-> Tip: Prebuilt libraries are available from the release page
The latest release of OpenLdap is at https://www.openldap.org/software/release.
For example, the 2.6.3 release is available in source form from
To build/install, unzip the downloaded source and run
./configure --disable-slapd --with-tls=openssl
make install
After installing OpenLdap, to create a build within the build
directory run the following:
cd build
cmake ../
make install
You should then find the resulting files in a newly created api
dir within the build
Pre-built OpenLdap Windows libraries can be retrieved using pacman package manager (supplied with MSYS2). The package is mingw-w64-x86_64-openldap
. Example instruction for install
# update database of packages
pacman -Fy
# search for OpenLdap package name
pacman -Ss OpenLdap
# list contents of package prior to install
pacman -Fl <x64 package name found in prev search>
# install package
pacman -S <x64 package name found in prev search>
Use the provided dll2lib.bat
to convert liblber.dll
and libldap.dll
(found in the mingw64/bin
dir of your MSYS2 install).
The batch file dll2lib.bat
should be run from a VS command prompt in order to use tools from Visual Studio.
dll2lib.bat liblber.dll
dll2lib.bat libldap.dll
Move the resulting liblber.lib
and libldap.lib
to the mingw64/lib
dir of your MSYS2 install.
Open x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 as supplied with Visual Studio.
Go to the downloaded source and enter the build
directory. Run the following builds commands
set BUILD_HOME=<dir containing lib and include directory of the OpenLdap library>
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 ..
MSBuild.exe INSTALL.vcxproj /m /nologo /verbosity:normal /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64
Created libs/etc can then be found in the newly created kdbldap
The HomeBrew install manager installs OpenLdap. Once HomeBrew is available on your machine, run the following to install OpenLdap
brew install openldap
Building the interface from source requires gcc
, gcc c++
, make
and cmake
packages installed on your development machine (e.g. Xcode for Mac).
Follow these steps
- Install OpenLdap (see above)
- Set an environment variable
to the location on the installed OpenLdap - Run
- Run
make install
For example, on Linux/macOS, to create a build within the build
export BUILD_HOME=/usr/local/opt/OpenLdap/
cd build
cmake ../
make install
You should then find the resulting files in a newly created api
dir within the build