Hash Table Implementation
How hash table works
how list and array different from hash table
Hash Table Implementation : Get Hash
get hash function returns the integer after converting all the characters to an ASCII value
ord('v') will retun ASCII value of char v
118 +
ord('a') will retun ASCII value of char a
118 + 97 +
ord('r') will retun ASCII value of char r
118 + 97 + 114 +
ord('a') will retun ASCII value of char a
118 + 97 + 114 + 97
= 426 % 100
= 26
so, when we try to add the value in hash table with index 'vara', it will add to index 9.
Hash Table Implementation : Collision Handling In Hash Table
In collision handling the value can be stored in a multiple key value format on the same index number.
get_hash() functions return the hash value of given string
obj.get_hash("122-Mar") return hash value 82
it means '122-Mar' is index number 82
obj.get_hash("1-Mar") return hash value 82
it means '1-Mar' is index number 82
Now, Assign values
obj["122-Mar"] = 550
obj["1-Mar"] = 220
if you check the value of obj["122-Mar"], it will return 220, because at the given index number the
value is overriding
Hash Table Collision Handling Using Chaining
using linked list or linear probing
replace None with empty list
and if new key come append it on the same index number
array will look like this
[[], [], [('1-Mar', 550), ('122-Mar', 120)], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]