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File metadata and controls

1386 lines (1203 loc) · 53.5 KB

Table of content

  1. Getting started with Orgmode
  2. Settings
    1. Global settings
    2. Agenda settings
    3. Tags settings
  3. Mappings
    1. Global mappings
    2. Agenda mappings
    3. Capture mappings
    4. Note mappings
    5. Org mappings
    6. Edit Src mappings
    7. Text objects
    8. Dot repeat
  4. Document Diagnostics
  5. Tables
  6. Hyperlinks
  7. Autocompletion
  8. Abbreviations
  9. Formatting
  10. Colors
  11. Advanced search
  12. Notifications (experimental)
  13. Clocking
  14. Changelog

Getting started with Orgmode

To get a basic idea how Orgmode works, look at this screencast from @dhruvasagar that demonstrates how the similar Orgmode clone vim-dotoo works.


Variable names mostly follow the same naming as Orgmode mappings. Biggest difference is that underscores are being used instead of hyphens.

Link to all settings file

Global settings


type: string|string[]
default value: ''
Glob path where agenda files are read from. Can provide multiple paths via array.

  • '~/Dropbox/org/*',
  • {'~/Dropbox/org/*', '~/my-orgs/**/*'}


type: string
default value: ''
Path to a file that will be used as a default target file when refiling
Example: ~/Dropbox/org/


type: string[]
default value: {'TODO', '|', 'DONE'}
List of "unfinished" and "finished" states.
| is used as a separator between "unfinished" and "finished".
If | is omitted, only last entry in array is considered a "finished" state.
To use Fast access to TODO States set a fast access key to at least one of the entries.

Examples (without the fast access):

  • {'TODO', 'NEXT', '|', 'DONE'}
  • {'TODO', 'WAITING', '|', 'DONE', 'DELEGATED'}

Examples (With fast access):

  • {'TODO(t)', 'NEXT(n)', '|', 'DONE(d)'}
  • {'TODO(t)', 'NEXT', '|', 'DONE'} - will work same as above. Only one todo keyword needs to have fast access key, others will be parsed from first char.

NOTE: Make sure fast access keys do not overlap. If that happens, first entry in list gets it.


type: boolean
default value: true
Should error diagnostics be shown. If you are using Neovim 0.6.0 or higher, these will be shown via vim.diagnostic.


type: string|function|table
default value: horizontal
Available options:

  • horizontal - Always split horizontally
  • vertical - Always split vertically
  • auto - Determine between horizontal and vertical split depending on the current window size
  • float - Open in float window that has width of 70% of the screen centered
  • {'float', 0.9} - Open in float window and provide custom scale (in this case it's 90% of screen size), must be value between 0 and 1

This option determines how to open agenda and capture window.
If none of the options above suit your needs, you can provide custom command string (see :help <mods>) or custom function: Here are few examples:

Open in float window:

win_split_mode = function(name)
  local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
  --- Setting buffer name is required
  vim.api.nvim_buf_set_name(bufnr, name)

  local fill = 0.8
  local width = math.floor((vim.o.columns * fill))
  local height = math.floor((vim.o.lines * fill))
  local row = math.floor((((vim.o.lines - height) / 2) - 1))
  local col = math.floor(((vim.o.columns - width) / 2))

  vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, true, {
    relative = "editor",
    width = width,
    height = height,
    row = row,
    col = col,
    style = "minimal",
    border = "rounded"

Always open in tab:

win_split_mode = 'tabnew'

Always open vertically:

win_split_mode = 'vsplit'

Always open horizontally with specific height of 20 lines:

win_split_mode = '20split'


type: table<string, string>
default value: {}
Custom colors for todo keywords.
Available options:

  • foreground - :foreground hex/colorname. Examples: :foreground #FF0000, :foreground blue
  • background - :background hex/colorname. Examples: :background #FF0000, :background blue
  • weight - :weight bold.
  • underline - :underline on
  • italic - :slant italic

Full configuration example with additional todo keywords and their colors:

  org_todo_keywords = {'TODO', 'WAITING', '|', 'DONE', 'DELEGATED'},
  org_todo_keyword_faces = {
    WAITING = ':foreground blue :weight bold',
    DELEGATED = ':background #FFFFFF :slant italic :underline on',
    TODO = ':background #000000 :foreground red', -- overrides builtin color for `TODO` keyword


type: string
default value: '%s_archive::'
Destination file for archiving. %s indicates the current file. :: is used as a separator for archiving to headline
which is currently not supported.
This means that if you do a refile from a file ~/my-orgs/, your task
will be archived in ~/my-orgs/todos.org_archive.
Example values:

  • '~/my-orgs/' This value can be overridden per file basis with a org special keyword #+ARCHIVE.
    Example: #+ARCHIVE: ~/path/to/


type: boolean
default value: false
Hide leading stars for headings.

Disabled (default):

* TODO First item
** TODO Second Item
*** TODO Third item


* TODO First item
 * TODO Second Item
  * TODO Third item

NOTE: Stars are hidden by applying highlight group that masks them with color that's same as background color.
If this highlight group does not suit you, you can apply different highlight group to it:

vim.cmd[[autocmd ColorScheme * hi link OrgHideLeadingStars MyCustomHlGroup]]


type: boolean
default value: false
Conceal bold/italic/underline/code/verbatim markers. Ensure your :h conceallevel is set properly in order for this to function.


type: string
default value: ...
Marker used to indicate a folded headline.


type: string|nil
default value: time
Possible values:

  • time - adds CLOSED date when marking headline as done
  • note - adds CLOSED date as above, and prompts for closing note via capture window. Confirm note with org_note_finalize (Default <C-c>), or ignore providing note via org_note_kill (Default <Leader>ok)
  • nil|false - Disable any logging


type: string|nil
default value: nil
Possible values:

  • native - Includes whole latex syntax file into the org syntax. It can potentially cause some highlighting issues and slowness.
  • entities - Highlight latex only in these situations (see Orgmode latex fragments):
    • between \begin and \end delimiters
    • between $ and $ delimiters - example: $a^2=b$
    • between $$ and $$ delimiters - example: $$ a=+\sqrt{2} $$
    • between \[ and \] delimiters - example: \[ a=-\sqrt{2} \]
    • between \( and \) delimiters - example: \( b=2 \)


type: string
default value: indent
Possible values:

  • indent - Use default indentation that follows headlines/checkboxes/previous line indent
  • noindent - Disable indentation. All lines start from 1st column


type: string|function
default value: "top 16new"
If the value is a string, it will be run directly as input to :h vim.cmd, otherwise if the value is a function it will be called. Both values have the responsibility of opening a buffer (within a window) to show the special edit buffer. The content of the buffer will be set automatically, so this option only needs to handle opening an empty buffer.


type: number
default value: 0
The indent value for content within SRC block types beyond the existing indent of the block itself. Only applied when exiting from an org_edit_special action on a SRC block.


type: table
default value: {}
Add custom export options to the export prompt.

  [shortcut:string] = {
    [label:string] = 'Label in export prompt',
    [action:function] = function(exporter)
      return exporter(command:table, target:string, on_success?:function, on_error?:function)


  • shortcut - single char that will be used to select the export. Make sure it doesn't conflict with existing options
  • action - function that provides exporter function for generating the exports
  • exporter - function that calls the command provided via job
    • command - table (array like) that contains command how to generate the export
    • target - target file name that will be generated
    • on_success? - function that is triggered when export succeeds (command exit status is 0). Provides table parameter with command output. Optional, defaults to prompt to open target file.
    • on_error? - function that is triggered when export fails (command exit status is not 0). Provides table parameter with command output. Optional, defaults to printing output as error.

For example, lets add option to export to rtf format via pandoc:

  org_custom_exports = {
    f = {
      label = 'Export to RTF format',
      action = function(exporter)
        local current_file = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)
        local target = vim.fn.fnamemodify(current_file, ':p:r')..'.rtf'
        local command = {'pandoc', current_file, '-o', target}
        local on_success = function(output)
          vim.api.nvim_echo({{ table.concat(output, '\n') }}, true, {})
        local on_error = function(err)
          vim.api.nvim_echo({{ table.concat(err, '\n'), 'ErrorMsg' }}, true, {})
        return exporter(command , target, on_success, on_error)


type: number
default value: 5
Number of minutes to increase/decrease when using org_timestamp_up/org_timestamp_down


type: table<string,boolean>
default value: { heading = true, plain_list_item = false }
Determine if blank line should be prepended when:

  • Adding heading via org_meta_return and org_insert_* mappings
  • Adding a list item via org_meta_return


type: number
default value: 1
Available options:

  • 0 - start week on Sunday
  • 1 - start week on Monday

Determine on which day the week will start in calendar modal (ex: changing the date under cursor)


type: table
default value: { executable_path = 'emacs', config_path='$HOME/.emacs.d/init.el' }
Set configuration for your emacs. This is useful for having the emacs export properly pickup your emacs config and plugins.

Agenda settings


type: number,
default value: 14
Number of days during which deadline becomes visible in today's agenda.
Example: If Today is 2021-06-10, and we have these tasks:
Task 1 has a deadline date 2021-06-15
Task 2 has a deadline date 2021-06-30

Task 1 is visible in today's agenda
Task 2 is not visible in today's agenda until 2021-06-16


type: string|number
default value: 'week'
possible string values: day, week, month, year
Default time span shown when agenda is opened.


type: number
default value: 1
From which day in week (ISO weekday, 1 is Monday) to show the agenda. Applies only to week and number span.
If set to false, starts from today


type: string
default value: nil
example values: +2d, -1d
offset to apply to the agenda start date.
If org_agenda_start_on_weekday is false, and org_agenda_start_day is -2d,
agenda will always show current week from today - 2 days


type: table<string, table>
default value: { t = { description = 'Task', template = '* TODO %?\n %u' } }
Templates for capture/refile prompt.

  • %f: Prints the file of the buffer capture was called from
  • %F: Like %f but inserts the full path
  • %n: Inserts the current $USER
  • %t: Prints current date (Example: <2021-06-10 Thu>)
  • %T: Prints current date and time (Example: <2021-06-10 Thu 12:30>)
  • %u: Prints current date in inactive format (Example: [2021-06-10 Thu])
  • %U: Prints current date and time in inactive format (Example: [2021-06-10 Thu 12:30])
  • %a: File and line number from where capture was initiated (Example: [[file:/home/user/projects/myfile.txt +2]])
  • %<FORMAT>: Insert current date/time formatted according to lua date format (Example: %<%Y-%m-%d %A> produces '2021-07-02 Friday')
  • %x: Insert content of the clipboard via the "+" register (see :help clipboard)
  • %?: Default cursor position when template is opened
  • %^{PROMPT|DEFAULT|COMPLETION...}: Prompt for input, if completion is provided an :h inputlist will be used
  • %(EXP): Runs the given lua code and inserts the result. NOTE: this will internally pass the content to the lua load() function. So the body inside %() should be the body of a function that returns a string.


{ T = {
  description = 'Todo',
  template = '* TODO %?\n %u',
  target = '~/org/'
} }

Journal example:

{ j = {
  description = 'Journal',
  template = '\n*** %<%Y-%m-%d> %<%A>\n**** %U\n\n%?',
  target = '~/sync/org/'
} }

Nested key example:

  e =  'Event',
  er = {
    description = 'recurring',
    template = '** %?\n %T',
    target = '~/org/',
    headline = 'recurring'
  eo = {
    description = 'one-time',
    template = '** %?\n %T',
    target = '~/org/',
    headline = 'one-time'

Lua expression example:

{ j = {
  description = 'Journal',
  template = '* %(return vim.fn.getreg "w")',
  -- get the content of register "w"
  target = '~/sync/org/'
} }


type: number
default value: 16
Indicates the minimum height that the agenda window will occupy.


type: string|number
default value: A
Indicates highest priority for a task in the agenda view.
* TODO [#A] This task has the highest priority


type: string|number
default value: B
Indicates normal priority for a task in the agenda view.
This is the default priority for all tasks if other priority is not applied
* TODO [#B] This task has the normal priority
* TODO And this one has the same priority


type: string|number
default value: C
Indicates lowest priority for a task in the agenda view.
* TODO [#B] This task has the normal priority
* TODO And this one has the same priority
* TODO [#C] I'm lowest in priority


type: boolean
default value: false

Hide scheduled entries from agenda if they are in a "DONE" state.


type: boolean
default value: false

Hide deadline entries from agenda if they are in a "DONE" state.


type: string[]
default value: {}
Additional files to search from agenda search prompt.
Currently it accepts only a single value: agenda-archives.
Example value: {'agenda-archives'}

Tags settings


type: number
default value: 80
The column to which tags should be indented in a headline. If this number is positive, it specifies the column. If it is negative, it means that the tags should be flushright to that column. For example, -80 works well for a normal 80 character screen. When 0, place tags directly after headline text, with only one space in between.


type: boolean default value: true When set to true, tags are inherited from parents for purposes of searching. Which means that if you have this structure:

* TODO My top task :MYTAG:
** TODO MY child task :CHILDTAG:
*** TODO Nested task

First headline has tag MYTAG Second headline has tags MYTAG and CHILDTAG Third headline has tags MYTAG and CHILDTAG When disabled, headlines have only tags that are directly applied to them.


type: string[]
default value: {}
List of tags that are excluded from inheritance.
Using the example above, setting this variable to {'MYTAG'}, second and third headline would have only CHILDTAG, where MYTAG would not be inherited.


Mappings try to mimic some of the Orgmode mappings, but since Orgmode uses CTRL + c as a modifier most of the time, we have to take a different route. When possible, instead of CTRL + C, prefix <Leader>o is used. This is customizable via the mappings.prefix setting.

To disable all mappings, just pass disable_all = true to mappings settings:

  org_agenda_files = {'~/Dropbox/org/*', '~/my-orgs/**/*'},
  org_default_notes_file = '~/Dropbox/org/',
  mappings = {
    disable_all = true

NOTE: All mappings are normal mode mappings (nnoremap)

Global mappings

There are only 2 global mappings that are accessible from everywhere.


mapped to: <Leader\>oa
Opens up agenda prompt.


mapped to: <Leader>oc
Opens up capture prompt.

These live under and can be overridden like this:

  org_agenda_files = {'~/Dropbox/org/*', '~/my-orgs/**/*'},
  org_default_notes_file = '~/Dropbox/org/',
  mappings = {
    global = {
      org_agenda = 'gA',
      org_capture = 'gC'

If you want to use multiple mappings for same thing, pass array of mappings:

  org_agenda_files = {'~/Dropbox/org/*', '~/my-orgs/**/*'},
  org_default_notes_file = '~/Dropbox/org/',
  mappings = {
    global = {
      org_agenda = {'gA', '<Leader>oa'},
      org_capture = {'gC', '<Leader>oc'}

Agenda mappings

Mappings used in agenda view window.


mapped to: f
Go to next agenda span


mapped to: b
Go to previous agenda span


mapped to: .
Go to span with for today


mapped to: vd
Show agenda day view


mapped to: vw
Show agenda week view


mapped to: vm
Show agenda month view


mapped to: vy
Show agenda year view


mapped to: q
Close agenda


mapped to: <CR>
Open selected agenda item in the same buffer


mapped to: {'<TAB>'}
Open selected agenda item in split window


mapped to: J
Open calendar that allows selecting date to jump to


mapped to: r
Reload all org files and refresh current agenda view


mapped to: t
Change TODO state of an item in both agenda and original Org file


mapped to: I
Clock in item under cursor.
See Clocking for more details.


mapped to: O
Clock out currently active clock item.
See Clocking for more details.


mapped to: X
Cancel clock on currently active clock item.
See Clocking for more details.


mapped to: <Leader>oxj
Jump to currently clocked in headline.
See Clocking for more details.


mapped to: R
Show clock report at the end of the agenda for current agenda time range
See Clocking for more details.


mapped to: <Leader>o,
Choose the priority of a headline item.


mapped to: +
Increase the priority of a headline item.


mapped to: -
Decrease the priority of a headline item.


mapped to: <Leader>o$
Archive headline item to archive location.


mapped to: <Leader>oA
Toggle "ARCHIVE" tag of a headline item.


mapped to: <Leader>ot
Set tags on current headline item.


mapped to: <Leader>oid
Insert/Update deadline date on current headline item.


mapped to: <Leader>ois
Insert/Update scheduled date on current headline item.


mapped to: /
Open prompt that allows filtering current agenda view by category, tags and title (vim regex, see :help vim.regex())
Having file with headlines that have tags mytag or myothertag, and some of them have check in content, this search:
Returns all headlines that are in file, that have mytag tag, and have check in headline title. Note that regex is case sensitive by default.
Use vim regex flag \c to make it case insensitive. See :help vim.regex() and :help /magic.
Pressing <TAB> in filter prompt autocompletes categories and tags.


mapped to: g?
Show help popup with mappings

These mappings live under mappings.agenda, and can be changed like this:

  org_agenda_files = {'~/Dropbox/org/*', '~/my-orgs/**/*'},
  org_default_notes_file = '~/Dropbox/org/',
  mappings = {
    agenda = {
      org_agenda_later = '>',
      org_agenda_earlier = '<',
      org_agenda_goto_today = {'.', 'T'}

Capture mappings

Mappings used in capture window.


mapped to: <C-c>
Save current capture content to org_default_notes_file and close capture window


mapped to: <Leader>or
Refile capture content to specific destination


mapped to: <Leader>ok
Close capture window without saving anything


mapped to: g?
Show help popup with mappings

These mappings live under mappings.capture, and can be changed like this:

  org_agenda_files = {'~/Dropbox/org/*', '~/my-orgs/**/*'},
  org_default_notes_file = '~/Dropbox/org/',
  mappings = {
    capture = {
      org_capture_finalize = '<Leader>w',
      org_capture_refile = 'R',
      org_capture_kill = 'Q'

Closing note mappings

Mappings used in closing note window.


mapped to: <C-c>
Save note window content as closing note for a headline. Ignores first comment (if exists)


mapped to: <Leader>ok
Close note window without saving anything


mapped to: g?
Show help popup with mappings

These mappings live under mappings.note, and can be changed like this:

  org_agenda_files = {'~/Dropbox/org/*', '~/my-orgs/**/*'},
  org_default_notes_file = '~/Dropbox/org/',
  mappings = {
    note = {
      org_note_finalize = '<Leader>w',
      org_note_kill = 'Q'

Org mappings

Mappings for org files.


mapped to: <Leader>or
Refile current headline, including its subtree, to a destination org-file. This file must be one of the files specified for the org_agenda_files setting. A target headline in the destination file can be specified with<headline>. If there are multiple headlines with the same name in the destination file, the first occurence will be used.


mapped to: <C-a>
Increase date part under under cursor. Accepts count: (Example: 5<C-a>)
| in examples references cursor position.

  • Year - Example date: <202|1-10-01 Fri 10:30> becomes <202|2-10-01 Sat 10:30>
  • Month - Example date: <2021-1|0-01 Fri 10:30> becomes <2022-1|1-01 Mon 10:30>
  • Day - Example date: <2021-10-0|1 Fri 10:30> becomes <2022-10-0|2 Sat 10:30>. Same thing happens when cursor is on day name.
  • Hour - Example date: <2021-10-01 Fri 1|0:30> becomes <2022-10-02 Sat 1|1:30>.
  • Minute - Example date: <2021-10-01 Fri 10:3|0> becomes <2022-10-02 Sat 11:3|5>. See org_time_stamp_rounding_minutes for steps configuration.
  • Repeater/Delay range (h->d->w->m->y) - Example date: <2021-10-01 Fri 10:30 +1|w> becomes <2021-10-01 Fri 10:30 +1|m>
  • Active/Inactive state - (< to [ and vice versa) - Example date: |<2021-10-01 Fri 10:30> becomes |[2021-10-01 Fri 10:30]


mapped to: <C-x>
Decrease date part under under cursor.
Same as org_timestamp_up, just opposite direction.


mapped to: <S-UP>
Increase date under cursor by 1 or "count" day(s) (Example count: 5<S-UP>).


mapped to: <S-DOWN>
Decrease date under cursor by 1 or "count" day(s) (Example count: 5<S-UP>).


mapped to: cid
Change date under cursor. Opens calendar to select new date


mapped to: <Leader>o,
Choose the priority of a headline item.


mapped to: ciR
Increase the priority of a headline item.


mapped to: cir
Decrease the priority of a headline item.


mapped to: cit
Cycle todo keyword forward on current headline or open fast access to TODO states prompt (see org_todo_keywords) if it's enabled.


mapped to: ciT
Cycle todo keyword backward on current headline.


mapped to: <C-Space>
Toggle current line checkbox state


mapped to: <Leader>o*
Toggle current line to headline and vice versa. Checkboxes will turn into TODO headlines.


mapped to: <Leader>oo
Open hyperlink or date under cursor. When date is under the cursor, open the agenda for that day.


mapped to: <Leader>o'
Open a source block for editing in a temporary buffer of the associated filetype.
This is useful for editing text with language servers attached, etc. When the buffer is closed, the text of the underlying source block in the original Org file is updated. Note that if the Org file that the source block comes from is edited before the special edit buffer is closed, the edits will not be applied. The special edit buffer contents can be recovered from :messages output


mapped to: <TAB>
Cycle folding for current headline


mapped to: <S-TAB>
Cycle global folding


mapped to: <Leader>o$
Archive current headline to archive location


mapped to: <Leader>ot
Set tags on current headline


mapped to: <Leader>oA
Toggle "ARCHIVE" tag on current headline


mapped to: <<
Promote headline


mapped to: >>
Demote headline


mapped to: <s
Promote subtree


mapped to: >s
Demote subtree


mapped to: <Leader><CR>
Add headline, list item or checkbox below, depending on current line


mapped to: <Leader>oih
Add headline after current headline + it's content with same level


mapped to: <Leader>oiT
Add TODO headline right after the current headline


mapped to: <Leader>oit
Add TODO headliner after current headline + it's content


mapped to: <Leader>oK
Move current headline + it's content up by one headline


mapped to: <Leader>oJ
Move current headline + it's content down by one headline


mapped to: <Leader>oe
Open export options.
NOTE: Exports are handled via emacs and pandoc. This means that emacs and/or pandoc must be in $PATH.
see org_custom_exports if you want to add your own export options.


mapped to: }
Go to next heading (any level).


mapped to: {
Go to previous heading (any level).


mapped to: ]]
Go to next heading on same level. Doesn't go outside of parent.


mapped to: [[
Go to previous heading on same level. Doesn't go outside of parent.


mapped to: g{
Go to parent heading.


mapped to: <Leader>oid
Insert/Update deadline date.


mapped to: <Leader>ois
Insert/Update scheduled date.


mapped to: <Leader>oi.
Insert/Update date under cursor.


mapped to: <Leader>oi!
Insert/Update inactive date under cursor.


mapped to: <Leader>oxi
Clock in headline under cursor.
See Clocking for more details.


mapped to: <Leader>oxo
Clock out headline under cursor.
See Clocking for more details.


mapped to: <Leader>oxq
Cancel currently active clock on current headline.
See Clocking for more details.


mapped to: <Leader>oxj
Jump to currently clocked in headline.
See Clocking for more details.


mapped to: <Leader>oxe
Set effort estimate property on for current headline.
See Clocking for more details.


mapped to: g?
Show help popup with mappings

These mappings live under, and can be changed like this:

  org_agenda_files = {'~/Dropbox/org/*', '~/my-orgs/**/*'},
  org_default_notes_file = '~/Dropbox/org/',
  mappings = {
    org = {
      org_timestamp_up = '+',
      org_timestamp_down = '-'

Edit Src

Mappings applied when editing a SRC block content via org_edit_special.


mapped to: <Leader>ok
Abort changes made to temporary buffer created from the content of a SRC block, see above.


mapped to: <Leader>ow
Apply changes from the special buffer to the source Org buffer


mapped to: g?
Show help within the temporary buffer used to edit the content of a SRC block.

Text objects

Operator mappings for org files.
Example: Pressing vir select everything from current heading and all child.
inner means that it doesn't select the stars, where around selects inner + stars.
See this issue comment for visual preview.

Note: Some mappings can clash with other plugin mappings, like gitsigns.nvim which also has ih operator mapping.


mapped to: ih
Select inner heading with content.


mapped to: ah
Select around heading with content.


mapped to: ir
Select whole inner subtree.


mapped to: ar
Select around whole subtree.


mapped to: Oh (big letter o)
select everything from first level heading to the current heading.


mapped to: OH (big letter o)
select around everything from first level heading to the current heading.


mapped to: Or (big letter o)
select everything from first level subtree to the current subtree.


mapped to: OR (big letter o)
select around everything from first level subtree to the current subtree.

These mappings live under mappings.text_objects, and can be changed like this:

  org_agenda_files = {'~/Dropbox/org/*', '~/my-orgs/**/*'},
  org_default_notes_file = '~/Dropbox/org/',
  mappings = {
    text_objects = {
      inner_heading = 'ic',

Dot repeat

To make all mappings dot repeatable, install vim-repeat plugin.

Document Diagnostics

Since tree-sitter parser is being used to parse the file, if there are some syntax errors, it can potentially fail to parse specific parts of document when needed.


Tables can be formatted via built in formatexpr (see :help gq)

For example, having this content:

* TODO My headline
  DEADLINE: <2022-05-22 Sun>

  |Header 1|Header 2
  | col 1| col 2|

And going to line 4 and pressing gqgq, it will format it to this:

* TODO My headline
  DEADLINE: <2022-05-22 Sun>

  | Header 1 | Header 2 |
  | col 1    | col 2    |


The format for links is either [[LINK]] or [[LINK][DESCRIPTION]]. If a description is provided, the actual link is concealed in favor of the description.

Hyperlink types supported:

  • URL (http://, https://)
  • File (starts with file:. Example: file:/home/user/.config/nvim/init.lua) Optionally, a line number can be specified using the '+' character (Example: file:/home/user/.config/nvim/init.lua +10) or a headline within the specified file using '::' (Example: file:/home/user/org/*Specific Headline)
  • Headline title target within the same file (starts with *)
  • Headline with CUSTOM_ID property within the same file (starts with #)
  • Fallback: If file path, opens the file, otherwise, tries to find the headline title.


By default, omnifunc is provided in org files that autocompletes these types:

  • Tags
  • Todo keywords
  • Common drawer properties and values (:PROPERTIES:, :CATEGORY:, :END:, etc.)
  • Planning keywords (DEADLINE, SCHEDULED, CLOSED)
  • Orgfile special keywords (#+TITLE, #+BEGIN_SRC, #+ARCHIVE, etc.)
  • Hyperlinks (* - headlines, # - headlines with CUSTOM_ID property, headlines matching title)

If you use nvim-compe add this to compe setup:

    source = {
      orgmode = true

For nvim-cmp, add orgmode to list of sources:

  sources = {
    { name = 'orgmode' }

For completion.nvim, just add omni mode to chain complete list and add additional keyword chars:

vim.g.completion_chain_complete_list = {
  org = {
    { mode = 'omni'},
vim.cmd[[autocmd FileType org setlocal iskeyword+=:,#,+]]

Note that autocompletion is context aware, which means that for example tags autocompletion will kick in only when cursor is at the end of headline. Example (| marks the cursor):

* TODO Some task :|

Or todo keywords only at the beginning of the headline:

** |

Or hyperlinks after double square bracket:

Some content [[|


org buffers have access to two abbreviations:

  • :today: - expands to today's date (example: <2021-06-29 Tue>)
  • :itoday: - expands to an invactive version of today's date (example: [2021-06-29 Tue])
  • :now: - expands to today's date and current time (example: <2021-06-29 Tue 15:32>)
  • :inow: - expands to invactive version of today's date and current time (example: [2021-06-29 Tue 15:32])


Formatting is done via gq mapping, which uses formatexpr under the hood (see :help formatexpr for more info). For example, to re-format whole document, you can do gggqG. gg goes to first line in current file, gq starts the format motion, and G goes to last line in file to make it format the whole thing. To format a single line, do gqgq, or to format selection, select the lines you want to format and just do gq.

Currently, these things are formatted:

  • Tags are aligned according to the org_tags_column setting
  • Tables are formatted (see Tables for more info)
  • Clock entries total time is recalculated (see Recalculating totals in Clocking section)


Colors used for todo keywords and agenda states (deadline, schedule ok, schedule warning) are parsed from the current colorsheme from several highlight groups (Error, WarningMsg, DiffAdd, etc.). If those colors are not suitable you can override them like this:

autocmd ColorScheme * call s:setup_org_colors()

function! s:setup_org_colors() abort
  hi OrgAgendaDeadline guifg=#FFAAAA
  hi OrgAgendaScheduled guifg=#AAFFAA
  hi OrgAgendaScheduledPast guifg=Orange

or you can link it to another highlight group:

function! s:setup_org_colors() abort
  hi link OrgAgendaDeadline Error
  hi link OrgAgendaScheduled DiffAdd
  hi link OrgAgendaScheduledPast Statement

For adding/changing TODO keyword colors see org-todo-keyword-faces

Highlight Groups

  • The following highlight groups are based on Treesitter query results, hence when setting up Orgmode these highlights must be enabled by removing disable = {'org'} from the default recommended Treesitter configuration.

    • OrgTSTimestampActive: An active timestamp
    • OrgTSTimestampInactive: An inactive timestamp
    • OrgTSBullet: A normal bullet under a header item
    • OrgTSPropertyDrawer: Property drawer start/end delimiters
    • OrgTSDrawer: Drawer start/end delimiters
    • OrgTSTag: A tag for a headline item, shown on the righthand side like :foo:
    • OrgTSPlan: SCHEDULED, DEADLINE, CLOSED, etc. keywords
    • OrgTSComment: A comment block
    • OrgTSLatex: LaTeX block
    • OrgTSDirective: Blocks starting with #+
    • OrgTSCheckbox: The default checkbox highlight, overridden if any of the below groups are specified
    • OrgTSCheckboxChecked: A checkbox checked with either [x] or [X]
    • OrgTSCheckboxHalfChecked: A checkbox checked with [-]
    • OrgTSCheckboxUnchecked: A empty checkbox
    • OrgTSHeadlineLevel1: Headline at level 1
    • OrgTSHeadlineLevel2: Headline at level 2
    • OrgTSHeadlineLevel3: Headline at level 3
    • OrgTSHeadlineLevel4: Headline at level 4
    • OrgTSHeadlineLevel5: Headline at level 5
    • OrgTSHeadlineLevel6: Headline at level 6
    • OrgTSHeadlineLevel7: Headline at level 7
    • OrgTSHeadlineLevel8: Headline at level 8
  • The following use vanilla Vim syntax matching, and will work without Treesitter highlighting enabled.

    • OrgEditSrcHighlight: The highlight for the source content in an Org buffer while it is being edited in an edit special buffer
    • OrgAgendaDeadline: A item deadline in the agenda view
    • OrgAgendaScheduled: A scheduled item in the agenda view
    • OrgAgendaScheduledPast: A item past its scheduled date in the agenda view

Advanced search

Part of Advanced search functionality is implemented.

To leverage advanced search, open up agenda prompt (default <Leader>oa), and select m or M(todos only) option.

What is supported:

  • Search by property with basic arithmetic operators (<, <=, =, >, >=, <>) (examples: CATEGORY="mycategory", CUSTOM_ID=my_custom_id, AGE<10, ITEMS>=5)
  • Search by todo keyword (example: COMPUTER+URGENT/TODO|NEXT)

Few examples:

  • Search all with tag COMPUTER or WORK and EMAIL: COMPUTER|WORK+EMAIL. And always have precedence over or. Workaround to use first or is to write it like this: COMPUTER+EMAIL|WORK+EMAIL
  • Search all with keyword TODO, tag URGENT and property AGE bigger than 10: URGENT+AGE>10/TODO
  • Search all with keyword DONE or DELEGATED, tag COMPUTER and property AGE not equal to 10: COMPUTER+AGE<>10/DONE|DELEGATED
  • Search all without keyword DONE, tag URGENT but without tag COMPUTER and property CATEGORY equal to mywork: URGENT-COMPUTER+CATEGORY=mywork/-DONE

Notifications (experimental)

There is an experimental support for agenda tasks notifications. Related issue #49.

Linux/MacOS has support for notifications via:

  • System notification app (notify-send/terminal-notifier) (See below for setup)
  • As part of Neovim running instance in floating window

Windows support only notifications in running Neovim instance. Any help on this topic is appreciated.

Default configuration (detailed description below):

  notifications = {
    enabled = false,
    cron_enabled = true,
    repeater_reminder_time = false,
    deadline_warning_reminder_time = false,
    reminder_time = 10,
    deadline_reminder = true,
    scheduled_reminder = true,
    notifier = function(tasks)
      local result = {}
      for _, task in ipairs(tasks) do
        require('orgmode.utils').concat(result, {
          string.format('# %s (%s)', task.category, task.humanized_duration),
          string.format('%s %s %s', string.rep('*', task.level), task.todo, task.title),
          string.format('%s: <%s>', task.type, task.time:to_string())

      if not vim.tbl_isempty(result) then
        require('orgmode.notifications.notification_popup'):new({ content = result })
    cron_notifier = function(tasks)
      for _, task in ipairs(tasks) do
        local title = string.format('%s (%s)', task.category, task.humanized_duration)
        local subtitle = string.format('%s %s %s', string.rep('*', task.level), task.todo, task.title)
        local date = string.format('%s: %s', task.type, task.time:to_string())

        -- Linux
        if vim.fn.executable('notify-send') == 1 then
          vim.loop.spawn('notify-send', { args = { string.format('%s\n%s\n%s', title, subtitle, date) }})

        -- MacOS
        if vim.fn.executable('terminal-notifier') == 1 then
          vim.loop.spawn('terminal-notifier', { args = { '-title', title, '-subtitle', subtitle, '-message', date }})

Options description:

  • enabled (boolean) - Enable notifications inside Neovim. Not needed for cron notifications. Default: false
  • cron_enabled (boolean) - Enable notifications via cron. Requires additional setup, see Cron section. Default: true
  • repeater_reminder_time (boolean|number|number[]) - Number of minutes before the repeater time to send notifications.
    For example, if now is 2021-07-15 15:30, and there's a todo item with date <2021-07-01 15:30 +1w>, notification will be sent if value of this setting is 0.
    If this configuration has a value of {1, 5, 10}, this means that notification will be sent on 2021-07-15 15:20, 2021-07-15 15:25 and 2021-07-15 15:29.
    Default value: false, which is disabled.
  • deadline_warning_reminder_time (boolean|number|number[]) - Number of minutes before the warning time to send notifications.
    For example, if now is 2021-07-15 12:30, and there's a todo item with date <2021-07-15 18:30 -6h>, notification will be sent.
    If this configuration has a value of {1, 5, 10}, this means that notification will be sent on 2021-07-15 12:20, 2021-07-15 12:25 and 2021-07-15 12:29.
    Default value: 0, which means that it will send notification only on exact warning time
  • reminder_time (boolean|number|number[]) - Number of minutes before the time to send notifications.
    For example, if now is 2021-07-15 12:30, and there's a todo item with date <2021-07-15 12:40>, notification will be sent.
    If this configuration has a value of {1, 5, 10}, this means that notification will be sent on 2021-07-15 12:20, 2021-07-15 12:25 and 2021-07-15 12:29.
    This reminder also applies to both repeater and warning time if the time is matching. So with the example above, both 2021-07-15 12:20 +1w and 2021-07-15 12:20 -3h will trigger notification.
    will trigger notification.
    Default value: 10, which means that it will send notification 10 minutes before the time.
  • deadline_reminder (boolean) - Should notifications be sent for DEADLINE dates. Default: true
  • scheduled_reminder (boolean) - Should notifications be sent for SCHEDULED dates. Default: true
  • notifier (function) - function for sending notification inside Neovim. Accepts array of tasks (see below) and shows floating window with notifications.
  • cron_notifier (function) - function for sending notification via cron. Accepts array of tasks (see below) and triggers external program to send notifications.


Notifier functions accepts tasks parameter which is an array of this type:

  file = string, -- (Path to org file containing this task. Example: /home/myhome/orgfiles/
  todo = string, -- (Todo keyword on the task. Example value: TODO)
  title = string, -- (Content of the headline without the todo keyword and tag. Example: Submit papers)
  level = number, -- (Headline level (number of asterisks). Example: 1)
  category = string, -- (file name where this task lives. With example file above, this would be: todos),
  priority = string, -- (priority on the task. Example: A)
  tags = string[], -- (array of tags applied to the headline. Example: {'WORK', 'OFFICE'})
  original_time = Date, -- (Date object (see [Date object](lua/orgmode/objects/date.lua) for details) containing original time of the task (with adjustments and everything))
  time = Date, -- (Date object (see [Date object](lua/orgmode/objects/date.lua) for details) time that matched the reminder configuration (with applied adjustments))
  reminder_type = string, -- (Type of the date that matched reminder settings. Can be one of these: repeater, warning or time),
  minutes = number, -- (Number of minutes before the task)
  humanized_duration = string, -- (Humanized duration until the task. Examples: in 10 min., in 5 hr, in 3 hr and 10 min.)
  type = string, -- (Date type. Can be one of these: DEADLINE or SCHEDULED),
  range = table -- (Start and end line of the headline subtree. Example: { start_line = 2, end_line = 5 })


In order to trigger notifications via cron, job needs to be added to the crontab.
This is currently possible only on Linux and MacOS, since I don't know how would this be done on Windows. Any help on this topic is appreciated.
This works by starting the headless Neovim instance, running one off function inside orgmode, and quitting the Neovim.

Here's maximum simplified Linux example (Tested on Manjaro/Arch), but least optimized:

Run this to open crontab:

crontab -e

Then add this (Ensure path to nvim is correct):

* * * * * DISPLAY=:0 DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus /usr/local/bin/nvim --headless --noplugin -c 'lua require("orgmode").cron()'

More optimized way would be to extract all your orgmode config to a separate file in your neovim configuration:

-- ~/.config/nvim/lua/partials/my_org_config.lua
return {
  org_agenda_files = '~/orgmode/*',
  org_default_notes_file = '~/orgmode/',
  notifications = {
    reminder_time = {0, 5, 10},
  -- etc.

Have your default setup load this configuration:


And update cron job to this:

* * * * * DISPLAY=:0 DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus /usr/local/bin/nvim -u NONE --noplugin --headless -c 'lua require("orgmode").cron(require("partials.my_org_config"))'

This option is most optimized because it doesn't load plugins and your init.vim

For MacOS, things should be very similar, but I wasn't able to test it. Any help on this is appreciated.


There is partial suport for Clocking work time.
Supported actions:

Clock in

Org file mapping: <leader>oxi
Agenda view mapping: I
Start the clock by adding or updating the :LOGBOOK: drawer. Note that this clocks out any currently active clock.
Also, agenda/todo/search view highlights item that is clocked in.

Clock out

Org file mapping: <leader>oxo
Agenda view mapping: O
Clock out the entry and update the :LOGBOOK: drawer, and also add a total tracked time.
Note that in agenda view pressing O anywhere clocks the currently active entry, while in org file cursor must be in the headline subtree.

Clock cancel

Org file mapping: <leader>oxq
Agenda view mapping: X
Cancel the currently active clock. This just removes the entry added by clock in from :LOGBOOK: drawer.
Note that in agenda view pressing X anywhere cancels clock on the currently active entry, while in org file cursor must be in the headline subtree.

Clock goto

Org file mapping: <leader>oxj
Agenda view mapping: <leader>oxj
Jump to currently clocked in headline in the current window

Set effort

Org file mapping: <leader>oxe
Agenda view mapping: <leader>oxe
Add/Update an Effort estimate property for the current headline

Clock report table

Agenda view mapping: R
Show the clocking report for the current agenda time range. Headlines from table can be jumped to via <TAB>/<CR> (underlined)
Note that this is visible only in Agenda view, since it's the only view that have a time range. Todo/Search views are not supported.

Automatic updates of totals

When updating closed logbook dates that have a total at the right (example: => 1:05), updating any of the dates via org_timestamp_up/org_timestamp_down automatically recalculates this value.

Recalculating totals

Org file mapping: gq (Note: This is Vim's built in mapping that calls formatexpr, see :help gq)
If you changed any of the dates in closed logbook entry, and want to recalculate the total, select the line and press gq, or if you want to do it in normal mode, just do gqgq.

Statusline function

Function: v:lua.orgmode.statusline()
Show the currently clocked in headline (if any), with total clocked time / effort estimate (if set).

set statusline=%{v:lua.orgmode.statusline()}


To track breaking changes, subscribe to Notice of breaking changes issue where those are announced.

24 October 2021

  • Help mapping was changed from ? to g? to avoid conflict with built in backward search. See issue #106.

10 October 2021

  • Mappings org_increase_date and org_decrease_date are deprecated in favor of org_timestamp_up and org_timestamp_down.
    If you have these mappings in your custom configuration, you will get a warning each time Orgmode is loaded. To remove the warning, rename the configuration properties accordingly.
    To return the old functionality where mappings increase only the day, add org_timestamp_up_day/org_timestamp_down_day to your configuration.