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Integrating Zeus with torchvision and ImageNet

This example will demonstrate how to integrate Zeus with torchvision and the ImageNet dataset. Also, this example will show how to enable Zeus distributed data parallel training mode with Multi-GPU on a single node. is adapted from PyTorch's example training code for ImageNet. Please make sure to take a careful look at the docstring of, especially the Important notes and Simlified example code, before starting producing your own data parallel training code. You can search for # ZEUS in for noteworthy places that require modification from conventional training scripts. Parts related to data parallel is marked with # DATA PARALLEL.


Running Zeus for a single job

While our paper is about optimizing the batch size and power limit over multiple recurrences of the job, it is also possible to use just ZeusDataLoader to JIT-profile and optimize the power limit.


All packages are pre-installed if you're using our Docker image. You just need to download the ImageNet data and mount it to the Docker container with the -v option.

  1. Download the ILSVRC2012 dataset from the ImageNet homepage. Then, extract archives using this script provided by PyTorch.
  2. Install zeus and build the power monitor, following Installing and Building.
  3. Install torchvision:
    conda install -c pytorch torchvision==0.11.2

Example command

ZeusDataLoader interfaces with the outside world via environment variables. Check out its class reference for details.

Only ZEUS_TARGET_METRIC is required; other environment variables have default values as shown below.

export ZEUS_TARGET_METRIC="0.50"               # Stop training when target val metric is reached
export ZEUS_LOG_DIR="zeus_log"                 # Directory to store profiling logs
export ZEUS_JOB_ID="zeus"                      # Used to distinguish recurrences, so not important
export ZEUS_COST_THRESH="inf"                  # Kill training when cost (Equation 2) exceeds this
export ZEUS_ETA_KNOB="0.5"                     # Knob to tradeoff energy and time (Equation 2)
export ZEUS_MONITOR_PATH="/workspace/zeus/zeus_monitor/zeus_monitor" # Path to power monitor
export ZEUS_PROFILE_PARAMS="20,80"             # warmup_iters,profile_iters for each power limit
export ZEUS_USE_OPTIMAL_PL="True"              # Whether to acutally use the optimal PL found

# Single-GPU
python \
    [DATA_DIR] \
    --gpu 0                 `# Specify the GPU id to use` \

# Multi-GPU Data Parallel
# Please check out for more launching methods.
torchrun \
    --nnodes 1 \
    --nproc_per_node gpu    `# Number of processes per node, should be equal to the number of GPUs.` \
                            `# When setting to 'gpu', it means use all the GPUs available, i.e.` \ [DATA_DIR] \
    --zeus \

Running Zeus over multiple recurrences

This example shows how to integrate ZeusDataLoader and drive batch size and power optimizations with ZeusMaster.


All packages are pre-installed if you're using our Docker image. You just need to download the ImageNet data and mount it to the Docker container with the -v option.

  1. Download the ILSVRC2012 dataset from the ImageNet homepage. Then, extract archives using this script provided by PyTorch.
  2. Install zeus and build the power monitor, following Installing and Building.
  3. Install torchvision:
    conda install -c pytorch torchvision==0.11.2

Example command

# All arguments shown below are default values.
# Multi-GPU Data Parallel
python \
    [DATA_DIR]             `# Specify the location of ImageNet dataset` \
    --seed 1 \
    --b_0 256 \
    --lr_0 0.1 \
    --b_min 8 \
    --b_max 1024 \
    --num_recurrence 100 \
    --eta_knob 0.5 \
    --beta_knob 2.0 \
    --target_metric 0.50 \
    --max_epochs 100

Just training a vision model on ImageNet can also be used as a simple training script, without having to do anything with Zeus.


All packages are pre-installed if you're using our Docker image. You just need to download the ImageNet data and mount it to the Docker container with the -v option.

  1. Download the ILSVRC2012 dataset from the ImageNet homepage. Then, extract archives using this script provided by PyTorch.
  2. Install PyTorch, torchvision, and cudatoolkit:
    conda install -c pytorch pytorch==1.10.1 torchvision==0.11.2 cudatoolkit==11.3.1

Example command

# Single-GPU
python \
    [DATA_DIR] \
    --epochs 100 \
    --batch_size 1024 \
    --gpu 0                 `# Specify the GPU id to use` \

# Multi-GPU Data Parallel
torchrun \
    --nnodes 1 \
    --nproc_per_node gpu    `# Number of processes per node, should be equal to the number of GPUs.` \
                            `# When setting to 'gpu', it means use all the GPUs available, i.e.` \ [DATA_DIR] \
    --epochs 100 \
    --batch_size 1024 \