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Dec 29, 2022
Dec 29, 2022
Dec 29, 2022

Challenge 57 - Diffie-Hellman Revisited: Small Subgroup Confinement


Let's start with a short recap on Diffie-Hellman Protocol:

The protocol consist 2 large primes; p and q , such that q divides ( p 1 ) .

Since q divides ( p 1 ) , the group Z p = { 1 , . . . , p 1 } has an element g of order q .

This means that g q = 1 ( mod p ) , and the group

G : = { g a : a = 0 , . . . , q 1 }

is a subset of Z p and has q distict elements; all of them with order q .

Bob and Alice pick a , b Z p and compute:

g a , g b ( mod p )

(Each one of them got one element of G out of q possible outcomes.)

Then, they compute the shared secret:

g a b ( mod p )

and they both agree on another element from the group G .

The Attack

We factorize ( p 1 ) to find small divisors; call them r 1 , r 2 , r 3 , . . . , r n .

Each divisor r i form a group with order r i and has corresponding h i Z p such that:

h i r i = 1 ( mod p )

Eve, as the attacker, sends Bob h i .

Bob in his turn computes:

K = h i a ( mod p )

where a is Bob's secret key.

As we noted, h i has order r i , and thus h i a has only r i possible values.

We find the correct value using brute-force search (that's why we picked small r i 's), and obtain:

x i = a mod r i

i = 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . , n

Once ( r 1 r 2 r n ) > q , we can use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to reconstruct a (Bob's secret key).

The Implementation

We build the following Oracle to represent Bob's side of Diffie-Hellman key agreement:

class BobOracle:
    Alice computes u=g^a, and sends u to Bob.
    Bob computes v=g^b and sends v to Alice.
    The secret shared by Alice and Bob is w = g^(a*b).
    # class consts
    shared_secret_len = math.ceil(math.log2(p) / 8)

    def __init__(self):
        # initiate random private key
        self._b = random.randint(1, q-1)

    def generate_shared_secret(cls, u: int, b: int) -> bytes:
        shared_secret = pow(u, b, p)
        shared_secret = shared_secret.to_bytes(cls.shared_secret_len, byteorder='big')
        return shared_secret

    def get_response(self, u: int) -> tuple[bytes, bytes]:
        shared_secret = self.generate_shared_secret(u, self._b)
        m = b"crazy flamboyant for the rap enjoyment"
        digest = hmac.digest(key=shared_secret, msg=m, digest='sha256')
        return m, digest

For the factorization part, we use the simple Trial division Algorithm:

def trial_division(n: int) -> Iterator[int]:
    Basic Integer Factorization Algorithm.
    while n % 2 == 0:
        yield 2
        n //= 2

    f = 3
    while f * f <= n:
        if n % f == 0:
            yield f
            n //= f
            f += 2

    if n != 1:
        yield n

Using Bob's response, we use brute-force searching to find the value of a (mod r)

def brute_force_search_private_key(response, h, r) -> int:
    for i in range(r):
        shared_secret = BobOracle.generate_shared_secret(h, i)
        digest = hmac.digest(key=shared_secret, msg=response[0], digest='sha256')
        if digest == response[1]:
            return i

    raise Exception('should not reach here')

The CRT (Chinese Remainder Theorem) algorithm to retrieve Bob's secret key:

def chinese_remainder(n_list: list[int], a_list: list[int]) -> int:
    Solution of the system:
    x = a1 (mod n1)
    x = a2 (mod n2)
    x = ak (mod k)

    Such that 0 <= x < N,
    where N = n1 * n2 * ... * nk
    x = 0
    N = reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, n_list)
    for ni, ai in zip(n_list, a_list):
        Ni = N // ni
        _, (Mi, _) = extended_gcd(Ni, ni)
        x += ai*Mi*Ni

    return x % N

def extended_gcd(a: int, b: int) -> tuple[int, tuple[int, int]]:
    Extended Euclidean algorithm
    :return: ( 'gcd' - the resulting gcd,
               'coeffs' - Bézout coefficients )
    old_r, r = a, b
    old_s, s = 1, 0
    old_t, t = 0, 1

    while r != 0:
        quotient = old_r // r
        old_r, r = r, old_r - quotient * r
        old_s, s = s, old_s - quotient * s
        old_t, t = t, old_t - quotient * t

    return old_r, (old_s, old_t)

Finally, the whole attack:

def attack(oracle: BobOracle) -> int:
    # find xi = a (mod ri),  i=1,...,n
    # until r1*...*rn > q
    r_list = []
    x_list = []

    total_size = 1
    factor_gen = trial_division(j)
    while total_size <= q:
        # find next factor of j
        r = next(factor_gen)
        if r in r_list:

        # update max number counting
        total_size *= r

        # find element h of order r
        h = find_element_of_order(r, p)

        # acquire Bob response
        response = oracle.get_response(h)

        # search for the correct private key (mod r)
        a_r = brute_force_search_private_key(response, h, r)

        # store results

    # use CRT to reconstruct a (Bob private key)
    a = chinese_remainder(r_list, x_list)
    return a

And we can verify it finds the correct key:

bob = BobOracle()
bob_secret_key = attack(bob)

print(f'{bob_secret_key=}')  # bob_secret_key=179569166138842856879519552572563281908
print(f'{bob._b=}')  # bob._b=179569166138842856879519552572563281908
assert bob_secret_key == bob._b