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Setting up a Unity project for WebXR

There are two ways to start a WebXR enabled project using Unity.

  1. Download the example project.

    This is the simplest option, to do this, download the project and open in Unity. You can follow steps from step #7 onwards to build the project to WebXR.

  2. Start by Creating a new Unity 3D Project.

    In this tutorial, we cover option 2, starting from new, stepping through each step from creating a new Unity project, adding the WebXR Assets, then building to WebGL.

1. Create a new Unity 3D project.

Open an existing project, or click on the New button and fill in the details of the new game:

New game

2. Ensure that WebGL platform support is installed.

Open the menus: File > Build Settings

WebGL Platform

If it isn't, use the Unity Hub to install it for your version of Unity.

WebGL Install

3. Enable Virtual Reality support in Unity.

See In-editor VR playback for rapid testing for full steps.

Enable VR Support in Unity

4. Download the assets from the Unity Asset store.

Unity Asset Store page.

Asset Store

Alternatively, download and install the WebXR-Exporter.unitypackage from this repo and use (Assets > Import Package > Custom Package) to import the package into your project.

WebXR package

If you are not upgrading a project from an older version you can uncheck /WebGLTemplates/WebVR and /WebVR

5. Add the WebXR prefab to your scene.

Disable the standard default camera, so that it does not interfere with the cameras used in the WebXR prefab.

To do this, select Main Camera from the scene's Hierarchy; then, delete or disable the camera from the Inspector.

WebXR package

Add the WebXRCameraSet prefab (Assets > WebXR > Prefabs > WebXRCameraSet.prefab):

Import prefab

The prefab contains hand controllers, VR Camera setup and other components needed for your game to work with WebXR.

6. Add Input Manager settings to your project.

This step is only needed for desktop platforms and the editor. If you don't need to support those, skip to step 7.

Copy InputManager.asset into your Project /ProjectSettings folder. This will add pre-configured Unity Input Manager input axes needed for controllers to work.

See Controllers and Input System for more details about how this works.

7. Your Unity project is setup. Play to see the result!

Import prefab

8. Build your project to WebXR

Select the WebXR template from player settings.

Go to Edit > Project Settings > Player:

WebXR template

Build and run your project in the browser!

Click on File > Build & Run, select a destination folder and Unity will compile your code and and launch the game in your default browser. If you want to open the game in another browser, copy and paste the URL of the game.

Under the hood, when clicking Build & Run, Unity will place all the needed files in the selected folder and will spin up a development web server pointing there. If you want to provide your own server, choose File > Build instead.