),(typemax(Int)>>1)+1)) ==  4
+@test signed(cld(typemax(UInt),typemax(Int)>>1))     ==  5
+@test signed(cld(typemax(UInt),typemin(Int)))        == -1
+@test signed(cld(typemax(UInt),typemin(Int)+1))      == -2
+@test signed(cld(typemax(UInt),typemin(Int)>>1))     == -3
+@test signed(cld(typemax(UInt),(typemin(Int)>>1)+1)) == -4
 # issue #4156
 @test fld(1.4,0.35667494393873234) == 3.0
@@ -1333,14 +1333,14 @@ end
 @test       iround(Int64, 9.223372036854775e18) == 9223372036854774784
 @test_throws InexactError iround(Int64, -9.223372036854778e18)
 @test       iround(Int64, -9.223372036854776e18) == typemin(Int64)
-@test_throws InexactError iround(Uint64, 1.8446744073709552e19)
-@test       iround(Uint64, 1.844674407370955e19) == 0xfffffffffffff800
+@test_throws InexactError iround(UInt64, 1.8446744073709552e19)
+@test       iround(UInt64, 1.844674407370955e19) == 0xfffffffffffff800
 @test_throws InexactError iround(Int32, 2.1474836f9)
 @test       iround(Int32, 2.1474835f9) == 2147483520
 @test_throws InexactError iround(Int32, -2.147484f9)
 @test       iround(Int32, -2.1474836f9) == typemin(Int32)
-@test_throws InexactError iround(Uint32, 4.2949673f9)
-@test       iround(Uint32, 4.294967f9) == 0xffffff00
+@test_throws InexactError iround(UInt32, 4.2949673f9)
+@test       iround(UInt32, 4.294967f9) == 0xffffff00
 for n = 1:100
     m = 1
@@ -1350,7 +1350,7 @@ for n = 1:100
     @test n == m
-@test iround(Uint,-0.0) == 0
+@test iround(UInt,-0.0) == 0
 @test iround(Int,-0.0) == 0
 @test iround(Int, 0.5) == 1
@@ -1358,20 +1358,20 @@ end
 @test iround(Int, -0.5) == -1
 @test iround(Int, nextfloat(-0.5)) == 0
-@test iround(Uint, 0.5) == 1
-@test iround(Uint, prevfloat(0.5)) == 0
-@test_throws InexactError iround(Uint, -0.5)
-@test iround(Uint, nextfloat(-0.5)) == 0
+@test iround(UInt, 0.5) == 1
+@test iround(UInt, prevfloat(0.5)) == 0
+@test_throws InexactError iround(UInt, -0.5)
+@test iround(UInt, nextfloat(-0.5)) == 0
 @test iround(Int, 0.5f0) == 1
 @test iround(Int, prevfloat(0.5f0)) == 0
 @test iround(Int, -0.5f0) == -1
 @test iround(Int, nextfloat(-0.5f0)) == 0
-@test iround(Uint, 0.5f0) == 1
-@test iround(Uint, prevfloat(0.5f0)) == 0
-@test_throws InexactError iround(Uint, -0.5f0)
-@test iround(Uint, nextfloat(-0.5f0)) == 0
+@test iround(UInt, 0.5f0) == 1
+@test iround(UInt, prevfloat(0.5f0)) == 0
+@test_throws InexactError iround(UInt, -0.5f0)
+@test iround(UInt, nextfloat(-0.5f0)) == 0
 # numbers that can't be rounded by trunc(x+0.5)
 @test iround(Int64, 2.0^52 + 1) == 4503599627370497
@@ -1380,25 +1380,25 @@ end
 # binary literals
 @test 0b1010101 == 0x55
-@test isa(0b00000000,Uint8)
-@test isa(0b000000000,Uint16)
-@test isa(0b0000000000000000,Uint16)
-@test isa(0b00000000000000000,Uint32)
-@test isa(0b00000000000000000000000000000000,Uint32)
-@test isa(0b000000000000000000000000000000000,Uint64)
-@test isa(0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,Uint64)
-@test isa(0b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,Uint128)
-@test isa(0b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,Uint128)
+@test isa(0b00000000,UInt8)
+@test isa(0b000000000,UInt16)
+@test isa(0b0000000000000000,UInt16)
+@test isa(0b00000000000000000,UInt32)
+@test isa(0b00000000000000000000000000000000,UInt32)
+@test isa(0b000000000000000000000000000000000,UInt64)
+@test isa(0b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,UInt64)
+@test isa(0b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,UInt128)
+@test isa(0b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,UInt128)
 @test isa(0b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,BigInt)
-@test isa(0b11111111,Uint8)
-@test isa(0b111111111,Uint16)
-@test isa(0b1111111111111111,Uint16)
-@test isa(0b11111111111111111,Uint32)
-@test isa(0b11111111111111111111111111111111,Uint32)
-@test isa(0b111111111111111111111111111111111,Uint64)
-@test isa(0b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,Uint64)
-@test isa(0b11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,Uint128)
-@test isa(0b11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,Uint128)
+@test isa(0b11111111,UInt8)
+@test isa(0b111111111,UInt16)
+@test isa(0b1111111111111111,UInt16)
+@test isa(0b11111111111111111,UInt32)
+@test isa(0b11111111111111111111111111111111,UInt32)
+@test isa(0b111111111111111111111111111111111,UInt64)
+@test isa(0b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,UInt64)
+@test isa(0b11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,UInt128)
+@test isa(0b11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,UInt128)
 @test isa(0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,BigInt)
 # octal literals
@@ -1407,52 +1407,52 @@ end
 @test 0o100 == 0x40
 @test 0o1000 == 0x200
 @test 0o724 == 0x1d4
-@test isa(0o377,Uint8)
-@test isa(0o00,Uint8)
-@test isa(0o000,Uint16)
-@test isa(0o00000,Uint16)
-@test isa(0o000000,Uint32)
-@test isa(0o0000000000,Uint32)
-@test isa(0o00000000000,Uint64)
-@test isa(0o000000000000000000000,Uint64)
-@test isa(0o0000000000000000000000,Uint128)
-@test isa(0o000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,Uint128)
+@test isa(0o377,UInt8)
+@test isa(0o00,UInt8)
+@test isa(0o000,UInt16)
+@test isa(0o00000,UInt16)
+@test isa(0o000000,UInt32)
+@test isa(0o0000000000,UInt32)
+@test isa(0o00000000000,UInt64)
+@test isa(0o000000000000000000000,UInt64)
+@test isa(0o0000000000000000000000,UInt128)
+@test isa(0o000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,UInt128)
 @test isa(0o0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,BigInt)
-@test isa(0o11,Uint8)
-@test isa(0o111,Uint8)
-@test isa(0o11111,Uint16)
-@test isa(0o111111,Uint16)
-@test isa(0o1111111111,Uint32)
-@test isa(0o11111111111,Uint32)
-@test isa(0o111111111111111111111,Uint64)
-@test isa(0o1111111111111111111111,Uint64)
-@test isa(0o111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,Uint128)
-@test isa(0o1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,Uint128)
+@test isa(0o11,UInt8)
+@test isa(0o111,UInt8)
+@test isa(0o11111,UInt16)
+@test isa(0o111111,UInt16)
+@test isa(0o1111111111,UInt32)
+@test isa(0o11111111111,UInt32)
+@test isa(0o111111111111111111111,UInt64)
+@test isa(0o1111111111111111111111,UInt64)
+@test isa(0o111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,UInt128)
+@test isa(0o1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,UInt128)
 @test isa(0o11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,BigInt)
 @test 0o4000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ==
 # hexadecimal literals
-@test isa(0x00,Uint8)
-@test isa(0x000,Uint16)
-@test isa(0x0000,Uint16)
-@test isa(0x00000,Uint32)
-@test isa(0x00000000,Uint32)
-@test isa(0x000000000,Uint64)
-@test isa(0x0000000000000000,Uint64)
-@test isa(0x00000000000000000,Uint128)
-@test isa(0x00000000000000000000000000000000,Uint128)
+@test isa(0x00,UInt8)
+@test isa(0x000,UInt16)
+@test isa(0x0000,UInt16)
+@test isa(0x00000,UInt32)
+@test isa(0x00000000,UInt32)
+@test isa(0x000000000,UInt64)
+@test isa(0x0000000000000000,UInt64)
+@test isa(0x00000000000000000,UInt128)
+@test isa(0x00000000000000000000000000000000,UInt128)
 @test isa(0x000000000000000000000000000000000,BigInt)
-@test isa(0x11,Uint8)
-@test isa(0x111,Uint16)
-@test isa(0x1111,Uint16)
-@test isa(0x11111,Uint32)
-@test isa(0x11111111,Uint32)
-@test isa(0x111111111,Uint64)
-@test isa(0x1111111111111111,Uint64)
-@test isa(0x11111111111111111,Uint128)
-@test isa(0x11111111111111111111111111111111,Uint128)
+@test isa(0x11,UInt8)
+@test isa(0x111,UInt16)
+@test isa(0x1111,UInt16)
+@test isa(0x11111,UInt32)
+@test isa(0x11111111,UInt32)
+@test isa(0x111111111,UInt64)
+@test isa(0x1111111111111111,UInt64)
+@test isa(0x11111111111111111,UInt128)
+@test isa(0x11111111111111111111111111111111,UInt128)
 @test isa(0x111111111111111111111111111111111,BigInt)
 # "-" is not part of unsigned literals
@@ -1472,10 +1472,10 @@ end
 @test -0b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 ==
-@test isa(-0x00,Uint8)
-@test isa(-0x0000000000000000,Uint64)
-@test isa(-0x00000000000000000,Uint128)
-@test isa(-0x00000000000000000000000000000000,Uint128)
+@test isa(-0x00,UInt8)
+@test isa(-0x0000000000000000,UInt64)
+@test isa(-0x00000000000000000,UInt128)
+@test isa(-0x00000000000000000000000000000000,UInt128)
 @test isa(-0x000000000000000000000000000000000,BigInt)
 # float32 literals
@@ -1595,7 +1595,7 @@ approx_eq(a, b) = approx_eq(a, b, 1e-6)
 @test rationalize(Int16, 0.2264705884044309) == 77//340
 @test rationalize(Int16, 0.39999899264235683) == 2//5
 @test rationalize(Int16, 1.1264233500618559e-5) == 0//1
-@test rationalize(Uint16, 0.6666652791223875) == 2//3
+@test rationalize(UInt16, 0.6666652791223875) == 2//3
 @test rationalize(Int8, 0.9374813124660655) == 15//16
 @test rationalize(Int8, 0.003803032342443835) == 0//1
@@ -1808,7 +1808,7 @@ end
 @test !isprime(0xffffffffffffffc9)
 # issue #5210
-@test prod([ k^v for (k,v) in factor(typemax(Uint32)) ]) == typemax(Uint32)
+@test prod([ k^v for (k,v) in factor(typemax(UInt32)) ]) == typemax(UInt32)
 @test prod([ k^v for (k,v) in factor(typemax(Int8)) ]) == typemax(Int8)
 # rational-exponent promotion rules (issue #3155):
@@ -1933,7 +1933,7 @@ end
 # modular multiplicative inverses of odd numbers via exponentiation
-for T = (Uint8,Int8,Uint16,Int16,Uint32,Int32,Uint64,Int64,Uint128,Int128)
+for T = (UInt8,Int8,UInt16,Int16,UInt32,Int32,UInt64,Int64,UInt128,Int128)
     for n = 1:2:1000
         @test n*(n^typemax(T)) & typemax(T) == 1
         n = rand(T) | one(T)
@@ -1982,8 +1982,8 @@ end
 # issue #7441
 @test_throws InexactError int32(2.0^50)
-@test_throws InexactError iround(Uint8, 255.5)
-@test iround(Uint8, 255.4) === 0xff
+@test_throws InexactError iround(UInt8, 255.5)
+@test iround(UInt8, 255.4) === 0xff
 @test_throws InexactError iround(Int16, -32768.7)
 @test iround(Int16, -32768.1) === int16(-32768)
@@ -2025,8 +2025,8 @@ let a = zeros(Int,(2,4))
     @test a == [0 1 0 1;
                 0 0 1 1]
-@test_throws InexactError convert(Uint8, 256)
-@test_throws InexactError convert(Uint, -1)
+@test_throws InexactError convert(UInt8, 256)
+@test_throws InexactError convert(UInt, -1)
 @test_throws InexactError convert(Int, big(2)^100)
 @test_throws InexactError convert(Int16, big(2)^100)
-@test_throws InexactError convert(Int, typemax(Uint))
+@test_throws InexactError convert(Int, typemax(UInt))
diff --git a/test/parallel.jl b/test/parallel.jl
index 02003bca5c6a5..7626bb5154583 100644
--- a/test/parallel.jl
+++ b/test/parallel.jl
@@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ if haskey(ENV, "PTEST_FULL")
     # needs at least 4 processors (which are being created above for the @parallel tests)
     s = "a"*"bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"^100;
-    @test ups == bytestring(Uint8[uint8(c) for c in pmap(x->uppercase(x), s)])
-    @test ups == bytestring(Uint8[uint8(c) for c in pmap(x->uppercase(char(x)), s.data)])
+    @test ups == bytestring(UInt8[uint8(c) for c in pmap(x->uppercase(x), s)])
+    @test ups == bytestring(UInt8[uint8(c) for c in pmap(x->uppercase(char(x)), s.data)])
     # retry, on error exit
     res = pmap(x->(x=='a') ? error("test error. don't panic.") : uppercase(x), s; err_retry=true, err_stop=true);
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ if haskey(ENV, "PTEST_FULL")
     # retry, on error continue
     res = pmap(x->iseven(myid()) ? error("test error. don't panic.") : uppercase(x), s; err_retry=true, err_stop=false);
     @test length(res) == length(ups)
-    @test ups == bytestring(Uint8[uint8(c) for c in res])
+    @test ups == bytestring(UInt8[uint8(c) for c in res])
     # no retry, on error continue
     res = pmap(x->(x=='a') ? error("test error. don't panic.") : uppercase(x), s; err_retry=false, err_stop=false);
diff --git a/test/perf/kernel/actor_centrality.jl b/test/perf/kernel/actor_centrality.jl
index 6eaa4b91e7577..98c9a6e2ffa41 100644
--- a/test/perf/kernel/actor_centrality.jl
+++ b/test/perf/kernel/actor_centrality.jl
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function get(G::Graph, name)
 function centrality_mean(G::Graph, start_node)
-    dists = Dict{Node,Uint64}()
+    dists = Dict{Node,UInt64}()
     next = Set([G[start_node]])
     cdist = 0
diff --git a/test/perf/kernel/go_benchmark.jl b/test/perf/kernel/go_benchmark.jl
index 45bb749c33325..7d54ee3dffe35 100644
--- a/test/perf/kernel/go_benchmark.jl
+++ b/test/perf/kernel/go_benchmark.jl
@@ -19,21 +19,21 @@ const BLACK_TERRITORY = 4
 const UNKNOWN = 5
 type XorRand
-  state::Uint32
+  state::UInt32
-function xor_srand(rand::XorRand, seed::Uint32)
+function xor_srand(rand::XorRand, seed::UInt32)
   rand.state = seed
-function xor_randn(rand::XorRand, n::Uint32)
+function xor_randn(rand::XorRand, n::UInt32)
   rand.state $= rand.state << 13
   rand.state $= rand.state >> 17
   rand.state $= rand.state << 5
   rand.state % n
-xor_randn(rand::XorRand, n::Int) = convert(Int, xor_randn(rand, convert(Uint32, n)))
+xor_randn(rand::XorRand, n::Int) = convert(Int, xor_randn(rand, convert(UInt32, n)))
 # Offsets for the four directly adjacent neighbors. Used for looping.
 const deltai = (-1, 1, 0, 0)
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ type Board
   function Board(n::Int)
-    init(new(), n, convert(Uint32, 2463534242))
+    init(new(), n, convert(UInt32, 2463534242))
-function init(board::Board, n::Int, seed::Uint32)
+function init(board::Board, n::Int, seed::UInt32)
   board.size = n
   board.komi = 0.0
   board.board = zeros(Int, n, n)
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ function set_komi(board::Board, komi::Float64)
   board.komi = komi
-function set_random_seed(board::Board, seed::Uint32)
+function set_random_seed(board::Board, seed::UInt32)
   xor_srand(board.rand, seed)
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ function compute_score(board::Board)
 function benchmark(num_games_per_point::Int)
-  random_seed = convert(Uint32, 1)
+  random_seed = convert(UInt32, 1)
   board_size = 9
   komi = 0.5
diff --git a/test/perf/kernel/ziggurat.jl b/test/perf/kernel/ziggurat.jl
index eeca6c8fc14a8..c2c6567ccbe19 100644
--- a/test/perf/kernel/ziggurat.jl
+++ b/test/perf/kernel/ziggurat.jl
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ function randn_zig()
     x = 0.0
     while (true)
-        U = rand(Uint32)
+        U = rand(UInt32)
         i = 1 + (U & 0x0000007F)     # 7 bit to choose the step
         sign = U & 0x00000080        # 1 bit for the sign
         j = U>>8                     # 24 bit for the x-value
diff --git a/test/perf/micro/perf.jl b/test/perf/micro/perf.jl
index 943bc9992adfe..6c21ebc6628c8 100644
--- a/test/perf/micro/perf.jl
+++ b/test/perf/micro/perf.jl
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ fib(n) = n < 2 ? n : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
 function parseintperf(t)
     local n, m
     for i=1:t
-        n = rand(Uint32)
+        n = rand(UInt32)
         s = hex(n)
         m = uint32(parseint(Int64,s,16))
diff --git a/test/perf/shootout/fasta.jl b/test/perf/shootout/fasta.jl
index eebeca65e36df..34033eb833ad4 100644
--- a/test/perf/shootout/fasta.jl
+++ b/test/perf/shootout/fasta.jl
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ function choose_char(cs)
 function random_fasta(symb, pr, n)
     cs = cumsum(pr)
-    line = Array(Uint8, line_width)
+    line = Array(UInt8, line_width)
     k = n
     while k > 0
         m = min(k, line_width)
diff --git a/test/perf/shootout/mandelbrot.jl b/test/perf/shootout/mandelbrot.jl
index f4b3697a050de..b7cc7da751505 100644
--- a/test/perf/shootout/mandelbrot.jl
+++ b/test/perf/shootout/mandelbrot.jl
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ function ismandel(z::Complex128)
     return true
-function draw_mandel(M::Array{Uint8, 2}, n::Int)
+function draw_mandel(M::Array{UInt8, 2}, n::Int)
     for y = 0:n-1
         ci = 2y/n - 1
         for x = 0:n-1
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function mandelbrot(n::Int=200, outfile="mandelbrot-output-julia.txt")
         error("Error: n of $n is not divisible by 8")
-    M = zeros(Uint8, div(n, 8), n)
+    M = zeros(UInt8, div(n, 8), n)
     draw_mandel(M, n)
     output = open(outfile, "w")
diff --git a/test/perf/shootout/meteor_contest.jl b/test/perf/shootout/meteor_contest.jl
index ded3b22cc49fb..3456eddb0de03 100644
--- a/test/perf/shootout/meteor_contest.jl
+++ b/test/perf/shootout/meteor_contest.jl
@@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ const pieces = (
 const solutions = Any[]
-const masks = zeros(Uint64, 10)
+const masks = zeros(UInt64, 10)
 const masksAtCell = Array(Any, width*height, height)
 valid(x, y) = (0 <= x < width) && (0 <= y < height)
-legal(mask::Uint64, board::Uint64) = (mask & board) == 0
-zerocount(mask::Uint64) = 50 - count_ones(mask)
+legal(mask::UInt64, board::UInt64) = (mask & board) == 0
+zerocount(mask::UInt64) = 50 - count_ones(mask)
-function findFreeCell(board::Uint64)
+function findFreeCell(board::UInt64)
     for y in 0:height-1
         for x in 0:width-1
             if board & (uint64(1) << (x + width*y)) == 0
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ function findFreeCell(board::Uint64)
-function floodFill(board::Uint64, fixme)
+function floodFill(board::UInt64, fixme)
     x, y = fixme
     if !valid(x,y)
         return board
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ function floodFill(board::Uint64, fixme)
     return board
-function noIslands(mask::Uint64)
+function noIslands(mask::UInt64)
     zeroes_ = zerocount(mask)
     if zeroes_ < 5
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ function getBitmask(x, y, piece)
 function allBitmasks(piece, color)
-    bitmasks = Uint64[]
+    bitmasks = UInt64[]
     for orientations in 0:1
         for rotations in 0:(6 - 3*(color == 4))-1
             for y in 0:height-1
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ end
 function generateBitmasks()
     for i = 1:length(masksAtCell)
-        masksAtCell[i] = Uint64[]
+        masksAtCell[i] = UInt64[]
     color = 0
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ function generateBitmasks()
-function solveCell(cell_, board::Uint64, n)
+function solveCell(cell_, board::UInt64, n)
     if length(solutions) >= n
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ end
 function stringOfMasks(masks)
     s = ""
-    mask::Uint64 = 1
+    mask::UInt64 = 1
     for y in 0:height-1
         for x in 0:width-1
             for color in 0:9
diff --git a/test/perf/shootout/revcomp.jl b/test/perf/shootout/revcomp.jl
index 58e9d15eec758..17e1d5ea70713 100644
--- a/test/perf/shootout/revcomp.jl
+++ b/test/perf/shootout/revcomp.jl
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ end
 function revcomp(infile="revcomp-input.txt")
     input = open(infile, "r")
-    buff = Uint8[]
+    buff = UInt8[]
     while true
         line = readline(input).data
         if isempty(line)
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ function revcomp(infile="revcomp-input.txt")
         elseif line[1] == '>'
 #            print_buff(buff)
-            buff = Uint8[]
+            buff = UInt8[]
 #            write(line)
             l = length(line)-1
diff --git a/test/pollfd.jl b/test/pollfd.jl
index a1d399f50cc37..d57c51981bb45 100644
--- a/test/pollfd.jl
+++ b/test/pollfd.jl
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ function test_read(slval)
     t = Task(()->test_poll_fd(tval))
-    @test 1 == ccall(:write, Csize_t, (Cint, Ptr{Uint8},Csize_t), pipe_fds[2], bytestring("A"), 1)
+    @test 1 == ccall(:write, Csize_t, (Cint, Ptr{UInt8},Csize_t), pipe_fds[2], bytestring("A"), 1)
     tr = consume(t)
     t_elapsed = toq()
     @test isreadable(tr) || iswritable(tr)
-    dout = Array(Uint8, 1)
-    @test 1 == ccall(:read, Csize_t, (Cint, Ptr{Uint8},Csize_t), pipe_fds[1], dout, 1)
+    dout = Array(UInt8, 1)
+    @test 1 == ccall(:read, Csize_t, (Cint, Ptr{UInt8},Csize_t), pipe_fds[1], dout, 1)
     @test dout[1] == int8('A')
     @test slval <= t_elapsed
diff --git a/test/random.jl b/test/random.jl
index 9b549d27a856f..9271c49981087 100644
--- a/test/random.jl
+++ b/test/random.jl
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ srand(0); rand(); x = rand(384);
 @test rand() != rand()
 @test 0.0 <= rand() < 1.0
-@test rand(Uint32) >= 0
+@test rand(UInt32) >= 0
 @test -10 <= rand(-10:-5) <= -5
 @test -10 <= rand(-10:5) <= 5
 @test minimum([rand(int32(1):int32(7^7)) for i = 1:100000]) > 0
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ randn!(MersenneTwister(42), A)
 @test A == [-0.5560268761463861  0.027155338009193845;
             -0.444383357109696  -0.29948409035891055]
-for T in (Int8, Uint8, Int16, Uint16, Int32, Uint32, Int64, Uint64, Int128, Uint128,
+for T in (Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Int128, UInt128,
           Float16, Float32, Float64, Rational{Int})
     r = rand(convert(T, 97):convert(T, 122))
     @test typeof(r) == T
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ emantissa           = int64(2)^52
 ziggurat_exp_r      = BigFloat("7.69711747013104971404462804811408952334296818528283253278834867283241051210533")
 exp_section_area    = (ziggurat_exp_r + 1)*exp(-ziggurat_exp_r)
-const ki = Array(Uint64, ziggurat_table_size)
+const ki = Array(UInt64, ziggurat_table_size)
 const wi = Array(Float64, ziggurat_table_size)
 const fi = Array(Float64, ziggurat_table_size)
 # Tables for exponential variates
-const ke = Array(Uint64, ziggurat_table_size)
+const ke = Array(UInt64, ziggurat_table_size)
 const we = Array(Float64, ziggurat_table_size)
 const fe = Array(Float64, ziggurat_table_size)
 function randmtzig_fill_ziggurat_tables() # Operates on the global arrays
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ function randmtzig_fill_ziggurat_tables() # Operates on the global arrays
         feb[i] = exp(-x)
         x1 = x
-    ke[2] = zero(Uint64)
+    ke[2] = zero(UInt64)
     wi[:] = float64(wib)
     fi[:] = float64(fib)
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ randmtzig_fill_ziggurat_tables()
 #same random numbers on for small ranges on all systems
-seed = rand(Uint) #leave state nondeterministic as above
+seed = rand(UInt) #leave state nondeterministic as above
 r = int64(rand(int32(97:122)))
diff --git a/test/ranges.jl b/test/ranges.jl
index 1a87f90b87497..f1517ec7fbdc7 100644
--- a/test/ranges.jl
+++ b/test/ranges.jl
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ let s = 0
     # loops covering the full range of smaller integer types
     s = 0
-    for i = typemin(Uint8):typemax(Uint8)
+    for i = typemin(UInt8):typemax(UInt8)
         s += 1
     @test s == 256
@@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ let s = 0
     # loops past typemax(Int)
     n = 0
     s = int128(0)
-    for i = typemax(Uint64)-2:typemax(Uint64)
+    for i = typemax(UInt64)-2:typemax(UInt64)
         n += 1
         s += i
     @test n == 3
-    @test s == 3*int128(typemax(Uint64)) - 3
+    @test s == 3*int128(typemax(UInt64)) - 3
     # loops over empty ranges
     s = 0
@@ -302,8 +302,8 @@ for s in 3:100
 @test length(uint(1):uint(1):uint(0)) == 0
-@test length(typemax(Uint):uint(1):(typemax(Uint)-1)) == 0
-@test length(typemax(Uint):uint(2):(typemax(Uint)-1)) == 0
+@test length(typemax(UInt):uint(1):(typemax(UInt)-1)) == 0
+@test length(typemax(UInt):uint(2):(typemax(UInt)-1)) == 0
 @test length((typemin(Int)+3):5:(typemin(Int)+1)) == 0
 # issue #6364
@@ -366,8 +366,8 @@ end
 # issue #8531
 let smallint = (Int === Int64 ?
-                (Int8,Uint8,Int16,Uint16,Int32,Uint32) :
-                (Int8,Uint8,Int16,Uint16))
+                (Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16,Int32,UInt32) :
+                (Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16))
     for T in smallint
         @test length(typemin(T):typemax(T)) == 2^(8*sizeof(T))
diff --git a/test/reducedim.jl b/test/reducedim.jl
index 42031c2a95f1d..ab6ba2007915a 100644
--- a/test/reducedim.jl
+++ b/test/reducedim.jl
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ r = fill(NaN, Base.reduced_dims(size(Breduc), 1))
 # Small integers
 @test @inferred(sum(Int8[1], 1)) == [1]
-@test @inferred(sum(Uint8[1], 1)) == [1]
+@test @inferred(sum(UInt8[1], 1)) == [1]
 # Complex types
 @test typeof(@inferred(sum([1.0+1.0im], 1))) == Vector{Complex128}
diff --git a/test/repl.jl b/test/repl.jl
index 4a15febc40f0c..f82f58edcdbb8 100644
--- a/test/repl.jl
+++ b/test/repl.jl
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ rc != 0 && error("grantpt failed")
 rc = ccall(:unlockpt,Cint,(Cint,),fdm)
 rc != 0 && error("unlockpt")
-fds = ccall(:open,Cint,(Ptr{Uint8},Cint),ccall(:ptsname,Ptr{Uint8},(Cint,),fdm), O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY)
+fds = ccall(:open,Cint,(Ptr{UInt8},Cint),ccall(:ptsname,Ptr{UInt8},(Cint,),fdm), O_RDWR|O_NOCTTY)
 # slave
 slave   = RawFD(fds)
diff --git a/test/show.jl b/test/show.jl
index 5e6b67f672e41..fde527e9a750f 100644
--- a/test/show.jl
+++ b/test/show.jl
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ end
 # control structures (shamelessly stolen from base/bitarray.jl)
 @test_repr """type BitArray{N} <: AbstractArray{Bool, N}
-    chunks::Vector{Uint64}
+    chunks::Vector{UInt64}
     function BitArray(dims::Int...)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ end
             n *= d
         nc = num_bit_chunks(n)
-        chunks = Array(Uint64, nc)
+        chunks = Array(UInt64, nc)
         if nc > 0
             chunks[end] = uint64(0)
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ end
-@test_repr """function copy_chunks(dest::Vector{Uint64}, pos_d::Integer, src::Vector{Uint64}, pos_s::Integer, numbits::Integer)
+@test_repr """function copy_chunks(dest::Vector{UInt64}, pos_d::Integer, src::Vector{UInt64}, pos_s::Integer, numbits::Integer)
     if numbits == 0
diff --git a/test/socket.jl b/test/socket.jl
index f6aa22a800a84..b431ef138e7ba 100644
--- a/test/socket.jl
+++ b/test/socket.jl
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 @test_throws ErrorException Base.parseipv4("192.")
 @test ip"::1" == IPv6(1)
-@test ip"2605:2700:0:3::4713:93e3" == IPv6(parseint(Uint128,"260527000000000300000000471393e3",16))
+@test ip"2605:2700:0:3::4713:93e3" == IPv6(parseint(UInt128,"260527000000000300000000471393e3",16))
 @test ip"2001:db8:0:0:0:0:2:1" == ip"2001:db8::2:1" == ip"2001:db8::0:2:1"
diff --git a/test/sorting.jl b/test/sorting.jl
index 138a330ed8bba..e170c6215ea23 100644
--- a/test/sorting.jl
+++ b/test/sorting.jl
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ b = sort(a, alg=QuickSort, by=x->1/x)
 ## more advanced sorting tests ##
-randnans(n) = reinterpret(Float64,[rand(Uint64)|0x7ff8000000000000 for i=1:n])
+randnans(n) = reinterpret(Float64,[rand(UInt64)|0x7ff8000000000000 for i=1:n])
 function randn_with_nans(n,p)
     v = randn(n)
@@ -186,14 +186,14 @@ for n in [0:10, 100, 101, 1000, 1001]
         # test float sorting with NaNs
         s = sort(v, alg=alg, rev=rev)
         @test issorted(s, rev=rev)
-        @test reinterpret(Uint64,v[isnan(v)]) == reinterpret(Uint64,s[isnan(s)])
+        @test reinterpret(UInt64,v[isnan(v)]) == reinterpret(UInt64,s[isnan(s)])
         # test float permutation with NaNs
         p = sortperm(v, alg=alg, rev=rev)
         @test isperm(p)
         vp = v[p]
         @test isequal(vp,s)
-        @test reinterpret(Uint64,vp) == reinterpret(Uint64,s)
+        @test reinterpret(UInt64,vp) == reinterpret(UInt64,s)
diff --git a/test/sparse.jl b/test/sparse.jl
index f0073994bf871..509986a9aff7e 100644
--- a/test/sparse.jl
+++ b/test/sparse.jl
@@ -300,8 +300,8 @@ for (aa116, ss116) in [(a116, s116), (ad116, sd116)]
 # workaround issue #7197: comment out let-block
-#let S = SparseMatrixCSC(3, 3, Uint8[1,1,1,1], Uint8[], Int64[])
-S1290 = SparseMatrixCSC(3, 3, Uint8[1,1,1,1], Uint8[], Int64[])
+#let S = SparseMatrixCSC(3, 3, UInt8[1,1,1,1], UInt8[], Int64[])
+S1290 = SparseMatrixCSC(3, 3, UInt8[1,1,1,1], UInt8[], Int64[])
     S1290[1,1] = 1
     S1290[5] = 2
     S1290[end] = 3
diff --git a/test/statistics.jl b/test/statistics.jl
index e3fae25434f50..94aca0c2d3872 100644
--- a/test/statistics.jl
+++ b/test/statistics.jl
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 @test middle([1:8]) === 4.5
 # ensure type-correctness
-for T in [Bool,Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64,Int128,Uint8,Uint16,Uint32,Uint64,Uint128,Float16,Float32,Float64]
+for T in [Bool,Int8,Int16,Int32,Int64,Int128,UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64,UInt128,Float16,Float32,Float64]
     @test middle(one(T)) === middle(one(T), one(T))
diff --git a/test/strings.jl b/test/strings.jl
index 4d6eb8d9549fd..a99fd27dfda91 100644
--- a/test/strings.jl
+++ b/test/strings.jl
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ cx = Any[
 for i = 1:size(cx,1)
-    @test cx[i,1] == convert(Uint32, cx[i,2])
+    @test cx[i,1] == convert(UInt32, cx[i,2])
     @test string(cx[i,2]) == unescape_string(cx[i,3])
     if isascii(cx[i,2]) || !isprint(cx[i,2])
         @test cx[i,3] == escape_string(string(cx[i,2]))
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ for T in (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
     @test_throws OverflowError parseint(T,string(big(typemax(T))+1))
-for T in (Uint8,Uint16,Uint32,Uint64)
+for T in (UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64)
     @test parseint(T,string(typemin(T))) == typemin(T)
     @test parseint(T,string(typemax(T))) == typemax(T)
     @test_throws ErrorException parseint(T,string(big(typemin(T))-1))
@@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ end
 @test rsearch("foo,bar,baz", "az", 10) == 0:-1
 # array rsearch
-@test rsearch(Uint8[1,2,3],Uint8[2,3],3) == 2:3
-@test rsearch(Uint8[1,2,3],Uint8[2,3],1) == 0:-1
+@test rsearch(UInt8[1,2,3],UInt8[2,3],3) == 2:3
+@test rsearch(UInt8[1,2,3],UInt8[2,3],1) == 0:-1
 # string search with a two-char regex
 @test search("foo,bar,baz", r"xx") == 0:-1
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ bin_val = hex2bytes(hex_str)
 bin_val = hex2bytes("07bf")
 @test bin_val[1] == 7
 @test bin_val[2] == 191
-@test typeof(bin_val) == Array{Uint8, 1}
+@test typeof(bin_val) == Array{UInt8, 1}
 @test length(bin_val) == 2
 # all valid hex chars
@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ bin_val = hex2bytes("07bf")
 @test float(SubString("1 0",1,1)) === 1.0
 @test float32(SubString("10",1,1)) === 1.0f0
-for T = (Uint8,Int8,Uint16,Int16,Uint32,Int32,Uint64,Int64,Uint128,Int128,BigInt),
+for T = (UInt8,Int8,UInt16,Int16,UInt32,Int32,UInt64,Int64,UInt128,Int128,BigInt),
     b = 2:62, _ = 1:10
     n = T != BigInt ? rand(T) : BigInt(rand(Int128))
     @test parseint(T,base(b,n),b) == n
diff --git a/test/unicode.jl b/test/unicode.jl
index 4b71c8dc49ff2..9e9648034eb02 100644
--- a/test/unicode.jl
+++ b/test/unicode.jl
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ u16 = utf16(u8)
 @test length(u16) == 4
 @test utf8(u16) == u8
 @test collect(u8) == collect(u16)
-@test u8 == utf16(u16.data[1:end-1]) == utf16(copy!(Array(Uint8, 14), 1, reinterpret(Uint8, u16.data), 1, 14))
+@test u8 == utf16(u16.data[1:end-1]) == utf16(copy!(Array(UInt8, 14), 1, reinterpret(UInt8, u16.data), 1, 14))
 @test u8 == utf16(pointer(u16)) == utf16(convert(Ptr{Int16}, pointer(u16)))
 # UTF32
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ u32 = utf32(u8)
 @test length(u32) == 4
 @test utf8(u32) == u8
 @test collect(u8) == collect(u32)
-@test u8 == utf32(u32.data[1:end-1]) == utf32(copy!(Array(Uint8, 16), 1, reinterpret(Uint8, u32.data), 1, 16))
+@test u8 == utf32(u32.data[1:end-1]) == utf32(copy!(Array(UInt8, 16), 1, reinterpret(UInt8, u32.data), 1, 16))
 @test u8 == utf32(pointer(u32)) == utf32(convert(Ptr{Int32}, pointer(u32)))
 # Wstring
@@ -50,30 +50,30 @@ else
-    str1 = utf32(read(f, Uint32, 1112065)[2:end])
+    str1 = utf32(read(f, UInt32, 1112065)[2:end])
-    str2 = UTF8String(read(f, Uint8, 4382595)[4:end])
+    str2 = UTF8String(read(f, UInt8, 4382595)[4:end])
     @test str1 == str2
     @test str1 == open(joinpath(unicodedir,"UTF-16LE.unicode")) do f
-        utf16(read(f, Uint16, 2160641)[2:end])
+        utf16(read(f, UInt16, 2160641)[2:end])
     @test str1 == open(joinpath(unicodedir,"UTF-16LE.unicode")) do f
-        utf16(read(f, Uint8, 2160641*2))
+        utf16(read(f, UInt8, 2160641*2))
     @test str1 == open(joinpath(unicodedir,"UTF-16BE.unicode")) do f
-        utf16(read(f, Uint8, 2160641*2))
+        utf16(read(f, UInt8, 2160641*2))
     @test str1 == open(joinpath(unicodedir,"UTF-32LE.unicode")) do f
-        utf32(read(f, Uint8, 1112065*4))
+        utf32(read(f, UInt8, 1112065*4))
     @test str1 == open(joinpath(unicodedir,"UTF-32BE.unicode")) do f
-        utf32(read(f, Uint8, 1112065*4))
+        utf32(read(f, UInt8, 1112065*4))
     str1 = "∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0: |x-y| < δ ⇒ |f(x)-f(y)| < ε"