- Master Template MicroHack
- MicroHack introduction and context
- Objectives
- Prerequisites
- Lab environment for this MicroHack
- MicroHack Challenges
- Challenge 2 : Name..
- Challenge 3 : Name ...
- Finished? Delete your lab
This MicroHack scenario walks through the use of ... with a focus on the best practices and the design principles. Specifically, this builds up to include working with an existing infrastructure.

This lab is not a full explanation of .... as a technology, please consider the following articles required pre-reading to build foundational knowledge.
Optional (read this after completing this lab to take your learning even deeper!
Describe the scenario here...
After completing this MicroHack you will:
- Know how to build a ...
- Understand default ..
- Understand how ..
In order to use the MicroHack time most effectively, the following tasks should be completed prior to starting the session.
With these pre-requisites in place, we can focus on building the differentiated knowledge in ... that is required when working with the product, rather than spending hours repeating relatively simple tasks such as setting up....
In summary:
- Azure Subscription
- Resource Group
- Service 1
- Service 2
Permissions for the deployment:
- Contributor on your Resource Group
- Other necessary permissions
Explain the lab ..
At the end of this MicroHack your base lab build looks as follows:

The goal of this exercise is to deploy...
We are going to use a predefined ARM template to deploy the base environment. It will be deployed in to your Azure subscription, with resources running in the your specified Azure region.
To start the ARM deployment, follow the steps listed below:
- Login to Azure cloud shell https://shell.azure.com/
- Ensure that you are operating within the correct subscription via:
az account show
- Clone the following GitHub repository
git clone Link to Github Repo
Now that we have the base lab deployed, we can progress to the ... challenges!
Explain the background...
Before proceeding to challenge 3, ...
Explain the background...
Thank you for participating in this MicroHack!