The kdb+/Kafka interface is a thin wrapper for kdb+ around the librdkafka
C API for Apache Kafka.
System information
Broker MetadataVersion
Librdkafka versionVersionSym
Human readable Librdkafka versionThreadCount
Number of threads being used by librdkafka
Create a topic on which messages can be sentTopicDel
Delete a defined topicTopicName
Topic Name
Callback modifications
Register an error callback associated with a specific clientthrottlecbreg
Register a throttle callback associated with a specific clientstatcb
Statistics callbacklogcb
Logger callbackdrcb
Delivery report callback (publisher only)offsetcb
Offset commit callback for use with consumer groups (subscriber only)consumetopic
Called for each message received (subscriber only)
Clients (Consumer or Producer)
Close consumer and destroy Kafka handle to clientClientName
Kafka handle nameClientMemberId
Client's broker assigned member IDConsumer
Create a consumer according to defined configurationProducer
Create a producer according to defined configurationSetLoggerLevel
Set the maximum logging level for a client
Commit offsets on broker for provided partition listPositionOffsets
Current offsets for topics and partitionsCommittedOffsets
Retrieve committed offsets for topics and partitionsqueryWatermark
Query broker for low (oldest/beginning) and high (newest/end) offsets for partition.
Publish a batch of data to a defined topicPub
Publish a message to a defined topicPubWithHeaders
Publish a message to a defined topic with a headerOutQLen
Current out queue lengthFlush
Wait until all outstanding produce requests,, are completed
- Dynamic assigned subscriptions
Subscribe to a defined topicSubscribe
Subscribe from a consumer to a topic with a specified callbackSubscription
Most recent topic subscription
- Manual assigned partitions/offsets
Create a new assignment from which data will be consumedAssignOffsets
Assignment of partitions to consumeAssignAdd
Add new assignments to the current assignmentAssignDel
Remove topic partition assignments from the current assignmentsAssignment
Return the current assignment
- General Subscription Functions
Unsubscribe from a topic
Set the maximum number of messages per pollPoll
Manually poll the feed
Information about configuration of brokers and topics
.kfk.Metadata id
Where id
is a consumer or producer ID, returns a dictionary populated with the following info:
(int): Broker originating this metadataorig_broker_name
(symbol): Name of originating brokerbrokers
(list of dictionaries): Info on current brokerstopics
(list of dictionaries): Info on current topics
When using a consumer, the metadata response information may trigger a re-join if any subscribed topics have changed partition count or existence state.
q)show producer_meta:.kfk.Metadata producer
orig_broker_id | 0i
orig_broker_name| `localhost:9092/0
brokers | ,`id`host`port!(0i;`localhost;9092i)
topics | (`topic`err`partitions!(`test3;`Success;,`id`err`leader`rep..
topic err partitions ..
test Success ,`id`err`leader`replicas`isrs!(0i;`Success;0i;,0i;..
__consumer_offsets Success (`id`err`leader`replicas`isrs!(0i;`Success;0i;,0i;..
The number of threads in use by librdkafka
returns the number of threads currently in use by librdkafka
Version of librdkafka (integer)
Returns the librdkafka
version (integer) used within the interface. Can be parsed as follows (according to the kafka version format)
q)"." sv 2 cut -8$"0123456789abcdef" 16 vs .kfk.Version
" 2.03.00.ff"
Version of librdkafka (symbol)
Returns the librdkafka
version (symbol) used within the interface.
Create a topic on which messages can be sent
is a consumer or producer IDtopic
is a name to be assigned to the topic (symbol)cfg
is a user-defined topic configuration (dictionary) for adding/overloading configuration. Both keys and values must be of symbol,string,char or symbol list type. Default:()!()
returns the topic ID (integer).
👉 edenhill/librdkafka/ for a list of cfg options. Note: column indicating whether only used by a consumer or producer rather than a topic.
Delete a currently defined topic
.kfk.TopicDel topic
Where topic
is a topic ID, deletes the topic and returns a null.
q)/ topic now no longer available for deletion
'unknown topic
Returns the name of a topic
.kfk.TopicName tpcid
Where tpcid
is a topic ID, returns its name as a symbol.
Register an error callback associated with a specific client
is a client ID (integer)callback
is a ternary function
sets callback
to be triggered by errors associated with the client, augments the dictionary .kfk.errclient
mapping client ID to callback, and returns a null.
The arguments of callback
: ID of client for which this is called (integer)err_int
: error status code in Kafka (integer)reason
: error message (string)
q)// Assignment prior to registration of new callback
q)// this is the default behavior invoked
q)// Attempt to create a consumer which will fail
q)// Update the default behavior to show the output
q)// Attempt to create another failing consumer
"foobar:9092/bootstrap: Failed to resolve 'foobar:9092': nodename nor servnam..
"1/1 brokers are down"
q)// Start a new q session and register an error callback for cid 0
q).kfk.errcbreg[0i;{[cid;err_int;reason] show err_int;}]
q)// Attempt to create a consumer that will fail
Register an throttle callback associated with a specific client
is a client ID (integer)callback
is a quaternary function
sets callback
to be triggered on throttling associated with the client,
augments the dictionary .kfk.errclient
mapping client ID to callback,
and returns a null.
The arguments of callback
: ID (integer) of client for which this is calledbname
: broker name (string)bid
: broker ID (integer)throttle_time
: accepted throttle time in milliseconds (integer)
q)// Assignment prior to registration of new callback
q)// this is the default behavior invoked
q)// Update the default behavior to show the output
q)// Add a throttle client associated specifically with client 0
q)// Display the updated throttle callback logic
Statistics callback
Where j is a json string (see .j.k
for parsing json in q). For more information on the format of json, see
Override this variable to provide a new definition that suits your needs. Default is to use .kfk.stats
to record the last 100 stats.
The statistics callback is triggered every
Logger callback (logs from librdkafka)
is log level (integer) as discussed inSetLoggerLevel
in the msg type (string)buf
is the msg detail (string)
should be set to return nil.
Override this variable to provide a new definition that suits your needs. Default is to print to stdout.
Delivery report callback
is the ID (integer) of client for which this is calledmsg
is the message details (as dictionary)
should be set to return nil. For publishing msgs only (i.e. client that is a producer).
Override this variable to provide a new definition that suits your needs. There is no default action.
The callback is called when a message is succesfully produced or if librdkafka encountered a permanent failure. Delivery errors occur when the retry count is exceeded, when the
timeout is exceeded or there is a permanent error like RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PART.
Offset commit callback for use with consumer groups
is the ID (integer) of client for which this is callederr
error details (string) e.g. "Success" if okoffsets
is a list of dictionaries, each containing details for each commit with the following detailstopic
should be set to return nil. For subscribers only.
Override this variable to provide a new definition that suits your needs. There is no default action.
The results of automatic or manual offset commits will be scheduled for this callback. If no partitions had valid offsets to commit this callback will be called with err == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NO_OFFSET which is not to be considered an error.
The offsets list contains per-partition information:
- offset: committed offset (attempted)
- err: commit error
Main unary function called on consumption of data for both default and per topic callback. Called for each message received.
.kfk.consumetopic msg
Where msg
is the content of a message received (as dictionary) from any calls to the subscription on the topic.
Override this variable to provide a new definition that suits your needs. There is no default action.
e.g. setting the callback to print each msg
.kfk.consumetopic[`]:{[msg]show msg;};
will print as message as follows:
mtype | `
topic | `test1
client | 0i
partition| 0i
offset | 1803
msgtime | 2024.04.23D16:17:52.403000000
data | 0x323032342e30342e32334431363a31373a35322e333938373134303030
key | `byte$()
headers | (`symbol$())!`symbol$()
The following functions relate to the creation of consumers and producers and their manipulation/interrogation.
Close a consumer and destroy the associated Kafka handle to client
.kfk.ClientDel clid
Where clid
is the client to be deleted (integer), returns null on successful deletion.
If client unknown, signals 'unknown client
This call will block until the consumer has revoked its assignment, committed offsets to broker, and left the consumer group (if applicable). The maximum blocking time is roughly limited to
/Client exists
q).kfk.ClientName 0i
q).kfk.ClientDel 0i
q).kfk.ClientName 0i
'unknown client
/Client can no longer be deleted
q).kfk.ClientDel 0i
'unknown client
Returns this client's broker-assigned group member id
.kfk.ClientMemberId clid
Where clid
is a client ID (integer), returns the member ID (symbol) assigned to the client, or signals unknown client
⚠️ Consumer processes onlyThis function should be called only on a consumer process. This is an external limitation.
q).kfk.ClientMemberId 0i
q).kfk.ClientMemberId 1i
'unknown client
Kafka handle name
.kfk.ClientName clid
Where clid
is a client ID (integer), returns assigned client name (symbol) or signals unknown client
q).kfk.ClientName 0i
/Client removed
q).kfk.ClientName 1i
'unknown client
Create a consumer according to user-defined configuration
.kfk.Consumer cfg
Where cfg
is a dictionary for adding/overloading configuration. Both keys and values must be of symbol,string,char or symbol list type. Returns the ID of the consumer as an integer.
q)kfk_cfg | localhost:9092 | 0| 1 | 10| 10000
q).kfk.Consumer kfk_cfg
👉 edenhill/librdkafka/ for a list of cfg options (note: column indicating whether consumer/producer/both).
Create a producer according to user-defined configuration
.kfk.Producer cfg
Where cfg
is a dictionary for adding/overloading configuration. Both keys and values must be of symbol,string,char or symbol list type. Returns the ID of the producer as an integer.
q)kfk_cfg | localhost:9092| 10000| 1 | 10
q).kfk.Producer kfk_cfg
👉 edenhill/librdkafka/ for a list of cfg options (note: column indicating whether consumer/producer/both).
Specifies the maximum logging level emitted by internal kafka logging and debugging
is the client ID (int)level
is the syslog severity level (int/long/short). Log levels are- 0 (emergency)
- 1 (alert)
- 2 (critical)
- 3 (error)
- 4 (warning)
- 5 (notice)
- 6 (info)
- 7 (debug)
returns a null on successful application of function.
If the "debug" configuration property is set the log level is automatically adjusted to 7 (debug).
q)show client
The following functions relate to use of offsets within the API to ensure records are read correctly from the broker.
:note: Multiple topic offset assignment
As of v1.4.0 offset functionality can now handle calls associated with multiple topics without overwriting previous definitions. To apply the functionality this must be called for each topic.
Commit offsets on broker for provided partitions and offsets
is a consumer client ID (int)topic
is a topic (symbol)part_offsets
is a dictionary of partitions(ints) and last received offsets (longs). The offset should be the offset where consumption will resume i.e. the last processed offset + 1block_commit
is whether commit will block until offset commit is complete (boolean)
returns a null on successful commit of offsets.
Current offsets for particular topics and partitions
is the consumer ID (int)topic
is the topic (symbol)part_offsets
is a list of partitions (int, short, or long), or a dictionary of partitions (int) and offsets (long)
returns a table containing the current offset and partition for the topic of interest. The offset field of each requested partition will be set to the offset of the last consumed message + 1, or .kfk.OFFSET.INVALID (-1001) if there was no previous message.
In this context the last consumed message is the offset consumed by the current librdkafka instance and, in case of rebalancing, not necessarily the last message fetched from the partition.
q)client:.kfk.Consumer kfk_cfg
q)show seen:exec last offset by partition from data
// dictionary input
topic partition offset metadata
test 0 26482 ""
// int list input
q).kfk.PositionOffsets[client;TOPIC;0 1i]
topic partition offset metadata
test 0 26482 ""
test 1 -1001 ""
// long list input
q).kfk.PositionOffsets[client;TOPIC;0 1 2]
topic partition offset metadata
test 0 26482 ""
test 1 -1001 ""
test 2 -1001 ""
Retrieve the last-committed offset for a topic on a particular partition
is a consumer ID (integer)topic
is a topic (symbol)part_offsets
is a list of partitions (int, short, or long), or a dictionary of partitions (int) and offsets (long)
returns a table containing the offset for a particular partition for a topic.
Committed offsets will be returned according to the isolation.level configuration property, if set to read_committed (default) then only stable offsets for fully committed transactions will be returned, while read_uncommitted may return offsets for not yet committed transactions.
Offset will be set to .kfk.OFFSET.INVALID (-1001) if there was no stored offset for that partition.
q)show seen:exec last offset by partition from data;
// dictionary input
topic partition offset metadata
test 0 26481 ""
// integer list input
q).kfk.CommittedOffsets[client;TOPIC;0 1i]
topic partition offset metadata
test 0 26481 ""
test 1 -1001 ""
// long list input
q).kfk.CommittedOffsets[client;TOPIC;0 1]
topic partition offset metadata
test 0 26481 ""
test 1 -1001 ""
Query broker for low (oldest/beginning) and high (newest/end) offsets for partition
is a consumer ID (integer)topic
is a topic (symbol)partition
partition (long)timeout
timeout in ms (long)
returns 2 element long for low/high watermark
Publish a batch of messages to a defined topic
is the topic (previously created) to be published on (integer)partid
is the target partition/s (integer atom or list). If partition is .kfk.PARTITION_UA the configured partitioner will be run for each message (slower), otherwise the messages will be enqueued to the specified partition directly (faster).data
is a mixed list payload containing either bytes or stringskeys
is an empty string for auto key on all messages or a key per message as a mixed list of bytes or strings
returns an integer list denoting the status for each message (zero indicating success)
q)batchMsg :("test message 1";"test message 2")
q)batchKeys:("Key 1";"Key 2")
q)// Send two messages to any partition using default key
0 0
0 0
q)// Send 2 messages to partition 0 for each topic using default key
0 0
0 0
q)// Send 2 messages the first to separate partitions using generated keys
q).kfk.BatchPub[;0 1i;batchMsg;batchKeys]each(topic1;topic2)
0 0
0 0
Publish a message to a defined topic
is the topic to be published on (integer)partid
is the target partition (integer). Can be .kfk.PARTITION_UA (unassigned) for automatic partitioning using the topic's partitioner function, or a fixed partition (0..N)data
is the payload to be published (string)keys
is the message key (string) to be passed with the message to the partition
returns a null on successful publication.
This is an asynchronous non-blocking API. See drcb
(delivery report callback) on how to setup a callback to be called once the delivery status (success or failure) is known.
Since producing is asynchronous, you should call Flush
before you destroy the producer. Otherwise, any outstanding messages will be silently discarded.
When temporary errors occur, librdkafka automatically retries to produce the messages. Retries are triggered after
and when the leader broker for the given partition is available. Otherwise, librdkafka falls back to polling the topic metadata to monitor when a new leader is elected (see the
configurations) and then performs a retry. A delivery error will occur if the message could not be produced within
q)producer:.kfk.Producer kfk_cfg
/ partition set as -1i denotes an unassigned partition
q).kfk.Pub[test_topic;-1i;string .z.p;""]
q).kfk.Pub[test_topic;-1i;string .z.p;"test_key"]
Publish a message to a defined topic, with an associated header
is a target client ID (integer)tpcid
is the topic to be published on (integer)partid
is the target partition (integer)data
is the payload to be published (string)keys
is the message key (string) to be passed with the message to the partitionhdrs
is a dictionary mapping a header name (symbol) to a byte array or string
returns a null on successful publication; errors if version conditions not met.
See Pub
for further details of how messages are published.
// Create an appropriate producer
producer:.kfk.Producer kfk_cfg
// Create a topic
// Define the target partition as unassigned
// Define an appropriate payload
payload:string .z.p
// Define the headers to be added
// Publish a message to client #0 with a header but no key
// Publish a message to client #1 with headers and a key
Support for functionality
This functionality is only available for versions of
≥ 0.11.4
Current number of messages that are queued for publishing
.kfk.OutQLen prid
Where prid
is the integer value of the producer which we wish to check the number of queued messages, returns as an int the number of messages in the queue.
The out queue length is the sum of
- number of messages waiting to be sent to, or acknowledged by, the broker
- number of delivery reports waiting to be served
- number of callbacks waiting to be served
- number of events waiting to be served by background queue
An application should wait for the return value of this function to reach zero before terminating to make sure outstanding messages, requests (such as offset commits), callbacks and events are fully processed. See Flush
q).kfk.OutQLen producer
Wait until all outstanding produce requests,, are completed
is the integer value of the producer (integer)timeout
is the timeout in milliseconds (short/integer/long)
returns a null if all events completed.
This should typically be done prior to destroying a producer instance to make sure all queued and in-flight produce requests are completed before terminating. This function may trigger callbacks.
time will be ignored for the duration of the call, queued messages will be sent to the broker as soon as possible.
Relates to []OutQLen
⚠️ Mixing Manual and Dynamic AssignmentsIt isn't possible to mix manual partition assignment (i.e. using assign) with dynamic partition assignment through topic subscription
Used when subscribing to the topics we were interested in and let Kafka dynamically assign a fair share of the partitions for those topics based on the active consumers in the group.
Membership in a consumer group is maintained dynamically: if a process fails, the partitions assigned to it will be reassigned to other consumers in the same group.
The subscribe method is not incremental: you must include the full list of topics that you want to consume from.
:note: Rebalance
A rebalance operation occurs if any one of the following events are triggered:
- Number of partitions change for any of the subscribed topics
- A subscribed topic is created or deleted
- An existing member of the consumer group is shutdown or fails
- A new member is added to the consumer group
Group rebalances will cause partition offsets to be reset (e.g. application of auto.offset.reset setting)
High level subscription from a consumer process to a topic
is the client ID (integer)topic
is the topic/s being subscribed to (symbol atom – or list, for v1.6+)partid
is the target partition (enlisted integer) (UNUSED)
returns a null on successful execution. Received msgs are then consumed via a call to the registered consumetopic
) function.
The full topic list is retrieved every
to pick up new or delete topics that match the subscription. If there is any change to the matched topics the consumer will immediately rejoin the group with the updated set of subscribed topics.
This is an asynchronous method which returns immediately: background threads will (re)join the group, wait for group rebalance, assign() the assigned partitions, and then start fetching messages. This cycle may take up to
* 2 or more to complete.
The msg callback (defaults to consumetopic
) can return a consumer error UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PART for non-existent topics, and TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED for unauthorized topics e.g.
mtype topic client partition offset msgtime data key headers rcvtime
UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PART test1 0 0 -1001 "Subscribed topic not available: test1: Broker: Unknown topic or partition" `byte$() (`symbol$())!`symbol$() 2024.04.23D14:04:03.584293000
Subscribing in advance Subscriptions can be made to topics that do not currently exist.
Multiple subscriptions
As of v1.4.0 multiple calls to .kfk.Sub
for a given client will allow for consumption from multiple topics rather than overwriting the subscribed topic, although each addition will cause a rebalance.
⚠️ Partition IDThe parameter
is a legacy argument to the function and with recent versions of librdkafka does not have any effect on the subscription. On subscription Kafka handles organisation of consumers based on the active members of
to efficiently distribute consumption amongst the group.
q).kfk.PARTITION_UA // subscription defined to be to an unassigned partition
// List of topics to be subscribed to
q).kfk.Sub[client;(topic1;topic2);enlist .kfk.PARTITION_UA]
Subscribe from a consumer to a topic with a specified callback
is the client ID (integer)topic
is the topic/s being subscribed to (symbol atom – or list, for v1.6+)partid
is the target partition (enlisted integer) (UNUSED)callback
is a callback function defined related to the subscribed topic. This function should take as input a single parameter, the content of a message received from any calls to the subscription on the topic.
returns a null on successful execution. As per Sub
but augments .kfk.consumetopic
with a new callback function for the consumer.
⚠️ Partition IDThe parameter
is a legacy argument to the function and with recent versions of librdkafka does not have any effect on the subscription. On subscription Kafka handles organization of consumers based on the active members of
to efficiently distribute consumption among the group.
q)// create a client with a user created config kfk_cfg
q)client:.kfk.Consumer kfk_cfg
q)// Subscription consumes from any available partition
q)// List of topics to be subscribed to
q)// Display consumer callbacks prior to new subscription
| {[msg]}
q).kfk.Subscribe[client;topicname;enlist part;{[msg]show msg;}]
q)// Display consumer callbacks following invocation of Subscribe
| {[msg]}
test| {[msg]show msg;}
Consume callbacks
The addition of callbacks specific to a topic was added in
a call of.kfk.Subscribe
augments the dictionary.kfk.consumetopic
where the key maps topic name to the callback function in question. A check for a custom callback is made on each call to.kfk.consumecb
. If an appropriate key is found the associated callback will be invoked. The default callback can be modified via modification of.kfk.consumetopic[`]
Most-recent subscription to a topic
.kfk.Subscription clid
Where clid
is the client ID (integer) which the subscription is being requested for,
returns a table with the topic, partition, offset and metadata of the most recent subscription.
q)client:.kfk.Consumer kfk_cfg
q).kfk.Sub[client;`test2;enlist -1i]
q).kfk.Subscription client
topic partition offset metadata
test2 -1 -1001 ""
Permits the user to be in full control of consumption of messages from their choosen topic partition and offset.
Dynamic partition assignment and consumer group coordination will be disabled on use.
The assign methods are not incremental: you must include the full list of topics that you want to consume from.
Manual partition assignment does not use group coordination, so consumer failures will not cause assigned partitions to be rebalanced. Each consumer acts independently even if it shares a groupId with another consumer. To avoid offset commit conflicts, you should usually ensure that the groupId is unique for each consumer instance.
Create a new assignment from which to consume data; remove previous assignments.
is an integer denoting the client ID which the assignment is to appliedtpc_part
is a dictionary mapping topic names (symbol) to partitions (long), or from v.1.6 onwards a Symbol!Dictionary mapping of topic to partitions/offset (dictionary mapping of integer partition to long offset location)
returns a null on successful execution. Received msgs are then consumed via a call to the registered consumetopic
) function.
// subscribe to test (partition 0) and test1 (partition 1)
.kfk.Assign[cid;`test`test1!0 1]
// subscribe to test1 (partition 0 from offset 10) and test2
// (partition 0 from offset 10)
Assign partitions to be consumed.
is the consumer ID (integer)topic
is the topic (symbol)part_offsets
is a dictionary of partitions and where to start consuming them
returns a null on successful execution. Received msgs are then consumed via a call to the registered consumetopic
) function.
If previous assignments for a different topic/partition have already been communicated to the Kafka infrastructure, these assignments will be reapplied.
From v1.6,
is preferred for assigning multiple offsets/topics.
q).kfk.OFFSET.END // start consumption at end of partition
q).kfk.OFFSET.BEGINNING // start consumption at start of partition
Last-committed offset
In the above examples an offset of .kfk.OFFSET.INVALID (-1001) is a special value. It indicates the offset could not be determined and the consumer will read from the last-committed offset once one becomes available.
Add additional topic-partition pairs to the current assignment.
is the client ID (integer)tpc_part
is a dictionary mapping topic names (symbol) to partitions (long), to be added to the current assignment
returns a null on successful execution; will display inappropriate assignments if necessary
From v1.6,
is preferred for assigning multiple offsets/topics.
If previous assignments have already been communicated to the Kafka infrastructure, these assignments will be reapplied.
q)// Create a new assignment
q).kfk.Assign[cid;`test`test1!0 0]
q)// Retrieve the current assignment
topic partition offset metadata
test1 0 -1001 ""
test2 0 -1001 ""
q)// Add new assignments to the current assignment
q).kfk.AssignAdd[cid;`test`test1!1 1]
q)// Retrieve the current assignment
topic partition offset metadata
test 1 -1001 ""
test1 0 -1001 ""
test1 1 -1001 ""
test2 0 -1001 ""
q)// Attempt to assign an already assigned topic partition pair
q).kfk.AssignAdd[cid;`test`test1!1 1]
`test 1
`test1 1
'The above topic-partition pairs already exist, please modify dictionary
Delete a set of topic-partition pairs from the current assignment.
is a client ID (integer)tpc_part
is a dictionary mapping topic names (symbol) to partitions (long)
removes the topic-partition pairs and returns a null; will display inappropriate assignment deletion if necessary.
From v1.6,
is preferred for assigning multiple offsets/topics.
If previous assignments have already been communicated to the Kafka infrastructure, these remaining assignments will be reapplied
q)// Create a new assignment
q).kfk.Assign[cid;`test`test`test1`test1!0 1 0 1]
q)// Retrieve the current assignment
topic partition offset metadata
test 0 -1001 ""
test 1 -1001 ""
test1 0 -1001 ""
test1 1 -1001 ""
q)// Add new assignments to the current assignment
q).kfk.AssignDel[cid;`test`test1!1 1]
q)// Retrieve the current assignment
topic partition offset metadata
test 0 -1001 ""
test1 0 -1001 ""
q)// Attempt to assign an already unassigned topic partition pair
q).kfk.AssignDel[cid;`test`test1!1 1]
`test 1
`test1 1
'The above topic-partition pairs cannot be deleted as they are not assigned
Retrieve the current assignment for a specified client
.kfk.Assignment clid
Where clid
is a client ID, returns a list of dictionaries describing the current assignment for it.
q)// Attempt to retrieve assignment without a current assignment
q).kfk.Assignment cid
topic partition offset metadata
q)// Create a new assignment
q).kfk.Assign[cid;`test`test1!0 1]
q)// Retrieve the new current assignment
topic partition offset metadata
test 0 -1001 ""
test1 1 -1001 ""
Unsubscribe from all topics associated with Client regardless of whether created via manual or dynamic assigned subscriptions
.kfk.Unsub clid
Where clid
is a client ID (integer), unsubscribes it from all topics and returns a null; signals an error if client is unknown.
'unknown client
Set the maximum number of messages per poll
.kfk.MaxMsgsPerPoll max_messages
Where max_messages
is the maximum number of messages (integer) per poll returns the set limit.
q).kfk.MaxMsgsPerPoll 100
Upper limit set by
vs max_messages in.kfk.Poll
The argument
passed to.kfk.Poll
is preferred to the global limit of maximum number of messages set by.kfk.MaxMsgPerPoll
. The latter limit is used only whenmax_messages
passed to.kfk.Poll
is 0.
Manually poll the messages from the message feed
is a client ID (integer)timeout
is max time in ms to block the process (long)max_messages
is the max number of messages to be polled (long)
returns the number of messages polled within the allotted time.