The procedures outlined below describe the steps required to prepare extracted features for training a model, perform cross validation to determine the most generalizable model, and optimize this model using a hyperparameter search. These steps follow on from the data pre-processing methods.
The following are the procedures completed when the default system configuration is deployed:
- Models are selected to be applied to the data.
- Cross-validation procedures are performed on a selection of models to find the most generally applicable.
- Models are scored with a pre-defined performance metric, based on the problem type (classification/regression), with the best model selected and scored on the validation set.
- The best model is optimized using hyperparameter searching procedures.
Top-level processing node functions
Select a subset of models based on dataset imposed limitations
Select the most promising model from the table of models provided
Apply a user defined optimization method (grid/random/sobol)
Cross validation procedures are commonly used in machine learning to test how robust or stable a model is to changes in the volume of data or the specific subsets of data used for validation. The technique ensures that the model selected is the one that best generalizes to new unseen data.
The cross validation techniques implemented within AutoML are those contained within the ML Toolkit. In the default configuration of the pipeline, a shuffled 5-fold cross validation procedure is applied.
For clarity, in the default configuration, 20% of the overall dataset is used as the testing set, 20% of the remaining dataset is used as the holdout (validation) set and then the remaining data is split into 5-folds for cross validation to be carried out.
Once the relevant models have undergone cross validation using the training data, scores are calculated using the relevant scoring metric for the problem type (classification/regression).
The file scoring.json
contained within automl/code/customization/scoring
specifies the possible scoring metrics and how to order the resulting scores (ascending/descending) to ensure that the best model is being returned. The default metric for classification problems is .ml.accuracy
, while .ml.mse
is used for regression.
If necessary, scoring.json
can be altered by the user in order to expand the number of metrics available. An extensive list of the metrics provided within the ML Toolkit and thus AutoML can be found here, but users can also add their own custom metrics.
To optimize the best model, hyperparameter searching procedures are implemented. This includes the grid, random and Sobol-random search functionality contained within the ML Toolkit.
is a dictionary containing information related to the current run of AutoMLmodelTab
is a table containing information about models applied to the databestModel
is the best model chosen as a fitted embedPy objectmodelName
is the name of the best modeltts
is the feature and target data split into a dictionary of training/testing setsorderFunc
is the function used to order scores (ascending/descending)
returns a dictionary containing the following:
- The fit model
- Any hyperparameters used to generate the best fit model
- The name of the best model
- The score achieved by the model when applied to the testing data
- Any information generated from analyzing the results made by the model (i.e confusion matrix (classification), residual errors (regression) and inforamtion on the impact of each column on predictive performance of the model)
Hyperparameters searched for each model in the default configuration of AutoML:
model hyperparameters
AdaBoost Regressor learning_rate, n_estimators
Gradient Boosting Regressor criterion, learning_rate, loss
KNeighbors Regressor n_neighbors, weights
Lasso alpha, max_iter, normalize, tol
MLP Regressor activation, alpha, learning_rate_init, solver
Random Forest Regressor criterion, min_samples_leaf, n_estimators
AdaBoost Classifier learning_rate, n_estimators
Gradient Boosting Classifier criterion, learning_rate, loss, n_estimators
KNeighbors Classifier leaf_size, metric, n_neighbors
Linear SVC C, tol
Logistic Regression C, penalty, tol
MLP Classifier activation, alpha, learning_rate_init, solver
Random Forest Classifier criterion, min_samples_leaf, min_samples_split
SVC C, degree, tol
The values to search for each model and their hyperparameters are specified in the JSON scripts gsHyperParameters.json
and rsHyperParameters.json
contained within automl/code/customization/hyperParameters/
. These can be modified by the user if required.
Once the hyperparameter search has been performed, the optimized model is validated using the testing set, with the final score returned and the best model saved to disk.
// Default configuration dictionary
// Grid search hyperparameters
// Join grid search config to default dictionary
// Non-time series (normal) feature data as a matrix
features:100 10#100?10f
// Regression target
target:asc 100?10f
// Features and target data split into training and testing sets[features;targets;.2]
// Generate model table
// Best model fitted on features and target data
// Name of best model
// Model score ordering function
Run node:
q)show outputs:.automl.optimizeModels.node.function[config;modelTab;bestModel;modelName;tts;orderFunc]
bestModel | {[f;x]embedPy[f;x]}[foreign]enlist
hyperParams | `n_estimators`criterion`min_samples_leaf!(10i;`mse;1i)
modelName | `RandomForestRegressor
testScore | 0.2935
analyzeModel| `confMatrix`impact`residuals!(()!();7 3 6 1 5 0 2 4 9 8!..
Information generated when analyzing model results:
confMatrix| ()!()
impact | 7 3 6 1 5 0 2 4 9 8!`s#0.900346 0.950173 0.9536332 0.96539..
residuals | `residuals`preds!(0.4 0.7 0.3 0.2 -0.7 0.4 -0.2 0.4 -0.6 ..
Select the most promising model from the list of provided models for the user defined problem
is a dictionary containing information related to the current run of AutoMLtts
is the feature and target data split into a dictionary of training/testing setsmodelTab
is a table of potential models to be applied to the feature data
returns a dictionary containing the following:
- Function used to order the scores achieved by the models
- The best model as an embedPy object
- The name of best model
- Any metadata generated from the node that will be used later for the report (i.e holdout score, metric used, holdout/validation time etc).
// Configuration keys
// Configuration values
// Configuration dictionary
// Non-time series (normal) feature data as a matrix
features:100 10#1000?10f
// Binary-classification target
// Features and target data split into training and testing sets[features;target;.2]
// Problem type
// Generate table of models to run
Run node:
Scores for all models using .ml.accuracy
GradientBoostingClassifier| 0.5641026
RandomForestClassifier | 0.5307692
LogisticRegression | 0.5294872
KNeighborsClassifier | 0.5012821
LinearSVC | 0.4679487
MLPClassifier | 0.4525641
SVC | 0.4512821
AdaBoostClassifier | 0.4397436
GaussianNB | 0.4217949
BinaryKeras | 0.4192308
Best scoring model = GradientBoostingClassifier
Order function, best scoring model details and metadata returned:
q)show outputs
orderFunc | k){$[99h=@x;(!x)[i]!r i:>r:. x;0h>@x;'`rank;x@>x]}
bestModel | {[f;x]embedPy[f;x]}[foreign]enlist
bestScoringName| `GradientBoostingClassifier
modelMetaData | `holdoutScore`modelScores`metric`xValTime`holdoutTime..
Meta information produced while running node:
holdoutScore| 0.625
modelScores | `RandomForestClassifier`LinearSVC`SVC`LogisticRegression..
metric | `.ml.accuracy
xValTime | 00:00:03.275
holdoutTime | 00:00:00.155
modelLib | `sklearn
modelFunc | `ensemble
Select a subset of models based on limitations imposed by the dataset and environment
is the feature and target data split into a dictionary of training/testing setstarget
is a numerical representation of the target vectormodelTab
is a table of potential models to be applied to the feature dataconfig
is a dictionary containing information related to the current run of AutoML
returns a table of appropriate models to be applied to the feature data.
q)// Non-time series (normal) feature data as a matrix
q)features:100 10#1000?10f
q)// Binary-classification target
q)// Features and target data split into training and testing sets
xtrain| (9.424804 8.974053 5.086379 2.880684 4.077511 1.007649 9.96666..
ytrain| 01100001110100001100010010000111111111011101010011001010000000..
xtest | (3.349253 9.660613 0.6159866 2.613222 8.485587 4.333356 4.1628..
ytest | 11110101011011111101b
q)// Problem type
q)// Generate table of models to run
model lib fnc seed typ apply mini..
AdaBoostClassifier sklearn ensemble `seed multi 1 {[x;..
RandomForestClassifier sklearn ensemble `seed multi 1 {[x;..
GradientBoostingClassifier sklearn ensemble `seed multi 1 {[x;..
LogisticRegression sklearn linear_model `seed binary 1 {[x;..
GaussianNB sklearn naive_bayes :: binary 1 {[x;..
q)// Configuration dictionary
q)// Run node
model lib fnc seed apply
AdaBoostClassifier sklearn ensemble seed 1
RandomForestClassifier sklearn ensemble seed 1
RandomForestClassifier sklearn ensemble seed 1