Fully asynchronous MadelineProto!
MadelineProto now features async, for incredible speed improvements, and parallel processing. Powered by amphp, MadelineProto wraps the AMPHP APIs to provide a simpler generator-based async API.
- Fully rewritten connection stack, with support for websockets, stuff
- updates
- simultaneous method calls
- new TL callback system
- added support for wallpapers
- Improved message splitting algorithm: performance improvements, and it will now notify you via the logs if there are too many entities in the logs, or if the entities are too long.
- Improved get_self method.
- reference database
- Rewritten proxy stack
- magic sleep
- get_full_dialogs
- new APIfactory
- sendmessage with secret messages
- automatic secret chat file upload
- 2fa+++++
- improved callfork
- split acks
- new logging
- TL callabck
- channel state
- logger
- async construct
- clean up repo, update dependencies and remove curl dependency
- new phone call config
- updated php-libtgvoip
- improved madeline.php loader
- async constructor
- removed old serialization
- rewrote combined update handler (async)
- modify amphp
- async logging
- phpdoc
- @support
- even without access hash for bots
- async HTTP requests internally
- custom HTTP client with DoH
- no more php 5
- reset PTS to 0
- arrayaccess on args
Things to expect in the next releases: docs for get mime funcs docs for update_2fa docs for ResponseException docs for PTSException Document async apis optional max_id and min_id async iterators Method name changes #MadelineProtoForNode async lua async improved get_pwr_chat gzip no defer logs recover@tg docs startedLoop docs
no error setting, madelineproto does that for you
do not use manual tell about madeline.php loading in the same dire arrayaccess on promises