BaaS, Backend as a Service
Cloud tech is the storage tech that level up according to requirements to meet on:
SLO, Service Level Objective
SLA, Service Level Agreement
All the core of all cloud services are software tools with 3 functions:
Server side to process data || run app
Network for transmiss data
Storage to preserve data
Cloud Storage is defined as a data storage that is made available as a Service via Network. Its related product includes to build a block of "Physical Storage System, 雲端存儲系統" (HDDs || SDDs).
SDDs, Solid State Drive
Fast & Flexible
HDDs, Hard Disk Drive
High Capacity
vVolume Storage, 虛擬硬碟:
VM VM VM VM VM ... | Hypervisors | | HD Clients Server | | “Volume Storage Controller” a vitual hard disk drive (phisical array) that can be attached to VM instance to be used to host data with a file system. volume volume volume ... | | vStorage Controller | | Physical Storage Pool
Objective Storage, 物件存儲:
HD Clients Server | | “Objective Storage Controller” File Share Access Via API or Web Interface volume volume volume ... | | vStorage Controller | | Physical Storage Pool
it is a framework to build upon to develop an app. it is cost-effective, and quick way than real backend team.
DB Service:
Multi-Tenant, they can be access via API (direct call).
Big Data Service:
Hadoop, a distributed file sys (Objective Storage).
to be continued...