Principles of OOPs
Object : instance of class.
Class : collections of oblect and methods.
Abstraction : repesenting essential without the background cod .
Encapsulation : Wapping up data and methods.
Polymorphism : Talking in more than one form. eg:Overloading
Inheritance : derived class share common properties.
Dinamic Binding : overriding....
Message Passing :
Robust : Exception Handling.
Secure : bytecode...
Benefits of OOPs
is a Operator
compare two Objects based on the memory reference.
is a method.
compare the content of the object
can be override.
Default constructors
parameterized constructors
no-arg constructors
Multiple constructor
Method overloading
Static member
Static member function
Access specifiers
Default, public, private, and protected
Finalize method
Super class
Sub class
Types of inheritance
Single-level inheritance.
Multi-level Inheritance.
Hierarchical Inheritance.
Multiple Inheritance.
Hybrid Inheritance.
Method overriding
Static block
Instance initializer block
Constructor chaining
final variable
final method
final class
Abstract class
Inheritance class
Inheritance Vs Delegation
Inner class
Static inner class
Local inner class
Anonymous inner class
Errors handling
Checked exception
Unchecked exception
Uncaught exception
Exception handling
Nested try
User defined exceptions
Packages and name clashing
Handling name clashing
Parametric polymorphism
Why generic programming?
Generic methods
Generic class instead of generic method
Generic interface
Generics arrays
Bounded types
Upper bound
Lower bound
Restrictions and limitations
Collections framework
Hierarchy of Collections interfaces
Ordered and UnOrdered
Exceptions in collection
Important methods in collection.
Linked List
Priority Queue
iterated (using for)
Iterator interface
ListIterator interface
Collection algorithms
Data Manipulation
Finding Extreme Value
Algorithm - Data manipulation
// Abstract class example
public abstract class Animal {
public void eat () {
System .out .println ("Animal is eating" );
public abstract void makeSound ();
public class Dog extends Animal {
public void makeSound () {
System .out .println ("Woof" );
// Interface example
public interface Jumpable {
public void jump ();
public class Cat implements Jumpable {
public void jump () {
System .out .println ("Cat is jumping" );
class c1 {
public int amount =242 ;
public c1 (int a ){
System .out .println ("c1" +a );
class c2 extends c1 {
public c2 (int a , int b ){
super (a );
System .out .println ("c2" + b );
class c3 extends c2 {
public c3 (int a ,int b ,int c ){
super (a ,b );
System .out .print ("c3" + c );
public class test {
public static void main (String []argcs ){
c3 b = new c3 (1 ,2 ,3 );
class c1 {
public int amount =242 ;
public c1 (int a ){
System .out .println ("c1" +a );
class c2 extends c1 {
public c2 (int a , int b ){
super (a );
System .out .println ("c2" + b );
class c3 extends c2 {
public c3 (int a ,int b ,int c ){
super (a ,b );
System .out .print ("c3" + c );
public class test {
public static void main (String []argcs ){
c1 b = new c2 (1 ,2 );
class P
int a = 30 ;
class Q extends P
int a = 50 ;
public class test {
public static void main (String [] args )
Q q = new Q ();
System .out .println (" Value of a: " +q .a );
P p = new Q ();
System .out .println ("Value of a: " +p .a );
class Example {
public void print (int x ) {
System .out .println ("Printing integer: " + x );
public void print (double x ) {
System .out .println ("Printing double: " + x );
public void print (String x ) {
System .out .println ("Printing string: " + x );
public class test {
public static void main (String [] args )
Example example = new Example ();
example .print (5 ); // Prints "Printing integer: 5"
example .print (3.14 ); // Prints "Printing double: 3.14"
example .print ("Hello" ); // Prints "Printing string: Hello"
class Animal {
public void makeSound () {
System .out .println ("The animal makes a sound" );
class Dog extends Animal {
@ Override
public void makeSound () {
System .out .println ("The dog barks" );
public class test {
public static void main (String [] args )
Animal animal = new Animal ();
animal .makeSound (); // Prints "The animal makes a sound"
Dog dog = new Dog ();
dog .makeSound (); // Prints "The dog barks"
Generic Method non return type
import java .util .*;
class Person {
public <T > void updata (T name ){
System .out .println (name + "hello ..." );
class test {
public static void main (String [] args ) {
Person p = new Person ();
p .updata ("sam " );
Generic Method return type
import java .util .*;
class Person {
public <T extends Number > T updata (T age ) {
Integer data = age .intValue () + 10 ;
return (T ) data ;
class test {
public static void main (String [] args ) {
Person p = new Person ();
Integer result = p .<Integer >updata (50 );
System .out .println ("Result : " + result );
Generic class instead of generic method
import java .util .*;
class Person <T extends Number >{ // class itself type T
public T updata (T point ) { // No need to say method is type T.
Integer data = point .intValue () + 10 ;
return (T ) data ;
class test {
public static void main (String [] args ) {
Person <Integer > p = new Person <Integer >();
Integer result = p .updata (50 );
System .out .println ("Result : " + result );
import java .util .*;
import java .util .*;
interface Person <T >{
public void add (T point );
public T display ();
class work <T > implements Person <T >{
private T data ;
public void add (T point ){
data = point ;
public T display (){
return data ;
class test {
public static void main (String [] args ) {
work <Integer > w1 = new work <Integer >();
w1 .add (19 );
System .out .print (w1 .display ());
System .out .print ("\n " );
work <Integer > w2 = new work <Integer >();
w2 .add (4589 );
System .out .print (w2 .display ());
import java .util .*;
class test {
public static void main (String []argc ){
LinkedList <String > lis = new LinkedList <String >();
lis .add ("Apple" );
lis .add ("Mango" );
lis .add ("Grape" );
System .out .println (lis );
ListIterator <String > it = lis .listIterator ();
while (it .hasNext ()){
String ele = it .next ();
it .set (ele +"+" );
System .out .println (it );
System .out .println ("ListIterator" + lis );
Iterator <String > list = lis .iterator ();
System .out .println ("In Loop" );
while (list .hasNext ()){
String ele = list .next ();
ele = (ele +"Cyber" );
System .out .println ("\t " +ele );
System .out .println ("Out Loop" );
System .out .println ("Iterator :" +lis ); // Iterater will not edit the content...
import java .util .*;
class test {
public static void main (String []argc ){
ArrayList <Integer > lis = new ArrayList <Integer >();
lis .add (86 );
lis .add (54 );
lis .add (29 );
lis .add (66 );
lis .add (73 );
lis .add (16 );
lis .add (1 );
System .out .println ("Array Data : " + lis );
Collections .sort (lis );
System .out .println ("After Sort Algo: " + lis );
Collections .shuffle (lis );
System .out .println ("After Shuffle Algo: " + lis );
Collections .reverse (lis );
System .out .println ("After Reverse Algo: " + lis );
Collections .swap (lis ,0 ,1 );
System .out .println ("After Swap Algo: " + lis );
Collections .rotate (lis ,2 );
System .out .println ("After Rotate Algo: " + lis );
Collections .frequency (lis ,5 );
System .out .println ("After frequency Algo : " + lis );
CompareTo Override for compare the elements
import java .util .*;
class Person implements Comparable <Person > {
private String name ;
private int age ;
public Person (String name , int age ) {
this .name = name ;
this .age = age ;
public int getAge () {
return age ;
public String getName () {
return name ;
@ Override
public int compareTo (Person other ) {
// Compare persons based on age
return this .age < other .getAge () ? -1 : this .age == other .getAge () ? 0 : 1 ;
class test {
public static void main (String [] args ) {
List <Person > people = new ArrayList <>();
people .add (new Person ("Alice" , 25 ));
people .add (new Person ("Bob" , 30 ));
people .add (new Person ("Charlie" , 20 ));
// Sort people based on age
Collections .sort (people );
// Print out the sorted list
for (Person person : people ) {
System .out .println (person .getName () + " is " + person .getAge () + " years old" );