Clockwork is a high-performance system that depends upon predictability. There are various tweaks to your environment that will make executions more predictable. These environment modifications should be made for Clockwork's worker, controller, and client processes. Some are optional but recommended.
From Clockwork's build folder, run:
./profile [check]
This will report the status of your environment and tell you any modifications that should be made
Limits on the number of open files, and the amount of page-locked memory, reduce the total number of DNNs clockwork can keep in memory at any point in time. A limit of 1024 is too low. A limit of 16k or higher is acceptable.
Limits can be checked with the ulimit
command (ulimit -aH
lists hard limits, ulimit -a
lists current)
Increase the RLIMIT_NOFILE
(number of open files) and RLIMIT_MEMLOCK
(amount of page-locked memory) to unlimited:
- Open
- Add the following lines:
* hard memlock unlimited
* soft memlock unlimited
* hard nofile unlimited
* soft nofile unlimited
* hard rtprio unlimited
* soft rtprio unlimited
Note: for MPI cluster machines with the default Debian distribution, you will also need to modify /etc/security/limits.d/mpiprefs.conf
- Modify
to add:
- Restart to take effect
- Upon restarting, use Clockwork's
./profile [check]
to check if the settings took effect
Clockwork uses a lot of shared objects, and we need to increase the mmap limit. As root, run
/sbin/sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=10000000
In general you can check mmap limits with:
/sbin/sysctl vm.max_map_count
This normally does not require a restart. You can check using Clockwork's ./profile [check]
This normally does not require a restart. You can check using Clockwork's ./profile [check]
Prevent CUDA from caching compiled kernels (note: the models used by Clockwork do not compile to PTX anyway, but if choose to compile JITable models, this setting is important)
nvidia-smi -pm 1
NOTE: This must be done on every restart
nvidia-smi -c 3
NOTE: This must be done on every restart
nvidia-smi --auto-boost-default=DISABLED
NOTE: This must be done on every restart
You can specify which clock frequencies to use. This does not override built-in temperature auto-scaling.
List available GPU clock frequencies
nvidia-smi -q -d SUPPORTED_CLOCKS
Pick a memory and graphics clock frequency (usually the highest), e.g. on volta machines:
Supported Clocks
Memory : 877 MHz
Graphics : 1380 MHz
Set the default application clock and system clock to those highest values, e.g. on volta machines:
nvidia-smi -ac 877,1380
nvidia-smi -lgc 1380
NOTE: This must be done on every restart
Set the "performance" governor to prevent CPU clock scaling
echo performance | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor