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The Python module JuliaCall


It's as simple as

pip install juliacall

Developers may wish to clone the repo ( directly and pip install the module in editable mode. You should add "dev":true, "path":"../.." to pysrc/juliacall/juliapkg.json to ensure you use the development version of PythonCall in conjunction with JuliaCall.

Getting started

For interactive or scripting use, the simplest way to get started is:

from juliacall import Main as jl

This loads a single variable jl which represents the Main module in Julia, from which all of Julia's functionality is available:

jl.println("Hello from Julia!")
# Hello from Julia!
x = jl.rand(range(10), 3, 5)
# 3×5 Matrix{Int64}:
#  8  1  7  0  6
#  9  2  1  4  0
#  1  8  5  4  0
import numpy
numpy.sum(x, axis=0)
# array([18, 11, 13,  8,  6], dtype=int64)

In this example:

  • We called the jl.println function to print a message.
  • We called the jl.rand function to generate an array of random integers. Note that the first argument is range(10) which is converted to 0:9 in Julia.
  • We called its special _jl_display() to show it using Julia's display mechanism.
  • We called the numpy.sum function to sum each column of x. This automatically converted x to a NumPy array. (We could have done jl.sum(x, dims=1) too.)

If you are writing a package which uses Julia, then to avoid polluting the global Main namespace you instead should start with:

import juliacall
jl = juliacall.newmodule("SomeName")

Julia modules have a special method seval which will evaluate a given piece of code given as a string in the module. This is most frequently used to import modules:

from array import array
jl.seval("using Statistics")
x = array('i', [1, 2, 3])
# 2.0
y = array('i', [2,4,8])
jl.cor(x, y)
# 0.9819805060619657

What to read next:

  • The main functionality of this package is in AnyValue objects, which represent Julia objects, [documented here](@ref julia-wrappers).
  • If you need to install Julia packages, [read here](@ref julia-deps).
  • When you call a Julia function, such as jl.rand(...) in the above example, its arguments are converted to Julia according to [this table](@ref py2jl-conversion) and its return value is converted to Python according to [this table](@ref jl2py-conversion).

[Managing Julia dependencies](@id julia-deps)

JuliaCall manages its Julia dependencies using JuliaPkg.

It will automatically download a suitable version of Julia if required.

A Julia environment is also created, activated and populated with any required packages. If you are in a virtual or Conda environment, the environment is put there. Otherwise a global environment is used at ~/.julia/environments/pyjuliapkg.

If your project requires any Julia packages, or a particular version of Julia itself, then create a file called juliapkg.json in your package. For example: Here is an example:

    "julia": "1.5",
    "packages": {
        "Example": {
            "uuid": "7876af07-990d-54b4-ab0e-23690620f79a",
            "version": "0.5, 0.6"

Alternatively you can use add, rm, etc. from JuliaPkg to edit this file.

See JuliaPkg for more details.

[Configuration](@id julia-config)

Some features of the Julia process, such as the optimization level or number of threads, may be configured in two ways:

  • As an -X argument to Python, such as -X juliacall-optlevel=3; or
  • As an environment variable, such as PYTHON_JULIACALL_OPTLEVEL=3.
-X option Environment Variable Description
-X juliacall-home=<dir> PYTHON_JULIACALL_BINDIR=<dir> The directory containing the julia executable.
-X juliacall-check-bounds=<yes|no|auto> PYTHON_JULIACALL_CHECK_BOUNDS=<yes|no|auto> Enable or disable bounds checking.
-X juliacall-compile=<yes|no|all|min> PYTHON_JULIACALL_COMPILE=<yes|no|all|min> Enable or disable JIT compilation.
-X juliacall-compiled-modules=<yes|no> PYTHON_JULIACALL_COMPILED_MODULES=<yes|no> Enable or disable incrementally compiling modules.
-X juliacall-depwarn=<yes|no|error> PYTHON_JULIACALL_DEPWARN=<yes|no|error> Enable or disable deprecation warnings.
-X juliacall-handle-signals=<yes|no> PYTHON_JULIACALL_HANDLE_SIGNALS=<yes|no> Enable or disable Julia signal handling.
-X juliacall-inline=<yes|no> PYTHON_JULIACALL_INLINE=<yes|no> Enable or disable inlining.
-X juliacall-min-optlevel=<0|1|2|3> PYTHON_JULIACALL_MIN_OPTLEVEL=<0|1|2|3> Optimization level.
-X juliacall-optimize=<0|1|2|3> PYTHON_JULIACALL_OPTIMIZE=<0|1|2|3> Minimum optimization level.
-X juliacall-procs=<N|auto> PYTHON_JULIACALL_PROCS=<N|auto> Launch N local worker process.
-X juliacall-startup-file=<yes|no> PYTHON_JULIACALL_STARTUP_FILE=<yes|no> Enable or disable your startup.jl file.
-X juliacall-sysimage=<file> PYTHON_JULIACALL_SYSIMAGE=<file> Use the given system image.
-X juliacall-threads=<N|auto> PYTHON_JULIACALL_THREADS=<N|auto> Launch N threads.
-X juliacall-warn-overwrite=<yes|no> PYTHON_JULIACALL_WARN_OVERWRITE=<yes|no> Enable or disable method overwrite warnings.
-X juliacall-autoload-ipython-extension=<yes|no> PYTHON_JULIACALL_AUTOLOAD_IPYTHON_EXTENSION=<yes|no> Enable or disable IPython extension autoloading.