The library has been tested using Agda 2.6.3.
A golden testing library in
. This allows you to run a set of tests and make sure their output matches an expectedgolden
value. The test runner has many options: filtering tests by name, dumping the list of failures to a file, timing the runs, coloured output, etc. Cf. the comments inTest.Golden
and the standard library's own tests intests/
for documentation on how to use the library. -
A new tactic
available fromTactic.Cong
which automatically infers the argument tocong
for you via anti-unification. -
Improved the
tactic inTactic.RingSolver
to work in a much wider range of situations. -
on Natural Numbers. -
A massive refactoring of the unindexed Functor/Applicative/Monad hierarchy and the MonadReader / MonadState type classes. These are now usable with instance arguments as demonstrated in the tests/monad examples.
The following operators were missing a fixity declaration, which has now been fixed -
infixr 5 _∷_ (Codata.Guarded.Stream) infix 4 _[_] (Codata.Guarded.Stream) infixr 5 _∷_ (Codata.Guarded.Stream.Relation.Binary.Pointwise) infix 4 _≈∞_ (Codata.Guarded.Stream.Relation.Binary.Pointwise) infixr 5 _∷_ (Codata.Musical.Colist) infix 4 _≈_ (Codata.Musical.Conat) infixr 5 _∷_ (Codata.Musical.Colist.Bisimilarity) infixr 5 _∷_ (Codata.Musical.Colist.Relation.Unary.All) infixr 5 _∷_ (Codata.Sized.Colist) infixr 5 _∷_ (Codata.Sized.Covec) infixr 5 _∷_ (Codata.Sized.Cowriter) infixl 1 _>>=_ (Codata.Sized.Cowriter) infixr 5 _∷_ (Codata.Sized.Stream) infixr 5 _∷_ (Codata.Sized.Colist.Bisimilarity) infix 4 _ℕ≤?_ (Codata.Sized.Conat.Properties) infixr 5 _∷_ (Codata.Sized.Covec.Bisimilarity) infixr 5 _∷_ (Codata.Sized.Cowriter.Bisimilarity) infixr 5 _∷_ (Codata.Sized.Stream.Bisimilarity) infixr 8 _⇒_ _⊸_ (Data.Container.Core) infixr -1 _<$>_ _<*>_ (Data.Container.FreeMonad) infixl 1 _>>=_ (Data.Container.FreeMonad) infix 5 _▷_ (Data.Container.Indexed) infix 4 _≈_ (Data.Float.Base) infixl 7 _⊓′_ (Data.Nat.Base) infixl 6 _⊔′_ (Data.Nat.Base) infixr 8 _^_ (Data.Nat.Base) infix 4 _!≢0 _!*_!≢0 (Data.Nat.Properties) infix 4 _≃?_ (Data.Rational.Unnormalised.Properties) infix 4 _≈ₖᵥ_ (Data.Tree.AVL.Map.Membership.Propositional) infix 4 _<_ (Induction.WellFounded) infix -1 _$ⁿ_ (Data.Vec.N-ary) infix 4 _≋_ (Data.Vec.Functional.Relation.Binary.Equality.Setoid) infix 4 _≟_ (Reflection.AST.Definition) infix 4 _≡ᵇ_ (Reflection.AST.Literal) infix 4 _≈?_ _≟_ _≈_ (Reflection.AST.Meta) infix 4 _≈?_ _≟_ _≈_ (Reflection.AST.Name) infix 4 _≟-Telescope_ (Reflection.AST.Term) infix 4 _≟_ (Reflection.AST.Argument.Information) infix 4 _≟_ (Reflection.AST.Argument.Modality) infix 4 _≟_ (Reflection.AST.Argument.Quantity) infix 4 _≟_ (Reflection.AST.Argument.Relevance) infix 4 _≟_ (Reflection.AST.Argument.Visibility) infixr 8 _^_ (Function.Endomorphism.Propositional) infixr 8 _^_ (Function.Endomorphism.Setoid) infix 4 _≃_ (Function.HalfAdjointEquivalence) infix 4 _≈_ _≈ᵢ_ _≤_ (Function.Metric.Bundles) infixl 6 _∙_ (Function.Metric.Bundles) infix 4 _≈_ (Function.Metric.Nat.Bundles) infix 3 _←_ _↢_ (Function.Related) infix 4 _ℕ<_ _ℕ≤infinity _ℕ≤_ (Codata.Sized.Conat) infix 6 _ℕ+_ _+ℕ_ (Codata.Sized.Conat) infixl 4 _+ _* (Data.List.Kleene.Base) infixr 4 _++++_ _+++*_ _*+++_ _*++*_ (Data.List.Kleene.Base) infix 4 _[_]* _[_]+ (Data.List.Kleene.Base) infix 4 _≢∈_ (Data.List.Membership.Propositional) infixr 5 _`∷_ (Data.List.Reflection) infix 4 _≡?_ (Data.List.Relation.Binary.Equality.DecPropositional) infixr 5 _++ᵖ_ (Data.List.Relation.Binary.Prefix.Heterogeneous) infixr 5 _++ˢ_ (Data.List.Relation.Binary.Suffix.Heterogeneous) infixr 5 _++_ _++[] (Data.List.Relation.Ternary.Appending.Propositional) infixr 5 _∷=_ (Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any) infixr 5 _++_ (Data.List.Ternary.Appending) infixr 2 _×-⇔_ _×-↣_ _×-↞_ _×-↠_ _×-↔_ _×-cong_ (Data.Product.Function.NonDependent.Propositional) infixr 2 _×-⟶_ (Data.Product.Function.NonDependent.Setoid) infixr 2 _×-equivalence_ _×-injection_ _×-left-inverse_ (Data.Product.Function.NonDependent.Setoid) infixr 2 _×-surjection_ _×-inverse_ (Data.Product.Function.NonDependent.Setoid) infixr 1 _⊎-⇔_ _⊎-↣_ _⊎-↞_ _⊎-↠_ _⊎-↔_ _⊎-cong_ (Data.Sum.Function.Propositional) infixr 1 _⊎-⟶_ (Data.Sum.Function.Setoid) infixr 1 _⊎-equivalence_ _⊎-injection_ _⊎-left-inverse_ (Data.Sum.Function.Setoid) infixr 1 _⊎-surjection_ _⊎-inverse_ (Data.Sum.Function.Setoid) infix 8 _⁻¹ (Data.Parity.Base) infixr 5 _`∷_ (Data.Vec.Reflection) infixr 5 _∷=_ (Data.Vec.Membership.Setoid) infix 4 _≟H_ _≟N_ (Algebra.Solver.Ring) infix 4 _≈_ (Relation.Binary.Bundles) infixl 6 _∩_ (Relation.Binary.Construct.Intersection) infix 4 _<₋_ (Relation.Binary.Construct.Add.Infimum.Strict) infix 4 _≈∙_ (Relation.Binary.Construct.Add.Point.Equality) infix 4 _≤⁺_ _≤⊤⁺ (Relation.Binary.Construct.Add.Supremum.NonStrict) infixr 5 _∷ʳ_ (Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Transitive) infixr 5 _∷_ (Codata.Guarded.Stream.Relation.Unary.All) infixr 5 _∷_ (Foreign.Haskell.List.NonEmpty) infix 4 _≈_ (Function.Metric.Rational.Bundles) infixl 6 _ℕ+_ (Level.Literals) infixr 6 _∪_ (Relation.Binary.Construct.Union) infixl 6 _+ℤ_ (Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality.Quotients.Examples) infix 4 _≉_ _≈ᵢ_ _≤ᵢ_ (Relation.Binary.Indexed.Homogeneous.Bundles) infixr 5 _∷ᴹ_ _∷⁻¹ᴹ_ (Text.Regex.Search)
, theExitFailure
constructor is now carrying an integer rather than a natural. The previous binding was incorrectly assuming that all exit codes where non-negative. -
the parametero
was implicit but not inferrable. It has been changed to be explicit. -
the parameterm
was implicit but not inferrable, whilen
is explicit but inferrable. They have been changed. -
the definitions ofSurjection
were not being re-exported correctly and therefore had an unsolved meta-variable whenever this module was explicitly parameterised. This has been fixed. -
Add module
that re-exports the contents ofAlgebra.Module.(Definitions/Structures/Bundles)
Various module-like bundles in
were missing a fixity declaration for_*ᵣ_
. This has been fixed. -
the recordprime
addp∤1 : p ∤ 1#
to the field. -
we re-export specialised versions of the constructors using the setoid's carrier set. Prior to that, the constructor were re-exported in their full generality which would lead to unsolved meta variables at their use sites. -
, we give a direct definition of_⋆_
as an inductive type rather than encoding it as an instance ofμ
. This ensures Agda notices thatC ⋆ X
is strictly positive inX
which in turn allows us to use the free monad when defining auxiliary (co)inductive types (cf. theTap
example inREADME.Data.Container.FreeMonad
). -
the fixity declaration of_<∣>_
was missing. This has been fixed.
- All modules and names that were deprecated in v1.2 and before have been removed.
- Due to the change in Agda 2.6.2 where sized types are no longer compatible
with the
flag, it has become clear that a third variant of codata will be needed using coinductive records. Therefore all existing modules inCodata
which used sized types have been moved inside a new folder namedSized
, e.g.Codata.Stream
has becomeCodata.Sized.Stream
- As observed by Wen Kokke in Issue #1636, it no longer really makes sense
to group the modules which correspond to the variety of concepts of
(effectful) type constructor arising in functional programming (esp. in haskell)
such as
, etc, underCategory.*
, as this obstructs the importing of theagda-categories
development into the Standard Library, and moreover needlessly restricts the applicability of categorical concepts to this (highly specific) mode of use. Correspondingly, client modules grouped under*.Categorical.*
which exploit such structure for effectful programming have been renamed*.Effectful
, with the originals being deprecated.
is now a record rather than a type alias. This helps Agda reconstruct thewidth
parameter when the module is opened without it being applied. In particular this allows users to write width-generic pretty printers and only pick a width when calling the renderer by using this import style:open import Text.Pretty using (Doc; render) -- ^-- no width parameter for Doc & render open module Pretty {w} = Text.Pretty w hiding (Doc; render) -- ^-- implicit width parameter for the combinators pretty : Doc w pretty = ? -- you can use the combinators here and there won't be any -- issues related to the fact that `w` cannot be reconstructed -- anymore main = do -- you can now use the same pretty with different widths: putStrLn $ render 40 pretty putStrLn $ render 80 pretty
function finding infix matches has been tweaked to make sure the returned solution is a local maximum in terms of length. It used to be that we would make the match start as late as possible and finish as early as possible. It's now the reverse.So
run on "the path _build/Main.agdai corresponds to" will return "Main.agdai" when it used to be happy to just return "n.agda".
In order to improve modularity and consistency with
, the structures & bundles forSemilattice
have been moved out of theAlgebra
modules and into their own hierarchy inAlgebra.Lattice
. -
All submodules, (e.g.
) have been moved to the corresponding place underAlgebra.Lattice
). See theDeprecated modules
section below for full details. -
Changed definition of
so that they are no longer right-biased which hinders compositionality. More concretely,IsDistributiveLattice
now has fields:∨-distrib-∧ : ∨ DistributesOver ∧ ∧-distrib-∨ : ∧ DistributesOver ∨
instead of
∨-distribʳ-∧ : ∨ DistributesOverʳ ∧
now has fields:∨-complement : Inverse ⊤ ¬ ∨ ∧-complement : Inverse ⊥ ¬ ∧
instead of:
∨-complementʳ : RightInverse ⊤ ¬ ∨ ∧-complementʳ : RightInverse ⊥ ¬ ∧
To allow construction of these structures via their old form, smart constructors have been added to a new module
, which are by re-exported automatically byAlgebra.Lattice
. For example, if before you wrote:∧-∨-isDistributiveLattice = record { isLattice = ∧-∨-isLattice ; ∨-distribʳ-∧ = ∨-distribʳ-∧ }
you can use the smart constructor
to write:∧-∨-isDistributiveLattice = isDistributiveLatticeʳʲᵐ (record { isLattice = ∧-∨-isLattice ; ∨-distribʳ-∧ = ∨-distribʳ-∧ })
without having to prove full distributivity.
Added new
records. -
Added new aliases
which can be used to indicate meet/join-ness of the original structures.
The switch to the new function hierarchy is complete and the following definitions now use the new definitions instead of the old ones:
The names of the fields in the records of the new hierarchy have been changed from
Many numeric operations in the library require their arguments to be non-zero, and various proofs require their arguments to be non-zero/positive/negative etc. As discussed on the mailing list, the previous way of constructing and passing round these proofs was extremely clunky and lead to messy and difficult to read code. We have therefore changed every occurrence where we need a proof of non-zeroness/positivity/etc. to take it as an irrelevant instance argument. See the mailing list for a fuller explanation of the motivation and implementation.
For example, whereas the type signature of division used to be:
_/_ : (dividend divisor : ℕ) {≢0 : False (divisor ≟ 0)} → ℕ
it is now:
_/_ : (dividend divisor : ℕ) .{{_ : NonZero divisor}} → ℕ
which means that as long as an instance of
NonZero n
is in scope then you can writem / n
without having to explicitly provide a proof, as instance search will fill it in for you. The full list of such operations changed is as follows:- In
- In
- In
- In
- In
- In
At the moment, there are 4 different ways such instance arguments can be provided, listed in order of convenience and clarity:
- Automatic basic instances - the standard library provides instances based on the constructors of each
numeric type in
. For example,Data.Nat.Base
constains an instance ofNonZero (suc n)
for anyn
contains an instance ofNonNegative (+ n)
for anyn
. Consequently, if the argument is of the required form, these instances will always be filled in by instance search automatically, e.g.0/n≡0 : 0 / suc n ≡ 0
- Take the instance as an argument - You can provide the instance argument as a parameter to your function
and Agda's instance search will automatically use it in the correct place without you having to
explicitly pass it, e.g.
0/n≡0 : .{{_ : NonZero n}} → 0 / n ≡ 0
- Define the instance locally - You can define an instance argument in scope (e.g. in a
clause) and Agda's instance search will again find it automatically, e.g.instance n≢0 : NonZero n n≢0 = ... 0/n≡0 : 0 / n ≡ 0
- Pass the instance argument explicitly - Finally, if all else fails you can pass the
instance argument explicitly into the function using
{{ }}
, e.g.Suitable constructors for0/n≡0 : ∀ n (n≢0 : NonZero n) → ((0 / n) {{n≢0}}) ≡ 0
etc. can be found inData.X.Base
- Automatic basic instances - the standard library provides instances based on the constructors of each
numeric type in
A full list of proofs that have changed to use instance arguments is available at the end of this file. Notable changes to proofs are now discussed below.
Previously one of the hacks used in proofs was to explicitly refer to everything in the correct form, e.g. if the argument
had to be non-zero then you would refer to the argument assuc n
everywhere instead ofn
, e.g.n/n≡1 : ∀ n → suc n / suc n ≡ 1
This made the proofs extremely difficult to use if your term wasn't in the right form. After being updated to use instance arguments instead, the proof above becomes:
n/n≡1 : ∀ n {{_ : NonZero n}} → n / n ≡ 1
However, note that this means that if you passed in the value
to these proofs before, then you will now have to pass insuc x
. The proofs for which the arguments have changed form in this way are highlighted in the list at the bottom of the file. -
Finally, the definition of
has been removed fromData.Rational.Unnormalised.Base
and the following proofs about it have been removed fromData.Rational.Unnormalised.Properties
:p≄0⇒∣↥p∣≢0 : ∀ p → p ≠ 0ℚᵘ → ℤ.∣ (↥ p) ∣ ≢0 ∣↥p∣≢0⇒p≄0 : ∀ p → ℤ.∣ (↥ p) ∣ ≢0 → p ≠ 0ℚᵘ
Currently arithmetic expressions involving rationals (both normalised and unnormalised) undergo disastrous exponential normalisation. For example,
p + q
would often be normalised by Agda to(↥ p ℤ.* ↧ q ℤ.+ ↥ q ℤ.* ↧ p) / (↧ₙ p ℕ.* ↧ₙ q)
. While the normalised form ofp + q + r + s + t + u + v
would be ~700 lines long. This behaviour often chokes both type-checking and the display of the expressions in the IDE. -
To avoid this expansion and make non-trivial reasoning about rationals actually feasible:
- the records
have both had theno-eta-equality
flag enabled - definition of arithmetic operations have trivial pattern matching added to
prevent them reducing, e.g.
has been changed to
p + q = (↥ p ℤ.* ↧ q ℤ.+ ↥ q ℤ.* ↧ p) / (↧ₙ p ℕ.* ↧ₙ q)
p@record{} + q@record{} = (↥ p ℤ.* ↧ q ℤ.+ ↥ q ℤ.* ↧ p) / (↧ₙ p ℕ.* ↧ₙ q)
- the records
As a consequence of this, some proofs that relied on this reduction behaviour or on eta-equality may no longer go through. There are several ways to fix this:
- The principled way is to not rely on this reduction behaviour in the first place.
files for rational numbers have been greatly expanded inv1.7
, and we believe most proofs should be able to be built up from existing proofs contained within these files. - Alternatively, annotating any rational arguments to a proof with either
or@(mkℚ _ _ _)
should restore the old reduction behaviour for any terms involving those parameters. - Finally, if the above approaches are not viable then you may be forced to explicitly
combined with a lemma that proves the old reduction behaviour.
- The principled way is to not rely on this reduction behaviour in the first place.
The definitions of the types for cancellativity in
previously made some of their arguments implicit. This was under the assumption that the operators were defined by pattern matching on the left argument so that Agda could always infer the argument on the RHS. -
Although many of the operators defined in the library follow this convention, this is not always true and cannot be assumed in user's code.
Therefore the definitions have been changed as follows to make all their arguments explicit:
LeftCancellative _•_
- From:
∀ x {y z} → (x • y) ≈ (x • z) → y ≈ z
- To:
∀ x y z → (x • y) ≈ (x • z) → y ≈ z
- From:
RightCancellative _•_
- From:
∀ {x} y z → (y • x) ≈ (z • x) → y ≈ z
- To:
∀ x y z → (y • x) ≈ (z • x) → y ≈ z
- From:
AlmostLeftCancellative e _•_
- From:
∀ {x} y z → ¬ x ≈ e → (x • y) ≈ (x • z) → y ≈ z
- To:
∀ x y z → ¬ x ≈ e → (x • y) ≈ (x • z) → y ≈ z
- From:
AlmostRightCancellative e _•_
- From:
∀ {x} y z → ¬ x ≈ e → (y • x) ≈ (z • x) → y ≈ z
- To:
∀ x y z → ¬ x ≈ e → (y • x) ≈ (z • x) → y ≈ z
- From:
Correspondingly some proofs of the above types will need additional arguments passed explicitly. Instances can easily be fixed by adding additional underscores, e.g.
∙-cancelˡ x
to∙-cancelˡ x _ _
∙-cancelʳ y z
to∙-cancelʳ _ y z
The definition of
was:Prime 0 = ⊥ Prime 1 = ⊥ Prime (suc (suc n)) = (i : Fin n) → 2 + toℕ i ∤ 2 + n
which was very hard to reason about as not only did it involve conversion to and from the
type, it also required that the divisor was of the form2 + toℕ i
, which has exactly the same problem as thesuc n
hack described above used for non-zeroness. -
To make it easier to use, reason about and read, the definition has been changed to:
Prime 0 = ⊥ Prime 1 = ⊥ Prime n = ∀ {d} → 2 ≤ d → d < n → d ∤ n
Under the
module, there were various impending name clashes between the core AST as exposed by Agda and the annotated AST defined in the library. -
While the content of the modules remain the same, the modules themselves have therefore been renamed as follows:
Reflection.Annotated ↦ Reflection.AnnotatedAST Reflection.Annotated.Free ↦ Reflection.AnnotatedAST.Free Reflection.Abstraction ↦ Reflection.AST.Abstraction Reflection.Argument ↦ Reflection.AST.Argument Reflection.Argument.Information ↦ Reflection.AST.Argument.Information Reflection.Argument.Quantity ↦ Reflection.AST.Argument.Quantity Reflection.Argument.Relevance ↦ Reflection.AST.Argument.Relevance Reflection.Argument.Modality ↦ Reflection.AST.Argument.Modality Reflection.Argument.Visibility ↦ Reflection.AST.Argument.Visibility Reflection.DeBruijn ↦ Reflection.AST.DeBruijn Reflection.Definition ↦ Reflection.AST.Definition Reflection.Instances ↦ Reflection.AST.Instances Reflection.Literal ↦ Reflection.AST.Literal Reflection.Meta ↦ Reflection.AST.Meta Reflection.Name ↦ Reflection.AST.Name Reflection.Pattern ↦ Reflection.AST.Pattern Reflection.Show ↦ Reflection.AST.Show Reflection.Traversal ↦ Reflection.AST.Traversal Reflection.Universe ↦ Reflection.AST.Universe Reflection.TypeChecking.Monad ↦ Reflection.TCM Reflection.TypeChecking.Monad.Categorical ↦ Reflection.TCM.Categorical Reflection.TypeChecking.Monad.Format ↦ Reflection.TCM.Format Reflection.TypeChecking.Monad.Syntax ↦ Reflection.TCM.Instances Reflection.TypeChecking.Monad.Instances ↦ Reflection.TCM.Syntax
A new module
that re-exports the contents of the submodules has been addeed.
- The previous implementations of
internally converted to the unaryFin
datatype resulting in poor performance. The implementation has been updated to use the corresponding operations fromData.Nat.DivMod
which are efficiently implemented using the Haskell backend.
The module
has been deprecated in favour ofFunction.Strict
and the definitions of strict application,_$!_
, have been moved fromFunction.Base
. -
The contents of
is now re-exported byFunction
- Several ring-like structures now have the multiplicative structure defined by
its laws rather than as a substructure, to avoid repeated proofs that the
underlying relation is an equivalence. These are:
- To aid with migration, structures matching the old style ones have been added
, with conversionFunctions:IsNearSemiring*
The definition of ⊥ has been changed to
private data Empty : Set where ⊥ : Set ⊥ = Irrelevant Empty
in order to make ⊥ proof irrelevant. Any two proofs of
or of a negated statements are now judgementally equal to each other. -
Consequently we have modified the following definitions:
- In
, the type ofdec-no
has changeddec-no : (p? : Dec P) → ¬ P → ∃ λ ¬p′ → p? ≡ no ¬p′ ↦ dec-no : (p? : Dec P) (¬p : ¬ P) → p? ≡ no ¬p
- In
, the type of≢-≟-identity
has changed≢-≟-identity : x ≢ y → ∃ λ ¬eq → x ≟ y ≡ no ¬eq ↦ ≢-≟-identity : (x≢y : x ≢ y) → x ≟ y ≡ no x≢y
- In
It was very difficult to use the
modules, asRelation.Nullary
contained the basic definitions of negation, decidability etc., and the operations and proofs were smeared overRelation.Nullary.(Negation/Product/Sum/Implication etc.)
. -
In order to fix this:
- the definition of
have been moved toRelation.Nullary.Decidable.Core
- the definition of
has been moved toRelation.Nullary.Reflects
- the definition of
has been moved toRelation.Nullary.Negation.Core
- the definition of
Backwards compatibility has been maintained, as
still re-exports these publicly. -
The modules:
Relation.Nullary.Product Relation.Nullary.Sum Relation.Nullary.Implication
have been deprecated and their contents moved to
however all their contents is re-exported byRelation.Nullary
which is the easiest way to access it now. -
In order to facilitate this reorganisation the following breaking moves have occured:
has been moved fromRelation.Nullary.Negation.Core
has been moved fromRelation.Nullary.Negation.Core
have been moved fromRelation.Nullary.Negation
have been mvoed fromData.Sum.Base
The unindexed versions are not defined in terms of the named versions anymore
type classes have been relaxed so that the underlying functors do not need their domain and codomain to live at the same Set level. This is needed for level-increasing functors likeIO : Set l → Set (suc l)
. -
is nowRawFunctor + pure + _<*>_
is nowRawApplicative
and soreturn
is not used anywhere anymore. This fixes the conflict withcase_return_of
(#356) This reorganisation means in particular that the functor/applicative of a monad are not computed using_>>=_
. This may break proofs. -
We now have
respectively packingempty : M A
and(<|>) : M A → M A → M A
are all defined in terms of these. -
MonadT T
now returns aMonadTd
record that packs both a proof that theMonad M
transformed byT
is a monad and that we canlift
a computationM A
to a trasnformed computationT M A
. -
The monad transformer are not mere aliases anymore, they are record-wrapped which allows constraints such as
MonadIO (StateT S (ReaderT R IO))
to be discharged by instance arguments. -
The mtl-style type classes (
) do not contain a proof that the underlying functor is aMonad
anymore. This ensures we do not have conflictingMonad M
instances from a pair ofMonadState S M
&MonadReader R M
constraints. -
MonadState S M
is now defined in terms ofgets : (S → A) → M A modify : (S → S) → M ⊤
defined as derived notions. This is needed becauseMonadState S M
does not pack aMonad M
instance anymore and so we cannot definemodify f
asget >>= λ s → put (f s)
. -
MonadWriter 𝕎 M
is defined similarly:writer : W × A → M A listen : M A → M (W × A) pass : M ((W → W) × A) → M A
defined as a derived notion. Note that𝕎
is aRawMonoid
, not aSet
is the carrier of the monoid. -
New modules:
Algebra.Construct.Initial Algebra.Construct.Terminal Data.List.Effectful.Transformer Data.List.NonEmpty.Effectful.Transformer Data.Maybe.Effectful.Transformer Data.Sum.Effectful.Left.Transformer Data.Sum.Effectful.Right.Transformer Data.Vec.Effectful.Transformer Effect.Empty Effect.Choice Effect.Monad.Error.Transformer Effect.Monad.Identity Effect.Monad.IO Effect.Monad.IO.Instances Effect.Monad.Reader.Indexed Effect.Monad.Reader.Instances Effect.Monad.Reader.Transformer Effect.Monad.Reader.Transformer.Base Effect.Monad.State.Indexed Effect.Monad.State.Instances Effect.Monad.State.Transformer Effect.Monad.State.Transformer.Base Effect.Monad.Writer Effect.Monad.Writer.Indexed Effect.Monad.Writer.Instances Effect.Monad.Writer.Transformer Effect.Monad.Writer.Transformer.Base IO.Effectful IO.Instances
In accordance with changes to the flags in Agda 2.6.3, all modules that previously used the
flag now use the--cubical-compatible
flag instead. -
To avoid large indices that are by default no longer allowed in Agda 2.6.4, universe levels have been increased in the following definitions:
The first two arguments of
) inData.Integer.Base
have been made implicit. -
The relations
have been generalised so they can now relateFin
terms with different indices. Should be mostly backwards compatible, but very occasionally when proving properties about the orderings themselves the second index must be provided explicitly. -
The operation
on relations inRelation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Symmetric
has been reimplemented as a data typeSymClosure _⟶_ a b
that is parameterized by the input relation_⟶_
(as well as the elementsa
of the domain) so that_⟶_
can be inferred, which it could not from the previous implementation using the sum typea ⟶ b ⊎ b ⟶ a
. -
, andIsRingHomomorphism
have been redeisgned to build up fromIsMonoidHomomorphism
, andIsSemiringHomomorphism
respectively, adding a single property at each step. This means that they no longer need to have two separate proofs ofIsRelHomomorphism
. Similarly,IsLatticeHomomorphism
is now built asIsRelHomomorphism
along with proofs that_∧_
are homorphic.Also,
has been renamed to-‿homo
. -
Moved definition of
to its submoduleCartesianBind
in order to keep another new definition of_>>=_
, located inDiagonalBind
which is also a submodule ofData.Vec.Base
. -
The functions
have been removed fromData.List.NonEmpty
. In their placegroupSeqs
have been added toData.List.NonEmpty.Base
which morally perform the same operations but without computing the accompanying proofs. The proofs can be found inData.List.NonEmpty.Properties
under the namesgroupSeqs-groups
. -
The constructors
are no longer exported byData.Rational.Base
. You will have to openData.Integer(.Base)
directly to use them. -
The names of the (in)equational reasoning combinators defined in the internal modules
have been renamed (issue #1437) to conform with the defined setoid equality_≃_
s:step-≈ ↦ step-≃ step-≃˘ ↦ step-≃˘
with corresponding associated syntax:
_≈⟨_⟩_ ↦ _≃⟨_⟩_ _≈˘⟨_⟩_ ↦ _≃˘⟨_⟩_
NB. It is not possible to rename or deprecate
declarations, so Agda will only issue a "Could not parse the applicationbegin ...
when scope checking" warning if the old combinators are used. -
The types of the proofs
have been switched, as the previous naming scheme didn't correctly generalise to e.g.pos+pos⇒pos
. For example the types ofpos⇒1/pos
were:pos⇒1/pos : ∀ p .{{_ : NonZero p}} .{{Positive (1/ p)}} → Positive p 1/pos⇒pos : ∀ p .{{_ : Positive p}} → Positive (1/ p)
but are now:
pos⇒1/pos : ∀ p .{{_ : Positive p}} → Positive (1/ p) 1/pos⇒pos : ∀ p .{{_ : NonZero p}} .{{Positive (1/ p)}} → Positive p
have moved fromAlgebra.Core
. -
, thes
arguments to the following functions have been made explicit:fold-+
:- the
argument toopposite-suc
has been made explicit; pigeonhole
has been strengthened: wlog, we return a proof thati < j
rather than a merei ≢ j
- the
the definitionsfromDec
have been moved toData.Sum
. -
the following functions have been modified to have simpler definitions:cycle
Furthermore, the direction of interleaving ofcantor
has changed. Precisely, supposepair
is the cantor pairing function, thenlookup (pair i j) (cantor xss)
according to the old definition corresponds tolookup (pair j i) (cantor xss)
according to the new definition. For a concrete example see the one included at the end of the module.
and added a more generalm/n/o≡m/[n*o]
that doesn't requiren * o ∣ m
. -
functions (and variants) to match the conventions adopted in theList
module i.e.lookup
takes its container first and the index (whose type may depend on the container value) second. This affects modules:Codata.Guarded.Stream Codata.Guarded.Stream.Relation.Binary.Pointwise Codata.Musical.Colist.Base Codata.Musical.Colist.Relation.Unary.Any.Properties Codata.Musical.Covec Codata.Musical.Stream Codata.Sized.Colist Codata.Sized.Covec Codata.Sized.Stream Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.All Data.Star.Environment Data.Star.Pointer Data.Star.Vec Data.Trie Data.Trie.NonEmpty Data.Tree.AVL Data.Tree.AVL.Indexed Data.Tree.AVL.Map Data.Tree.AVL.NonEmpty Data.Vec.Recursive Tactic.RingSolver Tactic.RingSolver.Core.NatSet
- Moved & renamed from
:lookup ↦ lookup⁺ tabulate ↦ lookup⁻
- Renamed in
:lookup ↦ lookup⁺
- Added the following new definitions to
:lookupAny : All P xs → (i : Any Q xs) → (P ∩ Q) (Any.lookup i) lookupWith : ∀[ P ⇒ Q ⇒ R ] → All P xs → (i : Any Q xs) → R (Any.lookup i) lookup : All P xs → (∀ {x} → x ∈ₚ xs → P x) lookupₛ : P Respects _≈_ → All P xs → (∀ {x} → x ∈ xs → P x)
has been renamed to¬¬-excluded-middle
- Moved & renamed from
- The ring solver tactic has been greatly improved. In particular:
- When the solver is used for concrete ring types, e.g. ℤ, the equality can now use
all the ring operations defined natively for that type, rather than having
to use the operations defined in
. For example previously you could not useData.Integer.Base._*_
but instead had to useAlmostCommutativeRing._*_
. - The solver now supports use of the subtraction operator
whenever it is defined immediately in terms of_+_
. This is the case forData.Integer
- When the solver is used for concrete ring types, e.g. ℤ, the equality can now use
all the ring operations defined natively for that type, rather than having
to use the operations defined in
Previously the division and modulus operators were defined in
which in turn meant that using them required importingData.Nat.Properties
which is a very heavy dependency. -
To fix this, these operators have been moved to
. The properties for them still live inData.Nat.DivMod
(which also publicly re-exports them to provide backwards compatability). -
Beneficieries of this change include
whose dependencies are now significantly smaller.
- As mentioned by MatthewDaggitt in Issue #1755, Raw bundles defined in Data.X.Properties
should be defined in Data.X.Base as they don't require any properties.
- Moved raw bundles From
- Moved raw bundles From
- Moved raw bundles From
- Moved raw bundles From
- Moved raw bundles From
- A new module
containing the definitions of the raw bundles can be imported at much lower cost fromData.X.Base
. The following definitions have been moved:RawMagma
- A new module
is also introduced.RawLattice
has been moved fromAlgebra.Lattice.Bundles
to this new module.
- The following files have been moved:
Relation.Binary.Construct.Converse ↦ Relation.Binary.Construct.Flip.EqAndOrd Relation.Binary.Construct.Flip ↦ Relation.Binary.Construct.Flip.Ord
- The module
has been deprecated in favour ofFunction.Related.Propositional
whose code uses the new function hierarchy. This also opens up the possibility of a more generalFunction.Related.Setoid
at a later date. Several of the names have been changed in this process to bring them into line with the camelcase naming convention used in the rest of the library:reverse-implication ↦ reverseImplication reverse-injection ↦ reverseInjection left-inverse ↦ leftInverse Symmetric-kind ↦ SymmetricKind Forward-kind ↦ ForwardKind Backward-kind ↦ BackwardKind Equivalence-kind ↦ EquivalenceKind
- As discussed above the following files have been moved:
Algebra.Properties.Semilattice ↦ Algebra.Lattice.Properties.Semilattice Algebra.Properties.Lattice ↦ Algebra.Lattice.Properties.Lattice Algebra.Properties.DistributiveLattice ↦ Algebra.Lattice.Properties.DistributiveLattice Algebra.Properties.BooleanAlgebra ↦ Algebra.Lattice.Properties.BooleanAlgebra Algebra.Properties.BooleanAlgebra.Expression ↦ Algebra.Lattice.Properties.BooleanAlgebra.Expression Algebra.Morphism.LatticeMonomorphism ↦ Algebra.Lattice.Morphism.LatticeMonomorphism
- As discussed above the following files have been moved:
Codata.Sized.Colist.Categorical ↦ Codata.Sized.Colist.Effectful Codata.Sized.Covec.Categorical ↦ Codata.Sized.Covec.Effectful Codata.Sized.Delay.Categorical ↦ Codata.Sized.Delay.Effectful Codata.Sized.Stream.Categorical ↦ Codata.Sized.Stream.Effectful Data.List.Categorical ↦ Data.List.Effectful Data.List.Categorical.Transformer ↦ Data.List.Effectful.Transformer Data.List.NonEmpty.Categorical ↦ Data.List.NonEmpty.Effectful Data.List.NonEmpty.Categorical.Transformer ↦ Data.List.NonEmpty.Effectful.Transformer Data.Maybe.Categorical ↦ Data.Maybe.Effectful Data.Maybe.Categorical.Transformer ↦ Data.Maybe.Effectful.Transformer Data.Product.Categorical.Examples ↦ Data.Product.Effectful.Examples Data.Product.Categorical.Left ↦ Data.Product.Effectful.Left Data.Product.Categorical.Left.Base ↦ Data.Product.Effectful.Left.Base Data.Product.Categorical.Right ↦ Data.Product.Effectful.Right Data.Product.Categorical.Right.Base ↦ Data.Product.Effectful.Right.Base Data.Sum.Categorical.Examples ↦ Data.Sum.Effectful.Examples Data.Sum.Categorical.Left ↦ Data.Sum.Effectful.Left Data.Sum.Categorical.Left.Transformer ↦ Data.Sum.Effectful.Left.Transformer Data.Sum.Categorical.Right ↦ Data.Sum.Effectful.Right Data.Sum.Categorical.Right.Transformer ↦ Data.Sum.Effectful.Right.Transformer Data.These.Categorical.Examples ↦ Data.These.Effectful.Examples Data.These.Categorical.Left ↦ Data.These.Effectful.Left Data.These.Categorical.Left.Base ↦ Data.These.Effectful.Left.Base Data.These.Categorical.Right ↦ Data.These.Effectful.Right Data.These.Categorical.Right.Base ↦ Data.These.Effectful.Right.Base Data.Vec.Categorical ↦ Data.Vec.Effectful Data.Vec.Categorical.Transformer ↦ Data.Vec.Effectful.Transformer Data.Vec.Recursive.Categorical ↦ Data.Vec.Recursive.Effectful Function.Identity.Categorical ↦ Function.Identity.Effectful IO.Categorical ↦ IO.Effectful Reflection.TCM.Categorical ↦ Reflection.TCM.Effectful
- The following files have been moved:
Relation.Binary.Properties.BoundedJoinSemilattice.agda ↦ Relation.Binary.Lattice.Properties.BoundedJoinSemilattice.agda Relation.Binary.Properties.BoundedLattice.agda ↦ Relation.Binary.Lattice.Properties.BoundedLattice.agda Relation.Binary.Properties.BoundedMeetSemilattice.agda ↦ Relation.Binary.Lattice.Properties.BoundedMeetSemilattice.agda Relation.Binary.Properties.DistributiveLattice.agda ↦ Relation.Binary.Lattice.Properties.DistributiveLattice.agda Relation.Binary.Properties.JoinSemilattice.agda ↦ Relation.Binary.Lattice.Properties.JoinSemilattice.agda Relation.Binary.Properties.Lattice.agda ↦ Relation.Binary.Lattice.Properties.Lattice.agda Relation.Binary.Properties.MeetSemilattice.agda ↦ Relation.Binary.Lattice.Properties.MeetSemilattice.agda
- The module
has been deprecated, and its one entry moved toData.Nat.Properties
:rawMagma ↦ Algebra.Construct.Terminal.rawMagma magma ↦ Algebra.Construct.Terminal.magma semigroup ↦ Algebra.Construct.Terminal.semigroup band ↦
:map-identity ↦ map-id map-fusion ↦ map-∘
:map-identity ↦ map-id map-map-fusion ↦ map-∘
:map-identity ↦ map-id map-map-fusion ↦ map-∘
:map-identity ↦ map-id map-map-fusion ↦ map-∘ map-unfold-fusion ↦ map-unfold
:map-compose ↦ map-∘
:map-identity ↦ map-id map-map-fusion ↦ map-∘
: two new, hopefully more memorable, names↑ˡ
for the 'left', resp. 'right' injection of a Fin m into a 'larger' type,Fin (m + n)
, resp.Fin (n + m)
, with argument order to reflect the position of theFin m
argument.inject+ ↦ flip _↑ˡ_ raise ↦ _↑ʳ_
Issue #1726: the relation
and its single constructor_≻toℕ_
have been deprecated in favour of their extensional equivalent_<_
but omitting the inversion principle which pattern matching on_≻toℕ_
would achieve; this instead is proxied by the propertyData.Fin.Properties.toℕ<
. -
:≺-Rec ≺-wellFounded ≺-recBuilder ≺-rec
As with Issue #1726 above: the deprecation of relation
means that these definitions associated with wf-recursion are deprecated in favour of their_<_
counterparts. But it's not quite sensible to say that these definiton should be renamed to anything, least of all those counterparts... the type confusion would be intolerable. -
:toℕ-raise ↦ toℕ-↑ʳ toℕ-inject+ ↦ toℕ-↑ˡ splitAt-inject+ ↦ splitAt-↑ˡ m i n splitAt-raise ↦ splitAt-↑ʳ Fin0↔⊥ ↦ 0↔⊥ eq? ↦ inj⇒≟
Likewise under issue #1726: the properties
have been deprecated in favour of their proxy counterparts<⇒<′
. -
:reverse ↦ Data.Fin.Base.opposite reverse-prop ↦ Data.Fin.Properties.opposite-prop reverse-involutive ↦ Data.Fin.Properties.opposite-involutive reverse-suc ↦ Data.Fin.Properties.opposite-suc
the operator names have been renamed to be consistent with those inData.Nat.DivMod
:_divℕ_ ↦ _/ℕ_ _div_ ↦ _/_ _modℕ_ ↦ _%ℕ_ _mod_ ↦ _%_
references to variables in names have been made consistent so thatm
always refer to naturals andi
always refer to integers:≤-steps ↦ i≤j⇒i≤k+j ≤-step ↦ i≤j⇒i≤1+j ≤-steps-neg ↦ i≤j⇒i-k≤j ≤-step-neg ↦ i≤j⇒pred[i]≤j n≮n ↦ i≮i ∣n∣≡0⇒n≡0 ↦ ∣i∣≡0⇒i≡0 ∣-n∣≡∣n∣ ↦ ∣-i∣≡∣i∣ 0≤n⇒+∣n∣≡n ↦ 0≤i⇒+∣i∣≡i +∣n∣≡n⇒0≤n ↦ +∣i∣≡i⇒0≤i +∣n∣≡n⊎+∣n∣≡-n ↦ +∣i∣≡i⊎+∣i∣≡-i ∣m+n∣≤∣m∣+∣n∣ ↦ ∣i+j∣≤∣i∣+∣j∣ ∣m-n∣≤∣m∣+∣n∣ ↦ ∣i-j∣≤∣i∣+∣j∣ signₙ◃∣n∣≡n ↦ signᵢ◃∣i∣≡i ◃-≡ ↦ ◃-cong ∣m-n∣≡∣n-m∣ ↦ ∣i-j∣≡∣j-i∣ m≡n⇒m-n≡0 ↦ i≡j⇒i-j≡0 m-n≡0⇒m≡n ↦ i-j≡0⇒i≡j m≤n⇒m-n≤0 ↦ i≤j⇒i-j≤0 m-n≤0⇒m≤n ↦ i-j≤0⇒i≤j m≤n⇒0≤n-m ↦ i≤j⇒0≤j-i 0≤n-m⇒m≤n ↦ 0≤i-j⇒j≤i n≤1+n ↦ i≤suc[i] n≢1+n ↦ i≢suc[i] m≤pred[n]⇒m<n ↦ i≤pred[j]⇒i<j m<n⇒m≤pred[n] ↦ i<j⇒i≤pred[j] -1*n≡-n ↦ -1*i≡-i m*n≡0⇒m≡0∨n≡0 ↦ i*j≡0⇒i≡0∨j≡0 ∣m*n∣≡∣m∣*∣n∣ ↦ ∣i*j∣≡∣i∣*∣j∣ m≤m+n ↦ i≤i+j n≤m+n ↦ i≤j+i m-n≤m ↦ i≤i-j +-pos-monoʳ-≤ ↦ +-monoʳ-≤ +-neg-monoʳ-≤ ↦ +-monoʳ-≤ *-monoʳ-≤-pos ↦ *-monoʳ-≤-nonNeg *-monoˡ-≤-pos ↦ *-monoˡ-≤-nonNeg *-monoʳ-≤-neg ↦ *-monoʳ-≤-nonPos *-monoˡ-≤-neg ↦ *-monoˡ-≤-nonPos *-cancelˡ-<-neg ↦ *-cancelˡ-<-nonPos *-cancelʳ-<-neg ↦ *-cancelʳ-<-nonPos ^-semigroup-morphism ↦ ^-isMagmaHomomorphism ^-monoid-morphism ↦ ^-isMonoidHomomorphism pos-distrib-* ↦ pos-* pos-+-commute ↦ pos-+ abs-*-commute ↦ abs-* +-isAbelianGroup ↦ +-0-isAbelianGroup
:map-id₂ ↦ map-id-local map-cong₂ ↦ map-cong-local map-compose ↦ map-∘ map-++-commute ↦ map-++ sum-++-commute ↦ sum-++ reverse-map-commute ↦ reverse-map reverse-++-commute ↦ reverse-++ zipWith-identityˡ ↦ zipWith-zeroˡ zipWith-identityʳ ↦ zipWith-zeroʳ
:map-compose ↦ map-∘ map-++⁺-commute ↦ map-++⁺
:updateAt-id-relative ↦ updateAt-id-local updateAt-compose-relative ↦ updateAt-∘-local updateAt-compose ↦ updateAt-∘ updateAt-cong-relative ↦ updateAt-cong-local
:toList-reverse-commute ↦ toList-reverse toList-ˡ++-commute ↦ toList-ˡ++ toList-++ʳ-commute ↦ toList-++ʳ toList-map-commute ↦ toList-map toList-foldr-commute ↦ toList-foldr
:map-id₂ ↦ map-id-local map-cong₂ ↦ map-cong-local map-compose ↦ map-∘ map-<∣>-commute ↦ map-<∣>
:map-with-∈⁺ ↦ mapWith∈⁺
:map-with-∈⁺ ↦ mapWith∈⁺ map-with-∈⁻ ↦ mapWith∈⁻ map-with-∈↔ ↦ mapWith∈↔
:suc[pred[n]]≡n ↦ suc-pred ≤-step ↦ m≤n⇒m≤1+n ≤-stepsˡ ↦ m≤n⇒m≤o+n ≤-stepsʳ ↦ m≤n⇒m≤n+o <-step ↦ m<n⇒m<1+n
:↥[p/q]≡p ↦ ↥[n/d]≡n ↧[p/q]≡q ↦ ↧[n/d]≡d *-monoˡ-≤-pos ↦ *-monoˡ-≤-nonNeg *-monoʳ-≤-pos ↦ *-monoʳ-≤-nonNeg ≤-steps ↦ p≤q⇒p≤r+q *-monoˡ-≤-neg ↦ *-monoˡ-≤-nonPos *-monoʳ-≤-neg ↦ *-monoʳ-≤-nonPos *-cancelˡ-<-pos ↦ *-cancelˡ-<-nonNeg *-cancelʳ-<-pos ↦ *-cancelʳ-<-nonNeg positive⇒nonNegative ↦ pos⇒nonNeg negative⇒nonPositive ↦ neg⇒nonPos negative<positive ↦ neg<pos
:+-rawMonoid ↦ +-0-rawMonoid *-rawMonoid ↦ *-1-rawMonoid
:*-monoʳ-≤-neg ↦ *-monoʳ-≤-nonPos *-monoˡ-≤-neg ↦ *-monoˡ-≤-nonPos *-monoʳ-≤-pos ↦ *-monoʳ-≤-nonNeg *-monoˡ-≤-pos ↦ *-monoˡ-≤-nonNeg *-cancelˡ-<-pos ↦ *-cancelˡ-<-nonNeg *-cancelʳ-<-pos ↦ *-cancelʳ-<-nonNeg *-cancelˡ-<-neg ↦ *-cancelˡ-<-nonPos *-cancelʳ-<-neg ↦ *-cancelʳ-<-nonPos negative<positive ↦ neg<pos
:+-rawMonoid ↦ +-0-rawMonoid *-rawMonoid ↦ *-1-rawMonoid
:[,]-∘-distr ↦ [,]-∘ [,]-map-commute ↦ [,]-map map-commute ↦ map-map map₁₂-commute ↦ map₁₂-map₂₁
:_∈?_ ↦ member
:_∈?_ ↦ member
:_∈?_ ↦ member
:_∈?_ ↦ member
:toTree-#nodes-commute ↦ toTree-#nodes toTree-#leaves-commute ↦ toTree-#leaves toTree-map-commute ↦ toTree-map toTree-foldr-commute ↦ toTree-foldr toTree-⟪⟫ˡ-commute ↦ toTree--⟪⟫ˡ toTree-⟪⟫ʳ-commute ↦ toTree-⟪⟫ʳ
:map-compose ↦ map-∘
:updateAt-id-relative ↦ updateAt-id-local updateAt-compose-relative ↦ updateAt-∘-local updateAt-compose ↦ updateAt-∘ updateAt-cong-relative ↦ updateAt-cong-local []%=-compose ↦ []%=-∘ []≔-++-inject+ ↦ []≔-++-↑ˡ []≔-++-raise ↦ []≔-++-↑ʳ idIsFold ↦ id-is-foldr sum-++-commute ↦ sum-++
and the type of the proof
has been generalised from:zipWith-comm : ∀ {f : A → A → B} (comm : ∀ x y → f x y ≡ f y x) (xs ys : Vec A n) → zipWith f xs ys ≡ zipWith f ys xs
zipWith-comm : ∀ {f : A → B → C} {g : B → A → C} (comm : ∀ x y → f x y ≡ g y x) (xs : Vec A n) ys → zipWith f xs ys ≡ zipWith g ys xs
:updateAt-id-relative ↦ updateAt-id-local updateAt-compose-relative ↦ updateAt-∘-local updateAt-compose ↦ updateAt-∘ updateAt-cong-relative ↦ updateAt-cong-local map-updateAt ↦ map-updateAt-local
NB. This last one is complicated by the addition of a 'global' property
:append-cons-commute ↦ append-cons
:map-++-commute ↦ map-++
:_∘-⟶_ ↦ _⟶-∘_ _∘-↣_ ↦ _↣-∘_ _∘-↠_ ↦ _↠-∘_ _∘-⤖_ ↦ _⤖-∘_ _∘-⇔_ ↦ _⇔-∘_ _∘-↩_ ↦ _↩-∘_ _∘-↪_ ↦ _↪-∘_ _∘-↔_ ↦ _↔-∘_
- In
id-⟶ ↦ ⟶-id id-↣ ↦ ↣-id id-↠ ↦ ↠-id id-⤖ ↦ ⤖-id id-⇔ ↦ ⇔-id id-↩ ↦ ↩-id id-↪ ↦ ↪-id id-↔ ↦ ↔-id
- In
:sym-⤖ ↦ ⤖-sym sym-⇔ ↦ ⇔-sym sym-↩ ↦ ↩-sym sym-↪ ↦ ↪-sym sym-↔ ↦ ↔-sym
:toForeign ↦ Foreign.Haskell.Coerce.coerce fromForeign ↦ Foreign.Haskell.Coerce.coerce
:invIsPreorder ↦ converse-isPreorder invPreorder ↦ converse-preorder
- This fixes the fact we had picked the wrong name originally. The erased modality
corresponds to @0 whereas the irrelevance one corresponds to
in favour of `with ... in ...` syntax (issue #1580; PRs #1630, #1930)
- In
both the record typeReveal_·_is_
and its principal mode of use,inspect
, have been deprecated in favour of the newwith ... in ...
syntax. See the documentation of with-abstraction equality
Algebraic structures when freely adding an identity element:
Operations for module-like algebraic structures:
Constructive algebraic structures with apartness relations:
Algebra.Apartness Algebra.Apartness.Bundles Algebra.Apartness.Structures Algebra.Apartness.Properties.CommutativeHeytingAlgebra Relation.Binary.Properties.ApartnessRelation
Algebraic structures obtained by flipping their binary operations:
Morphisms between module-like algebraic structures:
Algebra.Module.Morphism.Construct.Composition Algebra.Module.Morphism.Construct.Identity Algebra.Module.Morphism.Definitions Algebra.Module.Morphism.Structures Algebra.Module.Properties
Identity morphisms and composition of morphisms between algebraic structures:
Algebra.Morphism.Construct.Composition Algebra.Morphism.Construct.Identity
Ordered algebraic structures (pomonoids, posemigroups, etc.)
Algebra.Ordered Algebra.Ordered.Bundles Algebra.Ordered.Structures
'Optimised' tail-recursive exponentiation properties:
A definition of infinite streams using coinductive records:
Codata.Guarded.Stream Codata.Guarded.Stream.Properties Codata.Guarded.Stream.Relation.Binary.Pointwise Codata.Guarded.Stream.Relation.Unary.All Codata.Guarded.Stream.Relation.Unary.Any
A small library for function arguments with default values:
A small library for a non-empty fresh list:
A small library defining a structurally inductive view of lists:
Combinations and permutations for ℕ.
Data.Nat.Combinatorics Data.Nat.Combinatorics.Base Data.Nat.Combinatorics.Spec
A small library defining parity and its algebra:
Data.Parity Data.Parity.Base Data.Parity.Instances Data.Parity.Properties
New base module for
containing only the basic definitions.Data.Product.Base
Reflection utilities for some specific types:
Data.List.Reflection Data.Vec.Reflection
predicate over non-empty lists:Data.List.NonEmpty.Relation.Unary.All
A small library for heterogenous equational reasoning on vectors:
Show module for unnormalised rationals:
Membership relations for maps and sets
Data.Tree.AVL.Map.Membership.Propositional Data.Tree.AVL.Map.Membership.Propositional.Properties Data.Tree.AVL.Sets.Membership Data.Tree.AVL.Sets.Membership.Properties
Properties of bijections:
Function.Consequences Function.Properties.Bijection Function.Properties.RightInverse Function.Properties.Surjection
In order to improve modularity, the contents of
has been split out into the standard:Relation.Binary.Lattice.Definitions Relation.Binary.Lattice.Structures Relation.Binary.Lattice.Bundles
All contents is re-exported by
as before. -
Algebraic properties of
for predicatesRelation.Unary.Algebra
Both versions of equality on predications are equivalences
The subset relations on predicates define an order
Polymorphic versions of some unary relations and their properties
Relation.Unary.Polymorphic Relation.Unary.Polymorphic.Properties
Alpha equality over reflected terms
tactic for deriving arguments tocong
Various system types and primitives:
System.Clock.Primitive System.Clock System.Console.ANSI System.Directory.Primitive System.Directory System.FilePath.Posix.Primitive System.FilePath.Posix System.Process.Primitive System.Process
A golden testing library with test pools, an options parser, a runner:
New interfaces for using Haskell datatypes:
Added new module
:-‿distribˡ-* : ∀ x y → - (x * y) ≈ - x * y -‿distribʳ-* : ∀ x y → - (x * y) ≈ x * - y
An implementation of M-types with
Port of
:Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.Linked Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.Linked.Properties
Added Logarithm base 2 on Natural Numbers:
Data.Nat.Logarithm.Core Data.Nat.Logarithm
Proofs of some axioms of linearity:
Algebra.Module.Morphism.ModuleHomomorphism Algebra.Module.Properties
Properties of MoufangLoop
Properties of Quasigroup
Properties of MiddleBolLoop
Properties of Loop
Some n-ary functions manipulating lists
Properties of KleeneAlgebra
Relations on indexed sets
Added new proof to
<∣>-idem : Idempotent _<∣>_
The module
now publicly re-exports the contents ofAlgebra.Structures.Biased
. -
Added new definitions to
:record UnitalMagma c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record InvertibleMagma c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record InvertibleUnitalMagma c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record RawQuasiGroup c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record Quasigroup c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record RawLoop c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record Loop c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record RingWithoutOne c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record IdempotentSemiring c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record KleeneAlgebra c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record RawRingWithoutOne c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record Quasiring c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) where record Nearring c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) where record IdempotentMagma c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record AlternateMagma c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record FlexibleMagma c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record MedialMagma c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record SemimedialMagma c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record LeftBolLoop c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record RightBolLoop c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record MoufangLoop c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record NonAssociativeRing c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ)) record MiddleBolLoop c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ))
and the existing record
now provides∨-commutativeSemigroup : CommutativeSemigroup c ℓ ∧-commutativeSemigroup : CommutativeSemigroup c ℓ
and their corresponding algebraic subbundles.
Added new proofs to
:reflexive+selfInverse⇒involutive : Reflexive _≈_ → SelfInverse _≈_ f → Involutive _≈_ f
Added new proofs to
:comm+assoc⇒middleFour : Commutative _•_ → Associative _•_ → _•_ MiddleFourExchange _•_ identity+middleFour⇒assoc : Identity e _•_ → _•_ MiddleFourExchange _•_ → Associative _•_ identity+middleFour⇒comm : Identity e _+_ → _•_ MiddleFourExchange _+_ → Commutative _•_
Added new proofs to
:comm+assoc⇒middleFour : Congruent₂ _•_ → Commutative _•_ → Associative _•_ → _•_ MiddleFourExchange _•_ identity+middleFour⇒assoc : Congruent₂ _•_ → Identity e _•_ → _•_ MiddleFourExchange _•_ → Associative _•_ identity+middleFour⇒comm : Congruent₂ _•_ → Identity e _+_ → _•_ MiddleFourExchange _+_ → Commutative _•_ involutive⇒surjective : Involutive f → Surjective f selfInverse⇒involutive : SelfInverse f → Involutive f selfInverse⇒congruent : SelfInverse f → Congruent f selfInverse⇒inverseᵇ : SelfInverse f → Inverseᵇ f f selfInverse⇒surjective : SelfInverse f → Surjective f selfInverse⇒injective : SelfInverse f → Injective f selfInverse⇒bijective : SelfInverse f → Bijective f comm+idˡ⇒id : Commutative _•_ → LeftIdentity e _•_ → Identity e _•_ comm+idʳ⇒id : Commutative _•_ → RightIdentity e _•_ → Identity e _•_ comm+zeˡ⇒ze : Commutative _•_ → LeftZero e _•_ → Zero e _•_ comm+zeʳ⇒ze : Commutative _•_ → RightZero e _•_ → Zero e _•_ comm+invˡ⇒inv : Commutative _•_ → LeftInverse e _⁻¹ _•_ → Inverse e _⁻¹ _•_ comm+invʳ⇒inv : Commutative _•_ → RightInverse e _⁻¹ _•_ → Inverse e _⁻¹ _•_ comm+distrˡ⇒distr : Commutative _•_ → _•_ DistributesOverˡ _◦_ → _•_ DistributesOver _◦_ comm+distrʳ⇒distr : Commutative _•_ → _•_ DistributesOverʳ _◦_ → _•_ DistributesOver _◦_ distrib+absorbs⇒distribˡ : Associative _•_ → Commutative _◦_ → _•_ Absorbs _◦_ → _◦_ Absorbs _•_ → _◦_ DistributesOver _•_ → _•_ DistributesOverˡ _◦_
Added new functions to
:rawSemiring : RawSemiring a ℓ₁ → RawSemiring b ℓ₂ → RawSemiring (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) rawRing : RawRing a ℓ₁ → RawRing b ℓ₂ → RawRing (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) semiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero : SemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero a ℓ₁ → SemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero b ℓ₂ → SemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) semiring : Semiring a ℓ₁ → Semiring b ℓ₂ → Semiring (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) commutativeSemiring : CommutativeSemiring a ℓ₁ → CommutativeSemiring b ℓ₂ → CommutativeSemiring (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) ring : Ring a ℓ₁ → Ring b ℓ₂ → Ring (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) commutativeRing : CommutativeRing a ℓ₁ → CommutativeRing b ℓ₂ → CommutativeRing (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) rawQuasigroup : RawQuasigroup a ℓ₁ → RawQuasigroup b ℓ₂ → RawQuasigroup (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) rawLoop : RawLoop a ℓ₁ → RawLoop b ℓ₂ → RawLoop (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) unitalMagma : UnitalMagma a ℓ₁ → UnitalMagma b ℓ₂ → UnitalMagma (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) invertibleMagma : InvertibleMagma a ℓ₁ → InvertibleMagma b ℓ₂ → InvertibleMagma (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) invertibleUnitalMagma : InvertibleUnitalMagma a ℓ₁ → InvertibleUnitalMagma b ℓ₂ → InvertibleUnitalMagma (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) quasigroup : Quasigroup a ℓ₁ → Quasigroup b ℓ₂ → Quasigroup (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) loop : Loop a ℓ₁ → Loop b ℓ₂ → Loop (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) idempotentSemiring : IdempotentSemiring a ℓ₁ → IdempotentSemiring b ℓ₂ → IdempotentSemiring (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) idempotentMagma : IdempotentMagma a ℓ₁ → IdempotentMagma b ℓ₂ → IdempotentMagma (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) alternativeMagma : AlternativeMagma a ℓ₁ → AlternativeMagma b ℓ₂ → AlternativeMagma (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) flexibleMagma : FlexibleMagma a ℓ₁ → FlexibleMagma b ℓ₂ → FlexibleMagma (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) medialMagma : MedialMagma a ℓ₁ → MedialMagma b ℓ₂ → MedialMagma (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) semimedialMagma : SemimedialMagma a ℓ₁ → SemimedialMagma b ℓ₂ → SemimedialMagma (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) kleeneAlgebra : KleeneAlgebra a ℓ₁ → KleeneAlgebra b ℓ₂ → KleeneAlgebra (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) leftBolLoop : LeftBolLoop a ℓ₁ → LeftBolLoop b ℓ₂ → LeftBolLoop (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) rightBolLoop : RightBolLoop a ℓ₁ → RightBolLoop b ℓ₂ → RightBolLoop (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) middleBolLoop : MiddleBolLoop a ℓ₁ → MiddleBolLoop b ℓ₂ → MiddleBolLoop (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) moufangLoop : MoufangLoop a ℓ₁ → MoufangLoop b ℓ₂ → MoufangLoop (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
* Added new definition to `Algebra.Definitions`:
_MiddleFourExchange_ : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _
SelfInverse : Op₁ A → Set _
LeftDividesˡ : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _
LeftDividesʳ : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _
RightDividesˡ : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _
RightDividesʳ : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _
LeftDivides : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _
RightDivides : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _
LeftInvertible e _∙_ x = ∃[ x⁻¹ ] (x⁻¹ ∙ x) ≈ e
RightInvertible e _∙_ x = ∃[ x⁻¹ ] (x ∙ x⁻¹) ≈ e
Invertible e _∙_ x = ∃[ x⁻¹ ] ((x⁻¹ ∙ x) ≈ e) × ((x ∙ x⁻¹) ≈ e)
StarRightExpansive e _+_ _∙_ _⁻* = ∀ x → (e + (x ∙ (x ⁻*))) ≈ (x ⁻*)
StarLeftExpansive e _+_ _∙_ _⁻* = ∀ x → (e + ((x ⁻*) ∙ x)) ≈ (x ⁻*)
StarExpansive e _+_ _∙_ _* = (StarLeftExpansive e _+_ _∙_ _*) × (StarRightExpansive e _+_ _∙_ _*)
StarLeftDestructive _+_ _∙_ _* = ∀ a b x → (b + (a ∙ x)) ≈ x → ((a *) ∙ b) ≈ x
StarRightDestructive _+_ _∙_ _* = ∀ a b x → (b + (x ∙ a)) ≈ x → (b ∙ (a *)) ≈ x
StarDestructive _+_ _∙_ _* = (StarLeftDestructive _+_ _∙_ _*) × (StarRightDestructive _+_ _∙_ _*)
LeftAlternative _∙_ = ∀ x y → ((x ∙ x) ∙ y) ≈ (x ∙ (y ∙ y))
RightAlternative _∙_ = ∀ x y → (x ∙ (y ∙ y)) ≈ ((x ∙ y) ∙ y)
Alternative _∙_ = (LeftAlternative _∙_ ) × (RightAlternative _∙_)
Flexible _∙_ = ∀ x y → ((x ∙ y) ∙ x) ≈ (x ∙ (y ∙ x))
Medial _∙_ = ∀ x y u z → ((x ∙ y) ∙ (u ∙ z)) ≈ ((x ∙ u) ∙ (y ∙ z))
LeftSemimedial _∙_ = ∀ x y z → ((x ∙ x) ∙ (y ∙ z)) ≈ ((x ∙ y) ∙ (x ∙ z))
RightSemimedial _∙_ = ∀ x y z → ((y ∙ z) ∙ (x ∙ x)) ≈ ((y ∙ x) ∙ (z ∙ x))
Semimedial _∙_ = (LeftSemimedial _∙_) × (RightSemimedial _∙_)
LeftBol _∙_ = ∀ x y z → (x ∙ (y ∙ (x ∙ z))) ≈ ((x ∙ (y ∙ z)) ∙ z )
RightBol _∙_ = ∀ x y z → (((z ∙ x) ∙ y) ∙ x) ≈ (z ∙ ((x ∙ y) ∙ x))
MiddleBol _∙_ _\\_ _//_ = ∀ x y z → (x ∙ ((y ∙ z) \\ x)) ≈ ((x // z) ∙ (y \\ x))
Added new functions to
:_^[_]*_ : A → ℕ → A → A _^ᵗ_ : A → ℕ → A
now re-exports operations_∣ˡ_
. -
Added new proofs to
:interchange : Interchangable _∙_ _∙_ xy∙xx≈x∙yxx : ∀ x y → (x ∙ y) ∙ (x ∙ x) ≈ x ∙ (y ∙ (x ∙ x)) leftSemimedial : LeftSemimedial _∙_ rightSemimedial : RightSemimedial _∙_ middleSemimedial : ∀ x y z → (x ∙ y) ∙ (z ∙ x) ≈ (x ∙ z) ∙ (y ∙ x) semimedial : Semimedial _∙_
Added new proof to
:×-congˡ : ∀ {x} → (_× x) Preserves _≡_ ⟶ _≈_
Added new proof to
:sum-init-last : ∀ {n} (t : Vector _ (suc n)) → sum t ≈ sum (init t) + last t
Added new proofs to
:leftAlternative : LeftAlternative _∙_ rightAlternative : RightAlternative _∙_ alternative : Alternative _∙_ flexible : Flexible _∙_
Added new proofs to
:^-congʳ : (x ^_) Preserves _≡_ ⟶ _≈_ y*x^m*y^n≈x^m*y^[n+1] : (x * y ≈ y * x) → y * (x ^ m * y ^ n) ≈ x ^ m * y ^ suc n
Added new proofs to
:1×-identityʳ : 1 × x ≈ x ×-comm-* : x * (n × y) ≈ n × (x * y) ×-assoc-* : (n × x) * y ≈ n × (x * y)
Added new proofs to
:-1*x≈-x : ∀ x → - 1# * x ≈ - x x+x≈x⇒x≈0 : ∀ x → x + x ≈ x → x ≈ 0# x[y-z]≈xy-xz : ∀ x y z → x * (y - z) ≈ x * y - x * z [y-z]x≈yx-zx : ∀ x y z → (y - z) * x ≈ (y * x) - (z * x)
Added new definitions to
:record IsUnitalMagma (_∙_ : Op₂ A) (ε : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsInvertibleMagma (_∙_ : Op₂ A) (ε : A) (_⁻¹ : Op₁ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsInvertibleUnitalMagma (_∙_ : Op₂ A) (ε : A) (⁻¹ : Op₁ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsQuasigroup (∙ \\ // : Op₂ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsLoop (∙ \\ // : Op₂ A) (ε : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsRingWithoutOne (+ * : Op₂ A) (-_ : Op₁ A) (0# : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsIdempotentSemiring (+ * : Op₂ A) (0# 1# : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsKleeneAlgebra (+ * : Op₂ A) (⋆ : Op₁ A) (0# 1# : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsQuasiring (+ * : Op₂ A) (0# 1# : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where record IsNearring (+ * : Op₂ A) (0# 1# : A) (_⁻¹ : Op₁ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where record IsIdempotentMagma (∙ : Op₂ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsAlternativeMagma (∙ : Op₂ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsFlexibleMagma (∙ : Op₂ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsMedialMagma (∙ : Op₂ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsSemimedialMagma (∙ : Op₂ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsLeftBolLoop (∙ \\ // : Op₂ A) (ε : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsRightBolLoop (∙ \\ // : Op₂ A) (ε : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsMoufangLoop (∙ \\ // : Op₂ A) (ε : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsNonAssociativeRing (+ * : Op₂ A) (-_ : Op₁ A) (0# 1# : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) record IsMiddleBolLoop (∙ \\ // : Op₂ A) (ε : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ)
and the existing record
now provides∨-isCommutativeSemigroup : IsCommutativeSemigroup ∨ ∧-isCommutativeSemigroup : IsCommutativeSemigroup ∧
and their corresponding algebraic substructures.
Added new records to
:record IsQuasigroupHomomorphism (⟦_⟧ : A → B) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) record IsQuasigroupMonomorphism (⟦_⟧ : A → B) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) record IsQuasigroupIsomorphism (⟦_⟧ : A → B) : Set (a ⊔ b ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) record IsLoopHomomorphism (⟦_⟧ : A → B) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) record IsLoopMonomorphism (⟦_⟧ : A → B) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) record IsLoopIsomorphism (⟦_⟧ : A → B) : Set (a ⊔ b ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) record IsRingWithoutOneHomomorphism (⟦_⟧ : A → B) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) record IsRingWithoutOneMonomorphism (⟦_⟧ : A → B) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) record IsRingWithoutOneIsoMorphism (⟦_⟧ : A → B) : Set (a ⊔ b ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
Added new proofs in
:<-wellFounded : WellFounded _<_ ∨-conicalˡ : LeftConical false _∨_ ∨-conicalʳ : RightConical false _∨_ ∨-conical : Conical false _∨_ ∧-conicalˡ : LeftConical true _∧_ ∧-conicalʳ : RightConical true _∧_ ∧-conical : Conical true _∧_
Added new functions in
:finToFun : Fin (m ^ n) → (Fin n → Fin m) funToFin : (Fin m → Fin n) → Fin (n ^ m) quotient : Fin (m * n) → Fin m remainder : Fin (m * n) → Fin n
Added new proofs in
: every (strict) partial order is well-founded and Noetherian.spo-wellFounded : ∀ {r} {_⊏_ : Rel (Fin n) r} → IsStrictPartialOrder _≈_ _⊏_ → WellFounded _⊏_ spo-noetherian : ∀ {r} {_⊏_ : Rel (Fin n) r} → IsStrictPartialOrder _≈_ _⊏_ → WellFounded (flip _⊏_)
Added new definitions and proofs in
:insert : Fin (suc m) → Fin (suc n) → Permutation m n → Permutation (suc m) (suc n) insert-punchIn : insert i j π ⟨$⟩ʳ punchIn i k ≡ punchIn j (π ⟨$⟩ʳ k) insert-remove : insert i (π ⟨$⟩ʳ i) (remove i π) ≈ π remove-insert : remove i (insert i j π) ≈ π
: the proof that an injection from a typeA
intoFin n
induces a decision procedure for_≡_
has been generalized to other equivalences overA
(i.e. to arbitrary setoids), and renamed fromeq?
to the more descriptiveinj⇒≟
. -
Added new proofs in
:1↔⊤ : Fin 1 ↔ ⊤ 0≢1+n : zero ≢ suc i ↑ˡ-injective : i ↑ˡ n ≡ j ↑ˡ n → i ≡ j ↑ʳ-injective : n ↑ʳ i ≡ n ↑ʳ j → i ≡ j finTofun-funToFin : funToFin ∘ finToFun ≗ id funTofin-funToFun : finToFun (funToFin f) ≗ f ^↔→ : Extensionality _ _ → Fin (m ^ n) ↔ (Fin n → Fin m) toℕ-mono-< : i < j → toℕ i ℕ.< toℕ j toℕ-mono-≤ : i ≤ j → toℕ i ℕ.≤ toℕ j toℕ-cancel-≤ : toℕ i ℕ.≤ toℕ j → i ≤ j toℕ-cancel-< : toℕ i ℕ.< toℕ j → i < j splitAt⁻¹-↑ˡ : splitAt m {n} i ≡ inj₁ j → j ↑ˡ n ≡ i splitAt⁻¹-↑ʳ : splitAt m {n} i ≡ inj₂ j → m ↑ʳ j ≡ i toℕ-combine : toℕ (combine i j) ≡ k ℕ.* toℕ i ℕ.+ toℕ j combine-injectiveˡ : combine i j ≡ combine k l → i ≡ k combine-injectiveʳ : combine i j ≡ combine k l → j ≡ l combine-injective : combine i j ≡ combine k l → i ≡ k × j ≡ l combine-surjective : ∀ i → ∃₂ λ j k → combine j k ≡ i combine-monoˡ-< : i < j → combine i k < combine j l ℕ-ℕ≡toℕ‿ℕ- : n ℕ-ℕ i ≡ toℕ (n ℕ- i) lower₁-injective : lower₁ i n≢i ≡ lower₁ j n≢j → i ≡ j pinch-injective : suc i ≢ j → suc i ≢ k → pinch i j ≡ pinch i k → j ≡ k i<1+i : i < suc i injective⇒≤ : ∀ {f : Fin m → Fin n} → Injective f → m ℕ.≤ n <⇒notInjective : ∀ {f : Fin m → Fin n} → n ℕ.< m → ¬ (Injective f) ℕ→Fin-notInjective : ∀ (f : ℕ → Fin n) → ¬ (Injective f) cantor-schröder-bernstein : ∀ {f : Fin m → Fin n} {g : Fin n → Fin m} → Injective f → Injective g → m ≡ n cast-is-id : cast eq k ≡ k subst-is-cast : subst Fin eq k ≡ cast eq k cast-trans : cast eq₂ (cast eq₁ k) ≡ cast (trans eq₁ eq₂) k
Added new functions in
:_^_ : ℤ → ℕ → ℤ +-0-rawGroup : Rawgroup 0ℓ 0ℓ *-rawMagma : RawMagma 0ℓ 0ℓ *-1-rawMonoid : RawMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ
* Added new proofs in `Data.Integer.Properties`:
sign-cong′ : s₁ ◃ n₁ ≡ s₂ ◃ n₂ → s₁ ≡ s₂ ⊎ (n₁ ≡ 0 × n₂ ≡ 0)
≤-⊖ : m ℕ.≤ n → n ⊖ m ≡ + (n ∸ m)
∣⊖∣-≤ : m ℕ.≤ n → ∣ m ⊖ n ∣ ≡ n ∸ m
∣-∣-≤ : i ≤ j → + ∣ i - j ∣ ≡ j - i
i^n≡0⇒i≡0 : i ^ n ≡ 0ℤ → i ≡ 0ℤ
^-identityʳ : i ^ 1 ≡ i
^-zeroˡ : 1 ^ n ≡ 1
^-*-assoc : (i ^ m) ^ n ≡ i ^ (m ℕ.* n)
^-distribˡ-+-* : i ^ (m ℕ.+ n) ≡ i ^ m * i ^ n
^-isMagmaHomomorphism : IsMagmaHomomorphism ℕ.+-rawMagma *-rawMagma (i ^_)
^-isMonoidHomomorphism : IsMonoidHomomorphism ℕ.+-0-rawMonoid *-1-rawMonoid (i ^_)
Added new proofs in
:gcd-assoc : Associative gcd gcd-zeroˡ : LeftZero 1ℤ gcd gcd-zeroʳ : RightZero 1ℤ gcd gcd-zero : Zero 1ℤ gcd
Added new functions in
:takeWhileᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → List A dropWhileᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → List A filterᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → List A partitionᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → List A × List A spanᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → List A × List A breakᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → List A × List A linesByᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → List (List A) wordsByᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → List (List A) derunᵇ : (A → A → Bool) → List A → List A deduplicateᵇ : (A → A → Bool) → List A → List A
Added new functions and definitions to
:catMaybes : List (Maybe A) → List A ap : List (A → B) → List A → List B ++-rawMagma : Set a → RawMagma a _ ++-[]-rawMonoid : Set a → RawMonoid a _
Added new proofs in
:xs≮[] : ¬ xs < []
Added new proofs to
:Any-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ] : (σ : xs ↭ ys) → (ix : Any P xs) → Any-resp-↭ (trans σ (↭-sym σ)) ix ≡ ix ∈-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ] : (σ : xs ↭ ys) → (ix : x ∈ xs) → ∈-resp-↭ (trans σ (↭-sym σ)) ix ≡ ix
Added new functions in
:decide : Π[ P ∪ Q ] → Π[ All P ∪ Any Q ]
Added new functions in
:decide : Π[ P ∪ Q ] → Π[ All {R = R} P ∪ Any Q ]
Added new proofs to
:mapWith∈-id : mapWith∈ xs (λ {x} _ → x) ≡ xs map-mapWith∈ : map g (mapWith∈ xs f) ≡ mapWith∈ xs (g ∘′ f)
Added new proofs to
:mapWith∈-id : mapWith∈ xs (λ {x} _ → x) ≡ xs map-mapWith∈ : map g (mapWith∈ xs f) ≡ mapWith∈ xs (g ∘′ f)
Add new proofs in
:∈⇒∣product : n ∈ ns → n ∣ product ns ∷ʳ-++ : xs ∷ʳ a ++ ys ≡ xs ++ a ∷ ys concatMap-cong : f ≗ g → concatMap f ≗ concatMap g concatMap-pure : concatMap [_] ≗ id concatMap-map : concatMap g (map f xs) ≡ concatMap (g ∘′ f) xs map-concatMap : map f ∘′ concatMap g ≗ concatMap (map f ∘′ g) length-isMagmaHomomorphism : (A : Set a) → IsMagmaHomomorphism (++-rawMagma A) +-rawMagma length length-isMonoidHomomorphism : (A : Set a) → IsMonoidHomomorphism (++-[]-rawMonoid A) +-0-rawMonoid length take-suc : (o : Fin (length xs)) → let m = toℕ o in take (suc m) xs ≡ take m xs ∷ʳ lookup xs o take-suc-tabulate : (f : Fin n → A) (o : Fin n) → let m = toℕ o in take (suc m) (tabulate f) ≡ take m (tabulate f) ∷ʳ f o drop-take-suc : (o : Fin (length xs)) → let m = toℕ o in drop m (take (suc m) xs) ≡ [ lookup xs o ] drop-take-suc-tabulate : (f : Fin n → A) (o : Fin n) → let m = toℕ o in drop m (take (suc m) (tabulate f)) ≡ [ f o ] take-all : n ≥ length xs → take n xs ≡ xs take-[] : ∀ m → take m [] ≡ [] drop-[] : ∀ m → drop m [] ≡ []
Added new patterns and definitions to
:pattern z<s {n} = s≤s (z≤n {n}) pattern s<s {m} {n} m<n = s≤s {m} {n} m<n pattern <′-base = ≤′-refl pattern <′-step {n} m<′n = ≤′-step {n} m<′n _⊔′_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ _⊓′_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ ∣_-_∣′ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ _! : ℕ → ℕ parity : ℕ → Parity +-rawMagma : RawMagma 0ℓ 0ℓ +-0-rawMonoid : RawMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ *-rawMagma : RawMagma 0ℓ 0ℓ *-1-rawMonoid : RawMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ +-*-rawNearSemiring : RawNearSemiring 0ℓ 0ℓ +-*-rawSemiring : RawSemiring 0ℓ 0ℓ
Added a new proof to
:suc-injective : Injective _≡_ _≡_ suc
Added new definitions and proofs to
:Composite : ℕ → Set composite? : Decidable composite composite⇒¬prime : Composite n → ¬ Prime n ¬composite⇒prime : 2 ≤ n → ¬ Composite n → Prime n prime⇒¬composite : Prime n → ¬ Composite n ¬prime⇒composite : 2 ≤ n → ¬ Prime n → Composite n euclidsLemma : Prime p → p ∣ m * n → p ∣ m ⊎ p ∣ n
Added new proofs in
:nonZero? : Decidable NonZero n≮0 : n ≮ 0 n+1+m≢m : n + suc m ≢ m m*n≡0⇒m≡0 : .{{_ : NonZero n}} → m * n ≡ 0 → m ≡ 0 n>0⇒n≢0 : n > 0 → n ≢ 0 m^n≢0 : .{{_ : NonZero m}} → NonZero (m ^ n) m*n≢0 : .{{_ : NonZero m}} .{{_ : NonZero n}} → NonZero (m * n) m≤n⇒n∸m≤n : m ≤ n → n ∸ m ≤ n ≤-pred : suc m ≤ suc n → m ≤ n s<s-injective : ∀ {p q : m < n} → s<s p ≡ s<s q → p ≡ q <-pred : suc m < suc n → m < n <-step : m < n → m < 1 + n m<1+n⇒m<n∨m≡n : m < suc n → m < n ⊎ m ≡ n z<′s : zero <′ suc n s<′s : m <′ n → suc m <′ suc n <⇒<′ : m < n → m <′ n <′⇒< : m <′ n → m < n m+n≤p⇒m≤p∸n : m + n ≤ p → m ≤ p ∸ n m≤p∸n⇒m+n≤p : n ≤ p → m ≤ p ∸ n → m + n ≤ p 1≤n! : 1 ≤ n ! _!≢0 : NonZero (n !) _!*_!≢0 : NonZero (m ! * n !) anyUpTo? : ∀ (P? : U.Decidable P) (v : ℕ) → Dec (∃ λ n → n < v × P n) allUpTo? : ∀ (P? : U.Decidable P) (v : ℕ) → Dec (∀ {n} → n < v → P n) n≤1⇒n≡0∨n≡1 : n ≤ 1 → n ≡ 0 ⊎ n ≡ 1 m^n>0 : ∀ m .{{_ : NonZero m}} n → m ^ n > 0 ^-monoˡ-≤ : ∀ n → (_^ n) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_ ^-monoʳ-≤ : ∀ m .{{_ : NonZero m}} → (m ^_) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_ ^-monoˡ-< : ∀ n .{{_ : NonZero n}} → (_^ n) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_ ^-monoʳ-< : ∀ m → 1 < m → (m ^_) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_ n≡⌊n+n/2⌋ : n ≡ ⌊ n + n /2⌋ n≡⌈n+n/2⌉ : n ≡ ⌈ n + n /2⌉ m<n⇒m<n*o : .{{_ : NonZero o}} → m < n → m < n * o m<n⇒m<o*n : .{{_ : NonZero o}} → m < n → m < o * n ∸-monoˡ-< : m < o → n ≤ m → m ∸ n < o ∸ n m≤n⇒∣m-n∣≡n∸m : m ≤ n → ∣ m - n ∣ ≡ n ∸ m ⊔≡⊔′ : m ⊔ n ≡ m ⊔′ n ⊓≡⊓′ : m ⊓ n ≡ m ⊓′ n ∣-∣≡∣-∣′ : ∣ m - n ∣ ≡ ∣ m - n ∣′
Re-exported additional functions from
:nonZero? : Decidable NonZero eq? : A ↣ ℕ → DecidableEquality A ≤-<-connex : Connex _≤_ _<_ ≥->-connex : Connex _≥_ _>_ <-≤-connex : Connex _<_ _≤_ >-≥-connex : Connex _>_ _≥_ <-cmp : Trichotomous _≡_ _<_ anyUpTo? : (P? : Decidable P) → ∀ v → Dec (∃ λ n → n < v × P n) allUpTo? : (P? : Decidable P) → ∀ v → Dec (∀ {n} → n < v → P n)
Added new proofs in
:[n-k]*[n-k-1]!≡[n-k]! : k < n → (n ∸ k) * (n ∸ suc k) ! ≡ (n ∸ k) ! [n-k]*d[k+1]≡[k+1]*d[k] : k < n → (n ∸ k) * ((suc k) ! * (n ∸ suc k) !) ≡ (suc k) * (k ! * (n ∸ k) !) k![n∸k]!∣n! : k ≤ n → k ! * (n ∸ k) ! ∣ n ! nP1≡n : n P 1 ≡ n nC1≡n : n C 1 ≡ n nCk+nC[k+1]≡[n+1]C[k+1] : n C k + n C (suc k) ≡ suc n C suc k
Added new proofs in
:m%n≤n : .{{_ : NonZero n}} → m % n ≤ n m*n/m!≡n/[m∸1]! : .{{_ : NonZero m}} → m * n / m ! ≡ n / (pred m) ! %-congˡ : .⦃ _ : NonZero o ⦄ → m ≡ n → m % o ≡ n % o %-congʳ : .⦃ _ : NonZero m ⦄ .⦃ _ : NonZero n ⦄ → m ≡ n → o % m ≡ o % n m≤n⇒[n∸m]%m≡n%m : .⦃ _ : NonZero m ⦄ → m ≤ n → (n ∸ m) % m ≡ n % m m*n≤o⇒[o∸m*n]%n≡o%n : .⦃ _ : NonZero n ⦄ → m * n ≤ o → (o ∸ m * n) % n ≡ o % n m∣n⇒o%n%m≡o%m : .⦃ _ : NonZero m ⦄ .⦃ _ : NonZero n ⦄ → m ∣ n → o % n % m ≡ o % m m<n⇒m%n≡m : .⦃ _ : NonZero n ⦄ → m < n → m % n ≡ m m*n/o*n≡m/o : .⦃ _ : NonZero o ⦄ ⦃ _ : NonZero (o * n) ⦄ → m * n / (o * n) ≡ m / o m<n*o⇒m/o<n : .⦃ _ : NonZero o ⦄ → m < n * o → m / o < n [m∸n]/n≡m/n∸1 : .⦃ _ : NonZero n ⦄ → (m ∸ n) / n ≡ pred (m / n) [m∸n*o]/o≡m/o∸n : .⦃ _ : NonZero o ⦄ → (m ∸ n * o) / o ≡ m / o ∸ n m/n/o≡m/[n*o] : .⦃ _ : NonZero n ⦄ .⦃ _ : NonZero o ⦄ .⦃ _ : NonZero (n * o) ⦄ → m / n / o ≡ m / (n * o) m%[n*o]/o≡m/o%n : .⦃ _ : NonZero n ⦄ .⦃ _ : NonZero o ⦄ ⦃ _ : NonZero (n * o) ⦄ → m % (n * o) / o ≡ m / o % n m%n*o≡m*o%[n*o] : .⦃ _ : NonZero n ⦄ ⦃ _ : NonZero (n * o) ⦄ → m % n * o ≡ m * o % (n * o) [m*n+o]%[p*n]≡[m*n]%[p*n]+o : ⦃ _ : NonZero (p * n) ⦄ → o < n → (m * n + o) % (p * n) ≡ (m * n) % (p * n) + o
Added new proofs in
:n∣m*n*o : n ∣ m * n * o m*n∣⇒m∣ : m * n ∣ i → m ∣ i m*n∣⇒n∣ : m * n ∣ i → n ∣ i m≤n⇒m!∣n! : m ≤ n → m ! ∣ n ! m/n/o≡m/[n*o] : .{{NonZero n}} .{{NonZero o}} → n * o ∣ m → (m / n) / o ≡ m / (n * o)
Added new proofs in
:gcd-assoc : Associative gcd gcd-identityˡ : LeftIdentity 0 gcd gcd-identityʳ : RightIdentity 0 gcd gcd-identity : Identity 0 gcd gcd-zeroˡ : LeftZero 1 gcd gcd-zeroʳ : RightZero 1 gcd gcd-zero : Zero 1 gcd
Added new patterns in
:pattern `ℕ = def (quote ℕ) [] pattern `zero = con (quote ℕ.zero) [] pattern `suc x = con (quote ℕ.suc) (x ⟨∷⟩ [])
Added new proofs in
:suc-homo-⁻¹ : (parity (suc n)) ⁻¹ ≡ parity n +-homo-+ : parity (m ℕ.+ n) ≡ parity m ℙ.+ parity n *-homo-* : parity (m ℕ.* n) ≡ parity m ℙ.* parity n parity-isMagmaHomomorphism : IsMagmaHomomorphism ℕ.+-rawMagma ℙ.+-rawMagma parity parity-isMonoidHomomorphism : IsMonoidHomomorphism ℕ.+-0-rawMonoid ℙ.+-0-rawMonoid parity parity-isNearSemiringHomomorphism : IsNearSemiringHomomorphism ℕ.+-*-rawNearSemiring ℙ.+-*-rawNearSemiring parity parity-isSemiringHomomorphism : IsSemiringHomomorphism ℕ.+-*-rawSemiring ℙ.+-*-rawSemiring parity
Added new rounding functions in
:floor ceiling truncate round ⌊_⌋ ⌈_⌉ [_] : ℚ → ℤ fracPart : ℚ → ℚ
Added new definitions and proofs in
:↥ᵘ-toℚᵘ : ↥ᵘ (toℚᵘ p) ≡ ↥ p ↧ᵘ-toℚᵘ : ↧ᵘ (toℚᵘ p) ≡ ↧ p _≥?_ : Decidable _≥_ _>?_ : Decidable _>_ +-*-rawNearSemiring : RawNearSemiring 0ℓ 0ℓ +-*-rawSemiring : RawSemiring 0ℓ 0ℓ toℚᵘ-isNearSemiringHomomorphism-+-* : IsNearSemiringHomomorphism +-*-rawNearSemiring ℚᵘ.+-*-rawNearSemiring toℚᵘ toℚᵘ-isNearSemiringMonomorphism-+-* : IsNearSemiringMonomorphism +-*-rawNearSemiring ℚᵘ.+-*-rawNearSemiring toℚᵘ toℚᵘ-isSemiringHomomorphism-+-* : IsSemiringHomomorphism +-*-rawSemiring ℚᵘ.+-*-rawSemiring toℚᵘ toℚᵘ-isSemiringMonomorphism-+-* : IsSemiringMonomorphism +-*-rawSemiring ℚᵘ.+-*-rawSemiring toℚᵘ pos⇒nonZero : .{{Positive p}} → NonZero p neg⇒nonZero : .{{Negative p}} → NonZero p nonZero⇒1/nonZero : .{{_ : NonZero p}} → NonZero (1/ p)
Added new rounding functions in
:floor ceiling truncate round ⌊_⌋ ⌈_⌉ [_] : ℚᵘ → ℤ fracPart : ℚᵘ → ℚᵘ
Added new definitions in
:+-*-rawNearSemiring : RawNearSemiring 0ℓ 0ℓ +-*-rawSemiring : RawSemiring 0ℓ 0ℓ ≰⇒≥ : _≰_ ⇒ _≥_ _≥?_ : Decidable _≥_ _>?_ : Decidable _>_ *-mono-≤-nonNeg : .{{_ : NonNegative p}} .{{_ : NonNegative r}} → p ≤ q → r ≤ s → p * r ≤ q * s *-mono-<-nonNeg : .{{_ : NonNegative p}} .{{_ : NonNegative r}} → p < q → r < s → p * r < q * s 1/-antimono-≤-pos : .{{_ : Positive p}} .{{_ : Positive q}} → p ≤ q → 1/ q ≤ 1/ p ⊓-mono-< : _⊓_ Preserves₂ _<_ ⟶ _<_ ⟶ _<_ ⊔-mono-< : _⊔_ Preserves₂ _<_ ⟶ _<_ ⟶ _<_ pos⇒nonZero : .{{_ : Positive p}} → NonZero p neg⇒nonZero : .{{_ : Negative p}} → NonZero p pos+pos⇒pos : .{{_ : Positive p}} .{{_ : Positive q}} → Positive (p + q) nonNeg+nonNeg⇒nonNeg : .{{_ : NonNegative p}} .{{_ : NonNegative q}} → NonNegative (p + q) pos*pos⇒pos : .{{_ : Positive p}} .{{_ : Positive q}} → Positive (p * q) nonNeg*nonNeg⇒nonNeg : .{{_ : NonNegative p}} .{{_ : NonNegative q}} → NonNegative (p * q) pos⊓pos⇒pos : .{{_ : Positive p}} .{{_ : Positive q}} → Positive (p ⊓ q) pos⊔pos⇒pos : .{{_ : Positive p}} .{{_ : Positive q}} → Positive (p ⊔ q) 1/nonZero⇒nonZero : .{{_ : NonZero p}} → NonZero (1/ p)
Added new functions to
:zipWith : (∀ k → Projₙ as k → Projₙ bs k → Projₙ cs k) → Product n as → Product n bs → Product n cs
Added new proof to
:map-cong : f ≗ g → h ≗ i → map f h ≗ map g i
Added new definitions to
for convenience:Σ-≡,≡→≡ : (∃ λ (p : proj₁ p₁ ≡ proj₁ p₂) → subst B p (proj₂ p₁) ≡ proj₂ p₂) → p₁ ≡ p₂ Σ-≡,≡←≡ : p₁ ≡ p₂ → (∃ λ (p : proj₁ p₁ ≡ proj₁ p₂) → subst B p (proj₂ p₁) ≡ proj₂ p₂) ×-≡,≡→≡ : (proj₁ p₁ ≡ proj₁ p₂ × proj₂ p₁ ≡ proj₂ p₂) → p₁ ≡ p₂ ×-≡,≡←≡ : p₁ ≡ p₂ → (proj₁ p₁ ≡ proj₁ p₂ × proj₂ p₁ ≡ proj₂ p₂)
Added new proof to
×-respectsʳ : Transitive _≈₁_ → _<₁_ Respectsʳ _≈₁_ → _<₂_ Respectsʳ _≈₂_ → _<ₗₑₓ_ Respectsʳ _≋_ ×-respectsˡ : Symmetric _≈₁_ → Transitive _≈₁_ → _<₁_ Respectsˡ _≈₁_ → _<₂_ Respectsˡ _≈₂_ → _<ₗₑₓ_ Respectsˡ _≋_ ×-wellFounded' : Symmetric _≈₁_ → Transitive _≈₁_ → _<₁_ Respectsʳ _≈₁_ → WellFounded _<₁_ → WellFounded _<₂_ → WellFounded _<ₗₑₓ_
Added new definitions to
:*-rawMagma : RawMagma 0ℓ 0ℓ *-1-rawMonoid : RawMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ *-1-rawGroup : RawGroup 0ℓ 0ℓ
Added new proofs to
:*-inverse : Inverse + id _*_ *-isCommutativeSemigroup : IsCommutativeSemigroup _*_ *-isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid _*_ + *-isGroup : IsGroup _*_ + id *-isAbelianGroup : IsAbelianGroup _*_ + id *-commutativeSemigroup : CommutativeSemigroup 0ℓ 0ℓ *-commutativeMonoid : CommutativeMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ *-group : Group 0ℓ 0ℓ *-abelianGroup : AbelianGroup 0ℓ 0ℓ ≡-isDecEquivalence : IsDecEquivalence _≡_
Added new functions in
:wordsByᵇ : (Char → Bool) → String → List String linesByᵇ : (Char → Bool) → String → List String
Added new proofs in
:≤-isDecTotalOrder-≈ : IsDecTotalOrder _≈_ _≤_ ≤-decTotalOrder-≈ : DecTotalOrder _ _ _
Added new definitions in
:swap-↔ : (A ⊎ B) ↔ (B ⊎ A)
Added new proofs in
:map-assocˡ : (f : A → C) (g : B → D) (h : C → F) → map (map f g) h ∘ assocˡ ≗ assocˡ ∘ map f (map g h) map-assocʳ : (f : A → C) (g : B → D) (h : C → F) → map f (map g h) ∘ assocʳ ≗ assocʳ ∘ map (map f g) h
public inData.Tree.AVL.IndexedMap
Added new definitions in
:truncate : m ≤ n → Vec A n → Vec A m pad : m ≤ n → A → Vec A m → Vec A n FoldrOp A B = ∀ {n} → A → B n → B (suc n) FoldlOp A B = ∀ {n} → B n → A → B (suc n) foldr′ : (A → B → B) → B → Vec A n → B foldl′ : (B → A → B) → B → Vec A n → B countᵇ : (A → Bool) → Vec A n → ℕ iterate : (A → A) → A → Vec A n diagonal : Vec (Vec A n) n → Vec A n DiagonalBind._>>=_ : Vec A n → (A → Vec B n) → Vec B n join : Vec (Vec A n) n → Vec A n _ʳ++_ : Vec A m → Vec A n → Vec A (m + n) cast : .(eq : m ≡ n) → Vec A m → Vec A n
Added new instance in
:monad : RawMonad (λ (A : Set a) → Vec A n)
Added new proofs in
:padRight-refl : padRight ≤-refl a xs ≡ xs padRight-replicate : replicate a ≡ padRight le a (replicate a) padRight-trans : padRight (≤-trans m≤n n≤p) a xs ≡ padRight n≤p a (padRight m≤n a xs) truncate-refl : truncate ≤-refl xs ≡ xs truncate-trans : truncate (≤-trans m≤n n≤p) xs ≡ truncate m≤n (truncate n≤p xs) truncate-padRight : truncate m≤n (padRight m≤n a xs) ≡ xs map-const : map (const x) xs ≡ replicate x map-⊛ : map f xs ⊛ map g xs ≡ map (f ˢ g) xs map-++ : map f (xs ++ ys) ≡ map f xs ++ map f ys map-is-foldr : map f ≗ foldr (Vec B) (λ x ys → f x ∷ ys) [] map-∷ʳ : map f (xs ∷ʳ x) ≡ (map f xs) ∷ʳ (f x) map-reverse : map f (reverse xs) ≡ reverse (map f xs) map-ʳ++ : map f (xs ʳ++ ys) ≡ map f xs ʳ++ map f ys lookup-concat : lookup (concat xss) (combine i j) ≡ lookup (lookup xss i) j ⊛-is->>= : fs ⊛ xs ≡ fs >>= flip map xs lookup-⊛* : lookup (fs ⊛* xs) (combine i j) ≡ (lookup fs i $ lookup xs j) ++-is-foldr : xs ++ ys ≡ foldr ((Vec A) ∘ (_+ n)) _∷_ ys xs []≔-++-↑ʳ : (xs ++ ys) [ m ↑ʳ i ]≔ y ≡ xs ++ (ys [ i ]≔ y) unfold-ʳ++ : xs ʳ++ ys ≡ reverse xs ++ ys foldl-universal : ∀ (h : ∀ {c} (C : ℕ → Set c) (g : FoldlOp A C) (e : C zero) → ∀ {n} → Vec A n → C n) → (∀ ... → h C g e [] ≡ e) → (∀ ... → h C g e ∘ (x ∷_) ≗ h (C ∘ suc) g (g e x)) → h B f e ≗ foldl B f e foldl-fusion : h d ≡ e → (∀ ... → h (f b x) ≡ g (h b) x) → h ∘ foldl B f d ≗ foldl C g e foldl-∷ʳ : foldl B f e (ys ∷ʳ y) ≡ f (foldl B f e ys) y foldl-[] : foldl B f e [] ≡ e foldl-reverse : foldl B {n} f e ∘ reverse ≗ foldr B (flip f) e foldr-[] : foldr B f e [] ≡ e foldr-++ : foldr B f e (xs ++ ys) ≡ foldr (B ∘ (_+ n)) f (foldr B f e ys) xs foldr-∷ʳ : foldr B f e (ys ∷ʳ y) ≡ foldr (B ∘ suc) f (f y e) ys foldr-ʳ++ : foldr B f e (xs ʳ++ ys) ≡ foldl (B ∘ (_+ n)) (flip f) (foldr B f e ys) xs foldr-reverse : foldr B f e ∘ reverse ≗ foldl B (flip f) e ∷ʳ-injective : xs ∷ʳ x ≡ ys ∷ʳ y → xs ≡ ys × x ≡ y ∷ʳ-injectiveˡ : xs ∷ʳ x ≡ ys ∷ʳ y → xs ≡ ys ∷ʳ-injectiveʳ : xs ∷ʳ x ≡ ys ∷ʳ y → x ≡ y reverse-∷ : reverse (x ∷ xs) ≡ reverse xs ∷ʳ x reverse-involutive : Involutive _≡_ reverse reverse-reverse : reverse xs ≡ ys → reverse ys ≡ xs reverse-injective : reverse xs ≡ reverse ys → xs ≡ ys transpose-replicate : transpose (replicate xs) ≡ map replicate xs toList-cast : toList (cast eq xs) ≡ toList xs cast-is-id : cast eq xs ≡ xs subst-is-cast : subst (Vec A) eq xs ≡ cast eq xs cast-trans : cast eq₂ (cast eq₁ xs) ≡ cast (trans eq₁ eq₂) xs map-cast : map f (cast eq xs) ≡ cast eq (map f xs) lookup-cast : lookup (cast eq xs) (Fin.cast eq i) ≡ lookup xs i lookup-cast₁ : lookup (cast eq xs) i ≡ lookup xs (Fin.cast (sym eq) i) lookup-cast₂ : lookup xs (Fin.cast eq i) ≡ lookup (cast (sym eq) xs) i
Added new proofs in
:map-updateAt : f ∘ g ≗ h ∘ f → map f (updateAt i g xs) ≗ updateAt i h (map f xs)
Added new proofs in
:xs≮[] : ∀ {n} (xs : Vec A n) → ¬ xs < [] <-respectsˡ : IsPartialEquivalence _≈_ → _≺_ Respectsˡ _≈_ → ∀ {m n} → _Respectsˡ_ (_<_ {m} {n}) _≋_ <-respectsʳ : IsPartialEquivalence _≈_ → _≺_ Respectsʳ _≈_ → ∀ {m n} → _Respectsʳ_ (_<_ {m} {n}) _≋_ <-wellFounded : Symmetric _≈_ → Transitive _≈_ → _≺_ Respectsʳ _≈_ → WellFounded _≺_ → ∀ {n} → WellFounded (_<_ {n})
* Added new functions in `Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.Any`:
lookup : Any P xs → A
* Added new functions in `Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.All`:
decide : Π[ P ∪ Q ] → Π[ All P ∪ Any Q ]
* Added vector associativity proof to `Data.Vec.Relation.Binary.Equality.Setoid`:
++-assoc : (xs ++ ys) ++ zs ≋ xs ++ (ys ++ zs)
* Added new functions in `Effect.Monad.State`:
runState : State s a → s → a × s evalState : State s a → s → a execState : State s a → s → s
* Added new proofs in `Function.Construct.Symmetry`:
bijective : Bijective ≈₁ ≈₂ f → Symmetric ≈₂ → Transitive ≈₂ → Congruent ≈₁ ≈₂ f → Bijective ≈₂ ≈₁ f⁻¹ isBijection : IsBijection ≈₁ ≈₂ f → Congruent ≈₂ ≈₁ f⁻¹ → IsBijection ≈₂ ≈₁ f⁻¹ isBijection-≡ : IsBijection ≈₁ ≡ f → IsBijection ≡ ≈₁ f⁻¹ bijection : Bijection R S → Congruent IB.Eq₂.≈ IB.Eq₁.≈ f⁻¹ → Bijection S R bijection-≡ : Bijection R (setoid B) → Bijection (setoid B) R sym-⤖ : A ⤖ B → B ⤖ A
* Added new operations in `Function.Strict`:
!|> : (a : A) → (∀ a → B a) → B a !|>′ : A → (A → B) → B
* Added new definition to the `Surjection` module in `Function.Related.Surjection`:
f⁻ = proj₁ ∘ surjective
* Added new operations in `IO`:
Colist.forM : Colist A → (A → IO B) → IO (Colist B) Colist.forM′ : Colist A → (A → IO B) → IO ⊤
List.forM : List A → (A → IO B) → IO (List B) List.forM′ : List A → (A → IO B) → IO ⊤
* Added new operations in `IO.Base`:
lift! : IO A → IO (Lift b A) <$ : B → IO A → IO B =<< : (A → IO B) → IO A → IO B << : IO B → IO A → IO B lift′ : Prim.IO ⊤ → IO {a} ⊤
when : Bool → IO ⊤ → IO ⊤ unless : Bool → IO ⊤ → IO ⊤
whenJust : Maybe A → (A → IO ⊤) → IO ⊤ untilJust : IO (Maybe A) → IO A untilRight : (A → IO (A ⊎ B)) → A → IO B
* Added new functions in `Reflection.AST.Term`:
stripPis : Term → List (String × Arg Type) × Term prependLams : List (String × Visibility) → Term → Term prependHLams : List String → Term → Term prependVLams : List String → Term → Term
* Added new operations in `Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Equivalence`:
fold : IsEquivalence ∼ → ⟶ ⇒ ∼ → EqClosure ⟶ ⇒ ∼ gfold : IsEquivalence ∼ → ⟶ =[ f ]⇒ ∼ → EqClosure ⟶ =[ f ]⇒ ∼ return : ⟶ ⇒ EqClosure ⟶ join : EqClosure (EqClosure ⟶) ⇒ EqClosure ⟶ _⋆ : ⟶₁ ⇒ EqClosure ⟶₂ → EqClosure ⟶₁ ⇒ EqClosure ⟶₂
* Added new operations in `Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Symmetric`:
fold : Symmetric ∼ → ⟶ ⇒ ∼ → SymClosure ⟶ ⇒ ∼ gfold : Symmetric ∼ → ⟶ =[ f ]⇒ ∼ → SymClosure ⟶ =[ f ]⇒ ∼ return : ⟶ ⇒ SymClosure ⟶ join : SymClosure (SymClosure ⟶) ⇒ SymClosure ⟶ _⋆ : ⟶₁ ⇒ SymClosure ⟶₂ → SymClosure ⟶₁ ⇒ SymClosure ⟶₂
* Added new proofs to `Relation.Binary.Lattice.Properties.{Join,Meet}Semilattice`:
isPosemigroup : IsPosemigroup _≈_ _≤_ _∨_
posemigroup : Posemigroup c ℓ₁ ℓ₂
≈-dec⇒≤-dec : Decidable _≈_ → Decidable _≤_
≈-dec⇒isDecPartialOrder : Decidable _≈_ → IsDecPartialOrder _≈_ _≤_
Added new proofs to
:isCommutativePomonoid : IsCommutativePomonoid _≈_ _≤_ _∨_ ⊥ commutativePomonoid : CommutativePomonoid c ℓ₁ ℓ₂
Added new proofs to
:≤-dec⇒≈-dec : Decidable _≤_ → Decidable _≈_ ≤-dec⇒isDecPartialOrder : Decidable _≤_ → IsDecPartialOrder _≈_ _≤_
Added new proofs in
:>-strictPartialOrder : StrictPartialOrder s₁ s₂ s₃
Added new proofs in
:subst-application′ : subst Q eq (f x p) ≡ f y (subst P eq p) sym-cong : sym (cong f p) ≡ cong f (sym p)
Added new proofs in
:subst₂-removable : subst₂ _∼_ eq₁ eq₂ p ≅ p
Added new definitions in
:_≐_ : Pred A ℓ₁ → Pred A ℓ₂ → Set _ _≐′_ : Pred A ℓ₁ → Pred A ℓ₂ → Set _ _∖_ : Pred A ℓ₁ → Pred A ℓ₂ → Pred A _
Added new proofs in
:⊆-reflexive : _≐_ ⇒ _⊆_ ⊆-antisym : Antisymmetric _≐_ _⊆_ ⊆-min : Min _⊆_ ∅ ⊆-max : Max _⊆_ U ⊂⇒⊆ : _⊂_ ⇒ _⊆_ ⊂-trans : Trans _⊂_ _⊂_ _⊂_ ⊂-⊆-trans : Trans _⊂_ _⊆_ _⊂_ ⊆-⊂-trans : Trans _⊆_ _⊂_ _⊂_ ⊂-respʳ-≐ : _⊂_ Respectsʳ _≐_ ⊂-respˡ-≐ : _⊂_ Respectsˡ _≐_ ⊂-resp-≐ : _⊂_ Respects₂ _≐_ ⊂-irrefl : Irreflexive _≐_ _⊂_ ⊂-antisym : Antisymmetric _≐_ _⊂_ ∅-⊆′ : (P : Pred A ℓ) → ∅ ⊆′ P ⊆′-U : (P : Pred A ℓ) → P ⊆′ U ⊆′-refl : Reflexive {A = Pred A ℓ} _⊆′_ ⊆′-reflexive : _≐′_ ⇒ _⊆′_ ⊆′-trans : Trans _⊆′_ _⊆′_ _⊆′_ ⊆′-antisym : Antisymmetric _≐′_ _⊆′_ ⊆′-min : Min _⊆′_ ∅ ⊆′-max : Max _⊆′_ U ⊂′⇒⊆′ : _⊂′_ ⇒ _⊆′_ ⊂′-trans : Trans _⊂′_ _⊂′_ _⊂′_ ⊂′-⊆′-trans : Trans _⊂′_ _⊆′_ _⊂′_ ⊆′-⊂′-trans : Trans _⊆′_ _⊂′_ _⊂′_ ⊂′-respʳ-≐′ : _⊂′_ Respectsʳ _≐′_ ⊂′-respˡ-≐′ : _⊂′_ Respectsˡ _≐′_ ⊂′-resp-≐′ : _⊂′_ Respects₂ _≐′_ ⊂′-irrefl : Irreflexive _≐′_ _⊂′_ ⊂′-antisym : Antisymmetric _≐′_ _⊂′_ ⊆⇒⊆′ : _⊆_ ⇒ _⊆′_ ⊆′⇒⊆ : _⊆′_ ⇒ _⊆_ ⊂⇒⊂′ : _⊂_ ⇒ _⊂′_ ⊂′⇒⊂ : _⊂′_ ⇒ _⊂_ ≐-refl : Reflexive _≐_ ≐-sym : Sym _≐_ _≐_ ≐-trans : Trans _≐_ _≐_ _≐_ ≐′-refl : Reflexive _≐′_ ≐′-sym : Sym _≐′_ _≐′_ ≐′-trans : Trans _≐′_ _≐′_ _≐′_ ≐⇒≐′ : _≐_ ⇒ _≐′_ ≐′⇒≐ : _≐′_ ⇒ _≐_ U-irrelevant : Irrelevant {A = A} U ∁-irrelevant : (P : Pred A ℓ) → Irrelevant (∁ P)
Generalised proofs in
:⊆-trans : Trans _⊆_ _⊆_ _⊆_
Added new proofs in
:≈-isPreorder : IsPreorder _≈_ _≈_ ≈-isPartialOrder : IsPartialOrder _≈_ _≈_ ≈-preorder : Preorder a ℓ ℓ ≈-poset : Poset a ℓ ℓ
Added new definitions in
:Cotransitive _#_ = ∀ {x y} → x # y → ∀ z → (x # z) ⊎ (z # y) Tight _≈_ _#_ = ∀ x y → (¬ x # y → x ≈ y) × (x ≈ y → ¬ x # y) Monotonic₁ _≤_ _⊑_ f = f Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _⊑_ Antitonic₁ _≤_ _⊑_ f = f Preserves (flip _≤_) ⟶ _⊑_ Monotonic₂ _≤_ _⊑_ _≼_ ∙ = ∙ Preserves₂ _≤_ ⟶ _⊑_ ⟶ _≼_ MonotonicAntitonic _≤_ _⊑_ _≼_ ∙ = ∙ Preserves₂ _≤_ ⟶ (flip _⊑_) ⟶ _≼_ AntitonicMonotonic _≤_ _⊑_ _≼_ ∙ = ∙ Preserves₂ (flip _≤_) ⟶ _⊑_ ⟶ _≼_ Antitonic₂ _≤_ _⊑_ _≼_ ∙ = ∙ Preserves₂ (flip _≤_) ⟶ (flip _⊑_) ⟶ _≼_ Adjoint _≤_ _⊑_ f g = ∀ {x y} → (f x ⊑ y → x ≤ g y) × (x ≤ g y → f x ⊑ y)
Added new definitions in
:record ApartnessRelation c ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)) where
Added new definitions in
:record IsApartnessRelation (_#_ : Rel A ℓ₂) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ ⊔ ℓ₂) where
Added new proofs to
:sym⇒¬-sym : Symmetric _∼_ → Symmetric _≁_ cotrans⇒¬-trans : Cotransitive _∼_ → Transitive _≁_ irrefl⇒¬-refl : Reflexive _≈_ → Irreflexive _≈_ _∼_ → Reflexive _≁_ mono₂⇒cong₂ : Symmetric ≈₁ → ≈₁ ⇒ ≤₁ → Antisymmetric ≈₂ ≤₂ → ∀ {f} → f Preserves₂ ≤₁ ⟶ ≤₁ ⟶ ≤₂ → f Preserves₂ ≈₁ ⟶ ≈₁ ⟶ ≈₂
Added new operations in
:J : (B : (y : A) → x ≡ y → Set b) (p : x ≡ y) → B x refl → B y p dcong : (p : x ≡ y) → subst B p (f x) ≡ f y dcong₂ : (p : x₁ ≡ x₂) → subst B p y₁ ≡ y₂ → f x₁ y₁ ≡ f x₂ y₂ dsubst₂ : (p : x₁ ≡ x₂) → subst B p y₁ ≡ y₂ → C x₁ y₁ → C x₂ y₂ ddcong₂ : (p : x₁ ≡ x₂) (q : subst B p y₁ ≡ y₂) → dsubst₂ C p q (f x₁ y₁) ≡ f x₂ y₂ isPartialOrder : IsPartialOrder _≡_ _≡_ poset : Set a → Poset _ _ _
Added new operations in
:isSuccess : ExitCode → Bool isFailure : ExitCode → Bool
Added new functions in
:transpose : List (Stream A) → Stream (List A) transpose⁺ : List⁺ (Stream A) → Stream (List⁺ A) concat : Stream (List⁺ A) → Stream A
Added new proofs in
:cong-concat : {ass bss : Stream (List⁺.List⁺ A)} → ass ≈ bss → concat ass ≈ concat bss map-concat : ∀ (f : A → B) ass → map f (concat ass) ≈ concat (map (List⁺.map f) ass) lookup-transpose : ∀ n (ass : List (Stream A)) → lookup n (transpose ass) ≡ (lookup n) ass lookup-transpose⁺ : ∀ n (ass : List⁺ (Stream A)) → lookup n (transpose⁺ ass) ≡ List⁺.map (lookup n) ass
Added new corollaries in
:∈-++⁺∘++⁻ : ∀ {v} xs {ys} (p : v ∈ xs ++ ys) → [ ∈-++⁺ˡ , ∈-++⁺ʳ xs ]′ (∈-++⁻ xs p) ≡ p ∈-++⁻∘++⁺ : ∀ {v} xs {ys} (p : v ∈ xs ⊎ v ∈ ys) → ∈-++⁻ xs ([ ∈-++⁺ˡ , ∈-++⁺ʳ xs ]′ p) ≡ p ∈-++↔ : ∀ {v xs ys} → (v ∈ xs ⊎ v ∈ ys) ↔ v ∈ xs ++ ys ∈-++-comm : ∀ {v} xs ys → v ∈ xs ++ ys → v ∈ ys ++ xs ∈-++-comm∘++-comm : ∀ {v} xs {ys} (p : v ∈ xs ++ ys) → ∈-++-comm ys xs (∈-++-comm xs ys p) ≡ p ∈-++↔++ : ∀ {v} xs ys → v ∈ xs ++ ys ↔ v ∈ ys ++ xs
Exposed container combinator conversion functions from
separate from their correctness proofs inData.Container.Combinator
:to-id : A → ⟦ id ⟧ A from-id : ⟦ id ⟧ A → A to-const : (A : Set s) → A → ⟦ const A ⟧ B from-const : (A : Set s) → ⟦ const A ⟧ B → A to-∘ : (C₁ : Container s₁ p₁) (C₂ : Container s₂ p₂) → ⟦ C₁ ⟧ (⟦ C₂ ⟧ A) → ⟦ C₁ ∘ C₂ ⟧ A from-∘ : (C₁ : Container s₁ p₁) (C₂ : Container s₂ p₂) → ⟦ C₁ ∘ C₂ ⟧ A → ⟦ C₁ ⟧ (⟦ C₂ ⟧ A) to-× : (C₁ : Container s₁ p₁) (C₂ : Container s₂ p₂) → ⟦ C₁ ⟧ A P.× ⟦ C₂ ⟧ A → ⟦ C₁ × C₂ ⟧ A from-× : (C₁ : Container s₁ p₁) (C₂ : Container s₂ p₂) → ⟦ C₁ × C₂ ⟧ A → ⟦ C₁ ⟧ A P.× ⟦ C₂ ⟧ A to-Π : (I : Set i) (Cᵢ : I → Container s p) → (∀ i → ⟦ Cᵢ i ⟧ A) → ⟦ Π I Cᵢ ⟧ A from-Π : (I : Set i) (Cᵢ : I → Container s p) → ⟦ Π I Cᵢ ⟧ A → ∀ i → ⟦ Cᵢ i ⟧ A to-⊎ : (C₁ : Container s₁ p) (C₂ : Container s₂ p) → ⟦ C₁ ⟧ A S.⊎ ⟦ C₂ ⟧ A → ⟦ C₁ ⊎ C₂ ⟧ A from-⊎ : (C₁ : Container s₁ p) (C₂ : Container s₂ p) → ⟦ C₁ ⊎ C₂ ⟧ A → ⟦ C₁ ⟧ A S.⊎ ⟦ C₂ ⟧ A to-Σ : (I : Set i) (C : I → Container s p) → (∃ λ i → ⟦ C i ⟧ A) → ⟦ Σ I C ⟧ A from-Σ : (I : Set i) (C : I → Container s p) → ⟦ Σ I C ⟧ A → ∃ λ i → ⟦ C i ⟧ A
Added a non-dependent version of
due to an issue noted in Pull Request #1812:flip′ : (A → B → C) → (B → A → C)
Added new proofs to
cartesianProductWith-zeroˡ : cartesianProductWith f [] ys ≡ [] cartesianProductWith-zeroʳ : cartesianProductWith f xs [] ≡ [] cartesianProductWith-distribʳ-++ : cartesianProductWith f (xs ++ ys) zs ≡ cartesianProductWith f xs zs ++ cartesianProductWith f ys zs foldr-map : foldr f x (map g xs) ≡ foldr (g -⟨ f ∣) x xs foldl-map : foldl f x (map g xs) ≡ foldl (∣ f ⟩- g) x xs
This is a full list of proofs that have changed form to use irrelevant instance arguments:
:≢-nonZero⁻¹ : ∀ {n} → .(NonZero n) → n ≢ 0 >-nonZero⁻¹ : ∀ {n} → .(NonZero n) → n > 0
:*-cancelʳ-≡ : ∀ m n {o} → m * suc o ≡ n * suc o → m ≡ n *-cancelˡ-≡ : ∀ {m n} o → suc o * m ≡ suc o * n → m ≡ n *-cancelʳ-≤ : ∀ m n o → m * suc o ≤ n * suc o → m ≤ n *-cancelˡ-≤ : ∀ {m n} o → suc o * m ≤ suc o * n → m ≤ n *-monoˡ-< : ∀ n → (_* suc n) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_ *-monoʳ-< : ∀ n → (suc n *_) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_ m≤m*n : ∀ m {n} → 0 < n → m ≤ m * n m≤n*m : ∀ m {n} → 0 < n → m ≤ n * m m<m*n : ∀ {m n} → 0 < m → 1 < n → m < m * n suc[pred[n]]≡n : ∀ {n} → n ≢ 0 → suc (pred n) ≡ n
:Bézout-coprime : ∀ {i j d} → Bézout.Identity (suc d) (i * suc d) (j * suc d) → Coprime i j
m%n≡0⇒n∣m : ∀ m n → m % suc n ≡ 0 → suc n ∣ m n∣m⇒m%n≡0 : ∀ m n → suc n ∣ m → m % suc n ≡ 0 m%n≡0⇔n∣m : ∀ m n → m % suc n ≡ 0 ⇔ suc n ∣ m ∣⇒≤ : ∀ {m n} → m ∣ suc n → m ≤ suc n >⇒∤ : ∀ {m n} → m > suc n → m ∤ suc n *-cancelˡ-∣ : ∀ {i j} k → suc k * i ∣ suc k * j → i ∣ j
:m≡m%n+[m/n]*n : ∀ m n → m ≡ m % suc n + (m / suc n) * suc n m%n≡m∸m/n*n : ∀ m n → m % suc n ≡ m ∸ (m / suc n) * suc n n%n≡0 : ∀ n → suc n % suc n ≡ 0 m%n%n≡m%n : ∀ m n → m % suc n % suc n ≡ m % suc n [m+n]%n≡m%n : ∀ m n → (m + suc n) % suc n ≡ m % suc n [m+kn]%n≡m%n : ∀ m k n → (m + k * (suc n)) % suc n ≡ m % suc n m*n%n≡0 : ∀ m n → (m * suc n) % suc n ≡ 0 m%n<n : ∀ m n → m % suc n < suc n m%n≤m : ∀ m n → m % suc n ≤ m m≤n⇒m%n≡m : ∀ {m n} → m ≤ n → m % suc n ≡ m m/n<m : ∀ m n {≢0} → m ≥ 1 → n ≥ 2 → (m / n) {≢0} < m
GCD-* : ∀ {m n d c} → GCD (m * suc c) (n * suc c) (d * suc c) → GCD m n d gcd[m,n]≤n : ∀ m n → gcd m (suc n) ≤ suc n
:positive⁻¹ : ∀ {i} → Positive i → i > 0ℤ negative⁻¹ : ∀ {i} → Negative i → i < 0ℤ nonPositive⁻¹ : ∀ {i} → NonPositive i → i ≤ 0ℤ nonNegative⁻¹ : ∀ {i} → NonNegative i → i ≥ 0ℤ negative<positive : ∀ {i j} → Negative i → Positive j → i < j sign-◃ : ∀ s n → sign (s ◃ suc n) ≡ s sign-cong : ∀ {s₁ s₂ n₁ n₂} → s₁ ◃ suc n₁ ≡ s₂ ◃ suc n₂ → s₁ ≡ s₂ -◃<+◃ : ∀ m n → Sign.- ◃ (suc m) < Sign.+ ◃ n m⊖1+n<m : ∀ m n → m ⊖ suc n < + m *-cancelʳ-≡ : ∀ i j k → k ≢ + 0 → i * k ≡ j * k → i ≡ j *-cancelˡ-≡ : ∀ i j k → i ≢ + 0 → i * j ≡ i * k → j ≡ k *-cancelʳ-≤-pos : ∀ m n o → m * + suc o ≤ n * + suc o → m ≤ n ≤-steps : ∀ n → i ≤ j → i ≤ + n + j ≤-steps-neg : ∀ n → i ≤ j → i - + n ≤ j n≤m+n : ∀ n → i ≤ + n + i m≤m+n : ∀ n → i ≤ i + + n m-n≤m : ∀ i n → i - + n ≤ i *-cancelʳ-≤-pos : ∀ m n o → m * + suc o ≤ n * + suc o → m ≤ n *-cancelˡ-≤-pos : ∀ m j k → + suc m * j ≤ + suc m * k → j ≤ k *-cancelˡ-≤-neg : ∀ m {j k} → -[1+ m ] * j ≤ -[1+ m ] * k → j ≥ k *-cancelʳ-≤-neg : ∀ {n o} m → n * -[1+ m ] ≤ o * -[1+ m ] → n ≥ o *-cancelˡ-<-nonNeg : ∀ n → + n * i < + n * j → i < j *-cancelʳ-<-nonNeg : ∀ n → i * + n < j * + n → i < j *-monoʳ-≤-nonNeg : ∀ n → (_* + n) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_ *-monoˡ-≤-nonNeg : ∀ n → (+ n *_) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_ *-monoˡ-≤-nonPos : ∀ i → NonPositive i → (i *_) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≥_ *-monoʳ-≤-nonPos : ∀ i → NonPositive i → (_* i) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≥_ *-monoˡ-<-pos : ∀ n → (+[1+ n ] *_) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_ *-monoʳ-<-pos : ∀ n → (_* +[1+ n ]) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_ *-monoˡ-<-neg : ∀ n → (-[1+ n ] *_) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _>_ *-monoʳ-<-neg : ∀ n → (_* -[1+ n ]) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _>_ *-cancelˡ-<-nonPos : ∀ n → NonPositive n → n * i < n * j → i > j *-cancelʳ-<-nonPos : ∀ n → NonPositive n → i * n < j * n → i > j *-distribˡ-⊓-nonNeg : ∀ m j k → + m * (j ⊓ k) ≡ (+ m * j) ⊓ (+ m * k) *-distribʳ-⊓-nonNeg : ∀ m j k → (j ⊓ k) * + m ≡ (j * + m) ⊓ (k * + m) *-distribˡ-⊓-nonPos : ∀ i → NonPositive i → ∀ j k → i * (j ⊓ k) ≡ (i * j) ⊔ (i * k) *-distribʳ-⊓-nonPos : ∀ i → NonPositive i → ∀ j k → (j ⊓ k) * i ≡ (j * i) ⊔ (k * i) *-distribˡ-⊔-nonNeg : ∀ m j k → + m * (j ⊔ k) ≡ (+ m * j) ⊔ (+ m * k) *-distribʳ-⊔-nonNeg : ∀ m j k → (j ⊔ k) * + m ≡ (j * + m) ⊔ (k * + m) *-distribˡ-⊔-nonPos : ∀ i → NonPositive i → ∀ j k → i * (j ⊔ k) ≡ (i * j) ⊓ (i * k) *-distribʳ-⊔-nonPos : ∀ i → NonPositive i → ∀ j k → (j ⊔ k) * i ≡ (j * i) ⊓ (k * i)
:*-cancelˡ-∣ : ∀ k {i j} → k ≢ + 0 → k * i ∣ k * j → i ∣ j *-cancelʳ-∣ : ∀ k {i j} → k ≢ + 0 → i * k ∣ j * k → i ∣ j
:*-cancelˡ-∣ : ∀ k {i j} → k ≢ + 0 → k * i ∣ k * j → i ∣ j *-cancelʳ-∣ : ∀ k {i j} → k ≢ + 0 → i * k ∣ j * k → i ∣ j
:positive⁻¹ : ∀ {q} → .(Positive q) → q > 0ℚᵘ nonNegative⁻¹ : ∀ {q} → .(NonNegative q) → q ≥ 0ℚᵘ negative⁻¹ : ∀ {q} → .(Negative q) → q < 0ℚᵘ nonPositive⁻¹ : ∀ {q} → .(NonPositive q) → q ≤ 0ℚᵘ positive⇒nonNegative : ∀ {p} → Positive p → NonNegative p negative⇒nonPositive : ∀ {p} → Negative p → NonPositive p negative<positive : ∀ {p q} → .(Negative p) → .(Positive q) → p < q nonNeg∧nonPos⇒0 : ∀ {p} → .(NonNegative p) → .(NonPositive p) → p ≃ 0ℚᵘ ≤-steps : ∀ {p q r} → NonNegative r → p ≤ q → p ≤ r + q p≤p+q : ∀ {p q} → NonNegative q → p ≤ p + q p≤q+p : ∀ {p} → NonNegative p → ∀ {q} → q ≤ p + q *-cancelʳ-≤-pos : ∀ {r} → Positive r → ∀ {p q} → p * r ≤ q * r → p ≤ q *-cancelˡ-≤-pos : ∀ {r} → Positive r → ∀ {p q} → r * p ≤ r * q → p ≤ q *-cancelʳ-≤-neg : ∀ r → Negative r → ∀ {p q} → p * r ≤ q * r → q ≤ p *-cancelˡ-≤-neg : ∀ r → Negative r → ∀ {p q} → r * p ≤ r * q → q ≤ p *-cancelˡ-<-nonNeg : ∀ {r} → NonNegative r → ∀ {p q} → r * p < r * q → p < q *-cancelʳ-<-nonNeg : ∀ {r} → NonNegative r → ∀ {p q} → p * r < q * r → p < q *-cancelˡ-<-nonPos : ∀ r → NonPositive r → ∀ {p q} → r * p < r * q → q < p *-cancelʳ-<-nonPos : ∀ r → NonPositive r → ∀ {p q} → p * r < q * r → q < p *-monoˡ-≤-nonNeg : ∀ {r} → NonNegative r → (_* r) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_ *-monoʳ-≤-nonNeg : ∀ {r} → NonNegative r → (r *_) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_ *-monoˡ-≤-nonPos : ∀ r → NonPositive r → (_* r) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≥_ *-monoʳ-≤-nonPos : ∀ r → NonPositive r → (r *_) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≥_ *-monoˡ-<-pos : ∀ {r} → Positive r → (_* r) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_ *-monoʳ-<-pos : ∀ {r} → Positive r → (r *_) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_ *-monoˡ-<-neg : ∀ r → Negative r → (_* r) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _>_ *-monoʳ-<-neg : ∀ r → Negative r → (r *_) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _>_ pos⇒1/pos : ∀ p (p>0 : Positive p) → Positive ((1/ p) {{pos⇒≢0 p p>0}}) neg⇒1/neg : ∀ p (p<0 : Negative p) → Negative ((1/ p) {{neg⇒≢0 p p<0}}) *-distribʳ-⊓-nonNeg : ∀ p → NonNegative p → ∀ q r → (q ⊓ r) * p ≃ (q * p) ⊓ (r * p) *-distribˡ-⊓-nonNeg : ∀ p → NonNegative p → ∀ q r → p * (q ⊓ r) ≃ (p * q) ⊓ (p * r) *-distribˡ-⊔-nonNeg : ∀ p → NonNegative p → ∀ q r → p * (q ⊔ r) ≃ (p * q) ⊔ (p * r) *-distribʳ-⊔-nonNeg : ∀ p → NonNegative p → ∀ q r → (q ⊔ r) * p ≃ (q * p) ⊔ (r * p) *-distribˡ-⊔-nonPos : ∀ p → NonPositive p → ∀ q r → p * (q ⊔ r) ≃ (p * q) ⊓ (p * r) *-distribʳ-⊔-nonPos : ∀ p → NonPositive p → ∀ q r → (q ⊔ r) * p ≃ (q * p) ⊓ (r * p) *-distribˡ-⊓-nonPos : ∀ p → NonPositive p → ∀ q r → p * (q ⊓ r) ≃ (p * q) ⊔ (p * r) *-distribʳ-⊓-nonPos : ∀ p → NonPositive p → ∀ q r → (q ⊓ r) * p ≃ (q * p) ⊔ (r * p)
:positive⁻¹ : Positive p → p > 0ℚ nonNegative⁻¹ : NonNegative p → p ≥ 0ℚ negative⁻¹ : Negative p → p < 0ℚ nonPositive⁻¹ : NonPositive p → p ≤ 0ℚ negative<positive : Negative p → Positive q → p < q nonNeg≢neg : ∀ p q → NonNegative p → Negative q → p ≢ q pos⇒nonNeg : ∀ p → Positive p → NonNegative p neg⇒nonPos : ∀ p → Negative p → NonPositive p nonNeg∧nonZero⇒pos : ∀ p → NonNegative p → NonZero p → Positive p *-cancelʳ-≤-pos : ∀ r → Positive r → ∀ {p q} → p * r ≤ q * r → p ≤ q *-cancelˡ-≤-pos : ∀ r → Positive r → ∀ {p q} → r * p ≤ r * q → p ≤ q *-cancelʳ-≤-neg : ∀ r → Negative r → ∀ {p q} → p * r ≤ q * r → p ≥ q *-cancelˡ-≤-neg : ∀ r → Negative r → ∀ {p q} → r * p ≤ r * q → p ≥ q *-cancelˡ-<-nonNeg : ∀ r → NonNegative r → ∀ {p q} → r * p < r * q → p < q *-cancelʳ-<-nonNeg : ∀ r → NonNegative r → ∀ {p q} → p * r < q * r → p < q *-cancelˡ-<-nonPos : ∀ r → NonPositive r → ∀ {p q} → r * p < r * q → p > q *-cancelʳ-<-nonPos : ∀ r → NonPositive r → ∀ {p q} → p * r < q * r → p > q *-monoʳ-≤-nonNeg : ∀ r → NonNegative r → (_* r) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_ *-monoˡ-≤-nonNeg : ∀ r → NonNegative r → (r *_) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_ *-monoʳ-≤-nonPos : ∀ r → NonPositive r → (_* r) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≥_ *-monoˡ-≤-nonPos : ∀ r → NonPositive r → (r *_) Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≥_ *-monoˡ-<-pos : ∀ r → Positive r → (_* r) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_ *-monoʳ-<-pos : ∀ r → Positive r → (r *_) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _<_ *-monoˡ-<-neg : ∀ r → Negative r → (_* r) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _>_ *-monoʳ-<-neg : ∀ r → Negative r → (r *_) Preserves _<_ ⟶ _>_ *-distribˡ-⊓-nonNeg : ∀ p → NonNegative p → ∀ q r → p * (q ⊓ r) ≡ (p * q) ⊓ (p * r) *-distribʳ-⊓-nonNeg : ∀ p → NonNegative p → ∀ q r → (q ⊓ r) * p ≡ (q * p) ⊓ (r * p) *-distribˡ-⊔-nonNeg : ∀ p → NonNegative p → ∀ q r → p * (q ⊔ r) ≡ (p * q) ⊔ (p * r) *-distribʳ-⊔-nonNeg : ∀ p → NonNegative p → ∀ q r → (q ⊔ r) * p ≡ (q * p) ⊔ (r * p) *-distribˡ-⊔-nonPos : ∀ p → NonPositive p → ∀ q r → p * (q ⊔ r) ≡ (p * q) ⊓ (p * r) *-distribʳ-⊔-nonPos : ∀ p → NonPositive p → ∀ q r → (q ⊔ r) * p ≡ (q * p) ⊓ (r * p) *-distribˡ-⊓-nonPos : ∀ p → NonPositive p → ∀ q r → p * (q ⊓ r) ≡ (p * q) ⊔ (p * r) *-distribʳ-⊓-nonPos : ∀ p → NonPositive p → ∀ q r → (q ⊓ r) * p ≡ (q * p) ⊔ (r * p) pos⇒1/pos : ∀ p (p>0 : Positive p) → Positive ((1/ p) {{pos⇒≢0 p p>0}}) neg⇒1/neg : ∀ p (p<0 : Negative p) → Negative ((1/ p) {{neg⇒≢0 p p<0}}) 1/pos⇒pos : ∀ p .{{_ : NonZero p}} → (1/p : Positive (1/ p)) → Positive p 1/neg⇒neg : ∀ p .{{_ : NonZero p}} → (1/p : Negative (1/ p)) → Negative p
:drop+ : ℕ → List⁺ A → List⁺ A
When drop+ping more than the size of the length of the list, the last element remains.
Added new proofs in
:length-++⁺ : length (xs ++⁺ ys) ≡ length xs + length ys length-++⁺-tail : length (xs ++⁺ ys) ≡ suc (length xs + length (tail ys)) ++-++⁺ : (xs ++ ys) ++⁺ zs ≡ xs ++⁺ ys ++⁺ zs ++⁺-cancelˡ′ : xs ++⁺ zs ≡ ys ++⁺ zs′ → List.length xs ≡ List.length ys → zs ≡ zs′ ++⁺-cancelˡ : xs ++⁺ ys ≡ xs ++⁺ zs → ys ≡ zs drop+-++⁺ : drop+ (length xs) (xs ++⁺ ys) ≡ ys map-++⁺-commute : map f (xs ++⁺ ys) ≡ map f xs ++⁺ map f ys length-map : length (map f xs) ≡ length xs map-cong : f ≗ g → map f ≗ map g map-compose : map (g ∘ f) ≗ map g ∘ map f
Added new functions and proofs in
:iterate : (A → A) → A → ℕ → A iterate-is-fold : ∀ (z : A) s m → fold z s m ≡ iterate s z m
Added new proofs to
:Inverse⇒Injection : Inverse S T → Injection S T ↔⇒↣ : A ↔ B → A ↣ B
Added a new isomorphism to
:2↔Bool : Fin 2 ↔ Bool
Added new isomorphisms to
:⊤↔⊤* : ⊤ {ℓ} ↔ ⊤*
Added new isomorphisms to
:Vec↔N-ary : ∀ n → (Vec A n → B) ↔ N-ary n A B
Added new isomorphisms to
:lift↔ : ∀ n → A ↔ B → A ^ n ↔ B ^ n Fin[m^n]↔Fin[m]^n : ∀ m n → Fin (m ^ n) ↔ Fin m Vec.^ n
Added new functions to
:↔-refl : Reflexive _↔_ ↔-sym : Symmetric _↔_ ↔-trans : Transitive _↔_
Added new isomorphisms to
:↔-fun : A ↔ B → C ↔ D → (A → C) ↔ (B → D)
Added new function to
i≤inject₁[j]⇒i≤1+j : i ≤ inject₁ j → i ≤ suc j
Added new function to
<-weakInduction-startingFrom : P i → (∀ j → P (inject₁ j) → P (suc j)) → ∀ {j} → j ≥ i → P j
Added new function to
cong-[_]≔ : Pointwise _∼_ xs ys → Pointwise _∼_ (xs [ i ]≔ p) (ys [ i ]≔ p)
Added new function to
map-[]≔ : map f (xs [ i ]≔ p) ≋ map f xs [ i ]≔ f p
Added new function to
↭-reverse : (xs : List A) → reverse xs ↭ xs
Added new proofs to
.⊆-mergeˡ : ∀ xs ys → xs ⊆ merge _≤?_ xs ys ⊆-mergeʳ : ∀ xs ys → ys ⊆ merge _≤?_ xs ys
Added new file
This is how to use it:
_ : a # d _ = begin-apartness a ≈⟨ a≈b ⟩ b #⟨ b#c ⟩ c ≈⟨ c≈d ⟩ d ∎