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361 lines (269 loc) · 13.7 KB

File metadata and controls

361 lines (269 loc) · 13.7 KB

Configuring AutoML

While AutoML provides a solid foundation for generating machine-learning models, you may wish to modify or extend the capabilities of the framework to suit a specific use-case. There are two ways:

  1. JSON files that allow you to add custom scoring functions, add or remove models, update hyperparameters and change general configuration of an autoML run
  2. Within a q session you can update general configuration by passing a dictionary containing suitable key-value pairs as input.

JSON configuration files

For ease of use, v0.3.0 of the framework moves all configuration definitions to JSON file format insead of the earlier q configuration.

There are at present five files in this format.

Names in the table below are paths relative to the code/customization directory of the repository.

folder file file description
scoring scoringFunctions.json Definitions of all the scoring functions which can be used in optimization and if the optimal model requires ascending/descending data.
configuration default.json Default values for all the modifiable parameters outlined within Advanced parameter modifications and all information needed when running AutoML from command line only.
models/modelConfig models.json Definition of all models supported for classification and regression tasks.
hyperParameters gsHyperparameters.json Definition of hyperparameter sets used by each model when using an exhaustive search method.
hyperParameters rsHyperparameters.json Definition of hyperparameter sets used by each model when using a random/pseudo-random search method.

The following is a guide to a representative subset of supported changes to each file.

Scoring functions

The scoring functions JSON file, scoringFunctions.json contains a set of scoring functions defined as follows


Above, a mapping between function .ml.accuracy and the expected ordering of results that finds the best model: in this case descending, as the best model is the one returning the largest result. For function .ml.mse the best model is found when the mean squared error is minimized; hence the ordering function is asc.

You are unlikely to need to change the currently-defined functions. However to use a custom model optimization function, it must be defined in this file.

Default configuration

The default configuration JSON file default.json is used in two contexts:

  1. As the source of default parameters for
  2. As the reference file for generating custom configuration files, which can be used in two settings:
    1. For running the entirety of the command-line interface logic, including instructions for data retrieval.
    2. To leave the default configuration file untouched and use custom configurations for domain-specific problems in a multi-user environment.

Major sections of the JSON file:

section description
problemDetails Required when using the command-line interface to run the entirety of the function: information about the problem being solved required to generate a full run.
retrievalMethods Required when using the command-line interface to run the entirety of the function: instructions for retrieving the target vector and feature data using various methods.
problemParameters Defines default parameters to be used when a configuration file of this type is loaded. Problem type-specific parameters and parameters generally applicable are separated to avoid confusion.



  "problemType"          :"",
  "modelName"            :"",
  "dataRetrievalMethod"  :{
    "targetData" :""


key value options
featureExtractionType method for generating features normal | fresh | nlp
problemType form of problem class | reg
modelName unique name for model (optional)
dataRetrievalMethod how to retrieve feature and target data ipc | csv | binary

⚠️ Command line only

The parameters above (apart from modelName) can be invoked only when running the entirety of the AutoML framework from the command line. These entries are ignored when running from q directly, or updating the default configuration on the command line.



    "port"  :"",
    "port"  :"",
    "schema"   :"",
    "fileName" :""
    "schema"      :"",
    "separator"   :"",
    "directory"   :"",
    "fileName"    :"",
    "fileName" :""
    "directory"   :"",
    "fileName"    :"",

ipc: Retrieve feature and target data via localhost IPC

key type value example
port long localhost port from which to retrieve the dataset 5000
select string q expression to evaluate on the port to retrieve data select from tab where x<100
targetColumn string when feature and target datasets are from the same port and select expression, retrieve the data once and select this target column target

csv: Retrieve feature and target data from a CSV file

key type value example/s
schema string schema for CSV data from disk, as per Tok "SPJJFFI"
separator char CSV field separator "," | "/\t"
directory string filepath to the CSV’s parent directory, relative to the directory from which AutoML was loaded "testDirectory/test1"
fileName string name of the CSV "testFile.csv"
targetColumn string when feature and target datasets are from the same port and select expression, retrieve the data once and select this target column target

binary: Retrieve feature and target data from a kdb+ binary file

key type value example
directory string filepath to the binary’s parent directory, relative to the directory from which AutoML was loaded "testDirectory/test1"
fileName string name of the kdb+ binary file "testFile.csv"
targetColumn string when feature and target datasets are from the same port and select expression, retrieve the data once and select this target column target


The problemParameters section defines default parameters for AutoML, as in the Advanced parameter modifications section.

section parameters examples
general applicable for all use cases seed
normal configurable for the application of normal feature extraction/use cases trainTestSplit
fresh configurable for the application of FRESH feature extraction/use cases aggregationColumns
nlp configurable for the application of NLP feature extraction/use cases w2v

The JSON configurations are defined in the following form, where value is the input supplied to AutoML and type how it is represented in q.

  "value":"{first cols x}",
  "type" :"lambda"
  "type" :"symbol"
  "type" :"long"


The models.json file specifies the machine-learning models applied when running AutoML. Any model added to the framework must be specified, as per the FAQ, in this file, which has two sections:

  1. classification
  2. regression



The following table outlines the expected inputs for each of the models defined above:

Model name

In the example above LinearSVC, BinaryKeras and Torch are the names associated with the models when printing to standard out. In the case of Keras/Torch, this has no physical representation, however when using sklearn this defines the model name to be retrieved. For example, the model defined here is sklearn.svm.LinearSVC.


Is the library from which the model is generated sklearn, or keras, or torch, or theano? Defines the logic used for model retrieval.


For sklearn this defines the module from which the model is retrieved. For keras, theano, and torch however this defines the name of the model being retrieved i.e. in the case of BinaryKeras above the model to be retrieved must be defined as .automl.keras.binary.x where x defines fit, predict, or model definitions within the library.


Is the model to be seeded for reproducibility or not? Models such as simple linear regressors are deterministic and as such do not need to be seeded


Set to binary or multi for a classification problem; otherwise reg for a regression model.


Is this model to be applied or not in a given run? If set to false the model will be omitted.

Grid search parameters

This defines the hyperparameters used when running the AutoML such that model optimization is completed using an exhaustive grid search. Some examples:


Model name

Name defined within models.json to which the defined hyperparameters are to be applied


Hyperparameters to be applied when running the model optimization: should be an exhaustive list of parameters to be searched

meta -> typeConvert

Type conversion of each of the parameters to be searched. For example, for the AdaBoostRegressor model, the parameter n_estimators must be cast to an integer, while the learning_rate is a float.

Random search parameters

This defines the hyperparameter search space when applying a random or sobol-sequence-based search during optimization.



Model name

Name defined within models.json to which the defined hyperparameters are to be applied


Specific hyperparameters or range over which hyperparameters to be applied are defined.

meta -> randomType

Defines the type of randomization to be used within the random search. This can be one of boolean, uniform, loguniform or symbol, as defined for the Machine Learning Toolkit.

meta -> typeConvert

Type conversion of each of the parameters to be searched. For example in the case of the Lass model, the parameter alpha must be cast to a float, while the normalize parameter is a boolean value.

In-process configuration

Instead of modifying the above JSON files, you may prefer to modify the system behavior on explicit invocation of the function When calling this function the final argument params can be configured to take as input any of the parameters in problemParameters.

Example: a dictionary to set the random seed to a value of 75, testing size to 25 percent of the total dataset, and the cross validation function to .ml.xv.kfSplit.


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