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Zeus traces

While the existence of recurring jobs in production GPU clusters is clear, it is not always easy to run 50 DNN training jobs in a sequential manner to evaluate energy optimization methods. Thus, Zeus provides a trace-driven simulator that allows users to plug in their own customized batch size optimizer and power limit optimizers and observe gains.

We provide two types of traces (the train trace and the power trace) for six distinct dataset and network pairs:

dataset network
cifar100 shufflenetv2
imagenet resnet50
librispeech deepspeech2
movielens-1m ncf
squad bert_base_uncased
sentiment140 bert_base_uncased

Train trace (summary_train.csv)

Columns Description Example value
dataset The name of the dataset imagenet
network The name of the DNN model resnet50
batch_size The batch size used for training 256
optimizer The optimizer used for training Adadelta
learning_rate The learning rate used for the optimizer 2.6e-5
run The repitition index of the same config 4
target_metric The target validation metric 0.45
target_epoch The epoch the target validation metric was reached 9

We trained six different (model, dataset) pairs with many different batch sizes. We repeated training for each (model, dataset, batch size) configuration with at least four different random seeds, with run with the same configuration distinguished with the run column in the trace. Thus, when we would like to know the result of training a model on a dataset with a certain batch size, we can sample a training path from this trace with the specific triplet.

Power trace (summary_power_{gpu}.csv)

Columns Description Example value
dataset The name of the dataset imagenet
network The name of the DNN model resnet50
batch_size The batch size used for training 256
optimizer The optimizer used for training adadelta
power_limit The power limit of the GPU in Watts 225
time_per_epoch The duration of training one epoch in seconds 11198.95
average_power The average power consumption of the GPU in Watts 116.63087520008567

We profiled the the duration of one epoch and average power consumption for six (model, dataset) pairs with many different (batch size, power limit) configurations. These results not stochastic, and hence only measured once.

Alibaba group trace

We mapped our six workloads to the tasks in the Alibaba GPU cluster trace. Please refer to our paper for details on how jobs are mapped to tasks in the Alibaba trace.

Columns Description Example value
group The group ID of the job (from Alibaba) 0001086788b7de0f13804d22a12a27db
start_time The start time of the job in seconds (from Alibaba) 1427642.0
end_time The end time of the job in seconds (from Alibaba) 1446915.0
dataset The dataset name of this job (from our workloads) squad
runtime_ratio This job's runtime / mean runtime of all jobs with this dataset 1.1779405764729405

Especially, the runtime_ratio column captures the intra-cluster (i.e., intra-dataset) job runtime variation. Without this, we'd be flattening the runtime of all jobs with the same dataset to a constant value, which is not desirable.

Please also consider citing the Alibaba GPU cluster trace paper if you're utilizing this trace:

  title={{MLaaS} in the Wild: Workload Analysis and Scheduling in Large-Scale Heterogeneous {GPU} Clusters},
  author={Weng, Qizhen and Xiao, Wencong and Yu, Yinghao and Wang, Wei and Wang, Cheng and He, Jian and Li, Yong and Zhang, Liping and Lin, Wei and Ding, Yu},
  booktitle={19th $\{$USENIX$\}$ Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation ($\{$NSDI$\}$ 22)},