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Linked List


A linked list is a linear colletion of elements in sequential order. Imagine a chain, with a start and a end, with the chain links connected to each other. A linked list can be visualized as below:

Linked List

A linked list is composed of a smaller data structure usually called a Node. The node object contains the value of the element itself, and also a pointer to the next node in the chain. By utilizing, you can traverse the list. The beginning of a linked list is denoted with head and the last element is tail.

In a singly-linked list, the link is established in one direction only, where the node only keeps track of the next node in the chain. This means that with a singly-linked list, you can only traverse in the direction of the tail. On the other hand, a node in a doubly-linked list keeps track of both next and previous which allows you to traverse in both directions (towards head and tail).


In this exercise, implement the following functions for the LinkedListNode and LinkedList classes:

  • LinkedListNode
    • constructor()
      • Write a method that instantiates the node.
      • The node takes value and next.
  • LinkedList
    • constructor()
      • Write a method that instantiates the list.
      • The instance variables head and tail should be set to null.
    • prepend(value)
      • Write a method that inserts the value at the beginning of the linked list.
    • append(value)
      • Write a method that inserts the value at the end of the linked list.
    • delete(value)
      • Write a method that deletes the value in the linked list.
    • find(value)
      • Write a method that returns the node that contains the value.
    • insertAfter(value, targetValue)
      • Write a method that inserts the node after the node that contains the targetValue.
    • deleteHead()
      • Write a method that deletes the first element in the linked list.
    • deleteTail()
      • Write a method that deletes the last element in the linked list.

The most important operations are prepend/append for adding data, delete for removing data, and find for retrieving data.

Detailed Walkthrough

Let's start by opening up a terminal window and running npm run watch. This will start our TDD framework that will automatically re-run the tests when you save any changes to your file.

  • In your code editor, navigate to /algorithms/src/data-structures/LinkedListNode.js.
  • In the constructor method, write this.value = value and save the changes.
  • You will see the tests run automatically in your terminal:

Jest TDD Console Outputs

Jest Tip: If you need to filter by the exercise name, press p. (press w for the list of available commands).

The output tells you that three tests are failing:

  • ✕ should create list node with value (10ms)
  • ✕ should create list node with object as a value (2ms)
  • ✕ should link nodes together
  • ✓ should convert node to string
  • ✓ should convert node to string with custom stringifier (1ms)

The code for the last two tests (toString() tests) have been provided for you in the skeleton. Your task is to make the three failing tests to pass.


  • The test description says › should create list node with value
  • The output tells us where the test is failing: expect(;. It also tells us expect(received).toBeNull() and Received: undefined.
  • In this case, the test is expecting to be null. However, the test received undefined.
  • Since next is undefined, let's update our constructor() in LinkedListNode.js:
    constructor(value, next = null) {
      this.value = value; = next;
  • When you save the file, you should see all your tests for LinkedListNode pass!
  • Often, many tests can depend on the same part of the code. In this case, solving for one test case solved all others.

Now, let's open up LinkedList.js in our editor.


  • A linked list should always have a head and a tail.
  • The test tells us: expect(linkedList.head).toBeNull();. Let's create the instance variables:
    constructor() {
      this.head = null;
      this.tail = null;


  • The prepend method inserts the item at the beginning of the list.
  • Prepending an item is a simple operation:
    • Create a new Node.
    • Set the new node's `next to be the current head node.
    • Update the head to point at the new node.
  • We also have to consider a case where this is the first item stored in the list. In that case, we also set the tail to the same node.


  • The append method inserts the item at the end of the list.
  • Operations:
    • Create a new Node.
    • Set the tail's next to be the new node.
    • Update tail to point at the new node.
  • Again, take into consideration when this is the first item stored in the list.


  • The find method returns the node with the target value.

  • A node can be visited by utilizing a loop and

  • The following snippet traverses the entire list:

    let currentNode = node;
    while ( {
      currentNode =
  • Think about how the above concept can be applied to find the target node.

insertAfter(value, insertValue)

  • The insertAfter method stores the insertValue right after the node with the value.
  • Operation: Linked List Delete Operation
    • Create a new Node.
    • Find the node with the target value.
    • Set the found node's next to the new node.
    • Set new node's next to the found node's `next.
  • Utilize the previously written find method to find the node.


  • The delete method removes the first node with the specified value.
  • Operations: Linked List Delete Operation
    • Traverse the list and locate the node before the target node.
    • Remove the target node that is placed after the found node.
      • In a linked list, you don't have to delete the actual node.
      • Deleting means removing the reference to that node from the list.
      • The above diagram shows that all we have to do is set the target node's previous node's next to point at the target node's next.
      • This means that we must locate the node right before the target node. Think about how you would be able to tell when the next node will be the target node.
    • Also, take into consideration if the head or tail node is the node to be deleted.
  • This is the most complex operation in a linked list. Drawing the operation on paper can help you visualize the problem. Don't hesitate to reach out to #basic-algorithms channel on Slack if you are stuck.

deleteHead() / deleteTail()

  • The deleteHead/Tail methods are utility methods for common operations.

Time and Space Complexity Analysis

This section will be released in the future when the Big O notation tutorials are written. Please join #basic-algorithms channel for the update notifications.