This page contains network scenarios created by the Kathará community. The aim is to share ideas and use cases among Kathará users.
If you have something interesting to share, please let us know!
You can email [email protected], open an issue in this repository or directly make a Pull Request.
Contributions are always welcome!
Beware: The Kathará Team is not responsible for maintaining the content of the external repositories below. For any problem, refer directly to the authors.
Author | Name | Description | Link |
Marta Burocchi | Hierarchical SDN | Routing in a SDN Hierarchical Network | Link |
Prof. Miguel Pardal, Prof. Miguel Correia | SIRS LETI project 2020/21 | Project for the "Segurança Informática em Redes e Sistemas" (Network and Computer Security) course at Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa | Link |
Afonso Tinoco, Miguel Pardal | Kathara-Setup | Information on how to setup the laboratory environment using Kathará | Link |
Afonso Tinoco, Miguel Pardal | Kathara-Route | Network routing laboratory guide | Link |
Afonso Tinoco, Miguel Pardal | Kathara-NetVulns | Network vulnerabilities laboratory guide | Link |
Afonso Tinoco, Miguel Pardal | Kathara-WebServer-Firewall | Web server and firewall laboratory guide | Link |
Afonso Tinoco, Miguel Pardal | Kathara-DNS | Kathará DNS laboratory guide | Link |
Afonso Tinoco, Miguel Pardal | Kathara-SSH | Kathará SSH laboratory guide | Link |
Afonso Tinoco, Miguel Pardal | Kathara-VPN | Kathará VPN configuration laboratory guide | Link |
Kwaku Appiah-Adu | Virtualisation of Internet Insecurity Demonstration | The lab is designed to facilitate a MITM Attack using BGP Prefix Hijacking | Link |
Lorenzo Valeriani, Daniele Ferrarelli, Marco Ferri | KatharaRPKI | This project is structured in two parts. In the first part, a BGP Hijacking attack is implemented. In the second part, it is shown how a Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) makes it possible to prevent this type of threat. | Link |
Tommaso Caiazzi | Kathara-TRex | A collection of Kathará network scenarios for testing the TRex traffic generator. | Link |
Federico Cignoli | KathaCigno | A lab explaining how to configure a firewall using iptables | Link |
Leonardo Linguaglossa | Kathara-BGP | Practical lab on the configuration of BGP using Kathará | Link |
Angelo Spognardi | pnd-labs | Kathara labs for Practical Network Defense course at Sapienza | Link |
Anthony Doeraene | QUIC and Congestion Control Lab | A lab to allow students to get handson experience with congestion control schemes using the QUIC protocol | Link |
Alex Falzone | Kathara-DHCP | A Simple Kathara labs for DHCP server | Link |
Unibo Laboratory of Information and System SEcurity | Kathara Labs Telecommunications Networks | A collection of Kathará network scenarios used in the courses of Telecommunications Networks by professor Franco Callegati at the University of Bologna | Link |
UNLU Laboratorio de Redes | Kathara Labs - Course of "Network Fundamentals" | A collection of Kathará network scenarios used in the Course of "Network Fundamentals" at National University of Luján, Argentina | Link |
Riccardo Gobbato | Kathara-P4 Forwarding-NSH-SFC | Implementation of P4 program to perform packet forwarding according to the Service Function Chain (SFC) architecture, based on the Network Service Header (NSH). | Link |
Mario Cuomo | Covert Timing Channel usign Kathara | Creation of a Covert Timing Channel in python3 and kathará. | Link |
Gabriele Alesci | KathaRange - a Kathará Cyber Lab | A Kathará lab featuring open-source security tools such as Snort3, Wazuh SIEM, MITRE Caldera, and Atomic Red Team. | Link |