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File metadata and controls

255 lines (215 loc) · 11.1 KB


A new documentation can be found here

Extension API Reference

Here I'm trying to document all the API calls of the new Extension API.

Extension Structure

Extension live in the %appdata%/OFS_data/extensions/ directory.
An extension must have it's own directory with a main.lua in it.
By default there is a Core extension which serves as a demo.

├─ extensions
   ├─ Core
      ├─ main.lua

In OFS extensions become available trough the main menu bar "Extensions" and must be enabled before they can be used.

The main.lua must define 3 functions otherwise things will explode.

function init()
    -- this runs once at when loading the extension
    -- custom keybindings are registered here with "ofs.Bind"

function update(delta)
    -- this runs every OFS frame
    -- delta is the time since the last call in seconds
    -- doing heavy computation here will lag OFS

function gui()
    -- this only runs when the window is open
    -- and is the place where a custom gui can be created
    -- doing heavy computation here will lag OFS

One of the biggest differences to the older Lua scripting API is that Extensions can have their own state.
When an Extension gets enabled it gets it's own Lua VM seperate from other extensions.

Core API

Call Params Returns Description
print(msg) String nil Will print to the "Extension Log Output".
Accessible through "Extensions"->"Show logs"
clamp(val, min, max) Number, Number, Number Number Clamps a value.
This is a Lua function which I placed in global scope.
ofs.Bind(functionName, description) String, String nil Will create a "Dynamic" key binding.
Must be called from within init().
Bindings will always run in another thread.
ofs.Task(functionName) String nil Will run a function in another thread. Use cautiously.
ofs.ExtensionDir() None String Path to extension directory.

Video player API

Call Params Returns Description
player.Play(shouldPlay) Optional bool nil If no bool is provided it will toggle.
Otherwise true/false will play/pause the video.
player.Seek(time) Number nil Seeks to a given time. Time must be passed in seconds.
player.CurrentTime() None Number Returns the current position in the video in seconds.
player.Duration() None Number Returns the total duration of the video in seconds.
player.IsPlaying() None bool Returns a boolean if the player is playing or not.
player.CurrentVideo() None String Returns a path to the currently playing video.
player.FPS() None Number Returns the fps of the video.

Funscript API

ofs.Script(index) will copy the current state of the funscript on the C++ side and store it with the Lua table returned.
The table returned isn't an ordinary table it contains some hidden data to make stuff work.

Some pitfalls

The actions in the Funscript table are also not ordinary Lua tables.
All actions rely on a special meta table with the Lua metamethods __index & _newindex which call into C++.
Which is why you can not add/remove actions in a raw Lua way.

function BAD()
    local script = ofs.Script(ofs.ActiveIdx())
    local action; = 123
    action.pos = 0
    action.selected = false
    table.remove(script.actions, 1) -- THIS WON'T WORK
    table.insert(script.actions, action) -- THIS WON'T WORK

function GOOD()
    -- this is the correct way to do it
    local script = ofs.Script(ofs.ActiveIdx())
     -- correct way of removing actions
    ofs.RemoveAction(script, script.actions[1])
     -- correct way of adding actions
    ofs.AddAction(script, 123, 0, false)
    ofs.Commit(script) -- save changes

Only use ofs.AddAction & ofs.RemoveAction to add & remove actions.
Modifying actions can be done like this.

function iterate() 
    local script = ofs.Script(ofs.ActiveIdx())
    for idx, action in ipairs(script.actions) do
        -- is in milliseconds = idx * 1000 -- it may not look like it but this calls code on the C++ side
        action.pos = 0 
        action.selected = false
    ofs.Commit(script) -- save changes

Actions/Funscripts can not be easily copied.
Because their meta table still holds a reference to the Funscript table.

function copyingActions()
    local script = ofs.Script(ofs.ActiveIdx())
    local action = script.actions[1]
    -- action still references the script
    -- changes made to `action` will go into `script` = 1000
    action.pos = 0

    -- you can copy into a new lua table
    -- this table is detached from `script`
    local copied = { at =, pos = action.pos, selected = action.selected } = 1234
    copied.pos = 0
Call Params Returns Description
ofs.Script(index) Number Funscript Given an index this returns a copy of a currently loaded Funscript.
Following the Lua convention the index starts at 1.
ofs.ActiveIdx() None Number Returns index of the currently active script.
A common pattern would be ofs.Script(ofs.ActiveIdx())
ofs.AddAction(script, time, pos, selected) Funscript, Number, Number, [Optional bool] nil Adds an action to the script. The selected bool is optional.
This is the only way to add actions.
ofs.RemoveAction(script, action) Funscript, Action nil Removes an action from the script.
ofs.RemoveSelected(script) Funscript nil Removes all selected actions.
ofs.ClearScript(script) Funscript nil Removes all actions.
ofs.HasSelection(script) Funscript bool Returns if the script has a selection.
ofs.Commit(script) Funscript nil This creates an undo snapshot and saves changes back to OFS.
If you forget to call commit nothing will change in OFS.
ofs.Undo() None nil Will undo the last modification done by a Lua script.
It will do nothing if the last modification wasn't done by a script.
Essentially you only undo modifications by ofs.Commit.
ofs.ScriptTitle(index) Number String Returns title of a funscript.
ofs.ClosestAction(script, time) Funscript, Number Number Given a funscript and a time in seconds it returns an action index or nil.
ofs.ClosestActionAfter(script, time) Funscript, Number Number Given a funscript and a time in seconds it returns an action index or nil.
ofs.ClosestActionBefore(script, time) Funscript, Number Number Given a funscript and a time in seconds it returns an action index or nil.
ofs.ScriptPath(idx) Number String Given an index it returns the funscript path.
ofs.SaveScript(idx, path) Number, [Optional String] bool Given an index it saves the funscript.
If no path is provided the default is used.
ofs.SelectedIndices(script) Funscript Array of Numbers Returns an array of the selected action indices


This is a subset of ImGui functions exposed through Lua.
These functions must be called from within gui().
You can't pass values by reference in Lua which is why things like ofs.Slider have multiple return values.

x = 0 -- global value x

function gui()
    x, valueChanged = ofs.Slider("x", x, 0, 100) -- slider min: 0 & max: 100
    if valueChanged then
        print("The value changed!")

When using multiple controls with the same name you have to give them a unique id.
This applies to all controls not just buttons.

function gui()
    if ofs.Button("Apply") then
        -- do something
    if ofs.Button("Apply") then
        -- do something

    -- Do this instead
    -- unique id "ApplyBtn1"
    if ofs.Button("Apply##ApplyBtn1") then
        -- do something
    -- unique id "ApplyBtn2"
    if ofs.Button("Apply##ApplyBtn2") then
        -- do something
Call Params Returns Description
ofs.Text(txt) String nil Can be used to display text.
clicked = ofs.Button(txt) String bool Creates a button. Returns if the button was clicked.
newValue, valueChanged = ofs.Input(txt, value, stepSize) String, (String | Number), [optional Number] (String | Number), bool Creates an Input field for either strings or numbers.
newValue, valueChanged = ofs.Drag(txt, value, stepSize) String, Number, [optional Number] Number, bool Creates a drag button.
newValue, valueChanged = ofs.Slider(txt, value, min, max) String, Number, Number, Number Number, bool Creates a slider.
newValue, valueChanged = ofs.Checkbox(txt, value) String, Number, Number, Number Number, bool Creates a slider.
selectionNumber, selectionChanged = ofs.Combo(txt, selectionNumber, comboItems) String, Number, Array of Strings Number, bool Creates a combo box.
ofs.SameLine() None nil Can be used to put things on the same line.
For example if you want two buttons next two each other.
ofs.Separator() None nil Inserts a separator.
ofs.Spacing() None nil Controls after this will be a bit further spaced away.
ofs.NewLine() None nil Controls after this will go into the next line.

Process API

Call Params Returns Description
ofs.CreateProcess(program, args...) String, [variable amount of Strings] ProcessHandle Will create a process or return nil.
ofs.IsProcessAlive(process) ProcessHandle bool Returns if the process is still running.
ofs.JoinProcess(process) ProcessHandle Number Waits for the process to finish.
Returns the exit code.
ofs.DetachProcess(process) ProcessHandle nil Detaches the process.
The process handle becomes inactive.
ofs.KillProcess(process) ProcessHandle nil Kills the process.

Example usage

process_handle = nil

function start_process()
    -- store process handle globally so it doesn't get garbage collected
    process_handle = ofs.CreateProcess("notepad.exe", "arg1", "arg2", "arg3")

function terminate_process()
    -- to terminate the process let it be garbage collected like this
    process_handle = nil

function update(dt)
    -- detecting if the processs has finished could work like this
    if process_handle and not ofs.IsProcessAlive(process_handle) then
        print("process has terminated")
        process_handle = nil