All notable changes to webklex/laravel-imap
will be documented in this file.
Updates should follow the Keep a CHANGELOG principles.
- NaN
- NaN
- NaN
- Force to add a space between criteria in search query, otherwise no messages are fetched. Thanks to @cent89
- Attachment::getMimeType() and Attachment::getExtension() added
- Client::createFolder($name) fixed #91
- Versions will now follow basic Semantic Versioning guidelines (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH)
- Connection validation added
- Client::renameFolder($old_name, $new_name) and Client::deleteFolder($name) methods added #91
- Find the folder containing a message #92
- Change all incoming encodings to iconv() supported ones #94
- Handle Carbon instances in message search criteria #82
- $message->getRawBody() throws Exception #88
- Request: add getReferences method to Message class #83
- Specify provider name when publishing the config #80
- Enable package discovery #81
- Added option for optional attachment download #76
- Added option for optional body download
- Renamed "fetch" parameters
- hasAttachment() method added
- More explicit date validation statements
- Resolving getMessage is not returning the body of the message #75
- New validation rule for a new invalid date format added (Exception Parse Data #45)
- Default config keys are now fixed (Confusing default configuration values #66)
- Clear error stack before imap_close #72
- FolderCollection::class added
- Comments updated
- Attachment::save() method added
- Unnecessary methods declared deprecated
- Message collection moved to Support
- Attachment collection added
- Attachment class added
- Message search method added
- Basic pagination added
- Prevent automatic body parsing (will be default within the next major version (2.x))
- Unified MessageCollection::class added
- Several small improvements and docs added
- Implementation of the "get raw body" pull request #59
- Get a single message by uid
- Message::class
- Client::class
- Folder::class
- MessageCollection::class
- MessageSearchValidationException::class
- Support message delivery status #47
- Enable support to get In-Reply-To property from Message header. #56
- Set and unset flags added
$oMessage->setFlag(['Seen', 'Spam']) or $oMessage->unsetFlag('Spam')
- Get raw header string
- Get additional header information
- New experimental function added #48 How can I specify a single folder?
- Ignore inconvertible chars in order to prevent sudden code exists
- #45 DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (...)
- #41 imap_expunge(): supplied resource is not a valid imap resource
- #40 mb_convert_encoding(): Illegal character encoding specified
- Fix assignment
regardless offetch_options
is set in config - Disposition is checked in case of malformed mail attachments
- A method to get only unread messages from email folders to Client::class
- Messageset issue resolved #31
- E-mails parsed without a content type of multipart present no body #27
- Do not resolve uid to msgno if using FT_UID #25
- General code style and documentation
- several getter methods added to Message::class
- All
- Fix implode error in Client.php, beacause imap_errors() can return FALSE instead of an array
- FT_UID changed to $this->options which references to
- getConnection method added
- Using a bit more fail save uid / msgNo by calling imap_msgno()
- Carbon dependency removed
- Fixing text attachment issue - overwrite mail body (thx to radicalloop)
- Attachment disposition (special thanks to radicalloop)
- Missing method added to
- $fetch_option setter added
- Merged configuration
- New config parameter added
- "Known issues" added to
- Typo fixed
- Message attribute is now case insensitive
- Readme file extended
- Changelog typo fixed
- imap_fetchheader(): Bad message number - merged
- Changed the default options in imap_fetchbody function - merged
- Attachment handling fixed (Plain text files are no longer ignored)
- Optional config parameter added.
- Readme file extended
- Code commented
- A whole bunch of functions and features added. To many to mention all of them ;)
- Readme file extended
- new laravel-imap package